When I googled if the seeds were edible it said they need to be boiled for 15 minutes or they are toxic, but you peal the outer shell off and the inside is potato like in flavor and texture. I have never tried Durian because of the price and all I hear is they smell like feet 🦶. Maybe I’ll get up the courage one day! 😅
A ripe durian, you don't need to cut it. The sections open at the stem and you just pull them. Usually.
When I googled if the seeds were edible it said they need to be boiled for 15 minutes or they are toxic, but you peal the outer shell off and the inside is potato like in flavor and texture. I have never tried Durian because of the price and all I hear is they smell like feet 🦶. Maybe I’ll get up the courage one day! 😅
Thanks 🙏