I gotta say. Many people would be ashamed and would not put this on YT. It shows how big of a man you are by showing others to not make the same mistakes you did. In so doing, you showed the kindness of the folks on the water.
You can't blame that on the bananas, the blame goes to the captain's inability to follow instructions. Thanks for the video , I'm sure it will help a lot of people
I'm a boater from Georgian Bay in Canada. It's renowned for shoals. The first thing we get taught is, if you don't know the water, stay in the channel. There are alot of ships and boats at the bottom of that bay. So now my rule to myself anywhere is if there's a channel marked, it's usually there for a reason. Use it.
This is a fascinating series. I moved to Florida last year and the waterways, canals, dams, and locks have fascinated me. I have been watching this series backwards working my way back from the end of your trip. You guys are knowledgeable and very easy going. Thanks for providing this adventure.
Glad yall are ok Marty! and yes that is THE Roland Martin that had his own fishing TV show and fished with the bass masters. That is his marina, I have been there before but it was years ago.
Since I am SURE this came up at some point during this fiasco...I have to ask: Where were your charts, your DEPTH FINDER and nautical sense to not short-cut channel marker buoys? (I'm not going to ask about those missing fenders at 14:30, when you were tied off getting fuel on that pier...as the water slowly brushed you into that wood with your 'super-armor' fiberglass boat...).
Marty, Watching you going down the narrow channel at the end of your trip and seeing the warning buoy, it reminded me that we would say when hitting the rocks, we were just 're-pitching the props'! Again, great video. Hope you get a new prop soon and can complete the trip with no more problems.
If you go out of Lake O. through Chaloosahatchee River to Fort Myers you will pass my house. My house is right on the Chaloosahatchee. You are always welcome to dock in my backyard sometime. Have enough seawall for your boat. Need to meet up sometime. If you don't get my way then sometime will head north to visit "Zoffingers". Glad your boat is ok and not damaged worse! Those channel markers can be tricky especially where two different channels meet! My little liveboard sailboat is a swing keel so can run skinny if I need, but it even makes me nervous at times. : )
Marty is a fun guy to be around...simple as that. Plus, I come from a small town and offering help is what we do. Had pleasure of hanging out with Marty during filming iCAST 2016 and 2017. He never ceases to amaze me with his creativity and talent. The guy can do anything he sets his mind to. I like to surround myself with inspirational people. I also am currently refurbishing a project boat and would love to see his boat and get his creative/artistic inputs.
WOW after reading many of the comments below I am very thankful that I chose my hobby in Aviation rather than boating! I never knew there could be so many grumpy old men just looking for a chance to jump on someone else. Nothing was gained by the sourpuss "boaters", (their Piss-Poor attitude keeps me from calling them "Professional Yachtsmen") who felt this was their moment in life to dump all of their own failings in life all over these two men. None of the vomiting that was seen in the comments was valuable. In aviation when a mistake happens the outcomes are NOT pretty. However, when a newbie pilot makes a simple mistake and lives to fly another day the rest of us do not vomit all over him/her. We know that could have been any of us and we all encourage additional training and check-rides to improve a persons skill set. But just like boating, you learn something new with every flight / cruise!! Thank you for your videos as it helps a non-mariner like me to enjoy learning about another dynamic way of life on this earth. Keep enjoying your boating adventures but most importantly continue to get additional training and learn from each adventure (good/bad) ! Life is too short to listen to grumpy old men with piss-poor attitudes whose wife and children left them years ago due to their attitudes and actions!!
+Doc Tim 1. How do you know the people in these comments are old, or grumpy? 2. Dude. At least half of all people in aviation are jerks. Luckily, most of them end up going to American Airlines (hence all the headlines and scandals involving the people there). 3. Besides, at least in boating, you won't find the flight-attendant-sexism problem you hear of so much these days.
I crossed the entire Okeechobee waterway single handed (locks and everything) from Fort Myers to Stuart when ferrying my recent purchased sailboat from Clearwater to Cocoa, and caught a storm while crossing the lake. I could see areas after Clewiston where grass was visible on top, and the channel narrowed down sharply. My boat drafts 4.5' and I was fortunate I didn't hit anything. I had both charts and chartplotter, and in areas there were discrepancies between by depth sounder and the charts. I heed to advise from a friend familiar with the lake to stay in the channel, and don't go around markers. What an experience! Like being in some isolated part of the world. I hope to cross it again westbound in a near future, hopefully with a crew. The locks walls, were no fun on my elbows.
In Alaska if I’m in waters I’m not familiar with I always have at least two sets of eyes on the water, depth finder and radar. Glad you guys are okay. P.S Check for water FIRST don’t shut things down unless you know your shafts or props hit.
"Leaving the channel was a discussion that we had just had......" 😂 Marina repair shops love people like this! Any knowledgeable boat pilot knows the safest way to get across a body of water is to stay in the marked navigation channel, especially if not in a shallow draft boat.
Did you keep the coordinates you were at when you found those rocks?? Lots of boaters complain about these but no one has given good description of location
OK, you know the part where it dawned on you to go look into the bilge to see if you were taking on water? That's the FIRST thing you do. BEFORE you drop anchor, BEFORE you try to restart the engines, BEFORE you talk about how dumb you were....see if there's a freaking HOLE in the boat!!! For the love of Pete..........
haters....as long as you can cross the state from or to fort myers and make it in one piece, an adventure you will always remember. All you guys out there hating is just so sad.
Hey man this guy is not a hater for pointing out the obvious - you look to see if your boat is sinking -First- then move on to other things. That's not being a hater. He was trying to help these people, you asshole
Ive been a fan of your channel for a little while now. It was cool to watch this video, mainly you guys going down the Caloosahatchee River being as how I live in Labelle. The wife and I own a resturaunt here. I know that river well. Theres some pretty good Bass fishing and nice Catfish in that small canal that runs back to the Yachting Center you stayed at. Keep up the great vids and if you come through the river again, give a heads up. I'd like to be on the water with the kids to say hello. They like your channel too. 👍
i’ll give both of you guys a ton of credit for keeping calm after running aground i will als agree that you and the boat did get off realatively easy considering you are right as far as being lucky on the rudders usually they are gone and even on production boats they are a pain in the ass to find the correct replacements because often the builder just pulls out of a large stool of mixed units the lat one i replaced i ha to cast a existing one and have someone pour a brand new one BTW that was a SeaRay glad you guys didn’t get hurt too i’m surprised your props were moving you as well as thy did
It seems that people are regularly trying to prove that they are smarter than anyone else. Anyone planning a trip across the lake should know the dangers there. Could have turned out much worse!
We didn't make the lock at Moorehead before 4.30....skeeters bout carried us off! I woke up during the night being jostled around. It was two mosquitos toting me out... One told the other to be quiet or the big ones would take me away from them! made the trip from South Florida twice...Ft Lauderdale to Pensacola. Great trip!
There are two navigation routes across the Lake. You should have followed the main route, right on the line. I've crossed numerous times in a 42' Sportfisherman, heading to west coast.
Btw, did you new that lwater in this lake was totally poluted year before? I just found video about it. I would not go inthere expept maybe in full diving gear. Also, someone already wrote this, nautical charts are a must guys.
Max depth for that lake is 12' but with the locks open it says average depth of 8'10". Leaving the channel, seeing the red buoy and clearly those rocks should have been marked on the plotter these guys were high of just not paying attention.
I like the vid, but... The rocks and depths are clearly marked on Chart 11428. The depths in the immediate area are 2-10', not "13' all around", and red marker "12" is right at the edge of a narrow gap in - get this - "Rocky Reef". No way in hades would anyone with a clue cut that corner... Glad they lucked out and damage was minimal! charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/11428.shtml
Lester Hersh As a professional captain,I will reiterate that advice.Always stay in the chanel unless you are absolutely sure,what’s outside of it.They don’t randomly place those markers in the water.They are where they are for a reason.I grew up boating on the waters around Savannah,ga.I knew which markers,I could cut,and which markers you hadto take seriously
Marty, I was taught 'red right returning'. Not sure that it applies here, but it seems that you should have kept the red marker on your right until you passed it. Fortunatly, you were going fairly slow. Cruising at 2700 rpm would have been a lot worse. Tnanks for taking us along. Great video.
There’s always a fool who hits the rocks. I lived in the Virgin Islands I saw it at least once a week. The look on your face with the bananas it’s priceless. That is some funny shit under the circumstances. My brother is a yacht captain out of Fort Lauderdale and he ran a huge yacht off the channel going to the Bahamas. Good thing for insurance.
i was fishing on the banks of the cape fear near the mouth of the atlantic when i seen a boston whaler running full speed ahead inside a marker at low tide, they hit a sand bar dead stop causing the capt, who had hands on throttle, to push both engines to full speed, blowing sand/water mix 30 feet in the air, the people on board were silent and out of site for at least 5 minutes, which i assumed they used to recover partially from their injuries enough to gain a little composure, at which point im guessing they were re-evaluating their decision to go fishing that day.
Not smart. In a boat that size you really need to stay inside the markers. Years ago me and a buddy were proceeding north on Lake Norman in his pontoon boat, which would run all of 15 mph flat out. We're traversing a part of the lake where the channel passes between two peninsulas, a narrow choke point. We're on the right-hand side of the channel, just inside the marker. Some young studly idiot comes up behind us in a big go-fast boat. There's oncoming traffic on the left side of the channel so Mr. Impatient decides to pass us on the right, just outside the marker. Any fool can see the brown (shallow) water out there, so we start waving at the guy to warn him. Freakin' genius flips us off, and about three seconds later runs aground.
@@gsp49, I don't. A neighbor and good friend was killed on a pontoon boat by this kind of stupidity...she was just out with friends, and the idiot ran them into the shore. Left two kids behind. I doubt they find it funny either.
Marty I’ve been watching you from the beginning and I love you videos, I’m in the coast guard and used to service the aids to navigation in lake O, as you already know you have to stay in the channel we take surveys and put those things aids to best mark the water. On a side note I can’t believe he got in the water lol all that algae you saw was probably green algae which is found in lake O a lot and it’s been found to have flesh eating bacteria it kills birds and fish all year round which is why they’ve been trying to stop the lake dumps, well glad to see the damage want too bad lol
Globe's Mine there is a route that takes you across the lake through the center of it and there are aids to navigation that mark that route. It’s called the Lake Okeechobee waterway route 1 it goes from port mayaca to clewiston Florida. That being said make sure you check your most up to date chart and the local notice to Mariners for any new hazards or changes.
Your chart and your chart plotter along with your depth finder all showed there was no problem all along the course you carefully plotted so that you could go at planing speeds through an area you knew nothing about - outside of the marked channel. Oh my! I also note as others have that you have never had loose rope blow off the boat and get caught in the props. A good captain (and you are the Captain) is one where your passengers disembark at the end of the trip with comments like "that was a pretty calm day on the water and everything seemed to go pretty well".
Rhys Ozipko Because it's in salt water has nothing to do with a dirty bottom. Not keeping it clean is the problem and effects how the boat moves through the water.
yeah dude that boat needs to be drydocked for repair and get cleaned up. that, or just sink the miserable thing. you shouldn't take a boat out in that condition. these guys should be ashamed to have this on video. it makes me cringe to think that they are putting the video out there while thinking that they are serious or respectable boaters. just look at the worn out carver plate, it's one of the first things you see in the video. clean that boat up and paint/polish the whole thing, all the way down to every last badge, rivet and screw... then get a proper electricity generation system and a refrigerator...
That's why you should always carry a small kicker motor a small 5- 10 hp engine just to get you in if something happens to your main motor.Always follow your channel markers and keep an eye on your depth finder.
Two years ago I had my 40' Ocean SS docked in New York Harbor. One morning we're on our way to the Hudson Canyon when I hit a submerged object about 15 miles offshore. I was cruising around 30kts when all of the sudden... BANG! I look down at the tachs and the port motor is stalled while the starboard engine is pinned. I quickly mash the throttles to idle and hit the air shutoff valves and the whole boat is vibrating like crazy. Realizing pretty quickly that I must've hit something, I run down to the cockpit and open the engine room door, worried I ripped a shaft out. Thankfully that didn't happen, but whatever I hit it was enough to stall one engine and knock the other out of gear. The mechanic figures it was probably a submerged piling, I promptly had him install crash pumps after that.
We were sailing northward in my brother’s 37 ft. Sailboat on Lake Huron. My brother Mike wanted to stay within sight of land, so we were sailing about five miles offshore along the east shore of lake Huron. We were doing about seven knots. My brother John saw a lighthouse ahead, so he went below to see where we were. We found out what the lighthouse was for as we ran aground on to a rare shallow area of the Lake Huron. It was Kettle Point Reef that the lighthouse was warning us of. As soon as we hit, I threw the helm over and steered back the way we had come. We thought we were clear of the reef, and headed back north, when we hit bottom again! We ended sailing way off shore, to avoid any other shallow areas.
I'm glad you're safe but is this common for boaters in Tampa to disregard buoys (red), especially in unfamiliar waters? We have a lot of boaters in the Greater Seattle area (I'm not) but my friends who are wouldn't disregard any buoys. Their placed there to keep you (and passengers) safe. First... I'd check for leaks! Just had a thought; is it cheaper to buy new props (cost) or have your's repaired (time)?
Hi man. Im ur new subscriber now. I was happy and enjoy for every ur every single video and idea that ur brain created haha. Congrats dude. Get respect from me Zammy from Malaysia.
Bayliner boats are good boats especially for the money. It's the small Bayliner boats that are more year dependent on the quality of the fiberglass layups...from Wyoming USA 🔫🤠ps. I distain boat bigots
Unsecured lines, hoses and power cables hung outside of stern railing and strewn on foredeck? A wrapped prop earlier in the day may have saved you from the rocks.
To bad you couldn't have ordered a new prop on Amazon Prime & had it delivered to a Marina that was closer. Probably would of been cheaper than all the money you spent on gas😂😂😂 I liked your video & watched it all the way through. Your voice is so calm & great edit job!!!
I have been on that lake years ago with my grandfather. We would be 3 miles or more out in the lake. He had a 8 foot pole in the boat to check water depth. He stopped in one spot and told me to check the water depth. It was only about 4 foot deep. Then he moved to another spot and had me check again. I could not touch bottom. He said that we were in a channel. Being that this is a natural lake, they had to dredge out channels in the lake. So you would need a high speed digital depth gauge.
Bannanas are prohibited from my boat. My friend and I were 4oz away from qualifying for a State Fishing Championship and we had the fish in front of us but it never bit. We were in 11th and needed 10th to qualify. After the tournement we threw the bannana into a teammates boat. LOL
Our sail boat has mast lowering gear to lower mast under bridges if needed hard work but worth it have you not got charts that gives depth when tides are low then you time when to go and the route your wanting to do. Sorry I was navigator I would have been in loads trouble if I had got it wrong !!
Way back in 1971, when I was around 11 yo, I was driving my Grandfathers boat thru a flat Sarasota Bay at 25 knots. My grandfather was busy setting up the fishing rods. He was facing the stern and looked up. He thought I drove out of the channel because the green marker was on the wrong side of the boat. He quickly kicked me out of the captains chair and grabbed the steering wheel and made a quick zig zag out of the channel. Within 200 feet we hit a sandbar with only a foot of water over it and launched the boat out of the water. 5 of use got some bruises and my grandfather got a bruised ego.. LOL We caught a few good redfish that day............
No disrespect intended, but don’t blame the bananas... it was poor judgement. Frankly, it’s a surprise the trip wasn’t without issues due to what appears to be a vessel with obvious maintenance and safety issues. Glad you both made it safely.
That whole area is kind of a dream...warm weather to wear t-shirts and shorts, sun...cool inland waterways...I don't know but I'd be a noob on the water and learn as I go also...
Glade y'all ok and made the trip and are safe...But man I don't know if it is always that messy but for future reference if u make another video show me your boat all cleaned I'd say it would be nice one cleaned up...
Oh my Gosh that was awesome...Facebook knows all...lmao. Just mellow and enjoy the put put ride. the time lapse video showed the pretty clouds dancing around in the ski
Most Normal People will put a jug out there to look out for fellow boaters, also provides the location of structure for anglers. No wonder my folks moved away from there.
Hi, Marty & Michael 👍🏻 I can’t believe all the negative and bad comments people post on videos, I know both you and Michael are experienced boaters and things do happen while your out on the water. I always enjoy watching your adventures. Lake Okeechobee is one of the most environmentally,diseased,unhealthy and a danger to wildlife and marine life and to humans it’s the most toxic lake in Florida, I hope the government can stop all the cyanobacteria and other pesticides being dumped in the rivers and lakes. Enjoy and have a Great weekend !!! PS: To those who have negative comments if you can’t say anything positive or good ( don’t say nothing at all ) Danny
I was there coming from Fort Myers(Christmas ), I lost sight of markers , did not have chart, so I abandoned trip 1/2 way through and went back...don't regret the decision . That lake has shallow areas ! Does not compare to great lakes in depth !
I lived on my 32 foot sailboat on Aransas Bay in Rockport, Texas. The entire bay averages 9 foot deep and the only place you find deeper water is in the channel where it might be 20 to 25 foot. There are areas miles offshore that are less than 3 foot deep. I spent 3 hours on one when I went out with the "captain" of the boat that I bought for a check-out cruise. He didn't have towing insurance and it took 3 hours to get us off the reef with the assistance of 2 other boats. Stay in the channel! ;)
POC! I destroyed a prop and mangled the other doing the exact same thing. Took my buddies advice, he'd been boating there his entire life. No problem he assured me. After an enjoyable 2K trip back in. He asked,"did I remember to tell you I go through 2 or 3 props a season?" Thanks Jim. *#*$%*^ *&%$#.
We did this exact trip in a similar 36 foot cabin cruiser 10 years ago and stayed in the canal, but we missed the lock by minutes and had to spend the night surrounded by about 20 gaters. It was ok we had a great meal, movie and good sleep. Sorry about your prop.
i’m from West Coast, but when you guys left the channel, the water was low? below low? also i notice no other vessels were on the water? if you see markers in the water you stay clear....they don’t mean to go left or right just to stay clear....
Hey Marty, as a fellow boater, i know things like this are all too real, things like this happen quite often from what I see, and i just hope that the vessel is okay.
Watch those charts like a hawk. Study your route the day before and memorize the trouble spots. I have hit rocks too, because I deviated from a planned route
I gotta say. Many people would be ashamed and would not put this on YT. It shows how big of a man you are by showing others to not make the same mistakes you did. In so doing, you showed the kindness of the folks on the water.
It shows what ass holes they are. Unsafe to be around!
You can't blame that on the bananas, the blame goes to the captain's inability to follow instructions. Thanks for the video , I'm sure it will help a lot of people
I'm a boater from Georgian Bay in Canada. It's renowned for shoals. The first thing we get taught is, if you don't know the water, stay in the channel. There are alot of ships and boats at the bottom of that bay. So now my rule to myself anywhere is if there's a channel marked, it's usually there for a reason. Use it.
This is a fascinating series. I moved to Florida last year and the waterways, canals, dams, and locks have fascinated me. I have been watching this series backwards working my way back from the end of your trip. You guys are knowledgeable and very easy going. Thanks for providing this adventure.
Glad yall are ok Marty! and yes that is THE Roland Martin that had his own fishing TV show and fished with the bass masters. That is his marina, I have been there before but it was years ago.
Since I am SURE this came up at some point during this fiasco...I have to ask: Where were your charts, your DEPTH FINDER and nautical sense to not short-cut channel marker buoys? (I'm not going to ask about those missing fenders at 14:30, when you were tied off getting fuel on that pier...as the water slowly brushed you into that wood with your 'super-armor' fiberglass boat...).
Watching you going down the narrow channel at the end of your trip and seeing the warning buoy, it reminded me that we would say when hitting the rocks, we were just 're-pitching the props'!
Again, great video. Hope you get a new prop soon and can complete the trip with no more problems.
If you go out of Lake O. through Chaloosahatchee River to Fort Myers you will pass my house. My house is right on the Chaloosahatchee. You are always welcome to dock in my backyard sometime. Have enough seawall for your boat. Need to meet up sometime. If you don't get my way then sometime will head north to visit "Zoffingers". Glad your boat is ok and not damaged worse! Those channel markers can be tricky especially where two different channels meet! My little liveboard sailboat is a swing keel so can run skinny if I need, but it even makes me nervous at times. : )
KayakDIY that is sooo kind of you
Marty is a fun guy to be around...simple as that. Plus, I come from a small town and offering help is what we do. Had pleasure of hanging out with Marty during filming iCAST 2016 and 2017. He never ceases to amaze me with his creativity and talent. The guy can do anything he sets his mind to. I like to surround myself with inspirational people. I also am currently refurbishing a project boat and would love to see his boat and get his creative/artistic inputs.
I've flown a small helicopter down to Key West twice. There are boat skid marks everywhere on the seafloor.
Bad day, could have been worse. At least no body got hurt, other than pride. Live and learn. Great videos Marty.
WOW after reading many of the comments below I am very thankful that I chose my hobby in Aviation rather than boating! I never knew there could be so many grumpy old men just looking for a chance to jump on someone else. Nothing was gained by the sourpuss "boaters", (their Piss-Poor attitude keeps me from calling them "Professional Yachtsmen") who felt this was their moment in life to dump all of their own failings in life all over these two men. None of the vomiting that was seen in the comments was valuable. In aviation when a mistake happens the outcomes are NOT pretty. However, when a newbie pilot makes a simple mistake and lives to fly another day the rest of us do not vomit all over him/her. We know that could have been any of us and we all encourage additional training and check-rides to improve a persons skill set. But just like boating, you learn something new with every flight / cruise!! Thank you for your videos as it helps a non-mariner like me to enjoy learning about another dynamic way of life on this earth. Keep enjoying your boating adventures but most importantly continue to get additional training and learn from each adventure (good/bad) ! Life is too short to listen to grumpy old men with piss-poor attitudes whose wife and children left them years ago due to their attitudes and actions!!
Bravo Doc~! Very much agree.
Relax Francis, many of the mistakes in this video are akin to forgetting to put fuel in the plane or deploy the landing gear prior to touchdown.
boating disaster 50% survival.
aviation disaster negative zero survival. thats the fact!
Doc Tim - if you make a mistake like this in aviation you won’t have to listen to anyone criticize you. Unless you are extremely lucky.
+Doc Tim 1. How do you know the people in these comments are old, or grumpy?
2. Dude. At least half of all people in aviation are jerks. Luckily, most of them end up going to American Airlines (hence all the headlines and scandals involving the people there).
3. Besides, at least in boating, you won't find the flight-attendant-sexism problem you hear of so much these days.
I crossed the entire Okeechobee waterway single handed (locks and everything) from Fort Myers to Stuart when ferrying my recent purchased sailboat from Clearwater to Cocoa, and caught a storm while crossing the lake. I could see areas after Clewiston where grass was visible on top, and the channel narrowed down sharply. My boat drafts 4.5' and I was fortunate I didn't hit anything. I had both charts and chartplotter, and in areas there were discrepancies between by depth sounder and the charts. I heed to advise from a friend familiar with the lake to stay in the channel, and don't go around markers. What an experience! Like being in some isolated part of the world. I hope to cross it again westbound in a near future, hopefully with a crew. The locks walls, were no fun on my elbows.
Interesting video, even in a bass boat I've learned to STAY IN THE CHANNEL.
Especially on Okeechobee
All things considering, just a bent prop, on a lake, is lucky. Thank you for sharing this experience.
I'm betting there's more damage than the prop. That was quite a bend for a brass screw of that size.
Oh man I’ve been waiting for part 3 can’t wait for part 4 🙏🏽🙌🏽😫 sorry about the rocks man that sucks
firward scaing son woud deect it
In Alaska if I’m in waters I’m not familiar with I always have at least two sets of eyes on the water, depth finder and radar. Glad you guys are okay.
Check for water FIRST don’t shut things down unless you know your shafts or props hit.
çhef use interphas fotar sonar
No rocks or locks gonna keep you from havin' a 'Good Time'! 😁👍
Yep, me to in the rim canal just south of More Haven. Limpted to River Forest YB. That is my boat with blue hull in background when they pull in.
"Leaving the channel was a discussion that we had just had......" 😂 Marina repair shops love people like this! Any knowledgeable boat pilot knows the safest way to get across a body of water is to stay in the marked navigation channel, especially if not in a shallow draft boat.
Did you keep the coordinates you were at when you found those rocks?? Lots of boaters complain about these but no one has given good description of location
Why?? That's why there is a red marker, go on the wrong side of the marker you hit shit. Can't fix stupid boaters.
OK, you know the part where it dawned on you to go look into the bilge to see if you were taking on water? That's the FIRST thing you do. BEFORE you drop anchor, BEFORE you try to restart the engines, BEFORE you talk about how dumb you were....see if there's a freaking HOLE in the boat!!! For the love of Pete..........
haters....as long as you can cross the state from or to fort myers and make it in one piece, an adventure you will always remember.
All you guys out there hating is just so sad.
james carter.......i agree
Hey man this guy is not a hater for pointing out the obvious - you look to see if your boat is sinking -First- then move on to other things. That's not being a hater. He was trying to help these people, you asshole
Meh, the bilge pump would have come on if it had a hole. I have gotten holes for various reasons. You know right away without pulling the hatch
Ive been a fan of your channel for a little while now. It was cool to watch this video, mainly you guys going down the Caloosahatchee River being as how I live in Labelle. The wife and I own a resturaunt here.
I know that river well. Theres some pretty good Bass fishing and nice Catfish in that small canal that runs back to the Yachting Center you stayed at.
Keep up the great vids and if you come through the river again, give a heads up. I'd like to be on the water with the kids to say hello. They like your channel too. 👍
I'm glad You had no worse trouble after grounding. Important lesson for Your mate.
i’ll give both of you guys a ton of credit for keeping calm after running aground i will als agree that you and the boat did get off realatively easy considering you are right as far as being lucky on the rudders usually they are gone and even on production boats they are a pain in the ass to find the correct replacements because often the builder just pulls out of a large stool of mixed units the lat one i replaced i ha to cast a existing one and have someone pour a brand new one BTW that was a SeaRay glad you guys didn’t get hurt too i’m surprised your props were moving you as well as thy did
Those channel markers are there for a reason
What reason?
Erik Larson to always follow the rules of the water. Your life or someone else's could depend on it
It seems that people are regularly trying to prove that they are smarter than anyone else. Anyone planning a trip across the lake should know the dangers there. Could have turned out much worse!
Yes they r, and the reason for that is on UA-cam
Red, right, return lol
We didn't make the lock at Moorehead before 4.30....skeeters bout carried us off! I woke up during the night being jostled around. It was two mosquitos toting me out... One told the other to be quiet or the big ones would take me away from them! made the trip from South Florida twice...Ft Lauderdale to Pensacola. Great trip!
There are two navigation routes across the Lake. You should have followed the main route, right on the line. I've crossed numerous times in a 42' Sportfisherman, heading to west coast.
goid fir yiou nred full scing ßonar liké interohasé or gurjno
Btw, did you new that lwater in this lake was totally poluted year before? I just found video about it. I would not go inthere expept maybe in full diving gear. Also, someone already wrote this, nautical charts are a must guys.
With that size boat you never leave the channel if you do not know the waters . Or if you do not have a chart for the srea
Max depth for that lake is 12' but with the locks open it says average depth of 8'10". Leaving the channel, seeing the red buoy and clearly those rocks should have been marked on the plotter these guys were high of just not paying attention.
I like the vid, but... The rocks and depths are clearly marked on Chart 11428. The depths in the immediate area are 2-10', not "13' all around", and red marker "12" is right at the edge of a narrow gap in - get this - "Rocky Reef". No way in hades would anyone with a clue cut that corner... Glad they lucked out and damage was minimal!
Lester Hersh As a professional captain,I will reiterate that advice.Always stay in the chanel unless you are absolutely sure,what’s outside of it.They don’t randomly place those markers in the water.They are where they are for a reason.I grew up boating on the waters around Savannah,ga.I knew which markers,I could cut,and which markers you hadto take seriously
I was taught 'red right returning'. Not sure that it applies here, but it seems that you should have kept the red marker on your right until you passed it. Fortunatly, you were going fairly slow. Cruising at 2700 rpm would have been a lot worse.
Tnanks for taking us along. Great video.
Love the Banana reverence, made me crack up. Took me a few to realize what you were getting at.
There’s always a fool who hits the rocks. I lived in the Virgin Islands I saw it at least once a week.
The look on your face with the bananas it’s priceless. That is some funny shit under the circumstances.
My brother is a yacht captain out of Fort Lauderdale and he ran a huge yacht off the channel going to the Bahamas. Good thing for insurance.
i was fishing on the banks of the cape fear near the mouth of the atlantic when i seen a boston whaler running full speed ahead inside a marker at low tide, they hit a sand bar dead stop causing the capt, who had hands on throttle, to push both engines to full speed, blowing sand/water mix 30 feet in the air, the people on board were silent and out of site for at least 5 minutes, which i assumed they used to recover partially from their injuries enough to gain a little composure, at which point im guessing they were re-evaluating their decision to go fishing that day.
chef yse interohas forwar scing sonar
Not smart. In a boat that size you really need to stay inside the markers.
Years ago me and a buddy were proceeding north on Lake Norman in his pontoon boat, which would run all of 15 mph flat out. We're traversing a part of the lake where the channel passes between two peninsulas, a narrow choke point. We're on the right-hand side of the channel, just inside the marker. Some young studly idiot comes up behind us in a big go-fast boat. There's oncoming traffic on the left side of the channel so Mr. Impatient decides to pass us on the right, just outside the marker. Any fool can see the brown (shallow) water out there, so we start waving at the guy to warn him. Freakin' genius flips us off, and about three seconds later runs aground.
I love it when they do that and their boat stops but the occupants keep going and splash.
@@gsp49, I don't. A neighbor and good friend was killed on a pontoon boat by this kind of stupidity...she was just out with friends, and the idiot ran them into the shore. Left two kids behind. I doubt they find it funny either.
I sure wish you ran past him and said "TOLD YOU SO"
James Workman Come down here and boat and you will!!!!
Marty I’ve been watching you from the beginning and I love you videos, I’m in the coast guard and used to service the aids to navigation in lake O, as you already know you have to stay in the channel we take surveys and put those things aids to best mark the water. On a side note I can’t believe he got in the water lol all that algae you saw was probably green algae which is found in lake O a lot and it’s been found to have flesh eating bacteria it kills birds and fish all year round which is why they’ve been trying to stop the lake dumps, well glad to see the damage want too bad lol
Globe's Mine there is a route that takes you across the lake through the center of it and there are aids to navigation that mark that route. It’s called the Lake Okeechobee waterway route 1 it goes from port mayaca to clewiston Florida. That being said make sure you check your most up to date chart and the local notice to Mariners for any new hazards or changes.
Your chart and your chart plotter along with your depth finder all showed there was no problem all along the course you carefully plotted so that you could go at planing speeds through an area you knew nothing about - outside of the marked channel. Oh my! I also note as others have that you have never had loose rope blow off the boat and get caught in the props. A good captain (and you are the Captain) is one where your passengers disembark at the end of the trip with comments like "that was a pretty calm day on the water and everything seemed to go pretty well".
The condition of this boat drives me insane as a boater... loose ropes, messes everywhere, bottom was filthy... 😳😳😳😳
its in salt water the bottom is going to be dirty
You go insane too easily.'
This is just a pleasure\fishing boat.
why if something went wrong, you wouldn't have felt a thing
Rhys Ozipko
Because it's in salt water has nothing to do with a dirty bottom. Not keeping it clean is the problem and effects how the boat moves through the water.
yeah dude that boat needs to be drydocked for repair and get cleaned up. that, or just sink the miserable thing. you shouldn't take a boat out in that condition. these guys should be ashamed to have this on video. it makes me cringe to think that they are putting the video out there while thinking that they are serious or respectable boaters. just look at the worn out carver plate, it's one of the first things you see in the video. clean that boat up and paint/polish the whole thing, all the way down to every last badge, rivet and screw... then get a proper electricity generation system and a refrigerator...
How did you run aground? Don’t you have charts or a depth sounder?
I know right?
I totally cracked up with the look on your face after pointing at the bananas.... Great Video...
That's why you should always carry a small kicker motor a small 5- 10 hp engine just to get you in if something happens to your main motor.Always follow your channel markers and keep an eye on your depth finder.
Two years ago I had my 40' Ocean SS docked in New York Harbor. One morning we're on our way to the Hudson Canyon when I hit a submerged object about 15 miles offshore. I was cruising around 30kts when all of the sudden... BANG! I look down at the tachs and the port motor is stalled while the starboard engine is pinned. I quickly mash the throttles to idle and hit the air shutoff valves and the whole boat is vibrating like crazy. Realizing pretty quickly that I must've hit something, I run down to the cockpit and open the engine room door, worried I ripped a shaft out. Thankfully that didn't happen, but whatever I hit it was enough to stall one engine and knock the other out of gear. The mechanic figures it was probably a submerged piling, I promptly had him install crash pumps after that.
thats a mermaid.😂
firward scig sonar
We were sailing northward in my brother’s 37 ft. Sailboat on Lake Huron. My brother Mike wanted to stay within sight of land, so we were sailing about five miles offshore along the east shore of lake Huron. We were doing about seven knots. My brother John saw a lighthouse ahead, so he went below to see where we were. We found out what the lighthouse was for as we ran aground on to a rare shallow area of the Lake Huron. It was Kettle Point Reef that the lighthouse was warning us of.
As soon as we hit, I threw the helm over and steered back the way we had come. We thought we were clear of the reef, and headed back north, when we hit bottom again! We ended sailing way off shore, to avoid any other shallow areas.
need bew 385 sail boat solar ektfc33.6 mie rabge telss ceks 38.5 iie rabge
I'm sure every captain on this page has had a WTF moment. Thanks for the post. Lessons to be learned or reminded of.
Don't know if you noticed but the alternator belt was slipping, you should tighten it or replace. You can hear the belt squeal when he starts engine.
boat condition matches boating skills
Ya that thing is a mess
That boat is a rust bucket
Hes a idiot
Captain and crew
My mast is 54 feet
We get thru it no issue
Guys definition of a Googan
I'm glad you're safe but is this common for boaters in Tampa to disregard buoys (red), especially in unfamiliar waters?
We have a lot of boaters in the Greater Seattle area (I'm not) but my friends who are wouldn't disregard any buoys.
Their placed there to keep you (and passengers) safe.
First... I'd check for leaks!
Just had a thought; is it cheaper to buy new props (cost) or have your's repaired (time)?
This is the coolest series you have made yet!!! Thanks Marty!
Hi man. Im ur new subscriber now. I was happy and enjoy for every ur every single video and idea that ur brain created haha. Congrats dude. Get respect from me Zammy from Malaysia.
I love this video series. you gotta do more trips .. add some fishing in there
John Perkins Jr. I agree - would love to see some fishing too!
The depth is on the charts. However, I admire your honesty.
I honestly would love a trip like this. I would volunteer to keep someone company just to take this trip across the ocean lake.
Wonderful educational piece on how to plan a passage poorly. Hope you learned sometin’ these last two years boy! God Speed!
this is my fav channel on youtube. he's awesome
Love the channel marty! I just bought my first big boat A 32ft bayliner its like a dream come true
Bayliner boats are good boats especially for the money. It's the small Bayliner boats that are more year dependent on the quality of the fiberglass layups...from Wyoming USA 🔫🤠ps. I distain boat bigots
nrw 32 fiter 21 cetrr ate ekrc 32 mie rabge
Unsecured lines, hoses and power cables hung outside of stern railing and strewn on foredeck? A wrapped prop earlier in the day may have saved you from the rocks.
Even in the ICW down in Galveston the depth finder will show
Exactly. I've rubbed and oyster reef or two, but slow and cautious equals no damage.
When a fish in the lake swam into a concrete wall, he said, "Dam!".
I've been reading all these comments and then I found this gem! Can't believe you haven't had more reply on this one. Thumbs up.
To bad you couldn't have ordered a new prop on Amazon Prime & had it delivered to a Marina that was closer. Probably would of been cheaper than all the money you spent on gas😂😂😂 I liked your video & watched it all the way through. Your voice is so calm & great edit job!!!
I really enjoyed them NOT putting bumpers out to protect their pristine boat from damage when docking... 😨😆🤔
They're called "fenders."
I have been on that lake years ago with my grandfather. We would be 3 miles or more out in the lake. He had a 8 foot pole in the boat to check water depth. He stopped in one spot and told me to check the water depth. It was only about 4 foot deep. Then he moved to another spot and had me check again. I could not touch bottom. He said that we were in a channel. Being that this is a natural lake, they had to dredge out channels in the lake. So you would need a high speed digital depth gauge.
Leaves channel, blames bananas😂😂
bananas are a death sentence on a boat
Another great video! Can't wait to see another Quick Business Update. Also, how about some bass fishing videos?
Why are you the chillest dude ever
yung squa I agree
from difficulties in life hes learned to chill out unlike others that get bitter and angry
Not his boat and screws.
maybe he blazes up on a regular basis? (pot)
chart uncharted waters...drunken fools and people that have no reason to be on the water run aground
Bannanas are prohibited from my boat. My friend and I were 4oz away from qualifying for a State Fishing Championship and we had the fish in front of us but it never bit. We were in 11th and needed 10th to qualify. After the tournement we threw the bannana into a teammates boat. LOL
always looking forward to new videos, he gives off a nice relaxing vive to fishing.
get firwar scaibg sonar interoharse
Our sail boat has mast lowering gear to lower mast under bridges if needed hard work but worth it have you not got charts that gives depth when tides are low then you time when to go and the route your wanting to do.
Sorry I was navigator I would have been in loads trouble if I had got it wrong !!
Been watching you forever love the vids I'm a fan
This is the first time I have seen your vids. It was very entertaining. Glad it was a safe trip. I learned a lot.
Cautionary understatement of the day: "Might have dented your propeller a little bit..."
That dramatic reconstruction though... hahah great job!
I guess navigation charts are not part of your options?
Way back in 1971, when I was around 11 yo, I was driving my Grandfathers boat thru a flat Sarasota Bay at 25 knots. My grandfather was busy setting up the fishing rods. He was facing the stern and looked up. He thought I drove out of the channel because the green marker was on the wrong side of the boat. He quickly kicked me out of the captains chair and grabbed the steering wheel and made a quick zig zag out of the channel. Within 200 feet we hit a sandbar with only a foot of water over it and launched the boat out of the water. 5 of use got some bruises and my grandfather got a bruised ego.. LOL We caught a few good redfish that day............
need ßonar intohasé
No disrespect intended, but don’t blame the bananas... it was poor judgement. Frankly, it’s a surprise the trip wasn’t without issues due to what appears to be a vessel with obvious maintenance and safety issues. Glad you both made it safely.
That whole area is kind of a dream...warm weather to wear t-shirts and shorts, sun...cool inland waterways...I don't know but I'd be a noob on the water and learn as I go also...
i love the longer adventures like this from time to time!
Glade y'all ok and made the trip and are safe...But man I don't know if it is always that messy but for future reference if u make another video show me your boat all cleaned I'd say it would be nice one cleaned up...
Marty your banana reference was apeeling
Keystone Kyle i dont understand it
What about bananas on da banana boat?
He really slipped that one in there!!
@@CoalMinePvpFest it's considered bad luck to bring bananas onto a fishing boat. Kyle made a pun of Marty referencing the superstition.
"If you've got tequila,there's still hope".I honk that's a Jimmy Buffet quote,or it ought to be. Thank you for the video
Marty, I look forward to your videos! Thank you!
get firwar lokig sinar interohàse furino
Oh my Gosh that was awesome...Facebook knows all...lmao. Just mellow and enjoy the put put ride. the time lapse video showed the pretty clouds dancing around in the ski
Checking for water should have been the fist thing you did
Any boater know if you contact something with the hull the first and foremost thing to do is check for water. That’s without question or delay.
I keep expecting to run into you every time I kayak since we are in the same area. We did cockroach bay yesterday. Great video!
Most Normal People will put a jug out there to look out for fellow boaters, also provides the location of structure for anglers. No wonder my folks moved away from there.
Hi, Marty & Michael 👍🏻 I can’t believe all the negative and bad comments people post on videos, I know both you and Michael are experienced boaters and things do happen while your out on the water. I always enjoy watching your adventures. Lake Okeechobee is one of the most environmentally,diseased,unhealthy and a danger to wildlife and marine life and to humans it’s the most toxic lake in Florida, I hope the government can stop all the cyanobacteria and other pesticides being dumped in the rivers and lakes. Enjoy and have a Great weekend !!! PS: To those who have negative comments if you can’t say anything positive or good ( don’t say nothing at all ) Danny
Is that boat freshly purchased from the town dump or is it in its way to its final resting place in the town dump
I was there coming from Fort Myers(Christmas ), I lost sight of markers , did not have chart, so I abandoned trip 1/2 way through and went back...don't regret the decision . That lake has shallow areas ! Does not compare to great lakes in depth !
Wow you never leave the channel unless you really know the body of water. It wasn’t the bananas it was poor decisions by the captain and crew.
Rick Rollick the captain makes the decisions. NOT the crew....
I mean, lake O is like 50' deep on average so I'd be comfy going off course. (-;
jeremy wells nope deepest point is around 14-15 feet
it was sarcasm...
I lived on my 32 foot sailboat on Aransas Bay in Rockport, Texas. The entire bay averages 9 foot deep and the only place you find deeper water is in the channel where it might be 20 to 25 foot. There are areas miles offshore that are less than 3 foot deep. I spent 3 hours on one when I went out with the "captain" of the boat that I bought for a check-out cruise. He didn't have towing insurance and it took 3 hours to get us off the reef with the assistance of 2 other boats.
Stay in the channel! ;)
POC! I destroyed a prop and mangled the other doing the exact same thing. Took my buddies advice, he'd been boating there his entire life. No problem he assured me. After an enjoyable 2K trip back in. He asked,"did I remember to tell you I go through 2 or 3 props a season?" Thanks Jim. *#*$%*^ *&%$#.
We did this exact trip in a similar 36 foot cabin cruiser 10 years ago and stayed in the canal, but we missed the lock by minutes and had to spend the night surrounded by about 20 gaters. It was ok we had a great meal, movie and good sleep.
Sorry about your prop.
giid fir you
gatir ht chef io drive seàray 260 subdrr neéd hole new unut indian town
Another great video of an EPIC adventure. Adventure on Marty...great stuff!
Sorry but i think your boat is a bit of a mess....nothing personal.
you are being kind. Seriously this boat is ready for a massive refit or put it out of its misery.
Refit would probably cost more than the value of the boat. Run it till it sinks or catches on fire.
@@arisgod2749 It's a Carver. Refit? LMAO XD
i’m from West Coast, but when you guys left the channel, the water was low? below low? also i notice no other vessels were on the water? if you see markers in the water you stay clear....they don’t mean to go left or right just to stay clear....
Hey Marty, as a fellow boater, i know things like this are all too real, things like this happen quite often from what I see, and i just hope that the vessel is okay.
Watch those charts like a hawk. Study your route the day before and memorize the trouble spots. I have hit rocks too, because I deviated from a planned route
Was it scary?
When your draft exceeds the depth your are most assuredly aground!
Marty always got great videos you're right about the chaos on boats coming from Slidell Louisiana
Wow, a power boater who actually knows how to tie a cleat hitch
wow a blow boater who has some snotty shit to say
Excellent video and voiceover. Very interesting too. Always wanted to do this trip on our boat.
I was of the understanding that Okeechobee was a sinkhole and had no bottom. Apparently, I was misinformed.
@11:13 I got super nervous when he was looking at his props in that gator infested lake. Brave man but I guess it had to be done.