Second movie had lots of good moments like Leta's bogart, Leta's story was interesting but it was conveyed in such a boring manner too much talking too little action. And it was really difficult to see what were the limitsof one's power coz Credence is supposed to be superpowerful he can travel through walls like ghost but somehow one random MACUSA auror can protect himself from his charm. Also why that one house elf just makes the whole circus tent disappear when there are muggles everywhere. Would not that be suspicious for muggles. Plotholes like that were really distracting. Also Grindelwald was badly written his actions contradicted his plans. And whole atmosphere was so dense. Still Johny Depp played Grindelwald well. Just characterisation was weird they could not decide if they should make him an albino or guy with heterochromia (two eyes in different colour)
I never heard this song before -but I love it!
this deserve more likes and viewers
Great tribute to Newt!
this edit is stuck in my head. hehe
Beautiful song.
love it 🌼
❤❤❤ j adore
Good edit. But only 1rst film was good
Second movie had lots of good moments like Leta's bogart, Leta's story was interesting but it was conveyed in such a boring manner too much talking too little action. And it was really difficult to see what were the limitsof one's power coz Credence is supposed to be superpowerful he can travel through walls like ghost but somehow one random MACUSA auror can protect himself from his charm. Also why that one house elf just makes the whole circus tent disappear when there are muggles everywhere. Would not that be suspicious for muggles. Plotholes like that were really distracting. Also Grindelwald was badly written his actions contradicted his plans. And whole atmosphere was so dense. Still Johny Depp played Grindelwald well. Just characterisation was weird they could not decide if they should make him an albino or guy with heterochromia (two eyes in different colour)
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