Released for Jail and couldn't make church like I want to 😢... then this speech pops up on my phone after watching something non-related... The Way God Works is amazing... and this is my 1st time EVER watching it... I'm tuning in now on 8/6/23 mat God add a blessing to the teachers, hearers, and doers of is Heard All Praises Do to 🤲🏾Allah God 🤲🏾 🙏🏾Amen🙏🏾
Honorable Louis Farrakhan is the only Man capable of UNITING all the three Abrahamic faiths and he is the only Man trying to unite all three religions, of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. He is working so selflessly and tirelessly. May God give him a 100 yrs of life. In trying to create harmony among all these warring groups, which is so not needed, he does loathe the bad among the Jews, among the Christians, and among the Muslims, also he does so to the blacks and whites. He is the savior of the day. He is so successful in removing the drug addiction and the curse of it, which is so rampant among the young black and white. May he be given more success.
@@TheGreatOne93 ⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁸⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷7c⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷u⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷u⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷⁸uu⁷⁷8cxcu8xu8x⁷⁷⁷8x⁸u⁷⁸7⁷788⁸8xu⁷⁸8xu78c7x8x8xx7xç8x⁷⁷xç⁷8xc7xx7x8f8x8x8x7x78x⁷8xxx⁷⁸x8x7fu⁸8x8fuu⁷f8x78x8x8xx8⁷8⁷8x8x8x8x8x7⅞x7⁸8x8x7xxx8x⁸8x77xx8xxf⁷x⁷8xu⁷⁷f7c8c7x88c8f78x⁷8x7cf7xx8xx⁷8cxf8xu8xu8x777xccxx7⁸8⁸8,⁸7⁸⁷⁷88fx⁸⁸u78u7⁷uuc⁸8fu8⁸u⁷8cc⁸u87xx⁸⁸⁸⁸⁷uu8cx⁷87xx7⁸8xu,9u,źuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu9uuuu9uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu9uuuuuuuuuuuuu88uuuuuuuuuu9uuu8uuuu9uuuuuuuuu9uuuuuu9uu9u9uuuu9uz8uuuu9uuu8uuuuu9uuuuuuuuuu9u8uuuu9uu9u9uuu9u9u9u99uu99u9u9u9uuu99u9u9uuu,uuuuuuuuuu u9uuui unusually can
Queen Graham ...I have been studying under a Pentecostal teacher... he actually stresses ,vehemently, the same thing Farrakhan quoted of Paul about the New Creature...the renewing of the Mind...The Original Man of a New Creation!!!
Truths years of experience and knowledge that the HELL WE BEEN through. JESUS is the best ONLY MESSIAH I known you me better understanding the FACTS NOTES JOY ONLY NEEDED. 🥁🖤🖤💯💪🏾🌎🌎🌹🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🖤🖤
Prayer is the key faith unlocks the door love suffers long and is kind and it's not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seek is not his own but the greatest of these raise charity. Louis Farrakhan.
God is a consuming fire like the Chariots of Fire Elijah went up in and Jesus has hair like corn silk and his robe is whiter than snow and his eyes is brown soft as to do. Louis Farrakhan
In Sura 24:46, the Quran commands Muslims to say to Christians, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and to Him do we submit." Yet many Muslims instead say, "We don't believe in your book because it has been corrupted. And your God is a false God." The Bible states that God is a trinity (Matthew 28:18-20), the Son entered creation as Jesus (John 1:1-14), Jesus died on the cross for sins (Mark 10:32-34), and that Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24). The Quran denies all of this so a Muslim can't say that he believes in the Bible or that Allah and the God of Bible are the same God. Muslims have to reject the Bible because the Bible contradicts the Quran. The Quran declares that the Torah and the Gospel were revealed by Allah. Sura 3:3-4 says, "He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. Before, as guidance for the people. And He revealed the Qur'an." So Allah revealed the Torah and the Gospel as a guidance, but our Muslim friends tell us that Allah couldn't protect the Torah and the Gospel; and that both revelations were corrupted by men. What Allah sent to guide people, ended up 'misguiding' people, convincing Christians that God is a trinity and that Jesus died on the cross for sins. Ofcourse, we should be puzzled when Muslims tell us that the Torah and the Gospel were changed because the Quran states that no one can change Allah's words. Sura 18:27 says, "And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. None can change His Words, and none will you find as a refuge other than Him." Here are Muslim friends might say, "This only means that no one can change the Quran." But the verse doesn't say that no one can change the Quran, it says that no one can change Allah's words. And the Torah and the Gospel, according to the Quran, are Allah's words. Despite Allah's clear declaration that no one can change His words, many Muslims assert that the Gospel is corrupted by the Apostle Paul or by later Christians. If the Gospel is corrupted, we can only wonder why the Quran says that Christians still had the Gospel during the time of Muhammad. Sura 7:157 says, "Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the Torah and the Gospel -... it is they who will prosper." How could Christians find Muhammad mentioned in the Gospel when the Gospel was supposedly corrupted centuries earlier? Is Allah saying that we find Muhammad mentioned in our corrupted Scriptures? But we don't find Muhammad mentioned in our Scriptures at all, except it's part of a general warning about false prophets who come to lead people away from the Gospel. And if we did find Muhammad mentioned in our Scriptures, how would we know that this isn't one of the corrupted parts? And since our Scriptures contradict Islam, why would Allah appeal to them as evidence of Islam? But Allah goes much further than this. He commands Christians to judge by the Gospel. Sura 5:47 says, "Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel." Why does Allah command us to judge by a corrupt book? The only Gospel we have contradicts Islam. So in order to obey Allah's command, we would have to judge by the Gospel and conclude that Islam is false. Allah continues along these same lines in Sura 5:68, which reads, "Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." Why would Allah tell us that we have no ground to stand upon unless we stand upon a corrupt book? If the Gospel has been corrupted, wouldn't Allah just tell us to get rid of it and believe in the Quran? So the Quran clearly maintains that the Gospel is authoritative for Christians and this only makes sense if the author of the Quran believed that Christians have the Word of God. But the Gospel wasn't just authoritative for Christians, it was also authoritative for Muhammad, himself, and, therefore, for Muslims. One day, Muhammad started having doubts about his revelations. In response to these doubts, Allah commanded Muhammad to go to the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) for confirmation. Sura 10:94 says, "So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters." Muslims today act as if the Quran stands in judgement over the Bible. Since the Bible contradicts the Quran, Muslims assume that the Bible must be rejected. But in the Quran, it's exactly the opposite. The Bible stands in judgement over the Quran and Muhammad, himself, could only confirm his revelations by checking to see if they line up with the Scriptures of the people of the Book. Since Muhammad continued preaching Islam, he apparently never took this test very seriously. If he had gone to the people of the Book in search of confirmation, he would have been forced to reject the Quran because the Quran puts Muslims in an inescapable dilemma. Either Christians have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God or we don't. Those are the only two possibilities. If we DO have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God, Islam is false; because Islam contradicts what we have. If we DON'T have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God, Islam is false; because the Quran affirms the inspiration, preservation and authority of our Book. So if the Gospel is the Word of God, Islam is false. If the Gospel isn't the Word of God, Islam is false. Either way, Islam is false. By affirming Scriptures that contradict its core teachings, Islam self-destructs. Muslims who don't want to believe in a religion that self-destructs, will therefore need to find a new religion. Let's encourage our Muslim friends to obey the Gospel, as both our religions command. .
You really went out of your way to show your lack of understanding of scripture. That time could've been better spent listening to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, the man who God Himself said He would teach "the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel, and make him a Messenger to the Children of Israel," Sura 3:48-49. Has the Bible been corrupted? Yes. Is it COMPLETELY corrupted? Absolutely NOT. If you LISTENED to Minister Farrakhan -- and not just this lecture -- instead of being in such a rush to judge because of the way you cling so tightly to Christianity, causing you to leave long-winded, poorly framed Quaranic and Biblical arguments, all because you weren't taught directly from the mouth of God like Elijah Muhammad was, then you'd be much more educated in both Islam, Christianity, the Qur'an and the Bible, making you a much better minister and servant of the people.
@@bigillanoyz8As a Christian i will follow The Bible because it is The Word of God for Believers in Christ Jesus teaches us who we are and where we will someday Go as well The consequences of what'll happen if we don't follow God's word. That doesn't mean we can't learn from others that stunts our spiritual growth. More importantly I'm not about to go down that rabbit hole an Ask what was God thinking when He Moved a mountain of life specifically that makes zero sense too me, I just have too Trust that as My Father in Heaven He has Our Best Interests at Heart! Trust and Know that I am God well works for Me!
I was only able to listen 30 minutes in, but would like to finish something he said about the saying of Jesus. Jesus did say I go away to prepare a place for you that where I am there you would be also. but after that he tells us he will not leave us void or emty or without, he said he will send unto us the Holy Ghost . This is Gods Spirit and it takes up residence in all those who except Jesus the Christ as there savior. It is through and by this Spirit that a man receives power and is able to do the very works of Christ according to the power that works within him. So who then is Gods people, well Jesus says that his people or family or brother is whosoever does the will of the Father, being God. Therfore there is no race or creed of people placed above another that no man should bost for we are all one in Christ Jesus who was slain for the sins of the world.
We are blessed to have two great leaders as Allah knew we would need a double dose of that 🔥 Elijah Muhammad- call it a double resurrection -The imam has come along with the Mahdi the languages reveal the man of the hour n ppl of the hour(Horus)
I like how you can talk on all Dimensions non Biasly cause our brains tend to pick and chose and live in denial running on different concepts and ideas they presented to us.etc “you know it and Taught it. Your Honorable Experiences And Master Teachers And Students of that And this Time, of that time shows you carried a Torch And a weightless Anchor ; They judge our Gods our Teacher in the condition they put us in etc. then You explaining to the Broken Black Families we are all One; but unorganized ..Again!.. While the devil is influencing us to create New beefs towards Each other,, making Our speeches seem like a casual Tea Party Or GoodNight till tomorrow..... Thank You for Keep Me Strong WithTruth And Evidence And rebuke, and rebuke out the devil in me may times Remind.. Bless up peace Amen... I hope to learn more so I can reason with y’all the Right way; I was gonna say like a Sun; then We came to mind because we like to think a sun shines my it Self and not everybody...
I was listening to Minister Farrakhan and his sermon and he is more craftier in his speech and presentation than ever before. He really has seen the false Christ he has spoken of. He says he doesn't like to be called a leader, but smiles and likes to be called a teacher. Satan loves to teach only to teach and mix truth with a lie and tell many lies...John 8:44, KJV. Satan loves to mislead and camouflage himself as Godly, (Christ like) but inwardly they are ravening wolves...Matthew 7:15, KJV. Farrakhan said "the servant is equal to his master." The scriptures says in John 15:20, KJV... The servant is not above his Lord...etc. Farrakhan says "he is grace to our people.", and grace to the world." This is blaspheme. The bible says Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the world: our atonement Read 1 John 2:2, KJV. Follow who you want, but one day we all have to meet the Lord and answer for how we lived. Repent and follow Acts 2:38. We all will die one day, Hebrew's 9:27, so choose to serve him now or go to hell. Revelation 21:8, KJV. Don't let anyone bamboozle (fool or cheat you) with fables and long words and much speech. Read 2 Timothy 4:3 and verse 4. People will refuse to listen and turn to myths. Farrakhan is a crafty deceiver. No religion can save your soul. Romans 3:22, KJV, and Luke 5:31-32, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Amen📖🙏❤❤❤
Jesus is God - He tells us He is Alpha and Omega Rev 1: 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. 9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
shon harris I love these verses, but in none of these does Jesus say that he is God. No, Jesus said, “Follow me, but worship the Father”. “No one is good but the Father”. Don’t be foolish enough to not be able to sift through the mist of these verses and not get the main message. Don’t use Jesus for your wicked Sun worshipping religion.
@@caineable4525He say's He is The Alpha and The Omega The 1st and The Last He also Has a New Name and as The Angel's said of Him He is The Worthy Lamb that was slain.
Minister Farrakhan!!!'ve tied it up in a neat neat bow😃...alk three religions have the chosen hidden within it...the people of the book...of LIFE!...The Torah...The Ingile...The Koran!!!
Let no man be deceived...millionman march was a necessary success...but that march organized by you minister Farrakhan is NOTHING...compared to the way you have been preaching and enlightening us on the THREE BOOKS...OLD TESTAMENT...NEW TESTAMENT...KORAN...FATHER(OLD TESTAMENT)...SON(NEW TESTAMENT)...THE WHOLE SPIRIT(THE KORAN!!!).YOU HAVE BEEN TYING THESE THREE IN A NEAT...NEAT...BOW☺😀...amem.amen & amen
Great sermon about Christ, the redeemer, the savior. Muhammad can’t save us, but Jesus can. Muhammad died and stayed buried in his grave, but Jesus died and he is alive today at the right hand of the Father. You can follow Jesus, but you can worship Christ since Christ is God himself. If the Angels serve Jesus, why can’t we men serve him?
I love and follow the minister but for the first time i have a a question here.the minister said adam was first and he couldn't be a prophet because there was nobody to preach what about the preadamites he taught us the other time? Can someone please explain.thanks asa
+Osei Kofi Aren't prophets sent to people who have disobeyed GOD? Preadamites {God's creation = the God Man created by God Himself alone} operated in accordance to the laws in which they were createded for millions of years .... this Adam you ask of {preadamites creation = the second Adam created by a group "let _us_ make man"} was the first "kind of man" not to obey, hence no one to preach repentance to but himself.
There was no science involved. God saw that we couldn't redeem ourselves and sent His Only Begotten Son; JOHN 3:16 to die and shed His Precious, spotless, Sinless Blood for our sakes. The Lamb of God, Slain BEFORE the foundation of the world. The Father can only be approached through Jesus Christ the Son. Jesus is God manifested in flesh as 1TIMOTHY 3:16 states. JOHN 1:1,14 also show who Jesus the Redeemer is...
The word “begotten” has been removed from all Gospels by the same bible scholars as fabrication after they realized that this word does not exist in the most ancient manuscript. John A-V {3:16} For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (This word does not exist anymore in all Gospels in the RSV), so Jesus is not any more begotten by God where we find others still alleged to be begotten sons of God according to the bible. So the term Son of God in the language of the Jews means godly person not actual Son of God and does not mean divinity at all. Examples: All Jews are sons of God (according to the bible). Psalms A-V {82:6} I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High. All those who follow the spirit of God are sons of God (according to the bible). Romans A-V {8:14} For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Actually there is a ton of Math and Science alone in The Bible/In The Koran (Qur'an)/& The Torah. But in The Old Testament The Book of Daniel carries the most Prophetic message backed behind an Mathematical structural Timeline too Help us Believers to know when Christ came when He said He would and full--filled The Prophetic message regarding his arrival. The only point we know Not is When Christ Second Coming will be!
Isaiah 44:6. These men need the redeemer Jesus. Allah can only be reached through Jesus. Jesus is the Jehovah of Hosts. Philippians 2. Jesus was in the form of God but humbled himself below the angels. The comforter that Jesus was talking about is the Holy GHOST. Do I have any brothers, according to John 1:12-13, that agree with me?
These is amazing this guy read the bible out of ignorance of the scripture,He creep in unnotice to the churches of Christ our Lord Jesus who was send by the Father to revealed the Son of God for our ignorance of the truth. We would not crucified Him if only known Him, the truth was revealed by the Father at the cross to fullfil the law of Christ,because we are transgressing the law of Moses out of ignorance,He healed our transgression by giving His life at the cross for His creation not only to redeem out stupidity,but to distroy the work of Satan,Which we are under the power of darkness a slave of sin.The Father send His Son to manifest in the sinful flesh to be a living sacrifice for His creation,Gid the Father prepared a body that was conceived by Mary to be crucified at the cross, because animal sacrifice cannot cover our sin, only through the body of Christ that was prepared by the Father we will have redeemption,who are now sitting at the right hand of the Father,not muhamad,you deny the Son,you just like rejecting the Father who declared Him from all His angel, that this is my beloved Son who I am please,and every knee should bow unto Him, From the beginning was the Word,and and the word was with God, and the word was God.before every thing was exist He was with the Father,No man have sin God except the Son who came down from above who dwell upon us to see the glory of the Father,because of the wrath of God was revealed for the ungodly,who disobey God out of ignorance. The bibles was not written by the Prophets, and of the Apostles of Christ to be misunderstood.The grace of God was revealed at the cross,and teaches us to obey the commandment of the law of our faith in Christ.He is the way and the truth to the kingdom of the Father,not muhamad.If anyone preaches to you a different gospel of Christ,which you have not recieved from us,let him be a curse,God will use the unwise to shame the wise,many will pretend to be wise,but in God eyes his a fool, they will speak to you with flattering word,or charm you with his own preconcieve idea to decieved you base on his own pholosopy,or his own enterpretation of who God is in his own thinking.The scripture tell us you cannot add or subtract what was written on the book of life,or else he will be cast out.fesr God and obey His commandment this is the duty of all men,to be a fallower of Christ,not Muhamad.the bible is the final authority given by God the Father through His beloved Son Christ Jesus.when God said let's create man in our own images,My question to you? Is He talking to Muhamad,or His talking to His Son jesus? In what passages did you read that Muhamad was send by God the Father in the scripture that He is the Christ.How many people are you going to put to hell,If you are in denial,who denounce Christ was send by the Father who came down in the likeness of His quote so many passages out of context,and for your information God is not a racist,Gen wants to save all of His creation,stop separating all God creation.base on your black lives matter.Do you thing your Alla is more favor of your skin color.we must love one another,or carry one another burden and fullfil the law of don't sit there in your congregation as you are
Go back too how The Nation of Islam was founded look back at who they reference too who was Their saviour in Their Eye's. Ya gotta know where the person is coming from to speak their language and we send them The Ministry of Christ Jesus unto Him! An by the way much of The abuses and corruption especially blatant Racist practices and cruelty on a people often turn too many to count those people away from our Saviour Jesus within The Bible too go Forth and form their own Gospel. Which is what occurred with The Founding of The Nation of Islam oh by the way The NOI Identify Their Spiritual Leader Elijah Muhammed as a Messenger not a Prophet, that title goes back to why The Nation of Islam came too exist!
Let me guess the imprisoned Fallen Son's of God those 200 Watcher's? Or worst still those manticores servant's of God too be commanded by a worst fallen Angel than Lucifer even I didn't think it could get any worst.
Someone just spoke to me and said Farrakhan speaks truth but you cant trust a man that doest believe in the Holy Spirit or the Messiah, Do you Minister Farrakhan do you believe in the Messiah & The Holy Spirit? tryin to prove them wrong. Shalom
Eliora Yah Y'Israel Walker It’s here on UA-cam. Jesus, Our Saviour-Farrakhan, look it up. My advice to you is to ask those that are speaking illy of him to show you one quote from his speeches where he has lied.
Listen We know as Believers God works in mysterious ways; I've given up understanding why He allows The Nation of Islam too still exist it nearly died out after their teacher Elijah Muhammed died. This Man brought it back and I'm not about to question why in the World Almighty God did he do this. But, you might want too look up the social troubles that America was experiencing in The Black and Brown Communities in the 80s/90s/& even today The 2000s! Why were they so attractive too some Black People/and Brown People while other's were repulsed by The NOI? We'll never understand totally all the thing's that God does that is entirely His business we just need to Trust God is very much in control here!
How many of those black men in that march owe child support? On welfare? See farrakan didnt adressed that did he? Or absentee dads? He thinks all black men are good...he only tells half truths
Christianity has been used throughout history with Racist agendas carried out against People of color as well it's ideas and reasoning while Brother Minister is simply returning the favor. But He didn't lynch no body, He didn't burn people out if their homes when they decided too Live nicely have clear houses and property/He didn't start Sundown towns like where Bloody Slave's that have too habd over Our slave owner's pass to be off the slave plantation/Redlining/He didn't bring Drugs into The community you can thank J.Edgar Hoover/& Ronald Reagan for that gift too humanity (i'm being sarcastic) He didn't turn His back on Black America and getting social programs started too try and lift people out of poverty as reported in The 1967 Commission of The Riot Report President Johnson had set up guess what Not a single White American wanted to spend a penny or dime building up on Black America. See with anger/desperation/frustration/come's hatred, rage,resentment, and before you know it bullets fly knives come out. An we've got a Civil War on our hand's that'll turn into a Race war on a mass scale. Voices like His stayed that course of action by Super Angry people enraged at the very system itself!
How can this man call himself a Minister but not Imam. He's very deceitful cuz you can''t actually deduce from him if he's a muslim or Christian. He's uses the Bible wrongly in his messages even though he claims to be a muslim. FALSE TEACHER - Beware
Released for Jail and couldn't make church like I want to 😢... then this speech pops up on my phone after watching something non-related... The Way God Works is amazing... and this is my 1st time EVER watching it... I'm tuning in now on 8/6/23 mat God add a blessing to the teachers, hearers, and doers of is Heard All Praises Do to
🤲🏾Allah God 🤲🏾 🙏🏾Amen🙏🏾
*May* God... correction I apologize
I love the sound of His voice...
Amazingly articulate. I've taken the opportunity to listen to what he's saying several times.
Yes, indeed. He's very proficient in the English language. After all, he is a byproduct of #BostonLatin .
Teach Farrakhan!
Honorable Louis Farrakhan is the only Man capable of UNITING all the three Abrahamic faiths and he is the only Man trying to unite all three religions, of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. He is working so selflessly and tirelessly. May God give him a 100 yrs of life. In trying to create harmony among all these warring groups, which is so not needed, he does loathe the bad among the Jews, among the Christians, and among the Muslims, also he does so to the blacks and whites. He is the savior of the day. He is so successful in removing the drug addiction and the curse of it, which is so rampant among the young black and white. May he be given more success.
In mastery of self is the mastery of everything
Farakahn is wonderful. I am blessed to have such an honor of being made aware of him.
As Salaam Alaikum Brother! Thank you for sharing these powerful messages from The Honorable Minister Farrakhan!
A message for a deep meditation on life and our actions of our heart conditions! Amen and Amen!!!
As a white guy I love this man he always speaks the truth and facts
The WORLD should be listening!!!
God speaking through him don't forget
Brothers Saleem and William holdin' post heavy, along with bruh Haroon (Herun) and bruh Sultan.
thanksfor the knowlege i do recieve from you my black brother
Great Messenger Of The (Most High)
May Allah give you paradise Mr Farrakhan man of truth Ameen.
What a blessing to listen this Man he speaks volumes
Every interaction with him is a learning experience. This proves he is God’s man in our midst
The Son Of The Living God!!!
@@TheGreatOne93 ⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁸⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷7c⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷u⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷u⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷⁷7⁷⁷⁷⁷⁸uu⁷⁷8cxcu8xu8x⁷⁷⁷8x⁸u⁷⁸7⁷788⁸8xu⁷⁸8xu78c7x8x8xx7xç8x⁷⁷xç⁷8xc7xx7x8f8x8x8x7x78x⁷8xxx⁷⁸x8x7fu⁸8x8fuu⁷f8x78x8x8xx8⁷8⁷8x8x8x8x8x7⅞x7⁸8x8x7xxx8x⁸8x77xx8xxf⁷x⁷8xu⁷⁷f7c8c7x88c8f78x⁷8x7cf7xx8xx⁷8cxf8xu8xu8x777xccxx7⁸8⁸8,⁸7⁸⁷⁷88fx⁸⁸u78u7⁷uuc⁸8fu8⁸u⁷8cc⁸u87xx⁸⁸⁸⁸⁷uu8cx⁷87xx7⁸8xu,9u,źuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu9uuuu9uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu9uuuuuuuuuuuuu88uuuuuuuuuu9uuu8uuuu9uuuuuuuuu9uuuuuu9uu9u9uuuu9uz8uuuu9uuu8uuuuu9uuuuuuuuuu9u8uuuu9uu9u9uuu9u9u9u99uu99u9u9u9uuu99u9u9uuu,uuuuuuuuuu u9uuui unusually can
Whar do you mean by this statement
@Bob Bobby self explains it or
Many Great Ministers, but One King, Jesus the Messiah. Many Teachers but One Savior, the Master Jesus.
Amen this is the most defined video of the bible i ever heard!!! changed man
#operationinherentresolve !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#fergusonoctober !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A, man of God with God love she or he will keep God and wake with God, God bless you an keep you safe.
Farrakan is my mentor
Iam not a Muslim an ex Christian but I love Minister Farakhan .Hes a good speaker.
Penelope Lopez, ex Muslim- now Christian Pentecostal
Queen Graham ...I have been studying under a Pentecostal teacher... he actually stresses ,vehemently, the same thing Farrakhan
quoted of Paul about the New Creature...the renewing of the Mind...The Original Man of a New Creation!!!
Queen Graham im a ex christian now a muslim lol
Truths years of experience and knowledge that the HELL WE BEEN through. JESUS is the best ONLY MESSIAH I known you me better understanding the FACTS NOTES JOY ONLY NEEDED. 🥁🖤🖤💯💪🏾🌎🌎🌹🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🖤🖤
Thank You Father
Your words are L.E.D ( Light.Emitting.Diode )
please help !!!! what is light emitting diode! I would be grateful for an answer
his wisdom and LED have the same output when you use them effectively
His words are a crock
Abbas Dafalla
Abbas Dafalla 7
Prayer is the key faith unlocks the door love suffers long and is kind and it's not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seek is not his own but the greatest of these raise charity. Louis Farrakhan.
We have have been blessed.
My. Minister. Is. The best. Ever...frm.Shaheed Usuf
I wanna see part 2
as black people our name was talking from an religion he speaks the true
I wish one day to the Earthcenter come to our country south Africa
Farrakhan!!!!!!!!!! Allahuakbar
Long Live Muhammad
If we don't understand these concepts then we can't effectively understand how to use scriptural principles in a modern day
God is a consuming fire like the Chariots of Fire Elijah went up in and Jesus has hair like corn silk and his robe is whiter than snow and his eyes is brown soft as to do. Louis Farrakhan
Devon you r the man
In Sura 24:46, the Quran commands Muslims to say to Christians, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and to Him do we submit." Yet many Muslims instead say, "We don't believe in your book because it has been corrupted. And your God is a false God." The Bible states that God is a trinity (Matthew 28:18-20), the Son entered creation as Jesus (John 1:1-14), Jesus died on the cross for sins (Mark 10:32-34), and that Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24). The Quran denies all of this so a Muslim can't say that he believes in the Bible or that Allah and the God of Bible are the same God. Muslims have to reject the Bible because the Bible contradicts the Quran.
The Quran declares that the Torah and the Gospel were revealed by Allah. Sura 3:3-4 says, "He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. Before, as guidance for the people. And He revealed the Qur'an." So Allah revealed the Torah and the Gospel as a guidance, but our Muslim friends tell us that Allah couldn't protect the Torah and the Gospel; and that both revelations were corrupted by men. What Allah sent to guide people, ended up 'misguiding' people, convincing Christians that God is a trinity and that Jesus died on the cross for sins. Ofcourse, we should be puzzled when Muslims tell us that the Torah and the Gospel were changed because the Quran states that no one can change Allah's words.
Sura 18:27 says, "And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. None can change His Words, and none will you find as a refuge other than Him." Here are Muslim friends might say, "This only means that no one can change the Quran." But the verse doesn't say that no one can change the Quran, it says that no one can change Allah's words. And the Torah and the Gospel, according to the Quran, are Allah's words. Despite Allah's clear declaration that no one can change His words, many Muslims assert that the Gospel is corrupted by the Apostle Paul or by later Christians. If the Gospel is corrupted, we can only wonder why the Quran says that Christians still had the Gospel during the time of Muhammad.
Sura 7:157 says, "Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the Torah and the Gospel -... it is they who will prosper." How could Christians find Muhammad mentioned in the Gospel when the Gospel was supposedly corrupted centuries earlier? Is Allah saying that we find Muhammad mentioned in our corrupted Scriptures? But we don't find Muhammad mentioned in our Scriptures at all, except it's part of a general warning about false prophets who come to lead people away from the Gospel. And if we did find Muhammad mentioned in our Scriptures, how would we know that this isn't one of the corrupted parts? And since our Scriptures contradict Islam, why would Allah appeal to them as evidence of Islam? But Allah goes much further than this. He commands Christians to judge by the Gospel. Sura 5:47 says, "Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel." Why does Allah command us to judge by a corrupt book? The only Gospel we have contradicts Islam. So in order to obey Allah's command, we would have to judge by the Gospel and conclude that Islam is false.
Allah continues along these same lines in Sura 5:68, which reads, "Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." Why would Allah tell us that we have no ground to stand upon unless we stand upon a corrupt book? If the Gospel has been corrupted, wouldn't Allah just tell us to get rid of it and believe in the Quran? So the Quran clearly maintains that the Gospel is authoritative for Christians and this only makes sense if the author of the Quran believed that Christians have the Word of God.
But the Gospel wasn't just authoritative for Christians, it was also authoritative for Muhammad, himself, and, therefore, for Muslims. One day, Muhammad started having doubts about his revelations. In response to these doubts, Allah commanded Muhammad to go to the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) for confirmation. Sura 10:94 says, "So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters." Muslims today act as if the Quran stands in judgement over the Bible. Since the Bible contradicts the Quran, Muslims assume that the Bible must be rejected. But in the Quran, it's exactly the opposite. The Bible stands in judgement over the Quran and Muhammad, himself, could only confirm his revelations by checking to see if they line up with the Scriptures of the people of the Book. Since Muhammad continued preaching Islam, he apparently never took this test very seriously. If he had gone to the people of the Book in search of confirmation, he would have been forced to reject the Quran because the Quran puts Muslims in an inescapable dilemma. Either Christians have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God or we don't. Those are the only two possibilities. If we DO have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God, Islam is false; because Islam contradicts what we have. If we DON'T have the inspired, preserved, authoritative Word of God, Islam is false; because the Quran affirms the inspiration, preservation and authority of our Book. So if the Gospel is the Word of God, Islam is false. If the Gospel isn't the Word of God, Islam is false. Either way, Islam is false. By affirming Scriptures that contradict its core teachings, Islam self-destructs. Muslims who don't want to believe in a religion that self-destructs, will therefore need to find a new religion. Let's encourage our Muslim friends to obey the Gospel, as both our religions command.
Pierre Zip q
Pierre Zip q
You really went out of your way to show your lack of understanding of scripture. That time could've been better spent listening to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, the man who God Himself said He would teach "the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel, and make him a Messenger to the Children of Israel," Sura 3:48-49.
Has the Bible been corrupted? Yes. Is it COMPLETELY corrupted? Absolutely NOT.
If you LISTENED to Minister Farrakhan -- and not just this lecture -- instead of being in such a rush to judge because of the way you cling so tightly to Christianity, causing you to leave long-winded, poorly framed Quaranic and Biblical arguments, all because you weren't taught directly from the mouth of God like Elijah Muhammad was, then you'd be much more educated in both Islam, Christianity, the Qur'an and the Bible, making you a much better minister and servant of the people.
@@bigillanoyz8As a Christian i will follow The Bible because it is The Word of God for Believers in Christ Jesus teaches us who we are and where we will someday Go as well The consequences of what'll happen if we don't follow God's word.
That doesn't mean we can't learn from others that stunts our spiritual growth.
More importantly I'm not about to go down that rabbit hole an Ask what was God thinking when He Moved a mountain of life specifically that makes zero sense too me, I just have too Trust that as My Father in Heaven He has Our Best Interests at Heart!
Trust and Know that I am God well works for Me!
I was only able to listen 30 minutes in, but would like to finish something he said about the saying of Jesus. Jesus did say I go away to prepare a place for you that where I am there you would be also. but after that he tells us he will not leave us void or emty or without, he said he will send unto us the Holy Ghost . This is Gods Spirit and it takes up residence in all those who except Jesus the Christ as there savior. It is through and by this Spirit that a man receives power and is able to do the very works of Christ according to the power that works within him. So who then is Gods people, well Jesus says that his people or family or brother is whosoever does the will of the Father, being God. Therfore there is no race or creed of people placed above another that no man should bost for we are all one in Christ Jesus who was slain for the sins of the world.
I would love to be Muslim. ..
We are blessed to have two great leaders as Allah knew we would need a double dose of that 🔥 Elijah Muhammad- call it a double resurrection -The imam has come along with the Mahdi the languages reveal the man of the hour n ppl of the hour(Horus)
, fight over who getting the daily bread
He is that brother
He good, good. He mash up white people, he put across so vividly very knowledgeable rich in wisdom, most high blessings on to thee.
I like how you can talk on all Dimensions non Biasly cause our brains tend to pick and chose and live in denial running on different concepts and ideas they presented to us.etc “you know it and Taught it. Your Honorable Experiences And Master Teachers And Students of that And this Time, of that time shows you carried a Torch And a weightless Anchor ; They judge our Gods our Teacher in the condition they put us in etc. then You explaining to the Broken Black Families we are all One; but unorganized ..Again!.. While the devil is influencing us to create New beefs towards Each other,, making Our speeches seem like a casual Tea Party Or GoodNight till tomorrow..... Thank You for Keep Me Strong WithTruth And Evidence And rebuke, and rebuke out the devil in me may times Remind.. Bless up peace Amen... I hope to learn more so I can reason with y’all the Right way; I was gonna say like a Sun; then We came to mind because we like to think a sun shines my it Self and not everybody...
I was listening to Minister Farrakhan and his sermon and he is more craftier in his speech and presentation than ever before. He really has seen the false Christ he has spoken of. He says he doesn't like to be called a leader, but smiles and likes to be called a teacher. Satan loves to teach only to teach and mix truth with a lie and tell many lies...John 8:44, KJV. Satan loves to mislead and camouflage himself as Godly, (Christ like) but inwardly they are ravening wolves...Matthew 7:15, KJV. Farrakhan said "the servant is equal to his master." The scriptures says in John 15:20, KJV... The servant is not above his Lord...etc. Farrakhan says "he is grace to our people.", and grace to the world." This is blaspheme. The bible says Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the world: our atonement Read 1 John 2:2, KJV. Follow who you want, but one day we all have to meet the Lord and answer for how we lived. Repent and follow Acts 2:38. We all will die one day, Hebrew's 9:27, so choose to serve him now or go to hell. Revelation 21:8, KJV. Don't let anyone bamboozle (fool or cheat you) with fables and long words and much speech. Read 2 Timothy 4:3 and verse 4. People will refuse to listen and turn to myths. Farrakhan is a crafty deceiver. No religion can save your soul. Romans 3:22, KJV, and Luke 5:31-32, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Amen📖🙏❤❤❤
Oh Right I forgot his most hotly pursued target that God Almighty Himself literally sent THEM to Him while in Prison Malcolm Shabazz X!
Jesus is God - He tells us He is Alpha and Omega
Rev 1: 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;
13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
shon harris I love these verses, but in none of these does Jesus say that he is God. No, Jesus said, “Follow me, but worship the Father”. “No one is good but the Father”.
Don’t be foolish enough to not be able to sift through the mist of these verses and not get the main message. Don’t use Jesus for your wicked Sun worshipping religion.
Caine Able amen
@@caineable4525 the Christians do shirk
@@caineable4525He say's He is The Alpha and The Omega The 1st and The Last He also Has a New Name and as The Angel's said of Him He is The Worthy Lamb that was slain.
Minister Farrakhan!!!'ve tied it up in a neat neat bow😃...alk three religions have the chosen hidden within it...the people of the book...of LIFE!...The Torah...The Ingile...The Koran!!!
Let no man be deceived...millionman march was a necessary success...but that march organized by you minister Farrakhan is NOTHING...compared to the way you have been preaching and enlightening us on the THREE BOOKS...OLD TESTAMENT...NEW TESTAMENT...KORAN...FATHER(OLD TESTAMENT)...SON(NEW TESTAMENT)...THE WHOLE SPIRIT(THE KORAN!!!).YOU HAVE BEEN TYING THESE THREE IN A NEAT...NEAT...BOW☺😀...amem.amen & amen
Thing I ain't ever understood or accepted is Christianity always painted Jesus as a white man
This mas is a walking, talking miracle. All praises is fue to Allah
Great sermon about Christ, the redeemer, the savior. Muhammad can’t save us, but Jesus can. Muhammad died and stayed buried in his grave, but Jesus died and he is alive today at the right hand of the Father. You can follow Jesus, but you can worship Christ since Christ is God himself. If the Angels serve Jesus, why can’t we men serve him?
I love and follow the minister but for the first time i have a a question here.the minister said adam was first and he couldn't be a prophet because there was nobody to preach what about the preadamites he taught us the other time? Can someone please explain.thanks asa
+Osei Kofi
Aren't prophets sent to people who have disobeyed GOD? Preadamites {God's creation = the God Man created by God Himself alone} operated in accordance to the laws in which they were createded for millions of years .... this Adam you ask of {preadamites creation = the second Adam created by a group "let _us_ make man"} was the first "kind of man" not to obey, hence no one to preach repentance to but himself.
50min - 56:24 powerful
Harris God is Real He gave his son to die for his chosen people's Amen.King of kings
There was no science involved. God saw that we couldn't redeem ourselves and sent His Only Begotten Son; JOHN 3:16 to die and shed His Precious, spotless, Sinless Blood for our sakes. The Lamb of God, Slain BEFORE the foundation of the world. The Father can only be approached through Jesus Christ the Son. Jesus is God manifested in flesh as 1TIMOTHY 3:16 states. JOHN 1:1,14 also show who Jesus the Redeemer is...
Paul Savage You are lost in religion. God spoke the egg and the sperm into fruition before science proved the process of life.
God has no son trick of the devil God is God all by himself
The word “begotten” has been removed from all Gospels by the same bible scholars as fabrication after they realized that this word does not exist in the most ancient manuscript.
John A-V {3:16} For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (This word does not exist anymore in all Gospels in the RSV), so Jesus is not any more begotten by God where we find others still alleged to be begotten sons of God according to the bible.
So the term Son of God in the language of the Jews means godly person not actual Son of God and does not mean divinity at all.
All Jews are sons of God (according to the bible). Psalms A-V {82:6} I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High.
All those who follow the spirit of God are sons of God (according to the bible). Romans A-V {8:14} For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Actually there is a ton of Math and Science alone in The Bible/In The Koran (Qur'an)/& The Torah.
But in The Old Testament The Book of Daniel carries the most Prophetic message backed behind an Mathematical structural Timeline too Help us Believers to know when Christ came when He said He would and full--filled The Prophetic message regarding his arrival.
The only point we know Not is When Christ Second Coming will be!
@@drxcix6859hence the term The Second Coming of Man identifying Christ who is too return accompanied by the voice of The Archangel.
John 1:1
Jesus is God the Son
so,who is god the father.?
Yes he is the son ALLAH, because ALLAH fathered his mind, body, and soul, but not biological. Read Matthew 13:(55)
@@brothabrianx5610 no
الله اكبر
59:44-1:00:45 life purpose
leading us again into the seventh, or is it the sixth century?
Isaiah 44:6. These men need the redeemer Jesus. Allah can only be reached through Jesus. Jesus is the Jehovah of Hosts. Philippians 2. Jesus was in the form of God but humbled himself below the angels. The comforter that Jesus was talking about is the Holy GHOST. Do I have any brothers, according to John 1:12-13, that agree with me?
Only Brother's? What about the Sister's?
Don't Understand ,keep listening to My Messenger.
In due respect to those who resort to a verbal condemnation of a person, one, we can be a witness to, and accept that, we witnessed not?
These is amazing this guy read the bible out of ignorance of the scripture,He creep in unnotice to the churches of Christ our Lord Jesus who was send by the Father to revealed the Son of God for our ignorance of the truth. We would not crucified Him if only known Him, the truth was revealed by the Father at the cross to fullfil the law of Christ,because we are transgressing the law of Moses out of ignorance,He healed our transgression by giving His life at the cross for His creation not only to redeem out stupidity,but to distroy the work of Satan,Which we are under the power of darkness a slave of sin.The Father send His Son to manifest in the sinful flesh to be a living sacrifice for His creation,Gid the Father prepared a body that was conceived by Mary to be crucified at the cross, because animal sacrifice cannot cover our sin, only through the body of Christ that was prepared by the Father we will have redeemption,who are now sitting at the right hand of the Father,not muhamad,you deny the Son,you just like rejecting the Father who declared Him from all His angel, that this is my beloved Son who I am please,and every knee should bow unto Him, From the beginning was the Word,and and the word was with God, and the word was God.before every thing was exist He was with the Father,No man have sin God except the Son who came down from above who dwell upon us to see the glory of the Father,because of the wrath of God was revealed for the ungodly,who disobey God out of ignorance. The bibles was not written by the Prophets, and of the Apostles of Christ to be misunderstood.The grace of God was revealed at the cross,and teaches us to obey the commandment of the law of our faith in Christ.He is the way and the truth to the kingdom of the Father,not muhamad.If anyone preaches to you a different gospel of Christ,which you have not recieved from us,let him be a curse,God will use the unwise to shame the wise,many will pretend to be wise,but in God eyes his a fool, they will speak to you with flattering word,or charm you with his own preconcieve idea to decieved you base on his own pholosopy,or his own enterpretation of who God is in his own thinking.The scripture tell us you cannot add or subtract what was written on the book of life,or else he will be cast out.fesr God and obey His commandment this is the duty of all men,to be a fallower of Christ,not Muhamad.the bible is the final authority given by God the Father through His beloved Son Christ Jesus.when God said let's create man in our own images,My question to you? Is He talking to Muhamad,or His talking to His Son jesus? In what passages did you read that Muhamad was send by God the Father in the scripture that He is the Christ.How many people are you going to put to hell,If you are in denial,who denounce Christ was send by the Father who came down in the likeness of His quote so many passages out of context,and for your information God is not a racist,Gen wants to save all of His creation,stop separating all God creation.base on your black lives matter.Do you thing your Alla is more favor of your skin color.we must love one another,or carry one another burden and fullfil the law of don't sit there in your congregation as you are
Go back too how The Nation of Islam was founded look back at who they reference too who was Their saviour in Their Eye's.
Ya gotta know where the person is coming from to speak their language and we send them The Ministry of Christ Jesus unto Him!
An by the way much of The abuses and corruption especially blatant Racist practices and cruelty on a people often turn too many to count those people away from our Saviour Jesus within The Bible too go Forth and form their own Gospel.
Which is what occurred with The Founding of The Nation of Islam oh by the way The NOI Identify Their Spiritual Leader Elijah Muhammed as a Messenger not a Prophet, that title goes back to why The Nation of Islam came too exist!
The first time . I'm
I'm in
The first to write you an m
He can't compare to Jesus who is the Christ. The Jesus of 2000 years ago is alive! Not dead like he says.
Big Moe
Don't preach scripture preach Koran yeah preach Jesus he is your saviour not Muhammad but the true king Jesus Christ..
read Surah 3:77 3:78 3:79 mr. Elijah in the Quran
If they knew what was on Mars they will stay off of it before they open up the portal.
Let me guess the imprisoned Fallen Son's of God those 200 Watcher's?
Or worst still those manticores servant's of God too be commanded by a worst fallen Angel than Lucifer even I didn't think it could get any worst.
John 1:13....hmmm?
Aren’t you talking to the white peoples mix with black peoples ? How do you separate those jive teachings
Someone just spoke to me and said Farrakhan speaks truth but you cant trust a man that doest believe in the Holy Spirit or the Messiah, Do you Minister Farrakhan do you believe in the Messiah & The Holy Spirit? tryin to prove them wrong. Shalom
Eliora Yah Y'Israel Walker It’s here on UA-cam. Jesus, Our Saviour-Farrakhan, look it up.
My advice to you is to ask those that are speaking illy of him to show you one quote from his speeches where he has lied.
Listen We know as Believers God works in mysterious ways; I've given up understanding why He allows The Nation of Islam too still exist it nearly died out after their teacher Elijah Muhammed died.
This Man brought it back and I'm not about to question why in the World Almighty God did he do this.
But, you might want too look up the social troubles that America was experiencing in The Black and Brown Communities in the 80s/90s/& even today The 2000s!
Why were they so attractive too some Black People/and Brown People while other's were repulsed by The NOI?
We'll never understand totally all the thing's that God does that is entirely His business we just need to Trust God is very much in control here!
if you can do the word beter and hapy whithout war and hatnes , be bleast for ever and ever
Our people fall for anything, look at this man with his false teaching OMG
#operationinherentresolve !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#holyghostpower !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marion Taylor #gloryyahweh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marion Taylor #popefrancis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marion Taylor #homegoingpastoralcobbssr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did y'all Richard McDonald Vietnam fight
too many white children move away
Roger Turner doctermannlnh
I. A. M.
Wonderful example of the almighty Allah. Subanallah.
the devil is a liar
Peep at rocks lol
I like listening to Mr Minister Farrakhan. But im distracted by the wall Art looks demonicly ugly.
And what's exactly inside your church?
How many of those black men in that march owe child support? On welfare? See farrakan didnt adressed that did he? Or absentee dads? He thinks all black men are good...he only tells half truths
Come on you me both can't be casting our stones at them without considering our own Sin's would be viewed by God on Judgement Day!
this is sad and disturbing
ewwwwww this man is nuts.
trouble maker and racist . and very dangerous
jasmine henderson the truth is always dangerous because it can kill a lie
@@lindalaster7751 right
Christianity has been used throughout history with Racist agendas carried out against People of color as well it's ideas and reasoning while Brother Minister is simply returning the favor.
But He didn't lynch no body, He didn't burn people out if their homes when they decided too Live nicely have clear houses and property/He didn't start Sundown towns like where Bloody Slave's that have too habd over Our slave owner's pass to be off the slave plantation/Redlining/He didn't bring Drugs into The community you can thank J.Edgar Hoover/& Ronald Reagan for that gift too humanity (i'm being sarcastic) He didn't turn His back on Black America and getting social programs started too try and lift people out of poverty as reported in The 1967 Commission of The Riot Report President Johnson had set up guess what Not a single White American wanted to spend a penny or dime building up on Black America.
See with anger/desperation/frustration/come's hatred, rage,resentment, and before you know it bullets fly knives come out.
An we've got a Civil War on our hand's that'll turn into a Race war on a mass scale.
Voices like His stayed that course of action by Super Angry people enraged at the very system itself!
How can this man call himself a Minister but not Imam. He's very deceitful cuz you can''t actually deduce from him if he's a muslim or Christian. He's uses the Bible wrongly in his messages even though he claims to be a muslim. FALSE TEACHER - Beware
He is a man of god
Donald Plourde YOU HAVE WRITTEN IT... A man of god NOT God. Thanks
Angel Lee You are lost in religion sir. You do not know God and your presence here is to confuse.
I agree