Your videos are priceless! Now I understand so many dynamics in my family that were once shocking but now I can see through them so clearly. ❤ You are precious. Blessings to you. I'm the family's scapegoat. Thank you so much from my heart.
I grew up with a narcissistic dad. He was the hardest on me- I was the baby out of 3 older siblings- the scapegoat b/c I had my mom's sweet empathic caring helping nurturing personality! He played favorites with my older 2 sisters who were very evil horrible people! I returned back to christian church when I turned 16 yrs old & lived it/ still do to the max! My dad would always bully & harass me saying " Don't go trying to.....* aka- tell others about Jesus/ salvation/ heaven/ hell!"). But when he turned 73 yrs old ( I was 29) he was diagnosed w/ a soon to be terminal cancer from smoking all his life. He had a radical surgery with radiation ( no chemo as this cancer people only have a 2 yr life expectancy w/ the surgery!). I had been a RN who had practiced & worked w/ his surgeon. It was a 15 hr surgery without any knowing, at his age, if he'd make it through! He turned into my little child as I followed thru the whole 2 year process from diagnose, surgery to death 2 yrs later! When I first got the call * I had moved out of state bur kot terribly too far) he sounded on the phone like my little child- so scared & terrified if death. He knew how bad he'd been all his life & destroying his family. Out of nowhere in a split second the holy spirit quoted Roman's 3 " For ALLhave sinned and fall short of the glory of God". There's NO WAY I could have thought that fast & spoken those words! God took control of my mouth & was saying to him" It's not too late to repent & turn your life & eternal destiny around!". He made it thru the surgery ( I was there!) and every time I spoke w/ him over the phone * to check on him & my mom between visits) or visited him at home u could see hear & tell he was a convicted, changed man! I was able to explain medical things to him & more through those 2 yrs and call all the shots w/ his doctor in his final few days/ hours so he could peaceable die at home in comfort. I had all his brothers & sisters there to talk to him, played his favorite christian hymns, and in his last final hours, I was the only one sitting at his bedside holding his hand, encouraging him our mom would be taken care of and all the beautiful things & peace he was getting ready to expierence in heaven! As he drew his slow final last 2 breaths I saw his spirit/ soul come gently out if his chest & rise up into heaven to be with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! We all told him to be patient once he gets there & wait for more of us to follow him home to meet us there! Sometimes a terminal illness or accident us the best thing God can use to cure a narcissist forever & eternally! My dad is living proof! I love you dad & miss u so much! Soon I will ve there wuth yoy to catch up on so many things we missed together down here! I'm proud if you!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Joan-rd6mw I know what I witnessed Joan! Yes narcs, liers, thieves, evildiersCAN repent!! Perfect example is the thief on cross next to Jesus saying " Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom!". Jesus replied " I tell you, yiu tiday yiu will be with me in paradise"! Jesus says " to forgive those who have you seventy times seven- to Peter when he asked Jesus how many times to forgive 🙏 Forgiveness doesn't always mean reconciliation- trusting them all over again. Trust must be earned as jesys said! The thief didn't even use the word " forgive" he said " remember me". That showed Jesus, who reads our hearts as well as our thoughts, true humility towards our sins. If we are truelly sorry for them. Jesus KNOWS what we're asking before we even ask! Anyone can repent at any time, even rught before they take their ladt breath. The key is if they really mean it in their ❤️ There's examples of this in the bible! Think about king David. He committed murder but he repented & still was a man after God's own heart ^ was blessed! Maybe u need to get in God's word & read more about this. Also b/c of your response is there simeine who's really hurt you & u haven't totally forgiven them & want them to go to hell? None of us, if we're a true believer, want our worst enemy to go there! Jesus loves them just like he loves you. It breaks his heart when one if his kids goes to hell- eternal separation from God! I know it would me!! Ask the Lord to soften yiyr heart towards your enemy! Jesys said " what good dies it do to love only those who live you back??". Thecgreatest inflyence a chrustian can make it choosing to forgive someone who's hurt them! People hurt us every day! If u DONT forgive you go to hell! Your just as bad as them! Jesus forgives u if u ask him so u must reciprocate. Many pastors have preached in this throughout time. Bitterness poisons the soul. That's what I hear in your comment. I will say a prayer fir you! If yiur truelky a christian ( anybody!) yiu DONT attack peoole, you ask! Jesus did not treat people even the pharisees, who had evil hearts & attacked him, this way! Also God works in mysterious ways in all our lives! Just b/c you haven't witnessed him working in the same way as mine doesn't dismiss someone's account if what they've witnessed! You cannot put God in a box! When I choose to forgive someine I picture myself laying them in Jesus' arms, turning them over to him for HIM to deal with! And I oray for that person, as Jesys commands! " If yiur enemy is hungry feed him, if he needs clothes cloth him. You will heap burning coals upon their head". Anotherwards they will see your forgiveness & God's love despite how they treated you & this may cause them to repent & change their ways! This is exactly whatvhapoened wuth my dad! I love him, I'm proud if him and whi he is tiday in heaven fully restored ^ righteous & canyon want to meet him in heaven! Have a blessed day & be God's strong example of him always! That's how a person truelky gets blessed.
@Joan-rd6mw 2 Peter 3:9 John 3:16. Romans 5 Now, they have to truly repent and do deeds that accompany repentance. Jesus shed His precious blood to redeem them as well as us. I agree that many of them weaponize this saying that because they have repented, now you have to pretend like they never did an unkind thing or else you are not forgiving them. This is no true repentance. I believe that God is greater than the devil, and He can change the most vile and unkind into an angel of love and mercy.
What a beautiful story of resilience and victory for all. Our God is a loving and all forgiving God. Only He can judge us. God saw something in your Dad that allowed him to repent and return to Him. What a true blessing. A sickness is a test from God. Always think the best of God, He is One and All powerful. ❤ peace to all 🙏
Great video❤️💫Success depends on the amount of hard work and risk you take. Regardless of so many financial challenges, I thank God for a life transforming occurrence after past struggles.
Giving her my initial savings of $43,000 to invest in a brokerage account was a turning point in my life. It's been an incredibly rewarding experience and the best decision I ever made!
Hello Danish, i am french and i dont speak english very well, but i want just tell to you : you are my friend and a great man. You help me very much every time i see and ear you. Thank you my friend. Sorry for my bad english 😊.
My family member with narcissism knows he will turn into an animal because of his belief; yet, he doesn’t care because he won’t give up his dark world. Thanks Danish for validating this because he doesn’t want to face his eternity.
Deep inside, they know they've been awful throughout life. But, never tried to change. Now, at death, comes accountability. It won't be good. They now realize they have been at fault and will pay dearly for it. Going over their evilness with God will wake them up for sure! 😮
The obsession of death is perhaps practice for the final reckoning of all their failures, rather than wrong doings. Failure is another freakish obsession the narcissist has. He may ask, "have I failed in this life? Will I count among the blessed?" truly not knowing if their worst actions against others was right or wrong.
This so different from my non-narcissist (dying) friend Fred who welcomes dying & yearns for Heaven = he was fully Forgiven by His Lord Jesus & know his name will be " written in the Book of Life" at Judgement Day. 😊
No. That would be the same as if you pray for demons. Read what is really written and leave the narcissists behind without looking back. Cutting ties is necessary. If you pray for them you build up ties to them and you take part in foreign sins. So, don't pray for narcissists. They have already made a decision for the dark side. Everybody will reap what he sowed.
I pray for my mother and her deliverance from evil. However, I will not be anywhere around her if she does repent. My children's safety and health are more important. The last thing I ever texted her was "Read your Bible." The rest is up to her and God.
@@stelev-77I actually wonder if they really have made a "decision" for the dark side? I guess if they know what they are doing to hurt others, but don't care, then they are truly "evil". But then again, what if they are unable to be good to others, despite their best efforts towards self-improvement (assuming that they realise they have been bad)?
@dingalarm listen: everybody has to decide one day, whom he/she wants to follow, God or the devil. I went through many tortures and I decided to walk with God. It is a matter of character. If you want to apologize the devils, you can think, "they arent able, oh, they are victims oh they are poor, oh they went through for too much..". But yes, they are very concious what they are doing, and they made a concious choice! My mother is a narc and she told me personally the following: because God didn't help her, she adviced the devil. Reason: She got pregnant with me and wanted to abort me, but thank God, I survived. Now... she made a decision and me, too, I also made a decision. It is an actual decision, they made with their free will. I am a jewish believer in Yeshua. I know, that in special, the christians are naming the good evil and evil good, in trying to apologize the bad people and even pray for them. You can do and think what you want, but I for myself avoid narcissists where I can and I refuse to apologize the evil
The narcissist obsessed with death from my experience is a form of emotional manipulation to guilt trip the people who care about them. My mother-in-law constantly traumatized her children starting at a young age instilling fear of her death trauma bonding them to her & as she became elderly & as all of us will face she actually started the death process & her guilt tripping went into full blown mode to make sure that when she died they all would be left with the guilt of her death. My husband unfortunately does the same thing he repeatedly states the same things to me. I found it strange that he was obsessed about death at 25 years old when he was a totally healthy young man, it didn’t make any sense until I started seeing his mother making these guilt tripping comments regarding death, then I realized what is going on. Little did she know she was not going to sit on her throne forever. Death de-throned her. However she left behind a terrible chaotic mess because her children are bombastically vying for the throne & it’s quite the show.
The ex narc thinks he's going to heaven because his good works outweighs his bad. That's not how it works. He's not even remorseful about his bad works. He hasn't repented. He just has excuses.
The last time I spoke to my NPD father, he was talking about how all of his friends had passed away in a particular sequence and death had skipped over him for some special reason....but it would be his turn next! - he turns 80 this year, so maybe it will? After a quick google search on his friends death's, I realized he'd made up the sequence and everything else except the fact that they'd died. It was such an elaborate death story just to get some sympathy supply.
Apparently if you love yourself you won't fear death..these narcs don't truly love themselves imo..they may be self obsessed, but don't even like themselves I's all a facade
Thank you Danish becouse of you after 5 years I got confirmation of this crazy guy and left him . Am healing from my sickness I ended up getting two hip replacement surgery.
Well it happened. My Nar "friend" whom I cut off last year just had her boyfriend leave her and her legs are not working so she's wearing diapers and has no one to change them. Because her boyfriend paid half the rent she is not going to be able to stay where she is and she's gonna end up in a nursing home. She has been evil to so many that the tsunami she dreamed was coming in on her and it was a recurring dream is taking place now. I am in a difficult place right now and I asked her for a ride last Winter when my heat went out because I needed kersosene and she refused. She refused me one ride (actually another one as well) when I had been so kind to her and giving for so many years and easily took her every place where she needed to go. When her boyfriend got a car from his sister she forgot all of those that had been good to her and she is facing an insurmountable fate right now. I do pray for her.
They make you powerless because they can think of nothing worse than being powerless. They are doing to you what they fear most. And what renders one more powerless than death? I instinctively have known that all of my narcissist tormenters fear their own deaths.
You are always hilarious. I remember one time I talked about death and My narc partner, was so furious with me. He hushed me. He said " now why are you talking about death"! That I shouldn't mention it at all. 😮 And one time,his youngest daughter who's been mentally ill,was living with her older sister. And he told me that he has asked his older daughter " in his own words: to push her mentally ill sister"out of her house, because he felt she was holding out about her health issue.😂 I was petrified beyond belief.
I saw that in my narcissistic father as he was dying. He was angry. But this time, there was no one he could blame. He couldn't even blame himself. Narcissists are so angry in death. They're so used to making other people suffer for their own problems....... this last problem, no one can fix. Everyone dies. In contrast to my in-laws, such loving people. They are my role models for how to age gracefully, surrounded by love.
Your pictures behind the sofas makes me shiver though I am not the narc but a victim Instead. But every form of violence scares me,meat cutting at butcher's 'shop,people eating meat,movies with violence and all the heated argument, all triggers me to harm myself because I am being cut continuously from inside from a long time.
Exactly! They don’t have control over death and beyond so they panic just thinking about it! Also losing their throne! It literally terrifies them! But no sympathy for other people’s death and suffering. Horrible weak creatures. I thank Jesus everyday I escaped.
i hear what you are saying but what i don't understand Danish that if the Narc is afraid of death, how come they never believe that they are wrong about anything?
I had a dream that my narc grandmother died about fifteen years before she actually died. She got dementia. I visited her once after that and she acted like a demon. That just wasn't her. I never visited her again. Herbody passed away at 95.
Same. I saw the unmasking, as people kept leaving her. She grew increasingly angry because people were dying, even though they didn't die to hurt her. With a narcissist, people who are her supply who die.... it's like she thinks "You did it on purpose to deny me your supply." LOL! It's sickening and I used to think it was emotionally immature. Now I think it's just evil. It's the rage of a demon who cannot be fed.
Danish, my mother, an absolute narcissist goes to church and fools many people there. My niece who is also a narcissist, that I believe has sociopathic tendencies is also a “devout” Christian. Can you help explain this phenomenon?
Danish, being truthful as someone who has had an NDE and went to Heaven, I’m not afraid of Death. I had to think about my own death even when I was 13 years old when I had my Second Open-Heart Surgery. I accepted that I may die from Open-Heart Surgery. However when your someone like me a Chosen One of God, the Devil will attack your mind and make you think your afraid of death when really your not. The only ones who are afraid of death are as you said Narcissists. Narcissists are demon possessed, Chosen Ones of God are Demon Oppressed. Theres a difference between Demonic Oppression and Demonic Possession.
yes sir ...I know very well he is afraid of death ... He very often tells that he will go deep into Himalayan Forests and he will disappear He will not here in his final days ...he says
In the end, narcissists wind up surrounded by only narcissists. And narcissists eat their own. That's why it's imperative to leave them as soon as you understand what they are.
I love Tigers 🐅 too ❤️ ❤❤😍😍🥰 I agree 💯 Danish narcissists are terrified of death 💀 When my narcissist father was on his dying bed 🛌 he cried for the very first time 😭😢
My ex pretended death doesnt matter cuz its like nothing cuz hes so barve 😂 and u mustnt think about death and that makes u barve 😂 and so its like it doesnt effect him, but when his father was dying he couldnt be near him. Lol 😂 they wanna know what it is but its them. 😂
Theres a story about Christian saint Kyprianos from an island in Meditterenian sea who before becoming a Christian was a great mage who could do any thing to people, spread diseases and disasters to cities and towns and in his memoirs he told that he was once granted meeting with the devil himself and promised to be one of his lords in hell after his death so maybe some of them are afraid of death but some of them especially those who practice black magic are promised some kind of authority in the afterlife. Whether their promises will be delivered is another thing because God is not blind and alive. I believe some of them may turn into demons who hunt fragile people from the underworld though.
Nurture Your Children Properly When Coparenting With a Narcissist:
Most painful thing is to have a child with the Narcissist 😢
Your videos are priceless! Now I understand so many dynamics in my family that were once shocking but now I can see through them so clearly. ❤ You are precious. Blessings to you. I'm the family's scapegoat. Thank you so much from my heart.
@angelicasaracino2862 may you thrive 🙏💖
@@lilysleisure1918 ❤️
@@lilysleisure1918👍🏼especially when they leave you pregnant all on your own and NEVER pay a penny to help make their lives okay.
"No one dies when a narcissist dies. The soul left a long time ago." 😮 This explains so much and rings absolutely true. Thank you.
I grew up with a narcissistic dad. He was the hardest on me- I was the baby out of 3 older siblings- the scapegoat b/c I had my mom's sweet empathic caring helping nurturing personality! He played favorites with my older 2 sisters who were very evil horrible people! I returned back to christian church when I turned 16 yrs old & lived it/ still do to the max! My dad would always bully & harass me saying " Don't go trying to.....* aka- tell others about Jesus/ salvation/ heaven/ hell!"). But when he turned 73 yrs old ( I was 29) he was diagnosed w/ a soon to be terminal cancer from smoking all his life. He had a radical surgery with radiation ( no chemo as this cancer people only have a 2 yr life expectancy w/ the surgery!). I had been a RN who had practiced & worked w/ his surgeon. It was a 15 hr surgery without any knowing, at his age, if he'd make it through! He turned into my little child as I followed thru the whole 2 year process from diagnose, surgery to death 2 yrs later! When I first got the call * I had moved out of state bur kot terribly too far) he sounded on the phone like my little child- so scared & terrified if death. He knew how bad he'd been all his life & destroying his family. Out of nowhere in a split second the holy spirit quoted Roman's 3 " For ALLhave sinned and fall short of the glory of God". There's NO WAY I could have thought that fast & spoken those words! God took control of my mouth & was saying to him" It's not too late to repent & turn your life & eternal destiny around!". He made it thru the surgery ( I was there!) and every time I spoke w/ him over the phone * to check on him & my mom between visits) or visited him at home u could see hear & tell he was a convicted, changed man! I was able to explain medical things to him & more through those 2 yrs and call all the shots w/ his doctor in his final few days/ hours so he could peaceable die at home in comfort. I had all his brothers & sisters there to talk to him, played his favorite christian hymns, and in his last final hours, I was the only one sitting at his bedside holding his hand, encouraging him our mom would be taken care of and all the beautiful things & peace he was getting ready to expierence in heaven! As he drew his slow final last 2 breaths I saw his spirit/ soul come gently out if his chest & rise up into heaven to be with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! We all told him to be patient once he gets there & wait for more of us to follow him home to meet us there!
Sometimes a terminal illness or accident us the best thing God can use to cure a narcissist forever & eternally! My dad is living proof! I love you dad & miss u so much! Soon I will ve there wuth yoy to catch up on so many things we missed together down here! I'm proud if you!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for this.
Wrong narcissist can not repent God seared there conscious Romans 1-18 he hates true narcissist he probably wasn't one sorry
@Joan-rd6mw I know what I witnessed Joan! Yes narcs, liers, thieves, evildiersCAN repent!! Perfect example is the thief on cross next to Jesus saying " Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom!". Jesus replied " I tell you, yiu tiday yiu will be with me in paradise"! Jesus says " to forgive those who have you seventy times seven- to Peter when he asked Jesus how many times to forgive 🙏 Forgiveness doesn't always mean reconciliation- trusting them all over again. Trust must be earned as jesys said! The thief didn't even use the word " forgive" he said " remember me". That showed Jesus, who reads our hearts as well as our thoughts, true humility towards our sins. If we are truelly sorry for them. Jesus KNOWS what we're asking before we even ask! Anyone can repent at any time, even rught before they take their ladt breath. The key is if they really mean it in their ❤️ There's examples of this in the bible! Think about king David. He committed murder but he repented & still was a man after God's own heart ^ was blessed! Maybe u need to get in God's word & read more about this. Also b/c of your response is there simeine who's really hurt you & u haven't totally forgiven them & want them to go to hell? None of us, if we're a true believer, want our worst enemy to go there! Jesus loves them just like he loves you. It breaks his heart when one if his kids goes to hell- eternal separation from God! I know it would me!! Ask the Lord to soften yiyr heart towards your enemy! Jesys said " what good dies it do to love only those who live you back??". Thecgreatest inflyence a chrustian can make it choosing to forgive someone who's hurt them! People hurt us every day! If u DONT forgive you go to hell! Your just as bad as them! Jesus forgives u if u ask him so u must reciprocate. Many pastors have preached in this throughout time. Bitterness poisons the soul. That's what I hear in your comment. I will say a prayer fir you! If yiur truelky a christian ( anybody!) yiu DONT attack peoole, you ask! Jesus did not treat people even the pharisees, who had evil hearts & attacked him, this way! Also God works in mysterious ways in all our lives! Just b/c you haven't witnessed him working in the same way as mine doesn't dismiss someone's account if what they've witnessed! You cannot put God in a box! When I choose to forgive someine I picture myself laying them in Jesus' arms, turning them over to him for HIM to deal with! And I oray for that person, as Jesys commands! " If yiur enemy is hungry feed him, if he needs clothes cloth him. You will heap burning coals upon their head". Anotherwards they will see your forgiveness & God's love despite how they treated you & this may cause them to repent & change their ways! This is exactly whatvhapoened wuth my dad! I love him, I'm proud if him and whi he is tiday in heaven fully restored ^ righteous & canyon want to meet him in heaven! Have a blessed day & be God's strong example of him always! That's how a person truelky gets blessed.
@Joan-rd6mw 2 Peter 3:9 John 3:16. Romans 5 Now, they have to truly repent and do deeds that accompany repentance. Jesus shed His precious blood to redeem them as well as us. I agree that many of them weaponize this saying that because they have repented, now you have to pretend like they never did an unkind thing or else you are not forgiving them. This is no true repentance. I believe that God is greater than the devil, and He can change the most vile and unkind into an angel of love and mercy.
What a beautiful story of resilience and victory for all. Our God is a loving and all forgiving God. Only He can judge us. God saw something in your Dad that allowed him to repent and return to Him. What a true blessing. A sickness is a test from God. Always think the best of God, He is One and All powerful. ❤ peace to all 🙏
They are afraid because they know they are going too meet bigger demons than themselves 😂
💯 they are going to get that ass handed to them!
💯Can’t run from truth after death.
My narc daddy is now in a retirement home with zero control over anything, that's a form of karma/reaping & sowing too in my opinion.
Same here
Great video❤️💫Success depends on the amount of hard work and risk you take. Regardless of so many financial challenges, I thank God for a life transforming occurrence after past struggles.
Wow Congratulations on your financial success! What's your story?how do you make such??
Elizabeth Ann Hanson I really appreciate her efforts and transparency.
God has used her to save so many families financially. I remember when I met her at the bank, she was indeed a good woman.
Giving her my initial savings of $43,000 to invest in a brokerage account was a turning point in my life. It's been an incredibly rewarding experience and the best decision I ever made!
when someone is straightforward and good at what she does best. People will always speak for them.
Psalms 37 and 73 describe the fate of evil and wicked people. Sad 😮
Thank you for this reminder!
Hello Danish, i am french and i dont speak english very well, but i want just tell to you : you are my friend and a great man. You help me very much every time i see and ear you. Thank you my friend. Sorry for my bad english 😊.
My family member with narcissism knows he will turn into an animal because of his belief; yet, he doesn’t care because he won’t give up his dark world. Thanks Danish for validating this because he doesn’t want to face his eternity.
😂😂 sorry this is so funny. Thank you for easing my pain
Trust me. He does not exactly believe this
IM@talkwithstella5631 : 😂 I never laughed so hard for a long time. The above comment is so funny. 😂
Deep inside, they know they've been awful throughout life. But, never tried to change.
Now, at death, comes accountability. It won't be good. They now realize they have been at fault and will pay dearly for it. Going over their evilness with God will wake them up for sure! 😮
The obsession of death is perhaps practice for the final reckoning of all their failures, rather than wrong doings. Failure is another freakish obsession the narcissist has. He may ask, "have I failed in this life? Will I count among the blessed?" truly not knowing if their worst actions against others was right or wrong.
It is not. There is a battle inside NPD, but they (the trueself) is keep losing.
@MPR2007 so much so, they can never win.
This so different from my non-narcissist (dying) friend Fred who welcomes dying & yearns for Heaven = he was fully Forgiven by His Lord Jesus & know his name will be " written in the Book of Life" at Judgement Day. 😊
We must pray for them 🙏.
No. That would be the same as if you pray for demons.
Read what is really written and leave the narcissists behind without looking back.
Cutting ties is necessary. If you pray for them you build up ties to them and you take part in foreign sins. So, don't pray for narcissists. They have already made a decision for the dark side. Everybody will reap what he sowed.
Pray for them .ha ha ha !! @@stelev-77
I pray for my mother and her deliverance from evil. However, I will not be anywhere around her if she does repent. My children's safety and health are more important. The last thing I ever texted her was "Read your Bible." The rest is up to her and God.
@@stelev-77I actually wonder if they really have made a "decision" for the dark side? I guess if they know what they are doing to hurt others, but don't care, then they are truly "evil". But then again, what if they are unable to be good to others, despite their best efforts towards self-improvement (assuming that they realise they have been bad)?
@dingalarm listen: everybody has to decide one day, whom he/she wants to follow, God or the devil. I went through many tortures and I decided to walk with God. It is a matter of character. If you want to apologize the devils, you can think, "they arent able, oh, they are victims oh they are poor, oh they went through for too much..". But yes, they are very concious what they are doing, and they made a concious choice! My mother is a narc and she told me personally the following: because God didn't help her, she adviced the devil. Reason: She got pregnant with me and wanted to abort me, but thank God, I survived. Now... she made a decision and me, too, I also made a decision. It is an actual decision, they made with their free will. I am a jewish believer in Yeshua. I know, that in special, the christians are naming the good evil and evil good, in trying to apologize the bad people and even pray for them. You can do and think what you want, but I for myself avoid narcissists where I can and I refuse to apologize the evil
The narcissist obsessed with death from my experience is a form of emotional manipulation to guilt trip the people who care about them. My mother-in-law constantly traumatized her children starting at a young age instilling fear of her death trauma bonding them to her & as she became elderly & as all of us will face she actually started the death process & her guilt tripping went into full blown mode to make sure that when she died they all would be left with the guilt of her death.
My husband unfortunately does the same thing he repeatedly states the same things to me. I found it strange that he was obsessed about death at 25 years old when he was a totally healthy young man, it didn’t make any sense until I started seeing his mother making these guilt tripping comments regarding death, then I realized what is going on.
Little did she know she was not going to sit on her throne forever. Death de-throned her. However she left behind a terrible chaotic mess because her children are bombastically vying for the throne & it’s quite the show.
The ex narc thinks he's going to heaven because his good works outweighs his bad. That's not how it works. He's not even remorseful about his bad works. He hasn't repented. He just has excuses.
15 years and he didn’t even know her date of birth. Stepfather. Absolutely steps in 💩.
Successfully i completed my one month journey with my Narccicistic's bcos of u MY MENTOR 😊💪 becoming stronger
Beautiful and deep!
The last time I spoke to my NPD father, he was talking about how all of his friends had passed away in a particular sequence and death had skipped over him for some special reason....but it would be his turn next! - he turns 80 this year, so maybe it will? After a quick google search on his friends death's, I realized he'd made up the sequence and everything else except the fact that they'd died. It was such an elaborate death story just to get some sympathy supply.
One evil narc said to me that evil ppl live longer bcs that's the way God gives them chance to change.
Apparently if you love yourself you won't fear death..these narcs don't truly love themselves imo..they may be self obsessed, but don't even like themselves I's all a facade
Thank you Danish becouse of you after 5 years I got confirmation of this crazy guy and left him . Am healing from my sickness I ended up getting two hip replacement surgery.
Figured death would scare the one I know the most, they would finally have to with the confirmation they dont control the universe
Well it happened. My Nar "friend" whom I cut off last year just had her boyfriend leave her and her legs are not working so she's wearing diapers and has no one to change them. Because her boyfriend paid half the rent she is not going to be able to stay where she is and she's gonna end up in a nursing home. She has been evil to so many that the tsunami she dreamed was coming in on her and it was a recurring dream is taking place now. I am in a difficult place right now and I asked her for a ride last Winter when my heat went out because I needed kersosene and she refused. She refused me one ride (actually another one as well) when I had been so kind to her and giving for so many years and easily took her every place where she needed to go. When her boyfriend got a car from his sister she forgot all of those that had been good to her and she is facing an insurmountable fate right now. I do pray for her.
This is exactly what is going on in the narcs life now.
Hello 👋🤗 Danish!! I absolutely love your videos! Thank you for your support 🙏 YOU ARE WONDERFUL 😊💯
Greetings from ILLINOIS USA
I've heard that the narcissist has an empty core - there's nobody there. I wonder if that's because his soul as you said "died a long time ago".
Died a long time ago. 💯
Yes, died as a child
They make you powerless because they can think of nothing worse than being powerless. They are doing to you what they fear most. And what renders one more powerless than death? I instinctively have known that all of my narcissist tormenters fear their own deaths.
i thought that, the same, about judgement, before even listening to the video, they know they have done tonnes of loads of bad things
My narcissistic father died of lung and brain cancer leaving me just nothing
You are always hilarious. I remember one time I talked about death and My narc partner, was so furious with me. He hushed me. He said " now why are you talking about death"! That I shouldn't mention it at all. 😮 And one time,his youngest daughter who's been mentally ill,was living with her older sister. And he told me that he has asked his older daughter " in his own words: to push her mentally ill sister"out of her house, because he felt she was holding out about her health issue.😂 I was petrified beyond belief.
Soooo good
I saw that in my narcissistic father as he was dying. He was angry. But this time, there was no one he could blame. He couldn't even blame himself. Narcissists are so angry in death. They're so used to making other people suffer for their own problems....... this last problem, no one can fix. Everyone dies. In contrast to my in-laws, such loving people. They are my role models for how to age gracefully, surrounded by love.
I agree with everything you presented, except the soul is the life principle of the body. As long as the soul is present, the body lives.
Don't you think they lie so much that they start to believe the reality that they have created and they totally believe it's justified!
My narcissistic boyfriend said that God's greatest punishment for us is death while he dumped me and ran smear campaign against me
You are always on point!
Your pictures behind the sofas makes me shiver though I am not the narc but a victim Instead.
But every form of violence scares me,meat cutting at butcher's 'shop,people eating meat,movies with violence and all the heated argument, all triggers me to harm myself because I am being cut continuously from inside from a long time.
Thank you so much🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤
Exactly! They don’t have control over death and beyond so they panic just thinking about it! Also losing their throne! It literally terrifies them! But no sympathy for other people’s death and suffering. Horrible weak creatures. I thank Jesus everyday I escaped.
That is the most disgusting statement I've ever read. Go read your Bible again and think about that sentence.
Yes they do fear death. He would bring this up ALL the time.
Sir, you earned my subscription 😊!!!!!
Mine took his own life in Oct, interested to know if that’s common for a Narc ?
i hear what you are saying but what i don't understand Danish that if the Narc is afraid of death, how come they never believe that they are wrong about anything?
They don't take accountability for their wrong doings.
True narcs believe their place besides god is guaranteed
Nice Painting in the background, coming from this Leo & Artist :) I love the work you do.
I had a dream that my narc grandmother died about fifteen years before she actually died. She got dementia. I visited her once after that and she acted like a demon. That just wasn't her. I never visited her again. Herbody passed away at 95.
Mostly narc get dementia in their old ages...
Same. I saw the unmasking, as people kept leaving her. She grew increasingly angry because people were dying, even though they didn't die to hurt her. With a narcissist, people who are her supply who die.... it's like she thinks "You did it on purpose to deny me your supply." LOL! It's sickening and I used to think it was emotionally immature. Now I think it's just evil. It's the rage of a demon who cannot be fed.
Danish, my mother, an absolute narcissist goes to church and fools many people there. My niece who is also a narcissist, that I believe has sociopathic tendencies is also a “devout” Christian. Can you help explain this phenomenon?
I am so sorry!
There are unfortunately many in churches. I think why we are warned about Jezebel, avoid and pray.
God bless and guide you.
So true
I do believe that 💯 %
Wow! This is a Deep Profound Insight you shared with me......thank you for this!
You are right. Narc wouldn't handle the life review and hell. Jesus will have the final word.
God bless you Danish.
He also said that he had become stone inside
Because they know they will split hell wide open.
Danish, being truthful as someone who has had an NDE and went to Heaven, I’m not afraid of Death. I had to think about my own death even when I was 13 years old when I had my Second Open-Heart Surgery. I accepted that I may die from Open-Heart Surgery. However when your someone like me a Chosen One of God, the Devil will attack your mind and make you think your afraid of death when really your not. The only ones who are afraid of death are as you said Narcissists. Narcissists are demon possessed, Chosen Ones of God are Demon Oppressed. Theres a difference between Demonic Oppression and Demonic Possession.
He's not dead yet, but he certainly is a snake right now.
Love to hear more about how to defend them then how they do
yes sir ...I know very well
he is afraid of death ...
He very often tells that
he will go deep into Himalayan
Forests and he will disappear
He will not here in his final
days ...he says
thumbnail renovation 😂❤
I saw it. 👀
Saw it when he was getting ready for an operation. 👀
Thank u Danish. Nice pic ❤
Personally I find it hard to believe they would think ahead to care about any type of Judgement from God they are just very cruel beings
Near her death, next generation of narcissists took control of her life and her money. After her death, they fought for money😂😂
In the end, narcissists wind up surrounded by only narcissists. And narcissists eat their own. That's why it's imperative to leave them as soon as you understand what they are.
It’s ironic bc they’re already Dead
I love Tigers 🐅 too ❤️ ❤❤😍😍🥰
I agree 💯 Danish narcissists are terrified of death 💀
When my narcissist father was on his dying bed 🛌 he cried for the very first time 😭😢
Always sick of sort or another. Attempted to gain sympathy. Narcissist.
My ex pretended death doesnt matter cuz its like nothing cuz hes so barve 😂 and u mustnt think about death and that makes u barve 😂 and so its like it doesnt effect him, but when his father was dying he couldnt be near him.
Lol 😂 they wanna know what it is but its them. 😂
Theres a story about Christian saint Kyprianos from an island in Meditterenian sea who before becoming a Christian was a great mage who could do any thing to people, spread diseases and disasters to cities and towns and in his memoirs he told that he was once granted meeting with the devil himself and promised to be one of his lords in hell after his death so maybe some of them are afraid of death but some of them especially those who practice black magic are promised some kind of authority in the afterlife. Whether their promises will be delivered is another thing because God is not blind and alive. I believe some of them may turn into demons who hunt fragile people from the underworld though.
They don't like to die because of their legacy obsession
Honest response? Meh, who cares?