EiTB Basque Public TV Azpimarra programme



  • @thantzin1913
    @thantzin1913 3 роки тому +1

    Save Myanmar
    Distinguished kings,I would like to express my sincere condonlences to the people of Burma
    for their unjustified actions against the Burmese
    Military.We will only accept a government led by
    Aung San Suu Kyi, the wining party in the 2020
    election ,as one of our government bodies.We,
    the people of Burma,strongly condemn this act
    by the Burmese Military,Which is now a vicious
    act of seizing the power of our elected people’s
    Government by force of arms.The military must
    Protect the country and its people.As a result of
    this actions by the Burmese military,hatred
    between the people and the military is growing
    day by day.This is a bad omen for the country and
    neither the people nor the military dictator will need it.The Burmese military continues to do whatever it wants.regardless of the interests of the people.Ignorance of the will of the people is an insult to the people by eating public money.It is well
    Known internationally that the people of Burmese have been protesting vigorously with the #Civil disobedience movement since the day the Burmese military took power on Monday,01.02.2021 to this day.#Civil Disobedience,
    Initiated by government institutions such as doctors and nurses, will also have an impact.

  • @staticelect.789
    @staticelect.789 3 роки тому +1

    Mezu hau espiritualki jasotzen bada ... partekatu besteei jakinarazteko ... Fededunentzat eta fededun ez direnentzat, "AZKEN EPAIMENA" eskura dago, jakin zure espirituarentzat aukeratzen eta onartzen duzuna (haragizko ekintzak barne) zure betiko patua izango dela ... Oso zuhurra izan behar duzu aukeratu hemendik aurrera bizitzea! Mesedez, ez dago zeruko gorputz epelik Zeruan !!! Aukeratu orain, zure bihotzean eta espirituan, zuzentasuna ala gaizkia? !! Mesedez guztioi, mezu hau espiritualki jasotzen bada ... partekatu besteei jakinarazteko ...