Zaka, Mossad & Tzahal | YKTH Color War 5784

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • Video by ‪@Mordy_Levilev‬
    Color War in YKTH showcased the unique talents of every bochur in Yeshivas Kayitz. From the incredible skits and plays to the original songs and creative food and photography presentations, The bochurim truly excelled in conveying their themes, which represent these three crucial organizations in Eretz Yisrael:
    Team Mossad - Limmud HaTorah:
    Just as the Mossad outsmarts the enemy by gathering intelligence, Torah study allows one to "outsmart" the yetzer hara by connecting to Hashem's infinite wisdom, elevating oneself to a level where evil forces cannot reach.
    Team Tzahal - Avodas HaTefillah:
    Tzahal’s mission of direct confrontation in battle mirrors the avodah of davening, where one engages in a spiritual war against their yetzer hara.
    Team ZAKA - Hafatzas HaMaayanos:
    ZAKA’s dedication to helping others parallels the mission of spreading Yiddishkeit and Chassidus to those who are not as close, aligning with the Rebbe’s directive to make a dwelling place for Hashem in this world.
    The next day, the entire camp eagerly waited by the pool to hear the winners of Color War 5784...none other than team Tzahal!