A pied piper for the bosses and big business talking about them important boss idea's of supply and demand. You do all the supplyin' and the bosses they do all the demandin'.
@@kimobrien. * What's wrong with supply and demand? Without a demand for a product there will be no one earning a lively hood supplying and meeting that demand. If you don't like working for a boss, figure out how to create a demand. Just make sure you don't become a " Driver " for the man.
Do they keep track of how many things they have on the shelf by computers and then raise and lower the prices at WalMart? If supply equals demand then what? The capitalist organize commodity production around the ability to maximize profits for themselves. They expand or contract production based upon profits. They always end up overproducing for markets that can't absorb the overproduction creating a crisis of overproduction. The workers can not buy back all that can be produced so they then have to create debt and credit to get production rolling again preparing the way for an even bigger crisis. You also spend a lot on creating artificial demands through advertising. Playing upon emotions to sell more. Teling all kinds of half truths and even lies just to sell a product. Do you think anyone in their right mind thinks bitcoin miners are producing anything worth while? How about nuclear weapons? Who do you plan to use them on and why do you need to produce them? All that Pentagon budget for weapons is produced for a profit to defend your world wide profit system.
Sowell spent his time betraying Blacks by doing nothing but collecting a professors pay check and telling Blacks to go home and wait for the magic of free market capitalism with all its false promises.
Dr. Sowell is simply brilliant. His understanding of the 'human condition' is spot on! These are not racial issues, they are human issues, and we are all capable of these faults
@ji8044. Sowell was for the civil rights movement. He is opposed to those who have taken the mantle of that movement to implement policies that its original purveyors would not support.
@@ji8044Sowell has admitted that he started out on the left, so what's your point. He understood that he was wrong, and became a much better person when he started calling out evil no matter where it was.
@@kimobrien. no one's more greedy and intolerant and violent than communists Go read The Big Lie By Dinesh D'Souza Arguing with socialists by Glenn Beck
@@malibudolphin3109 They are the ones who began the Franco Prussian war and drown the Paris commune in blood. They are the ones who began world war 1 and 14 Imperialist Armies invaded the new Soviet Republics. The liberal Kennedy assaulted Cuba with repainted Alabama national guard bombers and trained armed mercenaries for a fake liberation of Cuba. When ever they lose they launch attacks upon workers and farmers revolting against their rotten lying politicians like Dinesh D'Souza. D'Souza supporter of Ronald Reagan who sought to obtain first strike capability in the cold war. Reagan the boss who fired the air traffic controllers. Reagan who continued arming Islamic terrorists like Jimmy "Human Rights" Carter in Afghanistan. Carter armed Pol Pot and supported him at the UN. Reagan who armed the White minority racists government in South Africa for their intervention in the Angolan civil war. Reagan who played the role of an idiot in the Iran Contra affair. D'Souza who says Trump won and made a film that proves what a jackass he really is. He then released a book 2000 mules that had to be recalled for errors. It doesn't name names for the simple reason is it lacks any real proof of any conspiracy to create votes by liberal or petty bourgeois leftist groups. Instead its a smoke and mirrors campaign of lies meant put Trump back in the white house.
@@malibudolphin3109 Its long been known that the Stalinists falsified history. That before Lenin died he wanted Stalin out of his post as General Secretary fearing he had too much power in his hands and would not always use it wisely. It was Trotsky who became the leader of those who wished to continue the Communist course of Lenin both in the Russian Party and the Communist International. As far as Democrats go they are just the twin party of capitalism who had Eugene Debs jailed for opposing the bosses Imperialist world war One. "Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials" Chaired by John Dewey Exposed the truth about all the lies told at the Moscow Trials long before D'Sousa was even born. Despite all D'Souza's talk about how Mussilini and other deserted Marx. He forgets that the co founder of American Conservatism Professor James Burnham was a Deserter of the great communist revolutionary Trotsky when the going got tough with the rotten liberals like FDR. FDR who was the first to use the Smith "gag" Act against 18 leaders of the Minneapolis General Strike and the Socialist Workers Party. The same party thar put the FBI on trial in Socialist Workers Party vs Attorney General. That later had Jimmy "Human Rights" Carter's AG Grffen Bell held in contempt of court by a Capitalist Federal Judge.
anyone with any amount of intellectual honesty and integrity should recognize the truth when they hear it ...many progressive leftists are starting to question the line of BS they/we've been fed in college all my economics professors were unashamed Marxists and i like Sowell and many others got sucked in... thankfully the truth became clear.. I had been duped
"The black intellectuals are no more typical of the black population than the white intellectuals are typical of the white population." Well said, Dr. Sowell.
@@rovingwarrior3710 Having Degrees from Harvard, Columbia, and The University of Chicago; taught at Cornell, Rutgers, UCLA and Stanford; Written close to 50 books and had a syndicated column in newspapers that ran many years...he is very much an intellectual Being an intellectual is not automatically a bad thing
@@forddon His dismissing intellectuals as not being representative of Blacks in America is laughable when those targets of his criticism just happen to have political ideologies mostly opposed to his own. Given he himself is considered intellectual by those like you when his underhanded message is his views are representative of Blacks in America is blatantly hypocritical, which is my point. Now how many advanced degrees and credentials does it take to see that he is full of it, regardless of how scholarly he is? Articulate sounding B.S. is still B.S. and it smells no differently.
@@rovingwarrior3710 His statement can only be considered laughable if it is false and the the intellectuals, whom he fails to name, actually do represent black America. So are you prepared to enlighten us and tell everyone exactly who the intellectuals that actually represented black America were in 1990? Since Dr. Sowell never claims to be the person authorized to speak for all American Blacks; the "underhanded message" is that for the predominantly white media and academic elites to confer such status on anyone is blatantly racist
@@bromack3 Because Sowell never even met Dr. King and took no role whatsoever in the civil rights movement. Hearing him speak about Dr. King's legacy is an offense against history.
Yeah and you better keep that mouth shut. Black America doesn’t need this rhetoric of “racial integration” or “reflection”, we’ve had enough of people’s bigotry and we demand respect immediately. If you have something negative to say about us keep your regressive and racist thoughts to yourself. We’ll have ppl like you in anti-racist workshops regardless
I wish this man could live to 200 yrs old because we NEED his insight, intellect, and especially his intonation concerning a whole legion of socioeconomics and political topics. He is 93 yrs old now I think and I have about a dozen of his books, one better the the next.
So far as is known, Sowell never even MET Dr. King and Sowell took no part whatsoever in the civil rights movement during his entire life except to benefit from it on the sidelines.
I can't believe this clip is *_33 years old_* and look how much further we've slid since it was recorded... that he world has so blatantly ignored a thinker as brilliant as Sowell is an absolute tragedy.
Because he wasn't overlooked rather ignored , don't you know blk ppl do not want racism to end ? It's a power grab for them , they use it as an advantage if we stop paying attention to it all it will devolve
We don't get the country we deserve WE get the COUNTRY WE ALLOW. This didn't happen over night. It was culmination of many decades of poor choices that resulted in the present time with many people. We are seeing what happens when a Christian Societies stops focusing on Jesus Christ, and starts focusing on human kinds sinful nature. Do you really think that the Devil would just not stop, once we had a small amount of peace in the country? Praying to Jesus Christ for forgiveness is what we should do.
This man was stating the truth long before the rest of us knew the truth! His knowledge and wisdom should be required studies in high school and definitely in college.
The man's an idiot for thinking that capitalism can solve any of its problems within some kind of dream world of ideal free markets created by a "small government". The size and scope of the government grows under capitalism with the need to arbitrate every market dispute in the favor of private property too keep capitalist greed from growing completely out of control.
@@deidresmith1187Why not read Marx's Communist Manifesto, Socialism Utopia and Scientific by Engles, Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism by Lenin, The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky, Socialism on Trial by James Cannon, The Case of the Legless Veteran by James Kutcher The Clintons Anti Working Class Record by Jack Barnes.
@@deidresmith1187 And as a result, they will quite likely be assets to our society, rather than become liabilities--sounds like you're also helping to create some strong limbs/branches, on your "family tree!" Salute TO you!!!👍
Sowell criticized the work of Dr. King when King was alive, but now pretends he was a follower with carte blanche to criticize others. I hold no brief for Jesse Jackson but Jackson was there with King while Sowell was far away talking against integration.
I am nearly 70 years old and retired from 40 years of practicing law. I am white, married 46 years, 5 kids, 10 grandchildren. I have read and listened to Dr. Sowell. I don't believe I've ever disagreed with him, and every time I come away having learned something.
You can become intellectually fulfilled by hearing Mr. Sowell speak on a great many of topics. Mr. Sowell sees through the marketing & lies and only cares about practical & pragmatic truths. Truly one of the finest voices and minds of our time & we aught to all revel in his wisdom and manifest it in our own lives.
Sowell does the marketing of the neo liberalism of Milton Friedman. Where capitalist bosses ownership of private property is the best way for everything to be done. It is a theory where everything including your labor can be assigned an exact value in an ideal free market and governments job is to create ideal markets and defend property rights and everything else will work like magic. The problem of course is capitalism never started out that way to begin with and in fact it keeps needing a larger state because the ruling class is greedy and declining profit rates and protection of markets requires a state to defend the wealthy ruling class that can only become larger unless the workers intervene and take control of production away from a few profiteers whose only goal is more for themselves and to hell with everyone else.
Revered by whom ? Tell him black people consider him a disgrace! Claude Anderson is who 95% of black people look up to and respect, this man is paid for .
@@arthurholmes2210 Revered by thinking people... CA is a race baiter... all he does is blame others. But if THAT makes you feel good, go for it. Sowell offers solutions.
@@complexblackness Yes, by anyone with an IQ above a donkey... perhaps you weren't paying attention to the bit that starts about 50 seconds in. You fit right in.
I love this Man. He warms my heart with his precisely executed simplicity. Rare people, those who speak truth without rancor, who cheat at cards to start conversations, they are my favorites.
"Dad, you're the same age as Dr. King. What did you do in the civil rights movement?" "Not one thing son, I was too busy trying to make white people happy by criticizing black people"
@@jb-vb8un Dr. Sowell has more 'factual premises' going for him than anyone you can name. His facts are on exhibit in many books. Haven't had fact one from you.
@@ji8044 He did more for the enlightenment of all people than anyone you know. That's what he did and is still doing thru his books and tapes. The only way one would fail to benefit is thru one's dedication to ignorance. Enlighten yourself friend.
@@edwardr5051Yes he sings the songs of neoliberalism which every capitalist loves to hear. He worships at the altar of private property, capitalism and the American way just like Superman. Everything can be explained by a supply and demand charts. Markets doing the lord's work of distributing resources in the most efficient way billions to the rich and powerful and crumbs to the working class.. Of course when the markets need regulation or a bailout who are you going to call? Ghostbusters? Its a system that can only lead to the twin evils of Imperialist war abroad and fascism or war on the trade unions at home.
I have to watch this video again because Thomas souls intellect is way above mine. I love listening to him because I think he is brilliant and really a good man.
I don't believe that. He is truly a great man. There have been many before him. God wouldn't stop with Dr. Sowell. I am blessed to have him in my lifetime.
I can't get enough of listening to Dr. Sowell. He's absolutely brilliant. ...And Ive learned a lot from him. Dr. Sowell, plz keep educating us. Thank you.
AMONG ONE OF OUR GREAT HEROES n MINDS!!! I wish he could go on speaking truths to new generations to come n living forever. Dr. Sowell may u always know u are loved n greatly needed 💯
I love this man. Absolutely brilliant. So tired of hearing about the color of a man’s skin. The Bible clearly defines a good man and an evil man. Never once mentions skin color, university, or financial status. We choose to be the person we are or become.
Yes, every man born is born a sinner, that is what the Bible says and that is why He sent His son, Jesus Christ to be the redeemer of mankind. Romans 3:22-26 kjv 22. Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 23. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25. Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26. To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
His (Sowell) statement regarding good intended movements being betrayed by hustlers holds true throughout history. The best laid plans of mice and men come to mind. No matter the intended benefit to mankind, those who seek to benefit financially will most assuredly make their presence known.
Brilliant, I love how you laid this out as an across the board “intellectual elite” self interest. I immediately recognized the truth in it. It’s unfortunate that we refer to this group as “intellectuals” when in reality they are grifters that aren’t helping society.
You don't think he includes himself do you? You don't hear him singing the praise of bosses capitalist system from a home in the ghetto either. He's got plenty of criticism all right but says their are no solutions only trade offs. So is a solution a trade off or is trade off a solution. Sure we are all suppose to sit back and let smart people like him and the owners of private property make all the decisions because they pay a price right? Except they don't and never will as long as capitalism is in existence. They will try and make us pay for all the problems they and their system cause.
@@kimobrien. If you don’t like Capitalism move to a socialist/communist country. BTW there is no “us”, you can only speak for yourself, and my guess is you don’t have a lot of cash in the fight as everyone that is informed knows what group of the population pays the taxes.
@@michaelpayne8102 Why don't you put out some more propaganda about how Great American capitalism is so you can get some more immigrants to come work in your low wage jobs? Bosses have the money why shouldn't they pay all the taxes? After all bosses do most of the tax collecting as it is now. They serve as the tax collector at the supermarket, the gas station and from your paycheck.
@@kimobrien. LOL, Like I said MOVE. BTW It’s not American Capitalism, it’s plain and simple CAPITALISM found round the world even in the PRC as I’ve done plenty of business with direct manufacturing over the years.
@@michaelpayne8102 It American capitalism because the bosses are always divided by nation state. The greedy bosses went to war over markets colonies and resources in 1914. The bosses greed drive them into war to redivide the world markets and resources among themselves. In 1916 Lenin wrote, "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism." Nothing has changed about that. The greed of the capitalist bosses guarantees that. You have no way to set up a long term World Capitalist Government to put your greed and trade arbitration disputes under control. Instead you set up institutions to guarantee incumbent Imperialist nations companies markets and cheap labor in the colonial world. They enforce neoliberalism in the less developed world. The Cuba revolution continues. Cuba shows what a living Socialist Revolution can achieve. We've had a legal movement in the United States since the end of the Palmer Raids in the 1920's. The Communist League of America fused with workers in the Minneapolis Teamsters union beating the bosses Citizens Alliance in the Minneapolis General Strike of 1934. Our leaders meet with exiled revolutionary Leon Trotsky in Mexico. Comrade Farrell Dobbs was General Organizer of the Teamster Union. We lead the Central States over the road campaign. The bosses knew that we stood in the way of entry into the Second Imperialist slaughter. So the liberal FDR used Dan Tobin and the Stalinist cheering crowd for FDR to launch the second witch hunt in 1940. A political trial using the Smith "gag" Act was launched. Eighteen leaders of the Socialist Workers Party were sent to prison for 18 months by a jury that urged leniency. It resulted in the trial testimony being published as Socialism on Trial.
Thomas Sowellis so incredibly eloquent. He quickly speaks out sentences that are worthy to be in a book! Such an amazing skill and it implies an amazing mind.
Sowell dissects issues with the skill of a surgeon. He has no time for popular false assumptions . I always come away wiser, and often chastised, after hearing or reading Sowell's analysis on so many given issues.
Yes they did! Growing up when I was 8-19 yrs old, and listened to Rev. King's speeches, somehow the way MLK spoke resonated with this kid. Also was so disappointed to hear when he was slain, it touched me. Then years later hearing JJ and Al making civil rights speeches, bragging they marched with the Reverend Doctor,and using MLK's words way out of context to only use his words not in MLK's original own context and meaning.I'm still irked and very disappointed they did so in their mission of influence .
Dr. Sowell describes superbly well what I call "Survival of the fattest": The larger any organization is, the larger the "market value" for power-centered people - they are more fixed on power than most of us and have very cunning skills as far as climbing the hierarchy goes. Once in position (or even before) they turn brutal, and the games played from there on look more and more like a battlefield. As he pointed out - this is not a racial issue. It's more a human one.
@@kimobrien. wow. you really are clueless. The fact you've never heard of operation locksteps tells me a few things about you. 1. you are vaxxed to the max. 2. you think the government is looking out for your interests, 3. you believe the united states ever existed. "That's why they call it the American dream, you have to be sleep to believe it." George Carlin - best of luck to you Kim. You're going to need it.
Dude's 60 years old here and looks 40. He's 93 now and still going strong. One of our greatest intellectual leaders. God bless him.
A pied piper for the bosses and big business talking about them important boss idea's of supply and demand. You do all the supplyin' and the bosses they do all the demandin'.
And you din' do nothin.
@@kimobrien. * What's wrong with supply and demand? Without a demand for a product there will be no one earning a lively hood supplying and meeting that demand. If you don't like working for a boss, figure out how to create a demand. Just make sure you don't become a " Driver " for the man.
🤯I knew he looked good for his age cuz I knew he was “getting up there” (as we all are lol), but 93?! Damn! 😯😹👍🏻So glad to catch his thoughts on here.
Do they keep track of how many things they have on the shelf by computers and then raise and lower the prices at WalMart? If supply equals demand then what? The capitalist organize commodity production around the ability to maximize profits for themselves. They expand or contract production based upon profits. They always end up overproducing for markets that can't absorb the overproduction creating a crisis of overproduction. The workers can not buy back all that can be produced so they then have to create debt and credit to get production rolling again preparing the way for an even bigger crisis. You also spend a lot on creating artificial demands through advertising. Playing upon emotions to sell more. Teling all kinds of half truths and even lies just to sell a product. Do you think anyone in their right mind thinks bitcoin miners are producing anything worth while? How about nuclear weapons? Who do you plan to use them on and why do you need to produce them? All that Pentagon budget for weapons is produced for a profit to defend your world wide profit system.
The more I listen to Doctor Thomas Sewell, the more I appreciate him! His lectures should be taught in every High School!
Sowell spent his time betraying Blacks by doing nothing but collecting a professors pay check and telling Blacks to go home and wait for the magic of free market capitalism with all its false promises.
I hope you see this and correct the spelling of his name. He deserves that. 🌸🌺💐🌹 His name is SOWELL.
Except the marxist school systems don't support his truth, so that's a problem!
That’s wishful thinking but I agree
Dr. Sowell is simply brilliant. His understanding of the 'human condition' is spot on! These are not racial issues, they are human issues, and we are all capable of these faults
"These are not racial issues"
Really? Sowell actually attended segregated schools, a practice only ended by the civil rights movement.
@ji8044. Sowell was for the civil rights movement. He is opposed to those who have taken the mantle of that movement to implement policies that its original purveyors would not support.
@@kalburgy2114 That's false, Sowell not only did nothing whatsoever in the civil rights movement, he even opposed desegregation.
@@ji8044 can you post a link here to support yr statement at all?
@@ji8044Sowell has admitted that he started out on the left, so what's your point.
He understood that he was wrong, and became a much better person when he started calling out evil no matter where it was.
AMAZING HUMAN BEING !! The Lord is truly alive and near this man is proof. They are seriously terrified of this guy.
Were was the lord when pulled slaves teetgout and use them for himself
You have to be white.
Dr SOWELL'S books should be required reading in our schools. He never ceases to amaze me. Love his books.
Why they read to the kids Martha's happy endings at schools now
He amazes me too.
I've been a historian for over 45 years and Sowell has never gotten any history right yet.
I'm from Canada and am totally disappointed that our libraries here don't have very many books by Thomas Sowell.
@@ji8044 just another 🤡 that trolls the smart people of the world . If you were a historian,you would have angument instead of gaslighting.
Dr. Thomas Sowell is an American HERO. His intellect and awareness and clarity of TRUTH is phenomenal. God bless this man.
Put up their right next to mom apple pie and chevolet as being a true superhero for American capitalism and the greedy bosses way of operations.
@@kimobrien. no one's more greedy and intolerant and violent than communists
Go read
The Big Lie By Dinesh D'Souza Arguing with socialists by Glenn Beck
@@malibudolphin3109 They are the ones who began the Franco Prussian war and drown the Paris commune in blood. They are the ones who began world war 1 and 14 Imperialist Armies invaded the new Soviet Republics. The liberal Kennedy assaulted Cuba with repainted Alabama national guard bombers and trained armed mercenaries for a fake liberation of Cuba. When ever they lose they launch attacks upon workers and farmers revolting against their rotten lying politicians like Dinesh D'Souza. D'Souza supporter of Ronald Reagan who sought to obtain first strike capability in the cold war. Reagan the boss who fired the air traffic controllers. Reagan who continued arming Islamic terrorists like Jimmy "Human Rights" Carter in Afghanistan. Carter armed Pol Pot and supported him at the UN. Reagan who armed the White minority racists government in South Africa for their intervention in the Angolan civil war. Reagan who played the role of an idiot in the Iran Contra affair. D'Souza who says Trump won and made a film that proves what a jackass he really is. He then released a book 2000 mules that had to be recalled for errors. It doesn't name names for the simple reason is it lacks any real proof of any conspiracy to create votes by liberal or petty bourgeois leftist groups. Instead its a smoke and mirrors campaign of lies meant put Trump back in the white house.
@@malibudolphin3109 Its long been known that the Stalinists falsified history. That before Lenin died he wanted Stalin out of his post as General Secretary fearing he had too much power in his hands and would not always use it wisely. It was Trotsky who became the leader of those who wished to continue the Communist course of Lenin both in the Russian Party and the Communist International. As far as Democrats go they are just the twin party of capitalism who had Eugene Debs jailed for opposing the bosses Imperialist world war One. "Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials" Chaired by John Dewey Exposed the truth about all the lies told at the Moscow Trials long before D'Sousa was even born. Despite all D'Souza's talk about how Mussilini and other deserted Marx. He forgets that the co founder of American Conservatism Professor James Burnham was a Deserter of the great communist revolutionary Trotsky when the going got tough with the rotten liberals like FDR. FDR who was the first to use the Smith "gag" Act against 18 leaders of the Minneapolis General Strike and the Socialist Workers Party. The same party thar put the FBI on trial in Socialist Workers Party vs Attorney General. That later had Jimmy "Human Rights" Carter's AG Grffen Bell held in contempt of court by a Capitalist Federal Judge.
anyone with any amount of intellectual honesty and integrity should recognize the truth when they hear it ...many progressive leftists are starting to question the line of BS they/we've been fed in college all my economics professors were unashamed Marxists and i like Sowell and many others got sucked in... thankfully the truth became clear.. I had been duped
Mr. Thomas Sowell is an American treasure.
Black say different he want be missed when he dies
Thomas Sowell is a brilliant, honest, and righteous human being.
he's a white apologist. That's why y'all love him.
"The black intellectuals are no more typical of the black population than the white intellectuals are typical of the white population." Well said, Dr. Sowell.
But at the same time he himself is trying to come off as intellectual.
@@rovingwarrior3710 Having Degrees from Harvard, Columbia, and The University of Chicago; taught at Cornell, Rutgers, UCLA and Stanford; Written close to 50 books and had a syndicated column in newspapers that ran many years...he is very much an intellectual
Being an intellectual is not automatically a bad thing
@@forddon the Liberals in here are grasping at straws
@@forddon His dismissing intellectuals as not being representative of Blacks in America is laughable when those targets of his criticism just happen to have political ideologies mostly opposed to his own. Given he himself is considered intellectual by those like you when his underhanded message is his views are representative of Blacks in America is blatantly hypocritical, which is my point. Now how many advanced degrees and credentials does it take to see that he is full of it, regardless of how scholarly he is? Articulate sounding B.S. is still B.S. and it smells no differently.
@@rovingwarrior3710 His statement can only be considered laughable if it is false and the the intellectuals, whom he fails to name, actually do represent black America. So are you prepared to enlighten us and tell everyone exactly who the intellectuals that actually represented black America were in 1990?
Since Dr. Sowell never claims to be the person authorized to speak for all American Blacks; the "underhanded message" is that for the predominantly white media and academic elites to confer such status on anyone is blatantly racist
To bad there aren’t more people with the intellect and awareness of Thomas Sowell.
You mean you didn't see the many interviews with him on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc.? . . . . . Me neither.
Only racist white people who love Thomas Sowel who is paid by anti black groups
Profound. The wisdom of this great man never ceases to amaze me.
Hearing Thomas Sowell discuss the legacy of Dr. King is like if J Edgar Hoover delivered a eulogy at Dr. King's funeral.
@@ji8044 Then why did you stop to listen and comment? ... you could have skipped this video based on the title.
@@bromack3 Because Sowell never even met Dr. King and took no role whatsoever in the civil rights movement. Hearing him speak about Dr. King's legacy is an offense against history.
@@ji8044 Listening to you speak is an offense against intelligence.
@@moralityisnotsubjective5 I'm pretty sure you have a lifetime of experience in that regard.
He is simply saying what most people see, but won't speak of it out of fear of backlash.
Yes he sees George Bush as the patriot waging a great holy war for free markets and American capitalism.
No , Sowell has no Fear. It's the Mainstream Racism Media Complex that get rid of him
You mean Blacklash...
@@surfersilver6610 No.
Yeah and you better keep that mouth shut. Black America doesn’t need this rhetoric of “racial integration” or “reflection”, we’ve had enough of people’s bigotry and we demand respect immediately. If you have something negative to say about us keep your regressive and racist thoughts to yourself. We’ll have ppl like you in anti-racist workshops regardless
I wish this man could live to 200 yrs old because we NEED his insight, intellect, and especially his intonation concerning a whole legion of socioeconomics and political topics. He is 93 yrs old now I think and I have about a dozen of his books, one better the the next.
So far as is known, Sowell never even MET Dr. King and Sowell took no part whatsoever in the civil rights movement during his entire life except to benefit from it on the sidelines.
wish we had 100 more like him
Agree totally....love him...and what he has to say.
@@xisotopexat least one human being like him!
Dr. Sowell, thank you for being a truthsayer.
Dr. Sowell teaches through clarity, rational thinking, and strength of character.
With Sowell and his friend "the Patriot" George Bush what could possible go wrong?
Dr Sowell is a blessing to this world ❣️
Protect him
I can't believe this clip is *_33 years old_* and look how much further we've slid since it was recorded... that he world has so blatantly ignored a thinker as brilliant as Sowell is an absolute tragedy.
Right you need more Blacks like Sowell praising Mayor Daily's "shoot to kill orders" to the cops.
A true Prophet is never respected among his family or childhood community...
@@jaysonb.6669 " They will forgive you for being wrong, but not for being right.". - Thomas Sowell
Because he wasn't overlooked rather ignored , don't you know blk ppl do not want racism to end ? It's a power grab for them , they use it as an advantage if we stop paying attention to it all it will devolve
We don't get the country we deserve WE get the COUNTRY WE ALLOW. This didn't happen over night. It was culmination of many decades of poor choices that resulted in the present time with many people. We are seeing what happens when a Christian Societies stops focusing on Jesus Christ, and starts focusing on human kinds sinful nature. Do you really think that the Devil would just not stop, once we had a small amount of peace in the country? Praying to Jesus Christ for forgiveness is what we should do.
"Organized Noisemakers". Beautiful. One of the great thinkers of our time.
Thank you Thomas Sowell for preaching the truth!
Thomas Sowell is a national treasure.
One of the greatest thinkers America has had
This man was stating the truth long before the rest of us knew the truth! His knowledge and wisdom should be required studies in high school and definitely in college.
The man's an idiot for thinking that capitalism can solve any of its problems within some kind of dream world of ideal free markets created by a "small government". The size and scope of the government grows under capitalism with the need to arbitrate every market dispute in the favor of private property too keep capitalist greed from growing completely out of control.
We study him in my home. My boys have no choice, they have to read books by Mr. Sowell.
@@deidresmith1187Why not read Marx's Communist Manifesto, Socialism Utopia and Scientific by Engles, Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism by Lenin, The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky, Socialism on Trial by James Cannon, The Case of the Legless Veteran by James Kutcher The Clintons Anti Working Class Record by Jack Barnes.
@@kimobrien.Your single digit IQ just dropped double digits with that comment.
@@deidresmith1187 And as a result, they will quite likely be assets to our society, rather than become liabilities--sounds like you're also helping to create some strong limbs/branches, on your "family tree!" Salute TO you!!!👍
This man is a master at explaining complex human issues in the simplest way.
Mr Sowell is spot on 100%%
It’s not about colour of skin, it’s about good and bad.
Thomas Sowell is a brilliant man
The smartest living American in my opinion. Meeting Dr Sowell is, to me, more important than meeting any president at any time.
Sowell criticized the work of Dr. King when King was alive, but now pretends he was a follower with carte blanche to criticize others. I hold no brief for Jesse Jackson but Jackson was there with King while Sowell was far away talking against integration.
@@nathanallen1111 That's because they were all educated in the classrooms of people just like Sowell defenders of neo liberal capitalism.
@@nathanallen1111if this man could be your mentor.. father…….. ❤
One brilliant man that was Christ Jesus
Thank you, Thomas Sowell.
I am nearly 70 years old and retired from 40 years of practicing law. I am white, married 46 years, 5 kids, 10 grandchildren. I have read and listened to Dr. Sowell. I don't believe I've ever disagreed with him, and every time I come away having learned something.
You always learn from the truth it is very hard thing to accept wise listen to it and a true friend tells it to you
@@scottcrawford7674must have hired TV lawyers
Dr Sowel is Brilliant. Would love to meet him someday.
Love Thomas Sowell!!! Brilliant!!!
Dr. Sowell is one of our country's heroes. Much love and respect for the man.
People should listen to this entire interview. It feels as if he did the interview last week.
Don't need to watch the whole thing. It sounds like it was made last week in these few short mintues.
@@minkymott King was popular Black leader for white people because he promised to turn the other check no matter how violent they got with hm.
MLK was a communist, he betrayed all Americans.
One of the smartest men to ever grace this earth!!!
Gee...what about Me?
You can become intellectually fulfilled by hearing Mr. Sowell speak on a great many of topics. Mr. Sowell sees through the marketing & lies and only cares about practical & pragmatic truths. Truly one of the finest voices and minds of our time & we aught to all revel in his wisdom and manifest it in our own lives.
Sowell does the marketing of the neo liberalism of Milton Friedman. Where capitalist bosses ownership of private property is the best way for everything to be done. It is a theory where everything including your labor can be assigned an exact value in an ideal free market and governments job is to create ideal markets and defend property rights and everything else will work like magic. The problem of course is capitalism never started out that way to begin with and in fact it keeps needing a larger state because the ruling class is greedy and declining profit rates and protection of markets requires a state to defend the wealthy ruling class that can only become larger unless the workers intervene and take control of production away from a few profiteers whose only goal is more for themselves and to hell with everyone else.
And has the scars from his race hustling detractors
Well said!!!
In junior high school in the 60s we learned about Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver, Great Men in hard times
My children only heard about these great people from me! Very little was mentioned in their schools? That's the very problem today!
It was taught in my school in the 50s
It's so nice to hear this from someone else... especially someone so revered.
Its just like when Superman comes on TV right?
Revered by whom ? Tell him black people consider him a disgrace! Claude Anderson is who 95% of black people look up to and respect, this man is paid for .
@@arthurholmes2210 Revered by thinking people... CA is a race baiter... all he does is blame others. But if THAT makes you feel good, go for it. Sowell offers solutions.
@@complexblackness Yes, by anyone with an IQ above a donkey... perhaps you weren't paying attention to the bit that starts about 50 seconds in. You fit right in.
God bless Thomas Sowell.
Thomas Sowell is a living breathing talking American Treasure!! Medal of Freedom asap!!!
Why not call the pope and seek canonization?
@@kimobrien. like Stalin?
I truly hope there can be another manifestation of an individual so founded on truth and reality as this great scholar. We definitely need it.
Give him the Mom bakes Apple Pie by Chevrolet award.
I wish I would have discovered Thomas Sowell earlier in my life. It would have greatly jumpstarted my path of self education.
Holy Smoke guys!! Keep digging up that stuff and keep'em coming!!
I love this Man. He warms my heart with his precisely executed simplicity. Rare people, those who speak truth without rancor, who cheat at cards to start conversations, they are my favorites.
"Dad, you're the same age as Dr. King. What did you do in the civil rights movement?"
"Not one thing son, I was too busy trying to make white people happy by criticizing black people"
@jbo44 - that fake patina of objectivity has no factual premise
@@jb-vb8un Dr. Sowell has more 'factual premises' going for him than anyone you can name.
His facts are on exhibit in many books. Haven't had fact one from you.
@@ji8044 He did more for the enlightenment of all people than anyone you know.
That's what he did and is still doing thru his books and tapes. The only way
one would fail to benefit is thru one's dedication to ignorance. Enlighten yourself friend.
@@edwardr5051Yes he sings the songs of neoliberalism which every capitalist loves to hear. He worships at the altar of private property, capitalism and the American way just like Superman. Everything can be explained by a supply and demand charts. Markets doing the lord's work of distributing resources in the most efficient way billions to the rich and powerful and crumbs to the working class.. Of course when the markets need regulation or a bailout who are you going to call? Ghostbusters? Its a system that can only lead to the twin evils of Imperialist war abroad and fascism or war on the trade unions at home.
He has been banging out facts throughout the decades.
@@jamesboyd1378 You might say he's a Republican gang banger!!!
This guy is a master at conveying the most common sense alternatives, to some of our country’s most complex issues.
Thomas Sowell is brilliant.
Thomas Sowell. The smartest guy in any room he occupies.
Always loved Brian Lamb's interviews
This man is a breath of fresh air.
Will be sorely missed. A brilliant man, unfortunately hated and disrespected by many of his race.
Did he pass?
I have to watch this video again because Thomas souls intellect is way above mine. I love listening to him because I think he is brilliant and really a good man.
Never ceases to amaze me with his clarity. I wish I could think and speak as clearly.
Former Marine Sowell is a national treasure of wisdom!
The Sowell dedication to fact and reason is still available to us, thank goodness.
He's a Mental Giant!
Singing hymn's for American Imperialism that capitalist bosses love to hear.
I don't know if there's anyone better than Thomas Sowell at calling forth the truth.
There will never be another Thomas Sowell!!!
Unfortunately I fear you are RIGHT.!
I don't believe that. He is truly a great man. There have been many before him. God wouldn't stop with Dr. Sowell. I am blessed to have him in my lifetime.
I can't get enough of listening to Dr. Sowell. He's absolutely brilliant. ...And Ive learned a lot from him. Dr. Sowell, plz keep educating us. Thank you.
I love listening to the wise words of Mr. Sowell.
I love this man, we need more who think like him. We would all be better off as a society.
AMONG ONE OF OUR GREAT HEROES n MINDS!!! I wish he could go on speaking truths to new generations to come n living forever. Dr. Sowell may u always know u are loved n greatly needed 💯
I love this man. Absolutely brilliant. So tired of hearing about the color of a man’s skin. The Bible clearly defines a good man and an evil man. Never once mentions skin color, university, or financial status. We choose to be the person we are or become.
And just what are you the truth marshall? Is that anything like Marshal Dillon?
Yes, every man born is born a sinner, that is what the Bible says and that is why He sent His son, Jesus Christ to be the redeemer of mankind.
Romans 3:22-26 kjv
22. Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
23. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
24. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25. Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26. To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
How brilliant is this guy - he is the gift that keeps on giving. This good man said these truths way back then, snd the manifestation is now.
Everyone needs to listen to this man
His (Sowell) statement regarding good intended movements being betrayed by hustlers holds true throughout history. The best laid plans of mice and men come to mind. No matter the intended benefit to mankind, those who seek to benefit financially will most assuredly make their presence known.
I'm glad that this is coming to light, something that I've known all along.
Thank you Mr Sowell. I learned lots from listening to you Sir. God bless you and God speed.
Recognize this mans voice from anywhere. Brilliant person.
Thomas Sowell is a treasure for the ages.
Dr.SOWELL you are the truth voice in the USA..
Your deep knowledge and inteligence analize pur facts..Thank you for bringing light❤
Love listening to Dr Sowell and Walt Williams. True academics.
Dr. Sowell is a treasure...brilliant genius
*A gentleman always says what he means and means what he says.*
Brilliant, I love how you laid this out as an across the board “intellectual elite” self interest. I immediately recognized the truth in it. It’s unfortunate that we refer to this group as “intellectuals” when in reality they are grifters that aren’t helping society.
You don't think he includes himself do you? You don't hear him singing the praise of bosses capitalist system from a home in the ghetto either. He's got plenty of criticism all right but says their are no solutions only trade offs. So is a solution a trade off or is trade off a solution. Sure we are all suppose to sit back and let smart people like him and the owners of private property make all the decisions because they pay a price right? Except they don't and never will as long as capitalism is in existence. They will try and make us pay for all the problems they and their system cause.
@@kimobrien. If you don’t like Capitalism move to a socialist/communist country. BTW there is no “us”, you can only speak for yourself, and my guess is you don’t have a lot of cash in the fight as everyone that is informed knows what group of the population pays the taxes.
@@michaelpayne8102 Why don't you put out some more propaganda about how Great American capitalism is so you can get some more immigrants to come work in your low wage jobs? Bosses have the money why shouldn't they pay all the taxes? After all bosses do most of the tax collecting as it is now. They serve as the tax collector at the supermarket, the gas station and from your paycheck.
@@kimobrien. LOL, Like I said MOVE. BTW It’s not American Capitalism, it’s plain and simple CAPITALISM found round the world even in the PRC as I’ve done plenty of business with direct manufacturing over the years.
@@michaelpayne8102 It American capitalism because the bosses are always divided by nation state. The greedy bosses went to war over markets colonies and resources in 1914. The bosses greed drive them into war to redivide the world markets and resources among themselves. In 1916 Lenin wrote, "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism." Nothing has changed about that. The greed of the capitalist bosses guarantees that. You have no way to set up a long term World Capitalist Government to put your greed and trade arbitration disputes under control. Instead you set up institutions to guarantee incumbent Imperialist nations companies markets and cheap labor in the colonial world. They enforce neoliberalism in the less developed world. The Cuba revolution continues. Cuba shows what a living Socialist Revolution can achieve.
We've had a legal movement in the United States since the end of the Palmer Raids in the 1920's. The Communist League of America fused with workers in the Minneapolis Teamsters union beating the bosses Citizens Alliance in the Minneapolis General Strike of 1934. Our leaders meet with exiled revolutionary Leon Trotsky in Mexico. Comrade Farrell Dobbs was General Organizer of the Teamster Union. We lead the Central States over the road campaign. The bosses knew that we stood in the way of entry into the Second Imperialist slaughter. So the liberal FDR used Dan Tobin and the Stalinist cheering crowd for FDR to launch the second witch hunt in 1940. A political trial using the Smith "gag" Act was launched. Eighteen leaders of the Socialist Workers Party were sent to prison for 18 months by a jury that urged leniency. It resulted in the trial testimony being published as Socialism on Trial.
Thomas Sowellis so incredibly eloquent. He quickly speaks out sentences that are worthy to be in a book! Such an amazing skill and it implies an amazing mind.
Thank you good sir..
Sowell dissects issues with the skill of a surgeon. He has no time for popular false assumptions . I always come away wiser, and often chastised, after hearing or reading Sowell's analysis on so many given issues.
I could listen Mr. Sowell talk for hours. What a great mind and deliverer of truth.
Awesome Man...The Truth he is.
He identified our challenges spot on.
Thomas Sewell is a national treasure.
I should listen to Professor SOWELL a lot more! This guy is brilliant!
Yes they did! Growing up when I was 8-19 yrs old, and listened to Rev. King's speeches, somehow the way MLK spoke resonated with this kid. Also was so disappointed to hear when he was slain, it touched me. Then years later hearing JJ and Al making civil rights speeches, bragging they marched with the Reverend Doctor,and using MLK's words way out of context to only use his words not in MLK's original own context and meaning.I'm still irked and very disappointed they did so in their mission of influence .
The fact that Al Sharpton has a voice on MSNBC is criminal.
Race baiter at the highest level
We're glad someone actually told this sad story.
It gladdens my heart, that more and more young black men and women are now learning about Thomas Sowell!
Thank God for intelligent people the doctor Nails it right on the head
Thomas Sewell , the most intelligent pollical Professor of our time. Thank You Thomas Sewell. Live long and Prosper!
Right again, Dr. Sowell!
A hero with all standards of logic and compassion I would love to just meet the most important and interesting person to me
Dr. Sowell describes superbly well what I call "Survival of the fattest":
The larger any organization is, the larger the "market value" for power-centered people - they are more fixed on power than most of us and have very cunning skills as far as climbing the hierarchy goes. Once in position (or even before) they turn brutal, and the games played from there on look more and more like a battlefield.
As he pointed out - this is not a racial issue. It's more a human one.
Wow! A moment of clarity!
In other words, "a coordinated Operation Lockstep" has always been going on, and along every spoke of the curation of power, money and culture
Correct.. DC, K Street lawyers and US political class, poverty pimps are, have been comfortable and feel secure doing what they do.
.Yep the 1%
Sounds like another Rail Boss slogan like Operation Lifesaver.
@@kimobrien. wow. you really are clueless. The fact you've never heard of operation locksteps tells me a few things about you. 1. you are vaxxed to the max. 2. you think the government is looking out for your interests, 3. you believe the united states ever existed. "That's why they call it the American dream, you have to be sleep to believe it." George Carlin - best of luck to you Kim. You're going to need it.
I love listening to this man.
And that's what an honest man sounds like.
Love the direct, no idiocy, concise approach to your topics, regardless of what they may be. Patrick W.
The truth has become the rarest thing in the world.
💯 indeed
A National Treasure
It’s so satisfying to hear truth spoken, thank you so much Thomas Sowell you are a breath of fresh air 🙏❤️🌹☘️
This man is a blessing 🍦🍦🍦
One of the greatest living intellectuals.He can distill an idea and make it shockingly clear.