Dear players, we heard your concerns about matchmaking. After looking into the matter, you will be relieved to know that we have determined that it's not our fault. Warmest regards, the Unite devs.
I already lost faith in timi seasons ago and still keep getting disappointed evn with my bar so low, Rank Protection cards guaranteed loses games are intentional to sell. Battle Pass pricing and I bought the Lapras BP because of the bp box contain past bp stickers but the rates so abyssmal only getting garbage like item enhancera and tickets that are useless to long time players, i wish the old producer back. This new one never made good changes
My average teams' win rates are still around 48.X% since season 20. Why would I want to play 250+ games of clown fiesta only to semi consistantly get average team mates?
I got to almost Ultra 1 (or therebouts) by winning five of six. THE RUN OF SUB 300 GAMES PLAYED PLAYERS I'VE GOTTEN IN SOLO QUEUE BROOOOOOOOO LOL Whatever they did before broke the matchmaking in to pieces. Either Duo/Trio or suffer. That's not fun at all.
Been playing since release for 3 years straight. never missed a day. The Crystal Pikachu skin being like $100-$200, Losing some countries, the failed matchmaking changes, and the complete and utter lack of content being added besides broken release mons that get nerfed by the time free to play players have them is finally too much. And now they're denying they even messed up the changes we were all so hopeful about... I can't do this anymore man.
And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those, that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist...I'm thankful.
@@coffeebreak454 Devs usually never get to decide for features and stuff like this. It's the higher ups The Mba guys and people who draw charts but never infer anything valuable from the data 😮
I feel bad for the content cowboy. Watched him a long time ago, and he was pretty much always positive and funny... caught a couple live streams recently, and he was checking team member win % and frustrated. To break him in such a way, pokemon unite should send him flowers, chocolate, and a card with an apology. 😂 Don't corrupt spragles, pokemon unite!! 😭 he's a good bean!! 😭
Their "matchmaking changes" were so good last season that I contemplated quitting after finishing with a 48%. After starting with a 30% this season after 20 matches in Ultra 5 I finally quit. Solo queue has always been hard but they made it impossible. I used to have a 52.3% overall in ranked and went down to 51.5%. Games are SUPPOSED to be fun. This is not fun.
@@dimensionsazuma32yeah the made their original IP the biggest moba around and basically sabotaged unite here in the west. Pokemon should have never given them the rights
@@justadragonnamemarcus1751 game was deas way way before early seasons a had big playerbase but they did nothing with it ...... didn't improve matchmaking didn't give balance patches consistently didn't fix bugs fast
My overall winrate was 55% it has dropped to 51% with my WR this SEASON being an abysmal 41%. I have never, ever been this low. Good players are punished and bad ones rewarded. Is it so difficult to have an AI system that pairs like players together???
Legitimate have to stop playing this game because of mental health reasons. I have been playing since release and I've never, ever had this much trouble ranking up to Masters. I have never had so many teammates with sub 200 games played to my 9000. I can't have fun anymore. It is not fun to play by myself on a team of 5. It's not fair to me and my time to play with beginners. It's so unfair and unfun.
Felt! Quitted last season and I’ve felt so much better since! Until timi does a drastic change I’m not coming back, I could care less of what new mons come out
I feel you! The more I played this game, the more aggressive I got. I always took games personally and looked down on those who were worse than me. It felt like I was the only player on my team with braincells! Leaving this game was truly for the better. Even if I try to come back, the gameplay would get so stale already. I would probably leave again after two games.
@SleepyBuggo you are a fucking QUEEEEEN FOR this omg. All hail you. I'm proud of myself after the psyduck bull crap I have not spent any real money on this game and don't plan on if
The actual issue has always been the "Between Teams" part The higher ranked players are intentionally paired with much worse players to keep teams within this 50 rating margin which in turn hurts the better player's ability to win and progress and, when they do, their teammates lower rating makes it so they win less points (8) and lose more (10)
Yea, I think this is the real main issue with matchmaking. 1600+ master players can still be paired with ultras and everything in between. They said they would tighten this, but apparently they didn't. No amount of rating changes will fix this as long as the matchmaking balances out the average rating of teams with such a large pool of players. Even if it was tighter and the rating gain/loss was fixed, it shouldn't take over half the season for people to finally settle in their appropriate rating.
I was going to comment this too. Between teams is how its always been, and its also exactly what has always punished the better players. Because theyre forced to play with all the worst players in the lobby to equal out their high elo so teams have comparable elo. But in a team game that doesnt work. You cannot genuinely 1v5
You know it's gonna be wild when Spragels got that "idk I'm too scared to look" vibe right off the rip 😅. But yeah I agree with the points aspect fully, AND they even dropped the hot games down to 4 points instead of 8. They really want you down and to STAY down. I got to just over 1400, then dropped to around 1260(really bad day, head wasn't in it roast me IDC) but now I'm back to 1325. Just been one heck of a wild ride
Yeah we are sorry for the issues regarding matchmaking. We hope there's room for improvement in the future (distant future). Btw fill this survey that we won't even care about reading 😊 -Timi
They weren't close at all, last season I made it to 1400 in let's say 100 games give or take, and then spent the rest of the season (damn near 250+ games) to stay stuck between 1350-1450...... absolutely unwinnable games.... It finally broke me. Have given up unite since new season started to play rivals, and I'm having fun
@@smoothsinger422 brooo same!! I have been a day one, play every day(at least a few games, if I'm climbing obviously I'll grind more) unite player since switch release..... Got all the 1600 stickers so I kept playing, but after all the matchmaking changes last season, it dead stuck me at around 1450....I was genuinely kinda sad, I do kind of like the game and Pokemon is obviously awesome, but I decided since my ranked streak was broken to move on to rivals.... learning to play is hard for me so far but I'm having a blast!
they said average between teams not teammates i think that's how it's working 1200 (master-points)+ 1700+ultra (0 master points)+1300+1150 = ultra+ 1300+1450+1350+1250 so both teams have average master points of 5350 but first team has huge difference between teammate's master points ratings, 1700 compared to 1200 is huge skill gap but that's not considered as average between teams is still 5350 it's same as before they did averaging mmr before now averaging master points
If you believe a single word from that letter than you need to wake up.. Timi sent this letter as an "apology" to give themselves a "positive" face to convince people to come back... they do this all the time
“See, based on our linear measure of quality, it’s fine! What do you mean the ranking is an exponential measure (an 1800 soloq player has played/won an order of magnitude more games than a 1400”
The matchmaking changes done last season scuffed ranked so badly that it's made ultra is nearly unplayable, not to mention the buffing ageislash making every game a "better have the better sword or you lose" type of ordeal
I'm just going to assume until they full reset everyone to beginner AND allow people to demote so they can't be grandfathered to higher ranks immediately none of these matchmaking "fixes" actually changes at all. The issue with the points for win/loss is huge but the bigger issue is the inflated ranks
This is exactly right. It doesn't matter if you improve Master when pretty much anybody can reach it regardless of skill and match each other anyway. 🤷♂️ Then again, it's not like the entitled Unite playerbase will accept not getting to Master either if things were made harder beforehand. Creators put themselves between a rock and a hard place.
4:20 Ah yes, deceptive data persuasion (DDP), the data version of Deceptive Imagery Persuasion (DIP), if this was intentional that's what this is, absolutely criminal, but not unexpected considering the dev and it's governance of origin.
A bigger problem is that 90% of the time they don’t even make teams that are around the same elo; 3 high elo +2 low elo vs 3 high elo +2 low elo is still going to make the average elo between teams the same, so the match quality is not good even if they fix elo distribution… AVERAGE team elo being close means nothing if all it means is that the elos are MIXED equally :( So you earn a higher elo for what? Just to get matched with players that don’t care for playing as a team or following certain basics. Whether they use hidden MMR or elo to match players doesn’t matter if they are going to mix those ratings anyway. 5 of the same MMR or elo will make matchmaking longer, and some rich fat cats probably veto that potential player loss gamble from happening or the devs have the wrong mentality about player loss, instead we get placating updates until the game eventually dies and they rerelease it as PU 2 with many of the Chinese version’s features. I feel like increasing matchmaking times is worth it because there would be higher quality gameplay if there isn’t a mixing of skill levels. With mixing; noobs can’t even feel good by dominating other noobs on occasion, cause they are getting matched with higher skilled players, and this frustration causes many of them to play as trolls or leave the game. Also, the devs make really bad bots… like how is PU going to be a good learning environment if mixing teams creates chaos, frustrated pinging between players, troll players and bots that show that scoring instead of being at ray fight is the right way… They can’t even add bots to the game in a decent way… like why even have bots that are at different skill levels, some bot games a person can net 30 kills and other bot games the bots actually know how to fight better than a noob (which doesn’t guarantee that they will be at important fights or not join you in the jungle at the start of the game as a greedant). To me it really feels like they are putting their real efforts and money towards the Chinese version while waiting for the time to rerelease the global version. All we are getting is cash grabs, devs that struggle to code their own game (bugs and false letters about elo distribution), weird balance patches and mixed teams.
That was pretty much me last season as well. This season climbing through Ultra has been one of the worst experiences I've ever had in this game, and I've been sub 50% winrate all season, and have even dipped below 40% briefly because I am getting so many games that are set up for failure where my team is full of new players and bad players, while the other team is actually coordinated and has a decent competitive comp.
I mean you are making yourself lose because you are playing defender or supporter you need to play a carry pokemon to win you are not gonna win if you trust your random team
I'm a solo that used to grind to master I was just barely able to get to ultra last round I played enough to know I was being matched against way higher skill compared to my team ates if they even moved lol
I play solo and was 1598 with 63% win rate and then got 2 Matches in a row with ultra players who had no idea about what they were doing. They didn't even show up at ray so ee lost. It was miserable
My only motivation to play rating matches was to get that goddamn sticker with season number after you reach level 1600. With this algorithm it’s almost impossible now for me as an average solo player, which makes me play pokemon less (a good thing for me, probably, but not good for timi if there are more players with the same mindset as mine)
Same Here its my Ocd that allowed me to keep playing and my Ocd that made me completely uninterested to Unite now that i already missed out. Also i realized i only play rank and rush to reach 1800/1600 so that i can stop playing rank because it is really a terrible experience stressful and stale, i try to get there fast so that i can play other games and shelve this game. Not that i think about it i feel that it's intentional for the rank experience to be garbage terrible to keep players hook in a bad way.
It's so hard for me to get back in to master class rn probably 70% of the games I play feel like it's me vs one other player and the rest are playing for the first time it's so frustrating, I'm stuck between ultra class 1 and 2
I had a 57% win rate last season and this season its at 57 as well. It's definitely not fair that they force you to carry trios that shouldn't be your games. You are right, though. Only the better squads will be able to rank up and possibly the top 1% as you said. Other than that, most players will be stuck around the 1400 bucket. Once I hit 1400 I'm automatically stuck carrying trios who will abandon you and sabotage so they can play how they want. Good squads are very rare to come by. Its unfortunate that they artificially made the game more difficult.
You're so right when even with 57% win-rate you needed 500+ matches to get to 1600. Because I had about 60% win-rate but still couldn't get to 1600 although I had 200 or something matches
the rank system no longer reflects player skill within those ranges, resulting in the majority of the playerbase being incorrectly included within those ranges.
Reading this made it abundantly clear why matchmaking felt even worse this season. Its not just that everyone was getting funneled to the same 1400 rating. Even if you managed to climb above that, since matchmaking was focused on balancing the TEAM AVERAGE MR the higher you climbed the worse your teammates got to bring the average closer to 1400. And because you were so much higher than the average you would eventually lose -11 for every loss at a much lower MR than intended. Even with a 60% WR carrying garbage teams almost every game I couldn't manage to climb.
Today's ranked season, I got for the first time in my life to have a win rate of 27%. I got more losses than wins than the previous seasons, I couldn't get out of Ultra 5 (my starting rank this season because I ended the previous season at Master 1200+). I couldn't comprehend why I just won once then got lost a lot after. Yes I experienced getting a loss streak before but not this bad that I actually got dropped to 27% w/r and maybe below if I keep playing. I started to question myself if I actually suck at the game, but I know I did my best to win yet I'm still overcame by my opponents and they ended up winning instead of me. All I know is that there's something off in this season. After watching this video, I have started to be convinced that the matchmaking really sucks, so suck that I frequently got placed on losing matches, knowing that my win rate is now very low, I am starting to worry that I will get matched to more worse battles which will make my win rate drop even more. I am losing motivation to battle in Ranked mode because of this trend in my matches.
It especially sucks if you main Defenders or supports. My wr with Umbreon is 48% and my ranked match wr is 46.7. I know that I'm not the best but oftentimes my teammates are the ones who suck. Edit: My win rate before last season was 53%.
Facts. This is why I am actually happier playing casual matches instead of ranked. The wait time in draft matches is ridiculous especially when you're just waiting for brain dead teammates to pick cinderace/decidiueye and ban greninja and duraludon
Something is very seriously wrong is season, even worse than last. I have an average of 54WR, mainly support and defender across 6k games. Last season WR was 62 at 1400. All solo q. This season i also can't get out of ultra 4. 30 hames with 47WR with absolitely ridiculous teams. Hop onto my alt, 35 games with 86WR. Swap back to main, my team has a duo with 35WR, Enemy is 65WR. The first friend I told it to, they have exact same going on.
8:33 This is especially true, because with numbers like +/- 8, 9, and 10, 25 points is _one_ minimum win streak of 3 games in a row. That's _meaningless_ on the scale of dozens of battles (and more!) per season. You can bounce around within a range of 50 points _in a single day of playing_ depending on how matchups go, especially in solo-queue where things are particularly volatile. 25 points and even 50 points is way too small a margin to be adjusting the gains/losses after a match. Actual meaningful insights (such as "how well is this player competing?") depend on averages across many games, and if you screw with the point results on each individual game, the meaning of that average performance is totally different because you're fudging the data. If there's like a 200 point difference? Sure, that's quite an outlier and it's not unreasonable to see that compensated. But _25 apart?_ C'mon man.
I though the last match making fix was going better than it was.... though to objectively say for sure how these adjustments really will effect just one person... so much is just throwing the dice
Draft ruined ranked. Draft matches take way too long for us to get matched up with a guarantee of at least 1-2 brain dead teammates that make damn near impossible to win.
How tf was I, when I was in Ultra, teamed up with CrisHeroes who was in Masters 1400+ at that time? And this also applies to the enemy team. There's usually a huge skill gap and a huge rank gap and a huge total number of battles gap between players within a match and it sucks.
I also have to fight for my life through ultra, my winrate declining there, before i go back to my upper 50s/lower 60s winrate in master each season. not happy about that. Who are these donkeys in Ultra who randomly troll around, grief and quit?
there's no pointo to "fix matchmaking" if soloQ is matched with duo and trio abusing every broken combo in the game matched against 3 potion attackers just kill the game, china will drop it as well in a manner of months anyway
Ranked has been ridiculous. I couldn't climb no matter what i did. I value my time too much to torture myself. I'll keep an eye on what's happening, and when developers improve things, I'll pick up unite again. Im done for now😅
Me and my buddy been playing alot of ranked and 90% of our matches we are fighting bots. Like actual beep boop robots its so easy its not even fun and we are in veteran rank. Just my personal experience
That's because this game doesn't have a healthy influx of new players, and most players who play a lot of ranked get to masters, and then only rank down to Ultra when a new season starts. So there aren't enough real people that are in veteran rank to match you against.
Dropping a comment for the algo, although I'm not sure if the algo gives +9 at your current MMR. Bad joke...thanks for putting this up though, genuinely. I think it's safe to say you're speaking on behalf of most of the active players.
I was waiting for a poketuber to talk about this, because i noticed that as i get to higher ranks i am not forced to play carry any more because my team mates are increasingly getting more skilled and opposing team are also getting better, which is much better, than playing with and against mindless players that mostly don't understand macro.
They need to do what they do in Honor of Kings If people are reporting you a lot then you get punished at the start of the week. forces you to either get better and learn or stop playing. seriously looks like they changed it so you are forced to buy the rank protection cards. I normally get to masters very quickly in the season, matchmaking has been the worst and I'm still grinding ultra. Flipping ridiculous
dont know where to ask cause the internet wont tell me, just started playing unite again after a long time. im trying to figure out why I cant queue for remoat stadium for ranked anymore? google is acting like im insane.
when i looked at Season 24 points win/lost get, I was at 1400+ but when i lost a match and lost -10 mostly 95% and not -9 which im possible and most of my friend just quit when reach 1400. The point win is very random, sometime im got 10 point 95% at 1200+ even if i was mvp Still now, the game i cant go solo q, its gamble for me mostly. I have like 7-9 lost streak daily trying to solo q and my wr is like 20% wr if i go fully solo q. Very frustrating😮💨
the problem is that people with a highnumber of plays are playing with newpeople in the game, too. I swear I try to play well and to win.. I watch your channel for years, try everything to win and I am playing with new players. But do they need us to play with low play players to carry them?
Timi has broken every promise they’ve ever made to their players since launch. They are incompetent and I no longer have any faith in their ability to make lasting, meaningful changes to this game.
It's hard to solo queue. I can get into master regularly but struggle to get above 1400 because I'll win 10 in a row or so and then go on a huge losing streak with questionable players Winning should be rewarded more and individual performance should reward positive points. Im fine being deducted 8 points if I have a bad game. But if I do pretty solid and lose why not deduct a player 4-5 points instead ? I usually stop playing as much once I get into Master
Me trying to get to master rank and having a hard time because it’s either people who have terrible items and got carried or it’s people who just have a terrible win rate cause they don’t know how to play the game or when to NOT FEED THE ENEMY
The company running this game is just acting like the dead beat toxic company blizzard. Trust they will lose money and die out I don’t mean the game I mean the company. Time will take place.
These guys need a community spokes person who actually takes in what the fans say and want. It’s the fans who are truly passionate about the pokemon franchise and we hate to see anything to do with pokemon butchered and destroyed. I just don’t understand how they can continually get it wrong and STILL increase prices for shitty holowears
I’ve spent more time watching your videos than I have actually playing over the past couple weeks because I was so frustrated with the games I was playing. I wasn’t able to play much earlier in the season, so a few weeks in when I tried to rank up, I was getting paired with the worst people ever. I couldn’t stand the games I was getting, so I’ve just turned to other games in the meantime. Hopefully things get better
brb setting up family boxing night
Yee haw
Boxing Day ❌
Boxing Night✅
points system is broken for many seasons before? Because past seasons i get +11- 7 in 1200-1400 and +9-7 in 1400-1600.
The star of this video is "couldn't not be!" Lol
Sounds like the devs need to give you 50 subs just like chat did the other day when they made you sad
Dear players, we heard your concerns about matchmaking. After looking into the matter, you will be relieved to know that we have determined that it's not our fault. Warmest regards, the Unite devs.
Best comment here
** sends out non-apology "apology" message with 10 treasure chest coupons **
@@warmbowski RELATABLE
I already lost faith in timi seasons ago and still keep getting disappointed evn with my bar so low, Rank Protection cards guaranteed loses games are intentional to sell. Battle Pass pricing and I bought the Lapras BP because of the bp box contain past bp stickers but the rates so abyssmal only getting garbage like item enhancera and tickets that are useless to long time players, i wish the old producer back. This new one never made good changes
Literally I can't. The afk's, absolute trolls and just constant chaos that has been this game since the last matchmaking update has given me PTSD
half the people in surveys are bad randoms bet
Surprised you didn't have it before the update as well lmfao
@@illusionM40 it's gotten significantly worse after the update
@ I know it has gotten worse lmfao. I'm still playing XD
*Timi:* We’re sorry. We’ll fix it.
*Player base:* How?
*Timi:* I don’t freaking know.
My average teams' win rates are still around 48.X% since season 20. Why would I want to play 250+ games of clown fiesta only to semi consistantly get average team mates?
I got to almost Ultra 1 (or therebouts) by winning five of six. THE RUN OF SUB 300 GAMES PLAYED PLAYERS I'VE GOTTEN IN SOLO QUEUE BROOOOOOOOO LOL
Whatever they did before broke the matchmaking in to pieces. Either Duo/Trio or suffer. That's not fun at all.
I can relate
If they even move I'm tired of them just stop moving
I feel like theres a lot of coping here
@@ProfOak-ci2cc shh
Bet cant wait for a 7 games losing streak again.
literally uninstalled after a 9 games losing streak and tbh i cant be THAT bad
even when you forced to play ranked against bot by matchmaking, you have a high chance the enemy bot has better character option than your side 🎉.
Lucky bastard only gets 7 game lose streaks
I hate that this is relateable
I had 7 losing streak yesterday as well. Is this happening to everyone? From 53.2% down to 50%.
Been playing since release for 3 years straight. never missed a day.
The Crystal Pikachu skin being like $100-$200, Losing some countries, the failed matchmaking changes, and the complete and utter lack of content being added besides broken release mons that get nerfed by the time free to play players have them is finally too much. And now they're denying they even messed up the changes we were all so hopeful about... I can't do this anymore man.
Timi thought by eliminating half of matchmaking, the other half would thrive!
But you’ve shown me, that’s impossible
Just like Thanos did
That's what you get for trusting the CCP 😂😂😂
It's a simple calculus
And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those, that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist...I'm thankful.
We expected nothing yet we’re still let down
Nothing but greedyness this dev team are clowns
Devs usually never get to decide for features and stuff like this. It's the higher ups
The Mba guys and people who draw charts but never infer anything valuable from the data 😮
We saw the crash out live ❤
I feel bad for the content cowboy. Watched him a long time ago, and he was pretty much always positive and funny... caught a couple live streams recently, and he was checking team member win % and frustrated.
To break him in such a way, pokemon unite should send him flowers, chocolate, and a card with an apology. 😂
Don't corrupt spragles, pokemon unite!! 😭 he's a good bean!! 😭
@grrrraffe he is probably feeling how everyone been feeling for the game... a lot of people quit for a reason
Most reasonable crash out I've seen in a while lol
Their "matchmaking changes" were so good last season that I contemplated quitting after finishing with a 48%. After starting with a 30% this season after 20 matches in Ultra 5 I finally quit. Solo queue has always been hard but they made it impossible. I used to have a 52.3% overall in ranked and went down to 51.5%. Games are SUPPOSED to be fun. This is not fun.
They are trying to sell Rank protection cards to a percentage of people, so when we get screwed by matchmaking it was intentional, greedy
Went from 55% to 48% in S23 reaching 1600+, season 24 managed ~51% win rate and still was stuck in 1500 ±40 range. This season stuck in Ultra 5. 🤡
Timi needs to hear the story of the boy who cried wolf.
I sometimes feel like I'm playing with players who don’t know what they are doing
Don't we all buddy
Timi's master plan: There's no need to fix any matchmaking in masters if they can't reach masters. 🥰
It’s so sad that TiMi has slowly killed this game. It had tremendous potential….
And honor of kings surpassed it. Finally I don't really play this game anymore.
@@dimensionsazuma32yeah the made their original IP the biggest moba around and basically sabotaged unite here in the west. Pokemon should have never given them the rights
@@Jl2damax yeah, since the beginning of the unite x HOK discourse on Twitter since global release up to now yeah. Unite was really sabotaged.
The game were already dead when they increased the price of BP and added loot box
They're greedy and nothing
@@justadragonnamemarcus1751 game was deas way way before early seasons a had big playerbase but they did nothing with it ...... didn't improve matchmaking didn't give balance patches consistently didn't fix bugs fast
My overall winrate was 55% it has dropped to 51% with my WR this SEASON being an abysmal 41%. I have never, ever been this low. Good players are punished and bad ones rewarded. Is it so difficult to have an AI system that pairs like players together???
Legitimate have to stop playing this game because of mental health reasons. I have been playing since release and I've never, ever had this much trouble ranking up to Masters. I have never had so many teammates with sub 200 games played to my 9000. I can't have fun anymore. It is not fun to play by myself on a team of 5. It's not fair to me and my time to play with beginners. It's so unfair and unfun.
Felt! Quitted last season and I’ve felt so much better since! Until timi does a drastic change I’m not coming back, I could care less of what new mons come out
I already lost faith in timi seasons ago, and still keep getting disappointed evn with my bar so low
I feel you! The more I played this game, the more aggressive I got. I always took games personally and looked down on those who were worse than me. It felt like I was the only player on my team with braincells! Leaving this game was truly for the better. Even if I try to come back, the gameplay would get so stale already. I would probably leave again after two games.
@SleepyBuggo you are a fucking QUEEEEEN FOR this omg. All hail you. I'm proud of myself after the psyduck bull crap I have not spent any real money on this game and don't plan on if
Bro you are a adult and have a wife and still play unite that just sad bro
The actual issue has always been the "Between Teams" part
The higher ranked players are intentionally paired with much worse players to keep teams within this 50 rating margin which in turn hurts the better player's ability to win and progress and, when they do, their teammates lower rating makes it so they win less points (8) and lose more (10)
Yea, I think this is the real main issue with matchmaking. 1600+ master players can still be paired with ultras and everything in between. They said they would tighten this, but apparently they didn't. No amount of rating changes will fix this as long as the matchmaking balances out the average rating of teams with such a large pool of players.
Even if it was tighter and the rating gain/loss was fixed, it shouldn't take over half the season for people to finally settle in their appropriate rating.
I was going to comment this too. Between teams is how its always been, and its also exactly what has always punished the better players. Because theyre forced to play with all the worst players in the lobby to equal out their high elo so teams have comparable elo. But in a team game that doesnt work. You cannot genuinely 1v5
Watching an eleven minutes video of spragels ranting on matchmaking was something that was not expected but still appreciate it lol
Dude, I've got the worst losing streak in every game I have ever played. Dude, 17 lost matches this is insane
Timi keeping bad players in lower ranks so everyone can have higher quality matches challenge (impossible)
You know it's gonna be wild when Spragels got that "idk I'm too scared to look" vibe right off the rip 😅. But yeah I agree with the points aspect fully, AND they even dropped the hot games down to 4 points instead of 8. They really want you down and to STAY down. I got to just over 1400, then dropped to around 1260(really bad day, head wasn't in it roast me IDC) but now I'm back to 1325. Just been one heck of a wild ride
"room for improvement"
I dread playing ranked sooo much every time I play now.
Oh hi i know you from the discord server 🐢
I’ve never seen him this fed up and frustrated, look what they’ve done to him!
im ngl i dont have hope anymore for the rank match making, deleted the game but will keep watching o7
Still have 45% WR players farming all game, using helmet or leftover, stealing jungle and scoring at ray with NO CONSEQUENCES. Trolls roam free
helmet or leftover is cringe.. but have you met a mew who use weakness policy, scope lens and attack weight? 😂
I doubt they fixed anything... it is a scam as usual
Yeah we are sorry for the issues regarding matchmaking. We hope there's room for improvement in the future (distant future). Btw fill this survey that we won't even care about reading 😊
If they are so close why was I playing multiple games in the 1550s rating without ban draft????????
They weren't close at all, last season I made it to 1400 in let's say 100 games give or take, and then spent the rest of the season (damn near 250+ games) to stay stuck between 1350-1450...... absolutely unwinnable games.... It finally broke me. Have given up unite since new season started to play rivals, and I'm having fun
@JRR31 thank God for rivals. It's given me a reason to put down unite and have fun playing another game
@@smoothsinger422 brooo same!! I have been a day one, play every day(at least a few games, if I'm climbing obviously I'll grind more) unite player since switch release..... Got all the 1600 stickers so I kept playing, but after all the matchmaking changes last season, it dead stuck me at around 1450....I was genuinely kinda sad, I do kind of like the game and Pokemon is obviously awesome, but I decided since my ranked streak was broken to move on to rivals.... learning to play is hard for me so far but I'm having a blast!
they said average between teams not teammates
i think that's how it's working
1200 (master-points)+ 1700+ultra (0 master points)+1300+1150 = ultra+ 1300+1450+1350+1250
so both teams have average master points of 5350 but first team has huge difference between teammate's master points ratings, 1700 compared to 1200 is huge skill gap but that's not considered as average between teams is still 5350
it's same as before they did averaging mmr before now averaging master points
If you believe a single word from that letter than you need to wake up.. Timi sent this letter as an "apology" to give themselves a "positive" face to convince people to come back... they do this all the time
I couldn't even make it to masters last season 🥴
“See, based on our linear measure of quality, it’s fine! What do you mean the ranking is an exponential measure (an 1800 soloq player has played/won an order of magnitude more games than a 1400”
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
2 years sober from Unite and going strong! I hope the best for the rest of yall as well :)
Unite 2 might make you relapse if it comes out
@@mouaragon2774 if its a different company maybe. If its still TiMi then I have no expectations
My home girl CurlieQ quit && she's thriving in A new game. I LOVE her for being one of the first unite streamers to quit this garbage
When Jake looked at the camera at the end it went to commercial. I thought Jake lost it and ended the video. 😂
The matchmaking changes done last season scuffed ranked so badly that it's made ultra is nearly unplayable, not to mention the buffing ageislash making every game a "better have the better sword or you lose" type of ordeal
We definitely need draft in veteran just so we all get draft in ultra
The last comment is almost true if you insert the "broken" release pokemon of the month
LMAO ur so out of touch its insane
Did they even touch pre-masters lmao
No offense but it sounds like a skill issue in this case.
@looplooplooplooploop yeah a skill issue when it comes to my teammates literally forced to play defender every game
I'm just going to assume until they full reset everyone to beginner AND allow people to demote so they can't be grandfathered to higher ranks immediately none of these matchmaking "fixes" actually changes at all.
The issue with the points for win/loss is huge but the bigger issue is the inflated ranks
This is exactly right. It doesn't matter if you improve Master when pretty much anybody can reach it regardless of skill and match each other anyway. 🤷♂️ Then again, it's not like the entitled Unite playerbase will accept not getting to Master either if things were made harder beforehand. Creators put themselves between a rock and a hard place.
Spragels repping all our frustrations with matchmaking!!! 😂❤Well done.
About time he responds with frustrating... like it makes him more "human"
the game is slowly dying due to the developers greed (rank protection cards and insane gambling events), terrible meta and matchmaking, I quit
the data analysts say the bug is looking good
Can't wait for "Familly green stickers boxing" video
Unite: well the other team lost a member so we're going to punish you too by scraping this game and wasting your time.
4:20 Ah yes, deceptive data persuasion (DDP), the data version of Deceptive Imagery Persuasion (DIP), if this was intentional that's what this is, absolutely criminal, but not unexpected considering the dev and it's governance of origin.
Yup just replace the first two letters with Cs and it's pretty accurate
A bigger problem is that 90% of the time they don’t even make teams that are around the same elo; 3 high elo +2 low elo vs 3 high elo +2 low elo is still going to make the average elo between teams the same, so the match quality is not good even if they fix elo distribution… AVERAGE team elo being close means nothing if all it means is that the elos are MIXED equally :( So you earn a higher elo for what? Just to get matched with players that don’t care for playing as a team or following certain basics.
Whether they use hidden MMR or elo to match players doesn’t matter if they are going to mix those ratings anyway. 5 of the same MMR or elo will make matchmaking longer, and some rich fat cats probably veto that potential player loss gamble from happening or the devs have the wrong mentality about player loss, instead we get placating updates until the game eventually dies and they rerelease it as PU 2 with many of the Chinese version’s features.
I feel like increasing matchmaking times is worth it because there would be higher quality gameplay if there isn’t a mixing of skill levels. With mixing; noobs can’t even feel good by dominating other noobs on occasion, cause they are getting matched with higher skilled players, and this frustration causes many of them to play as trolls or leave the game.
Also, the devs make really bad bots… like how is PU going to be a good learning environment if mixing teams creates chaos, frustrated pinging between players, troll players and bots that show that scoring instead of being at ray fight is the right way… They can’t even add bots to the game in a decent way… like why even have bots that are at different skill levels, some bot games a person can net 30 kills and other bot games the bots actually know how to fight better than a noob (which doesn’t guarantee that they will be at important fights or not join you in the jungle at the start of the game as a greedant).
To me it really feels like they are putting their real efforts and money towards the Chinese version while waiting for the time to rerelease the global version. All we are getting is cash grabs, devs that struggle to code their own game (bugs and false letters about elo distribution), weird balance patches and mixed teams.
Spragels slowly turning into Joker on this video hahaha
They could reverse the matchmaking update and it will literally still be better ngl
This entire comment section can be summed up to low-key begging for the old matchmaking system. People want their win rates from before
win rates are largely gonna be the same
Right... not getting match with new to low rank players in upper ranks yes totally not issues bad matching
As a solo q tank/support with a 55-60% WR, last season felt like treading water no matter how well I played
That was pretty much me last season as well. This season climbing through Ultra has been one of the worst experiences I've ever had in this game, and I've been sub 50% winrate all season, and have even dipped below 40% briefly because I am getting so many games that are set up for failure where my team is full of new players and bad players, while the other team is actually coordinated and has a decent competitive comp.
I mean you are making yourself lose because you are playing defender or supporter you need to play a carry pokemon to win you are not gonna win if you trust your random team
I'm a solo that used to grind to master I was just barely able to get to ultra last round I played enough to know I was being matched against way higher skill compared to my team ates if they even moved lol
I play solo and was 1598 with 63% win rate and then got 2 Matches in a row with ultra players who had no idea about what they were doing. They didn't even show up at ray so ee lost. It was miserable
My only motivation to play rating matches was to get that goddamn sticker with season number after you reach level 1600. With this algorithm it’s almost impossible now for me as an average solo player, which makes me play pokemon less (a good thing for me, probably, but not good for timi if there are more players with the same mindset as mine)
Same Here its my Ocd that allowed me to keep playing and my Ocd that made me completely uninterested to Unite now that i already missed out. Also i realized i only play rank and rush to reach 1800/1600 so that i can stop playing rank because it is really a terrible experience stressful and stale, i try to get there fast so that i can play other games and shelve this game. Not that i think about it i feel that it's intentional for the rank experience to be garbage terrible to keep players hook in a bad way.
we fixed matchmaking to be fair ❎
we fixed matchmaking to be headache ✅
It's so hard for me to get back in to master class rn probably 70% of the games I play feel like it's me vs one other player and the rest are playing for the first time it's so frustrating, I'm stuck between ultra class 1 and 2
NO PLEASE NO. Just go back to the way it was 😭🙏 I dont want any more fixes. I cant stand losing more due to teammates with 47% win rates
Wow, this Absol Jungler did 23,ooo dmg all game! I sure hope I don't get them AGAIN
@@a_rat_named_mouse comes up in next with goal getter cinderace enjoy
Too many teammates with under 47% win rate... and those players are ATTACKERs which is like dude why
3 words for you Jake: Space-Time Smackdown
"This will be a video." Family Boxing Night? Let's goooo!
How am I, a player with 10k+ games and a 55% winrate. Being paired with players that have
I was still getting ultra rank players with leftovers and exp share taking the jungle at the end of the season.. they didn't sort matchmaking at all
I had a 57% win rate last season and this season its at 57 as well. It's definitely not fair that they force you to carry trios that shouldn't be your games. You are right, though. Only the better squads will be able to rank up and possibly the top 1% as you said. Other than that, most players will be stuck around the 1400 bucket. Once I hit 1400 I'm automatically stuck carrying trios who will abandon you and sabotage so they can play how they want. Good squads are very rare to come by. Its unfortunate that they artificially made the game more difficult.
You're so right when even with 57% win-rate you needed 500+ matches to get to 1600. Because I had about 60% win-rate but still couldn't get to 1600 although I had 200 or something matches
Timi, this is the 7th time in a row you've "fixed" the matchmaking.
the rank system no longer reflects player skill within those ranges, resulting in the majority of the playerbase being incorrectly included within those ranges.
Reading this made it abundantly clear why matchmaking felt even worse this season. Its not just that everyone was getting funneled to the same 1400 rating. Even if you managed to climb above that, since matchmaking was focused on balancing the TEAM AVERAGE MR the higher you climbed the worse your teammates got to bring the average closer to 1400. And because you were so much higher than the average you would eventually lose -11 for every loss at a much lower MR than intended. Even with a 60% WR carrying garbage teams almost every game I couldn't manage to climb.
I just had to put the game down again due to this madness. Ranked is totally cracked
Today's ranked season, I got for the first time in my life to have a win rate of 27%.
I got more losses than wins than the previous seasons, I couldn't get out of Ultra 5 (my starting rank this season because I ended the previous season at Master 1200+). I couldn't comprehend why I just won once then got lost a lot after. Yes I experienced getting a loss streak before but not this bad that I actually got dropped to 27% w/r and maybe below if I keep playing.
I started to question myself if I actually suck at the game, but I know I did my best to win yet I'm still overcame by my opponents and they ended up winning instead of me. All I know is that there's something off in this season.
After watching this video, I have started to be convinced that the matchmaking really sucks, so suck that I frequently got placed on losing matches, knowing that my win rate is now very low, I am starting to worry that I will get matched to more worse battles which will make my win rate drop even more. I am losing motivation to battle in Ranked mode because of this trend in my matches.
It especially sucks if you main Defenders or supports. My wr with Umbreon is 48% and my ranked match wr is 46.7. I know that I'm not the best but oftentimes my teammates are the ones who suck.
Edit: My win rate before last season was 53%.
Facts. This is why I am actually happier playing casual matches instead of ranked. The wait time in draft matches is ridiculous especially when you're just waiting for brain dead teammates to pick cinderace/decidiueye and ban greninja and duraludon
My wr all time wr used to 59.9 before last season now it dropped to 59.3. Last seasons matchmaking changes ruined everything
Something is very seriously wrong is season, even worse than last.
I have an average of 54WR, mainly support and defender across 6k games.
Last season WR was 62 at 1400. All solo q. This season i also can't get out of ultra 4. 30 hames with 47WR with absolitely ridiculous teams. Hop onto my alt, 35 games with 86WR. Swap back to main, my team has a duo with 35WR, Enemy is 65WR.
The first friend I told it to, they have exact same going on.
8:33 This is especially true, because with numbers like +/- 8, 9, and 10, 25 points is _one_ minimum win streak of 3 games in a row. That's _meaningless_ on the scale of dozens of battles (and more!) per season. You can bounce around within a range of 50 points _in a single day of playing_ depending on how matchups go, especially in solo-queue where things are particularly volatile.
25 points and even 50 points is way too small a margin to be adjusting the gains/losses after a match. Actual meaningful insights (such as "how well is this player competing?") depend on averages across many games, and if you screw with the point results on each individual game, the meaning of that average performance is totally different because you're fudging the data.
If there's like a 200 point difference? Sure, that's quite an outlier and it's not unreasonable to see that compensated. But _25 apart?_ C'mon man.
here from the live where we were excited for all of 2.5 seconds xd
This is by far the single funniest video on your entire channel. I promise we're laughing with you.
I though the last match making fix was going better than it was.... though to objectively say for sure how these adjustments really will effect just one person... so much is just throwing the dice
Just missed you record but caught the stream as you dropped the video!
Matchmaking gotten even worse this season, i was getting matched with newbs from the start
Usually takes me 100-200 games to get masters 1600 but last season it took 602 games
We weren't ready for draft or matchmaking
Draft ruined ranked. Draft matches take way too long for us to get matched up with a guarantee of at least 1-2 brain dead teammates that make damn near impossible to win.
@@Christo_Trismegistusplus you get completely counter picked if ur the best player on the team while the 2 worst players ban a mon like what
@@smokeenenra57I think the counterpick is a good aspect for the game but having the two LOWEST people for banning is awful
How tf was I, when I was in Ultra, teamed up with CrisHeroes who was in Masters 1400+ at that time?
And this also applies to the enemy team. There's usually a huge skill gap and a huge rank gap and a huge total number of battles gap between players within a match and it sucks.
I also have to fight for my life through ultra, my winrate declining there, before i go back to my upper 50s/lower 60s winrate in master each season. not happy about that. Who are these donkeys in Ultra who randomly troll around, grief and quit?
there's no pointo to "fix matchmaking" if soloQ is matched with duo and trio abusing every broken combo in the game matched against 3 potion attackers
just kill the game, china will drop it as well in a manner of months anyway
Ranked has been ridiculous. I couldn't climb no matter what i did. I value my time too much to torture myself. I'll keep an eye on what's happening, and when developers improve things, I'll pick up unite again. Im done for now😅
Me and my buddy been playing alot of ranked and 90% of our matches we are fighting bots. Like actual beep boop robots its so easy its not even fun and we are in veteran rank. Just my personal experience
That's because this game doesn't have a healthy influx of new players, and most players who play a lot of ranked get to masters, and then only rank down to Ultra when a new season starts. So there aren't enough real people that are in veteran rank to match you against.
Dropping a comment for the algo, although I'm not sure if the algo gives +9 at your current MMR.
Bad joke...thanks for putting this up though, genuinely. I think it's safe to say you're speaking on behalf of most of the active players.
I was waiting for a poketuber to talk about this, because i noticed that as i get to higher ranks i am not forced to play carry any more because my team mates are increasingly getting more skilled and opposing team are also getting better, which is much better, than playing with and against mindless players that mostly don't understand macro.
when i had 60% winrate last season i was paired with teammates with less than 45% every single game
They need to do what they do in Honor of Kings
If people are reporting you a lot then you get punished at the start of the week. forces you to either get better and learn or stop playing. seriously looks like they changed it so you are forced to buy the rank protection cards. I normally get to masters very quickly in the season, matchmaking has been the worst and I'm still grinding ultra. Flipping ridiculous
dont know where to ask cause the internet wont tell me, just started playing unite again after a long time. im trying to figure out why I cant queue for remoat stadium for ranked anymore? google is acting like im insane.
I LOLed @7:03 😂
The howls and cackling will only grow louder from here.
At this point, I’ve put all my faith into the (hopefully) CN/Global merge and if that doesn’t happen then well… it was nice knowing ya unite 💀
Spragels woke up with vengeance today and rightfully so - I would be cheesed too 👀😅
Lol that's hilarious! Also Jake is going mad 😂
when i looked at Season 24 points win/lost get, I was at 1400+ but when i lost a match and lost -10 mostly 95% and not -9
which im possible and most of my friend just quit when reach 1400.
The point win is very random, sometime im got 10 point 95% at 1200+ even if i was mvp
Still now, the game i cant go solo q, its gamble for me mostly.
I have like 7-9 lost streak daily trying to solo q and my wr is like 20% wr if i go fully solo q. Very frustrating😮💨
Lmao I think it's safe to assume that timi's game analyst licks windows and wears a helmet when they go out for a walk
the problem is that people with a highnumber of plays are playing with newpeople in the game, too. I swear I try to play well and to win.. I watch your channel for years, try everything to win and I am playing with new players. But do they need us to play with low play players to carry them?
Yes you need to carry the new player to win
sending love to you, Spragles, & the remaining players of Unite.
Timi has broken every promise they’ve ever made to their players since launch. They are incompetent and I no longer have any faith in their ability to make lasting, meaningful changes to this game.
It's hard to solo queue. I can get into master regularly but struggle to get above 1400 because I'll win 10 in a row or so and then go on a huge losing streak with questionable players
Winning should be rewarded more and individual performance should reward positive points. Im fine being deducted 8 points if I have a bad game. But if I do pretty solid and lose why not deduct a player 4-5 points instead ?
I usually stop playing as much once I get into Master
Just ban the sweaty duos in soloq games and it'll be a big improvement
And also the Trio
Me trying to get to master rank and having a hard time because it’s either people who have terrible items and got carried or it’s people who just have a terrible win rate cause they don’t know how to play the game or when to NOT FEED THE ENEMY
The company running this game is just acting like the dead beat toxic company blizzard. Trust they will lose money and die out I don’t mean the game I mean the company. Time will take place.
These guys need a community spokes person who actually takes in what the fans say and want. It’s the fans who are truly passionate about the pokemon franchise and we hate to see anything to do with pokemon butchered and destroyed. I just don’t understand how they can continually get it wrong and STILL increase prices for shitty holowears
Welp I stopped chasing after the sticker since last season. 1200 and a daily quick match will do.
The worse thing in any Strategic Team Battle game is peoples Ego.
I’ve spent more time watching your videos than I have actually playing over the past couple weeks because I was so frustrated with the games I was playing. I wasn’t able to play much earlier in the season, so a few weeks in when I tried to rank up, I was getting paired with the worst people ever. I couldn’t stand the games I was getting, so I’ve just turned to other games in the meantime. Hopefully things get better
Come on Timmi! You made Spragel's wife box her children!
Uh oh