I really like the album cover. It speaks to me on many different levels. At first glance it just looks like a bunch of gummy bears in a line with the front one fallen over, but take a closer look and you see that the album name is follow. Then one can piece together that the red gummy bear is the leader and the white, orange, yellow, and green gummy bear are following it (much like the title). Soon they will succumb to the fate of the red gummy bear falling over. But they don't have to succumb to this fate. There is hope, they don't have to follow me (red gummy bear) into the void. They can break free of this unending cycle of follow fall down. As my mom would say "If you saw your friends jump of a bridge would you follow them", and to that I say no.
very similar to "matthew delach" being the first name on the group essay for no rhyme or reason, the red gummy bear is the symbolic leader without having great leadership qualities.
I really like the album cover. It speaks to me on many different levels. At first glance it just looks like a bunch of gummy bears in a line with the front one fallen over, but take a closer look and you see that the album name is follow. Then one can piece together that the red gummy bear is the leader and the white, orange, yellow, and green gummy bear are following it (much like the title). Soon they will succumb to the fate of the red gummy bear falling over. But they don't have to succumb to this fate. There is hope, they don't have to follow me (red gummy bear) into the void. They can break free of this unending cycle of follow fall down. As my mom would say "If you saw your friends jump of a bridge would you follow them", and to that I say no.
very similar to "matthew delach" being the first name on the group essay for no rhyme or reason, the red gummy bear is the symbolic leader without having great leadership qualities.
pepePls GuitarTime