This sounds good...the t-pet soli could've been a lot cleaner, but for the most part, this is the level of music (or higher) we play in my band. Emphasis on the MUSIC aspect b/c most bands just blast half & whole notes & then they say they're better than a band that plays something like A&T just played. SMITS! SMH!
My freshmen year at VSU sitting next to this was awesome!
That was hot....Coming from a Spartan; I like this arrangement. I wish more HBCU's would play songs like this.
i love this kind of band music. we need to see more of this on youtube. so post some more tihngs like this when u get the chance.
Good sound Aggies
@Alderan2008 I agree, that was the BEST the song I evered played in the band! Thank you.
"One More Time, Chuck Corea"
Arranged by Wayne Downey
Please post that clip if you have it because I'm dead positive young person that your high school don't do what we do...AGGIE PRIDE!
Amazing. This is just a masterful performance Aggies. I'm interested in knowing where this came from- who wrote it, etc.
Why don't HBCU bands play music like this anymore?
Very Hot. Do you have espn from this same botb?
This sounds good...the t-pet soli could've been a lot cleaner, but for the most part, this is the level of music (or higher) we play in my band. Emphasis on the MUSIC aspect b/c most bands just blast half & whole notes & then they say they're better than a band that plays something like A&T just played. SMITS! SMH!