Satan let him win. For He knew Johnny would boast and become vain. Johnny would become famous and a sinner. For once Johnny died, he met Satan once more and now plays for Himnfor all of eternity.
Due to the technicality and complexity behind, most of the jazz musicians were accused in the 30's-60's of selling their souls at the crossroads. You cannot say that about Black Metal musicians and their rather simple harmonic minor and minor scale tremolo picking, can you?
song names 0:08 - Sworn To The Dark 0:30 - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel 0:53 - Prosperity and Beauty 1:19 - Freezing Moon 1:40 - Sacrificial Suicide 2:06 - Hail Murder 2:30 - The Somberlain 2:53 - Azrael 3:20 - The Paranoid 3:47 - Dechristianize
Some of these bands do look kinda creepy, but why is there usually a fat drummer in the back looking super chill and casual - maybe it’s the drummer that’s satan.
Have you ever tried finding a drummer for just a normal rock band? I guarantee you that if a guy has his own kit, can play this stuff, and shows up to practice, he’s in, no questions asked.
I had a preacher once tell me that music itself can not be satanic but the force behind the pen creating it and the reason why is what makes it evil. If Satan moves through you, you are an instrument of evil, he explained. Without explaining the band or their message I played Mortification for him and he said it was satanic and not to listen to it and to turn it off immediately. I informed him they were a christian metal band with christian lyrics and the look on his face was priceless. Still makes me laugh today when I think of it.
@@cashhenson5198 True lowkey. Ironic imo how it’s more prominent in mainstream music like pop despite the fact that there are bands that are explicit about it and don’t hide it but they aren’t mainstream so that’s probably why imo
Well Anton Lavey did the same thing for decades well into his for example "If your gonna sin, be the best sinner on the block" Lavey was no fool, I like philosophy, but he was edgy. Do as thy will, Hail thyself, Ave Satanas
Yup i was in prison with a satanist he didnt do anything weird he was a mild mannered quiet guy. Who was in for fraud or some other white coller crime. He was about as intimidating as a hamster 😂
New age R&B has more satanic symbolism then the darkest Metal Bands combined. Just look at Travis Scott's "Goosbumps" music video!
Nah Nah Nah, Satan doesn't listen to music but he does use it to inflict pain on people. Satan uses *Linkin Park's A Thousand Suns* played on constant repeat for all eternity to torture his victims.
It's a video from 1988, filmed on Vhs. And it's not a concert, it's just a rehearsal. Aslo Euronymous was not a legit satanist. He just wanted to scare the media and draw some attention.
Euronimous was murdered in 1993 by his fellow black metalist Kristian Vikernes. Also before the murser the band was pretty much unknown undergroud. You don't have many recordings of that period in general. Phones with cameras did not exist at the time.
@@Edelgul1717 unknown? What the actual fuck. No they werent unknown. They were a well know band, yet it's true that this kind of stuff got them a huge attention - also they recorded one of the best black metal album of all time.
@@GAM3R3D What album are you talking about? Their first album was released in 1994 and their only EP published before 1994 had a circulation of 1000 copies. I woud say, that band got some attention after Dead's suicide and some attempts to draw attention to Helvete/scene, but that is that.
+Voicecolors agreed but I find laveyan satanism to be more childish then actual satanism because they literally try to act like they're hardcore and shit when they're literally a bunch of wannabes theistic satanists even hate them.
Laveyan Satanism isn't about being hardcore, it's about worshipping no one other than yourself, indulging in your base desires and instincts, and giving respect only to people who deserve it. There are other things but I don't have all day
I call B.S. on this list. Most BM bands are either A) anti-Abrahamic, meaning they dont believe in God or the devil. They want the old Norse religions back. B) prob. more common it's an act to gain fans.
Many BM bands are ant-Abrahamic like you say, but many of the bands on this list really are practicing Satanists. For example, the singer for Dissection committed suicide as a part of a Satanic ritual he was doing. He was the member of a group called The Temple of the Black Light.
There is no Black Metal without Satan. If your band wants the old norse religion back, then it may be inspired by Black Metal, but is actually Pagan Metal.
Now that's where you are confused. Satan himself DOES listen to pop music. But his followers realized that pop music is terrible,talent-less (for the most part) and not Satan enough for them. So.... They made Black Metal. And a select few non-Black Metal Metal bands
The song names used in this video: Watain - Sworn To The Dark Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel Gorgoroth - Prosperity and Beauty Mayhem - Freezing Moon (its at 56:30 in the 1990/1988 Mayhem rehearsal video on UA-cam) Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide Dark Funeral - Hail Murder Dissection - The Somberlain (the video used here is "Live at Wacken '97") Marduk - (Not sure) Ihsahn - The Paranoid Vital Remains - Dechristianize Feel free to comment the ones I'm not sure about everyone!
well, actually real satanism is about free will, one self indulgence, individualism, intelligence, power and respect...i don't see where human and animal sacrifices may fit
Yes the only reason it is called Satanism is its direct conflicts of Christianity morally, and kind of snubbed their nose at Christians. One that worships Lucifer the fallen angel would have to accept that Jesus Christ was the Chosen Son of God that was sent down to Earth with God's soul but mans Spirit to save all that accept him from eternal damnation. They just don't accept him, but place their role to serve God by doing Lucifer's bidding.
my dad was an engineer on the album “dechristianize” by vital remains, still scares me to this day because that album is the most satanic thing i’ve heard in my life.
Yeah, think about it. these slugs put on gore makup, their vocals sound like their throats have been crushed and they swear their religious loyalties to a guy called a murderer and father of lies. What is the desired outcome? Go to hell and party? "Hey yeah, dudes, Satan here, um thanx for the publicity. Hey we got beer and broads, and my minion got some cocaine, hep yuhselves."
I don't think most religious people understand what god is....He's a murderer and worse then Satan ever was. I don't believe that either actually exist but if we want to get technical on the mythology then God was definitely the worse out of the two
@@yusufevren2788 indeed, but what's the point if you can barely understand it? I don't get deep thoughts out of what I hear as mostly undecipherable shrieking.
NewSkin the point is to look deeper into it. the genre as a whole keeps out anyone who doesn’t care to learn more. plus when you listen long enough it becomes pretty easy to understand
I once had a terrifying vision of Hell back in the 1980s that will haunt me till the day I die. A radio station I was listening to messed up and played We Built This City twice in a row.
I read an article with Deicide's Glen Benton some years ago and he said something to the effect that the whole grrrrrr Sataaannn getup wasn't sincere in its pursuit of satanism as a spirituality, but was instead there to signify their detestation of Christianity, and really they're just atheists and anti-religion in general
At the origin (with Mayhem), it was really satanic. Some pretty fucked up shit happened back then. But now, it feels more like everyone is trying to copy what Mayhem did, and it just doesn't feel right, totally false and faked
I saw Dissection live right before he went to jail, I've seen dozens of BM and Death Metal bands over the years but I legitimately thought when Jon screamed at the crowed - This isn't an act, this guy is real. Intense, fucked up, ready to kill without hesitation, whatever.
@@sibylsaint Another millennial, I am one too but this guy has to he stupid. Probably listens to country, rap, or is a Christian. I'm Christian and this shit kicks man, but just ignore the uncultured.
My whole family is Christian, while I am I do think that maybe there isn't a God, Idk what to believe. So I usually have to keep my music preferences a secret, because they automatically think a bunch of shit about me for the music. Idk what to believe anymore so I find comfort and happiness with other people like me who don't know, like my cousins.
Tell that to Fenriz, who is still a post office worker, and treats Darkthrone as his life's work. He said that he would be "rich bitch" if he accepted all concert offers etc. If Darkthrone were to play one concert tour that would set him up for life. Black metal started going mainstream when Varg started going to press as "Grief/Count Grishnack" and mouthing off about everything. Faust probably wouldn't have gotten to prison for that murder.
Gahl(former gorgoroth frontman) is not a sellout sometimes he let people to see his shows for free.dont get me wrong he cares about money but enough to pay for his bills and wine collection
I second that! I was watching the lords of chaos movie the other day and then I remembered that after all the edgy stuff in late 80s, they ended up performing in Dubai 2013.... that's not very underground....
Sorlid that’s probably why he’s one of the few from the scene that actually killed them selves. Seems like he meant every bit of his lyrics, every other band I guess only believes in those beliefs philosophically but not in practice.
***** wow...u really just said fuck boy....if this was about a rapper id understand. But fuckboy. Why dont u just spell boy will a i and say yo afterwords. and too bad varg didnt idk LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE FUCKING GUITAR before he killed the godfather of the black metal riff. Dont get all butt hurt that i talked shit about your girlfriend XD
***** HAHAHAHA 1. Like i really give a fuck who u like more and if u like who i like 2. If varg was soo much better how come he was the only person in shitty burzum and why did he use euros record label, lol 3. If varg was so great, why did he get caught. 4. if euronymous didnt pioneer the basic black metal ominous way of playing the "necro" sound why have i seen guys from darkthrone AND varg himself say that euronymous did it. 5. if varg was so much better, why does he always talk mess about sumone that is already dead, does he really feel the need to prove he is better than sumone who is really dead? funny how the only one thats in competition is always the one thats sucks dick. 6. WHO THE FUCK EVEN TRIED TO STEAL KING DIAMONDS WAY OF SINGING. Basicly just go get sum fuckin pussy and stop worrying about who other people like. Diamond is a fuckin pussy and burzum couldnt get people to join if he tried, his music is the same shit over and over for like 10 min. Mayhem rules, Dead necro and euronymous are fucking gods in black metal. i dont even think u can call Mercyful fate fuckin black metal at all. sounds more like iron fucking maiden too me. Bt i know ur type, ur gonna be up all night just waiting for me to send another one. Unlike you i have a fucking life, and whats that thing that would shut you up....oh yea PUSSY that i need to get into. so LATER go find sumone els to fuckin cry too about who u do and dont like. hahaha fucking king diamond what a fucking joke AYYYYYYY YAAA YAAA < like every fucking song of his hahahaha faggyest shit ever
***** here if this makes u feel better and does not remind u that ur only action is Palmila Handerson i know ur type, ur gonna be up all night just waiting for me to send another one. Unlike you i have a fucking life, and whats that thing that would shut you up? OBVIOUSLY NOTHING
Years ago there was a band playing at a car show I went to called the Electric Amish. Had a bicycle hooked up to a generator so they could play. Was a prop of course because right in the middle of a song the guy from the audience that was on the bike got tired and stopped. They noticed and got real confused when everything still had power lol. There was some joke that stuck with me from their set where one guy asked one of the others something like... "What does it take to satisfy your wife? 8 Mennonite!" lol
I said to Satan..."Ok, I get it. Your voice is scary and pardon the expression, you look like Hell. But, I can't understand wtf they are saying! Can you?"
Satan is often associated with music as he is the Angel of musical arts and was created a musician himself. "You where the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty until inequity was found in you and I cast you out." beautiful beyond description, most intelligent of all God's creations with finely tuned timbers and pipes. Apart from the Holy Trinity, no other creature was created most high and most wise as Satan.
Funny how many of these bands, most of which I like, always attack Christianity but never ever write songs or attack Islam or Judaism. None of these bands are ‘satanic’. They’re all atheists with the exception of Dissection.
@Morgh123 victim role ?? Lmao you are drummer than you make yourself out to be . So through with your narrow minded ass , you didn't even hear me speak yet you're making assumptions . Oblivious is what you and that's how you will forever stay . Keep walking around with blinkers on and when you're mature enough to have a debate and see my points of view hit me up . Till then - Adios' prick .
Atheism is not having *any* beliefs you twerp lmfao so no, they're not atheists, they're satanists. It's simple No need to be butthurt just 'cause some people don't wanna follow your sky daddy
Δzazil Warrior I know it will never be 100% confirmed whether he was or not, but in my opinion I think it was for show. Just an attempt to appear more evil
Jessica Wright ~ Yeah, The Real Satanic Music industry is well documented in the amazing new documentary footage called = “Communism by the Back Door” New World Order The Satanic Music industry is covered at around about 42: minutes into the film footage. it’s a five hour & twenty minutes masterpiece and should be shown in our schools and colleges worldwide. Please watch it and share it with as many people as you can before it gets removed. Our Weapon is Truth !
Don’t forget guys these people still will obey the laws of their countries, they won’t steal from you or kill anyone. They’ll also be quite happy to meet you if you’re a fan.
Actually my friend, the vocalist for gorgoroth was convicted of heinous torture, the old bass player for mayhem killed the guitarist, the vocalist for dissection was sentenced to prison for being an accessory to murder, the vocalist of mayhem also blew his own brains out
Satan in public: Mayhem, Behemoth
Satan in private: "Up-town Girlll!!! She's been living in her Up-town Worldd..."
I think he's more in to Billy Idol and Culture Club actually.
I'd imagine him being fine with Metallica
That song kinda slaps tho
Billy Joel is the devil
We all know the Devil is a mediocre fiddle player that lost his golden fiddle to a boy named Johnny when he went down to Georgia
Satan let him win. For He knew Johnny would boast and become vain. Johnny would become famous and a sinner. For once Johnny died, he met Satan once more and now plays for Himnfor all of eternity.
You beat me to it four months ago
Bannanatree Productions that they do my friend
Shit anybody will get robbed in Georgia. That song failed to mention the devil was in Atlanta.
But what if Satan doesn't like this kind of music, what if he is a jazz type of guy.
Hunter Rickeard actually jazz is more evil
Due to the technicality and complexity behind, most of the jazz musicians were accused in the 30's-60's of selling their souls at the crossroads.
You cannot say that about Black Metal musicians and their rather simple harmonic minor and minor scale tremolo picking, can you?
what if... satan likes vapourwave music,,,,,
Yah Like Jazzz?
Hunter Rickeard he's probably a Justin Bieber fan
song names
0:08 - Sworn To The Dark
0:30 - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
0:53 - Prosperity and Beauty
1:19 - Freezing Moon
1:40 - Sacrificial Suicide
2:06 - Hail Murder
2:30 - The Somberlain
2:53 - Azrael
3:20 - The Paranoid
3:47 - Dechristianize
2:30 - The Somberlain
3:47 - Dechristianize
1:40 is Sacrifical Suicide
@@6.thedollar415 thank you
@@rvstybearings you are welcome sand eater
When I said "I like metal" this is what my parents are thinking
That's ignorant
I feel this
G you have trauma
I like thrash metal and groove metal and metalcore but this metals ugh
@@quinnmitchel4075 I'm the same way with rock I love classic rock modern rock is ok
Some of these bands do look kinda creepy, but why is there usually a fat drummer in the back looking super chill and casual - maybe it’s the drummer that’s satan.
Have you ever tried finding a drummer for just a normal rock band? I guarantee you that if a guy has his own kit, can play this stuff, and shows up to practice, he’s in, no questions asked.
Agreed lmao
That would be Nick Barker.
I had a preacher once tell me that music itself can not be satanic but the force behind the pen creating it and the reason why is what makes it evil. If Satan moves through you, you are an instrument of evil, he explained. Without explaining the band or their message I played Mortification for him and he said it was satanic and not to listen to it and to turn it off immediately. I informed him they were a christian metal band with christian lyrics and the look on his face was priceless. Still makes me laugh today when I think of it.
Hahaha. That's beautiful.
I Knew Mmmm Bop was Evil
Spirit writing is real. Happens in all music like pop and country as well. Pop is actually far worse than rock when it comes to this
True lowkey. Ironic imo how it’s more prominent in mainstream music like pop despite the fact that there are bands that are explicit about it and don’t hide it but they aren’t mainstream so that’s probably why imo
Satan: blow your trumpet Gabriel
Satan in private: ….backstreets back alright!
All their satanist quotes sound like a teen trying to convince other adults in the room they are edgy af 😂
Ikr that’s exactly what I thought 😭
Well Anton Lavey did the same thing for decades well into his for example
"If your gonna sin, be the best sinner on the block" Lavey was no fool, I like philosophy, but he was edgy. Do as thy will, Hail thyself, Ave Satanas
Well said form Mr. Wolverine
meanwhile in hell:
Go Shorty, it's your birthday
We gon' party like it's your birthday
And we gon' sip Bacardi like it's your birthday
poda myre
That's Houston Tx's 50 Cent he ain't Dead! XD Thought it's funny
We all know Satan plays the fiddle...I mean.. c'mon.
From Futurama yes
Or Crossroads
Logan Light you deserve a high five, love that reverence
That is Why norwegian black came
Because our national instrument is fela aka the fiddle
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
Imagine Satan singing:"I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie Wooorld"
Now that's evil😂
That'd be wild
70% of these guys wipe their makeup off and feed their cat when they get home. It's just an act
nice pfp
Right? Like no this isn't a fairy tale these guys don't live in lodges on top of a freezing mountain with thunder and red skies, they're musicians.
@@bakerhalt cough cough *gaahl* cough cough
Yup i was in prison with a satanist he didnt do anything weird he was a mild mannered quiet guy. Who was in for fraud or some other white coller crime. He was about as intimidating as a hamster 😂
Well the title does say "satanic acts"
"These bands all suck." -- Satan
And anyone else with functioning eardrums.
+Jon Hoskins Behemoth is pretty fucking good tho
Dissection, Behemoth, Marduk, Emperor are all great bands.
Hahahaha ohhhh the best best best comment today, oh I'm crying...
Even Satan would say to these guys: "Seriously, I can't understand a goddamn thing you are saying".
@Chuani Ralte *pentagram
@Satan The god of this world So what's your problem with Christianity?
Satan checks his closet and under his bed to make sure that there is no black metal artists.
DR TRUTHSEEKER they’re complete and utter assholes!
But that music kicks ass so who gaf
You forgot “Crimson Dawn” led by Stan Marsh on vocals and Leopold “Butters” Stotch on the axe.
Lmao 😂 I just can’t 😂
If you play this backwards it sounds like Taylor Swift.
Wich is satan
Witch one is worse though
If you back masking tape their music it will sound of worship praising god 🙏
No you are wrong, if you play this backwards, It sounds like Justin Bieber!!!!!! 😂🤣
*Meanwhile in Hell:*
Satan: "Baby, baby, baby oooh..."
@@Kasperjost no it's just Justin Bieber's song moron
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ʟɪsᴛɪᴄ
@@tucks420 ummmmmmm u just insulted Satan
oh man I can't believe you made a baby joke in 2019! you, my friend, win the internet!
@@Kasperjost :DDD
What if Satan listened to country songs and god was a metal head
That would make more sense!
Travis Thompson Satan likes Garth Brooks and George Jones more than black and death metal.
“I’ve got friends in LOW places” was a dead giveaway.
That would be cool
if i get to heaven someday ill ask him lol
Ü L T R Æ V Ï Œ L Ë T "On this rock I will build my Church." - Rocks evolve into metal: The Church is metal confirmed.
Lordian Guard
Meanwhile Satan in hell : "Wish you a merry christmas and a happy new yearrrrr"
satan is more a blues fan, he did buy Robert Johnson's soul after all.
and john lennon's
Nah, Keith Richards
Blues? Well, I don't think the devil cared for Blind WIllie Johnson's music and lyrics ...way before Robert Johnson btw.
GojirA underrated comment
"If you are looking for satanism,you wont find it amongst kids with loud guitars. Its Haloween not satanism" - Alice Cooper
krysiak1987 I fucking love Alice cooper
krysiak1987 I adore Alice Cooper. The coolest Christian
alice is a jesus loving poseur so how can anyone take him seriously either
krysiak1987 He nailed it.
Should be called "10 bands that need more cow bell"
Actuality true 😂😂😂
There is allways room for more cow bell
@@glendaayers731 lol true
1:41 Cookie Monster goes metal
@vikernes dude pls stfu youre everywhere bot ahh
This is what happens when he runs out of cookies to eat
Surprised Nickelback didn't make the list.
Take my like.
Jose Garza for me the more satanic =more better. Tbh
Yeah okkkk
*This is what people think when you mention Led Zeppelin*
Yup. And, of course, Judas Priest, who don't actually play satanic music at all.
Or just anything with a guitar
@@mikeahern4642basically just anything with actual music in it
Number 1
Lil Wayne playing the guitar
An odd box Justin bieber onstage stripping 😂😂😂
..that is a pure legit of satan tortured people in hell... . XD
New age R&B has more satanic symbolism then the darkest Metal Bands combined. Just look at Travis Scott's "Goosbumps" music video!
Wait until they find out the Devil's into 'light jazz' and 'adult contemporary' music, and the angels LOVE death metal....
Just like Patrick Bateman
Satan: *Sorry but I only listen to kpop*
Well time to kill Satan if that's true
Satan only listen to Reggaeton and Trap!!! 🍑😈
Nah Nah Nah, Satan doesn't listen to music but he does use it to inflict pain on people. Satan uses *Linkin Park's A Thousand Suns* played on constant repeat for all eternity to torture his victims.
Did the person filming the “Mayhem” part bring a microwave to the concert?
Very old video
It's a video from 1988, filmed on Vhs. And it's not a concert, it's just a rehearsal. Aslo Euronymous was not a legit satanist. He just wanted to scare the media and draw some attention.
Euronimous was murdered in 1993 by his fellow black metalist Kristian Vikernes. Also before the murser the band was pretty much unknown undergroud. You don't have many recordings of that period in general. Phones with cameras did not exist at the time.
@@Edelgul1717 unknown? What the actual fuck. No they werent unknown. They were a well know band, yet it's true that this kind of stuff got them a huge attention - also they recorded one of the best black metal album of all time.
@@GAM3R3D What album are you talking about? Their first album was released in 1994 and their only EP published before 1994 had a circulation of 1000 copies.
I woud say, that band got some attention after Dead's suicide and some attempts to draw attention to Helvete/scene, but that is that.
This is what elderly "Christian" people think when I say I love AC/DC....
most of the elderly people I know loves AC/DC... I mean it's their generation 😂
@@alkatraz706 hahaha
For real
Old people love ACDC... That's why it's called dad rock
You also love AC/DC?
Satan: "This music sucks."
meanwhile, in the depths of hell:
satan: im in love with marijuana, makes me feel just like an iguana...
LOL Cheech and chong
@@trs5127 lmao!
What pop people think Metallica sounds like 😆
Most likely lol
What do you mean This is exactly what Metallica sounds like 🤨🤨🤨
....I'm joking please don't take this serious 😭😭
@@scoupstastuwu For these bands, Metallica sounds like pop...
@@septimussilva2005 lmao 😭
by 1996 most people who listened to pop started liking Metallica,
Nergal: “I am so evil. Nobody like me.”
Also Nergal: **does yoga**
*no body likes me
As did Crowley, you fucking clueless dork.
Satanists are often some of the most normal of people. Many have just had their eyes opened.
@@8523wsxc damn bro who hurt you?
@@vsmolvmetal6565 This guy's arrogant stupidity.
Timmy's Mom: What band are you going to see tonight Timmy?
Timmy: Here's a clip of them...
Satan: " man I get ONE type of music and you can't understand a single word in any of em!"
"And why do they think I want singers that sound like Cookie Monster?"
@@meekrob exactly.
@@meekrob That's more death metal amd even then only a tiny portion of every single death metal bands are actually satanic, it's more just black metal
You’re referring to Pop
Satan: "I can't understand WTF they're saying!"
Idk how it's just playboi with too much testosterone
But it's fluent Satanese
Even the satan(Cursed) himself cant figure out what they are saying
I'm just a neutral, inoffensive, respectful comment. don't mind me. keep scrolling.
Whip me with an extension cord.
+daniel borrego no sir. bud light
+Wyatt Lamore horse piss??
How dare you! Do you have any idea how offensive you're being?!
Everyone knows Satan likes experimental jazz.
Worship the devil is a very childish way to be rebel. It´s like when you´re 5 and you wanna run away from home hiding in the backyard
There's more to it than just being a rebel, it's a religion.
Astral Emperor Yeah, that´s my point. It´s a religion therefore childish
+Voicecolors agreed but I find laveyan satanism to be more childish then actual satanism because they literally try to act like they're hardcore and shit when they're literally a bunch of wannabes theistic satanists even hate them.
More like having a system of beliefs that in many ways contradict Christianity
Laveyan Satanism isn't about being hardcore, it's about worshipping no one other than yourself, indulging in your base desires and instincts, and giving respect only to people who deserve it. There are other things but I don't have all day
Meanwhile in Hell
Satan: Look at this Photograph! Everytime it makes me laugh
Omg...imagine if the devil listens to one direction
@@Aftonsbunnyxx he listens to bts
@@Sklibbus 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
Don't associate me with that band. They're a good method for torture though
Sorry Mr. Satan please don't banish my soul to the shadow realm 😭😰
People say that if you go in midnight in front of a mirror and say "Satan is my god" your mom will appear and punch you in da face
Skyliner849 😂😂😂😂
Skyliner849 that's great!! And so true!! LoL!!
Skyliner849 I’m laughing because I’M the Mom now and true it is! 🤣
I will never betray my lord and savior jesus christ
imagine if satan just listen to this band and start to think like “this shit is awfulllllll, let me get back to my robert jhonson”
I call B.S. on this list. Most BM bands are either
A) anti-Abrahamic, meaning they dont believe in God or the devil. They want the old Norse religions back.
B) prob. more common it's an act to gain fans.
Many BM bands are ant-Abrahamic like you say, but many of the bands on this list really are practicing Satanists. For example, the singer for Dissection committed suicide as a part of a Satanic ritual he was doing. He was the member of a group called The Temple of the Black Light.
There is no Black Metal without Satan. If your band wants the old norse religion back, then it may be inspired by Black Metal, but is actually Pagan Metal.
@@mentealienari7293 So Bathory was Satanic, huh?
@@mentealienari7293 dude, black metal has its roots in Norse paganism. Look at Mayhem and Burzum.
Bruh, Jon, the leader of Dissection killed himself in a satanic ritual sacrifice. Stfu.
and here i thought satan listened to pop music..
Now that's where you are confused. Satan himself DOES listen to pop music. But his followers realized that pop music is terrible,talent-less (for the most part) and not Satan enough for them. So....
They made Black Metal.
And a select few non-Black Metal Metal bands
He makes it, Justin's Bieber anyone?
Actually fun fact -- he's big into polka. Oh and the Carpenters, but you'll never get the big softie to admit it
TheMathPipe pop is the devil music
I do.
Well, according to music history, Jazz is the first style that was considered "The Devil´s music" :o
How? But I like jazz. 😢
Some people thougjt vivaldi's 21 caprices were satanic so i mean
According to some, classical violinist Paganini sold his soul. The genre doesn't matter. What matters is the intent of the person making the music.
Back in the day people thought tritones were satanic.
jazz or blues?
Gets to hell and Satan says: “Dude your music sucks! I’m more of a John Denver fan.” 😂
Satan: *I see you have mistaken my taste in music, well I actually listen to slow jazz, kinda a romantic twist*
What if he thinks Holdsworth was the sh#t?
The song names used in this video:
Watain - Sworn To The Dark
Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
Gorgoroth - Prosperity and Beauty
Mayhem - Freezing Moon (its at 56:30 in the 1990/1988 Mayhem rehearsal video on UA-cam)
Deicide - Sacrificial Suicide
Dark Funeral - Hail Murder
Dissection - The Somberlain (the video used here is "Live at Wacken '97")
Marduk - (Not sure)
Ihsahn - The Paranoid
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Feel free to comment the ones I'm not sure about everyone!
DLK Films Mayhem - Freezing Moon, Watain - Sworn To The Dark, Dark Funeral - Hail Murder
Thanks mate, I've updated the list.
Ihsahn - The Paranoid
DLK Films the deicide one is sacrificial suicide
Dylan Worth Thanks! I've updated the list!
Am I the only one who was expecting "legitimately satanic acts" to mean live human and animal sacrifices and occult rituals to summon the devil?
I was expecting much more than random live perfomances with random quotes from band members over top of them. LMFAO, stupid.
well, actually real satanism is about free will, one self indulgence, individualism, intelligence, power and respect...i don't see where human and animal sacrifices may fit
Dissection definitely.
Yes the only reason it is called Satanism is its direct conflicts of Christianity morally, and kind of snubbed their nose at Christians. One that worships Lucifer the fallen angel would have to accept that Jesus Christ was the Chosen Son of God that was sent down to Earth with God's soul but mans Spirit to save all that accept him from eternal damnation. They just don't accept him, but place their role to serve God by doing Lucifer's bidding.
my dad was an engineer on the album “dechristianize” by vital remains, still scares me to this day because that album is the most satanic thing i’ve heard in my life.
i came from a baking video and what the fuck am i doing here
Satan loves cake.
satan loves you (?) hahahahaha
Yang Qt 🤣
I think someone had the oven WAY too hot!
Those must've been some "rockin" pastries
Lol.. UA-cam... Takes you to places you never thought you'd ever go. That's funny
And meanwhile, he's probably laughing at and ridiculing them for thinking they know or understand what he is.
Yeah, think about it. these slugs put on gore makup, their vocals sound like their throats have been crushed and they swear their religious loyalties to a guy called a murderer and father of lies. What is the desired outcome? Go to hell and party? "Hey yeah, dudes, Satan here, um thanx for the publicity. Hey we got beer and broads, and my minion got some cocaine, hep yuhselves."
@@DW133_ of course he is...and he's got a receipt for all of these morons. They don't know what they're fking with.
I don't think most religious people understand what god is....He's a murderer and worse then Satan ever was. I don't believe that either actually exist but if we want to get technical on the mythology then God was definitely the worse out of the two
@@gennymikel4296 wow that was very christian of you, god must love you very much
@@xexun0010 What do you expect? Should I compliment someone like that. Oh, so sorry you dont approve.
Imagine if Satan is an emo
G note: *Exist*
Satan: When I was a young boy...
Probably why he was so rebellious. Yahweh will never understand him
@@stringtube8760 my father threw me into the earth to be the king of hell
How dare you insult poor Satan like that! Give the old dude a little more credit, daaang. 🤘😬
Even Satan is like "This is just silly spooky cartoonish shit. Grow up. 🙄"
This shit is too weak for me. My mom yelling at me is more brutal than this.
*currently laughing at this*
Unstable Lunatik she spanish cause if not you haven't heard anything yet.
Unstable Lunatik watch on UA-cam the 14 rites of satan Marilyn Manson
Unstable Lunatik lmfao 😂😂😂😭😭😭
nobody cares about your crappy rites.
The guy who writes the lyrics in these bands has the easiest job.
very deep meaningful lyrics can be found in black metal
@@yusufevren2788 indeed, but what's the point if you can barely understand it? I don't get deep thoughts out of what I hear as mostly undecipherable shrieking.
NewSkin i see your point but it is the aesthetic of the music without that harsh vocals black metal wouldnt be what it is
NewSkin the point is to look deeper into it. the genre as a whole keeps out anyone who doesn’t care to learn more. plus when you listen long enough it becomes pretty easy to understand
What if Satan likes kpop? These bands would all be disappointments
i think not even satan himself could stand this
why did you mention kpop here
Well Kpop sounds like it's from hell so you might not be wrong with that
This is what my mom thought AC/DC was like.
how my classmates think i act after i tell them i like metal 😂
I once had a terrifying vision of Hell back in the 1980s that will haunt me till the day I die. A radio station I was listening to messed up and played We Built This City twice in a row.
i could be worse it Could have played Cardi B or Justin bieber
Get outta here with your basic “pop bad” jokes, they’re so cliché now
@@clarissaoosthuizen1762 what’s wrong w pop?
what did the vision look like?
@@danielmejia142 Pop bad
I was brought here by SpongeBob
... Damn that is confusing
ayo isnt that jay_den_george? How the fuck did i get here
jay_den_ george Instead of browsing youtube and commenting on random videos, go out and search for your missing father.
Generic Hipster lol ok😂😁
Maybe Satan likes spongebob?
IcOnIc loser how
Meanwhile, Satan in hell learning ballroom dancing and blasting Adele
What if Satan actually listens to Reggae and he hates Metal?
watch all satanic metal bands vs pink floyd it s on youtube
Makes since because people burn the devils lettuce while listening to Reggae
snoop goaty goat
@@ginsuma1402 its not Satan's lettuce, if anything its God's Spinach
@@ginsuma1402 since or sense?
legitimately satanic? some of these musicians literally admitted that they're atheists or pagans... the whole satanic thing is just a gimmick dude
Ze W which ones just curious
I read an article with Deicide's Glen Benton some years ago and he said something to the effect that the whole grrrrrr Sataaannn getup wasn't sincere in its pursuit of satanism as a spirituality, but was instead there to signify their detestation of Christianity, and really they're just atheists and anti-religion in general
well satanism is like a mix atheism and organized religion it has the same setup as a religion but has no deities only symbols
Materialistic is just money....
At the origin (with Mayhem), it was really satanic. Some pretty fucked up shit happened back then. But now, it feels more like everyone is trying to copy what Mayhem did, and it just doesn't feel right, totally false and faked
Behemoth and Gorgoroth are on a whole other a level. That music sounds really, really evil. More so than all the rest.
I saw Dissection live right before he went to jail, I've seen dozens of BM and Death Metal bands over the years but I legitimately thought when Jon screamed at the crowed - This isn't an act, this guy is real. Intense, fucked up, ready to kill without hesitation, whatever.
But behemoth aren't really like fucked up in real life like how on the other hand mayhem and gorgoroth are all full of psychopaths
Connor Ferrand i doubt nergal is truly a satanist, he wouldn't have got on polish tv if he was
Connor Ferrand they legit scares tf out of me
TheRandomshite123 I tend to Agree. I feel like Behemoth is Satanic for the artistic purpose. I like their music.
Meanwhile, in Hell:
🎶YMCA. It’s fun to stay at the..YMCA🎶
What I see is many people needing get a Shower😂
They're up on stage. What do you fucking want? Everyone gets worked up during a show.
@@sibylsaint Another millennial, I am one too but this guy has to he stupid. Probably listens to country, rap, or is a Christian. I'm Christian and this shit kicks man, but just ignore the uncultured.
VersatileSamurai You should be sacrificed if you are a christian
None Yobiz god of my shwety nutz
None Yobiz lmao wtf
I would honestly picture Satan listening to Mozart...
I was thinking the overture of 1812
Well he did inspire Tartini to write one of the lovliest violin pieces in music history.
Its said that "the Devil's Trill Sonata by Giuseppe Tartini" Was written as Tartini was possessed in 1799.
yep thats true
Dang that video of mayhem was definitely recorded on a thermometer
Hahahaha you had me laughing for a good 10 minutes with that
Yes, but it was a thermometer stuck in Satan's rectum. Think about it.
I'm sorry I can't stop laughing
My religious aunt at a family reunion: What kind of music you like?
Me: ...
a mood
okay asotm broke my heart
My whole family is Christian, while I am I do think that maybe there isn't a God, Idk what to believe. So I usually have to keep my music preferences a secret, because they automatically think a bunch of shit about me for the music. Idk what to believe anymore so I find comfort and happiness with other people like me who don't know, like my cousins.
TakeMy BrokenSoul There’s a God. He died on the cross for all of us, even these goof balls. Keep the faith.
not a fan really of black metal vocals, but the music, especially in black symphonic metal, is amazing
yes sir
Hes "not a fan of the vocals" lmao.
Here, have some instrumental symphonic black metal. :)
come on man, that's what black metal is all about, the growling the deep vocals that's the damn best part in my opinion of black metal >< \m/
"the growling the deep vocals" are for death metal , black metal has shrieked vocals
It’s funny because Nergal is one of the nicest people
As he claimed, he is an atheist.
You can be a satanist & still be the nicest kindest person on the planet. It's all about nature.
Satanist arent always evil human beings (not saying all are not)
satanism i actually more often linked with atheism than any sort of worship
Gavin Blackshear so is Satan. Nobody would want anything to do with him if he presented himself in his true form. He’s a master deceiver. .
Wait until "Nergal" hits 50 years old. Then ask if he still has Satan in him. Satan, the ultimate marketing tool. Behemoth is a cute attempt at Metal.
Glad to see Ringo Starr has sharpened his black metal vocal skills 3:20
I still think that being a "Legitimately Satanic Metal Band" just adds to their popularity. That's all. Money is still the "God" to these bands too.
Tell that to Fenriz, who is still a post office worker, and treats Darkthrone as his life's work. He said that he would be "rich bitch" if he accepted all concert offers etc.
If Darkthrone were to play one concert tour that would set him up for life.
Black metal started going mainstream when Varg started going to press as "Grief/Count Grishnack" and mouthing off about everything. Faust probably wouldn't have gotten to prison for that murder.
Gahl(former gorgoroth frontman)
is not a sellout sometimes he let people to see his shows for free.dont get me wrong he cares about money but enough to pay for his bills and wine collection
I second that! I was watching the lords of chaos movie the other day and then I remembered that after all the edgy stuff in late 80s, they ended up performing in Dubai 2013.... that's not very underground....
The vocalist in the clip from mayhem had no money, and did it all to express his love for death. He later shot himself
Sorlid that’s probably why he’s one of the few from the scene that actually killed them selves. Seems like he meant every bit of his lyrics, every other band I guess only believes in those beliefs philosophically but not in practice.
Meenwile in hell:
Meanwhile Satan is listening to nothing but Country music 🤣
You forgot Nickelback they are my favorite Satanic band
If you play "Look at this photograph" backwards, Chad Kroeger comes out of your mirror.
Well, I mean they sold their souls so.. you have a point
They are fucking bad
Are you shiting me
I feel like I've went to hell when they come on the radio.
In Reality
Satan: You like Jazz?
Hugh Mongous watching at 6th beast rite
These guys are satanists? So they like pray to King Diamond?
No. That would be a King Diamondist hail King Diamond
Euronymous 90 mercyful fate is good, the vocals can be bad sometimes but Melissa is a great album.
***** wow...u really just said fuck boy....if this was about a rapper id understand. But fuckboy. Why dont u just spell boy will a i and say yo afterwords. and too bad varg didnt idk LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE FUCKING GUITAR before he killed the godfather of the black metal riff. Dont get all butt hurt that i talked shit about your girlfriend XD
***** HAHAHAHA 1. Like i really give a fuck who u like more and if u like who i like 2. If varg was soo much better how come he was the only person in shitty burzum and why did he use euros record label, lol 3. If varg was so great, why did he get caught. 4. if euronymous didnt pioneer the basic black metal ominous way of playing the "necro" sound why have i seen guys from darkthrone AND varg himself say that euronymous did it. 5. if varg was so much better, why does he always talk mess about sumone that is already dead, does he really feel the need to prove he is better than sumone who is really dead? funny how the only one thats in competition is always the one thats sucks dick. 6. WHO THE FUCK EVEN TRIED TO STEAL KING DIAMONDS WAY OF SINGING.
Basicly just go get sum fuckin pussy and stop worrying about who other people like. Diamond is a fuckin pussy and burzum couldnt get people to join if he tried, his music is the same shit over and over for like 10 min. Mayhem rules, Dead necro and euronymous are fucking gods in black metal. i dont even think u can call Mercyful fate fuckin black metal at all. sounds more like iron fucking maiden too me. Bt i know ur type, ur gonna be up all night just waiting for me to send another one. Unlike you i have a fucking life, and whats that thing that would shut you up....oh yea PUSSY that i need to get into. so LATER go find sumone els to fuckin cry too about who u do and dont like. hahaha fucking king diamond what a fucking joke AYYYYYYY YAAA YAAA < like every fucking song of his hahahaha faggyest shit ever
***** here if this makes u feel better and does not remind u that ur only action is Palmila Handerson
i know ur type, ur gonna be up all night just waiting for me to send another one. Unlike you i have a fucking life, and whats that thing that would shut you up? OBVIOUSLY NOTHING
the most ironic thing is that if you believe in the devil means that you acknowledge there is a god...
I think Danzig said these words few decades ago.
Why is that ironic?
Do a Top Ten Amish bands list!
Reverend Benzo but there would be no electric guitar
+What the Fuck Did you Say ? And that means there are no bands without electric guitars..?
Years ago there was a band playing at a car show I went to called the Electric Amish.
Had a bicycle hooked up to a generator so they could play.
Was a prop of course because right in the middle of a song the guy from the audience that was on the bike got tired and stopped. They noticed and got real confused when everything still had power lol.
There was some joke that stuck with me from their set where one guy asked one of the others something like...
"What does it take to satisfy your wife? 8 Mennonite!"
Reverend Benzo but they can't use modern technology
Reverend Benzo LOL
3:33 Finally we can see the true face of satanists
LMFAO 😂😂😂😂😂
And read all the Replies of them trying to Justify it.
Why? What's wrong about it. Do you think satanists put on corpse paint?
I said to Satan..."Ok, I get it. Your voice is scary and pardon the expression, you look like Hell. But, I can't understand wtf they are saying! Can you?"
I know what happened to Euronymous, but are the other guys dangerous people or are they like "yes I love Satan (proceeds to do nothing)"
Satan is often associated with music as he is the Angel of musical arts and was created a musician himself. "You where the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty until inequity was found in you and I cast you out." beautiful beyond description, most intelligent of all God's creations with finely tuned timbers and pipes. Apart from the Holy Trinity, no other creature was created most high and most wise as Satan.
Well I guess God done fucked up then?
Robbert Wu Sounds an awful lot like the devil...
My kids : Mom's so calm.. probably got her healing binaural beats on....
On my headset :
Please don’t subject your children to satanism
@@xcvsumextra please don't subject your kids to the bible either
@@Thecircustapes Christ is king!
@@xcvsumextra he's a fraud
@@Thecircustapes how?
This entire video is what people think when I say I love metal.
I have a feeling if these guys get punched they'd say "it's just a prank bro"
Funny how many of these bands, most of which I like, always attack Christianity but never ever write songs or attack Islam or Judaism. None of these bands are ‘satanic’. They’re all atheists with the exception of Dissection.
Attacking Islam isn't safe ?? Lmao well aren't you just stupid.
@Morgh123 what do you know about Islam ?
@Morgh123 by the way I am Muslim .... and even I am not narrow minded like you are . Go take a look in the mirror and you'll see what a dumbass is .
@Morgh123 victim role ?? Lmao you are drummer than you make yourself out to be . So through with your narrow minded ass , you didn't even hear me speak yet you're making assumptions . Oblivious is what you and that's how you will forever stay . Keep walking around with blinkers on and when you're mature enough to have a debate and see my points of view hit me up . Till then - Adios' prick .
Atheism is not having *any* beliefs you twerp lmfao so no, they're not atheists, they're satanists. It's simple
No need to be butthurt just 'cause some people don't wanna follow your sky daddy
Tik tok girls: “”Omg e-boys”
None of the members of Mayhem were Satanist
(Source : Varg and Hellhammer)
ya, all for show
How about Euronymous?
Δzazil Warrior I know it will never be 100% confirmed whether he was or not, but in my opinion I think it was for show. Just an attempt to appear more evil
@@Jakeltons but.. he kill himself with a gun
@@Jakeltons im pretty sure he was satanic
0:57- can anybody name the title of this song?
My kindergarden teacher played bass for dissection
And my grandma was actually Dead of Mayhem, and everybody thought he was a guy lol.
I was clearing my throat throughout this entire video
Good! Now you can swallow!
Jessica Wright ~ Yeah,
The Real Satanic Music industry is well documented in the amazing new documentary footage called =
“Communism by the Back Door”
New World Order
The Satanic Music industry is covered at around about 42: minutes into the film footage.
it’s a five hour & twenty minutes masterpiece and should be shown in our schools and colleges worldwide.
Please watch it and share it with as many people as you can before it gets removed.
Our Weapon is Truth !
I can’t take these guys seriously hahahahahhaha
Imagine If a baby said one of there names because most of these names are gibberish
Don’t forget guys these people still will obey the laws of their countries, they won’t steal from you or kill anyone. They’ll also be quite happy to meet you if you’re a fan.
Not true.
@@lukebyrd8406 Yep. Well, these guys might not be shits like that, but there have been a few cats who definitely jumped the shark.
Actually my friend, the vocalist for gorgoroth was convicted of heinous torture, the old bass player for mayhem killed the guitarist, the vocalist for dissection was sentenced to prison for being an accessory to murder, the vocalist of mayhem also blew his own brains out
@@DragonforceSCGS in some countries suicide is a crime