It’s been a tough few days at the nest as many have observed the aggressive actions of sibling rivalry. Survival of the fittest isn't a catch phrase in the Bald Eagle world, but necessary to continue their species. Sibling rivalry varies between nests -depending quite a bit on the amount of food provided. Even when food is abundant, it is not uncommon to see some sibling competition - lessons learned which will help them cope when they are on their own. In general, the first 20 days is when aggression is seen, but can be longer. As they get older, sibling rivalry lessens. There are no “bullies”, just eaglets trying to survive. In addition to food availability, other factors to consider is the age difference between eaglets, the weather conditions and of course - luck. Parental interference between sibling aggression is uncommon although adults have been observed ending the aggression by merely stepping between the eaglets; by adopting a posture that suggests a feeding, but not presenting any real food; or begin brooding. Adults have even been seen to take hold of an eaglet’s beak to end the aggression. Eagles live day to day with harsh realities that are completely normal to them. It brings new appreciation to nature when you see how these magnificent eagles survive in the wild. We are observers & spectators; given the rare and unique opportunity to witness these eagles survive in the wild. Most eaglets do make it past this stage and grow up healthy and fledge and there have been no deaths at this nest caused by sibling rivalry. Hopefully this will also be another successful year.
Lady Hawk So perfectly stated. Thank you so much. It is difficult to watch sometimes, but the more I watch, the more I learn and begin to understand, which helps me view even the not so good moments with knowledge needed to give me some peace with what I see. Thanks for the video and the pinned post ❤️
Hi Lady Hawk - you're a true Eagle expert and professional. You stated both description and pinned comment perfectly. Tough to watch little 19 being hurt but I'm sure the aggression will work itself out and we had all better get used to the sibling rivalry for SWFEC. GN and SEDs 🌙
Just now seeing this Lady Hawk. Just popped on my screen. Wow, my heart dropped! But nothing we can do. It’s nature. But I know they made it. Hopefully. Didn’t follow this nest in 2017. TY Lady Hawk. Sad, but it’s survival.
I know how hard it must be to have to justify a video of nature taking place as it always has, only difference (as you stated so well) is we never had this "birds eye view" before. I watch many nests and each one is different even each nesting season differes. It is hard to watch but one way that helps me is knowing 1: The "underdog" ends up being the stronger of the two, as it has to become agile, sneaky, cognitive and quick which yends to help them out more in the wild as "pushing" around someone to get what you want won't always work because of size....and 2: It is in a way to me the way a pack of wolf pups start to "learn" pecking order before they even open their eyes. Thank you....AGAIN....for an amazing and educational video where you include it all, the good and not so good side of nature. I think in the end each species knows what is best to survive as they have done so with little help from humans. Kudos Lady Hawk!! (no offense to my little underdog BUT you did kind of start it hehe) This to me is bonking at it's best short and quick....I have seen so much worse....not diminishing it either, we fall in love with these little creatures and being a mom I KNOW how emotions can take over lol
Lady Hawk, thanks for sharing :'( I know it is nature at its worst, but it is a natural/necessary part for the siblings survival instincts. I HATE to see the aggression, oh how I hate to see it, but like you said usually the youngest learns to stay out of harms way. As the aggressor gets full and goes into a food coma with a full crop, baby can sneak in for food. It will generally end after a couple of weeks and all usually turns out ok. I have seen a time or two where it turned out real ugly and the youngest did not survive. But that is very few and hardly every ends up happening. It is really sad to witness and will leave you in tears after witnessing it. :'(
Yup it did. I also like how that first one was quickly saying 'i'm sorry, my bad I'm sorry!' and trying to retreat. Bigger bird is like 'not enough you ain't, biach!' and hauled it back up for some more mauling. Don't mess with bald eagles, even if you are a bald eagle!
Based on a few nests I observed all last winter, it appears to me these two are much more aggressive than their counterparts. I'm saw some of this behavior in the past but not to the extent these two are engaged in at such an early age. I hope they work things out.
It is hard to watch the bonking but I completely accept and understand the reasons. I have watched owl nests where far worse things happened if viewed from a purely human perspective. Food was scarce, let's leave it at that. I do find it sad that people feel the need to label E18 a bully. S/he's just trying to be E18! Life is far from easy for any of these birds. E19 is learning valuable lessons here.
Ya, they are not being a "bully" as in our human terms, but rather, they are simply a dominant little being. But is sure does LOOK like what we call "bullies"! LOL. ;D
I agree. Nature is tough and from the moment of hatching, survival is eminent and the only thing that matters for these little birds. It is harsh on the human heart sometimes, but I too understand and respect their instinctive behaviors. If it gets too tough, I just don't watch. 😔
Sebenarnya. Kalau niat untuk menjaga kelestarian burung elang tersebut salah satu anakan atau yang kalah bisa di ambil atau dirawat manusia untuk dilepas lagi di habitatnya setelah besar. Dari pada mati karena persaingan pakannya
Maybe I'm seeing this wrong but it looked like after 19 bumped into 18 then 19 had ahold of 18 first. 19 is a little fighter but a fight he prob cannot win against his larger sibling. I'm looking forward to the days ahead when both learn to get along, when 19 learns to outsmart her we will laugh and when 18 learns there is plenty of food for all and beak kisses him we will say awwww, and when they both fledge we will tear up. They have wonderful parents so I am hopeful and love both of these little cuties❤️
That is okay Rachel - that is why I put a disclaimer in the title. Many do not want to see the aggression and understandably so. There will be many future videos of their cuteness and fun times ahead - we just have to get through the rough patches!
Well,,well,,, Lol! We are talking about 2 different Eagles!!!! I had to go back to last yr, It was Harriet & M15!! SWFL,, I following for many months!! Eagles E7 & E8,,, but I did see Lady Hawk ha!!!! I know I get senior moments but this is funny! Well at least we in the right State... E8 was getting feed, & E7 was always picking on 8, this is what I was questioning, e7 was very dominant! 8 was getting weaker! Well I guess we can close this chapter, but what a great job getting a camera to follow mating to births, progress, it is very cool! Please get back! Good Day Pat 🐵🐴🐴🐿🐿🐼🐸
the who? There is absolutely no contradiction whatsoever in my comment. I said it was difficult to watch, but I watched it; there’s no contradiction in saying it’s difficult to watch! Re-think your comment!
the who? My comment would have only been contradictory if I said that I wasn’t going to watch it but decided to watch it instead. All I said was that I knew it was going to be difficult for me to watch, because it would upset me, saddened me, and maybe even put me into a depression… But I chose to watch it because this is the way life is. I don’t wanna look through life with rose-colored glasses on anymore...
Cain N Abel world even in birds. I have been marveled by the love N the power of moms when they protecting chicks from eagles, snakes, how they clean nests, protect them from over size food, keeping them warm, etc. Did they learn killing each from humans?
Big Sis 18 is tough. Hard to watch this but it is part of their life cycle. After the aggressive time of their lives subsides many fun days ahead to look forward to viewing.
We're all backing you, E19. It is sad to see the youngest being picked on so aggressively, but Lady Hawk has described very well about the species' survival in the long run. E19 will end up with survival skills that his sibling doesn't have. Bless them both. 😘
Nature is both beautiful and violent. Although I must admit after watching the last few days I have a special place in my heart for our little underdog now. I can’t wait for these two to outgrow this...or for 19 to get a little bigger so he can hold his own better!
0:32 the brother was to fiddle if he screwed up levor beleaguered until he could no more ... is of the species...Why are you both with your mouth open?
Poor guy. I guess karma for that PS yesterday!!! Hehe. Just kidding. But you are right in what you write. We as humans have the instinct to protect those who are in trouble or being hurt. For eagles, this is their way of life. Watching eagle nests is such a privilege. Though hard to watch at times, it is essential to the preservation of these animals. I know the little guy will be just fine. He/she just needs to get a little bigger and learn to be the stealth stealer of food! On a weird tangent, I wonder if M is a smaller sibling, because he sure knows how to steal stealthily!
This is Normal Behavior... People Act like This Shouldn't Be Happening BUT its Perfectly Normal... N19 will Be fine and End up Being More Stronger and Independent then N18
John s - Although I do like your optimism, myself I can't know the future. So for me, when I witness one sibling attacking another - I keep on hoping for the best bec I've certainly seen the worst in other nests. I don't "act like this shouldn't be happening" bec, like you, I know it does and it can. In addition, we are all different in our level of sensitivity, yes? So some accept this without feeling sad, or other such feelings over it. Others, like myself, yes, find it disturbing and very hard to watch. Simply knowing it CAN happen does not then lead me to not feel my feelings about it every time I witness it... Thankfully, all that I have read, states that something like less than 4% of eaglets die due this dominance by the older, larger one. Just as you don't understand why some get upset over this, I don't understand those who seem to be able to predict the future via stating a bird "will be fine" when we cannot yet know this to be true. No disrespect meant, btw, simply sharing my thoughts on the subject... I remember a young osprey who many felt was seriously injured by a very intense owl attack. The chat got VERY divisive between those who slammed us for having concerns and we who felt there was cause for concern. We were also told the osprey "would be fine" and we were chided for our concerns, rather endlessly, sometimes hatefully actually.... Eventually, months later, it was revealed that our concerns were valid rather then hysterical, since the poor young bird could not extricate herself from a body of water, (after being attacked yet again, this time by a bald eagle). The wing problem clearly revealed itself - albeit months! later - and last I knew, she is in rehab to this day... I never care about "being right" as I only care about the truth. So I do think it a good idea for us to remember - it's okay that some accept what happens without having concerns and feelings about it, just as it is okay that some of us do have concerns and feelings about it. It is also a good idea, I think anyway, to take it one moment at a time, one day at a time - remembering that not one of us can speak with any certainty of how the future will pan out. Odds are, the wee one in this nest WILL end up being fine, but this then does not translate to a certainty.... One can only hope - that is what I do. And yes, I do feel some positives can come from this behavior, bec the submissive one can learn to be a tad more aggressive themselves - something they will HAVE to do when finally off on their own.... Thank you for the opportunity for this writer to share her thoughts and feelings on the subject! =D
DLionheart .... I respect you're Opinion.... I still stand by my Message that N19 will Survive and Be Stronger then N18... The Bonking already has calmed down
@Jennifer Yes Jennifer, I get all of that;. I also stand by what I already wrote. Your "most likely" doesn't translate to a certainty because nothing is certain insofar as what the future may or may not bring. I have seen sibling dominance continue right up until just before fledge time. I have seen it occur when food has been plentiful, not just when food was scarce, etc.. ~My biggest points that I enjoy making during such discussions are twofold:. one, we are all different, hence what we feel during seeing such is going to vary and that is okay! There is no right or wrong way to experience these cams and video clips from them. Two: no, there are no absolutes and there are always exceptions to any rules or to any factors which are most commonly true. Hence anything may happen, no one can claim to know the future. 🙂
Every pair of sisters I’ve ever known summed up in a 5 minute video. My friend had triplets, one boy and two girls. Her girls are barely 1.5 yrs old and already hate each other. Lol.)
Video: smaller eaglet (NE19) attacked bigger eaglet (NE18), and NE18 retaliating Comments: Poor NE19, why NE18 attacked him? Me: Are we watching the same video?
It's nature. This happens every single day for million of years. Nothing to be afraid of. Just face nature and embrace it. Nature is the only true god.
@@ClassicFormulaOne1 Holy smokes, a person with a brain! Good for you. I was going to touch on... "Really? You're going to pray for these chicks? You have a magic conduit to the designer... The architect... of all things, and this is what you prey about?!" You said it better. Way better. Thanks
The Way People are Over Exaggerating About the Bonking Going On... Is 100 times Worse Then The Actual Bonking.... It is Very mild Bonking Going On in this Nest
Thanks John - this writer is a champion for the world of feelings, hence why perhaps it comes across as a "strong opinion". It's just one topic that I am very passionate about. I see you as having strong opinions as well and I agree with you - it's cool. "Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything" - right? So ya, we are not fighting but rather, simply expressing our own thoughts and feelings. It's ALL good! =)
I know nature can be cruel but like Lady Hawk says, survival of the fittest. That said, I can't help thinking the bigger one is like, "there's only room for one in this nest."
I do believe that most of the commenters on this site have not watched many eagle sites in the past. I have watched many eagle cams from 2011 and have not one seen one eaglet kill another eaglet in the US. In the SWFL nest I have seen the older eaglet die, two times, and the younger one live and fledge, many felt the older one would kill the younger one. Grow up, if cannot take sibling rivalry, watch puppy cams.
Daniel Ward i watched a sibling Rivalry last season. I believe it was the Decorah Nest where there were 3 Eaglets. The youngest had a VERY tough time with its 2 older siblings. I was so DEVASTATED to learn that the youngest succumbed to its death as the oldest had been attacking the baby. The day finally came when the oldest was extremely aggressive with the youngeat eventually killing it after breaking it's neck, I'm pretry sure.
I just watched a video from another eagles nest where the bigger eaglet literally broke the littlest ones wing and pecked his head until it broke open. I had no idea that this happened in the wild. You just think that they behave like human siblings do. We do get into physical confrontations but never to the death. Well not usually that is. Wow.
I really have a problem with this term "sibling rivalry" because it takes some back and forth to create a true rivalry and what actually happens with eaglets is the oldest beating up the younger ones. I also have a problem with the term "survival of the fittest" to justify no intervention in nests with eaglets in true distress due to sibling rivalry because there´s no evidence whatsoever that younger eaglets are less prone to survive in the wild than their older siblings once they thrive. Thus they are not "less fit to survive". They just happen to be younger and unlucky.
If you have a problem with nature dont watch. Eaglet is eating fine and not in mortal danger. Lady Hawk is trying to relay this unfortunate natural occurrence in terms that humans can understand. Easy to be a critic and suggest human intervention for something that has gone on for centuries.
Where did you a see a criticism for Lady Hawk in my message? Furthermore, where did I show any concern with this particular nest? I said in other videos that NEFL is particularly smooth. I´ve been followwing for quite some time. As far as the "if you have a problem with nature don´t watch" comment, do you allow me to have my opinion on human intervention in nests with eaglets in distress or the little tyrant inside you will try to silence me just because I committed the deadly sin of disagreeing with you?
You criticized her by saying you have a problem with her use of 'Sibling rivalry" and "survival of the fittest". Thats how it read anyway......its not about you or I its nature and we have no control.........little the only one I see is E18!
Hi Thomaz - I know this type of vid is always difficult to view. One thing you can rest assured of is that the AEF and Gretchen (who runs NEFL) will intervene if 19 ever sustained serious injury. That's one reason I absolutely love the AEF so much is that they can and will break that non intervention policy whenever they deem necessary. Have a good night 😊.
No, I didn´t. I stated my opinion about the use of a term that´s pretty common within the eagle community. It´s not a personal criticism at all. I have a problem with the terminology itself not with those who use it.
At the end looked like one was done for stretched out by mama. Other than that it was hard to tell who started what or which was which after one sat on the other. All I saw was two chicks fighting
Didn’t like how NE 18 how he hovered over Ed him to prevent him from getting up, then walked over him after he taught him a lesson. So , in my eyes NE18 is still a bully in that developmental stage.
These birds are tough, even the little one. He had been challenging her the past couple of days. I don't think he accidentally bumped into her, I think he was coming at her...again. He knew what he was doing. He just didn't expect that reaction. She was hot and not in the mood and she put him in his place. They will both live and he will learn.
Geez these little tweeters really get on it. I must say I know it's not but they are so funny. They just bobble all over. Siblings always rival so why not birdies. Awesome to see them groove. TyLH ❤.and the little one wins big one exhausted lol.
If that oldest had started attacking its sibling as a stork, a momma stork would given the bully a few warning head squeezes. If the attacks continued then the mother bird would then toss the bully out of the nest.
Oh my! More bonking. I'd pull their little fuzz and make them stay in time out. Lol. I feel bad when eaglets bonk one another and especially when one is the major bonker. 😢😢
I used to be a big fan of Eagle and Hawks Species, but i watched some gruesome video of various Eagles Hawks chicks killing their sibling while parents are sitting there and watching like nothing is happening, i hate them.
Patricia - last season both eaglets Hope and Peace fledged the nest so not sure which nest you are thinking of. There have been no deaths by sibling rivalry or food shortage at this nest.
It’s been a tough few days at the nest as many have observed the aggressive actions of sibling rivalry. Survival of the fittest isn't a catch phrase in the Bald Eagle world, but necessary to continue their species. Sibling rivalry varies between nests -depending quite a bit on the amount of food provided. Even when food is abundant, it is not uncommon to see some sibling competition - lessons learned which will help them cope when they are on their own. In general, the first 20 days is when aggression is seen, but can be longer. As they get older, sibling rivalry lessens. There are no “bullies”, just eaglets trying to survive. In addition to food availability, other factors to consider is the age difference between eaglets, the weather conditions and of course - luck.
Parental interference between sibling aggression is uncommon although adults have been observed ending the aggression by merely stepping between the eaglets; by adopting a posture that suggests a feeding, but not presenting any real food; or begin brooding. Adults have even been seen to take hold of an eaglet’s beak to end the aggression.
Eagles live day to day with harsh realities that are completely normal to them. It brings new appreciation to nature when you see how these magnificent eagles survive in the wild.
We are observers & spectators; given the rare and unique opportunity to witness these eagles survive in the wild. Most eaglets do make it past this stage and grow up healthy and fledge and there have been no deaths at this nest caused by sibling rivalry. Hopefully this will also be another successful year.
Lady Haw
Lady Hawk So perfectly stated. Thank you so much. It is difficult to watch sometimes, but the more I watch, the more I learn and begin to understand, which helps me view even the not so good moments with knowledge needed to give me some peace with what I see. Thanks for the video and the pinned post ❤️
Hi Lady Hawk - you're a true Eagle expert and professional. You stated both description and pinned comment perfectly. Tough to watch little 19 being hurt but I'm sure the aggression will work itself out and we had all better get used to the sibling rivalry for SWFEC. GN and SEDs 🌙
Well said! I swear I'm not going to watch then I do. I learn if during the nasty. Thank you. We'll just keep good thoughts!
Yeah, it’s tough. Mom fed 19 good later, though. She saw it.
Just now seeing this Lady Hawk. Just popped on my screen. Wow, my heart dropped! But nothing we can do. It’s nature. But I know they made it. Hopefully. Didn’t follow this nest in 2017. TY Lady Hawk. Sad, but it’s survival.
It is how they learn to fight and survive. Sometimes very sad, but they need to do it to survive. See how parent does not interfere...
This is painful to see but I thank you for that wonderful dissertation . It did help. Still my heart bleeds for the little one.
Traduccion please!!
It shouldn't have started something it couldn't finish
@@rosemerysoliz8859 ほ
I know how hard it must be to have to justify a video of nature taking place as it always has, only difference (as you stated so well) is we never had this "birds eye view" before. I watch many nests and each one is different even each nesting season differes. It is hard to watch but one way that helps me is knowing 1: The "underdog" ends up being the stronger of the two, as it has to become agile, sneaky, cognitive and quick which yends to help them out more in the wild as "pushing" around someone to get what you want won't always work because of size....and 2: It is in a way to me the way a pack of wolf pups start to "learn" pecking order before they even open their eyes. Thank you....AGAIN....for an amazing and educational video where you include it all, the good and not so good side of nature. I think in the end each species knows what is best to survive as they have done so with little help from humans. Kudos Lady Hawk!! (no offense to my little underdog BUT you did kind of start it hehe) This to me is bonking at it's best short and quick....I have seen so much worse....not diminishing it either, we fall in love with these little creatures and being a mom I KNOW how emotions can take over lol
I feel heart broken, they need to get along, hopefully before to long this will get better. Ty lady hawk for sharing this info.
Lady Hawk, thanks for sharing :'( I know it is nature at its worst, but it is a natural/necessary part for the siblings survival instincts. I HATE to see the aggression, oh how I hate to see it, but like you said usually the youngest learns to stay out of harms way. As the aggressor gets full and goes into a food coma with a full crop, baby can sneak in for food. It will generally end after a couple of weeks and all usually turns out ok. I have seen a time or two where it turned out real ugly and the youngest did not survive. But that is very few and hardly every ends up happening. It is really sad to witness and will leave you in tears after witnessing it. :'(
Sibling starts a fight then quickly realizes he facked up while parent was watching.
Looked like 18 was trying to suffocate 19, these are always so hard to watch 😭👹. Thanks for Warning ⚠️ in your title ‼️
I watched this for fun it was easy to watch
But the smaller 1 started it. Guess he didn't realize he was smaller
"uncle, uncle... I've said uncle" lol Jeez, you mess with the eagle, you get the beak lol
I noticed that the little one started it by attacking the bigger one on its head. The bigger one retaliated.
Yup, big one said “you want some of this huh?!?
Coll me 🌹 9594488143
My WhatsApp numbar 9594488143
Yup it did. I also like how that first one was quickly saying 'i'm sorry, my bad I'm sorry!' and trying to retreat. Bigger bird is like 'not enough you ain't, biach!' and hauled it back up for some more mauling. Don't mess with bald eagles, even if you are a bald eagle!
@@exidy-yt 🙄
Little one started it, then got his ass kicked
Based on a few nests I observed all last winter, it appears to me these two are much more aggressive than their counterparts. I'm saw some of this behavior in the past but not to the extent these two are engaged in at such an early age. I hope they work things out.
Where is next?
It is hard to watch the bonking but I completely accept and understand the reasons. I have watched owl nests where far worse things happened if viewed from a purely human perspective. Food was scarce, let's leave it at that.
I do find it sad that people feel the need to label E18 a bully. S/he's just trying to be E18! Life is far from easy for any of these birds. E19 is learning valuable lessons here.
Ya, they are not being a "bully" as in our human terms, but rather, they are simply a dominant little being. But is sure does LOOK like what we call "bullies"! LOL. ;D
I agree. Nature is tough and from the moment of hatching, survival is eminent and the only thing that matters for these little birds. It is harsh on the human heart sometimes, but I too understand and respect their instinctive behaviors. If it gets too tough, I just don't watch. 😔
Kudos to NE19 for getting back up after being knocked down though! 💪🏽💜
@Leigh Ann yes, both fledged. 😊
Sebenarnya. Kalau niat untuk menjaga kelestarian burung elang tersebut salah satu anakan atau yang kalah bisa di ambil atau dirawat manusia untuk dilepas lagi di habitatnya setelah besar. Dari pada mati karena persaingan pakannya
Kok bayi burung berkelahi juga ya
Maybe I'm seeing this wrong but it looked like after 19 bumped into 18 then 19 had ahold of 18 first. 19 is a little fighter but a fight he prob cannot win against his larger sibling. I'm looking forward to the days ahead when both learn to get along, when 19 learns to outsmart her we will laugh and when 18 learns there is plenty of food for all and beak kisses him we will say awwww, and when they both fledge we will tear up. They have wonderful parents so I am hopeful and love both of these little cuties❤️
little one get your strength up and through him the pride and joy of mom and dad over the nest
I'll sit this one out. Can't stand to watch the baby get beat up.Thanks Lady Hawk for explaining it but it still hard to watch.
That is okay Rachel - that is why I put a disclaimer in the title. Many do not want to see the aggression and understandably so. There will be many future videos of their cuteness and fun times ahead - we just have to get through the rough patches!
Amen LadyHawk! And yes, Rachel M - I'm with you! Thank you LH for the warning in your title - I love that about you!!!
Love it, never could stand a pussy
Well,,well,,, Lol! We are talking about 2 different Eagles!!!! I had to go back to last yr, It was Harriet & M15!! SWFL,, I following for many months!! Eagles E7 & E8,,, but I did see Lady Hawk ha!!!! I know I get senior moments but this is funny! Well at least we in the right State... E8 was getting feed, & E7 was always picking on 8, this is what I was questioning, e7 was very dominant! 8 was getting weaker! Well I guess we can close this chapter, but what a great job getting a camera to follow mating to births, progress, it is very cool! Please get back! Good Day Pat 🐵🐴🐴🐿🐿🐼🐸
Tough to watch, but it’s reality! We need to watch these difficult scenes, and accept it as what it is: life!
All life ends sooner or later!
the who? There is absolutely no contradiction whatsoever in my comment. I said it was difficult to watch, but I watched it; there’s no contradiction in saying it’s difficult to watch!
Re-think your comment!
the who? My comment would have only been contradictory if I said that I wasn’t going to watch it but decided to watch it instead. All I said was that I knew it was going to be difficult for me to watch, because it would upset me, saddened me, and maybe even put me into a depression… But I chose to watch it because this is the way life is. I don’t wanna look through life with rose-colored glasses on anymore...
Cain N Abel world even in birds. I have been marveled by the love N the power of moms when they protecting chicks from eagles, snakes, how they clean nests, protect them from over size food, keeping them warm, etc. Did they learn killing each from humans?
So did they both fledge?
Hey clicketysplit yes both chicks did fledge!!
Big Sis 18 is tough. Hard to watch this but it is part of their life cycle. After the aggressive time of their lives subsides many fun days ahead to look forward to viewing.
This is always the hardest part of watching - and it may get worse before it gets better. But yes, there will be many fun days ahead to rejoice in.
Lady Hawk - definitely ❤❤❤. GN and SEDs🌙
I'm glad the 'milk tooth' is absorbed quickly when out of the shell, I can't imagine that being used as a weapon!
Hi David Dube' - yes that's a good point!
We're all backing you, E19.
It is sad to see the youngest being picked on so aggressively, but Lady Hawk has described very well about the species' survival in the long run. E19 will end up with survival skills that his sibling doesn't have.
Bless them both. 😘
Nature is both beautiful and violent. Although I must admit after watching the last few days I have a special place in my heart for our little underdog now. I can’t wait for these two to outgrow this...or for 19 to get a little bigger so he can hold his own better!
Me too Karen - I love them ALL in this family, but ya, my ♥ belongs to "the wee one". =)
Normalmente estás crías de aves de rapiña se atacan cuando tienen hambre 😘
The one that won the fight looks worse at the end
Nature of Eagle's. One of the reasons why Benjamin Franklin didn't want it as the national bird.
I also learned about Ben Franklin almost making the Eagle the Thanksgiving main menu. I'am so glad that he did not. :)
So very much reminds me of my older sister!
Yeah, I don't know what the warning was for. My older sister treated me worse than that.
What was the fate of 19?
0:32 the brother was to fiddle if he screwed up levor beleaguered until he could no more ... is of the species...Why are you both with your mouth open?
Well, that’s the bird we picked to be our national symbol. It says a lot about our country.
Ken - The eagle is not the national symbol of China.
@@whopperwithcheese I’m from the United States. What make you say China?
@@kenqiao3946 - Your anti-American attitude.
@@kenqiao3946 your username you fool
No doubt the heat has been heightening tensions.
It IS really hard to watch nature and survival of the fittest at work. I hope E19 is okay.
Poor guy. I guess karma for that PS yesterday!!! Hehe. Just kidding. But you are right in what you write. We as humans have the instinct to protect those who are in trouble or being hurt. For eagles, this is their way of life. Watching eagle nests is such a privilege. Though hard to watch at times, it is essential to the preservation of these animals. I know the little guy will be just fine. He/she just needs to get a little bigger and learn to be the stealth stealer of food!
On a weird tangent, I wonder if M is a smaller sibling, because he sure knows how to steal stealthily!
kawaiichuzzle I was not able to watch the full video. But, hahah I was reading the comments and wondering the same thing about M. Gosh, I love him!
This is Normal Behavior... People Act like This Shouldn't Be Happening BUT its Perfectly Normal... N19 will Be fine and End up Being More Stronger and Independent then N18
John s - Although I do like your optimism, myself I can't know the future. So for me, when I witness one sibling attacking another - I keep on hoping for the best bec I've certainly seen the worst in other nests. I don't "act like this shouldn't be happening" bec, like you, I know it does and it can. In addition, we are all different in our level of sensitivity, yes? So some accept this without feeling sad, or other such feelings over it. Others, like myself, yes, find it disturbing and very hard to watch. Simply knowing it CAN happen does not then lead me to not feel my feelings about it every time I witness it... Thankfully, all that I have read, states that something like less than 4% of eaglets die due this dominance by the older, larger one.
Just as you don't understand why some get upset over this, I don't understand those who seem to be able to predict the future via stating a bird "will be fine" when we cannot yet know this to be true. No disrespect meant, btw, simply sharing my thoughts on the subject...
I remember a young osprey who many felt was seriously injured by a very intense owl attack. The chat got VERY divisive between those who slammed us for having concerns and we who felt there was cause for concern. We were also told the osprey "would be fine" and we were chided for our concerns, rather endlessly, sometimes hatefully actually.... Eventually, months later, it was revealed that our concerns were valid rather then hysterical, since the poor young bird could not extricate herself from a body of water, (after being attacked yet again, this time by a bald eagle). The wing problem clearly revealed itself - albeit months! later - and last I knew, she is in rehab to this day... I never care about "being right" as I only care about the truth.
So I do think it a good idea for us to remember - it's okay that some accept what happens without having concerns and feelings about it, just as it is okay that some of us do have concerns and feelings about it. It is also a good idea, I think anyway, to take it one moment at a time, one day at a time - remembering that not one of us can speak with any certainty of how the future will pan out. Odds are, the wee one in this nest WILL end up being fine, but this then does not translate to a certainty.... One can only hope - that is what I do. And yes, I do feel some positives can come from this behavior, bec the submissive one can learn to be a tad more aggressive themselves - something they will HAVE to do when finally off on their own....
Thank you for the opportunity for this writer to share her thoughts and feelings on the subject! =D
DLionheart .... I respect you're Opinion.... I still stand by my Message that N19 will Survive and Be Stronger then N18... The Bonking already has calmed down
Thanks John - and I respect your right to have your own take on anything. =)
@Jennifer Yes Jennifer, I get all of that;. I also stand by what I already wrote. Your "most likely" doesn't translate to a certainty because nothing is certain insofar as what the future may or may not bring. I have seen sibling dominance continue right up until just before fledge time. I have seen it occur when food has been plentiful, not just when food was scarce, etc..
~My biggest points that I enjoy making during such discussions are twofold:. one, we are all different, hence what we feel during seeing such is going to vary and that is okay! There is no right or wrong way to experience these cams and video clips from them. Two: no, there are no absolutes and there are always exceptions to any rules or to any factors which are most commonly true. Hence anything may happen, no one can claim to know the future. 🙂
Every pair of sisters I’ve ever known summed up in a 5 minute video. My friend had triplets, one boy and two girls. Her girls are barely 1.5 yrs old and already hate each other. Lol.)
At least little one got in the first "punch"...
Video: smaller eaglet (NE19) attacked bigger eaglet (NE18), and NE18 retaliating
Comments: Poor NE19, why NE18 attacked him?
Me: Are we watching the same video?
Did they both end up fledging? I noticed was from 2017
Great video
This gives us a lesson , Don't dare to a big mama !
I can't believe it. Is older sibling just spared the little one?
Warning acknowledged.
I won't watch it.
Too hard, too sad; I just pray that both eaglets make it to adulthood.
It's nature. This happens every single day for million of years. Nothing to be afraid of. Just face nature and embrace it. Nature is the only true god.
@@ClassicFormulaOne1 Holy smokes, a person with a brain!
Good for you. I was going to touch on...
"Really? You're going to pray for these chicks?
You have a magic conduit to the designer... The architect... of all things, and this is what you prey about?!"
You said it better. Way better.
this eagle family needs two separate TVs and TV remotes. It just isn't working here.
Hard for the human mind to digest, right now they both look exhausted!
Lady 👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏
I just watch it breaks my heart
The Way People are Over Exaggerating About the Bonking Going On... Is 100 times Worse Then The Actual Bonking.... It is Very mild Bonking Going On in this Nest
No, we just have differing feelings is all... Some accept what is without emotion; others have lots of emotion. It's really that simple. ;)
DLionheart... You seem to Have a very strong Opinion.... but its cool... not here to fight ;)
Thanks John - this writer is a champion for the world of feelings, hence why perhaps it comes across as a "strong opinion". It's just one topic that I am very passionate about. I see you as having strong opinions as well and I agree with you - it's cool. "Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything" - right? So ya, we are not fighting but rather, simply expressing our own thoughts and feelings. It's ALL good! =)
I know nature can be cruel but like Lady Hawk says, survival of the fittest. That said, I can't help thinking the bigger one is like, "there's only room for one in this nest."
This is the kind of thing that hurts my heart. I know it is the way of the wild but it really is hard to watch.
The suffocation 😳
are NE 18 and 19 still being tracked? just curious.
I do believe that most of the commenters on this site have not watched many eagle sites in the past. I have watched many eagle cams from 2011 and have not one seen one eaglet kill another eaglet in the US. In the SWFL nest I have seen the older eaglet die, two times, and the younger one live and fledge, many felt the older one would kill the younger one. Grow up, if cannot take sibling rivalry, watch puppy cams.
Daniel Ward You haven't, then, watched Dale Hollow eagle cam. Last season DH3 was killed by DH1...I'm not saying it's common, but it does happen.
Daniel Ward i watched a sibling Rivalry last season. I believe it was the Decorah Nest where there were 3 Eaglets. The youngest had a VERY tough time with its 2 older siblings. I was so DEVASTATED to learn that the youngest succumbed to its death as the oldest had been attacking the baby. The day finally came when the oldest was extremely aggressive with the youngeat eventually killing it after breaking it's neck, I'm pretry sure.
That was not at Deborah, they have fledged all hatches, Deborah North had the youngest die last year because of hypothermia!
I did not watch Dale Hollow and never heard that youngest was killed by the older one.
Could you explain your comment. I see nothing childish only reasoned comments!
Damn you know it's all over for chick #2 @ 4:20
The infamous walk over, there's just a 0.75% chance in bouncing back =/
That's less than one percent!
I just watched a video from another eagles nest where the bigger eaglet literally broke the littlest ones wing and pecked his head until it broke open. I had no idea that this happened in the wild. You just think that they behave like human siblings do. We do get into physical confrontations but never to the death. Well not usually that is. Wow.
I really have a problem with this term "sibling rivalry" because it takes some back and forth to create a true rivalry and what actually happens with eaglets is the oldest beating up the younger ones. I also have a problem with the term "survival of the fittest" to justify no intervention in nests with eaglets in true distress due to sibling rivalry because there´s no evidence whatsoever that younger eaglets are less prone to survive in the wild than their older siblings once they thrive. Thus they are not "less fit to survive". They just happen to be younger and unlucky.
If you have a problem with nature dont watch. Eaglet is eating fine and not in mortal danger. Lady Hawk is trying to relay this unfortunate natural occurrence in terms that humans can understand. Easy to be a critic and suggest human intervention for something that has gone on for centuries.
Where did you a see a criticism for Lady Hawk in my message? Furthermore, where did I show any concern with this particular nest? I said in other videos that NEFL is particularly smooth. I´ve been followwing for quite some time.
As far as the "if you have a problem with nature don´t watch" comment, do you allow me to have my opinion on human intervention in nests with eaglets in distress or the little tyrant inside you will try to silence me just because I committed the deadly sin of disagreeing with you?
You criticized her by saying you have a problem with her use of 'Sibling rivalry" and "survival of the fittest". Thats how it read anyway......its not about you or I its nature and we have no control.........little the only one I see is E18!
Hi Thomaz - I know this type of vid is always difficult to view. One thing you can rest assured of is that the AEF and Gretchen (who runs NEFL) will intervene if 19 ever sustained serious injury. That's one reason I absolutely love the AEF so much is that they can and will break that non intervention policy whenever they deem necessary. Have a good night 😊.
No, I didn´t. I stated my opinion about the use of a term that´s pretty common within the eagle community. It´s not a personal criticism at all. I have a problem with the terminology itself not with those who use it.
At the end looked like one was done for stretched out by mama. Other than that it was hard to tell who started what or which was which after one sat on the other. All I saw was two chicks fighting
Poor little dude...he'll grow up...
This is the reason why there isn’t a lot of eagles. They kill each other off when they are siblings
I remember this day 😢❤
Ouch .... bad brother or sister 😡
Poor little thing 🐣
Induknya dah gk bisa cari makan untuk anaknya. Kasihan anaknya.
Didn’t like how NE 18 how he hovered over Ed him to prevent him from getting up, then walked over him after he taught him a lesson. So , in my eyes NE18 is still a bully in that developmental stage.
Il peggior nemico che puoi avere, è il fratello nato subito dopo di te. Vale per qualsiasi specie.
It so heart breaking maybe that why God don't let us see how the wild animals have to survive! I love watching the eagles 🦅
These birds are tough, even the little one. He had been challenging her the past couple of days. I don't think he accidentally bumped into her, I think he was coming at her...again. He knew what he was doing. He just didn't expect that reaction. She was hot and not in the mood and she put him in his place. They will both live and he will learn.
wow good job
Only if they have human like feelings..
"Survival of the fittest" or "Survival of the cruelest" ?
Where is Mom or Dad
I'm beginning to not like eagles they are for the first egg only
the second egg doesn't have a chance they need to produce 1 egg only
The bonking has begun!
Hay que aves tan diabólicos desde bbs ya se odian y la mamá viendo el espectáculo 👀👀👀👀👁️👁️👁️👁️💀
Geez these little tweeters really get on it. I must say I know it's not but they are so funny. They just bobble all over. Siblings always rival so why not birdies. Awesome to see them groove. TyLH ❤.and the little one wins big one exhausted lol.
If that oldest had started attacking its sibling as a stork, a momma stork would given the bully a few warning head squeezes. If the attacks continued then the mother bird would then toss the bully out of the nest.
@@Butterfly-mt5ml Read the the very first word of my post. I said IF, IF, IF they had been storks. I did not say they were storks.
Aunque now duela. Es la lejitima forma de sobrevivir.
I remember this video😰
What's the bad news there both alive and eagle chicks do this 95% of the time
Como pode ser tão novinho e tão violento? Deixa o outro em paz...
Coll me 9594488143
They were too hungry they are biting each other ...
Tan pequeños y tan agresivos! Imaginen lo que van a ser de grandes.Demonios !!! 👿
andthe mother just watches on like she likes it
So sorry.cannot watch.
Oh my! More bonking. I'd pull their little fuzz and make them stay in time out. Lol. I feel bad when eaglets bonk one another and especially when one is the major bonker. 😢😢
I used to be a big fan of Eagle and Hawks Species, but i watched some gruesome video of various Eagles Hawks chicks killing their sibling while parents are sitting there and watching like nothing is happening, i hate them.
Little one started the first
Funny cos the smaller one attacked first and then got fucked up
Que bicho maluco, mal nasceu já está matando o próprio irmão, Affff, eita natureza.
But he didn't does it.
He us victorious on d ropes and oppnent is down..
This is what happened last yr, weakest will not survive! An that is life! sad, but true!
Patricia - last season both eaglets Hope and Peace fledged the nest so not sure which nest you are thinking of. There have been no deaths by sibling rivalry or food shortage at this nest.
I wonder if the younger one ever wins?
It´s harsh. I can´t watch it.