I have same issue but used car parts insisted on selling me with the exact center console like I have which is not easy to get although I have explained to them that I only need the power window, trunk release, and side mirror adjuster as it is under one circuit. The rest is separate. Thank you for the video. I will give them this link so that they can get me from any car as long as it has airbag light (some model does not have airbag light)
I have same issue but used car parts insisted on selling me with the exact center console like I have which is not easy to get although I have explained to them that I only need the power window, trunk release, and side mirror adjuster as it is under one circuit. The rest is separate. Thank you for the video. I will give them this link so that they can get me from any car as long as it has airbag light (some model does not have airbag light)
very educative. Thank you regards
Can’t re placle the trunk switch alone, i had the same problem,? Do u mind giving me the old trunk switch
i have replaced but it does not work. is there any other tricks like reprogramme the console?
If your trunk isn’t opening at all, you may have an issue with the Vacuum Pump.
As for the Switch, I don’t think there is another solution