The Moonblade is a legendary sentient evil-slaying sacred hero's holy sword created by a legendary Dragon 122,000 years ago. The Moonblade's legendary power grows brighter by absorbing tons of moonlight and sunlight. When that happens, the Moonblade's sharpness becomes much more sharper than ever. It also makes it chosen wielder THAT MUCH MORE stronger as well due to it's unbreakable bond.
Nice Warrior 💪☺️👏👏👏👏🛡️🗡️🙋
The Moonblade is a legendary sentient evil-slaying sacred hero's holy sword created by a legendary Dragon 122,000 years ago. The Moonblade's legendary power grows brighter by absorbing tons of moonlight and sunlight. When that happens, the Moonblade's sharpness becomes much more sharper than ever. It also makes it chosen wielder THAT MUCH MORE stronger as well due to it's unbreakable bond.