"Tàladh na Beinne Guirme" agus Brian Ó hEadhra

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Seo Brian Ó hEadhra an seinneadair agus Bruce Mac Grigor air an dh'fhidheall, leis an orain "Tàladh na Beinne Guirme" le Goiridh Mac Alasdair Dhughaill bho eilean Cheap Breatainn, Alba Nuadh, Canada. Nam bheachd tha Brian Ó hEadhra fear de na seinndeadairean Gàidhlig as fheàrr (fireannach co-dhiù!), le guth "ceòlmhor, blasda is binn". Tha an t-oran seo gu math brònach:S'e tàladh na Beinne Guirme a th'ann mu dheidhinn "Brìagh na h-Aibhneadh" far an robh coimhearsnachd lùthmhor leis a Ghàidhlige ann. leis an ghutha aige agus an orain seo, gheibh iad deur bho na cridheachan as chruidhe! Tha an t-oran air an clàr "Sonas". Is urrain dhaibh an clàr ceannach bho ( www.brianoheadh... ). No "Coda Records, Dùn Eideann (www.codamusic.c... ). Coimhead air an t-oran "an-raoir bha mi coiseachd" le Brian, oran sgrìobhte a fhèin, seo aig www.youtube.com.... . Tha e direach sgoinneal!
    Here is the singer Brian Ó hEadhra with Bruce Mac Gregor on fiddle with the song "Tàladh na Beinne Guirme" ( "lullaby of the Blue Mountain": The Blue mountain runs through Cape Breton Island; this is the mountain singing its lullaby about the arrival, success and decline of "Brìagh na h-Aibhneadh" (the Gaelic name given to the area) where their was a strong Gaelic community, by Jeff Mac Donald, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. In my opinion Brian Ó hEadhra is one of the best male Gaelic singers, with such a melodious and moving voice. This song is so sad and poignant. With his voice and this song, it would bring a tear from the hardest of heart!
    The song is on the CD "Sonas"which you can get from www.brianoheadh... or Coda Music in Edinburgh www.codamusic.c... . but have to say, do not agree with all the translations they give in the CD sleeve! Also look at Brian's song "an-raoir bha mi coiseachd" (last night I was walking" , which he wrote himself. It is such a wonderful song, really evocative in its words and imagery, at: www.youtube.com.... .it's a great song
    And yes, it should be "Tàladh na Beinne Guirme" - not "Taladh na Beinn Guirme"(cos is genetive; "lullaby of the Blue Mountain", not "lullaby the blue mountain"!) as they subtitled it!!