Keep in mind how many taunt minions are getting printed, with the tar cards and Warriors new taunt theme. It isn't Aviana Kun Malygos where you die instantly unless you're a warrior, you can actually hold off most of these combo turns.
How the fuck does toast have an entire 8-minute video about the un'goro cards ready, 5 minutes after the stream in which they were revealed in ended?! Seems like they have a spy in Blizzard jail
7Stanimir7 i think its funny the zerg pirate deck is gonna end up with the class that never really wanted them. rogues players just want a fucking board clear for fucks sake(healing would help too but im trying to be realistic). the rogue class is neglected enough, if this stupid combo makes rogue the new cancer deck im gonna be pissed
The Time Warp Giants combo does bring up an extra little tidbit though. If you Time Warp and then combo kill someone, is it still a One Turn Kill? These are the important questions.
I'n thinking of 1 good combo. If you have played 6 deathrattle (?) minions and you only need 1 more to complote the quest, play majordommo. Quest complete, get amara (?) and let majordommo die. When yoy are ragnaros play amara and you will be a 40 health ragnaros
Tortillian I'm thankful that it isn't, Charge is already frustrating. Haste works in Magic because of the ability to interact with enemy turns, Charge doesn't because it's just a face smash. Charge would have ruined Adapt as a keyword.
They probably thought of it, then saw how broken Galvadon was with charge and windfury. They originally had more ideas and options. Only 10 made the cut.
This is the problem when people are too dense to read. THE FINAL PRIEST COMBO, WHICH PEOPLE IN TWITCH WERE MOCKING AS WILD, DOES NOT INVOLVE BRANN, or any Wild cards. Shadowform is Classic, Raza and Beardo are MSG, new Elemental is UnGoro.
Seeing this know, i mean im feeling pretty old but really these memories are some that i will never forget Thanks toast i loved this game because of you ❤
don't forget taunt warrior is freaking RAGNAROS now, Taunt Warrior Quest gives a Weapon "Sulfuras" Sulfuras has a "Battlecry" change ur hero power into "Deal 8 dmg to a random enemy"
well it "only" changes the costs of minions in your deck, not your hand, which can be a problem for combo druids - not to mention all the pieces you would have to put in the deck to fulfill the druid quest. Combo druid is banished to wild
Shows 6 combos - 3 of which are wild only combos due to them involving cards rotating out of standard when Un'Goro is released (Brann Bronzebeard, Gang Up, and Djinni of Zephyrs)
Blizzard listed this as a reaction to un'goro.... kripp is streaming and cause blizzard fucked up and everyone is waiting to get in.. 71k people are watching him play minesweeper. Blizzard fucking up like usual.
This just makes me feel bad for my hopes for a Priest deck. Having 40hp won't do much good when the other classes get crazy burst or value from their quests. The Priest combo doesn't even make sense because Raza wouldn't allow you to have two of the same minion in your deck.
Combo decks usually have all the cards they need for the combo in their deck already, but that wouldn't work here. Having Raza means you could only have one Radiant Elemental and one Shadow Visions. That means the only way the combo could work is if you're facing another Priest who also one of each of those cards which you need to gain copies of. Also, for the Shadow Visions chain to continue, Shadow Visions would have to be the only spell left in your deck. Yes, it possible for all that to happen, but it's so unlikely that it doesn't make sense. You could play thousands of games and never get more than 4-6 damage out of the combo.
Dustin McNab okay here's how Raza goes right as long as you draw one copy of Radiant elemental and Shadow Visions, you WILL be able to proc Raza given there arent any other duplicates in your deck. and for shadow visions it is a discover mechanic so technically you can have up to 3 spells (or even more spells since you draw them out of the deck anyway) however, there might be the problem that you draw into both shadow visions into your hand before you play out your combo, which then ultimately causes the combo to well....not work HAHA. Trust me I'm an engineer 😏
Yes, I've seen all the cards. There are some nice deathrattle combos, but those would only do stuff like give a minion an extra 1/1 buff, an extra copy of an opponent's card or a few extra 1/1 murlocs. Now that I look at it again, Warrior, Hunter, Warlock, Rogue and Paladin are all getting deathrattles that might be better than the Priest's.
I knew that Blizzard would make a take extra turn card, but only in the form of a condition that's hard to achieve, like summoning Voltron. Taking an extra turn is pretty broken which is why I'm glad they made it a quest instead of a collectible.
It's going to be broken with iceblock. You could even use it with doomsayer as a board clear into a big minion summon 10 mana kazakus potion with inkmaster Solia which hopefully doesn't bring back the doomsayer :D That's a huge reversal potentially clearing a board of Jades/Elementals and developing a board that can finish the game next turn.
I wanna say no... cause the spell is doing the damage. With Wild Pyro, the damage comes from him, so it works. Shadowflame shouldn't work for the same reason.
I guess not since "Blade Flurry" DESTROYS ur weapon and the "SPELL" deals the dmg based on the weapon dmg So unless u can "apply poisonous" to "Blade Flurry" spell itself I think it wont work PS: cant be sure need to be tested
one way to test if "Blade Flurry" deals SPELL DMG is having a +1 spell dmg minion, another way is with a freind that has both "Hallazeal the Ascended" & "Lorewalker Cho" use "Blade Flurry" ur friend gets a copy then, he uses it and if he gets healed then "Blade Flurry" is spell dmg not weapon dmg
there were 2 Djinnis at the board A) B) The "guy" targets B) for the "Molten Reflection" Creates a C) Djinni A) B) C) AFTER THE SPELL RESOLVES A) and C) Djinni effect triggers A) and C) cast "Molten Reflection" on themselves Creating D) and E) Djinni A) B) C) D) E) I hope u could understand it
You probably won't read this but I have to say it: This video made me laugh so hard...thanks for your efforts in making these videos and putting such humour to it!
Galvadon is worth 5 mana so in the case they manage to play it on turn 5 or 6 you won't be able to cast Twisting Neather or Doom and Kazakus/Deadly Shot are not guaranteed to do the job only Devolve is the other card that just says "fuck you" to Galvadon. Even if a few classes have a way to deal with such a card it doesn't excuse poor game design.
You can totally do it, paladin has a lot of cheap spells to cast like Blessing of Might/Wisdom, Divine Strength, Hand of Protection and Humility for a total of 10 1 cost spells that can target firendly minions. If there is such a thing as OTK Galvadon then I'm sure that deck won't mind running those cards just to get Galvadon on 5.
Can't wait for the mage quest, I made a deck I call "Discovering Madness" back when Yogg was added to the game, and ever since I've been adding more and more discover mechanics and free spell cards to the deck. Cannot wait to add this one to my mad little deck
A possibly insane combo would be red mana wyrm or mana addict on the board then next turn play 2 radiant elemental(sorcerer's apprentice) and shadow visions until the timer runs out, SMOrc.
I think that the way in which Shadow Vision works is;discover a spell from your deck but you can't discover the same spell more than once,so you could still include cards like Entomb,Shadow Word Pain/Death,Excavated Evil etc and still get the combo working.
A couple more non-OTK interactions c: Shadowcaster Factory + Rogue Quest. Infinite 1 mana 5/5's. Granted the full combo can only be done in Wild with Brann, but it's still fun c: Arcane Giant + Whirlwind + Summon Genesis + Blood Warriors. Either two 8/7's and two 8/8's for 8 mana with one giant required to play, or four 8/7's, three 8/8's, and a free 8/8 in hand if you opt for the double giant combo. I remember a Dane video a while back which "abused" Arcane Giant + Blood Warriors... I feel greedy ;) Exodia Mages can pull off the infinite fireball combo relatively easier with the quest, even with Emperor rotating out. Double Sorceror's Apprentice + Echo of Med-Oh wait... Echo's rotating out? Dang, I loved that card ;-; Well Exodia will still be alive in wild then, with a more flexible combo if they opt for the quest ;) Hunter you can have basically an infinite hand with the Quest + Stampede lol Paladins get Primal Champion + Dinosize, giving you a 10/10, and if they deal with it you can Dinosize a silver hand recruit or something lol. Or Dinosize a second Primal Champion for maximum value :O Everything else is pretty self-explanatory lol
I'm reading the new cards revealed and ... well .. aparantly Druid will stick to Jade, so: A- Druid is the new Hunter B- All those control and combo decks will never exist. Great job guys
These cards have bamboozled me
It's kiandy oh my god! Please sir mister kiandy sir sign my foot.
please subscribe me the comment
Druid walks in. Laughs out loud, then walks out followed by his army of jades
Army of 0 mana cost jades now...
>Blizzard nerfs every possible OTK
>then adds OTKS for every class in un'goro
blizzard, how it is working
So you have to buy the new packs to OTK called making money ... blizard is a small indie company remember
Don't forget that almost all of the combos are wild only, guys.
Old Faggot well thaurissan is leaving, so they gotta add something or an entire archetype will die
noone of the combos shown in the video are wild
Barnesrino Kripperino Galvadon's combo is
Devolve says hi to Galvadon
Ez devolve
or mass dispel
@@mw2zorzest or even better: mind control
Tobias Behnke can’t be targeted by spells or hero powers
I thought Blizzard didn't like 1 turn kill combos, guess they changed their minds.
Well, almost all of these combos are wild only.
Don't worry time warp is a 2 turn combo :P
Tortillian the only ones that are "1 turn" is druid and mage with quest completed, and the quests are meant to win the game effectively
Keep in mind how many taunt minions are getting printed, with the tar cards and Warriors new taunt theme. It isn't Aviana Kun Malygos where you die instantly unless you're a warrior, you can actually hold off most of these combo turns.
don't worry Rogue and Pali OTK can't work in standard.
Does time warp mean you can rope your opponent twice in a row?
yeah lifecoach just gona back to hs only for this quest so he can rope his oponent twice kappa
+Medivh, the Guardian I don't know you are usually on the board while it happens you tell us
You disgust me
How the fuck does toast have an entire 8-minute video about the un'goro cards ready, 5 minutes after the stream in which they were revealed in ended?!
Seems like they have a spy in Blizzard jail
Magic of working with Blizzard
die Blaue Bedrohung i feel like we need an independent investigation into toast colluding with blizzard on this expansion
die Blaue Bedrohung did you even watch the stream
das video war im stream
this whole vid was at the end of the stream
7:13 When you basically invent Shadowreaper Anduin.
"Please don't play pirate" he says after showing how to make pirate even stronger
I wonder how to still have a Patches left, after you completed the quest though.
Was gang up supposed to stay in the base set? Heard something about that, but I'd imagine that it would rotate out otherwise?
yes because pirates decks are know to get to turn 10 with the required cards for that combo
7Stanimir7 i think its funny the zerg pirate deck is gonna end up with the class that never really wanted them. rogues players just want a fucking board clear for fucks sake(healing would help too but im trying to be realistic). the rogue class is neglected enough, if this stupid combo makes rogue the new cancer deck im gonna be pissed
what is the quest anw ?
Nice to see some love for Wild (Brann Galvadon is only in Wild, so is Gang Up Patches).
EDIT: Also, I have no clue why it only summons 5 Djinnis.
Thanks for actually showing Time Warp, Frodan is a tryhard.
I think he wanted to show the new hero concede voiceline
Palidor Z
The Time Warp Giants combo does bring up an extra little tidbit though.
If you Time Warp and then combo kill someone, is it still a One Turn Kill?
These are the important questions.
dionyvus p
well since u draw 2 cards and ur mana crystals refils, I think it's a 2 turn kill
Turns out the arcane giant is nothing compared to the infinite fireball deck
Exodia has been around for a while now
Exotic Chaotic yup fucking hate that deck destroys anyone if played right nothing you can do
Still the best legendary from this set.
SpiritsingerUmbrarino Kripperino spiritsingerino umbrarino kripperino should have been the name
Kat is right, you need to change your name as soon as possible or another Kripperino is gonna do it first..
I'd agree!
why are you here Kripp!
Toast singing the Hearthstone ingame music is kind of the greatest thing ever
That pyro combo is a bit mad
Just a worse equality
What about divine shield? It costs one less mana too. How is it worse?
it's still 33% chance that you get poisonous, that's why it's worse
Fuck, you are right. I forgot about that. LOL, i got a bit too hyped. But when it works, it is better.
Doesn't work against divine shields, same as equality.
I'n thinking of 1 good combo. If you have played 6 deathrattle (?) minions and you only need 1 more to complote the quest, play majordommo. Quest complete, get amara (?) and let majordommo die. When yoy are ragnaros play amara and you will be a 40 health ragnaros
Kevin Rieke YEAHH haha I was thinking the same
Don't do that against Mage. Your Ragnaros Avatar won't live long enough to play Amara.
k9commander and why not haha
just play it smart I guess :')
majordomo go to wild guys
Best outro music ever.
7:12 Toast just made Shadowreaper Anduin before Shadowreaper Anduin existerd
I wonder how different the Adapt cards would be if Charge was an adaptation.
Tortillian dont even thing about it galvadon+some extra buffs....
Tortillian I'm thankful that it isn't, Charge is already frustrating. Haste works in Magic because of the ability to interact with enemy turns, Charge doesn't because it's just a face smash.
Charge would have ruined Adapt as a keyword.
It would pretty much break the every card that comes with the word charge on it at some point....
They probably thought of it, then saw how broken Galvadon was with charge and windfury.
They originally had more ideas and options. Only 10 made the cut.
ston tusk bore confirmed
singing at the end made watching the whole video all more rewarding
7:10 I'm watching this after the release of the KOFT set, so this just Shadowreaper Anduin to me
this man discovered shadowreaper anduin before knights was even teased
Twitch chat stupidly mocked that these were all Wild.
The Priest one is only Gadgetzan and Un'Goro cards, with Shadowform from the Classic set.
well, have fun trying this combo then...
the animation looks stupidy long, feels like you'll rope before you can drop him below 1/2hp
Brann is wild though
This is the problem when people are too dense to read.
Shadowform is Classic, Raza and Beardo are MSG, new Elemental is UnGoro.
the real part to mock is trying to get raza and 2 radiant and beardo without getting both shadow visions
8:06 "Please don't play Pirate."
Well, ok.
Plays Quest Rogue and laughs hysterically
I can still hear Ben Brodes laugh
Seeing this know, i mean im feeling pretty old but really these memories are some that i will never forget
Thanks toast i loved this game because of you ❤
"We want the game to feel fun and interactive, we don't like freeze mage for this reason".
That Galvadon speech was epic. Made my day :)))
So this is an expansion full of OTKs.
Jia-Ho Jian And taunts.
A lot of these only work in wild and are really late game.
don't forget taunt warrior is freaking RAGNAROS now, Taunt Warrior Quest gives a Weapon "Sulfuras"
Sulfuras has a "Battlecry" change ur hero power into "Deal 8 dmg to a random enemy"
quests are generally hard to complete as it seems, so the rewards have to be swifty
Wild metagame is really gonna be WILD.
"You know what is better the adapt 5 times ? "
I laughed so hard ! :D
Don't worry Toast, I won't play pirate.
I'll play Jade decks instead.
Jaune Fox I mean that's pretty much all druid can do anyway with Combo rotating out.
Amethonys Who needs aviana if your minions can cost 0 now instead of 1?? lol
the sad thing is why would do the druid quest when u can play 1 mana 8/8+ ??
well it "only" changes the costs of minions in your deck, not your hand, which can be a problem for combo druids - not to mention all the pieces you would have to put in the deck to fulfill the druid quest. Combo druid is banished to wild
Boio predicted the anduin death knight
33% still means Kripp is gonna be top decked by it in every arena match
Shows 6 combos -
3 of which are wild only combos due to them involving cards rotating out of standard when Un'Goro is released
(Brann Bronzebeard, Gang Up, and Djinni of Zephyrs)
Blizzard listed this as a reaction to un'goro.... kripp is streaming and cause blizzard fucked up and everyone is waiting to get in.. 71k people are watching him play minesweeper. Blizzard fucking up like usual.
That end :D :D Best outrro song ever
Look at all the cool new cards I can't get FeelsBadMan #F2P
FoliagedCloud _ i feel you #F2P
FoliagedCloud _ *laughs in F2P with 4000 banked gold* #quests
FoliagedCloud _ I'm f2p and I have 10000 dust #arena
laughs in f2p with 5000 gold and decent arena winrates.
I never played arena until they updated it and OH BOYY did I find out what Ive been missing, I have a 7 average win rate and you get soooo mmuch stuff
"It's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane - let's do the time warp again, let's do the time warp again."
This just makes me feel bad for my hopes for a Priest deck. Having 40hp won't do much good when the other classes get crazy burst or value from their quests. The Priest combo doesn't even make sense because Raza wouldn't allow you to have two of the same minion in your deck.
Dustin McNab well it's a combo deck! so with enough card draw you could draw at least one copy of each duplicate card for Raza to proc
Dustin McNab, you haven't saw other priest new cards, have you?
Combo decks usually have all the cards they need for the combo in their deck already, but that wouldn't work here. Having Raza means you could only have one Radiant Elemental and one Shadow Visions. That means the only way the combo could work is if you're facing another Priest who also one of each of those cards which you need to gain copies of. Also, for the Shadow Visions chain to continue, Shadow Visions would have to be the only spell left in your deck.
Yes, it possible for all that to happen, but it's so unlikely that it doesn't make sense. You could play thousands of games and never get more than 4-6 damage out of the combo.
Dustin McNab okay here's how Raza goes right as long as you draw one copy of Radiant elemental and Shadow Visions, you WILL be able to proc Raza given there arent any other duplicates in your deck. and for shadow visions it is a discover mechanic so technically you can have up to 3 spells (or even more spells since you draw them out of the deck anyway) however, there might be the problem that you draw into both shadow visions into your hand before you play out your combo, which then ultimately causes the combo to well....not work HAHA. Trust me I'm an engineer 😏
Yes, I've seen all the cards. There are some nice deathrattle combos, but those would only do stuff like give a minion an extra 1/1 buff, an extra copy of an opponent's card or a few extra 1/1 murlocs. Now that I look at it again, Warrior, Hunter, Warlock, Rogue and Paladin are all getting deathrattles that might be better than the Priest's.
I knew that Blizzard would make a take extra turn card, but only in the form of a condition that's hard to achieve, like summoning Voltron. Taking an extra turn is pretty broken which is why I'm glad they made it a quest instead of a collectible.
Giving the spell based class a card that gives them an extra turn. How original
Chris Seaby it's really just "give them 5 extra mana and charge" since the spell itself costs 5 mana so you can only really "use" 5 mana turn 1.
It's going to be broken with iceblock. You could even use it with doomsayer as a board clear into a big minion summon 10 mana kazakus potion with inkmaster Solia which hopefully doesn't bring back the doomsayer :D That's a huge reversal potentially clearing a board of Jades/Elementals and developing a board that can finish the game next turn.
Dimension shift reference?
Or as it turns out now that its released you can make 4 sorcerers and end your turn then summon archmage antonidas and infinite fireball everything
Toast you are an absolute legend! The best thing is i bet this is the least of the interactions you've been mucking about with
MALKOROK is slightly worse due to possibility to roll "Molten blade" in its vanilla form. Still better than cursed blade.
PanzerDrag00n malkorok is getting alot better, cant get allt of shit weapons now
Niall487 Might even welcome him back
RedEye Gamer Molten blade is collectible. What are you trying to say?
Molten Blade *is* a collectible weapon.
You have to start your turn with it in hand for it to transform, I think.
0:56 That PYRO+adaptation combo is SICK
if you poisen ur blade as a rougue and then do blade fury is it a board clear?
I wanna say no... cause the spell is doing the damage. With Wild Pyro, the damage comes from him, so it works. Shadowflame shouldn't work for the same reason.
Will geddon board clear? same question
I guess not since "Blade Flurry" DESTROYS ur weapon and the "SPELL" deals the dmg based on the weapon dmg
So unless u can "apply poisonous" to "Blade Flurry" spell itself I think it wont work
PS: cant be sure need to be tested
one way to test if "Blade Flurry" deals SPELL DMG is having a +1 spell dmg minion, another way is with a freind that has both "Hallazeal the Ascended" & "Lorewalker Cho" use "Blade Flurry" ur friend gets a copy then, he uses it and if he gets healed then "Blade Flurry" is spell dmg not weapon dmg
> Reveals combo that creates 5/5 Patches
>"Please dont play pirate"
you're sending me mixed signals here.
Spiritsinger Umbra + Dreadsteed = 6 Dreadsteeds?
Hunter Chen *Kazakus polymorph*
Yeah but isn't dreadsteed from tgt anyway?
it is, but we're here for the funny interactions, not to be limited by standard mode :p
Now that all the quests were revealed I can say with pretty certanty that this expansion is gonna blow.
I don't get it.
Why 5 djinnis ?
there were 2 Djinnis at the board
A) B)
The "guy" targets B) for the "Molten Reflection"
Creates a C) Djinni
A) B) C)
AFTER THE SPELL RESOLVES A) and C) Djinni effect triggers
A) and C) cast "Molten Reflection" on themselves
Creating D) and E) Djinni
A) B) C) D) E)
I hope u could understand it
Make sense. Thx
So it basically goes on how they programmed the orders for the cards to resolve, right?
I think we're all forgetting the most important part.
I like how they copy the name, Mana cost and effect of time warp from magic.....
now i wanna play magic again
Scar isn't Warcraft made by blizz?
thomas kiger time warp costs 1/U mana not 5 ~
I'm guessing he is pointing out the pop-culture references. But yes it is.
Scar I think they might be this thing i heard of called references? But i don't know.
2:22 Was expecting frost nova - doomsayer combo but oh well that works too
OTK is cancer.
How about TTK?
--biz 2017
I can hear the Epic Sax Guy playing all along during this video! :D
You do realize that the Galvadon combo will only work in Wild, RIGHT?
Also Hunter can kill it using Deadly Shot
Also you can combo use the Time Warp combo with Pyroblast to be more effective...and annoying.
or more likely, hunters will have won/lost the game before you pull it off, but other classes can brawl, devolve, kazakus polymorph, twisted nether
the patches one is also wild only
in fact, most of these are wild
You probably won't read this but I have to say it: This video made me laugh so hard...thanks for your efforts in making these videos and putting such humour to it!
Funny how Galvadon gets destroyed by Mass Dispel lol
And if you don't have Mass Dispel the game is fun & interactive, right?
Deadly shot, devolve, twisting nether, doom, kazakus potions
Galvadon is worth 5 mana so in the case they manage to play it on turn 5 or 6 you won't be able to cast Twisting Neather or Doom and Kazakus/Deadly Shot are not guaranteed to do the job only Devolve is the other card that just says "fuck you" to Galvadon.
Even if a few classes have a way to deal with such a card it doesn't excuse poor game design.
Good luck on completing the pally quest on turn "5 or 6" to get galvadon
You can totally do it, paladin has a lot of cheap spells to cast like Blessing of Might/Wisdom, Divine Strength, Hand of Protection and Humility for a total of 10 1 cost spells that can target firendly minions.
If there is such a thing as OTK Galvadon then I'm sure that deck won't mind running those cards just to get Galvadon on 5.
I really hope when you complete a quest it plays the quest completed sound from WoW.
That genie turned out to be a grim patron in his free time.
Oh my god!!
I've been wondering what Firefly's animation was, thanks Toast!
the last kaleidosaur
he's got stealth and a whole lot more
I love you Toast :) Especially for your sense of humor. That Bran peeking from behind the edge of the screen :D
That ending was beautiful
7:00 i find funny bc this is literally off brand highlander priest
Nice! :D
I like the beginning best: "Ha! Diguised Toast!" Now I know where this name came from... makes me laugh every time :D
Can't wait for the mage quest, I made a deck I call "Discovering Madness" back when Yogg was added to the game, and ever since I've been adding more and more discover mechanics and free spell cards to the deck. Cannot wait to add this one to my mad little deck
that patches and otk priest melted my heart
who needs auction master beardo when you have anduin lol
Toast's Hearthstone theme at the end got me for some reason...
A possibly insane combo would be red mana wyrm or mana addict on the board then next turn play 2 radiant elemental(sorcerer's apprentice) and shadow visions until the timer runs out, SMOrc.
I really wish you would have covered Spiritsinger Umbra + Dreadsteed, I really wanted to make sure Blizzard coded that one correctly
I like your new outro mixtape, dude!
the ending was EPIC! :D
That combo is like okay you want a turn now well to bad your dead lols
The first interaction blew my mind
Thanks for this video. I've been killing everyone trying these tricks with my pirate warrior deck.
Time warp is amazing! Cant wait to get my hands on it!
0:31 1st (1 turn clean)
1:16 2nd (2 turns kill)
3:00 3rd (OTK)
4:31 4th (Extra summon)
5:22 5th (OTK)
6:27 6th (OTK)
I think that the way in which Shadow Vision works is;discover a spell from your deck but you can't discover the same spell more than once,so you could still include cards like Entomb,Shadow Word Pain/Death,Excavated Evil etc and still get the combo working.
Theodore Spilia you are correct. if your deck contains only 3 different spells, you will always find visions.
7:00 new exodia combo emerges. kripparian goes mad ;D
cant wait for more sweet combos from toast :D
Time warp by far my favourite card in the entire game. Wow amazing
A couple more non-OTK interactions c:
Shadowcaster Factory + Rogue Quest. Infinite 1 mana 5/5's. Granted the full combo can only be done in Wild with Brann, but it's still fun c:
Arcane Giant + Whirlwind + Summon Genesis + Blood Warriors. Either two 8/7's and two 8/8's for 8 mana with one giant required to play, or four 8/7's, three 8/8's, and a free 8/8 in hand if you opt for the double giant combo. I remember a Dane video a while back which "abused" Arcane Giant + Blood Warriors... I feel greedy ;)
Exodia Mages can pull off the infinite fireball combo relatively easier with the quest, even with Emperor rotating out. Double Sorceror's Apprentice + Echo of Med-Oh wait... Echo's rotating out? Dang, I loved that card ;-;
Well Exodia will still be alive in wild then, with a more flexible combo if they opt for the quest ;)
Hunter you can have basically an infinite hand with the Quest + Stampede lol
Paladins get Primal Champion + Dinosize, giving you a 10/10, and if they deal with it you can Dinosize a silver hand recruit or something lol. Or Dinosize a second Primal Champion for maximum value :O
Everything else is pretty self-explanatory lol
Seems like the expansion of combo decks(also thinkin about molten giant holywrath with the new hemet).
I would love these fun combo decks.
8:16 - My new ringtone! xDDD
Ok... That wild pyro interaction makes absolutely no sense, but I love it
"Let's do it again!" - Squee, goblin cabin hand
that outro was the bomb
Holy heck I need that card back.
So Arcane Golem and the Molten Giant combo will be pretty awesome!
I'm reading the new cards revealed and ... well .. aparantly Druid will stick to Jade, so:
A- Druid is the new Hunter
B- All those control and combo decks will never exist.
Great job guys
you know whats better than adapting 5x, when you adapt 10x and get you minion turned into a sheep via kazakas potion.
10/10 best outro
Looks hella good and some epic interactions XD
"whats better than adapting 5 times?"
*brann enters slowly*
top kek
Finally! life coach can take two turns deciding what to do