when i make berrie farms i usualy make a small cage in the midle and surround the cage with berribushes since i spedn summerin the caves, then when i want to pick some berries i make sure to place 1 berrie in the middle of the cage, the berrie atract the turkes to the cage wich make them easy to kill and they ignore the other bushes the farter the bushes the less efective the beri is, i recomendo to place the bushes the closes posible to the cage, and it only works in a circle or 4 berrie (or more i can remember) bushes of radius reliable i think, it's been a while since i made one of those, i made is 3x3 fences with a wooden gate in the midle of one of the sides and wood walls as cornes for stetics, you can place a ice flingomatic fist and then build the cage around it, thcege will need to be bigger, making sure that you can fit in tha cage and drop the berrie or berries 1 for every corner if you want to use the full radius of the iceflingomatic. So you can make darkswords, build a madscientist machine, and make the recipe that needs 1 living log 1 bat wing and sanity to replant livinglog trees, you can turn the event in the settings, you may ask why, because the machine is only avalilible in the hallow nights event, turn it off once you make the machine, the bats that jump scare you when chopping trees is the event doing, that activates when we are in halloween like a while before and after so people can get the chance to play it, the carving spoon is to make giant pumpking lanterns are good for decoration idk if they give light , to make giant pumpkins you need to keeps the needs of a pumping plant covered for all the levels of the growt. to get the pure horror and bright simity you need to kill the final boss of the cave and the surface or activathe the rifts in the setting of the server for caves and surface, if you want to doit by killing the boses you need to make sure to carri 6 dread stone that you can get by making nightmare where pig break the pillars that hold him when he starts to do the hit with his fist on the ground when killing the caves boss and giving it to te shadow hand, and find in the rubble that the surface boss drops a rhomboid/rhombohedron white/transparent cristal and gi it to the npc that spawns
when i make berrie farms i usualy make a small cage in the midle and surround the cage with berribushes since i spedn summerin the caves, then when i want to pick some berries i make sure to place 1 berrie in the middle of the cage, the berrie atract the turkes to the cage wich make them easy to kill and they ignore the other bushes the farter the bushes the less efective the beri is, i recomendo to place the bushes the closes posible to the cage, and it only works in a circle or 4 berrie (or more i can remember) bushes of radius reliable i think, it's been a while since i made one of those, i made is 3x3 fences with a wooden gate in the midle of one of the sides and wood walls as cornes for stetics, you can place a ice flingomatic fist and then build the cage around it, thcege will need to be bigger, making sure that you can fit in tha cage and drop the berrie or berries 1 for every corner if you want to use the full radius of the iceflingomatic.
So you can make darkswords, build a madscientist machine, and make the recipe that needs 1 living log 1 bat wing and sanity to replant livinglog trees, you can turn the event in the settings, you may ask why, because the machine is only avalilible in the hallow nights event, turn it off once you make the machine, the bats that jump scare you when chopping trees is the event doing, that activates when we are in halloween like a while before and after so people can get the chance to play it, the carving spoon is to make giant pumpking lanterns are good for decoration idk if they give light , to make giant pumpkins you need to keeps the needs of a pumping plant covered for all the levels of the growt.
to get the pure horror and bright simity you need to kill the final boss of the cave and the surface or activathe the rifts in the setting of the server for caves and surface, if you want to doit by killing the boses you need to make sure to carri 6 dread stone that you can get by making nightmare where pig break the pillars that hold him when he starts to do the hit with his fist on the ground when killing the caves boss and giving it to te shadow hand, and find in the rubble that the surface boss drops a rhomboid/rhombohedron white/transparent cristal and gi it to the npc that spawns