Hi Tom. As has been mentioned many times, I as well wished to thank you for all you are doing. Your videos are a master class in ship modeling, and as long as you produce them I will watch. One of the best on the tube.
When I was a kid, my mother signed me up for a summer course that taught me how to build model airplanes that would fly. The teachers were a husband and wife team, and I still think of them when I am building in my shop. Your videos Tom have given me the same joy and sense of youth that I get when I think of those days in that model class. Watching them have already become another future fond memory for me. Keep it up, keep going. Change nothing. I’m sure I’m not alone in my opinion. Thanks again!
Gary, Thanks so much for your kind note. Making these videos has become so much more than I ever thought it would, bringing me in contact with people, literally, from all over the world. Knowing there are plenty of other people out there that share the same experiences is reassuring, to say the least. Tom
Hello, Tom, from Ariel in Nahariya, Israel -- your videos continue to be informative and great fun. Thanks for answering the purpose of the Lion's Tongue. This basically the same answer I received from a docent at a museum there in New England. I'm still curious regarding the intricate shape of the Lion's Tongue -- New England craftsmen did nothing without a specific objective. Anyway, thanks -- be well -- stay safe.
Hi Ariel, Glad you're still enjoying the series. As far as the shape of the lion's tongue, I do think it might be a case of individual boat shop vanity. If you look at and example of say, a Leonard or a Delano whaleboat, they are much more "matter-of-fact" looking. They don't have the graceful lines and sweeping sheer of a Beetle built boat. The bow chocks, the cleat to control the whaleline and yes, the lion's tongue are all very plain looking when compared to the Beetle boats. So this is strictly a supposition on my part, but I do think it had to do more with individual style than anything else. If I find out anything further on the subject, I'll let you know. Take care, Tom
I just recently found your channel and subscribed. I enjoy your videos. I have a question about trying to source decently priced strip stock for building POB and POF ship models. Where in the US can I find some? I used to buy a bit from Crown Timberyard which has closed up shop. I would be willing to buy outside of the US if shipping was reasonable. Thanks.
Hi Jeff, I actually don't use that much in the way of strip stock, but what I use I usually get from my local hobby shop (I'm lucky enough to have a real one close by). Their stuff comes from Midwestern Wood Products. I googled them and here is the link to the search result I got. Good hunting and glad you're enjoying the videos. There's more on the way. Tom
I guess it would help if I actually GAVE you the link. Here it is: www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS881US881&ei=RpCQX_LuE8-3ggeH84PQAg&q=midwest+wood+prodruct&oq=midwest+wood+prodruct&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIHCAAQyQMQDTIKCC4QxwEQrwEQDTIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIICAAQCBANEB4yCAgAEAgQDRAeMgoIABAIEA0QChAeOgQIABBHOgoIABCxAxDJAxBDOgIIADoFCAAQsQM6BAgAEEM6CwguELEDEMcBEK8BOggIABCxAxCDAToICAAQyQMQkQI6CAguELEDEIMBOggILhDHARCvAToCCC46BQgAEMkDOggILhDHARCjAjoECAAQCjoKCC4QxwEQrwEQCjoICAAQFhAKEB46BwghEAoQoAE6BQghEKABUOluWJe2AWDQtwFoAXACeACAAXOIAYARkgEEMTcuN5gBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjyqdTrucbsAhXPm-AKHYf5ACoQ4dUDCA0&uact=5
Hi Dave. This is BettyAnn getting back to you. Thanks for asking about the song. It's called "The Ballad of John Tabor" and is based on a Nantucket Legend by Blair Lent. Tom and I wrote it several years ago while working with a band called Cranberry Jam. We performed for kids and their parents visiting Nantucket in the summers. Hope you like it.
@@easpin We are doing well, thanks for asking. Agreed, Tom has mentioned just that. Hopefully this Corona thing will be over soon, but until then we are "hiding out!"
Hi Bob, No, I don't think I did. The ceilings and warpbox floor are swiss pear. After I made this video, I sealed them with 50/50 shellac and alcohol. It looks so nice, it's going to be a shame to cover it with paint. Oh well....
The Seaport was having a series of themed weekends with folks like us demonstrating their craft. It's not something they have us back for every year. The themes while related to each other for a specific weekend, were pretty wide-ranging for the series. A very nicely done event. If you're in the Northeast for spring of 2023, come to the Woods Hole Model Boat Show held on Patriots weekend in April (usually close to April 19). There are usually a few of us demonstrating the craft. It's a two day show and it takes over the entire little village of Woods Hole, MA. This show runs every other year on the odd numbers.
Hi Tom. As has been mentioned many times, I as well wished to thank you for all you are doing. Your videos are a master class in ship modeling, and as long as you produce them I will watch. One of the best on the tube.
Glad you like them!
When I was a kid, my mother signed me up for a summer course that taught me how to build model airplanes that would fly. The teachers were a husband and wife team, and I still think of them when I am building in my shop. Your videos Tom have given me the same joy and sense of youth that I get when I think of those days in that model class. Watching them have already become another future fond memory for me.
Keep it up, keep going. Change nothing. I’m sure I’m not alone in my opinion. Thanks again!
Thanks so much for your kind note. Making these videos has become so much more than I ever thought it would, bringing me in contact with people, literally, from all over the world. Knowing there are plenty of other people out there that share the same experiences is reassuring, to say the least. Tom
Waiting patiently Tom for the next one !
Finally, I will have a new episode-about a week. Hope you stick with it.
Great stuff. Thanks!
Glad you liked it.
Another great video Tom, thanks for sharing your work and experience with us.
Thanks. You keep liking them-I'll keep making them.
Brilliant as ever Tom !
Thanks, Ray.
Excellent video Tom! Thank you!
Glad you liked it.
Hello, shipbuilders! Nice to see good work ! Good luck and greetings from Belarus !
And greetings to you from Autumnal Cape Cod. Thanks for writing.
Hello, Tom, from Ariel in Nahariya, Israel -- your videos continue to be informative and great fun. Thanks for answering the purpose of the Lion's Tongue. This basically the same answer I received from a docent at a museum there in New England. I'm still curious regarding the intricate shape of the Lion's Tongue -- New England craftsmen did nothing without a specific objective. Anyway, thanks -- be well -- stay safe.
Hi Ariel,
Glad you're still enjoying the series. As far as the shape of the lion's tongue, I do think it might be a case of individual boat shop vanity. If you look at and example of say, a Leonard or a Delano whaleboat, they are much more "matter-of-fact" looking. They don't have the graceful lines and sweeping sheer of a Beetle built boat. The bow chocks, the cleat to control the whaleline and yes, the lion's tongue are all very plain looking when compared to the Beetle boats. So this is strictly a supposition on my part, but I do think it had to do more with individual style than anything else. If I find out anything further on the subject, I'll let you know.
Take care,
I just recently found your channel and subscribed. I enjoy your videos. I have a question about trying to source decently priced strip stock for building POB and POF ship models. Where in the US can I find some? I used to buy a bit from Crown Timberyard which has closed up shop. I would be willing to buy outside of the US if shipping was reasonable. Thanks.
Hi Jeff,
I actually don't use that much in the way of strip stock, but what I use I usually get from my local hobby shop (I'm lucky enough to have a real one close by). Their stuff comes from Midwestern Wood Products. I googled them and here is the link to the search result I got. Good hunting and glad you're enjoying the videos. There's more on the way. Tom
I guess it would help if I actually GAVE you the link. Here it is: www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS881US881&ei=RpCQX_LuE8-3ggeH84PQAg&q=midwest+wood+prodruct&oq=midwest+wood+prodruct&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIHCAAQyQMQDTIKCC4QxwEQrwEQDTIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIICAAQCBANEB4yCAgAEAgQDRAeMgoIABAIEA0QChAeOgQIABBHOgoIABCxAxDJAxBDOgIIADoFCAAQsQM6BAgAEEM6CwguELEDEMcBEK8BOggIABCxAxCDAToICAAQyQMQkQI6CAguELEDEIMBOggILhDHARCvAToCCC46BQgAEMkDOggILhDHARCjAjoECAAQCjoKCC4QxwEQrwEQCjoICAAQFhAKEB46BwghEAoQoAE6BQghEKABUOluWJe2AWDQtwFoAXACeACAAXOIAYARkgEEMTcuN5gBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjyqdTrucbsAhXPm-AKHYf5ACoQ4dUDCA0&uact=5
Love your videos, what's the song please?
Hi Dave. This is BettyAnn getting back to you. Thanks for asking about the song. It's called "The Ballad of John Tabor" and is based on a Nantucket Legend by Blair Lent. Tom and I wrote it several years ago while working with a band called Cranberry Jam. We performed for kids and their parents visiting Nantucket in the summers. Hope you like it.
@@easpin Hi BettyAnn, long time no see.
@@robertcraig5741 Hi Bob, nice to hear from you. Hope all is well. It would be nice to get together when we can.
@@easpin We are doing well, thanks for asking. Agreed, Tom has mentioned just that. Hopefully this Corona thing will be over soon, but until then we are "hiding out!"
Yet another informative video. Not sure if you entioned it of not, but what did you use for the ceiling material?
Hi Bob,
No, I don't think I did. The ceilings and warpbox floor are swiss pear. After I made this video, I sealed them with 50/50 shellac and alcohol. It looks so nice, it's going to be a shame to cover it with paint. Oh well....
@@shipmodelguy Thought so: my favorite modeling wood for everything but carving basswood hulls or making oars, etc., when I use boxwood.
What event is this? Is it a yearly occurrence?
The Seaport was having a series of themed weekends with folks like us demonstrating their craft. It's not something they have us back for every year. The themes while related to each other for a specific weekend, were pretty wide-ranging for the series. A very nicely done event. If you're in the Northeast for spring of 2023, come to the Woods Hole Model Boat Show held on Patriots weekend in April (usually close to April 19). There are usually a few of us demonstrating the craft. It's a two day show and it takes over the entire little village of Woods Hole, MA. This show runs every other year on the odd numbers.
@@shipmodelguy Thanks for the info on the boat show. We will look into it and hope to attend!