I must say that journeying through the book of Matthew has been a wonderful privilege and an incredibly beautiful journey. I want to thank all the preachers for giving their all faithfully in their study of the Word, which has produced an incredible picture of the Gospel of Matthew. This has been a series of teachings worth enduring and I hope that our lives may never be the same and may we all try and go and tell the world of Christ in the corners where we are. Bars.
I must say that journeying through the book of Matthew has been a wonderful privilege and an incredibly beautiful journey. I want to thank all the preachers for giving their all faithfully in their study of the Word, which has produced an incredible picture of the Gospel of Matthew. This has been a series of teachings worth enduring and I hope that our lives may never be the same and may we all try and go and tell the world of Christ in the corners where we are. Bars.
Pastor Richard is truly a blessing to his congregation