Jeremy Corbyn: 'Of course I love my country'

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @wisildur
    @wisildur 9 років тому +84

    He could win because he"s connected with the ordinary people. He's authentic and wants social justice.

    • @Arnox45
      @Arnox45 9 років тому +6

      +wisildur He wants to leave us defenceless as well

    • @mason5507
      @mason5507 9 років тому +4

      Social justice? Good joke

    • @johnnyforeigner401
      @johnnyforeigner401 9 років тому +4

      +Arnox45 not really. He wants to scrap trident but not dismantle the army. His proposed foreign policy would actually keep us out of conflicts around the world meaning we'd be more safer. Camerons foreign policy of supporting the Islamists in Syria and Libya then bombing them later has created us so many issues.

    • @Arnox45
      @Arnox45 9 років тому +5

      Johnny Foreigner
      Ukraine gave in to nuclear disarmament and decided to remain completely neutral in most if not all conflicts. That worked brilliantly for them didn't it. Neutrality doesn't work.

    • @johnnyforeigner401
      @johnnyforeigner401 9 років тому

      If they do so (which I doubt) ...then RELUCTANTLY I would support military intervention only if the diplomatic process has failed.

  • @ParedCheese
    @ParedCheese 9 років тому +203

    What a lovely contrast to Cameron's tabloid-pleasing, empty sound bites.
    Didn't mention "hard working families" once. 👍

    • @JamesRosen22
      @JamesRosen22 9 років тому +16

      +ParedCheese nor 'one nation' or 'long-term economic plan' ;)

    • @upturnedkangaroo
      @upturnedkangaroo 9 років тому +3

      +ParedCheese Shushhh! You'll give Cameron ideas. He might start sounding human!

    • @GavinAyling
      @GavinAyling 9 років тому

      +ParedCheese Because he doesn't care about people working. If you work, you realise the man's not out to get you and stop voting socialist.

    • @GavinAyling
      @GavinAyling 9 років тому +1

      +James Rosen Because he doesn't believe in uniting people behind a vision of economic sustainability and instead wants to drive unemployment and inflation in one massive counter-cyclical economic apocalypse.

    • @kaibe5241
      @kaibe5241 9 років тому +7

      +Gavin Ayling hahahahahahahahahahaha

  • @robbiebennett5021
    @robbiebennett5021 9 років тому +138

    It made me sad when he said 'I'm just trying to be nice to people' he really is and he doesn't deserve the shit that's been thrown at him - Labour leader or not.
    I'm firmly behind this very good man and I hope everyone that watched this will support him in the battle for a better world.

    • @mason5507
      @mason5507 9 років тому +6

      He may be a 'good man' but it takes a ruthless man to lead a country. This guy is like an old grandpa in a boxing match with a guy in his prime.

    • @johnnyforeigner401
      @johnnyforeigner401 9 років тому +2

      +Mason Storm not necessarily

    • @mason5507
      @mason5507 9 років тому +6

      Basically you guys are believing that a 5foot4, 8stone bloke could lift a 1tonne car if his heart was in the right place.
      This man has neither the brains nor balls to run this country.
      You guys are literally siding with a pseudo-communist you fucking dip shits.

    • @johnnyforeigner401
      @johnnyforeigner401 9 років тому +9

      Wow nice way to engage in meaningful polite dialogue kid :/

    • @mason5507
      @mason5507 9 років тому

      There is little room for politeness when schooling uninformed dumb asses. Especially when, literally, the national security of my own fucking country is at risk.

  • @TequilaToothpick
    @TequilaToothpick 9 років тому +220

    I just love this man.
    Even if we don't win the next election I'll still love him. I'd rather lose fighting for things believed in than win promising things that I don't.

    • @davyjones-locker979
      @davyjones-locker979 9 років тому +15

      +Swoooze There has to be a serious campaign among the youth now to drum up support. Up and down the country. Also, the elderly will vote for him - massive task, but with grassroot support and so forth, who knows. Wilder things have happened.

    • @Arnox45
      @Arnox45 9 років тому +5

      +Davy Jones-Locker He's unelectable, he'll never win an election in a million years. It's mutually agreed the Labour party lost for going too far left, what they've done here is go even further left

    • @niconiconico6183
      @niconiconico6183 9 років тому +2

      +Arnox45 "mutually agreed" HAHA!

    • @davyjones-locker979
      @davyjones-locker979 9 років тому +2

      Arnox45 One has to be very wary political soothsaying.

    • @TequilaToothpick
      @TequilaToothpick 9 років тому +6

      Except that Corbyn was elected by the British pubic of course and was more popular than the rest. Labour chose Ed Milliband as their best bet and that was of course a failure to anybody with a working brain right from the off. Labour lost the last election and all of Scotland for being Tory-lite. For the sake of the future of the party they needed to elect someone who actually opposes Tory and if you listend to what Corbyn is saying it isn't far left at all, it's just that they media is so far right that anybody looks like an extreme commie to them.

  • @guardian231
    @guardian231 9 років тому +83

    How people are still harping on about him not singing the national anthem is beyond me. "God Save the Queen".. The man is a republican and does not support the idea of having a monarchy.
    Secondly, I'm pretty certain that it wasn't the royal family who suffered the immense casualties of the world wars. You can respect the people who died without having to support an establishment that didn't actually suffer any first hand consequences of the war. Anyone who states otherwise is simply being blindly patriotic and are just looking for something to nitpick due to not agreeing with some of Corbyn's views.
    The men and women who died in the world wars fought for many things including our freedom of speech/expression, and I don't think that includes blindly supporting someone who inherited power and singing a national anthem which relegates us to being 'subjects' of said monarch as opposed to being free citizens.

    • @Arnox45
      @Arnox45 9 років тому +1

      +Bradmaster Flash The whole of the commonwealth fought with the UK for the King. Nothing else. Likewise the whole of the commonwealth nowadays is completely based on the connection of the queen as head of state of many of the nations.
      Also the idea that inheriting power is somehow bad is only modern rhetoric with no realistic basis. If you know who will be leader from birth, you can spend the next few decades teaching them how to run a country. Democracy is a farce, only people who know what they're talking about or know what's actually going on should be allowed to make decisions about important topics

    • @alexanderclarkson3624
      @alexanderclarkson3624 9 років тому +1

      +Bradmaster Flash One thing people are weary of when it comes to socialists is that they know and love the society they envisage, not the society they live in. Few socialists accept the people for what they are. Unsurprisingly they go beyond their mandate by trying to 'fix' people's thoughts and behaviours through policy. By not singing the anthem he - I believe unintentionally - said "I'm too good for this country's traditions. Replacing this country's identity with my version should be part of the reforms."

    • @andyadc
      @andyadc 9 років тому +5

      +Arnox45 Happy in slavery. Just keep your head down and do as your betters tell you. What an absurd comment.

    • @Arnox45
      @Arnox45 9 років тому +1

      Andrew Cooke
      So what you've been told is right by people pushing an agenda of power today is somehow less absurd than what the whole world operated on 150 years ago. It's all a matter of perspective.
      Under a monarchy the UK became the most powerful nation in the world, as the monarch lost power, so did the nation. Germany was more powerful under Hitler than at any other time in history. Under Napoleon France also reached its height. Japan reached its peak under a monarch. Democracy is an inefficient system where people with no knowledge of anything can make important decisions they're in no position to make.
      Would you let someone with a degree in media studies control the economy? No you wouldn't. So why do you think that people with less knowledge than even that vote on things that they know nothing of. It's nonsensical and has never throughout the history of the world shown its merits.

    • @guardian231
      @guardian231 9 років тому +2

      +Arnox45 If by 'reached its peak' or 'became the most powerful nation in the world' you mean being at the whims of bloodthirsty, greedy dictators and conquering countries we have no right to, then sure, I agree with you.
      Without democracy, we'd be nowhere near as advanced as we are today and we'd be held back by the values of individuals in a much higher position of power than us. You may be complacent enough to enjoy being the said 'subject', but believe it or not, some of us don't particularly feel loyal to an outdated establishment which hasn't particularly done anything for us. Technology and social media have evolved to a point where the vast majority have a voice - this is how it should be in a democratic society and if you want to see a fine example of places where democracy does not exist, you can take a look at North Korea.
      I myself am completely indifferent to the Royal Family - I could not care less if they were in power or not as nowadays it's just a performance (tourists love it, at least, and it brings in a fair amount of income). If the monarchy tried to seize more power and actually start making decisions independent of politicians, people would be out in the streets rioting. They are a cultural icon if anything.

  • @GetToDaChoppa-k5r
    @GetToDaChoppa-k5r 9 років тому +26

    Why is Corbyn being bullied into singing that awful Aristocratic loving anthem for the farcical Queen? Seriously grow up England!

    • @GetToDaChoppa-k5r
      @GetToDaChoppa-k5r 9 років тому

      ***** unfortunately your are correct.

    • @GetToDaChoppa-k5r
      @GetToDaChoppa-k5r 9 років тому

      ***** Exactly. The establishment worshiping media are such parasitic pests who have no interest or care for what the people want. Basically they are a little scared of him and us. GOOD!

    • @UrbanZervR
      @UrbanZervR 9 років тому

      +unagi if he just sung it in the first place there'd be no drama

    • @GetToDaChoppa-k5r
      @GetToDaChoppa-k5r 9 років тому

      Fast Obzeh why should he sing though? He doesn't agree with a dirt bag royal family and neither do I.

    • @UrbanZervR
      @UrbanZervR 9 років тому

      no hassle people take pride in being patriotic and the royal family is a symbol of tradition, it's a sign of respect to sing the national anthem and seen as especially important for a politician. If he didn't want this drama he should've just sung it, as he now says he'll sing it in the future

  • @SuperHarhoura
    @SuperHarhoura 9 років тому +47

    Regardless of your political views you cannot deny this guy is one of the most humble, decent and honest distinguished politician in modern day Britain. You can clearly see he has a genuine drive to make this country a better place to live in for everyone whereas power and wealth is of very little interest to him.

    • @Morglay
      @Morglay 9 років тому

      +SuperHarhoura He''s already Reduced "PMs Question Time" to a complete farce, just because he's incapable of intelligent and passionate debate. He's such a boring ol' bastard - he'll never be elected as PM.

    • @TrippleH655321
      @TrippleH655321 9 років тому

      +SuperHarhoura Not working class white people. They will be ignored and called racists.

    • @Morglay
      @Morglay 9 років тому

      +Heimlich Bandersnatch I really would like to know about the poor you're talking a about. In the UK we have a comprehensive social security safety net. Could you please expand and tell me, who is losing out?

    • @TrippleH655321
      @TrippleH655321 9 років тому

      The homeless. Disableds. Olds.

    • @RockinJohnny
      @RockinJohnny 9 років тому +1

      +Michael Peters I wouldn't call it a safety net anymore more like a danger net. People who have been sancioned on benefits simply for being a few mins late etc or good reason to be late or miss appointment have been sanctioned and this has caused them to lose benefits for weeks causing them to get into dept, starvation you name it. Some of my friends have died which makes me very angry as this could have been avoided so SS is no safety net.

  • @JW93581
    @JW93581 9 років тому +7

    If this man becomes Prime Minister this country is fucked.

  • @jacqutonmansmacher7836
    @jacqutonmansmacher7836 9 років тому +18

    wow an actual conversation between a politician and a journalist rather than the usual back and forth attack/avoid that usually occurs.
    well done Channel 4 and John for starting to understand that people just want unbiased truth and well done to Jeremy for making the first steps in making politics work for the people again.
    This is exciting times, the besmeirchment of Jeremy by all other main stream media outlets and other political members is very telling and I hope they continue their embarrassing performance as it will only awaken more people.

    • @the81kid
      @the81kid 9 років тому +2

      +Joel White
      I hope you're right. I can't say I agree with everything Corbyn believes in, but mostly I do. And that is all beside the point: it's so good to see an honest, sincere and well intentioned politician rise from nowhere through the system designed to repress democracy. I can't stand how most of the other MPs, from whatever party, can't stand him. I can't stand how much they hate real democracy, sniggering when he mentions and quotes real people, mocking him for actually being who he says he his, instead of spin doctors whitewashing elitists who only care about making rich people happy. I've regained a little faith in humanity, and the UK, this week.

  • @MasterJKerr
    @MasterJKerr 9 років тому +127

    Even if you don't like his policies he's obviously starting a new better brand of politics

    • @WILLJPX
      @WILLJPX 9 років тому +6

      +Josh Kerr No he's not; this is exactly the politics of post-war Britain.

    • @westhamhaz
      @westhamhaz 9 років тому +7

      +Will P (WILLJPX) No need to get sandy, it is a relatively new politics if it hasn't been done in 70 odd years then.

    • @WILLJPX
      @WILLJPX 9 років тому

      +Tom Sheldon 'State education' - comprehensives have been a disaster; 'invested huge amounts in national infrastructure', which then led to an major economic downturn in the 1970s, so much so, that the IMF had to prop up the economy, and Britain became known as the 'sick man of Europe'.

    • @WILLJPX
      @WILLJPX 9 років тому

      +Logo Bannucks Yes, it is. Nationalisation (socialism) was prevalent in every British governments economic policy between 1945-1979. Do some research.

    • @turricaned
      @turricaned 9 років тому

      +Will P (WILLJPX) - "comprehensives have been a disaster" - because Thatcher, who hated the concept but was forced to oversee the implementation of the policy in Heath's government, deliberately undermined the intent by taking out the requirement for streaming at different ability levels - the result of which was effectively just a renaming exercise from "Secondary Modern" to "Comprehensive". You may be interested to know that while it was a Labour government who enacted the policy, the original concept came from the "High Tories".
      "Nationalisation (socialism)" - Not the same thing. To use the British railways as an example, they were nationalised largely because the private rail companies refused to foot the bill to repair the damage caused to their networks by requisitioned usage during both world wars (during which time the railways were active day and night with scant time for heavy maintenance). At the time, taking the railways national was logical - the government was responsible for the state they were in, so it made sense that they should take responsibility for getting them working again.
      In any case, Corbyn has said that the way nationalisation was done in the past (i.e. "top-down") didn't work in the way it was hoped, and that the approach he intends to follow would be much more inclusive.

  • @markorollo.
    @markorollo. 9 років тому +16

    i love my country (England, and Britain)
    if theres one thing me and Jezza dont agree on its royalty, i'll say it right now, im a royalist, not a republican
    But ive never once sung the national anthem, its basically just a song, nothing more, i cant see what the big deal is with him not singing it. How many of our international football players, before a game, line up but dont sing our anthem?, doesnt mean they dont love their country, maybe it means, as it does in my case, that their singing could kill a cat, and i wouldnt want to do that, i like cats....

    • @Legionari3
      @Legionari3 9 років тому +1

      +xneverwalkalonex I see your point... I'm from northern England and class myself as British and think the Monarch is still very important to this country from both a figure head and a symbolic position...
      Only seem to disagree with Corbyn on that and I think the UK should stay in NATO
      But I agree singing the national anthem does not take away from peoples patriotism.. seems more of a traditional thing at this point... it is ridiculous the amount of criticism he is getting for this...

    • @rahman020264
      @rahman020264 9 років тому

      How do you feel about the Royal Family being Herman. Windsor my 'airy 'arris! That name was appropriated to obviate criticism of Prince Albert and the 2 world Wars. Their real name? Derived from the Houses of SaxeCoburg Gotha with a little Shleswig-Holstein. ..wundebar? ?

    • @markorollo.
      @markorollo. 9 років тому

      +BelleVilleThree every royal born since ive been alive and at least a couple of generations before that were born here, britain, go down pretty much anyones family tree in britain and at some point theres a good chance another country will turn up, i can say for certain thats the case in my family as my grandmother was Polish, doesnt make me any less british. i know you'll probably argue that my family doesnt head the country but makes no difference to me. And i just want to add, re my grandmother, even though she was Polish you could not meet a more patriotic person for this country, i never heard her speak Polish, even her own daughters didnt, i kind of wish we had.

  • @baharmazumder91
    @baharmazumder91 9 років тому +70

    He is great human being

  • @cr0uchingtiger
    @cr0uchingtiger 9 років тому +19

    A new species of politician. Must have been sent from another planet or something coz us lot are quite rotten! Hope the Tories are afraid.

    • @TheLosDiablos
      @TheLosDiablos 9 років тому +5

      +cr0uchingtiger Have you not seen the Tories' anti-Corbyn video yet, the one stating that he is a 'threat to national security'?
      Of course they're afraid! And I bloody love it!

    • @Arnox45
      @Arnox45 9 років тому +3

      +Calzor There's being afraid and then there's being smart enough to know this man will destroy this nation and any relevancy it has in the international community

    • @mason5507
      @mason5507 9 років тому +4

      I'M AFRAID.
      Afraid low IQ spastics are going to vote him into power and he will turn this country into a laughing stock on the world stage.

    • @niconiconico6183
      @niconiconico6183 9 років тому +1

      +Mason Storm The UK is hardly universally admired at the moment. The "warmongering US poodle" look ain't cool with most people.

    • @Arnox45
      @Arnox45 9 років тому +4

      Nico NicoNico
      Evidently it is admired otherwise the very nations we are supposedly on bad terms with wouldn't all be trying to get here.

  • @zaygezunt
    @zaygezunt 9 років тому +23

    It's like the song, he is "willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause". He is becoming the sort of leader who will have thousands alongside him on that march.

    • @zaygezunt
      @zaygezunt 9 років тому

      ***** Yes Corbyn has the backbone of the country and the Tories have the scum of the earth. The main difference is that during tough times the ordinary people pull together while the bankers suck everyone else dry so I know that JC has got a far stronger support than the Tories.

    • @Morglay
      @Morglay 9 років тому +2

      +zaygezunt Backbone - he's a spineless bastard who has already surrendered to Islamic terrorism.

    • @Morglay
      @Morglay 9 років тому

      +zaygezunt Do you mean, like lemmings?

    • @Morglay
      @Morglay 9 років тому

      +Michael Peters No, in the misguided belief that the left can manipulate Islamic extremists - oh, how deluded the left is.

    • @24yrukdesigner
      @24yrukdesigner 9 років тому

      Michael Peters I don't believe there is even a left left anymore. :) people should leave their left and right attitudes and look forwards to making UK a better place for everyone living there... not those who want to go live there. Fix all the countless numbers of people living on the streets in cities all over the country now... homeless, jobless, whilst the government simultaneously blame the public for labour/tories decisions to mass murder, infiltrate the country with very violent people whom have not a single intention of integration... I say NO to Labour and Tories, both are complete disasters, with history as evidence. Besides all we are STILL heading towards, despite call me Daves broken promises, is am open border, eu dictatorship with zero security, maximum chaos, zero self control, maximum expenses for involvement in our own supression of free trade.... labour/tories/eu sod off the lot of you. We need Europe to have its independence for every European state. Stop telling Europe what to do, who to bomb, what religion belongs where. Leave the people alone and dismantle the self elected nonsense eu. No one wants it...

  • @101gamingtv101
    @101gamingtv101 9 років тому +8

    I like this man I wanted independence in Scotland but after hearing what he has to say he stands for a lot of what I believe in so I support him.

  • @peterstewart6390
    @peterstewart6390 3 роки тому +5

    He’s going to “ wipe the floor” with “ thousands “ of people marching alongside him !!!!
    Where ? ... in Venezuela?

  • @georgiacarr2599
    @georgiacarr2599 9 років тому +11

    As someone with a massive interest in politics, Jeremy is someone completely different and new. It's so refreshing to listen to an interview where the challenging questions are answered honestly - there's no skirting around or soundbites to look good. I truly believe everything he says and I can't wait to start campaigning for Labour 2020 under this wonderful man.

  • @kaboomist
    @kaboomist 9 років тому +38

    I just want to say, thank you Channel 4 for raising the very very low bar of what passes for "journalism" in the present climate.

  • @ukmidnighter
    @ukmidnighter 9 років тому +14

    I love the difference of this man to ed. remember ed being asked if he was the right man "hell yes" he replied in a rather cringe worthy moment, then, Jeremy answers this similar question with such honesty and class. great interview. don't agree with some of his views but hopefully the new direction of politics will be worth watching out for .

  • @ericoulthwaite
    @ericoulthwaite 9 років тому +4

    What a fucking guy! Totally real. Every time you see a politician, you know they are sly and saying what they have been told to say. Not with this guy!

  • @callummorgan8701
    @callummorgan8701 9 років тому +2

    One of the few politician's who doesn't talk complete bullshit.

  • @richardhorrocks6514
    @richardhorrocks6514 9 років тому +6

    Why Can't he just say 'no, i'm a republican'?

    • @AndySmith606
      @AndySmith606 9 років тому

      +Richard Horrocks He makes no secret of being an atheist and a republican.

    • @richardhorrocks6514
      @richardhorrocks6514 9 років тому +2

      I mean, why can't he just say 'of fucking course i'm not going to sing the national anthem i'm a republican'...?

    • @Wudderz
      @Wudderz 9 років тому +3

      +Richard Horrocks don't think that would go down well with the media that is already lambasting his every move

    • @alexanderstefanov6474
      @alexanderstefanov6474 9 років тому +3

      +Andy Smith two good reasons to vote for him, as a former Tory voter i will be. the Tories and new labour fucked the middle class and Blair is a filthy criminal

    • @Morglay
      @Morglay 9 років тому

      +Richard Horrocks Because he knows he wouldn't get elected.

  • @OldSnoopHoop
    @OldSnoopHoop 9 років тому +6

    At last the media is finally allowing him to speak about his policies. Thank you Channel 4.

  • @jameselder1103
    @jameselder1103 7 років тому +2

    Evan if you don't like his policies you have to admit that he is much better than mrs may in interviews

  • @stephensmith799
    @stephensmith799 9 років тому +12

    Jeremy's a breath of fresh air. The pasty political establishment has a big problem on its hands.

  • @MrTattedFit
    @MrTattedFit 9 років тому +33

    guy just talks sense

  • @Hunter23UK
    @Hunter23UK 9 років тому +4

    He's weeeeeak! Rest In Peace, Labour Party.

  • @ScottishMatters
    @ScottishMatters 9 років тому +3

    keep going Jeremy, what a nonsense this national anthem business is. lesser men would fold under the spotlight he's in, but he's in a position to change uk politics to a more open demos-led process. let's help him do that.

  • @gamewithadam7235
    @gamewithadam7235 8 років тому +2

    You all seem to forget that Corbyn was educated just as well as Cameron and his family is almost just as rich.

    • @tyler6539
      @tyler6539 4 роки тому

      Actually he wasn't, he went to a grammar school and didn't perform tremendously. Got Es in his A levels. Cameron went to Eton. Corbyn is a modest man, his Islington home is modest, and he doesn't even own a car. Your comment is irrelevant

    • @gamewithadam7235
      @gamewithadam7235 4 роки тому +1

      @@tyler6539 Grammar schools are like private schools.

    • @tyler6539
      @tyler6539 4 роки тому +1

      @@gamewithadam7235 they really aren't, I briefly attended one back in sixth form and went to a comprehensive secondary. I think before you make comments like this you know what you are talking about. Cameron went to a PUBLIC school which is the highest form of selective education with paid tuition and a private curriculum. Grammar schools are state run like comprehensives and follow the government curriculum. Public schools like Eton are only available to the incredibly wealthy and powerful, and breeds the slimy sort of politicians that think they are born to be in power like Cameron and Boris Johnson. The absolute worst of the lot that have no interest for the country except to fill their own and their friends pockets. Grammar schools are selective only in the sense that they have an admissions tests. They have no fees and are no different to your standard comprehensive schools except they only accept those with certain grades. Men and women like Corbyn from modest backgrounds are who we need in politics because they are in touch with the general population in a way that the privately educated elite of the Tory party can never be, even if we haven't quite realised it yet.
      I realise this is an old comment but I appreciate the reply and hope you and yours are well and healthy!

    • @gamewithadam7235
      @gamewithadam7235 4 роки тому +1

      @@tyler6539 Yeah I'm not reading all that.

    • @tyler6539
      @tyler6539 4 роки тому

      @@gamewithadam7235 proving once again the idocy, stupidity, and narrow-mindedness of Conservatives

  • @arfurchance10
    @arfurchance10 9 років тому +1

    He said he loves his country, did he say which one it was? why can't people see through this, he's been a backbencher all his political life a "friend" of Sinn Fein and just before the final labour leadership vote he was a 200/1 outsider, something doesn't gell right here.

  • @AliTheAllStar
    @AliTheAllStar 9 років тому +1

    Jon Snow is one of the only good interviewers left on the mainstream media. He actually gave Corbyn a chance to speak and explain himself most of the time.

  • @executivecars7695
    @executivecars7695 3 роки тому +3

    That aged well😂😂😂

    • @johicks4573
      @johicks4573 Рік тому

      Couldn’t agree more. Does Jeremy Corbyn love his country? Not particularly - it’s part of The West and Corbyn has made it his life’s work to discredit all of its defining institutions, from NATO to the European Union. The time he bent over backwards to exculpate Putin over the Salisbury poisoning (contrary to accurate British intelligence) was embarrassing. He defended the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 by claiming the West had provoked the Kremlin. Next to Johnson he is one of the most dishonest politicians you will see in your lifetime. He is divisive, prejudiced, sectarian, subjective, partisan, naive and economical with the truth.
      I’m glad he was thrown out of the Labour Party - he doesn’t belong in a mainstream Social Democratic Party, or even in decent society.

  • @jameswilkes6091
    @jameswilkes6091 9 років тому +1

    A good interview for a good man, I love Jeremy Corbyn, he's a great politician and a great person with everyone's best interests at heart, he accepts that people disagree with him and doesn't let it get him down. I also very much like Dan Snow, his history programmes and his streams on periscope are fabulous and I can see that his father is just as good a man.

  • @juleshitchen9089
    @juleshitchen9089 9 років тому +2

    he loves the Britain of old but he doesn't like the corruption, the obsession with money, the meaningless wars and I think he thinks that this country can be 'good' again but that can only come from making strong decisions for the good that make you look deep down inside yourself and feel that think that we've still kept our integrity and dignity and are fighting oppression rather than being a puppet of isreal and fighting wars for geopolitical power.
    I beleive in him

  • @everythingisupsidedown9593
    @everythingisupsidedown9593 9 років тому +13

    Not only is Jeremy and John fully revealing the horror under the masks of Cameron et al, but the ever so pathetic 'journalism' that backs people in corners hoping they will snap along with attempts to trick the interviewee - trite, boring and unhelpful.

  • @Jack-fs2im
    @Jack-fs2im 6 років тому +2

    Where was EU worker protection at Sports Direct and Uber and many other companies?

  • @Jupiter1423
    @Jupiter1423 2 роки тому

    The sad thing about Corbyn is that had he note betrayed the Brexit vote theres a chance he'd be prime minister right now. He just gave the tories a huge majority by failing to see how many remain voters respected the result of the vote.

  • @davidnichol6282
    @davidnichol6282 2 роки тому

    All public figures who don't state publicly that they love their country are dead ducks in the water.

  • @jones8017
    @jones8017 9 років тому +1

    This man actually interests me in politics once again , at last a man of integrity and not interested in being a celebrity and not caring if he is wearing the right clothes! I agree with the poster below a human being not a media defined clone that the rest of the politicians seem to follow!

  • @chapmasi
    @chapmasi 9 років тому

    I wouldn't vote for their party if my life depended on it but Corbyn is the first Labour MP since Kinnock I actually respect, he seems conviction driven.
    He's a contrast to the opposition, Blair, Brown and Miliband were no different than the party they sat opposite.

  • @kula_lala739
    @kula_lala739 9 років тому

    The only way these news outlets can stop themselves from going under is by following this example, news is news you ask questions and the public answers and listens, when you twist things you are not asking questions, you are creating your own answers.

  • @LRC92
    @LRC92 9 років тому

    I regards to Trident, the most reasonable thing to do is have a free vote and respect the outcome. Most of the PLP would still vote to renew it, but it's the only way to keep the party unified, as I doubt he'll convince them otherwise. It may piss a few of his supporters off, but after all Corbyn is democratic leader of the Labour Party, not dictator.

  • @NickC341
    @NickC341 9 років тому +1

    where does he stand on the "redistribution" of wealth? income from investments, inheritance taxes / sale of property etc etc ? previous hard core socialist Labor governments felt they had the mandate to loot money at an exorbitant rate (that topped out at 90% in the 1970's) from private individuals in order to fund their programs .. will middle class voters embrace this same policy on their families property and wealth ?

  • @Defaultname0000
    @Defaultname0000 9 років тому +1

    Did I just see this? Is this real? Am I in a dream? British media having a meaninful interview that has some level of professionalism.
    I am utterly amazed.

    • @TrippleH655321
      @TrippleH655321 9 років тому +2

      +Defaultname0000 He's far left, they are far left. Of course they are biased towards him.

    • @Defaultname0000
      @Defaultname0000 9 років тому

      TrippleH655321 You think Channel 4 are far left? I don't think that's true.

    • @TrippleH655321
      @TrippleH655321 9 років тому

      ok fair play, channel 4 and bbc blur into one for someone who dosent own a TV. :-)

    • @BRockandriffs
      @BRockandriffs 8 років тому

      +TrippleH655321 to be fair he did ask some questions that were designed to challenge him.

  • @tonybrook4519
    @tonybrook4519 9 років тому

    I wonder what it would be like if an actual 'grown up' was PM.

  • @jeales895
    @jeales895 9 років тому +3

    I'd like to listen to what those two chat about, after the interview.

  • @sickbailey21
    @sickbailey21 9 років тому +1

    this is the kind of coverage I'd like to see him get more of. Thanks

    • @Truthseeker1515
      @Truthseeker1515 9 років тому

      +sickbailey21 Not with the general media.

    • @sickbailey21
      @sickbailey21 9 років тому

      We will see dude, the comment sections have been on fire with all of the smear jobs. People aren't happy with the blatant bashing.
      May as well say thanks when it's something decent and make sure they know its appreciated right ;) If you want this man to gain traction, spread the works which give him a fair say. Doesn't matter who he's debating or where, if he's given a proper opportunity to speak I believe he will gain a strong following.

    • @Truthseeker1515
      @Truthseeker1515 9 років тому

      Not going to happen, the middle classes in England and Wales will never buy the message of fear distilled by the tabloids and general are beating a dead horse. Sad but true.

    • @sickbailey21
      @sickbailey21 9 років тому

      what's your alternative? I'm happy to hear better options if you have any, otherwise I'll stick with this :)

    @TAVIII 9 років тому +2

    He doesn't need to convince me lol, I voted Green and I'm already sure I'll be voting Labour next time bar any massive fuck up in the next 4 years

    • @the81kid
      @the81kid 9 років тому

      I just wish the best of Green and Labour could join forces. I don't think this is bad for the Greens. Corbyn can now change the conversation, and that conversation is not a million miles away from the Green's conversation.

    • @UrbanZervR
      @UrbanZervR 9 років тому

      +m80pls why would you vote for the greens that's a wasted vote

    • @TAVIII
      @TAVIII 9 років тому

      Fast Obzeh How is it a wasted vote? Why would I vote for a party I don't agree with? No point voting for "the least bad". Either vote for what you want or don't bother.

    • @UrbanZervR
      @UrbanZervR 9 років тому

      m80pls you could've helped labour win who are closer to Green's policies, there is a point in voting for the 'least bad'

    • @TAVIII
      @TAVIII 9 років тому

      Fast Obzeh Lesser of two horrible evils, I don't want either.

  • @MrCopperthwaite
    @MrCopperthwaite 9 років тому

    Who could love a piece of land which has been reduced to no more than an economic region to which anyone can migrate?

  • @totalwarking7839
    @totalwarking7839 9 років тому

    I would very interested to hear Jeremy Corbyn's opinion of the green party, both agree on many issues and I think labour with Jeremy cobryn as leader and the green party could achieve great things for the country

  • @berlinmitte10117
    @berlinmitte10117 9 років тому

    Not a Corbyn supporter but as a republican it would be two-faced of him to sing the anthem. Personally I would like to see the anthem not be a homage to the monarchy, but to the state as a whole.

  • @David-cy7sj
    @David-cy7sj 9 років тому +1

    I can imagine this old hipster shouting at a tv camera: "Strength through unity! Unity through faith!"

  • @muhammeddiloarhussain1701
    @muhammeddiloarhussain1701 2 місяці тому

    A honest leader.
    I respect this honest man.

  • @mst7806
    @mst7806 9 років тому +1

    Free everything everybody! Yay!

  • @Truthseeker1515
    @Truthseeker1515 9 років тому

    A great man, all respect to him. How refreshing. The old generation would not recognize what the UK has become...especially those who fought against the Nazis.

  • @guybloaks8314
    @guybloaks8314 8 років тому +1

    This guy is my hero, the reason I now believe in the Labour party again not the NEW LABOUR Blair crap but the REAL LABOUR PARTY we had for all those years. I think we need a good clear out of some scum bags first though.

  •  9 років тому

    Does it really matter who started the back slave trade? For those of you who think it were the Spanish please inform me of Spanish colonies in Africa. The largest number of countries were English colonies, then French, then Portugal, Belgium had one, Holland had one and for a short period of time Italy had one. As far as I know the British considering themselves the true airs of Greek & Roman culture loved the idea of slavery fully. I have cute little 85 year old friend who still thinks the best way to solve Africa's problems is to recolonise the entire continent.

  • @saa82vik
    @saa82vik 9 років тому

    - What would you do as LP leader? - get the party to vote on things i'm a democrat, not a authoritarian leader.
    - What will you do if they don't agree with your positions? - Nothing. i will stay on. i was elected by the People i'm their leader
    - What should we do to end the Syrian crisis? - get more refugees.
    - What was the 1940 generation's greatest achievement? - giving us welfare.
    - 'Me Mum and Dad' contributed in the war effort, now they are dead but i don't know them enough to tell if they would have liked me to sing the National Anthem at the Battle of Britain memorial.
    - Do you love our country? - Of course i do, because i love NHS.
    (the old channel 4 interviewer in the funny tie has a prostatic orgasm by now)

  • @TrippleH655321
    @TrippleH655321 9 років тому +1

    Clearly not if you are fine with it becoming a patchwork quilt of 100 other country's.

  • @villaparis2
    @villaparis2 9 років тому

    I would vote for Corbyn because he is a human being not a robot like the Conservatives

    @TOSILENCE77 9 років тому +1

    A few years ago my local hospital was under threat of closure for the A&E department. 5,000 people marched in protest - the one MP on show with us was Corybn. And yet he doesn;t care about this country because he doesn;t sing a retarded national anthem. I'm a patriotic Englishman and I don;t sing that anthem either because it holds no relevance to my country.

  • @GamesRacedAwfully
    @GamesRacedAwfully 9 років тому

    wow, how patronizing was that finish? "It's a wheely wheely big job you have to do. are you sure your up to it?" - being a decent person does not make you stupid. You know nothing Jon Snow!

  • @barnsey3883
    @barnsey3883 8 років тому

    i think corbyn should be MP for BNP

  • @VikasThakur
    @VikasThakur 9 років тому +12

    Drop it Jonny. Anthems are meaningless. It's the actions that matter. Here in Australia we are hoping to have a Corbyn and you are stuck on a friggin National Anthem? What is it? God save the Queen. Or something like that?
    Why would you want your potential national leader to pray to a mythical creature to save a disgusting creature? How does that even benefit the citizens of UK? Seriously dude, #askbetterquestions .

    • @soulmate7
      @soulmate7 9 років тому +1

      +Vikas Thakur Because he needs the votes of people who think differently.

    • @soulmate7
      @soulmate7 9 років тому

      +Google, FUCK YOU No he hasnt. He needs the votes of millions. Labour needs a bigger swing in 2020 than any party has received since 1945. He wont become prime minister if he stupidly upsets people by not singing the national anthem. he probably wont get them anyway.

    • @VikasThakur
      @VikasThakur 9 років тому +1

      Patriotism is bullshit. People who care about their nations don't go around waving flags and singing anthems. It's the actions that matter. But that's just my personal opinion.

    • @soulmate7
      @soulmate7 9 років тому

      +Vikas Thakur Thats true for most people, you and I. But its not true for politicians. Politicians who want to win power need to show that they love their country by traditional means. Its a foolish move by Corbyn -who will need the biggest ever swing in votesin 2020 to win the election.

    • @intomatrix1
      @intomatrix1 9 років тому

      +Vikas Thakur ofcourse you dont care dear.....your not British. Is it any of your concern?

  • @chuggs65
    @chuggs65 9 років тому

    how many actully know the words to the national anthem.

  • @darrenrichard5077
    @darrenrichard5077 9 років тому +1

    Maybe Channel 4 has turned a Corner with Corbyn interviews that was a good one well Done Channel 4

  • @Hazyweather
    @Hazyweather 9 років тому +1

    This man will not last very long as leader of the labour party..

  • @benstern310
    @benstern310 9 років тому

    what is QE? if it is so good why don't all countries do it?

  • @thomascain5313
    @thomascain5313 9 років тому +2

    Jeremy Corbyn in a less sunny mood might have answered the question "do you love your country?" by saying:
    I love my country too much to sell off the railways and the ports to consortia of foreign investors
    I love my country too much to allow the privatisation by stealth of the NHS,the prison service, the education service and social care
    i love my country too much to allow it fall into disrepute by following the out of control Americans down every rabbit hole and war their crazed leaders demand
    i love my country too much to have Glasgow, Britain's second city, be a target in the event the Americsns( see above) decide to start a nuclear war...
    So why not go ask Cameron if HE loves his country..and see where HE stands on all the above.

    • @thomascain5313
      @thomascain5313 9 років тому +1

      Alice, you need to read and think a little more widely. Of course white people "flooded" Africa; white people divided up the whole continent, nearly, at the Berlin Conference in the 1880s. for white colonisation. Rhodesia? Ring any bells? Of Algeria for all that. Not to mention South Africa. And if you had watched the rugby world cup New Zealand v Namibia African country vs a pacific country you would have been hard pressed to find a brown face on either side.It was " white" people who colonised Australia too so its hard to find an aboriginal australian fhese day and "white people" carried out the only totally successful genocide in world history in Tasmania. A unique race of people now totally wiped off the face of the earth by the 1920s. United States? all those white faces but where are the Huron? The Cree? The Mohicans? etc etc.
      You are confused. Maybe rethink your ideas?

    • @robbiebennett5021
      @robbiebennett5021 9 років тому

      +Alice Rabbit It takes really big balls and a lot of cheek to claim that white genocide is happening after the history and numerous of examples of white people causing genocides. Seriously, think before saying this kind of stuff.

    • @tomross4816
      @tomross4816 9 років тому

      +Robbie Bennett words have been taken from my mouth

  • @funnystoic
    @funnystoic 9 років тому +7

    Jeremy Corbyn is a true politician with his heart and his HEAD in the right place. Go Jezza!

    • @peppersdog1
      @peppersdog1 9 років тому +2

      +Evan Simmonds yes up his arse

    • @funnystoic
      @funnystoic 9 років тому +1

      Ha what makes you say that? Genuinely I wish to know your reasons and can you give me any facts to why you don't think he's a good politician good policies. I've done my research and I have my reasons. What's yours? Have a nice day.

    • @Greg-fl4cb
      @Greg-fl4cb 4 роки тому +1

      Lol. You knob. You're obviously as much a clown as Corbyn is!

  • @D3C3n50r
    @D3C3n50r 9 років тому +1

    Good to finally see a human being in the Labour Party but still voting UKIP.

  • @michaelsmitten302
    @michaelsmitten302 9 років тому

    Jeremy, can we see equality in the UK before we worry about Europe, please? The UK government and opposition are not part of the EU non elected bureaucracy, nobody chose them to make laws for us (I didn't choose member of this government, let alone Europe) It is a joke, but less funny when you consider the cost. We must escape this attempt to join Europe at the hip, an attempt that failed twice in two World Wars, and must be resisted again. You're doing a good job, just wise up on Europe and climate change and you will do a brilliant job.

  • @bryanodonnell7151
    @bryanodonnell7151 9 років тому

    I really wish JC was leader before the Scottish referendum. At least he would have been forced to make clear his views on it and not just its for people of Scotland to decide line.I don't understand how you can support Ireland but on the other hand not apply some of the same argument to Scotland.

    • @the81kid
      @the81kid 9 років тому +1

      +Bryan O'Donnell
      Ireland and Scotland are not the same countries. Every case must be treated on its own merits and situation.

  • @PauloAndreAzevedoQuirino
    @PauloAndreAzevedoQuirino 9 років тому

    Jeremy Corbyn is awesome all you cool brits that support him got the support of this portuguese quirino

    • @FormulaProg
      @FormulaProg 4 роки тому +1

      We hate him he’s a communist. 150 million dead, they can’t be wrong.

  • @samrussell4065
    @samrussell4065 9 років тому

    Point of order over the 'National Anthem': it was a song taken from the Jacobites ( 'Send him Victorious... Born to reign over us') by a family ( the Hanoverians) that had over twenty more elegible families to the post. It doesn't mention the nation other than the Third verse which consists of threats of violence against the Scots.
    As an anthem for a country it does a pretty shoddy job: it's not about loyalty to a country or a nation but to the bloodline that became the Sax-Coberg-Gotha-Windsors.
    Hardly a uniting song, or one to sing to show loyalty to a nation.

  • @kmanc8571
    @kmanc8571 9 років тому

    jon snow manages to ask the stupidest questions lol

  • @tedcrilly46
    @tedcrilly46 9 років тому

    Most important point to mention is that jon snows tie was terrible.

  • @adamyoussef2257
    @adamyoussef2257 9 років тому

    I can't believe how silly people can be about a flag or anthem. I come from a culture full of these nonsense gesture things and when I was younger I cared so much more about gestures. Now I care about people. A country isn't a football team.

  • @clearcommunitybatukaras9916
    @clearcommunitybatukaras9916 9 років тому +1

    'Honesty is the best policy' :-D

  • @robertcoe7949
    @robertcoe7949 9 років тому


  • @bjmartinphotography
    @bjmartinphotography 9 років тому

    I think us Americans should stay out of European affairs, we shouldn't tell you what to do with your continent and vice versa. Can't you guys figure it out without us? All countries are different, why must we all be the same? Your European Union is not my idea of a good move but that's your concern. Do what works for you and we will do the same.

  • @rraabbeeoo
    @rraabbeeoo 9 років тому

    Jon, do stop cutting him off.

  • @tonybennett4159
    @tonybennett4159 9 років тому

    I am a proud Brit, but this business of the National Anthem is ridiculous. I'm ambivalent about the monarchy, so mentioning the queen is no big deal, but as an atheist, I'm certainly not going to sing the word god.
    The main problem with the "National Anthem" is that it's not, it's a royal anthem, and should be used only when the queen is present. A National Anthem should mention the nation and its people and should be the default position. Even a strong monarchist friend of mine agrees.
    Thailand is a monarchy, but they have no difficulty in separating the royal and national anthems. In time, maybe with Charles or William, when the church becomes disestablished, as it should have been long since, we will have a national anthem that does what it says on the packet.

  • @michaelharrison3602
    @michaelharrison3602 3 роки тому

    I'm not a catholic but if I go to a Catholic funeral or memorial service I'll join in the hymns say the hail marys and take part in the service whether i like the songs or not because it's not not my birthday party im paying respect to people who have died just like Corbyn was supposed to be doing at that service instead he sat there refusing to sing and scowling like a petulant Kevin the teenager at a family funeral where he wasn't allowed to wear his favourite hoodie. Showed total contempt for all those who died in the war,his own parents must be rolling in their graves at what they produced

  • @mikeshadez
    @mikeshadez 9 років тому +1

    seems like a nice man, but I most definitely would not vote for this guy!! his views and ideas for the country is the worst I have ever heard.

  • @sowen3192
    @sowen3192 9 років тому

    stick to your principles, that's why you're so respected and do NOT sing it

  • @augustvervloet8886
    @augustvervloet8886 9 років тому

    Corbyn is the antithesis of David Cameron.

  • @singIeservingfriend
    @singIeservingfriend 9 років тому +1

    Roll on the next election

    • @5888max
      @5888max 9 років тому +1

      +singIeservingfriend I know we could have decent Tory majority, and really sort out the over spending, I hope that there is some way that Cameron can get out of this fixed term nonsense ,by 2020 this clown might be gone or have died ( his like 110) and the opportunity lost

  • @jordanthorpe6947
    @jordanthorpe6947 9 років тому

    We can win.

  • @davidnichol6282
    @davidnichol6282 2 роки тому

    In general protest groups don't win General elections you need a broader base up and down the country side and in the majority of the big political cities.

  • @daveharris501
    @daveharris501 9 років тому

    Time to drop the 'New' from 'New Labour' and get back to some socialist fundamentals and principles. Imho, this is the best man for the job.

  • @justdrive4628
    @justdrive4628 8 років тому


  • @metal_gear_salad9187
    @metal_gear_salad9187 9 років тому

    It's very surprising how much Jon Snow seems to know.

  • @chriswood8398
    @chriswood8398 4 роки тому +4

    Thank god this man never became prime minister. He's a weasel

  • @chiiknplayz4659
    @chiiknplayz4659 9 років тому

    Stick to your guns Jeremy.. if you don't believe in the monarchy, don't sing the national anthem. You are clearly a non-conformist, and that's what we love about you. Don't let the system mould you.. we like you the way you are. There is NOT a direct link between loving your country and loving the royal family. The two are separate.
    I'd work for you any day.

    • @5888max
      @5888max 9 років тому

      +uR x Life the two are separate , but the shit head does not mind singing the Red flag ,you know the one that was flown over more mass murders in the 20th centaury then the swastika

  • @nick-yk5yr
    @nick-yk5yr 9 років тому

    apparently a lot smarter than I believed him to be, intrigued.

    • @GiordanoBruno42
      @GiordanoBruno42 9 років тому

      +nick shilton Not surprising you thought little of him, given that every newspaper and channel are singing from the same propaganda hymn sheet. Did you not find it suspicious that media conglomerates owned by billionaires all agree that he's a terrorist sympathising communist who hates Britain and wants to invite over a trillion rapist immigrants to live off free money forever? For fuck sake, people are so blind it upsets me.

  • @GavinAyling
    @GavinAyling 9 років тому

    It scares me that people think this man has any sense. The benefit cap limits the benefits for those who exceed it - if he doesn't think anyone's getting that much, what's his problem with it? He actually didn't say anything about his EU stance - just what he'd like the EU to be (despite the EPP winning more than 50% of votes most of the time).

    • @the81kid
      @the81kid 9 років тому

      +Gavin Ayling
      I don't understand your comment. Corbyn speaks a lot more sense than most other MPs, especially Cameron and the current government. He didn't even mention that about "benefit caps".

    • @GavinAyling
      @GavinAyling 9 років тому

      the81kid It's right near the beginning. He said that the benefit cap is odd because "it assumes that there are people out there receiving too much in benefits..."

    • @the81kid
      @the81kid 9 років тому

      Gavin Ayling
      What's wrong with that? The Conservatives are assuming that benefits for 3 children is too much. Once again, Corbyn has said nothing wrong.

    • @GavinAyling
      @GavinAyling 9 років тому

      the81kid If you can't afford children, don't have children. Controversial? And if a lady is divorced by her high-earning partner, let him pay. And if a lady is widowed, is her failure to get life assurance the taxpayers' problem? How is someone in a position where they cannot afford three children and yet have them?
      Our care system isn't very good (we could learn a lot from California) but if it were, we would be taking children away from parents who cannot provide their basic needs, and that would be a legitimate way to protect those children.

    • @the81kid
      @the81kid 9 років тому

      Gavin Ayling
      Yes, you're right: only the rich should be allowed to have children. And how are they rich? Because they got free money from their parents, almost always.
      "Our care system isn't very good (we could learn a lot from California) but if it were, we would be taking children away from parents who cannot provide their basic needs, and that would be a legitimate way to protect those children."
      Wow. Heartless. No wonder you're a conservative: "Only the rich have rights! The poor deserve their children taken away."

  • @soulmate7
    @soulmate7 9 років тому

    The country doesnt love him though -as will be seen in the Tory landslide of 2020 -and I support labour!

  • @the81kid
    @the81kid 9 років тому

    I really hope that this means the start of a different type of politics. Whether you agree with everything Corbyn believes in or not, I hope you, and people, welcome a new direction for democracy and representation: sincerity, honesty and real representation and democracy.

  • @amalaa9752
    @amalaa9752 Рік тому

    Tolerate all african guns without having military