Asking Alexandria - Right Now (Na Na Na) - (Akon cover)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 13 тис.

  • @coltonroberts6592
    @coltonroberts6592 2 роки тому +169

    No matter how old I get this style of music never gets old. I wish bands still sounded like this.

    • @elmagodragon
      @elmagodragon 10 місяців тому +9

      It never gets old, like the kids in the temple with the order 66.

    • @coltonroberts6592
      @coltonroberts6592 10 місяців тому +1

      @@elmagodragon 🤣😂😭

    • @bighand1530
      @bighand1530 2 місяці тому +2

      Same here.

  • @thedevil4207
    @thedevil4207 5 років тому +16

    you can really hear the heartfelt emotion in his voice when he screams "homie, lover, and friend"
    gets me everytime

  • @mollyowens9599
    @mollyowens9599 2 роки тому +347

    It’s 2022 and this song is still such a banger. Miss these days

    • @Austin_de_Backyardigans
      @Austin_de_Backyardigans Рік тому +3


    • @darkzygard
      @darkzygard Рік тому

      ​@@Austin_de_Backyardiganseres m13rd4

    • @SkaterJoe1776
      @SkaterJoe1776 Рік тому +5

      Straight facts, honestly miss this era so bad haha if they ever invent a time machine I'm going back to 2009 and literally going to every show possible 😂

    • @YogozSama
      @YogozSama 7 місяців тому

      your lying

    • @deusvult384
      @deusvult384 2 місяці тому


  • @maryrosemarantal9717
    @maryrosemarantal9717 3 роки тому +66

    2021 still listenning Asking Alexandria! and i love their music.....
    Ben,Danny,Cam,James and Sam..... Awesome band cover

  • @crbin999
    @crbin999 2 роки тому +89

    Aged like fine wine. To me they were the greatest band in the scene days. Nobody could put a torch to them.

    • @tres111
      @tres111 6 місяців тому +3

      Attack Attack!

    • @crbin999
      @crbin999 6 місяців тому +2

      @@tres111 first two albums were incredible, after that they went to crap

    • @tres111
      @tres111 6 місяців тому +3

      @@crbin999 someday came suddenly was the peak

  • @lihmoura1997
    @lihmoura1997 3 роки тому +100

    Isso me leva ao passado de um jeito incrível e não me dava conta do quanto era feliz na época...

    • @tomandoshcinlatao
      @tomandoshcinlatao 2 роки тому +5

      essa musica em especifico eh uma viagem no tempo, essa epoca foi foda, a gritaria das musica meio q extravasava aquela euforia adolescente sei la mt loco

    • @vitorsenna8536
      @vitorsenna8536 2 роки тому +4

      Pode crer 🤣🤣

    • @doneon547
      @doneon547 2 роки тому +1

      Meu verdade, saudade

    • @jonatahanallan80
      @jonatahanallan80 2 роки тому +1

      Concordo demais!! Uma nostalgia boa do crlh

    • @Andrade_zz
      @Andrade_zz Рік тому

      Entendo, eu entendo

  • @whocare5814
    @whocare5814 8 років тому +397

    His clean voice makes my soul feel free

    • @sweetcorpse__2607
      @sweetcorpse__2607 8 років тому +1

      are you seroious haha

    • @rupadevi8043
      @rupadevi8043 7 років тому

      Who Care i love xong

    • @rupadevi8043
      @rupadevi8043 7 років тому +1

      Hay everyone
      We can,t u like me allxx

    • @cobygs8
      @cobygs8 2 роки тому +3

      His cleans 3:15-3:19 insane. No voice changer, no effects, just raw talent... beautiful

    • @angelvalentine5317
      @angelvalentine5317 11 місяців тому

      ​@@sweetcorpse__2607are you serious tho

  • @danielboyd4412
    @danielboyd4412 3 роки тому +87

    Nostalgia on point, after years without hearing this After so many years without listening to this gem of music you feel such a great nostalgia, AMAZING AA🔥🔥

  • @forgottentraveller5736
    @forgottentraveller5736 3 роки тому +461

    Holy shit dude. Back in like 2011 this is one of those songs that tuned me "emo" music for a while. Listening to this now is 2021 is such a trip. It's crazy what 10 years will do to a person. Hope y'all are doing okay and kicking ass at life 😎✌

    • @MatrixAlphaCWX
      @MatrixAlphaCWX 3 роки тому +12

      It's like listening to it for the first time again.
      Still holds up even at 32 xD

    • @josephstcharles4733
      @josephstcharles4733 3 роки тому +2

      Keep on keeping on brotha man

    • @ErikJason_
      @ErikJason_ 3 роки тому +8

      When listening to songs like this is like going back in time and relive those moments. I feel nostalgic and can't believe it's been over a decade now since this cover was released.

    • @Hinaatje
      @Hinaatje 3 роки тому +5

      Same bro. I havent thinked about this song for like 10 years and now im GONNNA NUTTT!!!

    • @ariefrachman_
      @ariefrachman_ 3 роки тому +2

      I'm following PGP cause this song haha

  • @lastzera9400
    @lastzera9400 5 років тому +37

    3:45 essa ultima parte que faz o cara lembrar de tudo que aconteceu até aqui e pensar o quanto tempo já passou desde o lançamento e tudo mudou!!
    Só saudades agora!
    Saudades do cabelão, de não ter tanta responsabilidade... é isso

    • @amandasperber8488
      @amandasperber8488 10 місяців тому

      Essa música me dá nostalgia por duas coisas... A versão original muito escutei durante minha infância e a versão do Asking na minha adolescência....

  • @ernieman01
    @ernieman01 5 років тому +251

    2019 still lovin' it. Nostalgia right in the feels. Come back to me AA 💖😨

    • @mattmac722
      @mattmac722 5 років тому +7

      love and miss the old stuff.. but its hard to be disappointed with stuff like alone in a room and vultures..

    • @empeine
      @empeine 5 років тому

    • @gamerx8145
      @gamerx8145 5 років тому

      Their new music sounds more like kawaii metal. lmao

    • @devinibnualfarros1421
      @devinibnualfarros1421 5 років тому

      Aiaiai captain

    • @DonEBrooke32
      @DonEBrooke32 5 років тому

      you mean the *heels,* right? O_o

  • @ImDirtyDan
    @ImDirtyDan Рік тому +6

    I cant get over the drums on this tracks, even after all these years the shit still goes hard

  • @vSkyzeh
    @vSkyzeh 9 років тому +236

    RIP to the old AA. You'll be forever missed by all the old AA Fans.

  • @UGK4LIFE1212
    @UGK4LIFE1212 9 років тому +297

    Nostalgia hits hard!

  • @ajb7744
    @ajb7744 9 років тому +268

    Holy shit Danny's cleans were perfect back then.

    • @melaniehartlova5908
      @melaniehartlova5908 9 років тому +4

      adam bryant Its Ben NO Danny

    • @Sure_shot1388
      @Sure_shot1388 9 років тому +19

      Pierre Bouvier uhm dumb ass its danny singing, and screaming. Ben Bruce didn't have any vocals in this track. You should really learn the difference between how they sing its not that hard mate

    • @melaniehartlova5908
      @melaniehartlova5908 9 років тому +3

      Austin Boyd

    • @joecinder
      @joecinder 9 років тому +11

      Austin Boyd Ben Sings "I Miss you much" , but not the whole song. But yeah

    • @bean8951
      @bean8951 7 років тому


  • @roy5al
    @roy5al 2 роки тому +8

    This song is so nostalgic for me. I was going through so much when I first heard it, it quickly became one of my favorite songs. Now when I hear it, it reminds me of how much it helped me back then, and I still love it.

  • @CrazyKnightly
    @CrazyKnightly 10 років тому +7

    I can understand why this has so many views, it's amazingly well done! The screamo actually adds to the heartbreak mood, in my opinion. Just lovely.

  • @falabonita102
    @falabonita102 5 років тому +33

    2019 🇧🇷
    Bons tempos com essa musica 😍

  • @maggieHoweb8507
    @maggieHoweb8507 8 років тому +258

    Miss young Danny

    • @user-om3ri6qo6u
      @user-om3ri6qo6u 8 років тому +3

      I think it's Danny

    • @Ie4h
      @Ie4h 8 років тому +1

      +Ashley Wdym it's Danny

    • @lovehoes1277
      @lovehoes1277 8 років тому +1

      well he is back in AA .. sadly

    • @padraigg7147
      @padraigg7147 8 років тому +1

      Who invited this guy?

    • @poisonisjoy200
      @poisonisjoy200 8 років тому +11

      danny look diffrent now.... i miss when danny look like an real emo teen

  • @ErikJason_
    @ErikJason_ 3 роки тому +36

    This is definitely the best Punk Goes Pop cover. AA did know how to make things right back then. It's a total bummer that they hate this cover thus they never talk about it. One thing to ensure is, this song is so much better than the entire "Like A House On Fire" record.

    • @Amazing_Universe-o5x
      @Amazing_Universe-o5x 3 роки тому +2

      Man So True

    • @syahminorizan8064
      @syahminorizan8064 2 роки тому +4

      So true. That new album was purely trash. Not feeling it.

    • @Ahn-mu3db
      @Ahn-mu3db 2 роки тому +6

      Why did they hate this cover?? It's so nice

    • @alexlebon6456
      @alexlebon6456 Рік тому

      ​​@@Ahn-mu3db guess they feel it's stale because every band in the scene copied their image/sound to the point where Scene/Metalcore became "played-out" by 2012. 😂 Record labels looked at electroni-core as a cash-grab & they are into completely different music styles nowadays.

    • @D5301
      @D5301 9 місяців тому +1

      No, the best Punk Goes Pop cover is “Over My Head (Cable Car) by A Day To Remember, this is definitely number 2.

  • @stevenfa7344
    @stevenfa7344 8 років тому +39

    Mdsssssss essa versão do Asking é muuuuuuuito antiga. Ouvia isso a uns 6 anos atrás.

  • @sakurabluesx
    @sakurabluesx 11 років тому +11

    I haven't heard this in over a year! Oh my gosh. My favourite cover.

  • @TheaHi
    @TheaHi 9 років тому +10

    This is my favourite cover song by them. It makes me happy everytime I hear it

  • @BurningSorrows
    @BurningSorrows 5 місяців тому +2

    NOSTALGIAAAAA OMGG 😍😍😍 this song was so lost to time, i remember listening to this back in middle school!!!

  • @bhinaekarussell
    @bhinaekarussell 4 роки тому +50

    Who came here April 2020? Love from Indonesia 🇮🇩 miss the old days, For me the best punk goes pop is:
    1. A skylit drive - Love the way u lie
    2. Asking alexandria - Right now na na
    3. We came as romans - glad you come
    4. The Devil Wears Prada - still fly
    5. Silverstein - Apologize

    • @imanuelsantoso8227
      @imanuelsantoso8227 4 роки тому +1

      sleeping with sirens - fuck you
      pierce the veil - just the way you are

    • @753anime
      @753anime 4 роки тому

      Bring me the horizon. August burns red. Our last night. Like moths to flames. Memphis mayfire. Never forget who you are, and who you were, music is timeless . ❤

    • @pallabb1770
      @pallabb1770 4 роки тому +1


    • @greatwavefan397
      @greatwavefan397 3 роки тому

      What about Kanye's Heartless? Those lyrics were just asking for a metal cover!

    • @CoryG1981
      @CoryG1981 10 місяців тому

      ya left out Ooops I did it again - Children of Bodem :D

  • @thaynan9223
    @thaynan9223 2 роки тому +7

    essa música me trás lembranças ótimas, saudade da adolescência e da época emo kkkk era feliz e não sabia

  • @beckamaya16
    @beckamaya16 10 років тому +91

    this cover is basically a work of art....

  • @GabrielMonteiro-rx9jx
    @GabrielMonteiro-rx9jx 2 роки тому +13

    Amo esse cover 🖤

  • @xbrowniesghostx883
    @xbrowniesghostx883 10 років тому +1297

    This is the best punk goes pop cover in punk goes pops history. We all know its true.

    • @benblayer2355
      @benblayer2355 9 років тому +16

      ABR's wrecking ball is up there, but on a whole the older PGP albums absolutely destroy the last two.

    • @Abyzdecannes
      @Abyzdecannes 9 років тому +45

      xBrowniesGhostx We Came As Romance - Glad You Came !

    • @nikolaska96
      @nikolaska96 9 років тому +7

      xBrowniesGhostx Pffff, naaah, It's the "Call me maybe" !

    • @iTredd
      @iTredd 9 років тому +11

      +xBrowniesGhostx lol, i know this is old and all.. but even AA said that they didn't like it and wished it was gone

    • @nakramproductions3858
      @nakramproductions3858 7 років тому +15

      The best PGP I heard was Blame It covered by Of Mice & Men.

  • @MirandaAngelica97
    @MirandaAngelica97 10 років тому +191

    AA fans will miss you Danny

    • @CodeRedPb
      @CodeRedPb 10 років тому +8

      No we wont, he has been absolute shit after Stand up and Scream

    • @MirandaAngelica97
      @MirandaAngelica97 10 років тому +5

      Well his vocals did get worse . To some point . BUT . He was a part of Asking Alexandria .

    • @havoren
      @havoren 10 років тому +3

      CodeRedPb The vocals in Reckless & Relentless are fucking amazing, what the hell do you mean "after Stand Up And Scream"?

    • @ahovzz123
      @ahovzz123 10 років тому +5

      No No No, its a WONDERFUL thing he is gone. From death to destiny was such a joke

    • @ManGuyRS
      @ManGuyRS 10 років тому +10

      Ahovzz am i the only one who actually really liked from death to destiny?

  • @savannahlmcallister2188
    @savannahlmcallister2188 9 років тому +61

    This was one of the first POPPUNK songs ive ever heard.

    • @enchinito
      @enchinito 9 років тому +3

      This is post hardcore

    • @VibratorPoliceisgod
      @VibratorPoliceisgod 8 років тому +9

      +RisePencils It's metalcore lol

    • @_Euphorion_
      @_Euphorion_ 8 років тому

      +Pink guy This is metal:D

    • @VibratorPoliceisgod
      @VibratorPoliceisgod 8 років тому +4

      Euphorion666 Metalcore. Look it up, asking alexandria is a metalcore band

    • @VibratorPoliceisgod
      @VibratorPoliceisgod 8 років тому +2

      Underarmstream1 Gaming I now retract my statement. AA is the best pop punk band and all of you fucking pinecones need to respect quality jazz when you see it

  • @ixandernieves949
    @ixandernieves949 2 роки тому +7

    Asking Alexandria mi banda favorita ❤️

  • @kaorybrighter5919
    @kaorybrighter5919 10 років тому +45

    La canción original no me gusta pero este cover me encanta

    • @AlexxDarkStar22
      @AlexxDarkStar22 5 років тому +1

      Kaory Brighter ya c k este comentario tiene mucho pero tienes razón creo k esta mejor el cover k la original

    • @Rxptxl
      @Rxptxl 4 роки тому

      @@AlexxDarkStar22 cierto.

    • @oliverleben3559
      @oliverleben3559 2 роки тому

      @@AlexxDarkStar22 exactamente pienso lo mismo¡

  • @pietrixbr448
    @pietrixbr448 7 років тому +16

    Aquele cover que fica perfeito que nem o original....

  • @freddy_Rahme
    @freddy_Rahme 8 років тому +10

    ❤💙💚💛💜 one of the best metal cover of all time.. old but gold \m/

  • @leviclark7230
    @leviclark7230 3 роки тому +2

    All though I am not a fan of asking, they do bring back memories from a good time. Their music was all over my small Tennessee town when I was a teenager.

  • @themadhatter8692
    @themadhatter8692 5 років тому +158

    Still a great song and still listening to it in 2019

  • @aureaoliveira5759
    @aureaoliveira5759 9 років тому +37

    amo está música ❤❤ só eu falo português akie ?!

  • @yasminmachado3698
    @yasminmachado3698 Рік тому +5

    Dezembro de 2023 e esse hino ainda me transporta pra um momento top além só comum

  • @סיווןדוד-ג7ו
    @סיווןדוד-ג7ו Рік тому +3

    Hearing it since 2011 till today.. reminds me beautiful and pure times 💙

  • @sousasv4432
    @sousasv4432 8 років тому +31

    serio mesmo ficou muito foda

  • @MegaNancyLover
    @MegaNancyLover 8 років тому +134

    Back when Danny's clean vocals were to die for 😭

    • @ljbunde9281
      @ljbunde9281 8 років тому +12

      rabbit uchiha Danny still fucking kills it tho I was stoked to see him reunite to the stage with the boys again. would love for them to tour back through oklahoma with him

    • @MegaNancyLover
      @MegaNancyLover 8 років тому +3

      Speaking about them playing live... Its sad that it appears they've never played A Candlelit Dinner with Inamorta from their first album live 😥

    • @jericamintzer9888
      @jericamintzer9888 5 років тому +4

      Too many drugs and alcohol ruined his beautiful voice 🤪

    • @morre6894
      @morre6894 2 роки тому +1

      @@jericamintzer9888 What? He´s getting better and better, different kind of voice by nonetheless better

  • @John-yh7mr
    @John-yh7mr 10 років тому +598

    RIP. It's a shame this style of AA left us just as fast as they came into our lives. :C

    • @RemendiumWOW
      @RemendiumWOW 10 років тому +2

      ***** Is he actually joining the band btw? I like that guy alot, he seems rlly good

    • @xjvyson5224
      @xjvyson5224 9 років тому

      Get over it an go back to quickscoping newbs kid

    • @John-yh7mr
      @John-yh7mr 9 років тому +12

      ExZoTiC sSavage What the fuck? Look at your name hahahaha

    • @robdebone
      @robdebone 9 років тому

      I agree. sad to see the end of them.

    • @OmgMetalFtw
      @OmgMetalFtw 9 років тому +1

      +John McLeod i cri everi day :(

  • @Aiden-V2.0
    @Aiden-V2.0 Рік тому +2

    this cover has been haunting me for the past couple days and at first i was like "there's no way that's an Asking song" but low and behold lol best cover ever!

  • @sethgerrin3496
    @sethgerrin3496 3 роки тому +4

    I remember when this song dropped when I was in middle school and I still love it in 2021 🤟💪

  • @datwayvlr
    @datwayvlr 8 років тому +22

    se o danny ainda tivesse essa voz

    • @tiago93sv
      @tiago93sv 8 років тому +1

      Deeh Radke Danny esta retornando ao AA

    • @fernandonogueira2394
      @fernandonogueira2394 8 років тому +1

      Deeh Radke para de inveja... ele tem uma voz fodah ❤

    • @lucyheartifilia6894
      @lucyheartifilia6894 8 років тому +3

      Deeh Radke infelizmente a voz dele não é mais a mesma :/

    • @tiago93sv
      @tiago93sv 8 років тому +1

      Mas ele evoluiu e mto

    • @datwayvlr
      @datwayvlr 8 років тому

      Lucy Heartifilia ss :/

  • @HenrikeFox
    @HenrikeFox 8 років тому +4

    Muito nostálgico, lembra meus quatorze anos...

  • @Fox_FurryYT
    @Fox_FurryYT Рік тому +1

    I normally do not like A.A but his song has always stuck with me from highschool till now i do like his one and akon does it so well

  • @sasham792
    @sasham792 9 років тому +4

    My favorite punk goes pop song 😍😍

  • @joelionatan8966
    @joelionatan8966 8 років тому +11

    amo de mas essa banda♡♡

  • @leticianery2658
    @leticianery2658 Рік тому +6

    Perfeição ❤

  • @textualmouse3033
    @textualmouse3033 2 роки тому

    Daaaaamn, this takes me back to high school when metalcore and pop were the battle of the music genre in our area. AA just getting big releasing Reckless, me having a rough ass time with the girl I was with, plus being in a couple bands at the time. What a time machine music can be sometimes.....

  • @erikalves195
    @erikalves195 2 роки тому +3

    mano, essa era uma das musicas que tinha em um álbum que fizeram com varias bandas tocando covers tipo esse, se alguém, algum dia lembra comente plz kkkk

    • @tomandoshcinlatao
      @tomandoshcinlatao 2 роки тому

      sim mano varias banda fizerem cover de musicas pops, ficou mt foda n me lembro tbm

    • @laysdanieli
      @laysdanieli 2 роки тому +1

      É o Punk goes pop. Tem vários volumes.

  • @alexandriapierson748
    @alexandriapierson748 9 років тому +435

    Their British accents are so beautiful

  • @bryn3475
    @bryn3475 10 років тому +7

    This is one of my favorite covers

  • @aleazahra1591
    @aleazahra1591 2 роки тому +1

    Nostalgia 2011. Waktu bujangan.
    Di dengerin lagi 2022.

  • @HimaMotovlog
    @HimaMotovlog 4 роки тому +5

    2020 and still loved it🤘

  • @igordm3874
    @igordm3874 2 роки тому +5

    Amo essa pqp. Época de ouro do emo 🇧🇷

  • @jaredabauman
    @jaredabauman 11 років тому +149

    i miss the old AA soo much. the old sound was so distinct, now they sound like any ol rockband to me :'(

    • @killerhitman28
      @killerhitman28 10 років тому +14

      I think they improved a lot. They learned to compose, to play with the sound. They are one of my favorite bands now

    • @natis1268
      @natis1268 10 років тому +21

      funny, cause I think it's the other way round. Now they sound mature and have their own style.

    • @benji7662
      @benji7662 10 років тому +2

      i agree my friend, i dont hear much in their sound that distinguishes them now, however danny could not sing them songs for shit, not just because he was such a fuck head but because he actually cant sing like that (to the stage, not the american average etc.)
      Thats the problem with being a studio band first, you make shit that sounds sick through composing and editing but then it turns out you cant pull it off when you decide to start touring. So you kinda have to make that radical change eventually.
      Check out a band called Adestria, they've filled the void left my AA quite well :P

    • @jaredabauman
      @jaredabauman 10 років тому

      holy crap they are amazing! thank you for telling me about them!

    • @benji7662
      @benji7662 10 років тому

      Jared Bauman
      Aren't they just ^^
      They are incredibly underrated, been throwing their name out there cus they deserve a much bigger fan base.

    @IMJUSTWANTTO 3 роки тому +1

    I start growling on 2016 and everyone use to campare my growl screaming with Danny back then honestly i never told the same but is impossible to deny that asking always been on my screaming influence :) today i made a cover of this song on my channel to my subscribers and i honestly just need to say thankyou Danny for so much inspiration

  • @Redd1fy
    @Redd1fy 9 років тому +2312

    God I miss the old Asking Alexandria.

    • @theequasian3823
      @theequasian3823 9 років тому +13

      I like that dimmu borgir profile pic

    • @ambeisaitan4503
      @ambeisaitan4503 9 років тому +11

      +TheWrongGamer Dimmuuuu!

    • @theequasian3823
      @theequasian3823 9 років тому +8

      Ambei Saitan duuuude I've been a fan of Cradle of Filth since I was five and now I'm 17 so like 12 years running

    • @NJJRS
      @NJJRS 9 років тому +1

      +TheWrongGamer How is this different from their recent style? I only discovered them within the past week, so I'm not very familiar with how their style has changed over the years other than reading that they have a new singer now.

    • @Yugen777
      @Yugen777 9 років тому +12

      +RutgersJRS u hear those deep ass mean screams? I never heat that anymore

  • @Wormuta
    @Wormuta 9 років тому +4

    miss this AA i hope when the new vocalist comes in..the band will soar to new height

  • @xxmoonkittyxx9913
    @xxmoonkittyxx9913 10 років тому +328

    I love this version way better 💙💜

  • @hellraiser6766
    @hellraiser6766 Рік тому +1

    I’ve been listening to them since 2010 and I’m just now discovering this, it really gives me vibes from that time

  • @muhammadirzangsbadaruddin6775
    @muhammadirzangsbadaruddin6775 9 років тому +4

    Sinteizer . breakdown . scream . posthardcore itu memang temponya asik dan simpel . kover yang keren \M/

  • @MariaRomero-oq7xo
    @MariaRomero-oq7xo 9 років тому +5

    Está muy buena la adaptación aunque algunas partes se oyeron algo forzosos... aunque de igual forma me gustó más está que la original... (que no está tan mal )... pero igual me gusta mas está.

  • @mariovargasvargas1211
    @mariovargasvargas1211 4 роки тому +2

    Que cancion más hermosa ☠🤘💯

  • @rabimomin109
    @rabimomin109 Рік тому +1

    Danny Worsnop beautiful voice ❤

  • @davidcoverdell4929
    @davidcoverdell4929 10 місяців тому +4

    Woke up with this stuck in my head. It’s 2024

  • @marizera
    @marizera 5 років тому +6

    ah que saudade!

  • @koopswrld315
    @koopswrld315 Рік тому +3

    Miss these days and warped tour 😢😢

  • @bibitojungler
    @bibitojungler 4 роки тому +2

    Que nostalgia.. Jonas Cardoso Winchester se tiver vendo isso, espero que esteja bem mano. Onde quer que esteja

  • @aliyahbertiz9590
    @aliyahbertiz9590 8 років тому +61

    Oh my god nostalgia

  • @MrFredfigglehornfan1
    @MrFredfigglehornfan1 10 років тому +5

    This is my favorite song and my favorite band might be messed up for this to be my favorite song because it is really depressing and but both Ben and danny sing in this song but it us my favorite. :)

  • @boonsock_4104
    @boonsock_4104 7 років тому +4

    this song makes such strong feelings come out

  • @DelaGrey
    @DelaGrey 2 роки тому

    muy buenaaaaaa

  • @recklessrelentless5071
    @recklessrelentless5071 8 років тому +131

    Miss old Danny so much

  • @littlecatlover5492
    @littlecatlover5492 3 роки тому +19

    Missing the old days 😣

  • @allissongaffney6799
    @allissongaffney6799 11 років тому +27

    Another pop goes punk cover that's a million times better then original!!!!

  • @Moniccaaaa
    @Moniccaaaa 2 роки тому +1

    it's so crazy. i came back here after 11 years this masterpiece released 😭😭😭🤘🏻

  • @Atiny.1
    @Atiny.1 4 роки тому +7

    I miss this era 🖤

  • @danilopereiramemes7092
    @danilopereiramemes7092 4 роки тому +5

    Música incrível

  • @nobodycares3953
    @nobodycares3953 4 роки тому +136

    Listening this in home quarantine.. 2020 April.. anyone 🙃

  • @amosbearshield8399
    @amosbearshield8399 3 роки тому

    I been listening to these guy for 5 years now and more to come awesome band

  • @maniaphyta
    @maniaphyta 10 років тому +12

    Love this cover :D

  • @RebeccaGhostc
    @RebeccaGhostc 9 років тому +76

    idek why but whenever i listen to this i get so emotional ;-;

  • @iamkeriaaa
    @iamkeriaaa 2 роки тому +3

    2022 and still loving this ❤

  • @KiwiKiggle1337
    @KiwiKiggle1337 10 місяців тому +1

    Fuggin AA URGH! 2024 and still it's a banger, prefer this to the original all day 🤘🤘🤘

  • @buchoujr6387
    @buchoujr6387 9 місяців тому +404

    Anyone 2024 ❤

  • @MrDorianSims
    @MrDorianSims 8 років тому +12

    Listenin' in 2016 wondering where the time went #DannysBackTho

  • @brendaoliveira7334
    @brendaoliveira7334 2 роки тому +3

    2022 e eu continuo amando muito tudo isso hahahah

  • @LukaszWalasek-wn1ny
    @LukaszWalasek-wn1ny 9 місяців тому

    ❤❤❤❤love your voice 🤩 comr up with new linee 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
    0:35 0:36

  • @dclikemtndew
    @dclikemtndew 8 років тому +22

    Not a fan of AA but this cover is lit.

  • @army_dewa
    @army_dewa 5 років тому +50

    My first i heard metal song
    2019 anyone?

  • @rosiegaskarth7602
    @rosiegaskarth7602 10 років тому +5

    this cover is amazing

  • @LilPersey
    @LilPersey 5 місяців тому +1

    I'm here coz I wanna c how others did it b4 I do my cover , this is gold 🔥🔥😭

  • @chubajr4444
    @chubajr4444 4 роки тому +4

    Gonna jump start 2021 wit ts covers. 🔥

  • @Vulpixi
    @Vulpixi 9 років тому +27

    Screamo is like dubstep
    The screams drop like the beat

    • @DukeNukenum
      @DukeNukenum 9 років тому +22

      Metalcore, screamo is an incorrect term

    • @Master0fGiggity
      @Master0fGiggity 9 років тому +4

      Law Dawg That's a negatory captain. Asking Alexandria is post hardcore if I'm not mistaken. I know it's not metalcore though, way too many emphasis on chugs and breakdowns. Metalcore usually has a thrashy feel to it with a mix of screams/cleans. Idk I could be wrong ahahaa

    • @tonyadamski6042
      @tonyadamski6042 9 років тому

      +Law Dawg actually screamo is a genre look up what is screamo and you'll see

  • @stephaniegouveia1391
    @stephaniegouveia1391 10 років тому +57

    There awesome

    • @FuzzyCactusYT
      @FuzzyCactusYT 10 років тому +8

      *their. dumb shit

    • @stephaniegouveia1391
      @stephaniegouveia1391 10 років тому

      Really wow

    • @MrRobDobalina
      @MrRobDobalina 10 років тому +30

      ***** Dear god I hope you're joking

    • @louisomg8683
      @louisomg8683 10 років тому +13

      ***** Fuzzy if you're gonna get it right, say They're Because "Their" is Used for an object. They're not an object they're a band

    • @FuzzyCactusYT
      @FuzzyCactusYT 10 років тому +4

      i'm trolling. you dumb shits really thought I was serious?

  • @UrMom-xd1hf
    @UrMom-xd1hf 4 роки тому +1

    It's been so long
    That I haven't seen your face
    I'm tryna be strong
    But the strength I have is washing away
    It wont be long
    Before I get you by my side
    And just hold you, tease you, squeeze you
    Tell you what's been on my mind
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na
    Girl I know mistakes were made between us two
    And we show our eyes that night
    Even said somethings weren't true
    Why'd you go and haven't seen my girl since then
    Why can't it be the way it was?
    Cos you were my homie, lover and friend
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na
    I can't lie
    I miss you much
    Watching everyday that goes by
    I miss you much
    Until I get you back I'm gonna try
    Yes I miss you much
    You are the apple of my eye
    Girl I miss you much
    I miss you much
    I can't lie
    I miss you much
    Watching everyday that goes by
    I miss you much
    Until I get you back I'm gonna try
    Yes I miss you much
    You are the apple of my eye
    Girl I miss you much
    I miss you much
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na
    I want you to fly with me
    Want you to fly
    I miss how you lie with me
    Miss how you lie
    Just wish you could dine with me
    Wish you could dine
    One that would grind with me
    One that would grind with me
    I want you to fly with me
    Want you to fly
    I miss how you lie with me
    Miss how you lie
    Just wish you could dine with me
    Wish you could dine
    One that would grind with me
    One that would grind
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    I wanna make up right now, na na
    Wish we never broke up right now, na na
    We need to link up right now, na na