How To SMOKE BACON in the Epic Smokehouse!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @azuljay912
    @azuljay912 4 роки тому +11

    Watched all 7 episodes, this is how you do youtube, genuine knowledge sharing with no ego. Also best smokehouse build. (friendly tip) if worried about concrete cracks, use GFRC fibers in your concrete mix for that heat/cold expansion/contraction, use plasticizer water reduction for a more compact mix, top off with a penetrating densifier :-) Thats all I would change other than that, this is my favorite smokehouse build.

  • @kevin86674
    @kevin86674 4 роки тому +4

    Danny I had no doubt that the smoke house would do a good job. I am so happy to see it.

  • @RomanianSimpleLife
    @RomanianSimpleLife 4 роки тому +7

    Thanks for bringing us along, and showing us how to smoke bacon.

  • @jannahuntamed3422
    @jannahuntamed3422 4 роки тому +3

    My mouth is watering just looking at those chunks of bacon. 😋😋😋
    Looks amazing!!

  • @newdayfarm9463
    @newdayfarm9463 4 роки тому +6

    Perfection! I keep bragging on your smokehouse to my family. A must have item on the list for sure!

  • @hodagtrapper4167
    @hodagtrapper4167 3 роки тому +3

    You are my Southern Brother I am convinced! Thanks for the time and effort you put into this video series. Great job!

  • @HiddenPinesHomestead
    @HiddenPinesHomestead 4 роки тому +3

    All these cooking and planting videos are so inspiring.

  • @billyjones2369
    @billyjones2369 4 роки тому +17

    Best lookin smokehouse on youtube

  • @robinr.770
    @robinr.770 4 роки тому +6

    Good morning to you both. I learned something new. I thank you for that. Sun isn't up here just yet, but I have a full day ahead of me. Hope you get your potato's in before the rain sets in again. Looking forward to seeing the bacon as it finishes the smoking process. It sure looks good now that it is done! I was going to ask if you would use portions for your beans. My mother used to make us cornbread and beans all the time. It went a long way with a family of several children. And the following morning we could have the leftover cornbread crumbled in a cup with buttermilk over it. Sorry, I got a little carried away thinking about that. Have a good, good day. Blessings. :)

  • @karlhumes6110
    @karlhumes6110 4 роки тому +2

    Good Job Guys on the smoking. You might consider drilling 2 or 3 holes in the door at the bottom and then with a through bolt (or welding) mount a cover plate (rectangle shaped piece of steel) to act as draft control without having to have the door open. Use a big wing nut to loosen or tighten the cover plate over the holes leaving one, two or however many you put on.

  • @ELW2940
    @ELW2940 3 роки тому +1

    You need to devise a draft control through your access door or otherwise such as a damper in the chimney.
    I expect in a few years you’ll wish that fire box was situated so tending the fire doesn’t have to be done on your knees. I already heard you and your bride wondering how you were going to get up off the ground…perhaps only joking but that becomes a reality all to soon as we age.
    I’ve enjoyed your videos during the construction of the smoke house. I’ll be subbing.
    Thanks for the education. That bacon is truly beautiful. If it taste half as good as it looks it’ll be killer.

  • @mlhm5
    @mlhm5 4 роки тому +3

    It is absolutely amazing what people will do to eat meat.

  • @jameshagan2263
    @jameshagan2263 3 роки тому +1

    Sure would like to have that smell-o-vision you mentioned. Good looking bacon , thanks for sharing the process you use .

  • @mountainlivinghomestead429
    @mountainlivinghomestead429 4 роки тому +4

    That looks soooo good! Thank you for sharing.

  • @marcegrecco53
    @marcegrecco53 4 роки тому +3

    My mouth is watering, that’s some mighty fine smoked bacon.

  • @mariacoleman2968
    @mariacoleman2968 4 роки тому +2

    Made my mouth water just looking at that smoke coming out. Danny's The World's Best Smoked Bacon😀😀😀😀😀😀💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💘

  • @jeffriffel4364
    @jeffriffel4364 3 роки тому +1

    I love the new SMOKE HOUSE👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤

  • @denniscleveland669
    @denniscleveland669 4 роки тому +1

    Maybe you could find a 4” steel disc and drill 3, 1” evenly spaced holes in it and a 1/4” one in the middle. Use it as a template to drill the same holes in that cast door for an adjustable draft.

  • @SpiritBearRanch
    @SpiritBearRanch 2 роки тому

    That is some very beautiful bacon and that is true smokehouse bacon

  • @johnnydrac
    @johnnydrac 4 роки тому +1

    for bacon .. use this formula ...2,4% of the meats weight is the amount of salt you wanna use .. that way it get's perfect every time and you dont have to "water it out" (place it in luke warm water)
    i have smoked meat for 26 years , so i've made my share of bacon ..
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the smoke house.. it's beautiful .. very well made

  • @bishopmakings9205
    @bishopmakings9205 4 роки тому +1

    Wow!the bacon looks wonderful I wish I was there to make y'all a big country breakfast . Great video!😎👍

  • @paulhutchison6994
    @paulhutchison6994 2 роки тому +1

    Don't know if it has been suggested. On the firebox end of the smokehouse area, could you dig that out some. Like a few steps going down a bit. The point is to extend the roof out where you could get under it when it's raining and keep the area dry where you have to tend to the fire. I'm actually doing this build at the moment.

  • @befrankpls
    @befrankpls Рік тому

    Superb job buddy. Loved your step by step educational videos. God bless and cheers from Antonio, from Goa, the state of India

  • @zorrosish
    @zorrosish 4 роки тому +1

    I was actually drooling looking at that bacon!!!!!

    @RAYOFSONLITE 4 роки тому +1

    I bet you your home smoked bacon taste fine real fine. I've never tasted home smoked bacon or home smoke anything. I really admire you and Wanda for all that you do for yourself and others. And I love that you work together God bless you both.
    Love and warmest thoughts from chilly 23°F Canada

  • @GenXDad1965
    @GenXDad1965 4 роки тому +3

    That bacon looks great. Very nice job on your smokehouse! :)

  • @bibleandbibs6407
    @bibleandbibs6407 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you! I enjoyed you smokehouse build series and plan to build one this fall.

  • @BosnWayne
    @BosnWayne 4 роки тому +3

    That was so interesting! Thanks y'all!

  • @jeffwelsh1185
    @jeffwelsh1185 8 місяців тому

    Evening sir,
    I enjoyed your video on how you make your home made bacon. Also like the fact that you have no waste of meat or ingredients in the curing process.
    The one question I have is where can I source a couple sets of the bacon hooks that you use to hang the slabs of the pork belly in your smoke house with. The stainless steel hooks.
    Thank you and keep up the content of the videos as they are so enjoyed by all.

  • @imari2305
    @imari2305 4 роки тому

    Lord have mercy!! My mouth is salivating right now and the bacon has yet to be sliced and cooked!!

  • @ReapWhatYouSeauxLeJeune
    @ReapWhatYouSeauxLeJeune 4 роки тому +2

    Awesome job brother hats off to you love it God bless

  • @bobbyjacobs8446
    @bobbyjacobs8446 Рік тому

    I use the EQ method of curing. No need to wash or soak. This is the first of your videos I’ve seen. Headed out now to find your cure process.

  • @tommywilliams5450
    @tommywilliams5450 4 роки тому +1

    great video so many memories God bless and as always have a beautiful day

  • @jemmiestone5731
    @jemmiestone5731 4 роки тому

    Your Smoked Bacon looks so good. Thanks for taking us along the smoking process. God Bless You and Wanda.

  • @MsLippy
    @MsLippy 4 роки тому +1

    Wont find bacon like this no where. What some pretty bacon for sure. Epic Smoke House makes some Epic Bacon

  • @abcxyz-io7wt
    @abcxyz-io7wt 4 роки тому +3

    👍 I wish we had spellovision!! I can just imagine the smell of the wood smoke and that meat, oh man 😍

  • @shonitagarcia3222
    @shonitagarcia3222 4 роки тому

    WOOHOO!!! We makin' Bacon Now! So proud of all your hard work to prepare for this day finally! Yay!!! I couldn't be happier for you! I love the day to make bacon. I am so glad on the last video you explained about the use of pink salt for curing. I would get so much backlash from other people about using it with no use explaining to them nay-sayers! Poo Poo on them for being so negative! They are so set on their negativity they'd rather spread it than change their ways. So happy to see this video. Gorgeous coloring on the bacon. Thank you for sharing. So exciting!!!

  • @robcoleman6558
    @robcoleman6558 2 роки тому

    Nice , I like smoked meat . I never knew how to smoke it . I learned a lot . Look forward to learn more.

  • @sandhollowhomestead6972
    @sandhollowhomestead6972 4 роки тому +2

    Ok, my mouth is watering! Mmmm!

  • @prairiegirlcowboyhomestead5876
    @prairiegirlcowboyhomestead5876 4 роки тому

    Good morning! What a way to start a day! Home bacon!

  • @EnlightenedJoe
    @EnlightenedJoe 4 роки тому +3

    Time for "The Epic Wind Deflector" for the Fire Pit on your Smokehouse..

  • @michaelphipps4313
    @michaelphipps4313 4 роки тому

    SWEET JESUS!!!!!!!...... you did that💪💪💪❤️

  • @johnr8439
    @johnr8439 4 роки тому +1

    Great smoker and great bacon!

  • @totoro5527
    @totoro5527 4 роки тому

    what a saga. after ep2 i needed closure.

  • @stephencudaback4548
    @stephencudaback4548 3 роки тому +1

    Hay when you due in the oven due keep the draping after you pat it dry or is it waste steve c from Oregon

  • @jeanniebuchholz9923
    @jeanniebuchholz9923 4 роки тому +1

    Envy may be a sin, but I'd sure like to be your sampler. Looks delicious.

  • @richardkashfi6251
    @richardkashfi6251 4 роки тому +1

    Really nice job Danny !

  • @mariowickel456
    @mariowickel456 4 роки тому

    Loved this build, nice job . First generation American ,my folks migrated here from Europe . Dad and I built our smoker from Field stone about same size. My father was a master butcher and made all different types of sausages, he smoked all sorts of meats . Do you smoke the jowls from the hogs you slaughter ? Making jowl Bacon , Italian favorite Guanciale

  • @jacquesyoung7010
    @jacquesyoung7010 4 роки тому +1

    great video you made references to perfect smoking weather. I live in Fl and was wondering can it be too hot to smoke bacon and what is the maximum outside temp you would consider smoking it at

  • @CaradeGalinhaLacerda
    @CaradeGalinhaLacerda 3 роки тому

    To the concrete dont crack use sugar in the mix.. is a brazilian technique! 👍🏼💪🏼

  • @saddleridge4364
    @saddleridge4364 4 роки тому

    hey guys watching , see that nice tile job on the counter? Danny did that too! Love me some hickory smoke cured bacon, what kinda wood did ya use, Danny? Oops, you did say apple and hen pecan, I was too quick on the trigger with that question. Another project that will be wonderful use on the homestead, I really admire you two!

  • @reneebrown5598
    @reneebrown5598 4 роки тому

    Dang. Usually our weather follows yours. Luckily we aren't near as cold as y'all. Best wishes for a great spring.

  • @bigpumpkin22
    @bigpumpkin22 4 роки тому

    That is Truly a smoke house to be proud of ..

  • @stephencudaback4548
    @stephencudaback4548 3 роки тому +1

    Love it Danny on your somker looking good from steve c from Oregon he ha

  • @michaelstlouis2472
    @michaelstlouis2472 2 роки тому

    man that bacon looks awsome already. I watched all of the videos from start to finish, now seeing the end result. I am definitetly going to build one. love to smoke.

  • @76lonestar
    @76lonestar 4 роки тому +2

    That looks amazing!!

  • @chautran2371
    @chautran2371 4 роки тому +1

    Have a wonderful weekend to you

    @RAYOFSONLITE 4 роки тому +1

    Wow 35° down south that's pretty cool for you guys isn't it sorry to hear that. So hard to plan a planting season with all this crazy weather.

  • @RustyNail5856
    @RustyNail5856 4 роки тому +2

    love it.That bacon looks great.

  • @joyreardon1898
    @joyreardon1898 4 роки тому +1

    Man O Man, wish I could smell that bacon.. 👍💕

  • @thegardener8694
    @thegardener8694 4 роки тому +1

    Wow...very impressive

  • @johnduffant9694
    @johnduffant9694 3 роки тому +2

    Danny that is the best smoke house I’ve ever seen would you be willing to give the dimensions. Thanks

    • @harrybond007
      @harrybond007 Рік тому

      I think he describes all the dimensions in the videos

  • @shanesprague3207
    @shanesprague3207 4 роки тому

    Maybe install an exhaust vent on the door and leave it closed, that way you can fine tune the airflow during less than optimal weather.
    Great content here, keep it up.

  • @Don-cq5fg
    @Don-cq5fg 4 роки тому

    What is used before smoking? Salt etc...

  • @pamelaanderson2288
    @pamelaanderson2288 4 роки тому +2


  • @cheakychic1
    @cheakychic1 4 роки тому

    The Mississippi flooding has made the news in Canada Danny i am sending prayers to everyone in the hard hit areas to be safe

    • @DeepSouthHomestead
      @DeepSouthHomestead  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you, we are not near the Pearl River but have family close to the river, but are not in flooded areas.

  • @HyborianAge
    @HyborianAge 4 роки тому +3

    I'm inspired.

  • @rcger
    @rcger 4 роки тому +1

    There's nothing better than home-cured, home-smoked bacon!

  • @beebob1279
    @beebob1279 3 роки тому

    How do you store the bacon long term? What would be the shelf life of the bacon?.

  • @stevenlaue3306
    @stevenlaue3306 3 роки тому

    Looks great! Just wondering if you can cold smoke with this also

  • @tubularguynine
    @tubularguynine 4 роки тому

    Fixin' to hit the hay and here you are makin' me HUNGRY! I can almost smell it! 😋👍🏻

  • @Bushgator
    @Bushgator Рік тому

    if in the oven to dry shouldn't' I put a wire rack on the bottom of the sheet pan so the slab doesnt sit in its grease? also is there a step by step of building the smoker

  • @michelleolson8282
    @michelleolson8282 4 роки тому

    Is the next one the one that shows as private? If so newest not available

  • @thenewyorkredneck4735
    @thenewyorkredneck4735 4 роки тому +4

    I don't think i have ever heard you say "maaaaan"
    So many times in any video 🤠

  • @SemiReTired
    @SemiReTired 4 роки тому +1

    Love that smokehouse

  • @joelhenderson5526
    @joelhenderson5526 4 роки тому +1

    Danny as my mommy used to say you are acting very ugly
    for doing this to me. Wow I can just taste that sugar cured smoked meat. I'm eatin on memory. It brings back memories as a kid we'd kill several hogs each year cure em and then smoke em. We had bigger area with ply wood hangin with same principle. We would smoke hams and all. It sure was nice going down to the smoke house on a cold mornin and get that bacon. Mommy would slice it right off in that big skillet kinda makes my eyes cry a little God bless you and Wanda for making my day I love you both in Christ Jesus!

  • @corydonsurrell644
    @corydonsurrell644 3 роки тому +1

    I’d soak beans in that water you use to rinse after 😂 Great job I enjoyed watching.

  • @ziggymoon
    @ziggymoon 3 роки тому

    Very Nice!
    Does the Bacon drip while it smokes.... if so, do you ever place a pan below to catch the drippings to be used for cooking in the kitchen?

  • @bigpumpkin22
    @bigpumpkin22 4 роки тому

    Man!,, you are makin me hungry, I have smoked a bit of bacon but never washed it afterwards, I will do that next time ..Cheers

  • @deanlewis1650
    @deanlewis1650 4 роки тому +1

    hush yo mouth Danny you are killing me here lol... the bacon looks great. Thanks to all of your videos i will be doing this soon as well.

  • @johnthomas5806
    @johnthomas5806 Рік тому

    might of missed it but I did not see a drip pan on the bottom of the choice?

  • @matthewwilkes299
    @matthewwilkes299 4 роки тому


  • @robertevans8024
    @robertevans8024 4 роки тому

    And I thought my Master built electric smoker was cool... This is so awesome ! 👍👍💖💯🥓🥩🍖🐮🐷🐔😁

  • @piahess9738
    @piahess9738 4 роки тому

    Hello,this was soo interesting to watch.This bacon looks awesome.Would make some tasty blt sandwich's.I saw the flooding in Mississippi hope it stops so you two can continue planting.Keep warm and take your breaks to.Love,me&Honey kitty.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.......

  • @billyangelapressley
    @billyangelapressley 4 роки тому +1

    Danny what is the lowest temperature I can plant cabbage plants out in the gardens?

  • @patprettyman3792
    @patprettyman3792 4 роки тому

    Amazing smoker! i love the fact that the wood has its place. Great job. Delicious looking bacon. Will you smoke a ham for holidays? I would love to see that process.

    • @DeepSouthHomestead
      @DeepSouthHomestead  4 роки тому

      No it takes a certain injection pump here to cure it.

    • @stevensaxon8888
      @stevensaxon8888 4 роки тому

      @@DeepSouthHomestead love your videos and be channel. What name brand of overall do you wear?

  • @GettingGoshen
    @GettingGoshen 3 роки тому

    How long did you cold smoke and what temp?

  • @joshuawoodard1155
    @joshuawoodard1155 4 роки тому

    Could you use the smokehouse like a smoker also? For smoking a turkey or a Boston butt. I didn’t know if it would get hot enough to cook BBQ. I have a 500 gal. propane tank that I’ve wanted to use to build a smoker with but if if I could use the smokehouse to smoke and cook with I would enjoy that too. Just wondering

  • @humdinger7275
    @humdinger7275 3 роки тому

    Great vids

  • @chefboyrdanbh
    @chefboyrdanbh 3 роки тому

    That good ole Sippi meat!!

  • @MiscMitz
    @MiscMitz 4 роки тому

    That looks great!👍

  • @andylong6589
    @andylong6589 4 роки тому

    i would think air intake and exhaust valves would be needed. looks good.

  • @annotten7413
    @annotten7413 4 роки тому

    Mouth watering goodness

  • @TheBrentdog
    @TheBrentdog 4 роки тому

    Man,all we need is some home tomato slices and have an epic BLT!

  • @susanmyer1
    @susanmyer1 2 роки тому

    That bacon is a pretty as the smokehouse.

  • @doubledroptinehunter
    @doubledroptinehunter 4 роки тому

    I'm from the Midwest so not used to putting potatoes in the ground this early. So do you get a 2nd time to put potatoes in later this season by putting them in the ground this soon?

  • @jamalsaridjan6496
    @jamalsaridjan6496 3 роки тому

    I got a question. How long does it take for the meat to be ready?

  • @tammyeaker655
    @tammyeaker655 4 роки тому

    LOVE IT!!!! YOU CAN NOT buy that at ANY STORE> you did great. Brings back many wonderful childhood memories. GOD Bless you both and thank you for sharing your life with ALL of us.

  • @alvishunter7403
    @alvishunter7403 4 роки тому

    Man that will make some great butter beans.

  • @franpaterno486
    @franpaterno486 Рік тому

    Loki’s good 👍👍👍❤❤