The bit with the spirits was unexpected but INCREDIBLE. I love the extra detail of Knuckles being behind Sonic, like how he’s behind BF in Triple Trouble. All three of them sounded incredible, and the Eggman laugh was PERFECT. 2:37 AND TIMING THE DODGES TO THE MELODY IS GENIUS
You know what I think would make a good silly Billy Sonic.exe cover. A one were Sonic is facing off a sonic that originally possessed by an exe, and now he is left alone in his world, exe had his fun and move on to the next world leaving behind an depressed Sonic the hedgehog , and now he facing off with a Sonic that still has his friends and family
i thought of some lyrics myself of what i personally think would fit exe not that the lyrics you chose at 4:52 are bad, of course, theyre amazing The Loss, the Pain, how much more can you stand? Your Foe, your Friends, they ALL have met their Ends By MY Hand Now You're DAMNED
seriously you made this its incredible still another banger you could make something like this but I think it would be nice seeing sonic do it in a mirror seeing xeno but still it was fire and tell grimm he did great with his xeno voice
@@ReddyForever... sorry man didn't know didn’t see the description but you did great no doubts about that don't be so down on it u did fine trust me on that
I always wanted this to exist, thank you for making this banger bro, these are my favorite characters. I wanted All his phases in one video of a song, and it truly happend, this is the best banged of silly Billy I had ever watched
Por fin un cover Silly Billy que está bueno, con Animación inicio,y animación mientras canta y diferente lyrics de Sonic.Exe mientras canta,por fin un vídeo qué si está bueno,me suscribo tu canal y doy line tu vídeo
Hello i'm Linkzero Megadive the creator of FNF Fake Sonic Encore Recreation, thank you for using my sprite recreation on your video, i'm glad the one of my recreation came on yours, great video! pd: i'm your fan
Sick lyrics! "I'll make you play along in time with me! Your friends are gone! So bow down for you'll know I'm GOD! I'm GOD!" But the idea just popped into my head, with how exe is with Sonic, all obsessed and such, what if..? "I'll make you play for-ever by my side! Your friends are gone! So stay and revere me as YOUR GOD! YOU'RE MINE!"
Does that even apply to Xenophanes (separate character from X) I know 2011x is a massive fan of Classic!Sonic, and 2017x thinks he's fucking Sonic. And I'm not even sure about Lord X.
@@Magma-Idiot-2001 Lord X is a big Sonic fan and takes his form both out of fondness and for ease at luring in victims, 2017X believes himself to be Sonic, Xenophanes is a massive fan of Sonic who took his form out of obsession and adoration, I was going for the idea of Xeno wanting to be worshipped as God but also boasting that Sonic himself, like all other things, will be his to play with for all eternity.
@mastermalice4705 makes sense, yeah, I got you now. The only one I was uncertain with was Xeno, and it makes sense, with how quick his fnf variant was to rage, he very much is a narcissistic being that think Sonic as a god (and emulates his person for that reason).
@@Magma-Idiot-2001 Eh, I wouldn't necessarily say Xeno thinks Sonic is a God, he took his form out of obsession and adoration, though he does seem to think very, very highly of Sonic, so he could very well see him as something above normal mortals or people, kinda like how some crazy fans are with irl celebrities or somethin, ya know?
The best rap battle I’ve ever seen in my life bro that was cool I rewatched it over and over especially the lyrics like bro I bet it took you hours to make that video super cool and super sonic speed wait and I SUBSCRIBED 😁
Blud cooked fr fr fr 🤑
In all seriousness tho, without you I probably would have cancelled this video lmao
@@MrDankBoi23 should've just gotten me to sing 🙏
Great job!
That was the best rap battle I’ve ever seen in my life
@@ReddyForever... no.
I love myself
you cant kill sonic mid
I love you too budy
I'm you
I lobe you to best friebd :)
please leave me alone
“Count this as another freaky delusion this guy thinks he has to trying to prevent hope in ridiculous ways”
Also this voice acting and animation is insanely high effort, I love this.
That is a subterfuge reference I saw it too
Silly Billy is a reference to subterfuge
@@spxrkz7190silly billy was first !
subterfuge only got finished sooner
This reply is off topic@spxrkz7190
@@spxrkz7190really offtopic
The bit with the spirits was unexpected but INCREDIBLE. I love the extra detail of Knuckles being behind Sonic, like how he’s behind BF in Triple Trouble.
All three of them sounded incredible, and the Eggman laugh was PERFECT.
One of the best covers I’ve seen, possibly new sprites, wide cast of characters, custom lyrics, and cutscenes!
12/10 MUST watch again
What can I say except your wel- thank you :))
@ I had a stroke reading that combined your welcome and thank you, but of course, adore it, should be more known!
Fax @@Nova_the_hyena
5:06 bro hit the subterfuge pose
He indeed hit the subterfuck pose🔥
@@Bandu_BlueLOL what the fuckterfuge
@@Bandu_BlueLOL he actually did hit the subterbaldi pose
You know what I think would make a good silly Billy Sonic.exe cover. A one were Sonic is facing off a sonic that originally possessed by an exe, and now he is left alone in his world, exe had his fun and move on to the next world leaving behind an depressed Sonic the hedgehog , and now he facing off with a Sonic that still has his friends and family
That or him rap-battling against Subconscious Sonic from NU would be cool!
Yea 😊
i thought of some lyrics myself of what i personally think would fit exe
not that the lyrics you chose at 4:52 are bad, of course, theyre amazing
The Loss,
the Pain,
how much
more can you stand?
Your Foe,
your Friends,
they ALL
have met their Ends
By MY Hand
Now You're DAMNED
4:52 - 5:03 Great Subterfuge (Subterballs-) reference
confronting yourself.
"The Cover that nobody asked for, but that everyone needed"
confronting yourself.
I loved this video 🤩❤
This is the best cover of silly billy that I ever heard good job dude I love this song so much
Sonic really clutched the 4v1
He's played a few rounds of Fortnite before..
I like how in the past this was literally just 'confronting yourself'
Mhm, that it is :)
It is wow there’s a lot of Easter egg in this video
My dumbass thought it was sonic adventure
"Sonic.exe and Sonic be Gay and shit" as a chapter name had me DYING... 😭
I feel like MrDankBoi is one of the only people who actually respect xenophanes nowadays ngl.
Seriously, why Xeno sudenly became hated and disapeared?
@@KNKoc Nominal Dingus is the reason for him to become hated
@@Captain_Combine bcs of four way fracture?
@@itz.jack_dreams2687 no cuz of his Majin roasting Xeno which started a whole rabbit hole
2:04 hold on Xenophanes caused WW2?
That explains a lot about him
He's secretly Hitler trust
@@MrDankBoi23 💀
@MrDankBoi23 Let's just hope he doesn't commit suicide cause he lost to Boyfriend 💀
@@MrDankBoi23 Are the Nazis his victims?
@@MrDankBoi23his painting career didn’t work out…
Yo this is actually so good ! It's so underrated
Really good job !
Flashback to WW2 is wild 💀💀
Awesome, you gave me an idea for a 2011x Vs Classic Sonic cover, Well, it will obviously be about Silly Billy too xd
seriously you made this its incredible still another banger you could make something like this but I think it would be nice seeing sonic do it in a mirror seeing xeno but still it was fire and tell grimm he did great with his xeno voice
@@makeitrain6745 should've been me (last comment about me not voicing xeno I promise dank, please don't get on my ass about it 😭)
@@ReddyForever... sorry man didn't know didn’t see the description but you did great no doubts about that don't be so down on it u did fine trust me on that
Damn, Xeno really Silly on my billy for real. 😭
Hey, that's pretty cool me think,,
Also thanks for using some of my modpack's assets :)
No prob, their really good :)
Their art styles fit eachother so well
I always wanted this to exist, thank you for making this banger bro, these are my favorite characters. I wanted All his phases in one video of a song, and it truly happend, this is the best banged of silly Billy I had ever watched
the lyrics are SO GOOD!
like the fact of instead Xeno being in his fake form, the souls are the ones who sings the shrinking part
I fricking love this so much! To the souls all the way to the end, everything is top notch! Chefs kiss!💋
confronting yourself.
Omg sonic style is great fr fr this cover in my opinion is the best silly billy cover
I really want to Sonic sprites. They look so good!
Ohhh this looks amazing cover of Silly Billy nice job my friend!! >:D
Man that exe voice is incredible, I love how it matches with sonics higher pitched voice
No joke, I read the thumbnail as Silly Sonic.exe vs Billy Sonic.
Hello, I feel very grateful that you used my sprites , good video!
They are peak, so that's why:)))
Tysm 😔👌@@MrDankBoi23
the fact that i was sketching up ideas for this exact idea is crazy what a coincidence 💀💀
Por fin un cover Silly Billy que está bueno, con Animación inicio,y animación mientras canta y diferente lyrics de Sonic.Exe mientras canta,por fin un vídeo qué si está bueno,me suscribo tu canal y doy line tu vídeo
This is beautiful, I LOVE IT!
Hello i'm Linkzero Megadive the creator of FNF Fake Sonic Encore Recreation, thank you for using my sprite recreation on your video, i'm glad the one of my recreation came on yours, great video!
pd: i'm your fan
| |
That was really good, I like that 👍
Ok bro you just earned a subscriber👍👍
5:06 It's so cold here....
4:51 De hecho, (se que no todos los exes son asi) la letra original tendria sentido porque los exes son las mas grandes fanáticos de Sonic xd.
Damn why does everyone hate this it's good
Hating fr fr
@@MrDankBoi23 l
People were hating?
@Magma-Idiot-2001 ye
Literally nobody is hating what are you on about
4:39 omg is so much better yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah damn mod cooool
This is amazing I love your channel!
Asombroso mis respetos bro
Fan soundtrack epic 10/10❤
Silly billy? More like silly...
Subter Fuge
"Flashbacks to WW2" is a crazy way to name a chapter 💀
I can’t wait to see this epic Fnf animation
This is really good!❤ The only thing I would change is maybe the lyrics a little but other than that it’s pretty good!❤ :]
1:18 Soul Tails looks so cute in there😢♥️
Wow, Brings back to me vs myself, AKA silly billy
6:18 I think this is good ending
Sick lyrics!
"I'll make you play along in time with me! Your friends are gone! So bow down for you'll know I'm GOD! I'm GOD!"
But the idea just popped into my head, with how exe is with Sonic, all obsessed and such, what if..?
"I'll make you play for-ever by my side! Your friends are gone! So stay and revere me as YOUR GOD! YOU'RE MINE!"
Does that even apply to Xenophanes (separate character from X) I know 2011x is a massive fan of Classic!Sonic, and 2017x thinks he's fucking Sonic. And I'm not even sure about Lord X.
@@Magma-Idiot-2001 Lord X is a big Sonic fan and takes his form both out of fondness and for ease at luring in victims, 2017X believes himself to be Sonic, Xenophanes is a massive fan of Sonic who took his form out of obsession and adoration, I was going for the idea of Xeno wanting to be worshipped as God but also boasting that Sonic himself, like all other things, will be his to play with for all eternity.
@mastermalice4705 makes sense, yeah, I got you now. The only one I was uncertain with was Xeno, and it makes sense, with how quick his fnf variant was to rage, he very much is a narcissistic being that think Sonic as a god (and emulates his person for that reason).
@@Magma-Idiot-2001 Eh, I wouldn't necessarily say Xeno thinks Sonic is a God, he took his form out of obsession and adoration, though he does seem to think very, very highly of Sonic, so he could very well see him as something above normal mortals or people, kinda like how some crazy fans are with irl celebrities or somethin, ya know?
0:39 0:42 0:43 0:43
Bro the video chapter names are hilarious
Ok bro, ok, the only person xeno/exe gonna oil up is his own fucking un scary dvd.
The best rap battle I’ve ever seen in my life bro that was cool I rewatched it over and over especially the lyrics like bro I bet it took you hours to make that video super cool and super sonic speed wait and I SUBSCRIBED 😁
that's video going good!
We haven’t seen a FNF mod featuring sonic in so long it just been EXE After EXE
I can confirm
This is so cool i can't ssy much else
That Is So Cool! I like it! I Love it
2:04 “flashbacks to WW2” 💀
Прикольно ой тоесть coll
unexpected cover animation to see on my recommended
Dang! Sonic sounds awesome
One of my favorites videos now!
I like the cutscene at the start…voice acting is great too!
One problem tho…tails doesn’t have blue shoes…in his official art/in game sprites he has RED shoes not BLUE shoes…
Great job on this one
Ty ty, I tried :)
I love this good job 🎉
Love how the start of the lyrical section is literally just Subterfuge
But this one is also sick 😅
Love this
el cover esta buenisimo
Xeno fr an Austrian painter 🗣️🗣️🔥
5:04 goody ahh looking dude
Peak 🗣🔥
"Flashbacks to WW2"
"Sonic.exe and Sonic be Gay and shit"
most vile chapter names known to mankind
Es una hermosura preciosa
good job on this song dude
5:28 I don't know if it's just my imagination but I can hear BF's vocals in the background
You mean just him right and no, it’s not your imagination
I see that boyfriend is fighting, all the V1 characters
What a Masterpiece
Peak 🔥🔥🔥
Dame, this shit is clean!😮😮😮
This is awesome, and also you forgot to credit Hyperdream who I think did the soul sprites.
2:03 "flashbacks to WW2" is crazy 💀💀💀
We need to make this playable bro 🗿🗿