गेम आयो - Gauley Early Access Released - Nepali Community Game

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ashimshakyainteractive
    @ashimshakyainteractive  Місяць тому +67

    Please check the PC System requirements and only download if compatible. Thank you. 🙏
    Game Link :
    Link for QR (Nepali Payment) :
    For Indian Payment :

  • @Sam-be2hi
    @Sam-be2hi Місяць тому +40

    I lived in Nepal for several years and I know how Nepal looks like and this game portrays the beauty of it im buying it

  • @aakubossextra4183
    @aakubossextra4183 Місяць тому +115

    Love from croatia 🇭🇷 🇳🇵 . I'm buying it❤

    • @ratoboksi2512
      @ratoboksi2512 Місяць тому +1


    • @sanjaysaran3051
      @sanjaysaran3051 Місяць тому

      which angle to you are from Croatia 😂😂😂to 😂

  • @Leo-hg7mz
    @Leo-hg7mz Місяць тому +47

    I'm buying it now and downloading, Thank you for the game dai

    • @opaque888
      @opaque888 Місяць тому

      how did you buy it

    • @xzi21
      @xzi21 Місяць тому

      @@opaque888 check description, there is a link to buy

  • @Jax2416
    @Jax2416 Місяць тому +20

    Cr7 aru streamer harulai try garna launa parxa exposure ramro pauxa game le let's support Nepali Games❤

  • @beatsgamers454
    @beatsgamers454 Місяць тому +310

    I show speed will play this game ❤❤😊 let's tell to play this game in his live

  • @shouryak647
    @shouryak647 Місяць тому +33

    I saw this game on youtube, and I found it pretty amazing - the graphics, the cinematography and other things. I think you should also plan to advertise this game for Indian Gaming Market and release it in other languages too. Best of Luck 💫

  • @sandeshsharma63
    @sandeshsharma63 Місяць тому +7

    Bought it. Had to. This is Gold! Pure Nepal.

    • @Onepiece0752
      @Onepiece0752 Місяць тому

      how did u buy it, using paypal or creditcard?

  • @7T7-k3z
    @7T7-k3z Місяць тому +2

    Overall "Gauley" game ekkramro cha each and every features babl lagyo, Nepal ma etro free world game launi is not a joke tei ni by a single person hat's off to you Mr. Ashim (We want more features like jatra, festivals and more) keep going good luck w your upcoming projects and challenges.

  • @bisheshlc7229
    @bisheshlc7229 Місяць тому +4

    I am buying it lets support this game. Hope this game will spread around the world.

  • @atruegentleman911
    @atruegentleman911 Місяць тому +5

    This looks awesome. I am a 3d artist/designer, and I also wanted to make a game about my culture and how I would show it to the whole world, finally, you are doing it, that's great. There are a few things, not suggestions but curiosity perhaps, The map could have been smaller and highly detailed rather than huge and less detailed,(maybe this was your creative decision, I don't know, I was not following from the start), or maybe your plan is to keep updating it and adding details as the days go by like what they did with the "NO MANS SKY". Well, that's it, other than that the game looks beautiful, good luck... this is great...

  • @samvaw2202
    @samvaw2202 Місяць тому +1

    Kati Ramro banako, attention to detail is very impressive, the sounds of the people, the gameplay, the scenery and the ester eggs. Cannot fathom how much work must have been put into this and that too by a SINGLE developer. Truly a herculean feat. Will definitely be buying this game soon and recommending it to everyone interested.

  • @poorgamer2922
    @poorgamer2922 Місяць тому +1

    Pure Nepali village vibes ❤🎉

  • @SimSimSimmer
    @SimSimSimmer Місяць тому +7

    Daju, love from Estonia. ❤❤❤

  • @shortsnepal12
    @shortsnepal12 Місяць тому

    great game, encourages nepal's identity, promotes tourism, nepal gov should help him, at least from municipal & metro!

  • @thebrownguy7217
    @thebrownguy7217 Місяць тому +2

    Will buy this game for sure, Let's Go Nepal.🇳🇵

  • @anantakhadka6531
    @anantakhadka6531 Місяць тому +3

    Let's support the genius, guys. All the very best brother. Very proud of you. 🤗

  • @ToonGalexy
    @ToonGalexy Місяць тому

    Love from Luxembourg 🇱🇺
    I am buying this gane 🎉

  • @ultratv2
    @ultratv2 Місяць тому +2

    proud moment for all nepalese. more support to you bro. hope your hard work makes noise in international gaming industry

  • @saugatbhandari5959
    @saugatbhandari5959 Місяць тому

    Daami chha yr...
    Malaai ta Daami laagyo....😍🥰😍😍

  • @sumanthapafingerstyle3797
    @sumanthapafingerstyle3797 Місяць тому +1

    Sahi ho sir khusi lagyo finally aayo aaba kinera khelinxa

  • @naben9922
    @naben9922 Місяць тому +4

    like haina initial ma player haru lai last grib banaunu aani kaam garni (murti banauni, fohor tipni, pasal ma kam karni, ghar banauni) aani paisa kamauni system banauna paryo

  • @DiyTractorwork
    @DiyTractorwork Місяць тому

    i like this channel .i support you lots thank you so much. lots of gyes you great work.

  • @bishalrokamagar7825
    @bishalrokamagar7825 Місяць тому +2

    Great Ashim ji! 🎉

  • @theanimelad416
    @theanimelad416 Місяць тому +4

    I was really waiting so long for this, thank you

  • @animeworld4755
    @animeworld4755 Місяць тому +7

    Hello Brother. I love your hard work and courage for building this game. I am excited to play it but becuase I am a class 9 student i don't have money to buy it right now. I am very very sorry that i wasn't able to support you but When i will get enough money and when i will buy a gaming pc i will definately buy this game. it will not be too early but for me and for nepal please continue on doing and continue making such AAA games. And please add nepali payment like esewa or khalti .

  • @susanlama
    @susanlama Місяць тому

    This is really awesome to have open world game using Nepal geographic, tradition, culture and many more.

  • @FONK6969
    @FONK6969 Місяць тому +1

    Amazing job bro. Thanks so much for this gift to all of us. Keep it up!

  • @whittyDadenominater
    @whittyDadenominater Місяць тому +2

    Proud of you dai❤😊

  • @ashishmaharjan433
    @ashishmaharjan433 Місяць тому

    Downloading now!!! on my pc. congratulation Ashim bro!!

  • @TheNepaliYoutuber
    @TheNepaliYoutuber Місяць тому +4

    Dai i will playtest it :) You're one of the gems of Nepal

  • @012Fungaming
    @012Fungaming Місяць тому +42

    I can't play cuz I haven't money😢. I have good gaming laptop but money problem. We should promoted this game and all nepali gamers should promoted this

    • @superhuman929
      @superhuman929 Місяць тому +25

      GOOD GAMING LAPTOP and money problem lmaoo💀

    • @1dxadhix.193
      @1dxadhix.193 Місяць тому


    • @telegrafmemes
      @telegrafmemes Місяць тому

      Haha. 🤣 ​@@superhuman929

    • @Meloni-sour
      @Meloni-sour Місяць тому +4

      ​@@superhuman929 it maybe the gift from his parents on some special occasion

    • @012Fungaming
      @012Fungaming Місяць тому +1

      @@superhuman929 that was brought by dad

    @ABOFFICAL2M Місяць тому +1

    Specially thanks Ashim bro aba Mobile version ma xittai khelna pam android IOS 2 tai ma teti vayo vanya dherai ramro hunxa @Ashimsakya dai

  • @mamtasherpa7293
    @mamtasherpa7293 Місяць тому

    You're doing a great job brother, keep it up🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🇺🇸

  • @sarojpaudyal7374
    @sarojpaudyal7374 Місяць тому

    Proud product of nepal

  • @phakyou
    @phakyou Місяць тому +1

    Game looks absolutely crisp. And looks like it potrays Nepal's rural vibe beautifully. Wishing for a huge success and even more improvement 🙌

  • @kopilsharma5872
    @kopilsharma5872 Місяць тому +1

    Awesomee Ashim bro! Gonna buy it right now🎉🎉🎉

  • @Jacknepal8848
    @Jacknepal8848 Місяць тому

    doing good job like it and guys do help him and support Nepal community to grow. And you creator don’t forget us after becoming famous and do make this game available in iso and android version also. Cause before everybody used to have PC desktop not Mobile and now everybody has mobile phones not PC that’s why.

  • @Disnezr
    @Disnezr Місяць тому +2

    Dai survival open world game ta vayo but can you add something like vok lagni , Khana pakoune parne , daily task Kam haru garera paisa kamoune. Festival, events haru , around world anyone can see eachother and can you add something like that .
    Also all different kind of birds haru Pani rakhdinu babal environment hunxa.

  • @beevassubba9156
    @beevassubba9156 Місяць тому

    Let's support this game. I just bought it and donated. all the best daju. i am very proud to be nepali.

  • @arbin93
    @arbin93 Місяць тому +6

    1:45 the time i fell in love with it🤌

  • @Prasiddhakoirala
    @Prasiddhakoirala Місяць тому +4

    5:37 The Graphics are worth looking! Great Work!! Who needs Gta 6 When we have our own game.

    • @j4ry50
      @j4ry50 Місяць тому

      u sure u don't need gta 6??

  • @KarnaRohan
    @KarnaRohan Місяць тому +1

    what a fucking marvellous piece of creation , dherai dherai badhai

  • @shyamsundarbhattarai1801
    @shyamsundarbhattarai1801 Місяць тому

    All the best bro

  • @VineetKumar-of5jw
    @VineetKumar-of5jw Місяць тому +1

    bro u r one man army 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @IloveYou-ym1bb
    @IloveYou-ym1bb Місяць тому

    Best of luck daju

  • @youmanmaharjanyoman
    @youmanmaharjanyoman Місяць тому +1

    I will be buying it to support you dai.❤

  • @jiomobile4955
    @jiomobile4955 Місяць тому

    Keep it up bro.. Love from Darjeeling.... ❤

  • @SiddharthaKajiMakajuShrestha
    @SiddharthaKajiMakajuShrestha Місяць тому +1

    I don’t have pc to play this ! But i am buying this to support him

  • @milanpangeni8888
    @milanpangeni8888 Місяць тому

    My PC doesn't support this game. But definitely a proud moment for Nepal and Nepalese gaming community. Any one who streams do share your link. I will watch. All the best daju. #Gauley #Nepal

  • @tularajpharasal6403
    @tularajpharasal6403 Місяць тому

    एकदम राम्रो धेरै मन परो मैले हेरेको गेम मध्ये,🇳🇵🇳🇵🇳🇵

  • @wethegamer
    @wethegamer Місяць тому

    Nepali Vibe 🔥❤

  • @RBmagar_Official
    @RBmagar_Official Місяць тому +2

    Best of luck❤

  • @kismatsapkota1922
    @kismatsapkota1922 Місяць тому

    Full support bro

  • @Neoyt4511
    @Neoyt4511 Місяць тому

    Best wishes for great success 🎉🎉🎉 maile pani buy garxu❤

  • @modernshouse
    @modernshouse Місяць тому

    wah dami xa bro neplai ho garxa ajha thau napako ho bro le ramro invest garera garne vaye online ajha ramro hune thiyo

  • @ashishrana5773
    @ashishrana5773 Місяць тому

    I truly appreciate the time and effort you've put into this interactive game. You are certainly paving the way for others who want to contribute to Nepali gaming. Hats off to you! I’m definitely getting this game!

  • @sagunnakarmi7079
    @sagunnakarmi7079 Місяць тому +1

    Let's support this game and uplift the Nepalese gaming scene.

  • @ujjwalsmart37
    @ujjwalsmart37 Місяць тому +1

    Seeing as to how you showed controlling or viewing a bird's perspective, I thought of an idea. This may take a lot of effort and time but you could introduce mythic missions and powers in the game. Something related to Pashupati or any other deities with Hindu/ Buddhist-styled superpowers and missions related to fighting Rakshasas or retrieving ancient artifacts.

  • @CoolGaming-rz6cf
    @CoolGaming-rz6cf Місяць тому

    Ok good Broo thik xa best game

  • @shyamkc2183
    @shyamkc2183 Місяць тому

    Wow ! I was always wondering a game like this.

  • @SastaYoutuber-ye9qk
    @SastaYoutuber-ye9qk Місяць тому +1

    Sir adding Health bar would be great❤

  • @yubrajsunar9193
    @yubrajsunar9193 Місяць тому +1

    Just tried this game… it looks promising….

  • @Detective-620
    @Detective-620 Місяць тому

    1=driving first person view
    2=character hungerbar eating n drinking system
    3=game like survival
    Add this things n see grow internationally 😊😊😊

  • @sudipchaudhary8213
    @sudipchaudhary8213 Місяць тому

    Definitely buying it when I will be able to afford gaming PC.

  • @SuperApple1211
    @SuperApple1211 Місяць тому +2

    This looks really good dai! Ekdam ramro game banaunu bhako cha hajur le. Hajur ko aru game haru ni itch mai ho??

  • @keshavbhandari3932
    @keshavbhandari3932 Місяць тому

    I am buying it ❤ keep it up dai.

  • @user-kc9dv6ob7r
    @user-kc9dv6ob7r Місяць тому

    1. Addition Local van
    2. Add some trekkers in the scape
    3. Bushes modifications
    4. Ground pano alik 3d hos up and down contours
    5. Far Cry 4 bata ni ali ali reference Linus
    Best of luck sir 🎉

  • @TechGrOfficial
    @TechGrOfficial Місяць тому +1

    I'll promote to this game dai
    lots of love❤🔥

  • @saurovr.4423
    @saurovr.4423 Місяць тому +1

    All over experience of the game is much more than I expected but according to me, NPCs ko voice ma chai ajhai kaam garna sakinthyo hola k. It sounds like peoples conversating inside a room.@Ashim Shakya dai, I am not a professional nerd but as an audience or mero point of view ma chai all the voices should be re-recorded and alli khulera ani realistick way ma . Like gaali garda pani eautai tone vayo normally boleko pani eautai tone vayo k dai. Gaali gareko voices ma alli sachai ko gaali gareko jasto tone ma voice record garna sakinthyo hola and so on ❤.

  • @cheesedust520
    @cheesedust520 Місяць тому

    I got the game. I'm excited to play it and give feedback.

  • @HariSC
    @HariSC Місяць тому

    Best wishes 🎉

  • @Prxb952
    @Prxb952 Місяць тому

    proud of you brother

  • @OptimusTBM
    @OptimusTBM Місяць тому

    Good job ❤️👏🇳🇵

  • @Monstergameing-y8z
    @Monstergameing-y8z Місяць тому +1

    Proud of you ❤❤

  • @Ireene497
    @Ireene497 Місяць тому

    Purano Nepal jasto feel ayo.

  • @SurajMali-p3c
    @SurajMali-p3c Місяць тому +1

    Love it keeps it up❤

  • @pemalamarumba5134
    @pemalamarumba5134 Місяць тому

    The vibe is the best thing about this game

  • @Zenitsu-o3r
    @Zenitsu-o3r Місяць тому

    Bird pooping part is crazyyy 😆

  • @djsuman06
    @djsuman06 Місяць тому

    Big respect dai 🙏

  • @sachin.khadka
    @sachin.khadka Місяць тому

    Just bought the game Ashim dai! 🔥 Excited to play and hats off to the team for pulling off the nepali GTA game vibe! 👏🏻👏🏻

  • @madworld8422
    @madworld8422 Місяць тому

    Keep up 😊😊😊the good

  • @NawangGurungg
    @NawangGurungg Місяць тому

    amazing, cant wait to see this game on PS

  • @mrkamalyt147
    @mrkamalyt147 Місяць тому

    धेरै राम्रो काम सर यसो मोबाइल मा पनि चल्नु पर्यो है❤️❤️🇳🇵🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @prabingurung6560
    @prabingurung6560 Місяць тому

    graphic ma ali contrast kam vayo ani sound effect maa panning sound ali weird vayo aru ta thikai xa
    all the best 👌👍

  • @ShalinSharma-f2k
    @ShalinSharma-f2k Місяць тому

    Kati ramro hou k yaar

  • @Anyoneinthere
    @Anyoneinthere Місяць тому

    Story mission vanda Role playing would be better...but i donot know much hai...But RP mazza aauthiyo Events diyera garda story based vanda.

  • @DigKhadka-h8e
    @DigKhadka-h8e Місяць тому

    I think ashim should add horses and more old transportation methods

  • @manishbhurtel8848
    @manishbhurtel8848 Місяць тому

    All the very best dai.
    Will sure play it

  • @wealthofkingofficial29
    @wealthofkingofficial29 Місяць тому

    Awesome nice game lots of lop

  • @Live_thefullest
    @Live_thefullest Місяць тому

    Everything is perfect and in future you can add detailed grass(near civilized places)to make it look more beautiful and real❤🥳

  • @L09M
    @L09M Місяць тому

    Try hanu perlaa ❤

  • @AL-jn6ww
    @AL-jn6ww Місяць тому

    Nepal really needs a off road driving game asap imagine how sick it will look🔥

  • @opaque888
    @opaque888 Місяць тому +7

    If people start to pirate this game , man iam gonna loose it

  • @dhungana-sudan
    @dhungana-sudan Місяць тому

    Finally! the time has come! will be playing this and test it out how is it.

    • @dhungana-sudan
      @dhungana-sudan Місяць тому +1

      Paid it sucessfully, hope I will get download link soon.

  • @Whatisthiscountry98
    @Whatisthiscountry98 Місяць тому

    Daami dai ❤❤❤

  • @AfnoTech
    @AfnoTech Місяць тому

    euta dammi story creat garer charactors thau thauma dammi background sound haru add garnu paro dai

  • @Franzy_Harmon
    @Franzy_Harmon Місяць тому

    Mission haru pane banaunu hai❤❤ dami xa

  • @PodTv3
    @PodTv3 Місяць тому

    Hats off man

  • @sureshgiri9343
    @sureshgiri9343 Місяць тому

    Dai mission haru ne add garnu paryo... euta point ma exploring matra halka bore bhayo..