I remember my 8th grade Language Arts teacher telling us this story in class one day in 1999: "I'm originally from Oregon, and when I was 12 years old, Mt. St. Helens blew up in my back yard, and there was ash everywhere although it kind of looked like snow. Anyway, on my dad's birthday, I took my finger and wrote in the ash on the hood of his car 'Happy birthday, Dad!' Unfortunately, unlike snow, I didn't know that volcanic ash was abrasive and would scratch car paint. So, from that point on until the day he sold it, it had 'Happy birthday, Dad!' scratched in the hood of the car. So, if you ever find yourself in place where volcanic ash lands on your car, *do not* use your finger to write in it. 😄"
I used to climb it as a 'tune up' for more major climbs, this before it blew. On the day it let off, I was assigned to monitor the University of Washington seismograph, and was studying for my Geology finals. Someone came running in to the shop, yelling that 'Saint Helens went!', and I quickly scrambled to the next room to see the seismic squiggles on the drum seismograph. Dang, missed it! Several days later I got permission to fly into the restricted zone from the Tulan airfield nearby, and took the first infrared photos of the area. We decided to fly the Cessna into the crater - wrong move! Talk about thermals! Never will forget the scenes, with mono color tan, and several bright yellow plumes coming out of the tuff deposit - evidently the result of buried ice vaporizing in the hot tuff. Surreal.
G C - thanks for telling of your experiences, it was a day to remember for so many people ! And a lot of people have passed away leaving stories untold !
I climb the North Face in 1971. That part of the mountain exploded out laterally and is gone, scattered over 200 square miles. Entire area north of the mountain was obliterated. The mega landslide was largest in recorded history and covered parts of north side in thousands of feet of debris. Spirit Lake was buried, a new one formed in it's place. Harry Truman at the Spirit Lake Lodge died there and is buried under 1,000 feet of debris.
I was 4 when it erupted and I still remember it. We lived really close to it in a small town. I remember the shaking, and the noise then the sky turned blackish in the middle of the day and it began to rain ash. We still have ash all over the place. To this day Everytime I smell a burnt match I get a flash back to that day.
Yes he lays it out clear and he shows just how much geologist and scientist have assumed over the countless centuries that stuff took a long time to build and get eroded away. pretty much shoots a hole in every geological theory and hypothesis laid down in the last couple hundred years
This is a story of Mt. St. Helen I’ve never heard discussed before. As a former geological student in college, this event has always captured my interest as well as the Indonesian and Japan tsunami events.
@@timhallas4275 "That's because these creation "scientists" just made it up." No, you made _that_ up. "They are paid by religious organizations to tell these stories." Yeah yeah. What about those who _don't_ work for those organisations? "None of these guys could make a decent living as real scientists, because they suck at it." In fact some of them made a living working as "real" scientists, but took a _lower-paying_ job with a creationist organisation because they believe in what this evidence says. And others _still_ make a living working as "real" scientists. You have no idea what you are talking about.
@@timhallas4275 That confuses me. Not the individual parts of your statement but the implication of the whole. So you're saying that the trees in the bottom of the lake are not petrifying in 40 years? That would seem be a foolish thing to say because of the ease in disproving it. I do not recall that tidbit being in the video only that I have heard or more likely read it given as fact. You might admit the comment of "real scientists" is a cheap shot given that science today often ignores repeatability and some theories become fact by vote. That's not the paradigm of the scientific model. Consensus may be a more accurate way to say that.
@@timhallas4275 *FIVE undeniable facts* Abiogenesis is totally impossible ! Life is far to complicated to be formed by accident ! even if it did form "accidentally" what would it eat, how would it know it needed to eat, how would it have the ability to eat ! it would be the first life form ever ! How would it have developed those properties ! Please don't wast my time with that franken-life altering existing life, and calling it new life ! Or that dead stuff experiment, forming lifeless amino acids ! *your theory can't even get to evolution ! *continued !
I was born the day after it erupted, but a year earlier, so I've always felt like I had a connection to Mt. St. Helens. I don't remember it, as I was just under 1 year old, but I've long been fascinated with events surrounding the eruption, especially so ever since finding out how the catastrophe provides us with demonstrative information that upends the traditional "millions of years" rhetoric, and gives us evidence for a catastrophe such as the flood of Noah's day. Concerning the comparison between flood flow and normal creek/river flow, one thing doesn't appear to be mentioned: Studies were done on floods at river deltas where it was discovered/demonstrated the growth is not vertical, with sediment being laid down layer after layer, but rather laterally/horizontally, with SEVERAL layers are laid down at the same time. Material self-sorts while it's being laid down, and this alone totally destroys the idea that layers took millions, thousands, hundreds, or even one single year. They can be laid down in a single event.
My oldest son was born May 18, 1981 one year after the eruption. I was in Yakima about 50 miles from Mt Saint Helen's on that fateful day. I felt the earthquake, then a short time later heard the explosion of the lateral eruption. Within 30 minutes the ash starting falling. Day turned into night and we didn't see the sky until the next day. The eruption changed us in profound ways.
I was a freshman in high school living in Portland Oregon, I remember this event as if it were yesterday… 2020 was the second time in my life having to wear a mask…
I recently just backpacked the Loowit Trail around Mt St Helens and the entire time my party and I were talking about how these and other videos from Is Genesis History examine the eruption and resulting landscape we see today from a Biblical worldview. Very cool stuff.
Amazing. It took millions of years to form this starting 40 years ago 😉 In the early 70's, I was in High School and I realized, "The Bible is true. If it looks like it is not true, we don't understand something we're looking at."
@Darth Quantum in case you hsvmt noticed alot of history that was taught has been proven now as wrong. History is fluid and constantly changes with the advancement of knowledge.
@tsimahei "Given all the science in the Bible" - lol like water turning into wine, or walking on water....science has proved those, right? Gimme a f^cking break. " Where I once held blind faith in evo, today I know it's a collection of guesses" - sigh....sorry but there's no 'guesses' in evolution....in fact science KEEPS OBSERVING it, happening in millions of species, time and time again (said species keep proving it again and again, all these hundreds of years after Darwin first 'discovered' it). And not just in paleontology, but in genetics, geology, etc.
This is why the dating we are being told about ancient structures and geologic formations is jot even remotely accurate. The Grand canyon for instance is very likely to have occurred during a catastrophic event rather than long term geological erosion.
Which also is why we see so many times that they change their dates for every new discovery in order to make it work with the current timeline. They also get many different results for whatever they are trying to date. Not to mention discoveries of RBC’s/Soft Tissue and Nerves in Dino bone make that whole dating system somewhat irrelevant and not inaccurate.
When they "radiographically date" a living creature and it shows that it's millions of years old, you know the so-called scientists don't know what they're talking about.
I remember being skeptical of carbon dating even when I was a kid...it seems fundamentally flawed & contrived to me... it's a parlor trick & not even a good one at that
Thanks for making these available on UA-cam while the country/world is on lock down. I am sharing on my Facebook page and Twitter account, also. God bless ICR for helping me over the years.
Don't take this the wrong way but i wish this had of happened now, there'd be ten million different camera angles from stationary cameras all the way up to drone film all of it uploaded in real time to a cloud and then edited to give us a VR 360 degree view of the eruption from any angle. It would have been epic in every way and nature would have won an academy award.
It's my belief GOD showed mercy in allowing this event back in 1980 by giving us a very very very small sample of (HIS Power and Glory) and what took place during Noah's Day. I know there will be mockers and scoffers of what this event revealed and the evidence it left behind, but I look at it this way. Even today many around the world hate and mock Jesus Christ so it stands to reason they'll do the same to those of us who believe HIS Word (not only for doctrine but also it's narrative) and put our trust in HIM. "Those who wait upon The Lord Will Not be ashamed". TY, and look forward to watching this video.
This happened during the week I was graduating. I was living in the Yakima valley and it was only later in the day we realized that Mt. St. Helens made an ash out of herself. The ash cloud was hit by sun light and the color was a rusty red. What a sight and it interfered with radio and TV signals.
Must be a old video. He said 35 years ago, it's 2020, that makes it 40 years ago. Still good video. I live about 45 miles away and was 19yrs old when it blew it's top. Climbed to the rim last summer. pretty amazing
My best friend in high school; moved to a town near Mt. St Helens about 6 months before it erupted. They automatically "graduated" every one in her senior class. She was pretty happy about that early graduation gift. Her parent's = not so much. It could have been much worse; more people could have died. Thankfully there weren't too many towns around Mt. St. Helens back in the late 1970's and into 1980.
You must have seen the plume very very interesting It looks like beautiful country did you go to spirit lake on your hike? the side of the volcano bulged out at a rate of 5ft a day for a month before - And yet people still tried to get close to see I had just finished an undergraduate degree in geology in Cape Town when it happened but was not interested enough in the topic to understand the importance of this event
@J Mireles Now that you mention it I recall reading about that and similar tests not involving wood petrification. I also recall reading of evidence that petroleum oil or coal is being produced at a very fast rate and that it MIGHT not be coming from swamps. I'm not drawing a line in the sand on that particular specific but what I read was interesting enough and credible enough for me to file it away if only partially. In a similar vein, pun intended, a young earth creationist has challenged the Big Bang to debates. What is proved is NOT that the earth was created in six days ,nor in eons but that both hypothesis require faith in something. A good question is what force or power was put on "a nothing" to BANG! create the beginnings of the cosmos? Or if there was a pre-existing something that BANGED! where did it come from. I think these are important questions but meh, what do I know?
It's very misleading, though. In a myriad of ways and crossing multiple subjects. I'm not trolling, either Genesis people, so if you delete my comment it's because you just don't like it. But yeah. This video is just chalk full of misleading/outright incorrect claims.
As an archaeologist familiar with geomorphology and related processes in short time-scale, this is one of the most bombshell analyses I've seen. Went there as a kid, but this makes me want to go back soon.
My fiance called me from Crest Airpark. He'd been up flying when it exploded. I walked to the end of my road in the Kent valley and watched it with my neighbors. The most bizarre thing I've ever seen.
“We can observe the way mud flows” , how about how time flows? Geologists should consider letting go of their presuppositions. Especially after Mt Saint Helens.
You don't understand; dream of any geologist (or scientist) is to destroy a presupposition. Prove a presupposition wrong and you get famous. Harlen Bretz, who first proposed cataclysmic, ice age floods that came within 40 miles of St. Helens, was greeted with strong skepticism when he presented his findings. He is now featured prominently in pictures and plaques across the Columbia Plateau because he provided evidence to back up his claims, and once other geologists were able to verify the evidence, they accepted a completely new model.
@@charlesbrowniii8398 "Prove a presupposition wrong and you get famous." It depends on the presupposition. One current common presupposition is that science can only provide natural explanations, thereby ruling out explanations involving the supernatural, even if the evidence points that way. *That* presupposition is not allowed to be questioned.
@@PJRayment Don't try to misdirect with a straw man argument. This video isn't appealing to the supernatural; it's proposing natural causes which, if they had any merit, could be presented to a wider geological community instead of being used to build the confirmation bias of people whose geology education ended in Sunday school.
@@charlesbrowniii8398 I'm not raising a straw man. Yes, it's proposing mostly natural causes, but in doing so would support an event that supports the supernatural, and atheists and other secular scientists can't have that. And this sort of science also convinces other scientists, so you comment about a poor education was simply more denigration.
Yes there have been a few (very few) who have looked at the evidence and began to honor and give GOD the glory that is HIS. YET, I remember what Scripture had to say about Egypt when they refused to let Israel go free. The Lord began to send the plagues upon Egypt. Their "hearts" remained hardened until the last plague when the 1st born of Egypt were killed, and Egypt at last let Israel go free. YET, shortly afterwards their hearts became hard again, and even after all Egypt saw GOD do, they still went headlong into "The Sea" that they saw GOD divide and were never seen again. This hardness of men's hearts still remains today as they "willingly ignore" the evidence and the world will still unite itself to try to stop The Will of God from coming to pass. SADLY they will keep this attitude even until the very end.... Hearts hardened against GOD = insanity.
Timmy timmy timmy, insanity is the expectancy of doing the same thing over and over again thinking there will be different results than the ones observed. Here is evidence that is completely opposite as to how certain geological formations happen and you still think this is the result of millions or billions of years. Poor thing timmy
@@timhallas4275 Mt. St. Helens eruption was *observed by human eyes* to see that catastrophic events happen quickly, and then could've been interpreted by people who were not there to witness it (for example sake) and had been taught "millions of years," as if the layers of sediment formed over long periods of time, which they did not; they laid down in only days and weeks. When trees sunk to the bottom of the lake and got buried [vertically] inside the sediment layers, *just like we see logs embedded [vertically] inside deep layers of rock today!* Evolutionist fantasy tries to claim that happened over "millions of years." Then evolutionists say the sediment at Mt. St. Helens "is not rock", which we obviously know! *Drain the water out today, dehydrate that sediment and put it under immense pressure and it'll become rock in little time,* far less time than "millions of years." Scientists have already made coal, diamonds and other such things in laboratories, thus proving long periods of time *is not needed,* only the specific conditions. The river seen running down Mt. St. Helens *after* the *catastrophic event* happened, proves that the river *DID NOT* "carve" away over long periods of time, as the evolutionists would theorize if we did not witness this *catastrophic event* happen in 1980! Mt. St. Helens eruption proved that 'catastrophism' truly is science, and the *catastrophic* worldwide flood, written of in the bible, is certainly the scientific explanation for why we see shells and remnants of other sea life on top of mountains today; why we see millions of bones from animals (even some giving birth at the time) and humans embedded inside rock; why we see human technology ("OOPArt") embedded inside rock today. Why we've found whale bones in the deserts, and so on. Evolutionism is anti-science. Science backs the bible here. The "millions of years" came about by atheists who had to go *against* the timeline of the bible. It did not come about by observation (obviously). So they pushed this fantasy solely to go against the bible. How anyone would trust a group of people coming up with a "theory" solely based upon attacking the bible is beyond logical comprehension to me. That shows the atheists were not being scientific, only emotional and extremely biased against the truth back then. Now this fantasy of "millions of years" is pushed as if it's "scientific" today in school textbooks, sadly. Such a brainwashing they push on vulnerable young minds in schools today.
@@joescott58 and the lies of evolution. It doesn't take millions of years to form mountains and canyons. The 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens created a one tenth scale model of the Grand Canyon in minutes. The ash rose 80,000 ft into the air and within a week it circled the entire world. 167 miles of roads were destroyed, 57 people died.
That is literally the take away from what the Dr was saying. Catastrophic events terra form in seconds, minutes, days or months. Not millions or billions of years. This is definitive and absolute proof of that. This segment is much longer on the dvd. This was only a short snip.
Sedimentary rocks contain fossils of animals that don’t exist anymore. There’s a difference between sedimentary deposits and volcanic deposits. It’s obvious that erosion can take place rapidly at times, but once you start talking about limestone you have a whole different animal.
I was at Mt.St.Helens on that day.I was stationed at the Cle Elm ranger station., We heard the young man call and he was rubbed out.We were to clear out the park.I-90 was the highway of death.I was 75 miles away from the blast.I was darker as the darkness had solid falling out of it ash and pumice.
they were.....even coal was found at the bottom (coal and also stuff that was still partly raw material partially converted to coal) of the deposition mearly a few years after it was all deposited.........the evidence/info is there ya just gotta look for it
I'm still waiting for evolutionists to explain how the complex genetic code came about by sheer coincidence... And yes, there are several explanations for how the separation of different creatures in the sedimentary layers could have come about, you can find enough about this if you look for it.
Better yet how does evolution explain DNA the building blocks of all life. DNA can not just happen it must be created. We are just now discovering this new knowledge and yet to fully understand it. They are so many holes in the evolution theory but because people can't grasp what they can't see they are willing to accept what ever is in front of them even though as knowledge increases so does understanding. This is why having faith is important.
Interesting watching this video and hearing this video when I lived up there and watched this mountain every day...I was only in my 20,s when I lived there.. 10 miles from the Toutle River....I lived near Swift Reservoir....... We lived in the valleys.... This was quite an experience living near this active volcano.... Spewing Ash from the beginning... Mud flows going down the Toutle River.... Bridges were being wiped out... I felt the earth moving under my feet....Earthquakes and aftershock after the mountain blew.. Quite the story I could write.,..We were living in the Red Zone...I was a survivor of the May 18th 1980 eruption of Mt.St.Helens.... But im not a billions years obviously... Its Jan. 2022 now
I am fully convinced that the geologist in the video most likely didn't have any idea how his words would be used. Just because he can point to evidence that some fast geological forces are powerful enough to cause serious changes to the local topology is no proof of any sort of Young Earth theories. The idea that the Earth is only a few thousand years old based upon Biblical genealogical lists is completely absurd to anyone that has actually looked into it from a distant and dispassionate perspective. There is a lot of good stuff in Christianity to inspire without going down such a foolish rabbit hole. Twisting actual evidence to fit your theory ... that is not how science (or any actual serious investigation) works at all. But, then, I also am solidly convinced that those praising this video are not really into the whole science and scientific method thing. You know. That logical mode of thinking that we, as humans, have been endowed with to make actual sense of the world in which we live.
Ask him if he knew how his words would be used, you are making a statement as if it is fact while you have 'no' facts to back it up. You also say the effects of Mt St Helen on the local topology is no proof of young earth theories, maybe so. Maybe you are wrong too. In Science is the proof suppose to come 'before' the theory? Or is the theory to come from looking at the information and giving your best guess then attempt to disprove your theory? I do not recall anyone saying 'this proves the Earth is Young', I recall them saying it is influencing their perceptive about the other areas of earth's geology. Isn't this a work in progress? Are you old enough to remember when everyone 'knew' the continents are absolutely stationary. They 'knew' there was no such thing as continental drift, then some fool came up with the theory and scientist claimed 'there was no proof'. I am not saying these guys are correct, but if you are so closed minded you cannot listen to apposing theories and the attempts to 'prove' them I'd suggest you are as helpful to society as Christians who are so closed minded they cannot see same sex marriage as just as valid as traditional marriage. I am questioning your ability to be convinced so easily, it almost seems that you have a theory yet are unwilling to disprove it. In short, I am saying you seem to be projecting 'your' bias upon your announcements.
Huge geologic change can happen very quickly (as you acknowledge). You're right when you say it's not proof of any young earth theories. However, it certainly reveals that millions of years are not needed to explain natural geologic formations (eg, the Grand Canyon) when it was once assumed that only millions of years of slow change would produce such formations..
@@croakingfrog3173 Much like some formations out West that are believed to have been carved out when enormous ice dams further East breached multiple times. I still see no real evidence of any of this "Young Earth" stuff. It is an agenda based upon what I believe to be an outlandish theory looking for supporting evidence while disregarding anything that might prove contradictory to its goals, much like the Flat Earth movement in my opinion.
When you have a chance; start watching some of the current scientific findings that point to a direct "creation design by God". More and more scientists, geologists and astronomers are finding facts and 100% proof that everything has been designed and created by God alone. And we are talking about non biased scientists who tend to be atheists. Some are Christians; but most of them have been atheists. The truth is OUT THERE; and now easy to research right here on UA-cam and other scientific based web sites. Incredible discoveries are being made now. Research: Exodus decoded. There are several videos here on UA-cam.
i bet if you started to dig you would find many fossilized deer and other animals that were buried in the same manner that the dinosaurs were during the flood.
@@ConciseCabbageidk. Geology is *far* more complex and intricate than what's in this video. And of course the claims are misleading at best/completely incorrect at worst.
When I was a small child I formed , from observation, a complete theory of wave formation in water. I saw that as I moved my hands in my bath I could make small waves, I noticed that on Regents Park boating lake, where there were rowing boats, that the waves were bigger, When looking at boats on the Thames I noticed that the waves were much bigger. When I went on holiday to a beach ,Lepe, on the Solent I was nearly bowled over by the massive wave that followed the movement of a large liner two miles off shore. It was ALL the evidence I needed to confirm my theory as to Wave formation. Quite simply the bigger the boat the bigger the wave. It was of course a childs view of the world, and failed to include other information. I view this video on the same level as my childhood theories, a simplistic and restricted comment on a subject much wider than claimed. Generalisations on partial evidence do not prove the point.
Barry PURKIS so you’re happy with the previous “proof” for the formation of the Grand Canyon based on very little information that, if the same “logic” were used in looking at the existing conditions at Mount Saint Helens, it would be assumed to have occurred over millions of years? I don’t believe your analogy of your lack of understanding as a child has anything to do with this. If anything, your childhood “misunderstanding” applies more to the theories regarding the Grand Canyon formation - but Mount Saint Helens was observed, not hypothesized.
@@PrideofIpplepen My point was that a short term observation , without all of the evidence , will result in a faulty conclusion. Just because brand new debris from a volcanic eruption acts in an observed manner does not mean that hard sandstone and other rocks will behave in the same way. There has been considerable research, and observation , of erosion in action, not only in brand new ash deposits and soft muds, but also in the whole range of rocks available. Why would anyone assume that 'logic' would find that the Mount St Helens debris field was anything other than what it is? Even a quick search of the area would reveal the simple fact that the flora of the area is all very young, indicating that something has changed in the area very recently, leading to further investigation. and so on.
@@solentbum So, we throw out what we actually have observed, and go with the popular hypothesis that has even less evidence for it occurring? The sedimentary layers of the Grand Canyon shows signs of being catastrophic deposition, similar to what happened with Mt. St. Helen's. This is further supported by a lack of erosion between the layers on a large scale, plus the uniform the deposition of the layers over a wide area. Why dismiss this to go with the hypothesis that it happened through slow deposition, where there is little evidence for it?
they just barely got into it but as a geologist who has been there and studied the area they arent incorrect in ANYTHING they stated.....the info your looking for is out there just gotta go look fo it.... many articles in scientific journals have been written
Remember when it blew its top ( or at least it’s side ) remember reading in Easyrider magazine about some bikers that were driving through the major clouds of ash trying to escape.
When I fast forward, I see that there is video but when I let it play, it is black. It seems like this must be powerful for google, and UA-cam to remove the video from the audio. Please give it back to us UA-cam.
I will as a scientist and our lab received some of the samples as many labs around the world.. You may be able to find some of the analysis on line. Interesting is the number of labs age sample billions of years old, Carbon dated was flawed due to carbon material in the sample being high due to the tree material ashed during the eruptions. Given a false age data run l. Some labs dated 10 but llions years old and some 10 days old. Lol Most over 3 billions years old. Truth is the sample were taken with in a week. I may still have a small vile of ash. was given us lab rats.
Steve Austin has talked to a number of lab techs who have confirmed these consistent anomalies. Olivine in places it shouldn't be, etc. C14 where it shouldn't be, etc. Most are just tossed out b/c they don't fit the narrative.
Swirvin' Birds How do you know carbon dating is reliable when you can get different dates for the same rock layer? It is well known a rock layer of the same material is approx. the same age throughout that layer. There should be a variance of a few years, not billions of years. Please look at the evidence objectively and conclude many assumption about radiocarbon dating are wrong.
The formations from St Helens looks like a smaller scale of the Northern New Mexico Malpais, from Albuquerque to the Colorado border, which make sense because of the Valles Caldera located in the same area.
Geologists know very well there's sudden huge things that happen; they notice huge layers from the yellowstone supervolcano, layers that are hundreds and thousands of miles away, and they date them at hundreds of thousands of years ago.
@@TheMickeymental Which version? The Biblical version or the one it ripped off, the older Sumerian version? And while we're on that subject, were Egyptian pyramids built before or after the Flood? And if after, how long after?
@@keith6706 I see you have mistaken the finding of stone tablets to precede the Genesis account for pejorative reasoning. You are about eight hundred years in error regarding the flood of Gilgamesh and the complete account was not found until the mid-nineteenth century. I think that is called post hoc ergo propter hoc, maybe. There is much more veracity in the Hebrew account given their oral traditions. What happened to the Sumerian culture? Oh yes, it does not exist anymore. Read the real Holy Bible, but you never were interested in having your questions answered. You only wanted a foothold to state your dogma. How did life originate from chemicals? It did not; meaning your beliefs are based upon lies. Try again
@tsimahei if more people could see his math and scientific data, methods they'd see that the scholastic atheists of today are leading people astray on purpose after over 5k yrs of belief. Satan runs media. Hey God bless you and yours.
@@ourlifeinwashington4114 nope atheist don't accept God because they strawman at him, ironic since so many of them say "I grew up and educated myself" and their favorite words are "strawman" "logic fallasy"
Great video, I wish I could of witnessed the mountain blowing up, I was only 9 months old but my parents told me everything about the aftermath. I camp at Goat mountain and I just love spending the weekend up in the forest and the mountain. BTW, isn't "Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie" Mud's true name! That's long for Mud, so I've been told. Hehe!!
I was fishing on silver lake with a front row seat the day see blew ...just before she blew, the lake went dead flat and it got silent ... I kept wait for the boom, but it never came ...
@@laurabailey2092 time passes by fast ... to fast :( I kinda missed going outside with friends (don't get me wrong I love my PS4 but I still miss going outside lol)
Chapter Three: “The Scarlet Colored Beast” “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.” Revelation 17:3 KJV “And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” Revelation 17:7-9 KJV The angel made it so clear to John, and yet, we have grappled with this “beast” for thousands of years. Seven mountains. And there are ten horns connected to these seven mountains. “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” Revelation 17:16 KJV This “beast” is Yellowstone super volcano on which America sits. It is a mega magma chamber filled with molten lava. It is the largest in the world. It is scarlet colored, and it shall burn America with fire. There will be great earthquakes, smoke, rocks falling from the sky, mountains burning and being cast into the sea, thunder, lightning, clouds, the sun and the moon and the stars darkened, and fire! All of this describes a volcanic event like the world has never known before. The Lord God Almighty shall do this, the same way He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. “And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.” Isaiah 13:19 KJV Jesus said, “...for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20 KJV. He was speaking literally. We do not have this kind of faith, but The Lord Almighty does, and he will...
This would have been a lot better if (1) technical terms had been explained for non-geologists and (b) they had drawn boxes or circles around formations with arrows so you could be sure you were looking at the right thing.
Oasis Is how we 19:09 exactly how we can cut our channels in the bottom of the lake to get to the rare earths and what to consider when reclaiming body’s of water or creating of body’s off water.. in halo applications it is relevant to the atmospheric generation process and considerations to what safety precautions or regulations should be taken or made when using the system in that function even pre planning
It's interesting that this major geological eruption that up earthed so much material has so many parallels to the actions of St. Helena whom the mountain was named after. Perhaps a providential sign to the world about Jesus and His Holy Church.
@@timhallas4275 Yes, they sell ignorance. Like the question from Jon Doe "Please elaborate" tells me the knowlege of the geological sciences are somewhat lacking.
I was in Yakima about 50 miles from Mt Saint Helen's on that fateful day. I felt the earthquake, then a short time later heard the explosion of the lateral eruption. Within 30 minutes the ash starting falling. Day turned into night and we didn't see the sky until the next day. The eruption changed us in profound ways. St Helen's does not 'prove' anything. It does 'disprove' Genesis though. Mountain is millions of years old. It has been erupting every 100 - 200 years since it's formation. That is very 'normal' volcano behavior for this type of volcano. Cherry picking bits and pieces of geology to fit a narrative picked in advance is not science, it confirmation bias at it's very worst. Guess what? St Helen's has no high water marks from 'the flood'. Not a single shred of any evidence in Washington State that supports global 'flood'. Complete myth that's been told and retold for 250,000 years. There was a massive flood caused by melt water from Ice Sheet. The Missoula Floods happened 15,000 years ago and tore up large portions of Washington State. Those floods also 'prove' nothing. They do 'disprove' Genesis again, just like Mt St Helen's did.
All this video shows is that stratification at Mt St Helens was deposited rapidly. We knew that already. To extrapolate globally from one sample is bad science.
bill foster I think of this as a good example of what is now being recognized around the world the same strata depositions and how possibly it all happened world wide
Lol....nope. Grand Canyon is not made up of loose volcanic dust. Wowza. It would of disappeared in a life time.. lake mead would of been full of silt in one season, etc.
@@gordybishop2375 The Grand canyon was made by series of huge mudslides caused by a gigantic flood ! This flood was so massive, It caused a lake the size of lake Michigan high in the mountains, It drained out in a very short period of time ! It drains so fast it actually caused explosive erosion ! What a huge air bubble gets cut under the water, and then very suddenly escapes! That space has to be taken up by water, causing it to come crashing down with huge amounts of force !
@@gordybishop2375 The flood also caused huge salt flats, were ocean water got landlocked, and then evaporated ! The salt flat in South America is absolutely huge, and high altitude, there is not enough land mass, to account for that much salt, at that altitude !
Yes it WAS that much land mass.... And land rises....like say...the mountains around it. This all did not happen a a few thousand years. It took millions and billions. To first make the hard layers, then to erode them away.
So with yellow stone they say there has been 3 major eruptions every 600,000 years and there have been around 20 smaller eruptions, so maybe since sediment was deposited rapidly here. Maybe the sediment shows a couple thousand years around yellow stone maybe it only looks that way, idk I'm not a scientist
So the bare-bones basic argument seems to be, "This volcano made these geologic formations very quickly, therefore everything else was also formed very quickly." Do I really have to explain why this may be a flawed argument? This whole thing only really proves that the same or very similar geologic processes can occur on vastly different time scales. We expect stuff like this to form quickly at St. Helens because the FRESH volcanic ASH sediment is very soft and we have a very large volume of material flowing at incredibly high velocities. Just because it happened quickly there does not mean it MUST have also happened quickly everywhere.
"So the bare-bones basic argument seems to be, "This volcano made these geologic formations very quickly, therefore everything else was also formed very quickly." " No, that's not the argument. The argument is, This volcano made these geologic formations very quickly, therefore we have to reconsider whether other, similar, formations were really formed slowly as mainstream science claims. "This whole thing only really proves that the same or very similar geologic processes can occur on vastly different time scales." It proves that it _can_ happen quickly. It doesn't prove that it can happen slowly. And it has never been observed happening slowly. "Just because it happened quickly there does not mean it MUST have also happened quickly everywhere." True. But that it happened quickly here means that you can't argue that it happened slowly everywhere else. Therefore you can't argue that lots of time was _necessarily_ involved, and therefore you can't argue that it (necessarily) takes longer than the biblical timescale allows.
I had a dream about 7 months ago about a volcano erupting and I saw the mountain with snow and the lava coming down fast and people running in hysteria packing the train to get out of there. Everybody was thirsty and screaming while there was ash falling all over. After this dream the Iceland volcano erupted but I couldn't see a train in that area. Mt. St. Helens is the one that is clicking for me. Anybody in the area please stay alert.
This is great, but likely couldn't be used in a public school classroom. Can you edit this video in order to make it more usable? (remove the icon, take out the intro screen, etc.)
But we can imagine that some of the dinosaur and other fossils, were probably buried due to a mud flow from a volcanic eruption….maybe miles away from the actual eruption.
I remember my 8th grade Language Arts teacher telling us this story in class one day in 1999:
"I'm originally from Oregon, and when I was 12 years old, Mt. St. Helens blew up in my back yard, and there was ash everywhere although it kind of looked like snow. Anyway, on my dad's birthday, I took my finger and wrote in the ash on the hood of his car 'Happy birthday, Dad!' Unfortunately, unlike snow, I didn't know that volcanic ash was abrasive and would scratch car paint. So, from that point on until the day he sold it, it had 'Happy birthday, Dad!' scratched in the hood of the car. So, if you ever find yourself in place where volcanic ash lands on your car, *do not* use your finger to write in it. 😄"
I used to climb it as a 'tune up' for more major climbs, this before it blew. On the day it let off, I was assigned to monitor the University of Washington seismograph, and was studying for my Geology finals. Someone came running in to the shop, yelling that 'Saint Helens went!', and I quickly scrambled to the next room to see the seismic squiggles on the drum seismograph. Dang, missed it! Several days later I got permission to fly into the restricted zone from the Tulan airfield nearby, and took the first infrared photos of the area. We decided to fly the Cessna into the crater - wrong move! Talk about thermals! Never will forget the scenes, with mono color tan, and several bright yellow plumes coming out of the tuff deposit - evidently the result of buried ice vaporizing in the hot tuff. Surreal.
G C - thanks for telling of your experiences, it was a day to remember for so many people ! And a lot of people have passed away leaving stories untold !
I climb the North Face in 1971. That part of the mountain exploded out laterally and is gone, scattered over 200 square miles. Entire area north of the mountain was obliterated. The mega landslide was largest in recorded history and covered parts of north side in thousands of feet of debris. Spirit Lake was buried, a new one formed in it's place. Harry Truman at the Spirit Lake Lodge died there and is buried under 1,000 feet of debris.
I was 4 when it erupted and I still remember it. We lived really close to it in a small town. I remember the shaking, and the noise then the sky turned blackish in the middle of the day and it began to rain ash. We still have ash all over the place. To this day Everytime I smell a burnt match I get a flash back to that day.
That's interesting. I've never heard anybody mention what the ash and air smelled like. A burning match...
I was stationed at Ft Lewis in Tacoma. May 18th. I'll never forget it. Just unbelievable the power of this eruption.
This geologist has an excellent way of describing everything in such detail-what a great mind and passion for this subject.
Yes he lays it out clear and he shows just how much geologist and scientist have assumed over the countless centuries that stuff took a long time to build and get eroded away. pretty much shoots a hole in every geological theory and hypothesis laid down in the last couple hundred years
This is a story of Mt. St. Helen I’ve never heard discussed before. As a former geological student in college, this event has always captured my interest as well as the Indonesian and Japan tsunami events.
"That's because these creation "scientists" just made it up."
No, you made _that_ up.
"They are paid by religious organizations to tell these stories."
Yeah yeah. What about those who _don't_ work for those organisations?
"None of these guys could make a decent living as real scientists, because they suck at it."
In fact some of them made a living working as "real" scientists, but took a _lower-paying_ job with a creationist organisation because they believe in what this evidence says. And others _still_ make a living working as "real" scientists. You have no idea what you are talking about.
@@timhallas4275 Rude. You don't know his qualifications. Stop.
@@timhallas4275 That confuses me. Not the individual parts of your statement but the implication of the whole. So you're saying that the trees in the bottom of the lake are not petrifying in 40 years? That would seem be a foolish thing to say because of the ease in disproving it. I do not recall that tidbit being in the video only that I have heard or more likely read it given as fact.
You might admit the comment of "real scientists" is a cheap shot given that science today often ignores repeatability and some theories become fact by vote. That's not the paradigm of the scientific model. Consensus may be a more accurate way to say that.
@@timhallas4275 You evolutionist and your conspiracy theories ! We don't need Mount St Helens to disprove your theory, science does that just fine !
@@timhallas4275 *FIVE undeniable facts*
Abiogenesis is totally impossible ! Life is far to complicated to be formed by accident ! even if it did form "accidentally" what would it eat, how would it know it needed to eat, how would it have the ability to eat ! it would be the first life form ever ! How would it have developed those properties ! Please don't wast my time with that franken-life altering existing life, and calling it new life ! Or that dead stuff experiment, forming lifeless amino acids !
*your theory can't even get to evolution ! *continued !
I was born the day after it erupted, but a year earlier, so I've always felt like I had a connection to Mt. St. Helens. I don't remember it, as I was just under 1 year old, but I've long been fascinated with events surrounding the eruption, especially so ever since finding out how the catastrophe provides us with demonstrative information that upends the traditional "millions of years" rhetoric, and gives us evidence for a catastrophe such as the flood of Noah's day.
Concerning the comparison between flood flow and normal creek/river flow, one thing doesn't appear to be mentioned: Studies were done on floods at river deltas where it was discovered/demonstrated the growth is not vertical, with sediment being laid down layer after layer, but rather laterally/horizontally, with SEVERAL layers are laid down at the same time. Material self-sorts while it's being laid down, and this alone totally destroys the idea that layers took millions, thousands, hundreds, or even one single year. They can be laid down in a single event.
My oldest son was born May 18, 1981 one year after the eruption. I was in Yakima about 50 miles from Mt Saint Helen's on that fateful day. I felt the earthquake, then a short time later heard the explosion of the lateral eruption. Within 30 minutes the ash starting falling. Day turned into night and we didn't see the sky until the next day. The eruption changed us in profound ways.
@@fitnesslk Actually I left the flock about 10 years ago and moved to Judaism. Thanks for caring.
@@SJR_Media_Group might I ask why you left?
@@Ryan4Jesus I moved to Seattle but have since moved back to Yakima.
@@SJR_Media_Group I was meaning why you left Christianity
I was a freshman in high school living in Portland Oregon, I remember this event as if it were yesterday…
2020 was the second time in my life having to wear a mask…
I recently just backpacked the Loowit Trail around Mt St Helens and the entire time my party and I were talking about how these and other videos from Is Genesis History examine the eruption and resulting landscape we see today from a Biblical worldview. Very cool stuff.
Amazing. It took millions of years to form this starting 40 years ago 😉 In the early 70's, I was in High School and I realized, "The Bible is true. If it looks like it is not true, we don't understand something we're looking at."
@Darth Quantum in case you hsvmt noticed alot of history that was taught has been proven now as wrong. History is fluid and constantly changes with the advancement of knowledge.
More and more as we gain knowledge the gap between science and the Scriptures in the Bible come closer.
@JESSE B You don't recognize sarcasm?
@Darth Quantum and none so primitive as call themselves Darth Quatum.
@tsimahei "Given all the science in the Bible" - lol like water turning into wine, or walking on water....science has proved those, right? Gimme a f^cking break.
" Where I once held blind faith in evo, today I know it's a collection of guesses" - sigh....sorry but there's no 'guesses' in evolution....in fact science KEEPS OBSERVING it, happening in millions of species, time and time again (said species keep proving it again and again, all these hundreds of years after Darwin first 'discovered' it). And not just in paleontology, but in genetics, geology, etc.
Great video! Thanks so much for standing for Young Earth Creationsim! God's word is truth!
So amazed how the whole side just evaporated
This is why the dating we are being told about ancient structures and geologic formations is jot even remotely accurate. The Grand canyon for instance is very likely to have occurred during a catastrophic event rather than long term geological erosion.
Which also is why we see so many times that they change their dates for every new discovery in order to make it work with the current timeline. They also get many different results for whatever they are trying to date. Not to mention discoveries of RBC’s/Soft Tissue and Nerves in Dino bone make that whole dating system somewhat irrelevant and not inaccurate.
Isn't it also true that the process of fossilization MUST be rapid?
When they "radiographically date" a living creature and it shows that it's millions of years old, you know the so-called scientists don't know what they're talking about.
I remember being skeptical of carbon dating even when I was a kid...it seems fundamentally flawed & contrived to me... it's a parlor trick & not even a good one at that
THANK YOU GENTLEmen!!! You are Superstars in my book!!!!
Thanks for making these available on UA-cam while the country/world is on lock down. I am sharing on my Facebook page and Twitter account, also. God bless ICR for helping me over the years.
Don't take this the wrong way but i wish this had of happened now, there'd be ten million different camera angles from stationary cameras all the way up to drone film all of it uploaded in real time to a cloud and then edited to give us a VR 360 degree view of the eruption from any angle. It would have been epic in every way and nature would have won an academy award.
Be careful what you wish for!
Yellowstone has been quite active lately. Over a thousand earthquakes last month alone. You may get your wish.
Don’t worry you will get another chance soon enough…
We serve a mighty God!
@@timhallas4275 my guy look at the video isn’t that proof
To God be the glory! His truth echoes around us….
It's my belief GOD showed mercy in allowing this event back in 1980 by giving us a very very very small sample of (HIS Power and Glory) and what took place during Noah's Day. I know there will be mockers and scoffers of what this event revealed and the evidence it left behind, but I look at it this way. Even today many around the world hate and mock Jesus Christ so it stands to reason they'll do the same to those of us who believe HIS Word (not only for doctrine but also it's narrative) and put our trust in HIM. "Those who wait upon The Lord Will Not be ashamed". TY, and look forward to watching this video.
God, right.
This Pandemic is speaking loudly to
This happened during the week I was graduating. I was living in the Yakima valley and it was only later in the day we realized that Mt. St. Helens made an ash out of herself. The ash cloud was hit by sun light and the color was a rusty red. What a sight and it interfered with radio and TV signals.
Must be a old video. He said 35 years ago, it's 2020, that makes it 40 years ago. Still good video. I live about 45 miles away and was 19yrs old when it blew it's top. Climbed to the rim last summer. pretty amazing
Just inmage if mount st Helen was a supervol
My best friend in high school; moved to a town near Mt. St Helens about 6 months before it erupted. They automatically "graduated" every one in her senior class. She was pretty happy about that early graduation gift. Her parent's = not so much.
It could have been much worse; more people could have died. Thankfully there weren't too many towns around Mt. St. Helens back in the late 1970's and into 1980.
This was filmed in 2017 & earlier.
You must have seen the plume
very very interesting
It looks like beautiful country
did you go to spirit lake on your hike?
the side of the volcano bulged out at a rate of 5ft a day for a month before - And yet people still tried to get close to see
I had just finished an undergraduate degree in geology in Cape Town when it happened but was not interested enough in the topic to understand the importance of this event
I wish they had mentioned the petrified forest that has formed since 1980.
@J Mireles Now that you mention it I recall reading about that and similar tests not involving wood petrification. I also recall reading of evidence that petroleum oil or coal is being produced at a very fast rate and that it MIGHT not be coming from swamps. I'm not drawing a line in the sand on that particular specific but what I read was interesting enough and credible enough for me to file it away if only partially.
In a similar vein, pun intended, a young earth creationist has challenged the Big Bang to debates. What is proved is NOT that the earth was created in six days ,nor in eons but that both hypothesis require faith in something. A good question is what force or power was put on "a nothing" to BANG! create the beginnings of the cosmos? Or if there was a pre-existing something that BANGED! where did it come from. I think these are important questions but meh, what do I know?
This is a great video. Extremely informative.
It's very misleading, though. In a myriad of ways and crossing multiple subjects. I'm not trolling, either Genesis people, so if you delete my comment it's because you just don't like it.
But yeah. This video is just chalk full of misleading/outright incorrect claims.
Is that "Stone & Coal" Steve Austin himself?
As an archaeologist familiar with geomorphology and related processes in short time-scale, this is one of the most bombshell analyses I've seen.
Went there as a kid, but this makes me want to go back soon.
Thanks for the amazingly informative video. I've watched many of your videos, and have learnt a lot. Really appreciate it. 👍
Praise God.. Thank you for putting these videos for public view.
My fiance called me from Crest Airpark. He'd been up flying when it exploded. I walked to the end of my road in the Kent valley and watched it with my neighbors. The most bizarre thing I've ever seen.
I think of the cutting action of mud-flows as high power sand paper.
Good for you.
Correct. He says that in the extended version on the DVDs.
I've been to Johnston's Ridge; the distances, heights, and depths they describe are impossible to grasp. The scale there is bewildering.
“We can observe the way mud flows” , how about how time flows? Geologists should consider letting go of their presuppositions. Especially after Mt Saint Helens.
You don't understand; dream of any geologist (or scientist) is to destroy a presupposition. Prove a presupposition wrong and you get famous. Harlen Bretz, who first proposed cataclysmic, ice age floods that came within 40 miles of St. Helens, was greeted with strong skepticism when he presented his findings. He is now featured prominently in pictures and plaques across the Columbia Plateau because he provided evidence to back up his claims, and once other geologists were able to verify the evidence, they accepted a completely new model.
"Prove a presupposition wrong and you get famous."
It depends on the presupposition. One current common presupposition is that science can only provide natural explanations, thereby ruling out explanations involving the supernatural, even if the evidence points that way. *That* presupposition is not allowed to be questioned.
@@PJRayment Don't try to misdirect with a straw man argument. This video isn't appealing to the supernatural; it's proposing natural causes which, if they had any merit, could be presented to a wider geological community instead of being used to build the confirmation bias of people whose geology education ended in Sunday school.
I'm not raising a straw man. Yes, it's proposing mostly natural causes, but in doing so would support an event that supports the supernatural, and atheists and other secular scientists can't have that.
And this sort of science also convinces other scientists, so you comment about a poor education was simply more denigration.
Yes there have been a few (very few) who have looked at the evidence and began to honor and give GOD the glory that is HIS. YET, I remember what Scripture had to say about Egypt when they refused to let Israel go free. The Lord began to send the plagues upon Egypt. Their "hearts" remained hardened until the last plague when the 1st born of Egypt were killed, and Egypt at last let Israel go free. YET, shortly afterwards their hearts became hard again, and even after all Egypt saw GOD do, they still went headlong into "The Sea" that they saw GOD divide and were never seen again. This hardness of men's hearts still remains today as they "willingly ignore" the evidence and the world will still unite itself to try to stop The Will of God from coming to pass. SADLY they will keep this attitude even until the very end.... Hearts hardened against GOD = insanity.
Its interesting how fast our Creator Ye’hovah exposes the lies of the lawless wicked.
Yep, cuz that's definitely how and why this happened. 🤦♀️
Timmy timmy timmy, insanity is the expectancy of doing the same thing over and over again thinking there will be different results than the ones observed. Here is evidence that is completely opposite as to how certain geological formations happen and you still think this is the result of millions or billions of years. Poor thing timmy
@@timhallas4275 Mt. St. Helens eruption was *observed by human eyes* to see that catastrophic events happen quickly, and then could've been interpreted by people who were not there to witness it (for example sake) and had been taught "millions of years," as if the layers of sediment formed over long periods of time, which they did not; they laid down in only days and weeks. When trees sunk to the bottom of the lake and got buried [vertically] inside the sediment layers, *just like we see logs embedded [vertically] inside deep layers of rock today!* Evolutionist fantasy tries to claim that happened over "millions of years." Then evolutionists say the sediment at Mt. St. Helens "is not rock", which we obviously know! *Drain the water out today, dehydrate that sediment and put it under immense pressure and it'll become rock in little time,* far less time than "millions of years." Scientists have already made coal, diamonds and other such things in laboratories, thus proving long periods of time *is not needed,* only the specific conditions. The river seen running down Mt. St. Helens *after* the *catastrophic event* happened, proves that the river *DID NOT* "carve" away over long periods of time, as the evolutionists would theorize if we did not witness this *catastrophic event* happen in 1980! Mt. St. Helens eruption proved that 'catastrophism' truly is science, and the *catastrophic* worldwide flood, written of in the bible, is certainly the scientific explanation for why we see shells and remnants of other sea life on top of mountains today; why we see millions of bones from animals (even some giving birth at the time) and humans embedded inside rock; why we see human technology ("OOPArt") embedded inside rock today. Why we've found whale bones in the deserts, and so on. Evolutionism is anti-science. Science backs the bible here. The "millions of years" came about by atheists who had to go *against* the timeline of the bible. It did not come about by observation (obviously). So they pushed this fantasy solely to go against the bible. How anyone would trust a group of people coming up with a "theory" solely based upon attacking the bible is beyond logical comprehension to me. That shows the atheists were not being scientific, only emotional and extremely biased against the truth back then. Now this fantasy of "millions of years" is pushed as if it's "scientific" today in school textbooks, sadly. Such a brainwashing they push on vulnerable young minds in schools today.
Yet, they love to go back to the lies and be mesmerized by those lies. It's like a pig going back to the mud or a dog going back to its vomit
@@joescott58 and the lies of evolution. It doesn't take millions of years to form mountains and canyons. The 1980 eruption of Mt St Helens created a one tenth scale model of the Grand Canyon in minutes. The ash rose 80,000 ft into the air and within a week it circled the entire world.
167 miles of roads were destroyed, 57 people died.
Adding a graphical sequence of events would help make this discussion clear to everyone.
I might be a bit late but check out the seismic seconds episode of the Mt St Helens blast. Really puts into perspective how terrifying it was.
Please keep posting more videos on scientific explanation of some of the flaws we learn in secular education.
Great presentation. I really enjoyed this fascinating science driven video. Bravo!
Very informative! Thanks for posting.
Thank you for this video, I finally understand how strata form.
This means the Grand Canyon formed in maybe a few years, you know compared to millions or billions
1 year, during The Flood. Amazing, isn't it. 👍🕊️
That is literally the take away from what the Dr was saying. Catastrophic events terra form in seconds, minutes, days or months. Not millions or billions of years. This is definitive and absolute proof of that. This segment is much longer on the dvd. This was only a short snip.
Maybe weeks
@@dennymac4198 No, No, NO! rapid erosion can take place. NOT the same as Grand Canyon.
Sedimentary rocks contain fossils of animals that don’t exist anymore. There’s a difference between sedimentary deposits and volcanic deposits. It’s obvious that erosion can take place rapidly at times, but once you start talking about limestone you have a whole different animal.
God is an electrical engineer....among other things.
I was at Mt.St.Helens on that day.I was stationed at the Cle Elm ranger station., We heard the young man call and he was rubbed out.We were to clear out the park.I-90 was the highway of death.I was 75 miles away from the blast.I was darker as the darkness had solid falling out of it ash and pumice.
Who's your mudman? Steve is awesome.
I could listen to both the guys voices all day long!!!
Love the accents. Interesting and they are interested in what they are talking about.
Fascinating. Stationed at Ft Lewis 1982-3 as a Black Hawk crew chief...hovered inside the crater 1983. Will NEVER forget that experience.
So good, I just learned so much!
I'm waiting to hear them tell about how life forms of differing complexity were neatly separated in the various deposition layers ;)
they were.....even coal was found at the bottom (coal and also stuff that was still partly raw material partially converted to coal) of the deposition mearly a few years after it was all deposited.........the evidence/info is there ya just gotta look for it
I'm still waiting for evolutionists to explain how the complex genetic code came about by sheer coincidence... And yes, there are several explanations for how the separation of different creatures in the sedimentary layers could have come about, you can find enough about this if you look for it.
Better yet how does evolution explain DNA the building blocks of all life. DNA can not just happen it must be created. We are just now discovering this new knowledge and yet to fully understand it. They are so many holes in the evolution theory but because people can't grasp what they can't see they are willing to accept what ever is in front of them even though as knowledge increases so does understanding. This is why having faith is important.
Watch the full 1 hour and 45 minute video, your query is explained there.
umm how is that a problem?
I was on the island of Guam when this happened and there was volcanic ash detected there a few days later.
Interesting watching this video and hearing this video when I lived up there and watched this mountain every day...I was only in my 20,s when I lived there.. 10 miles from the Toutle River....I lived near Swift Reservoir....... We lived in the valleys.... This was quite an experience living near this active volcano.... Spewing
Ash from the beginning... Mud flows going down the Toutle River.... Bridges were being wiped out... I felt the earth moving under my feet....Earthquakes and aftershock after the mountain blew.. Quite the story I could write.,..We were living in the Red Zone...I was a survivor of the May 18th 1980 eruption of Mt.St.Helens.... But im not a billions years obviously... Its Jan. 2022 now
Awesome video.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Makes perfect sense 🌋
Really makes you 🤔 think. Love it. God is so good ❤️ amazing
I remember the ash cloud moved over Coeur d'Alene Idaho it looked like midnight in the afternoon.
I am fully convinced that the geologist in the video most likely didn't have any idea how his words would be used.
Just because he can point to evidence that some fast geological forces are powerful enough to cause serious changes to the local topology is no proof of any sort of Young Earth theories.
The idea that the Earth is only a few thousand years old based upon Biblical genealogical lists is completely absurd to anyone that has actually looked into it from a distant and dispassionate perspective.
There is a lot of good stuff in Christianity to inspire without going down such a foolish rabbit hole.
Twisting actual evidence to fit your theory ... that is not how science (or any actual serious investigation) works at all.
But, then, I also am solidly convinced that those praising this video are not really into the whole science and scientific method thing.
You know. That logical mode of thinking that we, as humans, have been endowed with to make actual sense of the world in which we live.
Ask him if he knew how his words would be used, you are making a statement as if it is fact while you have 'no' facts to back it up.
You also say the effects of Mt St Helen on the local topology is no proof of young earth theories, maybe so. Maybe you are wrong too. In Science is the proof suppose to come 'before' the theory? Or is the theory to come from looking at the information and giving your best guess then attempt to disprove your theory? I do not recall anyone saying 'this proves the Earth is Young', I recall them saying it is influencing their perceptive about the other areas of earth's geology. Isn't this a work in progress?
Are you old enough to remember when everyone 'knew' the continents are absolutely stationary. They 'knew' there was no such thing as continental drift, then some fool came up with the theory and scientist claimed 'there was no proof'. I am not saying these guys are correct, but if you are so closed minded you cannot listen to apposing theories and the attempts to 'prove' them I'd suggest you are as helpful to society as Christians who are so closed minded they cannot see same sex marriage as just as valid as traditional marriage.
I am questioning your ability to be convinced so easily, it almost seems that you have a theory yet are unwilling to disprove it. In short, I am saying you seem to be projecting 'your' bias upon your announcements.
Huge geologic change can happen very quickly (as you acknowledge). You're right when you say it's not proof of any young earth theories. However, it certainly reveals that millions of years are not needed to explain natural geologic formations (eg, the Grand Canyon) when it was once assumed that only millions of years of slow change would produce such formations..
@@vitaquasus1120 That is why I chose to state that I am fully convinced, which is a statement of personal belief that does not offer concrete proof.
@@croakingfrog3173 Much like some formations out West that are believed to have been carved out when enormous ice dams further East breached multiple times.
I still see no real evidence of any of this "Young Earth" stuff.
It is an agenda based upon what I believe to be an outlandish theory looking for supporting evidence while disregarding anything that might prove contradictory to its goals, much like the Flat Earth movement in my opinion.
When you have a chance; start watching some of the current scientific findings that point to a direct "creation design by God". More and more scientists, geologists and astronomers are finding facts and 100% proof that everything has been designed and created by God alone. And we are talking about non biased scientists who tend to be atheists. Some are Christians; but most of them have been atheists. The truth is OUT THERE; and now easy to research right here on UA-cam and other scientific based web sites. Incredible discoveries are being made now. Research: Exodus decoded. There are several videos here on UA-cam.
What happened? We learned that fossils don't take millions upon millions of years to fossilize.
We also learned that it doesn't take millions of years for hundreds of square miles of landscape to change forever.
@@davidlong3219 good point!
i bet if you started to dig you would find many fossilized deer and other animals that were buried in the same manner that the dinosaurs were during the flood.
Great thing showed how fast processes can happen!
Really exciting discoveries being made. If I was 18, I’d want to go into geology after seeing this.
Darth Quantum - Why not? You don’t talk about the aging and formation of rocks and such?
@@ConciseCabbageidk. Geology is *far* more complex and intricate than what's in this video. And of course the claims are misleading at best/completely incorrect at worst.
When I was a small child I formed , from observation, a complete theory of wave formation in water. I saw that as I moved my hands in my bath I could make small waves, I noticed that on Regents Park boating lake, where there were rowing boats, that the waves were bigger, When looking at boats on the Thames I noticed that the waves were much bigger. When I went on holiday to a beach ,Lepe, on the Solent I was nearly bowled over by the massive wave that followed the movement of a large liner two miles off shore. It was ALL the evidence I needed to confirm my theory as to Wave formation. Quite simply the bigger the boat the bigger the wave.
It was of course a childs view of the world, and failed to include other information.
I view this video on the same level as my childhood theories, a simplistic and restricted comment on a subject much wider than claimed. Generalisations on partial evidence do not prove the point.
Barry PURKIS so you’re happy with the previous “proof” for the formation of the Grand Canyon based on very little information that, if the same “logic” were used in looking at the existing conditions at Mount Saint Helens, it would be assumed to have occurred over millions of years? I don’t believe your analogy of your lack of understanding as a child has anything to do with this. If anything, your childhood “misunderstanding” applies more to the theories regarding the Grand Canyon formation - but Mount Saint Helens was observed, not hypothesized.
@@PrideofIpplepen My point was that a short term observation , without all of the evidence , will result in a faulty conclusion. Just because brand new debris from a volcanic eruption acts in an observed manner does not mean that hard sandstone and other rocks will behave in the same way. There has been considerable research, and observation , of erosion in action, not only in brand new ash deposits and soft muds, but also in the whole range of rocks available.
Why would anyone assume that 'logic' would find that the Mount St Helens debris field was anything other than what it is? Even a quick search of the area would reveal the simple fact that the flora of the area is all very young, indicating that something has changed in the area very recently, leading to further investigation. and so on.
@@solentbum So, we throw out what we actually have observed, and go with the popular hypothesis that has even less evidence for it occurring? The sedimentary layers of the Grand Canyon shows signs of being catastrophic deposition, similar to what happened with Mt. St. Helen's. This is further supported by a lack of erosion between the layers on a large scale, plus the uniform the deposition of the layers over a wide area.
Why dismiss this to go with the hypothesis that it happened through slow deposition, where there is little evidence for it?
they just barely got into it but as a geologist who has been there and studied the area they arent incorrect in ANYTHING they stated.....the info your looking for is out there just gotta go look fo it.... many articles in scientific journals have been written
Did you not have the rocks dated?
Wow didn't know that about mud flows
I can see how these observations have the potential to change the entire view of landscapes and geological formations.
God keeping confounding the wisdom of man. And he keeps showing us that he is in control. And that he is truth.
Remember when it blew its top ( or at least it’s side ) remember reading in Easyrider magazine about some bikers that were driving through the major clouds of ash trying to escape.
Would the Quick Clay which can flow catastrophically in Norway e.g. Risa be what is seen on the North Fork of Toutle River ?
Is it the same process ?
Very solid chance. Yes.
Mt. Rainier has awoken. If she goes off, it will be majorly catastrophic.
are there any videos or pics of the two later events after the may 18 1980 event?? surely there are somewhere
They showed a picture of the pyroclastic flow which occurred in June....
Stone Cold Steve Austin.
When I fast forward, I see that there is video but when I let it play, it is black. It seems like this must be powerful for google, and UA-cam to remove the video from the audio. Please give it back to us UA-cam.
Steve’s got that same rugged and weathered John Wayne personality. Very informative video.
I will as a scientist and our lab received some of the samples as many labs around the world.. You may be able to find some of the analysis on line. Interesting is the number of labs age sample billions of years old, Carbon dated was flawed due to carbon material in the sample being high due to the tree material ashed during the eruptions. Given a false age data run l. Some labs dated 10 but llions years old and some 10 days old. Lol Most over 3 billions years old. Truth is the sample were taken with in a week. I may still have a small vile of ash. was given us lab rats.
Steve Austin has talked to a number of lab techs who have confirmed these consistent anomalies. Olivine in places it shouldn't be, etc. C14 where it shouldn't be, etc. Most are just tossed out b/c they don't fit the narrative.
so why bother to do carbon dating? If it is so totally unreliable what is the point?
@@johndo3930 you mean carbon dating all together, or just in this instance?
@@johndo3930 Carbon dating has been highly reliable. It has been cross referenced with dendrocronology and corals.
Swirvin' Birds How do you know carbon dating is reliable when you can get different dates for the same rock layer? It is well known a rock layer of the same material is approx. the same age throughout that layer. There should be a variance of a few years, not billions of years. Please look at the evidence objectively and conclude many assumption about radiocarbon dating are wrong.
The formations from St Helens looks like a smaller scale of the Northern New Mexico Malpais, from Albuquerque to the Colorado border, which make sense because of the Valles Caldera located in the same area.
Great lesson thanks,good we see that their is a open minds to learn and question the past??
Geologists know very well there's sudden huge things that happen; they notice huge layers from the yellowstone supervolcano, layers that are hundreds and thousands of miles away, and they date them at hundreds of thousands of years ago.
So they are wrong.
@@TheMickeymental Where'd the water go? And where did it come from?
@@keith6706 Read the biblical account and it will tell you exactly what you need.
@@TheMickeymental Which version? The Biblical version or the one it ripped off, the older Sumerian version?
And while we're on that subject, were Egyptian pyramids built before or after the Flood? And if after, how long after?
@@keith6706 I see you have mistaken the finding of stone tablets to precede the Genesis account for pejorative reasoning. You are about eight hundred years in error regarding the flood of Gilgamesh and the complete account was not found until the mid-nineteenth century. I think that is called post hoc ergo propter hoc, maybe. There is much more veracity in the Hebrew account given their oral traditions. What happened to the Sumerian culture? Oh yes, it does not exist anymore.
Read the real Holy Bible, but you never were interested in having your questions answered. You only wanted a foothold to state your dogma. How did life originate from chemicals? It did not; meaning your beliefs are based upon lies. Try again
Steve Austin, the bionic geologist (Gen-Xers will get that)...fascinating video, you guys!❤
Check out Brian Nickels Hydroplate theory on UA-cam for scientific explanations of the flood. He makes great sense out of a lot that's skipped over
@tsimahei if more people could see his math and scientific data, methods they'd see that the scholastic atheists of today are leading people astray on purpose after over 5k yrs of belief. Satan runs media. Hey God bless you and yours.
@@ourlifeinwashington4114 nope atheist don't accept God because they strawman at him, ironic since so many of them say "I grew up and educated myself" and their favorite words are "strawman" "logic fallasy"
Great video, I wish I could of witnessed the mountain blowing up, I was only 9 months old but my parents told me everything about the aftermath. I camp at Goat mountain and I just love spending the weekend up in the forest and the mountain. BTW, isn't "Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie" Mud's true name! That's long for Mud, so I've been told. Hehe!!
I wasn't expecting a Primus reference in these comments, but here you are! ;)
It's amazing how different the United States was back then.
I was fishing on silver lake with a front row seat the day see blew ...just before she blew, the lake went dead flat and it got silent ... I kept wait for the boom, but it never came ...
I remember this, almost didn’t survived its ash
were u there?
I was 10yrs old when this happened. It knocked me out of bed. I lived in Burnaby, BC. Our house was covered in ash
@@laurabailey2092 time passes by fast ... to fast :( I kinda missed going outside with friends (don't get me wrong I love my PS4 but I still miss going outside lol)
So I wonder what happend with the yellow stone eruptions
Are there modern fossils in the area?
Doubtless, if one could reach them.
sometimes fossles become oil by bring crushed maybe there is but in the form of liquid
Chapter Three:
“The Scarlet Colored Beast”
“So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”
Revelation 17:3 KJV
“And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”
Revelation 17:7-9 KJV
The angel made it so clear to John, and yet, we have grappled with this “beast” for thousands of years. Seven mountains. And there are ten horns connected to these seven mountains. “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.”
Revelation 17:16 KJV
This “beast” is Yellowstone super volcano on which America sits. It is a mega magma chamber filled with molten lava. It is the largest in the world. It is scarlet colored, and it shall burn America with fire.
There will be great earthquakes, smoke, rocks falling from the sky, mountains burning and being cast into the sea, thunder, lightning, clouds, the sun and the moon and the stars darkened, and fire! All of this describes a volcanic event like the world has never known before. The Lord God Almighty shall do this, the same way He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. “And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Isaiah 13:19 KJV
Jesus said, “...for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”
Matthew 17:20 KJV. He was speaking literally. We do not have this kind of faith, but The Lord Almighty does, and he will...
Frightening actually....camping spots take on a whole new meaning....
This would have been a lot better if (1) technical terms had been explained for non-geologists and (b) they had drawn boxes or circles around formations with arrows so you could be sure you were looking at the right thing.
Yeah the terms they're using aren't technical (and sometimes aren't even science at all), so there's no way to make them easier to understand.
Oasis Is how we 19:09 exactly how we can cut our channels in the bottom of the lake to get to the rare earths and what to consider when reclaiming body’s of water or creating of body’s off water.. in halo applications it is relevant to the atmospheric generation process and considerations to what safety precautions or regulations should be taken or made when using the system in that function even pre planning
It's interesting that this major geological eruption that up earthed so much material has so many parallels to the actions of St. Helena whom the mountain was named after. Perhaps a providential sign to the world about Jesus and His Holy Church.
Wonderful hair Dr. Steve
It erupted (8) eight times that year.When it did we were off and inside for that.I was at Stehekin, lake Chelan summer of 1980.
Stehekin is my favorite place on earth. 💖
Have fossils been discovered from this event?
Obrigada pelas legendas em português.
A geologist that do not understand the difference between volcanic ashlayers an other sedimentary layers is unbelivable.
His pay depends on not understanding.
Stefan Mud ... So tell us Mr. Mud?
@@timhallas4275 Yes, they sell ignorance.
Like the question from Jon Doe "Please elaborate" tells me the knowlege of the geological sciences are somewhat lacking.
So hes wrong then? Elaborate
@@arthurx333 We can differentiate between volcanic ash and other sedimantary layers.
Even within the geologic coloumb.
The landscape in Washington looks very similar to the landscape in Scotland.
I was in Yakima about 50 miles from Mt Saint Helen's on that fateful day. I felt the earthquake, then a short time later heard the explosion of the lateral eruption. Within 30 minutes the ash starting falling. Day turned into night and we didn't see the sky until the next day. The eruption changed us in profound ways.
St Helen's does not 'prove' anything. It does 'disprove' Genesis though. Mountain is millions of years old. It has been erupting every 100 - 200 years since it's formation. That is very 'normal' volcano behavior for this type of volcano. Cherry picking bits and pieces of geology to fit a narrative picked in advance is not science, it confirmation bias at it's very worst.
Guess what? St Helen's has no high water marks from 'the flood'. Not a single shred of any evidence in Washington State that supports global 'flood'. Complete myth that's been told and retold for 250,000 years. There was a massive flood caused by melt water from Ice Sheet. The Missoula Floods happened 15,000 years ago and tore up large portions of Washington State. Those floods also 'prove' nothing. They do 'disprove' Genesis again, just like Mt St Helen's did.
All this video shows is that stratification at Mt St Helens was deposited rapidly. We knew that already. To extrapolate globally from one sample is bad science.
bill foster I think of this as a good example of what is now being recognized around the world the same strata depositions and how possibly it all happened world wide
@@revbobmartin Ask real scientists. Christian science is an oxymoron.
Your are exactly right. What can happen in an instant can happen in a long period of time...great...then what?
@@boblee5524 Using his logic, catching one trout in an ocean is sufficient evidence to believe that all the fish are trout.
@@billfoster7951 you have a very narrow mind not willing to accept real science because it doesn't fit your personal point of understanding.
How old is magma?
Comparing new volcanic deposits to the earths crust that made such things as the Grand Canyon?
yes because all the same things are present at both
Lol....nope. Grand Canyon is not made up of loose volcanic dust. Wowza. It would of disappeared in a life time.. lake mead would of been full of silt in one season, etc.
@@gordybishop2375 The Grand canyon was made by series of huge mudslides caused by a gigantic flood ! This flood was so massive, It caused a lake the size of lake Michigan high in the mountains, It drained out in a very short period of time ! It drains so fast it actually caused explosive erosion ! What a huge air bubble gets cut under the water, and then very suddenly escapes! That space has to be taken up by water, causing it to come crashing down with huge amounts of force !
@@gordybishop2375 The flood also caused huge salt flats, were ocean water got landlocked, and then evaporated ! The salt flat in South America is absolutely huge, and high altitude, there is not enough land mass, to account for that much salt, at that altitude !
Yes it WAS that much land mass....
And land rises....like say...the mountains around it.
This all did not happen a a few thousand years. It took millions and billions. To first make the hard layers, then to erode them away.
So with yellow stone they say there has been 3 major eruptions every 600,000 years and there have been around 20 smaller eruptions, so maybe since sediment was deposited rapidly here. Maybe the sediment shows a couple thousand years around yellow stone maybe it only looks that way, idk I'm not a scientist
So the bare-bones basic argument seems to be, "This volcano made these geologic formations very quickly, therefore everything else was also formed very quickly." Do I really have to explain why this may be a flawed argument? This whole thing only really proves that the same or very similar geologic processes can occur on vastly different time scales. We expect stuff like this to form quickly at St. Helens because the FRESH volcanic ASH sediment is very soft and we have a very large volume of material flowing at incredibly high velocities. Just because it happened quickly there does not mean it MUST have also happened quickly everywhere.
"So the bare-bones basic argument seems to be, "This volcano made these geologic formations very quickly, therefore everything else was also formed very quickly." "
No, that's not the argument. The argument is, This volcano made these geologic formations very quickly, therefore we have to reconsider whether other, similar, formations were really formed slowly as mainstream science claims.
"This whole thing only really proves that the same or very similar geologic processes can occur on vastly different time scales."
It proves that it _can_ happen quickly. It doesn't prove that it can happen slowly.
And it has never been observed happening slowly.
"Just because it happened quickly there does not mean it MUST have also happened quickly everywhere."
True. But that it happened quickly here means that you can't argue that it happened slowly everywhere else. Therefore you can't argue that lots of time was _necessarily_ involved, and therefore you can't argue that it (necessarily) takes longer than the biblical timescale allows.
@@PJRayment they won't ever want to get it until they believe in God.
I had a dream about 7 months ago about a volcano erupting and I saw the mountain with snow and the lava coming down fast and people running in hysteria packing the train to get out of there. Everybody was thirsty and screaming while there was ash falling all over. After this dream the Iceland volcano erupted but I couldn't see a train in that area. Mt. St. Helens is the one that is clicking for me. Anybody in the area please stay alert.
Some of building up formation is made by mud, debris trees, rocks, bolters in a few hours life time. I'm thinking The Grand Canyon?
This is great, but likely couldn't be used in a public school classroom. Can you edit this video in order to make it more usable? (remove the icon, take out the intro screen, etc.)
But we can imagine that some of the dinosaur and other fossils, were probably buried due to a mud flow from a volcanic eruption….maybe miles away from the actual eruption.