The Philosophy of Gene Roddenberry

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @Phobos_Anomaly
    @Phobos_Anomaly 8 років тому +47

    When people ask about the philosophers and thinkers that have influenced my personal beliefs, there are a few, one of which is Gene Roddenberry. People say "a sci-fi writer? No, I'm asking about _real_ philosophers!" But to me, he is one of the most important philosophers of our age.

    • @Enfiare
      @Enfiare 8 років тому +10

      the most important

  • @1300l
    @1300l 10 років тому +36

    This is what real star trek is all about.
    Thank you Gene. Not only for one of the best shows, but for give us hope.
    Hope for a peace and a future where man kind can still evolve.
    No religion yet spiritual evolution can be possible.

  • @emmarose4234
    @emmarose4234 3 роки тому +4

    Tomorrow is Gene Roddenberry’s 100th birthday!

  • @thrawn323
    @thrawn323 4 роки тому +5

    The Beginning of the Dream Of Stars.

  • @Jonesdude666
    @Jonesdude666 Рік тому

    If I could like this video a thousand times ... I would.

  • @-M0LE
    @-M0LE 7 років тому +17

    Jar Jar Abrams disliked this Video twice

    • @arav13
      @arav13 4 роки тому +2

      Alex Kurtzmann spat on Gene`s grave

  • @aidapatata
    @aidapatata 4 роки тому +3

    "Thank whatever created us" 1:49

  • @sammatthews1260
    @sammatthews1260 11 років тому +5

    Beautiful. Thanks for uploading :)

  • @mikeb6572
    @mikeb6572 6 років тому +5

    Where can I find a copy (pdf) of this speech?

  • @whitestarfleet5489
    @whitestarfleet5489 9 років тому +6

    Nice video

  • @indridcold6903
    @indridcold6903 6 років тому +3

    Told you I was an alien; no one listens.

  • @chadhartsees
    @chadhartsees Рік тому

    Something about going back to 1963 and shooting Kennedy with a phaser. He pitched that movie like 5 times, folks.

  • @UltimateSpinDash
    @UltimateSpinDash 6 років тому +6

    I won't deny that Gene Roddenberry was a creative genius in some way. But like Star Wars had to outgrow George Lucas, Star Trek had to outgrow Gene Roddenberry at some point. For Star Wars, it was after the Prequel-Trilogy. For Star Trek, it was after the first two seasons of TNG.
    Some of the best Trek wouldn't have made it past Roddenberry. He found Star Trek VI too militaristic and wanted a lot of scenes cut. For more concrete examples, just look at DS9. Episodes like "For the Uniform" or "In the pale Moonlight" wouldn't have made it past him. Or anything involving Section 31.
    I consider DS9 to be the best Trek because it looked deeper into the problems the Federation was facing. It showed us that while Earth may be a paradise in the 24th century, Federation colonies simply haven't reached that point yet. It showed us that the Federation is too peaceful for it's own good at times, causing it to fail in protecting it's citizens on more than one occasion, which is why the Maquis felt the need to step up.
    Trek has been many things over the last fifty years. No one person can declare what Trek is, not even Gene himself if he were still alive. And that is okay, as long as you don't push your definition of Trek on a new show like Discovery. It has to be different from it's predecessors, because every time a new Star Trek show tried to be like it's predecessors, it was bad.
    TNG tried to be TOS, which made some sense since the setting is basically identical, but TV had changed in years since TOS.
    DS9 tried to be TNG at first, which was a bad move because a stationary setting simply requires different stories, but also has opportunities a ship-based setting never would've had. Luckily, the writers realized that soon enough.
    VOY tried to be TNG again, when it would've needed to be a cross of TNG and DS9 to make the show a true journey. Sadly, the people in charge weren't as willing to take risks as the folks on DS9 were, so while there were good episodes, the show as a whole never grew it's beard.
    Enterprise once again tried to be TNG, trampling over established canon so it could do so, rather than being a proper prequel. Season 4 was what it should've been from the start, showing the role humanity played in creating the Federation.
    And now we have Discovery. A show that in my opinion, is holding up quite well between the high up to impossible expectations of some fans and the 50 years of Star Trek that came before it. You may dislike or hate it for not being "Trek", and that's fine. But I'd prefer Discovery try to put a new spin on Trek and fail rather than being more of the same - let's face it, we had plenty of TNG, if Discovery tried to be that, it would either be a copy or a subpar-spinoff.

    • @robinlillian9471
      @robinlillian9471 5 років тому +5

      My problem with the new Star Trek movie series is that they took out all Gene Roddenberry's philosophy. It's just another meaningless action adventure show now, even if it's on the small screen again. (That's what the producer wanted. He admitted in public that he hated the original Star Trek.) It hasn't outgrown Gene Roddenberry. It's shrunk in stature. The first movie in the new series made fun of the Prime Directive, and that was it for me. Yes, they're making plenty of money, but they won't get another penny of mine.

    • @rays7437
      @rays7437 5 років тому +2

      STD reminds me of Enterprise. Tacky, stupid, political left wing propaganda pushing garbage. But at least Enterprise had one likeable character and the camera work wasn't nauseating

    • @arav13
      @arav13 4 роки тому +1

      Here is the thing, Everything (ST series) before JJ movies was star trek but you can not say STD and ST P is star trek

    • @silversnail1413
      @silversnail1413 3 роки тому +1

      DS9 was a great show but it killed the spirit of Star Trek in many ways. After DS9 we couldn't go back to the optimistic, lighthearted and cerebral side of Trek and everything had to be dark, heavy and violent. I always saw DS9 as an experimental show, a chance to push the limits and challenge some of the ideas that the franchise was built on, but now it's become the norm and we're left with ugly, dreary, pretentious pieces of dreck like Star Trek: Picard. Much like Star Wars, they strayed too far away from the winning formula that made the series work and now it's nothing but a soulless cash cow.

  • @beingsshepherd
    @beingsshepherd 3 роки тому +2

    Where I believe that many philosophers (including Roddenberry here) are in grave error, is in their egalitarian concern for an overwhelmingly callous and obtuse mankind.
    Disregarding the pre-eminence of that minuscule minority, who quietly suffer most.

  • @jamestherockwilson3931
    @jamestherockwilson3931 5 років тому +4

    Did you guys know he was a communist? He reflected his beliefs in his work and it shows!

    • @nfspbarrister5681
      @nfspbarrister5681 2 роки тому +1

      ..even Christ is communist. See his teaching.

    • @johnmat4678
      @johnmat4678 2 роки тому +1

      Can't be a Christian and a commie.

  • @Pectabyte
    @Pectabyte 6 років тому +16

    And this is why Star Trek:Discovery is terrible...

    • @arav13
      @arav13 4 роки тому +1

      and this is why ST P is a dumpster fire

  • @folkerdangers7513
    @folkerdangers7513 5 років тому

    great! ☀ Gene war allerdings nicht der Atheist, als der er manchmal hingestellt wird. Er sagte beispielsweise: "Ich gehöre keiner Kirche an, aber ich betrachte mich selbst als einen religiösen Mann ... Teil des Schöpferischen und der Intelligenz hinter dem Leben. Daher, wenn wir Teil von Gott sind, dann sind unsere Leben keine kurzen, bedeutungslosen Angelegenheiten, sondern haben im Gegenteil große Bedeutung und Wichtigkeit." -- Natürlich ist das nicht die Sichtweise orthodoxer Religion, Gene Roddenberry war ein geistiger Forscher. Die Sicht, dass wir Teil des Göttlichen sind, können wir bei Mystikern aller Kulturen finden .. in der spirituellen Yoga-Philosophie … Der Yoga-Meister Paramahansa Yogananda sagte: „Alle großen Lehrer erklären, dass dieser Körper die unsterbliche Seele beherbergt, dass sie ein Funke jener Allmacht ist, die alles am Leben erhält.“ ☯

  • @Prodriver33
    @Prodriver33 4 роки тому +3

    I wish the people who gain incredible knowledge from the universe through psychedelics would tell people that’s why, then people might see the benefits of psychedelic use