It is ALWAYS SAFE in Calbayog even during evenings. Seldom you will hear crimes committed, however, with the presence of very had politicians women crimes are perpetuated by their supporters. You are only strolling on downtown. Calbayog City have 4 districts, by land area, Calbayog City is the largest City in the whole Philippines, NOT Quezon City.
Galing naman Malinis sa araw naman.
yes po
It is ALWAYS SAFE in Calbayog even during evenings. Seldom you will hear crimes committed, however, with the presence of very had politicians women crimes are perpetuated by their supporters.
You are only strolling on downtown.
Calbayog City have 4 districts, by land area, Calbayog City is the largest City in the whole Philippines, NOT Quezon City.