At the Hoddesdon Model and Railway Club, we have an old garden shed as a signal box on our G-Scale layout. It also controls the signals on the 0 Gauge layout.
So neat. Have you thought about scratch building a wood bridge? Or maybe make it so that you could do so at a later time, they appear a bit tricky to make. If you come up with recommended max incline grade that would be great to know. A trickling stream under the bridge would be really neat too.
Being a builder if I had picked up only four bricks off site so quick. By the way made concrete in wheel barrow, that is hard . But show track plan on Monday club. See you then.
Nice to see the restoration of your garden railway underway. Go on Jenny, treat yourself to a new bridge, you know you want to!
At the Hoddesdon Model and Railway Club, we have an old garden shed as a signal box on our G-Scale layout. It also controls the signals on the 0 Gauge layout.
Brilliant video Jenny and Zoe
My dream garden railway is just that a dream but if I ever get around to building it; it will be a 1:24n30 gauge.
Would love a garden railway, in one of the larger narrow gauge scales, but we need to move house first! Looking forward to part 3..
nice to see the progress/.
Good luck with the new 0 Gauge Garden Railway, Jen!!
nice one jenny,best wishes.....jpj
Any overview or plan of yard or are we; build as we go?
Will the "Fort Nox" shed, be again the staging area?
So neat. Have you thought about scratch building a wood bridge? Or maybe make it so that you could do so at a later time, they appear a bit tricky to make. If you come up with recommended max incline grade that would be great to know. A trickling stream under the bridge would be really neat too.
Being a builder if I had picked up only four bricks off site so quick. By the way made concrete in wheel barrow, that is hard . But show track plan on Monday club. See you then.
Id love to do a garden railway but i dont have a garden! And if i did, i think my landlord might say domething about it!
Nice if you got a garden but if you live in a flat not much use
Move out
Someone hasn’t heard of the benefits of hanging a railway out of a window on a board!
I live in ground floor flat what you just said good idea
Love the tatty teddy in the back
Aha! First!!
Yes you are!