@@Trilloggyy the issue is that Tesla (the company) seems to be actively against people repairing their own cars and are taking steps to make it hard for you to repair it
Me: takes special care to remove the sim card tray yet somehow bends it and can't put it back in Jerry: *Removes the entire phone and puts it back good as new*
@@devarshidalal3152 just like samsung said they put gorilla glass 7 in note 20 ultra but still scratches at level 6 with deeper groove in level 7 soo glass is glass..
4 роки тому+35
Zack: you must be thinking: "hey Jerry..." Me: thumbs up
Zack would love to see a teardown of the T Mobile version of the one plus 8T to see if there's actually any difference for the IP68 rating or if it's just the certification.
@Cashanova Persona That's all you have for 47 years? You forgot to mention seeking out to Ukraine and China. On January 23, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which blocks funding for international organizations that perform or promote abortion. This new program is known as Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA), which now covers $8.8 billion in family planning and global health funds that go to organizations abroad (none of whom may perform or promote abortion). On February 22, the Department of Education, in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ) rescinded President Obama's guidance that required public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and showers of their choice. On April 7, President Trump's nominee Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the Supreme Court. Justice Gorsuch has already developed a reputation as an originalist who will rule the right way on religious liberty issues. Gorsuch is representative of President Trump's judicial nominees overall. On May 4, President Trump signed an Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty (known as the "Religious Liberty Executive Order"), broadly setting forth religious liberty as a policy priority of the administration, and requiring all federal agencies to take action to protect it. The order also more specifically addressed conscience protections, forthcoming guidance from the DOJ, and religious liberty in the context of free speech. On August 25, President Trump announced changes to the Obama administration's Department of Defense (DOD) policy which had allowed military personnel to serve even if they openly self-identified as transgender. (A DOD study found the Obama administration's policy to be detrimental to military readiness, lethality, and unit cohesion.) On September 7, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court defending the religious freedom rights of baker Jack Phillips in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. This filing is representative of other actions defending religious freedom taking place throughout the Trump administration DOJ. On October 6, DOJ issued guidance and an implementing memo (as instructed by the Religious Liberty Executive Order) to all federal agencies explaining religious freedom law and how religious liberty must be protected. This guidance laid out a broad defense of religious liberty based on multiple statutes and provided each federal agency with guidelines for protecting religious liberty. Also on October 6, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed two regulations to deal with the Obamacare "HHS contraceptive mandate" that had for years violated conscience and religious liberty. These new regulations exempt organizations that have moral or religious objections to purchasing insurance that includes coverage of contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs and devices.
@Cashanova Persona 2018 On January 16, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on behalf of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. The Archdiocese had wanted to promote a religious message during the Christmas holiday but, had been denied advertising space within the District's public transit system. On January 18, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue defending the First Amendment rights of parents and students who attend a religious school, to participate in a private school scholarship program. On January 18, HHS announced a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within its Office of Civil Rights (OCR). This new division was established to enforce federal laws that protect conscience rights and religious freedom. On January 19, HHS issued a new proposed regulation on conscience protections related to abortion. Specifically, the regulation proposed to implement 25 laws that protect pro-life healthcare entities against discrimination by federal agencies -- or state or local governments receiving federal funds -- due to their objections to participating in abortion, sterilization, and other morally objectionable procedures. On January 24, Sam Brownback was confirmed as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. In choosing Brownback for this role, President Trump demonstrated the administration's commitment to religious freedom by choosing someone with gravitas and experience on the issue. On March 23, 2018, the White House and DOD issued a new policy allowing existing personnel to remain in the military while preventing those who have been diagnosed with "gender dysphoria" or had undergone gender transition surgery from joining the military. Those who are transgender and stable for 36 months could join so long as they serve in accordance with their biological sex. On April 26, Mike Pompeo was confirmed as Secretary of State. In choosing Pompeo for this position, President Trump chose someone who cares deeply about religious liberty and will make it a priority to see the issue advanced through this administration. On April 30, during a press conference with Nigeria's president, President Trump raised the issue of religious freedom and the killing of Christians in that country -- bringing attention to an issue that had largely been neglected by other government officials. On May 22, HHS issued a new proposed regulation reversing the Title X family planning regulations implemented by President Clinton. The proposed regulation would restore the separation of abortion services from the federal Title X family planning program, which President Reagan first implemented. The proposed regulation would also ensure parents are more involved in the decisions of minors to obtain services from Title X clinics. It reverses the discriminatory abortion referral requirement the Clinton regulations implemented and is poised to put a dent into Planned Parenthood's roughly $60 million annual revenues from the Title X program. On June 13, DOJ announced the Place to Worship Initiative, designed to increase enforcement and public awareness of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUPIA). This federal law protects places of worship and other religious uses of property. Through this initiative, federal prosecutors will receive training about legal protections for houses of worship. On July 24-26, the State Department held the first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Political and civil society leaders from around the world gathered in Washington, D.C. for a three-day summit to discuss religious freedom issues and solutions. The Potomac Declaration, issued at the Ministerial, made a strong statement about the state of religious freedom around the globe and provided a plan of action for promoting global religious freedom. The U.S. also announced the International Religious Freedom Fund (to provide emergency assistance to victims of religiously motivated discrimination and abuse around the world) and the Genocide Recovery and Persecution Response Initiative (which has provided nearly $373 million to help persecuted ethnic and religious minorities in northern Iraq restore their communities). The U.S. was among 25 countries who signed a statement condemning terrorism and the abuse of religious believers by non-state actors. On July 30, DOJ announced a Religious Liberty Task Force to fully implement religious liberty guidance and policy across all components of the DOJ. On August 1, the Trump administration relied on Executive Order 13818 (which builds on Global Magnitsky Act authority) to sanction two Turkish officials over the detention of American pastor Andrew Brunson due to his Christian faith. This Executive Order ultimately resulted in Pastor Brunson's release. On September 24, HHS terminated a $15,900 contract with Advanced Bioscience Resources to procure fetal tissue from aborted babies for research. The termination of this contract led HHS to announce an audit of all acquisitions and research involving human fetal tissue to ensure consistency with statutes and regulations. On October 6, President Trump's nominee Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is the second constitutional originalist the president saw confirmed to the Court. On November 7, HHS finalized its two regulations to protect conscience and religious liberty from long-running problems with the Obamacare "HHS contraceptive mandate." These two final regulations exempt organizations with either a moral or religious objection to purchasing insurance with coverage of contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs and devices. The regulations took effect on January 14, 2019. On November 9, HHS proposed a new regulation to address an abortion surcharge hidden in many plans purchased on the Obamacare exchange. This proposed regulation would enforce the requirement that abortion surcharges are to be collected separately from other insurance premiums. This requirement was not closely followed under the Obama administration, leading HHS to now more strictly enforce the separation of abortion payments from other payments. On December 26, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court defending a publicly-displayed cross-shaped veteran's memorial that had been challenged as a violation of the Establishment Clause. This position is representative of the Trump administration's originalist approach to the Constitution concerning First Amendment rights and other issues. Such an approach results in legal analysis that interprets the law rather than injecting policy preferences into it.
@Cashanova Persona On January 18, HHS notified California that its law requiring pregnancy resource centers to post notices about how to obtain an abortion violated the pro-life Weldon and Coates-Snowe Amendments. This marks the first time that the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at HHS found a state in violation of these laws. This demonstrates the administration's commitment to enforcing conscience protections and its pro-life priorities. On January 19, at the request of 169 members of Congress and 49 senators, President Trump sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in which he promised to veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life Federal policies and laws. This letter was a message to the new Democrat ma jority in the House that longstanding pro-life protections like the Hyde Amendment and safeguards protecting the conscience rights of health care providers are not negotiable. On February 22, HHS announced final rule changes governing the Title X family planning program. Consistent with federal law, these rule changes ensured that Title X clinics would be financially and physically separate from abortion facilities and would not refer patients for abortions. Since the implementation of the rule, Planned Parenthood and several pro-abortion states voluntarily decided to withdraw from the program rather than quit performing abortions or referring patients for abortions. On March 8, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback criticized China's poor religious freedom record in a speech he delivered in Hong Kong. On April 12, the Trump administration's policy on military service by those with gender dysphoria went into effect. This policy will help halt the deterioration of military readiness, lethality, and unit cohesion caused by social experimentation in the military. On May 2, HHS announced a final rule to expand the structure in which federal conscience laws are enforced. In 2011, President Obama issued a rule that enforced only three federal conscience provisions. The new regulation under President Trump covers 25 existing statutes, which will be enforced by the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, part of the HHS OCR. On May 5, at the World Health Assembly, the Trump administration issued a joint statement on behalf of the United States and eight other nations calling on other countries to join an effort to focus on women's health issues that unify rather than create dissension among members (like abortion and sexual and reproductive health). This statement was the first action taken under the administration's new Protecting Life in Global Health Policy (PLGHP), which seeks to build a global coalition to promote women's health while also protecting unborn life and strengthening the family. This policy works in conjunction with the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) program, which restricts funding for organizations abroad that perform or promote abortion. On May 24, HHS proposed a new regulation that clarifies that discrimination on the basis of sex in section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act was to be interpreted under the plain meaning of the word. Therefore, it does not include "gender identity" or "termination of pregnancy" as set forth by a 2016 Obama administration regulation. The HHS regulation will continue to enforce existing civil rights protections; however, it makes clear that the federal government will not force physicians to participate in gender reassignment surgeries or abortions. On June 5, after an extensive audit into fetal tissue research, the Trump administration announced a major change in the enforcement of research contracts. HHS would no longer conduct intramural (internal) research using tissue from aborted babies and would greatly increase the ethics rules and safeguards that govern extramural (external) fetal tissue research contracts. All new external contracts will be subject to a congressionally authorized ethics advisory board, making it much more difficult for fetal tissue research contracts to be awarded by the National Institute of Health.
@Cashanova Persona Trump in 4 years has done more than what Biden can ever dream of. On July 16-18, the State Department held the second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a new global initiative, the International Religious Freedom Alliance, meant to provide a way for like-minded countries to work together to advance religious freedom. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai gave a compelling speech condemning the use of technology to track and control the lives of religious minorities. The United States was among 14 signatory countries on a statement of concern about technology and religious freedom. The U.S. was also one of 34 countries that signed a statement of concern on counterterrorism as a pretext for the repression of religious freedom; one of 27 countries that signed a statement condemning blasphemy, apostasy, or other laws that restrict religious freedom; and was one of 46 countries that signed a statement that called upon government officials to condemn attacks on places of worship and to work with religious communities to protect these places. At this event, the State Department and USAID also announced new religious freedom training programs for foreign service officers. On July 16, the State Department placed targeted sanctions on Burmese military officials for their human rights and religious freedom violations committed against the Rohingya Muslim population. On July 18, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued a joint letter on International Partnerships that called states to join a coalition of countries that seek to advocate against pro-abortion policies at the World Health Organization and the United Nations (UN). In August 2019, DOJ filed amicus briefs with the Supreme Court in two important religious liberty cases, R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Bostock v. Clayton County/Altitude Express, Inc. v. Zarda. Through these filings, DOJ advanced a biologically binary definition of sex and those who operate accordingly, whether because of science or religious belief. On August 15, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new regulation that would clarify the scope and application of religious exemptions for federal contractors. Under the Obama administration, the scope of religious exemption at the DOL was severely narrowed. The current DOL relied on the history of our nation's preservation of religious liberty, the First Amendment, and Supreme Court decisions to re-invigorate the exemption to its historical and constitutional parameters. On August 28, the HHS OCR issued a notice of violation to the University of Vermont Medical Center for forcing a nurse to participate in an abortion despite a conscience objection. This marks the third time that the HHS Religious Freedom Division under President Trump has investigated a conscience complaint related to participating in or promoting abortion. On September 10, the State Department placed targeted sanctions on Russian officials for their religious freedom violations and torture of Jehovah's Witnesses. On September 23, President Trump hosted a meeting during the U.N. General Assembly and gave a speech solely on the topic of religious freedom. During the speech, he announced a U.S. policy initiative to protect places of worship, pledging an additional $25 million in funding to protect religious sites and relics. President Trump also announced the U.S. would form a coalition within the business community to protect religious freedom. This is the first time a U.S. president has hosted a meeting focused solely on religious freedom at the UN. On September 24, President Trump discussed the need to protect religious freedom during his UN General Assembly speech, in which he also discussed China and Iran -- two major violators of religious freedom. On September 25, HHS Secretary Alex Azar delivered a statement at the UN General Assembly stating that there is no international right to abortion, and that the U.S. does not support ambiguous terms like "sexual and reproductive health" in UN documents. On October 7, the Department of Commerce blacklisted 28 Chinese companies whose surveillance technology products are used to systematically oppress and control -- and violate the religious freedom -- of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, China. On October 11, 2019, Attorney General Barr delivered a striking defense of religious liberty at Notre Dame Law School. He noted, "[t]he imperative of protecting religious freedom was not just a nod in the direction of piety. It reflects the Framers' belief that religion was indispensable to sustaining our free system of government." The Attorney General proceeded to remind the audience that religion gives us the "right rules to live by." Barr highlighted the recent attacks on religious liberty, and that the DOJ under his leadership has been fighting back and protecting religious liberty. On November 14, the U.S. government lead a statement on behalf of itself and 10 other countries at the Nairobi Summit, once again calling upon the international community to focus on areas of consensus instead of divisive issues like abortion and sexual and reproductive health. On November 19, HHS issued a rule removing burdensome requirements that all grantees, including those that are faith-based, must accept same-sex marriages and profess gender identity as valid in order to be eligible to participate in grant programs. This included the adoption and foster care space, where these requirements had been used to shut down faith-based providers of foster care and adoption. On November 27, President Trump signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act into law, which affirms Hong Kong's semi-autonomous status and protects against Chinese government encroachment, which is a threat to Hong Kong's religious freedom. On December 19, the Treasury Department sanctioned two Iranian judges responsible for human rights violations. One of the judges was known to violate the rights of Iran's Christian and Baha'i religious minority communities On December 20, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a final regulation to address the abortion surcharge hidden in many plans purchased on the Obamacare exchange. This final rule aligns federal regulations with section 1303 of the Affordable Care Act, ensuring that consumers know their heal
@@anthonyru.32 you're actually not being "that guy". You're actually just being a some what misinformed social media commenter. It's a saying " Jerry Rig it" which refers to using what ever parts or material you have on hand to make something work. His grand father used to say it all the time so he used it. The more you know!
@@Vladimir123_ the wider the portfolio, the larger the target audience. They are attempting to target every sector of the market and the best way they've found to do that is by creating brands specialized in each sector.
@@Vladimir123_ one for every need trying to cover different kinds of people Realme Cheap with great specs available online Oppo vivo Offline for old uncle's who don't care of specs One plus Premium
@@harveyjames7750 The internet say: BBK is the acronym for BBK Electronics Corporation (Bu Bu Gao Electronics Industrial Private Limited,Guangzhou, China)
Nice videos as always Zach. Some constructive feedback... I don't want to have to think about politics when I'm watching a tech video. Looking forward to your Pixel 5 durability test!
Can we take a moment to appreciate how easily the battery can actually be removed? Additionally, because of the split battery each one bends even less than usually.
I'd like to add to the double battery. Charging speed is defined by how much amps you can push into that battery, which is defined by the C rating, which is defined by the mAh since C rating of these are constant. Now you say doubling up the batteries, but what they're really doing is putting 2 cells in series or parallel. What I dont understand about this is the fact that they cant charge these batteries any faster if its got 2 cells vs 1 cell, because the Wh will stay the same. Charging cells at these high rates is making me very scared of their lifespan, since batteries don't like heat and pushing more current in creates heat, I'd have to guess that in actual use, these phones will last half as long compared to one using lets say a 18W charger.
@@bachaddict 2 cells in parallel is the equivalent of a single cell battery of twice the capacity. A 1s2p and a 2s1p made of the same two cells will have the same Watt hours, but the 1s2p will have twice the mAh capacity and the 2s1p will have twice the voltage. However, the charge time would be the same assuming you use the same c rating, since all that means is that the charge current is equally proportional to the battery capacity in mA. I believe the reason that tesla uses a lot of small batteries is not because that directly allows them to charge faster, but because the smaller cells are easier to cool effectively, which in turn allows for faster charging.
@@kiddrone8336 Reason tesla uses 18650's is because its a standardized size, easy to mass produce and is circular which is good for those cells. Also creating cells as huge as a car battery is nearly impossible. Im happy im not the only person whos asking questions about why theyd put 2 cells in these phones, it doesnt reduce heat, nor does it improve the lifespan. All it does is take up space
@@justfpv1432 ah yeah, didn't think about the size issue with cars. But yeah, the OnePlus double battery doesn't make any sense... Unless it's some sort of supply issue with 4000mAh cells? That seems very unlikely though
big thanks for the captions in every single video, zack n. so my deaf friend can easily learn and improve so much more about the inside of the smartphone. he can be an expert smartphone repairman, my hope.
ZACK:"We changed the battery colour to red like old oneplus phones." Also Zack:" We make the EXACT representation of the inside of the phone." i dont hate it tho
""Who the Hell ever thought "a square vibrator" was worth their time&effort to develop, was most definitely NOT a woman!! You ever heard that square pegs don't go into Round holes? 'coz that would Fucking Hurt like a Mo'Fo!!!""
Not only the teardown is cool, but the insights (dare I say philosophical) you provide about the market and companies' strategies are what make you stand out. Also the tiny roasts every now and then are fun (and, sadly, true). Nice going, Zack!
Still waiting for the manufacturer that will write: "Hi there Jerry" somewhere inside a phone.
If someone did that, it'd probably be one who takes pride in their phone's repairability (like Fairphone)
It would happen if Elon musk had a phone company
@@Trilloggyy teslas aren't exactly very repairable though compared to other cars
@@9a3eedi mechanics haven't ventured that much in repairing of teslas but soon will be
@@Trilloggyy the issue is that Tesla (the company) seems to be actively against people repairing their own cars and are taking steps to make it hard for you to repair it
Okay Let's get started
Let's start a "yeah boiii" chain.
Edit: soooooo. Ummmmmmm. Yeah. This is my most liked comment.
Yeah ik it's sad. ☹️
Yeah boiiiiiiiiii
Yeah boiiiiiiiii
@@benchervek5629 booooo👎
Would love to see whats inside the fake flagship phones from wish.
Definitely a good idea, like the comment so -Jerry- Zac sees
@Ghost ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Underrated comment tho
Like the k20 pro??(here in india poco f2 pro)
Waiting to hear jerry rig say "glass is glass" when he scratches at level 6 with deeper grooves at 7 on the iPhone 12's ceramic shield...
Of course it will scratch at level 6, Apple didn't say it's more scratch resistant. They said it's more shatter resistant though.
@@diavalus then phone buff should do a drop test
Go to the durability tests.
@Alexander Mason we'll see about that in the next video
Label on the underside of the battery: *"Battery is not removable"*
Zack: *Then what the heck did I just do?*
Probably meaning from the packaging around the two batteries keeping them together not from the phone
And "pull up from side" with 2 magic tabs....
Like Zach once said oneplus batteries are good in politics
@@sreenathr679 one plus 8 pro
"let's keep this device functional"
Immediately proceeds to cut open the vapor chamber
I guess it'll just throttle a bit more on sustained load but still work for most phone uses
Me: takes special care to remove the sim card tray yet somehow bends it and can't put it back in
Jerry: *Removes the entire phone and puts it back good as new*
@@akshatmishra2 she ain’t a real fan
@@akshatmishra2 your name is dumb and Akshat is a metaphor . 🤥
@@akshatmishra2 he doesn't mind being called Jerry. Even if it's a metaphor
@Soundarya M S Then that means you're clumsy.
well... he did break the heat pipe...
Jerry in twenty years : wrinkles at age 50 with deeper grooves at age 60
I want to watch the video iphone 12
Same 😂😂
Not sure he's going to, though. He was pretty lenient on the "new" iPhone SE.
@@danmcm8082 true but I feel like he’s the type of guy to like things that help the environment but idk I’m an Apple nerd so 🤷🏾♂️
@@OrionG You fell for that tripe? it's complete nonsense and has been debunked already. It doesn't save anything
@@mrmanmc9108 it’s not debunked it’s facts it’s literal statistics if it were fals they would be sued by now and wouldn’t be shipping phones.
I need to study but this has my attention
Me too mate
Same here 😂😂
Same 🤣
I have a biology exam tomorrow 🙂
I wonder when, phones will have 'JerryRig Certified'
if they live the durability test
"There's a pretty good chance we've already made one to cover your phone."
People with old phone : *sad crying noise intensifies*
Iphone 12 launched
Jerry: sharping his tools😂
cant wait for that screen scratch test :D apple claiming its so strong but it will end like rest of them :D
This guy can rip pieces out of phones like bandaids and phone still operates fine. I pull my SIM card tray and phone explodes.
What phone is it?
@@sitsia3808 it must be his note 7
Petition for Jerry to always check out the vapor chamber
OnePlus: put two batteries
Apple: we will sell battery seperately to save environment
@SWAT Kats But Trump makes it so easy to take a shot at him, who can resist. :-)
@SWAT Kats Means he has a functioning brain
Waiting for "ceramic shield" to get scratched at level 6 and deeper groves at level 7
Bro they only told about drop resistance not scratch resistant so i don't think it would be any different.
@@Goku-pt3oe but it says ceramic in it so I am curious
Apple fanboys don't want Apple to get exposed. I see. Jk jk
i am not a apple fanboy just saying
@@devarshidalal3152 just like samsung said they put gorilla glass 7 in note 20 ultra but still scratches at level 6 with deeper groove in level 7 soo glass is glass..
Zack: you must be thinking: "hey Jerry..."
Me: thumbs up
Jerry: Let's get started
8T: aah shit here we go again
3:00 ok, I'm waiting for Tesla Teardown from Jerry😂😂😂
Unboxing in the phones perspective:
In two seconds I will see my new owner 🥳
Fck, it’s Jerry 😳
I‘m gonna die 😵
Jerry: “doubling up the batteries makes more-“
My headphones: *BATTERY LOW*
Damn this got a lot of likes, thanks!
Lol wired headphones FTW
@@joshuas3897 I would be using Apple EarPods if they weren’t broken (oops)
Me : please teardown ps5
Sony : hold my beer
"It would be nice to open the normal phone for a change"
Velvet: Wait how about me?
"I'm sure there's some kind of "make batteries great again" joke in here somewhere"
"But since the last guy who said something similar is a joke"
You forgot to put a red arrow in the thumbnail. I am impressed
Phone enters table
The phone: Chuckles I'm in danger
Plz help my channel
@@ItzfrannxDProzzxd no
I hate when people do this begging is a very bad look for anybody
Zak at 2030: scratches at level 9 and deeper grooves at level 10
I am an proud Indian🇮🇳🇮🇳
*As phones Get Harder to Scratch. but easier to bend*
Now someone's gonna come and say its zach
Me: Opens JerryRigEverything video
My phone: *Triggered*
Jerry: sharp objects and lithium dont go well togrther
Me: removed my phone battery with a knife
Did you mean to comment this to Jerry or reply to me
“I should leave this one alive”
Slashes heat pipe
"Battle damage"
*health 0*
Zack would love to see a teardown of the T Mobile version of the one plus 8T to see if there's actually any difference for the IP68 rating or if it's just the certification.
Zack teaching anatomy.
Okay now let's do a teardown of the human body.
"Lets get started" 🤣
With some slight heating and carefully cutting we can open the chest, like a book.
As you can see he gets scratches at a level 5 with deeper grooves at a level 6
I liked your videos, but then the 1:35 mark on this video hit and that changed my mind. ✌🏼
Yeah.. totally unnecessary comment by him.. no need to get political
Exactly. Why can’t people just avoid politics. Gets sooo old.
Fr I agree I unfollowed on everything
Nah the one that's been in office for 47 years and done nothing is the joke.
@Cashanova Persona That's all you have for 47 years? You forgot to mention seeking out to Ukraine and China.
On January 23, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which blocks funding for international organizations that perform or promote abortion. This new program is known as Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA), which now covers $8.8 billion in family planning and global health funds that go to organizations abroad (none of whom may perform or promote abortion).
On February 22, the Department of Education, in conjunction with the Department of Justice (DOJ) rescinded President Obama's guidance that required public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and showers of their choice.
On April 7, President Trump's nominee Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the Supreme Court. Justice Gorsuch has already developed a reputation as an originalist who will rule the right way on religious liberty issues. Gorsuch is representative of President Trump's judicial nominees overall.
On May 4, President Trump signed an Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty (known as the "Religious Liberty Executive Order"), broadly setting forth religious liberty as a policy priority of the administration, and requiring all federal agencies to take action to protect it. The order also more specifically addressed conscience protections, forthcoming guidance from the DOJ, and religious liberty in the context of free speech.
On August 25, President Trump announced changes to the Obama administration's Department of Defense (DOD) policy which had allowed military personnel to serve even if they openly self-identified as transgender. (A DOD study found the Obama administration's policy to be detrimental to military readiness, lethality, and unit cohesion.)
On September 7, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court defending the religious freedom rights of baker Jack Phillips in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. This filing is representative of other actions defending religious freedom taking place throughout the Trump administration DOJ.
On October 6, DOJ issued guidance and an implementing memo (as instructed by the Religious Liberty Executive Order) to all federal agencies explaining religious freedom law and how religious liberty must be protected. This guidance laid out a broad defense of religious liberty based on multiple statutes and provided each federal agency with guidelines for protecting religious liberty.
Also on October 6, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed two regulations to deal with the Obamacare "HHS contraceptive mandate" that had for years violated conscience and religious liberty. These new regulations exempt organizations that have moral or religious objections to purchasing insurance that includes coverage of contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs and devices.
@Cashanova Persona 2018
On January 16, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on behalf of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. The Archdiocese had wanted to promote a religious message during the Christmas holiday but, had been denied advertising space within the District's public transit system.
On January 18, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue defending the First Amendment rights of parents and students who attend a religious school, to participate in a private school scholarship program.
On January 18, HHS announced a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within its Office of Civil Rights (OCR). This new division was established to enforce federal laws that protect conscience rights and religious freedom.
On January 19, HHS issued a new proposed regulation on conscience protections related to abortion. Specifically, the regulation proposed to implement 25 laws that protect pro-life healthcare entities against discrimination by federal agencies -- or state or local governments receiving federal funds -- due to their objections to participating in abortion, sterilization, and other morally objectionable procedures.
On January 24, Sam Brownback was confirmed as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. In choosing Brownback for this role, President Trump demonstrated the administration's commitment to religious freedom by choosing someone with gravitas and experience on the issue.
On March 23, 2018, the White House and DOD issued a new policy allowing existing personnel to remain in the military while preventing those who have been diagnosed with "gender dysphoria" or had undergone gender transition surgery from joining the military. Those who are transgender and stable for 36 months could join so long as they serve in accordance with their biological sex.
On April 26, Mike Pompeo was confirmed as Secretary of State. In choosing Pompeo for this position, President Trump chose someone who cares deeply about religious liberty and will make it a priority to see the issue advanced through this administration.
On April 30, during a press conference with Nigeria's president, President Trump raised the issue of religious freedom and the killing of Christians in that country -- bringing attention to an issue that had largely been neglected by other government officials.
On May 22, HHS issued a new proposed regulation reversing the Title X family planning regulations implemented by President Clinton. The proposed regulation would restore the separation of abortion services from the federal Title X family planning program, which President Reagan first implemented. The proposed regulation would also ensure parents are more involved in the decisions of minors to obtain services from Title X clinics. It reverses the discriminatory abortion referral requirement the Clinton regulations implemented and is poised to put a dent into Planned Parenthood's roughly $60 million annual revenues from the Title X program.
On June 13, DOJ announced the Place to Worship Initiative, designed to increase enforcement and public awareness of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUPIA). This federal law protects places of worship and other religious uses of property. Through this initiative, federal prosecutors will receive training about legal protections for houses of worship.
On July 24-26, the State Department held the first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Political and civil society leaders from around the world gathered in Washington, D.C. for a three-day summit to discuss religious freedom issues and solutions. The Potomac Declaration, issued at the Ministerial, made a strong statement about the state of religious freedom around the globe and provided a plan of action for promoting global religious freedom. The U.S. also announced the International Religious Freedom Fund (to provide emergency assistance to victims of religiously motivated discrimination and abuse around the world) and the Genocide Recovery and Persecution Response Initiative (which has provided nearly $373 million to help persecuted ethnic and religious minorities in northern Iraq restore their communities). The U.S. was among 25 countries who signed a statement condemning terrorism and the abuse of religious believers by non-state actors.
On July 30, DOJ announced a Religious Liberty Task Force to fully implement religious liberty guidance and policy across all components of the DOJ.
On August 1, the Trump administration relied on Executive Order 13818 (which builds on Global Magnitsky Act authority) to sanction two Turkish officials over the detention of American pastor Andrew Brunson due to his Christian faith. This Executive Order ultimately resulted in Pastor Brunson's release.
On September 24, HHS terminated a $15,900 contract with Advanced Bioscience Resources to procure fetal tissue from aborted babies for research. The termination of this contract led HHS to announce an audit of all acquisitions and research involving human fetal tissue to ensure consistency with statutes and regulations.
On October 6, President Trump's nominee Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is the second constitutional originalist the president saw confirmed to the Court.
On November 7, HHS finalized its two regulations to protect conscience and religious liberty from long-running problems with the Obamacare "HHS contraceptive mandate." These two final regulations exempt organizations with either a moral or religious objection to purchasing insurance with coverage of contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs and devices. The regulations took effect on January 14, 2019.
On November 9, HHS proposed a new regulation to address an abortion surcharge hidden in many plans purchased on the Obamacare exchange. This proposed regulation would enforce the requirement that abortion surcharges are to be collected separately from other insurance premiums. This requirement was not closely followed under the Obama administration, leading HHS to now more strictly enforce the separation of abortion payments from other payments.
On December 26, DOJ filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court defending a publicly-displayed cross-shaped veteran's memorial that had been challenged as a violation of the Establishment Clause. This position is representative of the Trump administration's originalist approach to the Constitution concerning First Amendment rights and other issues. Such an approach results in legal analysis that interprets the law rather than injecting policy preferences into it.
@Cashanova Persona On January 18, HHS notified California that its law requiring pregnancy resource centers to post notices about how to obtain an abortion violated the pro-life Weldon and Coates-Snowe Amendments. This marks the first time that the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at HHS found a state in violation of these laws. This demonstrates the administration's commitment to enforcing conscience protections and its pro-life priorities.
On January 19, at the request of 169 members of Congress and 49 senators, President Trump sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in which he promised to veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life Federal policies and laws. This letter was a message to the new Democrat ma jority in the House that longstanding pro-life protections like the Hyde Amendment and safeguards protecting the conscience rights of health care providers are not negotiable.
On February 22, HHS announced final rule changes governing the Title X family planning program. Consistent with federal law, these rule changes ensured that Title X clinics would be financially and physically separate from abortion facilities and would not refer patients for abortions. Since the implementation of the rule, Planned Parenthood and several pro-abortion states voluntarily decided to withdraw from the program rather than quit performing abortions or referring patients for abortions.
On March 8, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback criticized China's poor religious freedom record in a speech he delivered in Hong Kong.
On April 12, the Trump administration's policy on military service by those with gender dysphoria went into effect. This policy will help halt the deterioration of military readiness, lethality, and unit cohesion caused by social experimentation in the military.
On May 2, HHS announced a final rule to expand the structure in which federal conscience laws are enforced. In 2011, President Obama issued a rule that enforced only three federal conscience provisions. The new regulation under President Trump covers 25 existing statutes, which will be enforced by the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, part of the HHS OCR.
On May 5, at the World Health Assembly, the Trump administration issued a joint statement on behalf of the United States and eight other nations calling on other countries to join an effort to focus on women's health issues that unify rather than create dissension among members (like abortion and sexual and reproductive health). This statement was the first action taken under the administration's new Protecting Life in Global Health Policy (PLGHP), which seeks to build a global coalition to promote women's health while also protecting unborn life and strengthening the family. This policy works in conjunction with the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) program, which restricts funding for organizations abroad that perform or promote abortion.
On May 24, HHS proposed a new regulation that clarifies that discrimination on the basis of sex in section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act was to be interpreted under the plain meaning of the word. Therefore, it does not include "gender identity" or "termination of pregnancy" as set forth by a 2016 Obama administration regulation. The HHS regulation will continue to enforce existing civil rights protections; however, it makes clear that the federal government will not force physicians to participate in gender reassignment surgeries or abortions.
On June 5, after an extensive audit into fetal tissue research, the Trump administration announced a major change in the enforcement of research contracts. HHS would no longer conduct intramural (internal) research using tissue from aborted babies and would greatly increase the ethics rules and safeguards that govern extramural (external) fetal tissue research contracts. All new external contracts will be subject to a congressionally authorized ethics advisory board, making it much more difficult for fetal tissue research contracts to be awarded by the National Institute of Health.
@Cashanova Persona Trump in 4 years has done more than what Biden can ever dream of.
On July 16-18, the State Department held the second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a new global initiative, the International Religious Freedom Alliance, meant to provide a way for like-minded countries to work together to advance religious freedom. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai gave a compelling speech condemning the use of technology to track and control the lives of religious minorities. The United States was among 14 signatory countries on a statement of concern about technology and religious freedom. The U.S. was also one of 34 countries that signed a statement of concern on counterterrorism as a pretext for the repression of religious freedom; one of 27 countries that signed a statement condemning blasphemy, apostasy, or other laws that restrict religious freedom; and was one of 46 countries that signed a statement that called upon government officials to condemn attacks on places of worship and to work with religious communities to protect these places. At this event, the State Department and USAID also announced new religious freedom training programs for foreign service officers.
On July 16, the State Department placed targeted sanctions on Burmese military officials for their human rights and religious freedom violations committed against the Rohingya Muslim population.
On July 18, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued a joint letter on International Partnerships that called states to join a coalition of countries that seek to advocate against pro-abortion policies at the World Health Organization and the United Nations (UN).
In August 2019, DOJ filed amicus briefs with the Supreme Court in two important religious liberty cases, R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Bostock v. Clayton County/Altitude Express, Inc. v. Zarda. Through these filings, DOJ advanced a biologically binary definition of sex and those who operate accordingly, whether because of science or religious belief.
On August 15, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new regulation that would clarify the scope and application of religious exemptions for federal contractors. Under the Obama administration, the scope of religious exemption at the DOL was severely narrowed. The current DOL relied on the history of our nation's preservation of religious liberty, the First Amendment, and Supreme Court decisions to re-invigorate the exemption to its historical and constitutional parameters.
On August 28, the HHS OCR issued a notice of violation to the University of Vermont Medical Center for forcing a nurse to participate in an abortion despite a conscience objection. This marks the third time that the HHS Religious Freedom Division under President Trump has investigated a conscience complaint related to participating in or promoting abortion.
On September 10, the State Department placed targeted sanctions on Russian officials for their religious freedom violations and torture of Jehovah's Witnesses.
On September 23, President Trump hosted a meeting during the U.N. General Assembly and gave a speech solely on the topic of religious freedom. During the speech, he announced a U.S. policy initiative to protect places of worship, pledging an additional $25 million in funding to protect religious sites and relics. President Trump also announced the U.S. would form a coalition within the business community to protect religious freedom. This is the first time a U.S. president has hosted a meeting focused solely on religious freedom at the UN.
On September 24, President Trump discussed the need to protect religious freedom during his UN General Assembly speech, in which he also discussed China and Iran -- two major violators of religious freedom.
On September 25, HHS Secretary Alex Azar delivered a statement at the UN General Assembly stating that there is no international right to abortion, and that the U.S. does not support ambiguous terms like "sexual and reproductive health" in UN documents.
On October 7, the Department of Commerce blacklisted 28 Chinese companies whose surveillance technology products are used to systematically oppress and control -- and violate the religious freedom -- of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, China.
On October 11, 2019, Attorney General Barr delivered a striking defense of religious liberty at Notre Dame Law School. He noted, "[t]he imperative of protecting religious freedom was not just a nod in the direction of piety. It reflects the Framers' belief that religion was indispensable to sustaining our free system of government." The Attorney General proceeded to remind the audience that religion gives us the "right rules to live by." Barr highlighted the recent attacks on religious liberty, and that the DOJ under his leadership has been fighting back and protecting religious liberty.
On November 14, the U.S. government lead a statement on behalf of itself and 10 other countries at the Nairobi Summit, once again calling upon the international community to focus on areas of consensus instead of divisive issues like abortion and sexual and reproductive health.
On November 19, HHS issued a rule removing burdensome requirements that all grantees, including those that are faith-based, must accept same-sex marriages and profess gender identity as valid in order to be eligible to participate in grant programs. This included the adoption and foster care space, where these requirements had been used to shut down faith-based providers of foster care and adoption.
On November 27, President Trump signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act into law, which affirms Hong Kong's semi-autonomous status and protects against Chinese government encroachment, which is a threat to Hong Kong's religious freedom.
On December 19, the Treasury Department sanctioned two Iranian judges responsible for human rights violations. One of the judges was known to violate the rights of Iran's Christian and Baha'i religious minority communities
On December 20, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a final regulation to address the abortion surcharge hidden in many plans purchased on the Obamacare exchange. This final rule aligns federal regulations with section 1303 of the Affordable Care Act, ensuring that consumers know their heal
@Cashanova Persona awww you can't handle the truth, move along.
*new phone: Exists*
Jerry: *Buys said new phone with an intent to destroy new phone*
for a split second i thought its written lego 😂😂😂 5:26
The Reason He's UA-cam's Perfectionist and Others Are'nt is Zack's Sheer Skill of Disassembling a Phone and putting it back as new again
Don’t mean to be *that* guy but his name is zack, idk why he his user jerryrigeverything
Why are u putting caps on every word
@@mathisbuilder Good Point
@@mathisbuilder It Looks Good
@@anthonyru.32 you're actually not being "that guy". You're actually just being a some what misinformed social media commenter. It's a saying " Jerry Rig it" which refers to using what ever parts or material you have on hand to make something work. His grand father used to say it all the time so he used it. The more you know!
Carl pei was so good that they have to remove him.Dont know maybe BBK's another" venture"?
why bbk open many smartphone brand...what i know opp0,vivo,1+,realme is under bbk...
@@Vladimir123_ the wider the portfolio, the larger the target audience. They are attempting to target every sector of the market and the best way they've found to do that is by creating brands specialized in each sector.
@@Vladimir123_ one for every need trying to cover different kinds of people
Realme Cheap with great specs available online
Oppo vivo Offline for old uncle's who don't care of specs
One plus Premium
Who tf is BBK? BoyBetterKnow?
The internet say:
BBK is the acronym for BBK Electronics Corporation (Bu Bu Gao Electronics Industrial Private Limited,Guangzhou, China)
This phone still getting its software updates till today. This is awesome !
Oh how I can’t wait for the iPhone Teardown and Durability Test 😂
"there's a pretty good chance we've already made a teardown skin to cover your phone"
Me: *cries in 180$ phone
There isn’t one for my S10 5G. Unicorn phones ftw
He really said that about Donald🤣 respect 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
Jerry:let's get started
*Switches off the phone,*🙄
Yeah? Coz that’s what he always does? Go ask for the manager 🤦
Its a joke. Kinda like you
@@dgtec8460 oh I didn’t realise. Ouch, well
@@Alibium aw now I feel bad :( at least it was a good burn tho
@@dgtec8460 yeah, I’m impressed with your burn
I'm impressed by how easy he takes these phones apart. Everything is so delicate Inside. I would be afraid to break something.
Your videos are interesting but the way you talk makes me wanna sleep. It's kinda comforting
Last time I was this early, Zack had an Afro.
You might be thinking "Hey Jerry"
Okay, that's funny haha
We want iphone
We want iphone
We want iphone
We want iphone
Pixel 5 , please!
Surely everyone wants to know how do they do wireless charging through aluminium case?
Useless and crappy device that falls apart out the box.
But, yes - it would be nice to see it on that table.
it is a hole in it...pretty much it
Nice videos as always Zach.
Some constructive feedback... I don't want to have to think about politics when I'm watching a tech video.
Looking forward to your Pixel 5 durability test!
1:03 "Then the Too black plastic can come away from the phone."
A sec later
*Literally flies off*
Cringe comment
No u
You are either the greatest on the spot speaker or your videos just have great scripts
Sign my petition to get Zach to snap his fingers every time he says "let's get started"
sign my petition for Zack to leave his political opinion out of tech videos.
@@JacobD. yeah that too
Me: clicks on this video about OnePlus
UA-cam: gives me a oneplus ad
You've cracked the code.
Yeah a Samsung ad before a OnePlus teardown, really CoOl YOOTOOB!
Hope you like jokes then, 4 more years baby!
Trump 2020 let’s goooooo
@@maximiIiaan Time will tell obviously, but I've got a damned good feeling! :D
Trump 2016-2024
“I know there’s a make batteries great again joke in there but since the last guy who said something similar IS a joke we’ll leave it alone” 😂😂
Imagine thinking that was funny.
@@DM-rc4yu It's hilarious cuz it's true
"appearances can be deceiving" wise words from zach.
15 seconds ago. New record for how fast i've watched a video
Wtf only 1.2k ppl watched and already 800 likes
(from 1:35) "The last guy who said something similar IS a joke"
oof size: mega
Who is he refering to?
@@rohishdhanuka2577 Donald trump
Zack walks into Cell Phone Store, the faint mutterings of the phone can be heard "We who are about to die, Salute You"
Can we take a moment to appreciate how easily the battery can actually be removed? Additionally, because of the split battery each one bends even less than usually.
*2019:* Android 1 battery
*2020:* Android 2 battery
*2050:* Android 10 battery
*2500:* iPhone 1,5 battery ( *is the future* )
It’s not like the iPhone has already 2 batteries since the iPhone X
@@ThisPyro yea
@@gameclips5482 right bruh
Will iPhone still be around by then????
Nice joke but apple uses 2 batteries already
Your name 200% suitable with your videos attitude 😉😉❤️❤️
"I'm sure we have already made a skin for your phone
_laughs in landline_
Jerryrig > studying
(If it says school is better than jerryrig I don’t know math)
Thanks for not ruining the display...👍
Jerry rig everything phrases... I'll start:
Like little legos
Ok I'll say one: like little legos
I have one: like little legos
Like little legos is another one
Another one is Like little Legos
This one is better, "like a little Lego"
literally every time zach picks up his his hardness picks:
the picks: aight here we go again. scratches at a level 6 with deeper grooves at a level 7.
Waiting for iPhone 12 teardown
Let's start the tear down 😂😂
Let's cry
Lol plz to a year down
No much likes on this comment
Why has he stopped the art class with jerry
He can still draw using the level 6,7 Mohs Picks
It probably won't show as clear like on metal
watching this on 720p 60fps... wow...never thought wrecking a phone could this be relaxing and satisfying to look at....oh my....
5:23 he’s asking us to get him to 7 mil
Let’s do it!
Underrated comment
@@tedhe8673 thanks man!
Who else is waiting for him to break iPhone 12 😂
For you opening the back of the phone is like a book but for me it is like 😱😱
1:19 "hey jerry"
Aight calling him jerry now
"There's a pretty good chance were made a skin for your phone" *stares at Pixel 4a* XD
One month later, it is now a reality.
This is the calmest youtuber I've ever seen
I'd like to add to the double battery. Charging speed is defined by how much amps you can push into that battery, which is defined by the C rating, which is defined by the mAh since C rating of these are constant. Now you say doubling up the batteries, but what they're really doing is putting 2 cells in series or parallel. What I dont understand about this is the fact that they cant charge these batteries any faster if its got 2 cells vs 1 cell, because the Wh will stay the same. Charging cells at these high rates is making me very scared of their lifespan, since batteries don't like heat and pushing more current in creates heat, I'd have to guess that in actual use, these phones will last half as long compared to one using lets say a 18W charger.
Cells in parallel can charge all at once so it's faster than charging in series
@@bachaddict 2 cells in parallel is the equivalent of a single cell battery of twice the capacity. A 1s2p and a 2s1p made of the same two cells will have the same Watt hours, but the 1s2p will have twice the mAh capacity and the 2s1p will have twice the voltage. However, the charge time would be the same assuming you use the same c rating, since all that means is that the charge current is equally proportional to the battery capacity in mA.
I believe the reason that tesla uses a lot of small batteries is not because that directly allows them to charge faster, but because the smaller cells are easier to cool effectively, which in turn allows for faster charging.
@@kiddrone8336 Reason tesla uses 18650's is because its a standardized size, easy to mass produce and is circular which is good for those cells. Also creating cells as huge as a car battery is nearly impossible. Im happy im not the only person whos asking questions about why theyd put 2 cells in these phones, it doesnt reduce heat, nor does it improve the lifespan. All it does is take up space
@@kiddrone8336 But if you charge each cell in parallel with its maximum current, you're putting in twice the current.
@@justfpv1432 ah yeah, didn't think about the size issue with cars. But yeah, the OnePlus double battery doesn't make any sense... Unless it's some sort of supply issue with 4000mAh cells? That seems very unlikely though
Damn JErry taking shots at TRump. I see ya mane
big thanks for the captions in every single video, zack n. so my deaf friend can easily learn and improve so much more about the inside of the smartphone. he can be an expert smartphone repairman, my hope.
and can't wait for the aluminium of pixel 5 to meet your razorblade
How much batteries should we put in the car?
Tesla: yes
ZACK:"We changed the battery colour to red like old oneplus phones."
Also Zack:" We make the EXACT representation of the inside of the phone."
i dont hate it tho
I'm waiting for pixel 5 tear down..💥
Jerry rig: “the square vibrators down here”
Me: awwwwwwwwwwww
Fuck Yeah ~ I read through TONS of comments & so glad atleast has a similarly dirty mind as I have!
""Who the Hell ever thought "a square vibrator" was worth their time&effort to develop, was most definitely NOT a woman!!
You ever heard that square pegs don't go into Round holes?
'coz that would Fucking Hurt like a Mo'Fo!!!""
Not only the teardown is cool, but the insights (dare I say philosophical) you provide about the market and companies' strategies are what make you stand out. Also the tiny roasts every now and then are fun (and, sadly, true). Nice going, Zack!
Me: takes the sim tray out of the phone
Jerry: takes the phone out of the tray
Chuck Norris could have taken jerr..Zack out of the phone. And scratch it al level 8 with his beard.
hi from lebanon
I love jerry throwing jabs at orange 45.
"Fold it open like a book"
Man be trying to get a sponsorship with books LMAO
Le Jerry: Literally tears the whole phone apart
But, shutdown is important
In case if phone watches it's surgery so protecting from a heart attack
iPhone 12 is praying that jerry doesn’t find it
*Year 2050*
Jerry : Let's teardown a alien phone 😂
Easily the worst joke I've ever heard
Congrats to the 32 comments who said "FIRST"
You mean 32 eetards?
I always watch jerry before I buy a phone he's never let me down 😁👍
Apple 2020: *doesn't sends power adapter to save environment*
Apple 2030 : *doesn't sends the phone to save environment*
Patent for Zack to start making transparent editions again
Skins don't look as good as real transparent editions
S20FE durability test pls! Great video as always
You know how the what’s inside channel would do this “hey Lincoln grab the hammer”
Apple *Ceramic Shield*
Jerry *Starting Scratching At Level 06 Deeper Groves At Level 07*