Thai Mango Sticky Rice | 泰国芒果糯米饭 在家自己也能做 不必去泰国吃啦!

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Super simple and easy to make delicious Thai mango sticky rice recipe, no need to go to Thailand to eat it when you can make one at home!
    超级简单容易制作 美味又好吃的泰国芒果糯米饭食谱 不必去泰国吃啦!
    Prepare Ingredients 准备材料:
    ➡️ Coconut Milk Glutinous Rice 糯米椰浆饭
    Glutinous rice 糯米 200g
    Salt 盐 1/2 tsp
    Sugar 糖 50g
    Salt 盐 1/2 tsp
    Water 清水 100ml
    Coconut milk 椰浆 100ml
    Pandan leaf 班兰叶
    Blue pea flowers 蓝花 10pcs
    ➡️ Coconut Milk Sauce 椰浆汁
    Tapioca flour 木薯粉 1 tsp
    Water 清水 1 tsp
    Coconut milk 椰浆 200ml
    Pinch of salt 少许盐
    Water 清水 50ml
    ➡️ Mangoes 芒果
    Mangoes 芒果 2pcs
    Instructions 制作方法
    (Coconut Milk Glutinous Rice)
    Soak 200g of glutinous rice for 4 hours. Pour out the water, put it on a plate, cover the glutinous rice with water, add 1/2 tsp of salt, mix well, and steam over high heat for 25 minutes.
    200ml coconut milk, add 100ml of water, 1/2 tsp of salt, 50g of sugar and pandan leaf, boil over low heat until thick.
    When the coconut milk is cooked, pour in to the glutinous rice and stir evenly. Take a little bit for the blue pea flowers colouring.
    (Coconut Milk Sauce)
    Coconut milk 200ml add 50ml water, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp of tapioca flour and 1 tsp of water, mix well, boil over low heat until thick.
    Two mango diced slices.
    糯米200g 浸泡4个小时。水倒掉,放进盘子中,水盖过糯米加入1/2 tsp 盐拌匀放去用大火蒸25分钟。
    椰浆 200ml 加水 100ml ,盐 1/2 tsp,糖 50g 和班兰叶,用小火煮至浓稠。
    椰浆 200ml 加水 50ml ,盐少许,木薯粉 1 tsp 和水 1 tsp 搅匀,用小火煮至浓稠。