I know for a fact it was a live error made by a fellow in the mixing booth. Nothing to read into it. And speaking of reading, check out Hebrews 2:14 and ask yourself if you believe in the success of the cross and resurrection or not.
@@drdarrow Yeah, that makes sense...but isn't someone in charge of proofing the video? (I know it's not actually video). As far as Heb.2:14 is concerned, it doesn't affect my view.
if you noticed it said the sign of his coming. When I was a kid the sign of his coming was his coming. It says the the sign of his coming. The sign was of his coming was to notify his coming. He told what the sign was . I think though there is resurrection day for our loves ones who sleeps in the ground. it talks about it. We may not see it in our life time but I think it will happen later on.
When Will the Temple Be Destroyed Matthew 24:3 Time Interval: 0:00 - 1:01:38 Summary 0:00 - 1:04 📜 The Context of Matthew 24:3: The speaker begins by emphasizing the importance of understanding the disciples' question in Matthew 24:3. Misinterpreting this question can lead to confusion about Jesus' prophecy. 1:05 - 3:30 🕍 The Temple's Destruction: Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, an event that was shocking to His disciples due to the temple's grandeur and significance. Jesus told them, "There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down" (Matthew 24:2). 3:31 - 6:00 📖 Olivet Discourse Overview: The video provides an overview of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus' prophecy concerning His second coming and the end of the age. The disciples' questions revolve around the timing and signs of these events. 6:01 - 8:30 🌟 Importance of Paradigm Shifts: The speaker argues that many people's eschatological paradigms prevent them from understanding Matthew 24 correctly. He suggests that seeing the second coming as an event in the first century rather than the end of the physical world requires a paradigm shift. 8:31 - 14:15 🕊 Jesus' Return in the First Century: The video discusses scriptural evidence suggesting that Jesus promised to return within the lifetime of the first-century believers. Passages from 2 Thessalonians and other epistles are explored to show that early Christians expected the return of Jesus in their lifetime. 14:16 - 18:00 ⚖ Judgment on Jerusalem: The speaker highlights that the prophecies in Matthew 24 are more concerned with the judgment on Jerusalem and the end of the Jewish age rather than the end of the physical world. This judgment was realized in AD 70 with the destruction of the temple. 18:01 - 23:00 📜 Jesus' Prophecies Fulfilled: The video underscores that Jesus' prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple were fulfilled within a generation. The disciples were told that this would be a sign of the end of the age. 23:01 - 30:00 🏛 The Significance of the Temple: The temple was central to Jewish worship, and its destruction signified the end of the Old Covenant. The speaker explains that Jesus' prophecy about the temple's fall was a turning point, ushering in a new spiritual reality. 30:01 - 35:00 📜 Jesus’ Coming and the End of the Age: The disciples linked Jesus' second coming, the destruction of the temple, and the end of the age. The video suggests that this connection is crucial to understanding biblical prophecy correctly. 35:01 - 45:00 🌎 Misinterpretations of the Second Coming: The speaker addresses common misunderstandings about the second coming of Christ, arguing that it was a spiritual event that took place in the first century. He critiques modern views that expect a future cataclysmic end of the world. 45:01 - 55:00 🕰 Understanding the Jewish Age: The video delves into the concept of "the age to come," explaining how Jews in the first century perceived the end of the age. This section clarifies that the end of the age referred to the end of the Old Covenant, not the end of the world. 55:01 - 1:01:38 ✝ The New Covenant Age: The speaker concludes by highlighting that Christians now live in the age to come, the New Covenant age, which will never end. This everlasting covenant has replaced the Old Covenant system, which ended with the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
I think he was telling them in different sense than they wanted. He started off with destruction of the temple. He explained what going to happen during that time before the end was to come and most think it's the end of the world that we live in. Jesus always almost never came out and told them something, he always told about the events. That is why Jesus said no one knows the day nor the hour in which this happens, that is why told them events of it. My sister that was older than me always tried to predicte and say :know one knows the day nor he but he didn't say you wouldn't know what year. She would always crack me up saying that. finally she said she was going to stop trying to predict it. Jesus had already come back and she didn't understand that he lives in our hearts, or some was she wasn't getting.
In Exodus he told them not to leave their house on the Sabbath day because they were looking for manna on the Sabbath day. So the pharisees made an allowrance to leave their house.
I think what it is most want to see it our day like they did in that day about certain things Most think I believe part of the bible hasn't been fulfilled yet yet because keep quoting till heaven and earth pass away , nothing will be removed from the law till it has fulfilled.
it is really simple to understand that Jesus said when it is fulfilled that the Leviyical things would pass. Some who don't want to believe it says to fulfill doesn't mean to pass but to conplete. So i guess they want to complete it some more, Jesus fulfilling it to them wasn't enough.
DEPENDS! are they preaching THE Gospel? No Other Gospel Galatians 1:8-9 I am amazed how quickly you are deserting the One who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is not even a gospel. Evidently some people are troubling you and trying to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a curse! As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a curse! what Gospel did the apostles preach ?Acts 2:38 Three Thousand Believe 37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off-to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.” 40With many other words he testified, and he urged them, “Be saved from this corrupt generation.” 41Those who embraced his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to the believers that day. So does this church teach there is only one GOD, Repentance, baptism in Jesus Name(not titles) and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit? If not keep searching my friend. Remember Pau's warning even if a angel from heaven preaches any other gospel let him be under a curse.
I don't know why people get bent out shape over what Jesus said about the law in Matthew 5:17-19. All He's saying before heaven and earth, can pass the law,and prophets in what was spoken of him must fulfilled first. 🙄 The heaven and earth was the temple of his body. The temple structure had to be destoryed so the sacrifices would cease. God said he would cause all of these in . Hosea 2. In Amos 5 he said he would ignore them nor would he smell them. That system is over with.
I have sooo many questions about preterism. There are many groups who spiritualize away passages of Scripture because they don't have a rational explanation for what's being prophesied. So, preterists do not believe in a physical return of Messiah?...He's already here, spiritually? What happened to His glorious return to rule and reign as King and High Priest in Ez 43 - 48? As we see it, in the Olivet Discourse, Messiah issues a prophetic word with two interpretations. Matthew and Mark do not speak about armies surrounding Jerusalem. Rather, they speak of the abomination of desolation. If the believers had waited for Titus to arrive at the temple (an abomination that makes desolate) before fleeing, they would have perished. Thus, Matthew and Mark are a warning to us of a future tribulation that will be far worse than the fall of Jerusalem in AD70. Luke, on the other hand, warns the believers of his time to flee when you see armies surrounding Jerusalem. This happened when Titus withdrew his forces for a time before returning and laying siege to the city weeks later. Messiah's prophetic word, then, accomplishes two purposes if you are awake and watching. Shalom
According to what Jesus said they were slow to believe about all of this. If you read Luke 24 you see it say it: they were slow to believe , and Jesus really scolded them for it.
I don't think the structure of the temple had to be destoryed to end the old covenant. The old covenant ended at Jesus death. He said that his body would be destoryed and he would raise it again in 3 days. The physical structure had to be taken down to end the sacrifices they doing.
I think the reason why he said to unhitch was because Jesus has fulfilled the law and the prophets. Jesus made them obsolete so we could have salvation. It doesn't mean something, but we don't live by the Levitical priest hood anymore. We are under a new covenant that doesn't hold our sins against us like it did in the old covenant. Jesus has made an end of sins to not remember them anymore like he did in Levitical priesthood.
It is unfixable. It happened during recording. It was soundboard operator error and he was alerted by the live Internet Audience. (I'll be it never happens again, too).
Why does he answer them that only the father knows the time but later gives them the signs. If it was all one event and he predicted the fall of Jerusalem , what event would only the father know about. .
I believe the answer to your question is found by the chronology of events. BEFORE his crucifixion Christ knew the GENERAL-TIME of the events ("This generation"..."some standing here will not taste of death before they see The Son Of Man"...etc.). But, not the PRECISE-TIME; "no one knows the day or the hour." (Matt.24:36) Now see Rev.1:1- "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the things which must soon take place". This took place AFTER the crucifixion, ascension and coronation in heaven. Does this make sense? (general time vs precise time?) I've never heard this taught in any church, but it seems like simple sequential logic when you follow the timeline of events.
It is so funny he tries to stretch what they are saying. Jesus did though tell when the end of the would be. he said when the temple was destroyed. He said that that generation would not pass till it the temple was destroy, that was when the end that age would be. He meant of course the end of the sacrifices. He said he would cause them to cease. Of course some are trying to keep the these going such as Sabbath and other things saying that God didn't cleanse the food. They think that we still ought to keep certain aspects of the law such as these of the Sabbaths.
in order to "cleanse" pigs it requires a complete body makeover. Yeshua did not cleanse the animals. a few clues. 1. Cornelius was given vision of an angel. when the vision was finished Cornelius sent a soldier and 2 household servant. 2+1=3. 2. while they were traveling Peter is on the roof when he received his vision. all manner of unclean animals are on the sheet including fowls of the air. buzzard stew anyone? Yeshua says " arise Peter kill and eat". no, he replied. this was done 3 times. 3. while Peter doubted in himself what this vision should mean 3 gentiles show up and Peter went with them to Cornelius's house. verse 28 where Pete says you know that it is unlawful for anyone who is a Jew to enter into a gentiles house. but the Lord said not to call any man common or unclean. Pete says no Lord i have never done anything common or unclean. it not about food. it is about the first "unclean gentiles" coming into the Kingdom. plus clean and unclean goes at as far back as Noah. bet you believe that Noah to all of the animals 2 by 2 onto the ark. read Genesis 7:2 clean animals by 7's. God created the machine called the human body. pretty sure He knows the proper fuel for it. it is about obeying God. the physical body of a pig is the same now as it was then. pigs eat carrion. rotted dead flesh. pigs carry viruses that can kill humans. bats carry viruses that kill people. bet you don't eat bat soup. can't call clean and unclean Jewish because there were no Jews on the ark. can't call clean and unclean Mosaic because Moses wasn't there either and the word kosher did not exist yet.
What it is ,jesus told them what to look for before the second coming. i agree that that we are raised spiritually in Christ but he said that was going to a ressurection people in the graves to. They won't be in the same body we had before but ours will be like Christ after he arose from grave. Even Lazarus when he arose arose from the grave Jesus restore it to it state because it was show the glory of God ,Jesus said so. One day everyone every who believes in Christ be in same relm I believe. It is just matter of time. We don't understtand it fully as of yet but I believe we will some day.
Wow!! This is so clear! We’ve been blinded by our faulty beliefs. 😮. Praise God for giving us clarity
@6:50 the audio goes into "Echo-Chamber" Mode....It's almost like someone doesn't want anyone to understand the message.
I know for a fact it was a live error made by a fellow in the mixing booth. Nothing to read into it. And speaking of reading, check out Hebrews 2:14 and ask yourself if you believe in the success of the cross and resurrection or not.
@@drdarrow Yeah, that makes sense...but isn't someone in charge of proofing the video? (I know it's not actually video). As far as Heb.2:14 is concerned, it doesn't affect my view.
I am glad he explained the anti type in this video he was talking about.
if you noticed it said the sign of his coming. When I was a kid the sign of his coming was his coming. It says the the sign of his coming. The sign was of his coming was to notify his coming. He told what the sign was . I think though there is resurrection day for our loves ones who sleeps in the ground. it talks about it. We may not see it in our life time but I think it will happen later on.
When Will the Temple Be Destroyed Matthew 24:3
Time Interval: 0:00 - 1:01:38
0:00 - 1:04 📜 The Context of Matthew 24:3: The speaker begins by emphasizing the importance of understanding the disciples' question in Matthew 24:3. Misinterpreting this question can lead to confusion about Jesus' prophecy.
1:05 - 3:30 🕍 The Temple's Destruction: Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, an event that was shocking to His disciples due to the temple's grandeur and significance. Jesus told them, "There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down" (Matthew 24:2).
3:31 - 6:00 📖 Olivet Discourse Overview: The video provides an overview of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus' prophecy concerning His second coming and the end of the age. The disciples' questions revolve around the timing and signs of these events.
6:01 - 8:30 🌟 Importance of Paradigm Shifts: The speaker argues that many people's eschatological paradigms prevent them from understanding Matthew 24 correctly. He suggests that seeing the second coming as an event in the first century rather than the end of the physical world requires a paradigm shift.
8:31 - 14:15 🕊 Jesus' Return in the First Century: The video discusses scriptural evidence suggesting that Jesus promised to return within the lifetime of the first-century believers. Passages from 2 Thessalonians and other epistles are explored to show that early Christians expected the return of Jesus in their lifetime.
14:16 - 18:00 ⚖ Judgment on Jerusalem: The speaker highlights that the prophecies in Matthew 24 are more concerned with the judgment on Jerusalem and the end of the Jewish age rather than the end of the physical world. This judgment was realized in AD 70 with the destruction of the temple.
18:01 - 23:00 📜 Jesus' Prophecies Fulfilled: The video underscores that Jesus' prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple were fulfilled within a generation. The disciples were told that this would be a sign of the end of the age.
23:01 - 30:00 🏛 The Significance of the Temple: The temple was central to Jewish worship, and its destruction signified the end of the Old Covenant. The speaker explains that Jesus' prophecy about the temple's fall was a turning point, ushering in a new spiritual reality.
30:01 - 35:00 📜 Jesus’ Coming and the End of the Age: The disciples linked Jesus' second coming, the destruction of the temple, and the end of the age. The video suggests that this connection is crucial to understanding biblical prophecy correctly.
35:01 - 45:00 🌎 Misinterpretations of the Second Coming: The speaker addresses common misunderstandings about the second coming of Christ, arguing that it was a spiritual event that took place in the first century. He critiques modern views that expect a future cataclysmic end of the world.
45:01 - 55:00 🕰 Understanding the Jewish Age: The video delves into the concept of "the age to come," explaining how Jews in the first century perceived the end of the age. This section clarifies that the end of the age referred to the end of the Old Covenant, not the end of the world.
55:01 - 1:01:38 ✝ The New Covenant Age: The speaker concludes by highlighting that Christians now live in the age to come, the New Covenant age, which will never end. This everlasting covenant has replaced the Old Covenant system, which ended with the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
I think he was telling them in different sense than they wanted. He started off with destruction of the temple. He explained what going to happen during that time before the end was to come and most think it's the end of the world that we live in. Jesus always almost never came out and told them something, he always told about the events. That is why Jesus said no one knows the day nor the hour in which this happens, that is why told them events of it. My sister that was older than me always tried to predicte and say :know one knows the day nor he but he didn't say you wouldn't know what year. She would always crack me up saying that. finally she said she was going to stop trying to predict it. Jesus had already come back and she didn't understand that he lives in our hearts, or some was she wasn't getting.
that day is this Day Star that shines in our hearts
In Exodus he told them not to leave their house on the Sabbath day because they were looking for manna on the Sabbath day. So the pharisees made an allowrance to leave their house.
I think what it is most want to see it our day like they did in that day about certain things Most think I believe part of the bible hasn't been fulfilled yet yet because keep quoting till heaven and earth pass away , nothing will be removed from the law till it has fulfilled.
it is really simple to understand that Jesus said when it is fulfilled that the Leviyical things would pass. Some who don't want to believe it says to fulfill doesn't mean to pass but to conplete. So i guess they want to complete it some more, Jesus fulfilling it to them wasn't enough.
I am questioning...have I found my church?
I can tell you, I have. This teacher is amazingly honest, forthright and detailed. I found them about 7 years ago.
What's been going on with regard to your questioning during these last two years? I'm probably right now where you were then :)
DEPENDS! are they preaching THE Gospel? No Other Gospel Galatians 1:8-9
I am amazed how quickly you are deserting the One who called you by the grace of Christ and are
turning to a different gospel- which is not even a gospel. Evidently some people are troubling you
and trying to distort the gospel of Christ.
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to
you, let him be under a curse! As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to
you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a curse! what Gospel did the apostles preach ?Acts 2:38 Three Thousand Believe
37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles,
“Brothers, what shall we do?”
38Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you
and your children and to all who are far off-to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”
40With many other words he testified, and he urged them, “Be saved from this corrupt generation.”
41Those who embraced his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to the
believers that day. So does this church teach there is only one GOD, Repentance, baptism in Jesus Name(not titles) and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit? If not keep searching my friend. Remember Pau's warning even if a angel from heaven preaches any other gospel let him be under a curse.
I don't know why people get bent out shape over what Jesus said about the law in Matthew 5:17-19. All He's saying before heaven and earth, can pass the law,and prophets in what was spoken of him must fulfilled first. 🙄 The heaven and earth was the temple of his body. The temple structure had to be destoryed so the sacrifices would cease. God said he would cause all of these in . Hosea 2. In Amos 5 he said he would ignore them nor would he smell them. That system is over with.
25:35 How does everyone miss this? Just out of curiosity, how does someone who doesn't believe He's come yet explain this verse.
Didn't they know that adding laws would break the original laws?
I have sooo many questions about preterism. There are many groups who spiritualize away passages of Scripture because they don't have a rational explanation for what's being prophesied. So, preterists do not believe in a physical return of Messiah?...He's already here, spiritually? What happened to His glorious return to rule and reign as King and High Priest in Ez 43 - 48? As we see it, in the Olivet Discourse, Messiah issues a prophetic word with two interpretations. Matthew and Mark do not speak about armies surrounding Jerusalem. Rather, they speak of the abomination of desolation. If the believers had waited for Titus to arrive at the temple (an abomination that makes desolate) before fleeing, they would have perished. Thus, Matthew and Mark are a warning to us of a future tribulation that will be far worse than the fall of Jerusalem in AD70. Luke, on the other hand, warns the believers of his time to flee when you see armies surrounding Jerusalem. This happened when Titus withdrew his forces for a time before returning and laying siege to the city weeks later. Messiah's prophetic word, then, accomplishes two purposes if you are awake and watching.
According to what Jesus said they were slow to believe about all of this. If you read Luke 24 you see it say it: they were slow to believe , and Jesus really scolded them for it.
Perfect example of what happens when our adversary doesn't want YOU to receive valuable truth
Hebrews 2:14. Reconcile that with your beliefs.
I don't think the structure of the temple had to be destoryed to end the old covenant. The old covenant ended at Jesus death. He said that his body would be destoryed and he would raise it again in 3 days. The physical structure had to be taken down to end the sacrifices they doing.
I think the reason why he said to unhitch was because Jesus has fulfilled the law and the prophets. Jesus made them obsolete so we could have salvation. It doesn't mean something, but we don't live by the Levitical priest hood anymore. We are under a new covenant that doesn't hold our sins against us like it did in the old covenant. Jesus has made an end of sins to not remember them anymore like he did in Levitical priesthood.
What is going on with the sound please listen to this sermon
It is unfixable. It happened during recording. It was soundboard operator error and he was alerted by the live Internet Audience. (I'll be it never happens again, too).
What is wrong with the sound brother??????
It happened by accident, human error. Live. It cannot be fixed.
Why does he answer them that only the father knows the time but later gives them the signs. If it was all one event and he predicted the fall of Jerusalem , what event would only the father know about. .
I believe the answer to your question is found by the chronology of events. BEFORE his crucifixion Christ knew the GENERAL-TIME of the events ("This generation"..."some standing here will not taste of death before they see The Son Of Man"...etc.). But, not the PRECISE-TIME; "no one knows the day or the hour." (Matt.24:36)
Now see Rev.1:1- "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants the things which must soon take place". This took place AFTER the crucifixion, ascension and coronation in heaven. Does this make sense? (general time vs precise time?)
I've never heard this taught in any church, but it seems like simple sequential logic when you follow the timeline of events.
It is so funny he tries to stretch what they are saying. Jesus did though tell when the end of the would be. he said when the temple was destroyed. He said that that generation would not pass till it the temple was destroy, that was when the end that age would be. He meant of course the end of the sacrifices. He said he would cause them to cease. Of course some are trying to keep the these going such as Sabbath and other things saying that God didn't cleanse the food. They think that we still ought to keep certain aspects of the law such as these of the Sabbaths.
in order to "cleanse" pigs it requires a complete body makeover. Yeshua did not cleanse the animals. a few clues. 1. Cornelius was given vision of an angel. when the vision was finished Cornelius sent a soldier and 2 household servant. 2+1=3. 2. while they were traveling Peter is on the roof when he received his vision. all manner of unclean animals are on the sheet including fowls of the air. buzzard stew anyone? Yeshua says " arise Peter kill and eat". no, he replied. this was done 3 times. 3. while Peter doubted in himself what this vision should mean 3 gentiles show up and Peter went with them to Cornelius's house. verse 28 where Pete says you know that it is unlawful for anyone who is a Jew to enter into a gentiles house. but the Lord said not to call any man common or unclean. Pete says no Lord i have never done anything common or unclean. it not about food. it is about the first "unclean gentiles" coming into the Kingdom. plus clean and unclean goes at as far back as Noah. bet you believe that Noah to all of the animals 2 by 2 onto the ark. read Genesis 7:2 clean animals by 7's. God created the machine called the human body. pretty sure He knows the proper fuel for it. it is about obeying God. the physical body of a pig is the same now as it was then. pigs eat carrion. rotted dead flesh. pigs carry viruses that can kill humans. bats carry viruses that kill people. bet you don't eat bat soup. can't call clean and unclean Jewish because there were no Jews on the ark. can't call clean and unclean Mosaic because Moses wasn't there either and the word kosher did not exist yet.
What it is ,jesus told them what to look for before the second coming. i agree that that we are raised spiritually in Christ but he said that was going to a ressurection people in the graves to. They won't be in the same body we had before but ours will be like Christ after he arose from grave. Even Lazarus when he arose arose from the grave Jesus restore it to it state because it was show the glory of God ,Jesus said so. One day everyone every who believes in Christ be in same relm I believe. It is just matter of time. We don't understtand it fully as of yet but I believe we will some day.
Jesus “Ben Joseph”! The suffering Servant Messiah
Now Jesus "Ben Abba" the glorious Messiah
Joseph was not Yeshua's father. step dad yes. Yeshua ben Yahweh is correct.