You deserve well more than 80+ subs man! Very informative guide and really helpful from many aspects that we HP face within pvp :) new sub and hope to see more content like this!
awesome, ive never done arenas but after watching this i found a priest and won 10 games pretty quick. learnt something new everytime. getting the stun early and then pop everything to stay alive and refresh stun. im excited to do more.
Bravo! I've had to work most of these issues out the hard way, but you have really hit the nail on the head. Thanks a bunch. After watching this, I am going to put them in to action see what a massive improvement I get. Although I do not do 2s with a shadow priest. Keen to get some advice against monks as well.
Sorry, I should have been specific. It is mistweavers that I am after. They torpedo in incap + leg sweep and then bugger off. The range on HoJ is not good enough. I've been having to retrospectively use Reptence against some comps.
Yes mistweavers can be quite annoying. If they play like that don't bother trying to land too many HoJes, just focus on healing. A way you can get it off though is to wait until they approach and you go behind a corner where when he incaps you, he's in HoJ range... Then it's pretty much 50/50 who's gonna land the CC. Same goes for druids. They can be hard to reach so best way is to just wait patiently until you are presented with the opportunity. You can also HoJ the dps if you get any other CC on the healer or if the healer is low on mana. Dispel costs quite a bit of mana.
when i see this wow :) instant sub. keep up the good work, rly nice easy and friendly guide. i have only 1 small problem. i rly dont know what addon is that in the right showing enemy targets and cooldowns. thank you so much for help
Thanks man ! :) The arenaframes addon is sArena. It has a build in DR tracker so you don't do half duration stuns. Myself I use the addon Diminish for the DRs that you can see next to the frames, but the sArena's own one is good too and it looks similiar. The enemy cds on the middle is OmniBar.
I finally found a good guide for avenger crusader play style. im gonna try it later. hopefully it will help boost my rating from 1600 to 1700 or more. =) Been playing for the other talents which is 2 charges for all the blessing of freedom, sacrifice and protection. and i kinda like it too.
Hey Mr Killvision I love your guide dude! I love how you gave examples on real situations and showed us how you were thinking at that moment! :D Could I ask, is human uncomparably better than other races cuz of the trinket? Im currently a BE now should I rerace?
Thanks alot! :D Well I'd say Human is indeed the strongest for a Paladin, but just the fact that you can play with Orcs is a big bonus to be honest :D and the Blood Elf silence is very good sometimes. I don't recommend a faction change, not atleast if you don't have people to play with on Alliance. I think Blood Elfs are easily the second strongest paladin race. I'm actually leveling my Draenei Paladin at the moment :D
if im getting trained, shall i put beacon on lightbringer on my self then? im not sure what im doing wrong, but i have hard time vs stuff when im getting trained (using Avenging Crusader)
Yes. Put beacon on yourself to benefit from AoE healing such as Light of Dawn replicating on yourself and from one of your weapon's golden perks The Light Saves. Important is that you try get kicked on Avenging Crusader so you can still free cast after it's gone and not fall behind.
It's very situational, but try aim for holy lights when you proc the fast cast or you have enough space. I'm going to be working on a 3v3 guide after the holidays so stay tuned!
Thanks for the excellent video. I play with feral and we struggle a lot. Should our play style be the same as in your video with spriest? If not, could you give some pointers? Thanks!
When playing with feral try running a lot to get some time to heal back to full hp in higher dampening. Ferals are very mobile and can avoid damage, so they should bleed and run against comps that do loads of damage in the open field.
amazing guide! atm i m having trouble with dh/dpriest. lots of cc/interrupts and hella lot of dmg by they dh. how do we counter them? (same combo here, sp/holy pala) thanks in advance :P
Try to move the DH away from the disc priest and damage both of them. When disc has to come out to chase the DH you can swap on him. Disc has low mobility and can get stuck on bad situations because of it. HoJ -> Silence combo on priest and when he gets away just start doing pressure on DH again. Priest does less damage on you when you try to out-range him. Also you can ask for MCs from your priest to peel off the CDs from the DH. Any cc such as fear/stun/silence while MCing the DH will get some pressure off you. But the most important thing is to just keep moving. Make the priest's job difficult and hopefully you can score the kill before they can. :)
Probably very dumb question, but what buttons are those s-F etc on your action bars? I'm finding it hard to use all spells and I just heal and dmg using my 1-6 key row... I have few spells on my 2 extra mouse buttons, F, shift W etc, but you seem to have far more, any sort of guide how to git gud?
"s-F" stands for shift+F :) You can use shift, alt and ctrl to act as modifiers for your keybindings. 1, shift+1, ctrl+1 etc... By learning this you can pretty much multiply your keybindings. Just look for keybindings near your movement keys, such as "F", "C", "R" and so on to bind your spells. I also have two of my extra action bars hidden, but they still are full of abilities that don't necessarily need tracking such as Light of the Martyr :) Learning keybindings can be hard at first, but by repetition they become muscle memory and will increase your awareness and speed by a huge amount!
KillvisionPvP after typing that comment I had a close look and figured it out, it's gonna be a game changer! before I tried to use f1-f8 and alt f4'd so many times lol (back in wrath days when I used to use it). Thanks for the comment reply, I'm going to check out your other videos and try to learn few more things!
I'm trying to finish the game quicker, since they have the advantage in high dampening. Also I'm dispelling dots on cooldown so when I get UA silenced, I wanna get some Judgments and Crusader Strikes in. :)
Yes. When you need to move or in desperation you can spam it. Remember that your judgment buff and divine protection can be used to deny the damage you take from it. Use it when you don't have time to cast. You see me using it @4:30 in the video.
If you mean playing with Divine Purpose then no. It's not good enough to compete with Holy Avenger. It procs too rarely to be reliable and you do have judgment and crusader strikes to fill in the gaps when you're doing damage anyways. Avenging Crusader honor talent is fun and you can do a lot of damage with that.
Hey man, really great guide. I love you show way of thinking and explaining rotation and everything. It is really great. Besides you said you will try make similar guide for 3s could you perhaps show some situation with double DDs training you? I know my wife isnt most experience Pala yet but I fell she is realy strugling in these moments and we usualy lose matches which I believe should be easily won as DPS + Heal vs 2 DDs. I play as frost mage, try to peel for her with sheeping etc but it's often not enough. I believe some talents / skill usage is wrong... How to deal with for example 2 x mele mongo? (lets say FDK + WW/ WW / DH etc)
Thank you I will try :) But I haven't been able to record 3v3 games :/ Got no teammates to play with at the moment. Against double dps teams, just tell her to play double blessings and BoP the first stun from the monk if he pops damage. After BoP wears off pop wings and maybe even Holy Avenger. This should give enough time to outlast their CDs and have a bubble and trinket available still and you can focus on doing damage. CC with polymorphs during forbearance after the bubble and that should give her time to BoP again. Then you have Holy Avenger back shortly after and wings.
That's sounds like a good solution in 2s when we face these double mele comp. However u have 2 DPs against you always in 3s situations which what I see also train paly very often. In that situation you also suggest play with 2 x BOP instead of Avenging Crusader? Or maybe depends on enemy comp? It's realy sad such good paly cant find third DD to roll some 3s and record it :(
I recommend playing double blessings as well :) Avenging Crusader doesn't do enough healing against very bursty comps. Play Avenging Crusader against slow damage and rot, like affliction warlocks. However it's you go-to talent against healer/dps in 2s. I see myself going double blessings 90% of the time in 3s.
I got it, gonna explain her everything. 2 last questions for some time: 1) what you use on your movie this yellow/golden symbol which slowling fading upper your char 2) these pop ups showing your skills are ready. Is it configurated TMW addon or something else? If TMW how excatly u made such nice effect? ;p Perhaps any more usefull addons besides omnibar helping newbie pal?
I've made the golden symbol show when I have the Power of the Silver Hand golden trait active. This can be done with the addon WeakAuras. The addon that makes my abilities pop up in the center of my screen is Doom_CooldownPulse, and it's on default settings :)
Literally the second spell I use in this video is Light of the Martyr :D but yea I have it hidden in my bars. I use it way more in 3v3, but in 2v2 I try to be as mana efficient as possible. It's a good filler heal and you should use it while moving :)
nice and clear guid i love it ^^ can i ask if u shadow friend have youtube or something? i rly want o see what talents he use and learn how to play as shadow :D and ofc u get sub, keep up good work
Hey man, loved your guide. I recently started playing PvP (1 year perhaps, final of WoD) with a rl friend of mine, He is DH and we are at 1900-2000 rating but it seems harder and harder to counter Frosts, enhances and ferals. I'm not really much experienced, but i am almost 90% or more the trained one in 2v2 specially when against frosts and enhances and i can't help to survive when dampening starts to get in. MW are specially hard to counter cause of their mobility (MW and Frost DK is hell for me). (I'm playing on a Draenei too =/ but leveled a human to start to play with him in retri and he in disc priest, but our mains still Holy Pala and DH for him) Any advice?? And soz for this huge text haha xD
Frost DK hits hard but they lack the mobility. If your DH can slow the frost DK while you Freedom and Divine Steed away, he's gonna struggle to catch you. Try to stay far away from him the whole game and as soon as he catches you without CDs it's peeling time for the DH again :D Enhances are a hard class to kill and do a lot of damage, but after Wind Shear just cast holy lights. He lacks cc on you if he trains you so you can just spam big heals. Maybe the occasional stun totem, but you can try and avoid that. What I do against ferals is I save my Aura Mastery for Incarnation. They have the same CD. So you and your teammate take 20% less damage during it. Try to pop melee wings aswell and get some healing on your team. While having wings up, you can bait a kick with a flash of light and then continue crusader strikes. Note that this puts your judgment on lockout, so I recommend using it before this. After your wings end feral has no more Skull Bash and you can just spam some heals. Also against melees who train you, try pull them behind a pillar and line of sight their healer. You can score some easy kills on the DPS or at least force CDs by dragging them into a spot where they can't be healed. This will also make you a less desirable target to go on, so they might just switch onto your DH. After that just keep your distance, even when going for stuns. You don't wanna get caught up in a bad spot. If you're afraid of getting swapped on, just save the melee wings for that and start moving behind a pillar while hitting the target for heals. Tell your DH to try hitting the DPS more. Going on healers, especially MW is very difficult. Hope this helped even a little bit :)
Thanks for the answer and quick one it was. Yeah ofc it helps. The line of sighting the healer using Avenging Crusader is a thing i've always done when against assa rogue but not against feral or frost because of their enourmous pressure, i get unfocused but it seems i do need to do it more :) thx
I like to use it when I sac someone and run behind a pillar, or pair it up with Holy Avenger to counter heavy aoe damage. I usually don't use the artifact ability when I have wings up.
Against double dps teams, just play double blessings and BoP the first stun from the monk if he pops damage. After BoP wears off pop wings and maybe even Holy Avenger. This should give enough time to outlast their CDs and have a bubble and trinket available still. Try run a bit during forbearance after the bubble and that should give you time to BoP again. Then you have Holy Avenger back shortly after and wings. Remember that your feral can slow and stun the targets so you can get some distance that way. Just try popping Divine Steed and freedom when he stuns the guys. So basically a lot of cooldown management early and often. Keep rotating them and your feral should be able to finish them off. My guide's playstyle is mostly against slower healer/dps teams.
Thanks for the guide! :) I am playing a MW Monk with a DH currently in around 2.2k mmr in 2s and wanted to get a pally as an alt. Do you think it works with DH in 2s? :)
Playing with a lock. Seems like the spriest has more on demand burst but the lock with a hoj, fear chain can get the uas back up and finish ppl off. They just suck in deep dampening vs very pillar humping teams.
Nice guild dude !!! You beat cheater vyktor :D but I want ask you in 7.1.5 paladin looks get nerf because wing will coast 35% mana do you think willl be huge nerf for paladin ?
Well it can be for 2v2, especially for the longer games. However most 2v2 games don't last for that long, since dampening kicks in so fast. For 3v3 it's no problem :)
This guide still doesn't tell me how to get out a cyclone, then imprisoned, then cyclone again, then chaos stun, then imprisoned, and repeat.. v.v After a while, there's nothing I can do to get out. Of course everyone barely goes after you and traps you! If it played out how it shows in the video, it would be so easy.
Yea the game revolves so much around damage now that cc lines are kinda pointless. Rather just do max dps on all possible targets instead... I still like legion tho. You should come back man :)
This was back when melee wings cost 0 mana (which made it almost always worth taking) and when frost DKs were way too overtuned, where they would chew through your melee wings if you let him have uptime. So this was pretty much optimal against them in 7.1. Obviously I was using it the normal "intended" way against any other classes...
You deserve well more than 80+ subs man! Very informative guide and really helpful from many aspects that we HP face within pvp :) new sub and hope to see more content like this!
Thanks :)!
Nice vid mate, and thanks a lot for the tips!
Good guides are hard to find nowadays, thus yours is truely appreciated.
Keep it up fellow holy brother!
awesome, ive never done arenas but after watching this i found a priest and won 10 games pretty quick. learnt something new everytime. getting the stun early and then pop everything to stay alive and refresh stun. im excited to do more.
Nice! Good luck on improving and getting rating ! :)
Bravo! I've had to work most of these issues out the hard way, but you have really hit the nail on the head. Thanks a bunch. After watching this, I am going to put them in to action see what a massive improvement I get. Although I do not do 2s with a shadow priest. Keen to get some advice against monks as well.
Thanks! :) You mean windwalkers or mistweavers?
Sorry, I should have been specific. It is mistweavers that I am after. They torpedo in incap + leg sweep and then bugger off. The range on HoJ is not good enough. I've been having to retrospectively use Reptence against some comps.
Yes mistweavers can be quite annoying. If they play like that don't bother trying to land too many HoJes, just focus on healing. A way you can get it off though is to wait until they approach and you go behind a corner where when he incaps you, he's in HoJ range... Then it's pretty much 50/50 who's gonna land the CC. Same goes for druids. They can be hard to reach so best way is to just wait patiently until you are presented with the opportunity. You can also HoJ the dps if you get any other CC on the healer or if the healer is low on mana. Dispel costs quite a bit of mana.
Righteous soundtrack.
Very good guide dude, impressive
Thanks! :)
when i see this wow :) instant sub. keep up the good work, rly nice easy and friendly guide.
i have only 1 small problem. i rly dont know what addon is that in the right showing enemy targets and cooldowns. thank you so much for help
Thanks man ! :) The arenaframes addon is sArena. It has a build in DR tracker so you don't do half duration stuns. Myself I use the addon Diminish for the DRs that you can see next to the frames, but the sArena's own one is good too and it looks similiar. The enemy cds on the middle is OmniBar.
Nice video, liked and subscribed.
I finally found a good guide for avenger crusader play style. im gonna try it later. hopefully it will help boost my rating from 1600 to 1700 or more. =) Been playing for the other talents which is 2 charges for all the blessing of freedom, sacrifice and protection. and i kinda like it too.
Avenging Crusader is fun to use :D Double blessings is good for 3s, but 2s the damage is manageable with melee wings. Good luck in arenas! :)
Whats the addon you use that displays there cds in the middle of your screen?
Any chance I can get your weakauras or whatever you used to show that your spells/attacks are off CD?
It's actually an AddOn called Doom_CooldownPulse :)
Ohh thanks! :D
What is the mod that makes an icon fade in when your ability is close to being ready to use again??
The AddOn is Doom_CooldownPulse :)
Thank you!
Hey bro, any chance you could let me know what addons your using to track cds, and well as the skill your using center screen?
OmniBar and Doom_CooldownPulse :)
Hey Mr Killvision I love your guide dude! I love how you gave examples on real situations and showed us how you were thinking at that moment! :D Could I ask, is human uncomparably better than other races cuz of the trinket? Im currently a BE now should I rerace?
Thanks alot! :D Well I'd say Human is indeed the strongest for a Paladin, but just the fact that you can play with Orcs is a big bonus to be honest :D and the Blood Elf silence is very good sometimes. I don't recommend a faction change, not atleast if you don't have people to play with on Alliance. I think Blood Elfs are easily the second strongest paladin race. I'm actually leveling my Draenei Paladin at the moment :D
Why level a new pally when u got an awsome one already :D sad I dont have any orcs friends :(
Just to play lower rated and have fun with friends on it without risking losing rating on my main paladin :)
hey Killvision what do you think of the upcoming HP nerfs tomorrow? D:
Not a big deal in my opinion :D I think mana was never a problem. Especially in 3v3. I just think all the changes on classes were good and needed.
if im getting trained, shall i put beacon on lightbringer on my self then? im not sure what im doing wrong, but i have hard time vs stuff when im getting trained (using Avenging Crusader)
Yes. Put beacon on yourself to benefit from AoE healing such as Light of Dawn replicating on yourself and from one of your weapon's golden perks The Light Saves. Important is that you try get kicked on Avenging Crusader so you can still free cast after it's gone and not fall behind.
In what situation do you use flash of light? and If you play 3s, what do you do when 2 of 3 focus on you?
It's very situational, but try aim for holy lights when you proc the fast cast or you have enough space. I'm going to be working on a 3v3 guide after the holidays so stay tuned!
Will I ever get this melody out of my head after watching this? :D Nice vid tho
Hey buddy love the vid. Just getting into holy pally and would love some tips :-)
Thanks :) I'm gonna do a 3v3 guide after the holidays! I've seen some of your hunter and resto druid videos. :D Nice to see you tune in!
Thanks for the excellent video. I play with feral and we struggle a lot. Should our play style be the same as in your video with spriest? If not, could you give some pointers? Thanks!
When playing with feral try running a lot to get some time to heal back to full hp in higher dampening. Ferals are very mobile and can avoid damage, so they should bleed and run against comps that do loads of damage in the open field.
thanks man, sounds like an excellent suggestion - we will try!
amazing guide!
atm i m having trouble with dh/dpriest. lots of cc/interrupts and hella lot of dmg by they dh. how do we counter them? (same combo here, sp/holy pala)
thanks in advance :P
Try to move the DH away from the disc priest and damage both of them. When disc has to come out to chase the DH you can swap on him. Disc has low mobility and can get stuck on bad situations because of it. HoJ -> Silence combo on priest and when he gets away just start doing pressure on DH again. Priest does less damage on you when you try to out-range him. Also you can ask for MCs from your priest to peel off the CDs from the DH. Any cc such as fear/stun/silence while MCing the DH will get some pressure off you. But the most important thing is to just keep moving. Make the priest's job difficult and hopefully you can score the kill before they can. :)
Probably very dumb question, but what buttons are those s-F etc on your action bars? I'm finding it hard to use all spells and I just heal and dmg using my 1-6 key row... I have few spells on my 2 extra mouse buttons, F, shift W etc, but you seem to have far more, any sort of guide how to git gud?
"s-F" stands for shift+F :) You can use shift, alt and ctrl to act as modifiers for your keybindings. 1, shift+1, ctrl+1 etc... By learning this you can pretty much multiply your keybindings. Just look for keybindings near your movement keys, such as "F", "C", "R" and so on to bind your spells. I also have two of my extra action bars hidden, but they still are full of abilities that don't necessarily need tracking such as Light of the Martyr :) Learning keybindings can be hard at first, but by repetition they become muscle memory and will increase your awareness and speed by a huge amount!
after typing that comment I had a close look and figured it out, it's gonna be a game changer! before I tried to use f1-f8 and alt f4'd so many times lol (back in wrath days when I used to use it).
Thanks for the comment reply, I'm going to check out your other videos and try to learn few more things!
I have a Razer Naga Epic :) Helps a lot!
is there a reason you're aggressive vs the shaman/lock team when earlier in the video you were keeping your distance from the pally/DK
I'm trying to finish the game quicker, since they have the advantage in high dampening. Also I'm dispelling dots on cooldown so when I get UA silenced, I wanna get some Judgments and Crusader Strikes in. :)
What's a good comp for a ret pally?
Ret/restodruid :)
KillvisionPvP ok thanks! :)
whats ur enemy cd tracker called?
Hi. Do you ever use Light of the Martyr?
Yes. When you need to move or in desperation you can spam it. Remember that your judgment buff and divine protection can be used to deny the damage you take from it. Use it when you don't have time to cast. You see me using it @4:30 in the video.
Good info, Have you tried a shockadin variation ? does it work in areana?
If you mean playing with Divine Purpose then no. It's not good enough to compete with Holy Avenger. It procs too rarely to be reliable and you do have judgment and crusader strikes to fill in the gaps when you're doing damage anyways. Avenging Crusader honor talent is fun and you can do a lot of damage with that.
Ah okay gotcha
Hey man, really great guide. I love you show way of thinking and explaining rotation and everything. It is really great. Besides you said you will try make similar guide for 3s could you perhaps show some situation with double DDs training you? I know my wife isnt most experience Pala yet but I fell she is realy strugling in these moments and we usualy lose matches which I believe should be easily won as DPS + Heal vs 2 DDs. I play as frost mage, try to peel for her with sheeping etc but it's often not enough. I believe some talents / skill usage is wrong... How to deal with for example 2 x mele mongo? (lets say FDK + WW/ WW / DH etc)
Thank you I will try :) But I haven't been able to record 3v3 games :/ Got no teammates to play with at the moment. Against double dps teams, just tell her to play double blessings and BoP the first stun from the monk if he pops damage. After BoP wears off pop wings and maybe even Holy Avenger. This should give enough time to outlast their CDs and have a bubble and trinket available still and you can focus on doing damage. CC with polymorphs during forbearance after the bubble and that should give her time to BoP again. Then you have Holy Avenger back shortly after and wings.
That's sounds like a good solution in 2s when we face these double mele comp. However u have 2 DPs against you always in 3s situations which what I see also train paly very often. In that situation you also suggest play with 2 x BOP instead of Avenging Crusader? Or maybe depends on enemy comp? It's realy sad such good paly cant find third DD to roll some 3s and record it :(
I recommend playing double blessings as well :) Avenging Crusader doesn't do enough healing against very bursty comps. Play Avenging Crusader against slow damage and rot, like affliction warlocks. However it's you go-to talent against healer/dps in 2s. I see myself going double blessings 90% of the time in 3s.
I got it, gonna explain her everything. 2 last questions for some time:
1) what you use on your movie this yellow/golden symbol which slowling fading upper your char
2) these pop ups showing your skills are ready. Is it configurated TMW addon or something else? If TMW how excatly u made such nice effect? ;p Perhaps any more usefull addons besides omnibar helping newbie pal?
I've made the golden symbol show when I have the Power of the Silver Hand golden trait active. This can be done with the addon WeakAuras. The addon that makes my abilities pop up in the center of my screen is Doom_CooldownPulse, and it's on default settings :)
Why you dont use Light of the Martyr ?
Literally the second spell I use in this video is Light of the Martyr :D but yea I have it hidden in my bars. I use it way more in 3v3, but in 2v2 I try to be as mana efficient as possible. It's a good filler heal and you should use it while moving :)
the enemy pally mana didnt even dropped below 80%. hows that even possible when you went OOM???
This was before the nerf on frost DKs. So their single-target damage output was insane at the time of recording. He just did more dps than the SP :D
nice and clear guid i love it ^^ can i ask if u shadow friend have youtube or something? i rly want o see what talents he use and learn how to play as shadow :D and ofc u get sub, keep up good work
Sorry no :( He doesn't make videos.
Hey man, loved your guide. I recently started playing PvP (1 year perhaps, final of WoD) with a rl friend of mine, He is DH and we are at 1900-2000 rating but it seems harder and harder to counter Frosts, enhances and ferals.
I'm not really much experienced, but i am almost 90% or more the trained one in 2v2 specially when against frosts and enhances and i can't help to survive when dampening starts to get in.
MW are specially hard to counter cause of their mobility (MW and Frost DK is hell for me).
(I'm playing on a Draenei too =/ but leveled a human to start to play with him in retri and he in disc priest, but our mains still Holy Pala and DH for him)
Any advice?? And soz for this huge text haha xD
Frost DK hits hard but they lack the mobility. If your DH can slow the frost DK while you Freedom and Divine Steed away, he's gonna struggle to catch you. Try to stay far away from him the whole game and as soon as he catches you without CDs it's peeling time for the DH again :D
Enhances are a hard class to kill and do a lot of damage, but after Wind Shear just cast holy lights. He lacks cc on you if he trains you so you can just spam big heals. Maybe the occasional stun totem, but you can try and avoid that.
What I do against ferals is I save my Aura Mastery for Incarnation. They have the same CD. So you and your teammate take 20% less damage during it. Try to pop melee wings aswell and get some healing on your team. While having wings up, you can bait a kick with a flash of light and then continue crusader strikes. Note that this puts your judgment on lockout, so I recommend using it before this. After your wings end feral has no more Skull Bash and you can just spam some heals.
Also against melees who train you, try pull them behind a pillar and line of sight their healer. You can score some easy kills on the DPS or at least force CDs by dragging them into a spot where they can't be healed. This will also make you a less desirable target to go on, so they might just switch onto your DH. After that just keep your distance, even when going for stuns. You don't wanna get caught up in a bad spot. If you're afraid of getting swapped on, just save the melee wings for that and start moving behind a pillar while hitting the target for heals. Tell your DH to try hitting the DPS more. Going on healers, especially MW is very difficult.
Hope this helped even a little bit :)
Thanks for the answer and quick one it was. Yeah ofc it helps. The line of sighting the healer using Avenging Crusader is a thing i've always done when against assa rogue but not against feral or frost because of their enourmous pressure, i get unfocused but it seems i do need to do it more :) thx
Yea there's a reason why they're the most played classes in 2s hehe :) Hang in there!
Hey !! Your video helps me a lot for 2v ... Thx so much fos this !! Can u make one guide like this for 3v ! Pleasee!! 😬 cheers !
I plan on doing more guide videos soon :) Just need to get through this test week first at my university :D
Hope u the best mate !! I'll be waiting for that guide 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 🤘🏻
When is a good time to use the artifact ability?
I like to use it when I sac someone and run behind a pillar, or pair it up with Holy Avenger to counter heavy aoe damage. I usually don't use the artifact ability when I have wings up.
What is the addon that is flashing cooldowns it isnt tellmewhen is it?
The AddOn is Doom_CooldownPulse :)
create a new guide for 7.2 please
Music name?
Jeffrey Felkowski - fizzbly snowclam
Djuro - White Lights
Pretty Lights - Aimin' at your head
Fantastic vid man! Great style. If only u could do the same for resto druid
I also play resto druid :) might do something like this on it someday.
Great vid! But what do you do if they go on you?
Keep moving away from the enemy healer trying to line of sight his DPS as much as you can so he can't chase you without dying.
I'm at around 1.8k cr in 2s yet i get destroyed by comps with double dps such as ww and feral due to the fact that i spam holy light.
Against double dps teams, just play double blessings and BoP the first stun from the monk if he pops damage. After BoP wears off pop wings and maybe even Holy Avenger. This should give enough time to outlast their CDs and have a bubble and trinket available still. Try run a bit during forbearance after the bubble and that should give you time to BoP again. Then you have Holy Avenger back shortly after and wings. Remember that your feral can slow and stun the targets so you can get some distance that way. Just try popping Divine Steed and freedom when he stuns the guys. So basically a lot of cooldown management early and often. Keep rotating them and your feral should be able to finish them off. My guide's playstyle is mostly against slower healer/dps teams.
alright cheers mate
probly a stupid question, but how were you swapping focus so quickly?
I got focus arena1, 2 and 3 binded to ctrl 1, 2 and 3! :)
Thank you!
Thanks for the guide! :)
I am playing a MW Monk with a DH currently in around 2.2k mmr in 2s
and wanted to get a pally as an alt. Do you think it works with DH in 2s? :)
Sure :) It should do. Altho I haven't seen that comp around too much :D
ne neither :D thats why i am super curious
Give it a try :D
I think we all know where you got your music inspiration from - Smash documentary :D
Yea :) They had an amazing soundtrack.
What program do you use for editting?
Windows Movie Maker :D
what about pally warlock?
playing it or playing against it?
Playing with a lock. Seems like the spriest has more on demand burst but the lock with a hoj, fear chain can get the uas back up and finish ppl off. They just suck in deep dampening vs very pillar humping teams.
Yea I have not tried that comp or rly seen it around. I feel like paladins might work better with a destro warlock.
Why does resto shaman works but holy paladin wouldnt?
Resto shamans are very mana efficient and good at healing in high dampening. But again I haven't tried it so it might work :)
Nice guild dude !!! You beat cheater vyktor :D but I want ask you in 7.1.5 paladin looks get nerf because wing will coast 35% mana do you think willl be huge nerf for paladin ?
Well it can be for 2v2, especially for the longer games. However most 2v2 games don't last for that long, since dampening kicks in so fast. For 3v3 it's no problem :)
why was this recorded in 10p
some people cant afford computers to go full happens :) enjoy his effort
Are you using S Arena?
Yes! :)
This guide still doesn't tell me how to get out a cyclone, then imprisoned, then cyclone again, then chaos stun, then imprisoned, and repeat.. v.v After a while, there's nothing I can do to get out. Of course everyone barely goes after you and traps you! If it played out how it shows in the video, it would be so easy.
Fucking same music all the way
5:35 suomi mainittu
Man im shadow priest, can u help me hahaha
i'm so glad i quit playing my spriest, this looks like the slowest most brain dead pvp season i've ever seen
Yea the game revolves so much around damage now that cc lines are kinda pointless. Rather just do max dps on all possible targets instead... I still like legion tho. You should come back man :)
lul, using melee wings like this has to be NA plays, gitgudbtw
This was back when melee wings cost 0 mana (which made it almost always worth taking) and when frost DKs were way too overtuned, where they would chew through your melee wings if you let him have uptime. So this was pretty much optimal against them in 7.1. Obviously I was using it the normal "intended" way against any other classes...
hey! What is that addon on the right that shows what enemy is casting?
It's a part of my arenaframes addon called sArena :)
thanks mate!
Hello, what's the name for the addon that make you see the % of your ally and yourself ?
It's just settings from raid profiles :)