I come from A FAMILY OF MASONS.. actually my REAL NAME is MASON.. and my BROTHER was an architect.. we, and many in the world, appreciate FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT…for a good reason.. THANX
I was lucky to help build a Frank Loyd Wright house when I was a young person and his design influence is still alive with me forever. Your work is wonderful ❤
Awww cheers buddy, tbh it blow me away when I get crazy numbers like that just viewing so I don't mind! Although I'm sure the 'likes' would help the UA-cam algorithm 😂😂😂 cheers for watching 🍺
Would be incredibly curious to see if could make a “scrap window” similar to how quilters use the random leftover pieces of fabric to make a scrap quilt. Could be really cool.
I appreciate that you let your captions stay up long enough to properly read whilst watching. I already thought a lot of intense, hard work went into making stained glass windows, but I had no idea how much EXTRA there was what with cleaning and polishing and the cementing…! That’s so cool!! Absolutely amazing job, they are just stunning. 🎉💖👻🖤
I'm always fascinated by your work, you make it look so easy and I know better than that. Would love to see it in person. Those panels came out just great. You are a true artist and inspiration to us!! Keep sharing.
Ever since you told me you modified some small screwdrivers for the cement & me having gone & dulled a couple scratch awls, I use them all the time in glazing wood sash windows. Thanks for the tip bud!
Absolutely beautiful! I love your color choices :) I can appreciate how much time this took you, while also appreciating your fantastic editing to give us a MUCH condensed look at your process ;)
I started doing stained glass recently because of your videos. I’m currently using the copper foil method. One day I will make the leap to the lead came. For now I need to practice my glass cutting and soldering techniques. 😅
How much active time did it take you to do this whole set? It looks like an incredible amount of work, and SO gorgeous in the end. Your clients must be so pleased with how they turned out.
Aww cheers buddy, these came out so flipping smart looking. Time wise I don't keep track as I'm always working on several projects at once. It would of been a couple of weeks in total start to finish 🫶🫶
Cheers for posting! I’ve watch a few stain glass making vids, but i don’t think anyone has explained about the lack of rigidity or how cement is used to correct it. Also, as an aside. I love art deco. It needs to make a HARD comeback in architecture!
Crikey I've never really thought about the miles of glass I've cut but a few years back me and my pops use to get through around a mile of lead came a month 😂💜🧡💛 fun times 🥵
@@JanLightLeadedDesigns yes sir! Miles of that too, much of it with brass reinforcement. The shop I worked in did a lot large leaded glass windows. And don't forget those hours spent soldering!
My dad taught me how to do it and he learn't from 'how to stained glass book'. If you found something like that and added all my UA-cam videos I'm sure you can pick it up 🩷💛🤍
You are an incredible craftsman. I would buy any of your glass panels. The Art Deco work in amazing in the angularity repeat designs numerous tapered lead seams jointed. Absolutely your art redefines light ,space ,air, density & time. I will contact your website. You get the sub also. RS from CT
Love your videos please make more! Your an amazing artist 😊 im newish to stained glass but your work definitely has made me expand to working with lead came and i thank you because im really enjoying it. I love the look it adds to my pieces...nothing like yours though.😅
I salute your workmanship! Art Deco is always my fav. Why the black grate polish? what does it do? hwo on earth did someone find that scrubbing cement and black grate made a better product????
Back hundreds of years ago when these windows were made they wouldn't of have the same black grate polish that we have now but it works and absolute treat to darken that lead work 🖤🖤
Another lovely piece Jan. A question about the Csme though. How do you adjust for the thickness of it when you plan your cuts? Is the lines on your pattern the width of the came per sey?
When you first apply the black stove polish the lead appears gray but when you show the final product it’s now black. Does it get darker over time or do you apply more than what you initially show? Its beautiful
Have these windows always used that cement step? I had an original glazed front door in my last house that needed serious attention and thought the glass was only held in place by the lead cane. And what is the cement made of?
Beautiful. This talented man is keeping this tradition of making these beautiful windows going. Well done, that window is gorgeous.
Aww thanks buddy 🩷
I've made a few pieces in my life, but never handled the glass as fearless as you. Amazing!
I've had a few thousand windows practice but it's quite safe as long as you hold it the right way 🩵
Frank Lloyd Wright was my favorite architect, and I treasure his legacy. Very beautiful, indeed.
He's a proper legend 🍻🍻🍻
How original. He is everyone's favorite
I come from A FAMILY OF MASONS.. actually my REAL NAME is MASON.. and my BROTHER was an architect.. we, and many in the world, appreciate FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT…for a good reason.. THANX
Even his WIFE..
I was lucky to help build a Frank Loyd Wright house when I was a young person and his design influence is still alive with me forever.
Your work is wonderful ❤
Ohh Im super jealous FLW 💜🧡💛
Very beautiful job, done with loads of loving care.
Full marks and my deepest respect.
Greetings from France.
Love the blues and the art deco design. Can definitely see the Frank Lloyd Wright inspiration here. Thanks for sharing!
Came out lovely this one, I love the blacken lead work with the super poppy blue 🖤🩵🖤💙🖤🩵
Stunning. Always fun to watch a true artist/craftsman. Great job!
Cheers Michael 🍻
Incredible craftsmanship.
Quite fiddly these, I do love the fiddly stuff 🫶🫶
Jan, congratulations on your work and dedication. I just don't understand how it can have 23 thousand views and less than 500 likes.
Awww cheers buddy, tbh it blow me away when I get crazy numbers like that just viewing so I don't mind! Although I'm sure the 'likes' would help the UA-cam algorithm 😂😂😂 cheers for watching 🍺
Easy, it is so mesmerizing people forget to hit the like button. I almost did.
Would be incredibly curious to see if could make a “scrap window” similar to how quilters use the random leftover pieces of fabric to make a scrap quilt. Could be really cool.
I'd love to do something like that. I reality I'm always going none stop from one project to the next! Bloody customers 😂😂😂
I appreciate that you let your captions stay up long enough to properly read whilst watching. I already thought a lot of intense, hard work went into making stained glass windows, but I had no idea how much EXTRA there was what with cleaning and polishing and the cementing…! That’s so cool!! Absolutely amazing job, they are just stunning. 🎉💖👻🖤
It's the challenge always showing the cementing without the videos being boring 🤣🤣🤣 cheers for watching buddy ❤️💛🩷
Your glass work is poetry.
Your movements are ballet.
Absolutely magnificent!! 👏
Aaw too kind buddy 🤜💥🤛
Gorgeous. Beautiful work.
Thank you 🩵💚💛🧡❤️
The colour combo and glass is stunning! And I’m in love with the purely straight lined came
For me intrcate windows made of purely straight lines just hit different 💙🩵💙🩵💙
@@JanLightLeadedDesigns they do! First time I seen it and I’m in love.
I have always been interested in stained glass making. ASMR for the eyes, to me.
Cheers buddy, I do try to show thd interesting parts 🫶🫶
Trust the process, turns out gorgeous
That's what I always say to my clients too 😂🫶
I'm always fascinated by your work, you make it look so easy and I know better than that. Would love to see it in person. Those panels came out just great. You are a true artist and inspiration to us!! Keep sharing.
Cheers Herb, the vids take ages to but together so it's nice to hear you like watching 🍻🍻
That’s one of my favorite glasses!
A super striking design this one 🔥🔥🔥 🍻
Beautiful. I also love how the door color adds another level.
I'd like to make this set in all the colours ❤️🧡💛💚🩵
Very poirot! I love art deco. Would love to see more. So clean and crisp. Beautiful. Well done🙂
Me too! Art Deco is one of my faves 🦾
I have always wanted to do stained glass! I'm going to darn it!! I'm retired now, so why not??? ❤❤❤❤
It's a great craft for creative people 💙❤️💛💜
The right tools make a great improvement on quality. Skills go better with quality tools. Your work is great.
Thank you Sandra
Absolutely stunning.
Thank you 💛
Love the blue glass.
Great choice on this one 🩵💙💙
Ever since you told me you modified some small screwdrivers for the cement & me having gone & dulled a couple scratch awls, I use them all the time in glazing wood sash windows. Thanks for the tip bud!
Whoop whoop 🍻 glad to be of service 🧡💚💛❤️
Absolutely beautiful, and a great design, love watching you put these together, ❤️ great skill indeed.
Cheers Kevin these were good fun 🤍🩵💙
Отличная работа,браво мастер!!!
Cheers for watching buddy 🍻🍻
This lovely design to me, also has a little ‘Charles Rennie Mackintosh’ influence
I should of really mentioned Frank Lloyd Wright. it's a super FLW style!
I watched a few of your videos now. You have made some beautyful masterpieces.
Cheers for the appreciation buddy 🍻🍻
@@JanLightLeadedDesigns Thank you.
What artistic craftsmanship.
Those came out looking beautiful!👍
My compliments to that individuals talents and perfection and quality.
Thank you buddy 🍻🍻🍻
Man if you taught a class I would easily pay to take it!
I'm more of a working craftsman rather than a teacher but my videos are a great way to pickup tips nifty techniques 🧡❤️🩵
Absolutely beautiful! I love your color choices :) I can appreciate how much time this took you, while also appreciating your fantastic editing to give us a MUCH condensed look at your process ;)
Awww cheers Lauren, these videos do take bloody ages to edit together but I'm determined to grow this channel 😂💛🩶🧡💙
I never knew about the cementing process. Also, never realized you could double pane mount the glass.
Cheers for watching buddy 💜🩷🧡
Love Frank Lloyd Wright! This is stunning! Well done! Hugz, Tree
Frank the legend 😂🍻🍻🍻🍻
It put me more in mind of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
I started doing stained glass recently because of your videos. I’m currently using the copper foil method. One day I will make the leap to the lead came. For now I need to practice my glass cutting and soldering techniques. 😅
This is so flipping cool to hear buddy 🍻 keeps me motivated to keep putting these videos together 🩵💙🤍💙🩵
No idea why this appeared in my feed but so glad it did! Absolutely incredible !! Subscribed
Cheers for coming along 🤣🤣
Very nice,I Love Mr Wright's art.
Cheers big love here for FLW 🍻
I would LOVE to learn how to make stained glass windows..
#lovefromireland ❤
Cheers Andi 🧡💚🤍
Stellar video, Jan!!! Thank you for always sharing your knowledge, it’s priceless. Have a beautiful weekend❤
Cheers Roger, you too 🍻
Fabulous Jan! Your work is just superlative!
Cheers buddy 🍻🍻
This is awesome! I’d love to learn this craft
Thank you! Cheers!
Nice work mate, very clean work.
Cheers buddy 💛🍻❤️
Love your work!
Aww cheers buddy, it's alot of effort 🍻
Beautiful. That is a labor of love.
It is very much so! 🫶
Absolutely stunning!
Thank you! Cheers! 💜🩷💙
Absolutely beautiful! I would LOVE to be able to do this!! 💜💚💙
Thank you 💙
Very nice. I love your precision.
Thank you 💙
You must have calculus's like steel. Looks amazing, great work brother
Haha cheers 🍻🍻🍻
Marvellous work. Congratulations🥰
Thank you Anna 🩷💜💙
Absolutely gorgeous! I'm glad I stumbled across your video 💖
Thanks for watching Kathy 💙🤍💙
Oh man! Those are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Cheers 🍻
Amazing, i regret not takung up stained glass when I was young.
Cheers buddy it's a great craft 🍻
How much active time did it take you to do this whole set? It looks like an incredible amount of work, and SO gorgeous in the end. Your clients must be so pleased with how they turned out.
Aww cheers buddy, these came out so flipping smart looking. Time wise I don't keep track as I'm always working on several projects at once. It would of been a couple of weeks in total start to finish 🫶🫶
Such beautiful work! ❤
Thank you buddy 💜💛❤️
Gorgeous work
Thank you 🤎
Great work very inspiring
Awww thanks buddy 🍻
Incredible! I love it!
Thank you 🍻
Really beautiful craftspersonship.
A pleasure to watch it come to fruition.
Will be subscribing.
Welcome aboard! 🍻
Beautiful…I love FLW designs.
Me too!! More please like this 🍻
Excellent work 😊
Cheers for posting! I’ve watch a few stain glass making vids, but i don’t think anyone has explained about the lack of rigidity or how cement is used to correct it.
Also, as an aside. I love art deco. It needs to make a HARD comeback in architecture!
Agreed buddy, cheers for the appreciation 🧡💛💜
videos like this always make me want to learn the trade :) so inspirational
Aww cheers for the comment, love to hear these inspire in any way 💜
Not bad for a first attempt, imagine what he might produce in 50 years time !
Crikey I'm not sure I'll make it another 50year! I've already done nearly 30 😂
wow what rudeness. i’d like to see you do better andrew. how sad.
Cool design, cool blue!
Cheers me dears 💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵
Beautiful work! ❤️
Thank you 🫶
красота неописуемая, ео для каждого дела важны руки умельца , респект.👍💪💯
Thank you buddy, it's a labour of love ❤️🤍🧡
I used to make some stained glass, the same exact way. I even mixed my own glazing compound. But damn thats good work.
Cheers Scott 💚
🤓🍻 Cheers
Very nice work
Thank you 🍻🍻🍻
Beautiful work.
Thank you Bobby 🍻
Did stained glass professionally for 11 years. Oh my, the miles of glass I cut in that time.
Crikey I've never really thought about the miles of glass I've cut but a few years back me and my pops use to get through around a mile of lead came a month 😂💜🧡💛 fun times 🥵
@@JanLightLeadedDesigns yes sir! Miles of that too, much of it with brass reinforcement. The shop I worked in did a lot large leaded glass windows. And don't forget those hours spent soldering!
Same here. Did it for several years. This was a cool flashback to watch.
Thank you 🍻🫶
@LightLeadedDesigns beautiful
Thank you 🩷
Stunning ❤❤
Cheers Laurie ❤️💙🧡
❤Beautiful talented creative blessed 😊
Too kind cheers buddy 🫶
Very beautiful job❤😂😊😮
Thank you 🩵🩵🩵🩵
Very cool. Where can one learn to do stained glass? It's such an incredible craft. I'd love to learn to do it myself.
My dad taught me how to do it and he learn't from 'how to stained glass book'. If you found something like that and added all my UA-cam videos I'm sure you can pick it up 🩷💛🤍
Beautiful... 😊you have great talent for your art..!!!🥰
Aww thank you 💙🩵💙
@@JanLightLeadedDesigns 🥰🥰
You are an incredible craftsman.
I would buy any of your glass panels.
The Art Deco work in amazing in the angularity repeat designs numerous tapered lead seams jointed.
Absolutely your art redefines light ,space ,air, density & time.
I will contact your website.
You get the sub also. RS from CT
Cheers Richard 🍻🍻
I wouldn't of minded taking these home with me 🤗
Thank you 🍻
Love your videos please make more!
Your an amazing artist 😊 im newish to stained glass but your work definitely has made me expand to working with lead came and i thank you because im really enjoying it. I love the look it adds to my pieces...nothing like yours though.😅
New video posted this morning 😂🦾🫶
Beautiful ❤️
Cheers 🍻
I salute your workmanship! Art Deco is always my fav. Why the black grate polish? what does it do? hwo on earth did someone find that scrubbing cement and black grate made a better product????
Back hundreds of years ago when these windows were made they wouldn't of have the same black grate polish that we have now but it works and absolute treat to darken that lead work 🖤🖤
Thank you Kelley 🍻
Какие красивые витражи!
Thank you buddy 🫶🫶
Thank you ❤️🤍🩵
Wow that’s so awesome! I wish I could send you a pic of my church window.
I use to do alot of church work but I'll be honest I prefer the projects I do now as it's much more varied 🍻💛
Good work. Keep up the effort 💪
🤜💥🤛 cheers
Very beautiful. Question: When you are cementing, how do you fix the workpiece to the bench? Is it a big magnet or a weight?
It's a heavy weight I use to stop it sliding around 🤓🫶
Loved the video.
Just curious, do you do lead free work? If not, is there a reason?
I make leaded light windows 💜🤍🩷
Looks great Jan, can I ask what thickness of marker do you use on your plan? Thank you
It's around 1.5mm thick 🩵💚🧡❤️💛🫶
Another lovely piece Jan. A question about the Csme though. How do you adjust for the thickness of it when you plan your cuts? Is the lines on your pattern the width of the came per sey?
Exactly 🖤🖤🖤 I cut to the inside of the black line 🫶
Cheers Beverly 🥂🥂
Very interesting
Cheers 🍻
When you first apply the black stove polish the lead appears gray but when you show the final product it’s now black. Does it get darker over time or do you apply more than what you initially show? Its beautiful
Less is more with the black grate polish, it requires a fair amount of polishing but it does blacken nicely 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Thanks. Guess I have much brushing ahead
I like your knife. What is it and where did you get it?
Google search Don Carlos lead knife
Reminds me of Bioshock
The video game? I kinda see that, there are some art Deco vibes in that game 💙
Have these windows always used that cement step? I had an original glazed front door in my last house that needed serious attention and thought the glass was only held in place by the lead cane. And what is the cement made of?
Yeah you really do need to cement them if you want them to last 💚🍻
Fantastic! 👍
What kind of cement is used ?
Cheers buddy, it's a very similar similar recipe to the ones you can find with a Google search for leaded light window cement recipe 💛❤️🧡💚🩵
@@JanLightLeadedDesigns many thanks 🤝