September 2024 Bible Q&A

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • 1:01
    My grandson asked me if God is full of love and mercy, why doesn't he stop bad things from happening like shootings in a school or allowing babies to be born to abusive or drug addicted parents?
    I have a question for the Q&A: Romans chapter 1: obedience comes from faith. Can you please explain?
    My question is in John 14:15, Jesus says, "If you love me, keep my commandments.” You said that He wasn't talking about keeping the ten commandments. What did He mean?
    If a man seeks to harm one’s family, should the protector of the family just watch his family be hurt?
    Does God answer our prayers or is it his will that plays out and has nothing to do with our prayers? Also, how does God reconcile his will with our daily needs we ask of him through prayer?
    In the Old Testament, they had to sacrifice animals for the forgiveness of sins. Were they completely forgiven of sin at this time by the blood of bulls, etc. and if so, why did they not go into heaven if they were completely forgiven?
    In the Bible, there are several instances where God changes people's names. Any reason for it?
    After the thousand year millennium, what happens to the believing humans? Will they receive a glorified body or will they be put onto the new Earth? My Dad always taught that these humans will go onto the new Earth and live as God intended Adam and Eve to live and populate the Earth before they fell. What are your thoughts?
    How do you know if your belief in Christ is a head belief or a heart belief?
    How much of the Old Testament should we pick up as Christians?
    Is there any scriptural reference to know if we would still have free will in heaven?
    What is the significance of "sour wine" given to Jesus? John 19:28-30. Does this symbolize something? Or was it just because he was simply thirsty? Wouldn't the people watching him, like his mother, and disciple have water with them to offer him?
    What constitutes marriage in God's eyes?
    "Again he began to teach beside the sea. And a very large crowd gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat in it on the sea, and the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land. And he was teaching them ...". My question is, how did they all hear him from the boat on the water? Was this a supernatural occurrence?
    Why do you put to death such things as sexual immorality (Colossians 3v5) but only rid yourself of such things as anger (Colossians 3v8)?
    I have a question about Rev. 16:15. Is that verse referring to the rapture?
    I have read in the Scriptures references to “Jacob’s trouble.” Why is Jacob’s trouble referred to as an occurrence in the last days? What is the connection?
    How did Lucifer have the thought of overthrowing God if heaven has no sin?
    In Ezekiel 28:13, is this Eden, the Garden of God, in heaven or on earth and is it anything like the garden of eden on earth?
    I feel like my prayer time is pretty good and consistent. I pray to all three members of the Trinity. But what makes it difficult for me is I don’t have a mental image of God the Father or the Holy Spirit for that matter. I just wondered if there are scriptures that can help me in this?
    What is the difference between the Sadducees, Pharisees, and the Sanhedrin?
    The pastor at my church said that if I don't confess to the people I sinned against I won't go to heaven. I’ve committed a lot of sins like hurting others, fighting, etc. If I confess to the Lord Jesus all my sins but not to those whom I sinned against, will I not be forgiven?
    I'm curious, since Moses was a Levite, why weren’t his sons High Priests? Why only Aaron’s sons?
    I was wondering if it’s biblical for a Pastor to tell you to sow a financial seed if you are hoping for another job, or some kind of blessing?
    My question is about other denominations of Christianity. They all believe in Jesus Christ so are they all part of the Church? I am a born again believer, but have been wondering about the Eastern Orthodox Church, Roman Catholicism, etc. How do I know that I am believing the way God wants me to believe in Him?
    Find more Q&As at:


  • @wideawake6501
    @wideawake6501 11 днів тому +4

    Hi Paul and Sue, much love and respect. Sorry for my last question. I get confused, a lot. Thank you for clearing things up for me in relation to what marriage is in the eyes of God and man. Glad that question was asked. Love your teachings. Been with you for over 11 years now, give or take. No church here teaches the word like this. God bless all ❤

  • @ericseanj9524
    @ericseanj9524 День тому

    My favorite times of the month is these Q&A with my brother and sister ❤❤❤❤

  • @bugume
    @bugume 4 дні тому

    be thankful and press forward
    god is so far above our understanding. We will learn for eternity and share his glory. Earth is a short tenure but a micro glimpse of Gods vast power and splendor

  • @madhutheblessed4845
    @madhutheblessed4845 12 днів тому +12

    I'm Madhu from India.Good morning to Pastor Paul and Sue ! Always looking forward to your Bible Q n A. Thank you for making life easier for us by answering these tough questions that could have otherwise tormented us. God bless you and Sue.

  • @Poshboti
    @Poshboti 11 днів тому +2

    Thank you Ps Paul and Sue ❤

  • @NormanChester882
    @NormanChester882 11 днів тому +2

    Always great questions and answers, God bless Sue and Paul

  • @cherylbarrett4510
    @cherylbarrett4510 11 днів тому +1

    I will also remember your reply to me about to keep pressing on in Jesus. I have and I am so appreciative that you answered my response even with all the people that watch and also have questions. Thank you so much Pastor Paul. I would like to visit your church one day.

  • @BornAgain945
    @BornAgain945 11 днів тому +2

    Thanks, Pastor Paul&Sue!

  • @vesper180
    @vesper180 11 днів тому +3

    Thank you for another Q & A!

  • @KimG-j7b
    @KimG-j7b 6 днів тому

    Love you guys and love this Q&A, especially your last answer. 🩵

  • @thereshopeinword9798
    @thereshopeinword9798 11 днів тому +2


  • @Michiganian8
    @Michiganian8 5 днів тому

    I subscribed months back, been watching, style of preaching helps me understand more better. Somehow, I thought when I saw Ontario, that u guys were in Canada. Silly me, I seriously didn’t read the whole thing till today 🤦🏽‍♀️😆. God Bless 👍🏽🥰🙏🏽

  • @radarman
    @radarman 7 днів тому

    Pastor & Sue …. PRAISE THE LORD …. for the best Q & A yet …. by that I mean goooood questions …. in the past the questions, for the most part were sorrowfully inane ….. and revealed too much spiritual immaturity and total lack of Bible knowledge.

  • @ivyfs7836
    @ivyfs7836 12 днів тому +2

    Greetings and blessings from Puerto Rico!❤️

  • @sherenaarunachellan
    @sherenaarunachellan 11 днів тому +2

    Thanks for this Q and A session , it really does help

  • @ariah5093
    @ariah5093 11 днів тому +2

    I love how we’re the evil ones and God gets blamed for it. We choose to do evil selfish things but then ask “why does God let bad things happen?” But yet we happily choose those options to a default. I remember being a child and being a selfish sister and intentionally tried to manipulate my mother by crying and bending the truth. From a small child I did that. Ironic we blame God.

  • @beautifulsoulsbystayeshay8003
    @beautifulsoulsbystayeshay8003 8 днів тому

    From Chicago ❤️🙏🏾

  • @olaafolabi9010
    @olaafolabi9010 12 днів тому +1

    Pastor Paul and Miss Sue for question 1 I will referred this sister to read Matthew 24 these are signs of end time as read in this text

  • @beautifulsoulsbystayeshay8003
    @beautifulsoulsbystayeshay8003 8 днів тому

    People life must be extremely good here on earth if they keep asking questions linked to if we will have anything in this decaying, wicked, suffering earth. I would imagine heaven is 💯 percent better than here. I’ve been through so much in my life. I’m empathetic towards those, especially children who suffer. So I’m excited to see heaven for me and others. I don’t care if no ice cream , lobster or chicken is there. I figure our mindset will be so Holy that none of those things even marriage will matter. So I say Lord Jesus come and come soon!

  • @underdogfox
    @underdogfox 10 днів тому

    What this abit late this time round. Normally waiting for the next video so that I can watch it straight away 😊. I managed to get round to this and I'm happy that I did. Awesome work Paul and Sue. Hopefully, send in a question soon

  • @tb8819
    @tb8819 12 днів тому +1

    6:14 !

  • @WordWideInformationNewsMinistr

    why does JESUS CHRIST did not intervene to those people who are freed from sexual immotal practices in believing and accepting HIM as the Savior of all mankind can still do those things?