Hi, my Name is Tine i am from Germany, thanks for this great helpfull video. I have this rubber problem at my Clubman SD almost with the hole car. I have an F54 2016, Could you let ne know where i can get the just the rubber so i can buy a couble meters to change it.
I followed your instructions to the letter. I was very careful and yet the part does not fit in any way. It does not sit flush with the roof when the roof is closed. It seems to be waste of money.
Great vid. I’m about to change this on my daughter’s Mini. Cheers for the tips 👍
Hi, my Name is Tine i am from Germany, thanks for this great helpfull video. I have this rubber problem at my Clubman SD almost with the hole car. I have an F54 2016,
Could you let ne know where i can get the just the rubber so i can buy a couble meters to change it.
Tried this and it failed last summer in the heat.replaced with MINIMAYHEM kit.lifetime warranty too.
Where do I get this trim seal? Also can I get the boot seal as well??
I followed your instructions to the letter. I was very careful and yet the part does not fit in any way. It does not sit flush with the roof when the roof is closed. It seems to be waste of money.
Do you create a kit for R57 2013 mini cooper JCW CONVERTIBLE?
The MINITRIM kit is also available for Mini R57 models (2009 - 2015)
Purchase the R57 MINITRIM kit here: www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334938078669?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nfac9_mbt52&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=nfac9_mbt52&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
So is this the MINIMAYHEM kit?
Wo gibt es das band
Do you sell Front and cowl seals as well?