5 Furry Stereotypes

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @kobidobidog
    @kobidobidog 7 років тому +3

    Outsiders thinking sexual are revealing what is on their mind. What else would they say? The fandom has creative minds in it. Minds thinking of one thing like sex cannot be creative. The accusations are therefore false. People giving the accusations are ignorant, low, unlearned vicious lewd people. The word "lewd" is from the Saxon, and means properly "ignorant," "unlearned," and hence low, vicious (Acts 17:5). KJV Cambridge editon 1611 study bible. Old Scofield bible study bible. The Sword study bible or the KJV 1900. Jesus will not bully a person. The adversary will bully a person who has Jesus in them. The Emo will gain comfort knowing that. The Emo needs kind words. Mean words will makes it worse for them. I know of people that can help people who have many symptoms and prevent symptoms from occurring. They are upper cervical Spesific only DC Chiropractors. Upcspine, Upper cervical health Centers or The Spesific Chiropractic. I recommend this above any medical doctor. Birth itself can begin a problem you are not aware of. Hormonal changes are normal. Don't worry about them. Taking my advise at an nearly age is still a good thing to do. Avoid shots. They are a joke. One bad thing in them is Glyphophate. That is found in Roundup weed killer. All things are nude - pornographic. You don't know that? The animals in the wild are nude like they were when they were born. They don't have a man made thing on them. We are in a nude universe. Bad people are not like Jesus . Deceptive Muslims by name and ISIS people and Kim Jong Un are bad people with a bad spirit. Yiffers and Mursuiters are not like them at all. They don't want to hurt anyone. I have roll played with furries some time ago. It was just friendly roll play is all. Juvenile: Unless you become like a humble child you will not be in God's kingdom. God's peaceable kingdom is in a humble child. That is what you are looking at. People become what they behold. A word of caution. People who promote the Quran must not be in the Fandom. They are evil people. You need to beleave me. They serve Lucifer not God.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому +5

      Well I like yiff and satan soooo

    • @ChompGod
      @ChompGod 7 років тому +6

      Wtf... Not everyone is as religious as you are. I'm an atheist and I only read a bit of this before I realized I didn't give a single fuck about what you were saying, nor did I understand what you were saying

    • @indigored133
      @indigored133 7 років тому +3

      Wow that was very confusing, a bit strange, and a lot judgemental.

    • @thealcatrazguy6707
      @thealcatrazguy6707 4 роки тому

      Dont make me give another speech about honor like I did in a video about the war in Iraq... may the light of infinite wisdom shed upon you my friend, and may you find unity amongst your brethren, regardless of what flag they fly or what god they pray to

  • @theholymackerel1066
    @theholymackerel1066 7 років тому +29

    The most important thing here
    is that Megadeth t-shirt.

    • @theholymackerel1066
      @theholymackerel1066 7 років тому +2

      Troll Media Well, that's a given.
      She obviously has her wits about her.

    • @diesel_died4473
      @diesel_died4473 7 років тому

      Paul Lucas yas megadeth 4 life

  • @ajaxroo4390
    @ajaxroo4390 7 років тому +15

    there is actually a dragon fur I meet at TFF who is 70+ years of age.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому +13

      Ajax Roo christ bless his soul

    • @ajaxroo4390
      @ajaxroo4390 7 років тому +10

      best part, he is a full suiter

  • @LittleDragonProductions
    @LittleDragonProductions 7 років тому +5

    I really liked this video. As someone who is new to the fandom... and :cough: a well adjusted grey mussel, it was nice to hear an insiders opinion on the fandom. I got involved for the performance art and cosplay aspects. It's something I've always wanted to do and I'm not a fan of comic books, anime or video games. To me it was all about developing my own character. Since I have a soft spot for anthropomorphic animals, being a "furry" seemed like the best of both worlds; develop my own character and do performance art in costume. As a creative professional, telling my other adult friends (mostly artists/creatives) about the fandom, has been liberating. A few of my close friends are very excited and can't wait to see my character in person. I do think every adult has this inner child that's just wanting to get out. Being a fluffy animal for a day is pretty much the ultimate childish adventure and that's one of the reasons so many well-adjusted adults are interested in the fandom.
    As a side note, I do think people like myself, who are in the fandom for pure, good hearted reasons, are very good in the long term. We give a different perspective to potential issues other younger furries are going through. I enjoy helping people on Amino, Twitter and even Facebook, who come out of the woodwork and can share their stories. I've learned quite a bit about what makes a furry and I dedicate quite a bit of time every day to helping at least one person who needs a shoulder to lean on. I do think there is a lot of drama, a lot of depression and as you pointed out, a lot of hormones going a muck, but having someone to comfort these kids, does a lot of good.
    Sorry for the long reply, but I figured it was worth giving you a bit more info about another part of the fandom you may not know about. Thanks again for the video and keep up the good work, I really enjoy your videos. :)

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  5 років тому

      Honestly I'm very intrigued by the older aspect of this community it's respectable. Maybe it's because I like talking to older people? This reply is a year later and I hope you're doing good man. Sorry for this late welcoming.

  • @Toa-Ignicus
    @Toa-Ignicus 7 років тому +5

    You forgot all the Popu-furs.

    • @ByoBiorn
      @ByoBiorn 7 років тому +3

      Someone had to.

  • @sprinkledoreo1090
    @sprinkledoreo1090 7 років тому +5

    I'm a new fur. I tried my best to get a good fursuit... I think mine is good XD but I do accept there is innapropriate parts in the fandom. I just stay away from those ppl

  • @qoyote
    @qoyote 7 років тому +1

    Fortunately I was almost 14 when I joined the fandom, so I wasn't cringy enough to be a yiff-denying Halloween mask-wearing newfur anymore, but if I'd been a few years younger I'd never be able to live it down.

  • @neonbat666
    @neonbat666 7 років тому +2

    Ugh, I think EmoFurs are my biggest pet peeve in the fandom. I wouldn't mind it so much if it weren't for things like the cutting. I just see way too many of them bring self-harm and suicide glorification into the fandom, and that both worries me and pisses me off.
    It worries me because the Greenhorns are very impressionable and tend to latch onto things in the fandom that they might think will get them attention. And it pisses me off because it's obvious that a lot of the EmoFurs will do it for the attention. I actually recently saw a post of a self harm photo and some vague caption with it, and it irritated me. I might have been rather harsh, but that's only because it was an obvious attention ploy. I mean, literally every time I made a suggestion for a cutting alternative, they would make an excuse as to why they couldn't get help, or why that wouldn't work.
    ...sorry fam, I like to vent first world problems online

  • @MeOwOy_Studio
    @MeOwOy_Studio 7 років тому +3

    Murr suits are for sure a no go, Fursuits are much to beautiful to be used in that way ¡A¡
    but TBH I don't know where I would be classified in these 5 categories haha
    I'm naturally a outcast, I do do Yiff art as commission but refuse to draw almost all fetishes. I like SFW art the most though, and decline anyone who wants to RP since we all know where that would lead.
    Don't scream it to the world that I'm a furry either and only wear my Fursuit on Halloween at cons or on my birthday XD
    Also Hun, I was wondering what do you think your most like out of the 5 you listed?

    • @susususop
      @susususop 7 років тому

      ZehPurz murrsuits are fine as long as the suits are for PRIVATE USE ONLY.

  • @cody366
    @cody366 7 років тому +11

    well i'm still young(i'm 16 years old)
    but i don't really think that you MUST have fursuit to be a furry
    i got alot of friends from amino and from other apps, it's really fun :3
    ofc i got some experience of different ppl, like sad happy hopeful hmmm edgy emo...etc
    some of them good and some of them bad, but to be honest most of them was great ppl, and we became friends
    and i really like the fandom x3 because i really like animals they're so adorable, also fursuiters looks cute too
    also there's alot of hugs and cuddles, and i really enjoy them sooo why not :3?

    • @jastorals8522
      @jastorals8522 7 років тому +2

      Honestly when I run into those edgy furs. I came across someone who made a poll on Furry amino saying "should I kill myself?" So I just put the suicide hotline number in the comments.

    • @cody366
      @cody366 7 років тому

      xD, actually i can't really understand these ppl who suicide, like there's no point of that
      it's not gonna be better at all, and alot of them tries to suicide they got really bad wound
      they don't die xd, like only more pain doesn't worth at all

    • @sazhellegm9317
      @sazhellegm9317 7 років тому

      It's mostly hormones which usually causes them to feel depressed and that they just want the pain to stop... It's hard to believe why would they do this to themselves unless you actually talk to one who had tried or thought about it.

    • @cody366
      @cody366 7 років тому

      actually i had like heavy bullying, for around 11 year, and they're still bullying me until now
      but way lesser, they bulled me with every way of bullying hitting me stealing my homework or books
      and of course meaning words all the time even also Threatens me hmm they even tried to rape me :/
      first 11 year was completely horrible no friends even if someone try to be my friend, they bully him too to stop talking to me, i cried a lot there's even some marks of my tears on my face also i'm sensitive person
      it's really hurts when they do that to me,
      but after this 11 years i started talking to ppl on internet and it's really fun i got a lot of friends from the internet and the best thing that i ever did is being a furry i feel waaaaaaaaay better and happier after become a furry :3 everyone accept me and so lovely with me, and furries like hugs and i LOVE hugs so much(even if i only can hug my mom and dad pnp)
      xd even one of my dreams is go to a con and hug a fursuiter with my suit(because i'm too shy to talk to someone face to face >////>)
      ofc there's some bad furries but mostly is so lovely :3

    • @Bownimations01
      @Bownimations01 7 років тому

      Cody :3 I'm glad things worked out ^^ I wasn't trying to get on your case or anything. I was just making a statement on how those who act like suicide isn't a big deal annoys me because it was one of the scariest things I've ever gone through. People don't seem to realize that it's a person's life on the line when actual suicide is threatened. And because of this new ignorance, people have died when they could have been saved. That's all I meant. Was just making a general point. But yeah, being a furry is awesome ^^ and I can't wait to go to a con

  • @yourboirex2874
    @yourboirex2874 7 років тому +2

    Thank you, you actually cured my depression.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Your boi Rex revolutionary

  • @worshipingtaylor8934
    @worshipingtaylor8934 7 років тому +1

    Somehow U make this entertaining & refreshing...that's you contained-cool-excitement...oh boi!
    Peace out!

  • @MeOwOy_Studio
    @MeOwOy_Studio 7 років тому +1

    therapy pets help a lot with depression and anxiety. Anyone who is feeling bad about them selves in any way just remember there is always someone out there that cares about you c:

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому +1

      ZehPurz my friend convinced a walmart employee that his chicken was a service chicken.

    • @MeOwOy_Studio
      @MeOwOy_Studio 7 років тому +1

      Korosu Studios Dude that's awesome! That chicken is living the life if it gets to go on trips to the store c:

  • @kaiberlombax8535
    @kaiberlombax8535 7 років тому +5

    I was the 'new fur' stereotype for a while XD but I didn't buy a fursuit, I attempted to make one. (We don't talk about my first ever suit.)

  • @pukamaroo
    @pukamaroo 7 років тому +1

    Sometimes I feel ashamed that I actually do like yiff (not murry stuff I mean art)
    I'm not hardcore into it or anything. I don't make it myself even though I consider myself a pretty good artist. But I do find it appealing often.
    BTW, I know this has nothing to with with the video, but you're gorgeous

  • @jastorals8522
    @jastorals8522 7 років тому +1

    As a young fur, honestly girl the first furry stereotype. Made me realize how different I am from that. Yes there is yiff not my cup of tea, but it DOES EXIST! Honestly right now I'm making a fursuit right now and I've talked to so many people who make fursuits. Because I honestly am interested in fursuit making. I really admire your work. Keep up the amazing work!

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому +1

      Jastorals you should keep striving towards crafting and become a really great maker. I hope your suit turns out great.

    • @jastorals8522
      @jastorals8522 7 років тому

      Korosu Studios thank you so much! You have been one of my biggest inspirations so it means a lot for you to take the time to respond to me.

  • @StongePWilde
    @StongePWilde 7 років тому +2

    Pretty enternaining video! :D

  • @Agent-qb8em
    @Agent-qb8em 7 років тому

    "were gonna make fun of people"*runs and grabs popcorn*I'M IN

    @KATPOOL 7 років тому +2

    will you make me a rug fursuit, haha, kidding, great video, great insight and well versed. :-)

    • @KATPOOL
      @KATPOOL 7 років тому +2

      btw, I'm a gray muzzle, that's what they call us older furs.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Pocalypto Designs thats the slang I was exactly looking for. I forgot the term grey muzzle.

  • @cri7588
    @cri7588 7 років тому +3

    "Hi I'm yiffles *pets you* :33 lol! your cute nyan!~ owwo lol! wanna rp?"

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому +3

      CRI THE ? oh god N O

    • @cri7588
      @cri7588 7 років тому +1

      *Y E S*

    • @jbthehowtodude3351
      @jbthehowtodude3351 7 років тому +1


    • @jsawesomeness123
      @jsawesomeness123 7 років тому +1

      Cringes into oblivion~

  • @veiletah639
    @veiletah639 6 років тому

    Honestly, I do not know what I fall under as a stereotype but meh, I will just be me hehe. Thanks for the video though! It does point out a lot about the fandom because we are not a perfect fandom. We definitely have a dark side but what I can recommend is that we just ignore it and look at the bright side of it.

    @FLAMINGFOXFILMZ 7 років тому

    New to the fandom, this was educational, haha, glad to be apart of the fandom now

  • @gashins9156
    @gashins9156 7 років тому +1

    im a newfur and i dont think i need a fursuit
    i made one myself because i want to be able to sell fursuit commissions when i grow up

  • @Minkfang
    @Minkfang 7 років тому +1

    I guess I'm a newfur emo but my god I pride myself on being as least cringey as possible.

  • @fine3807
    @fine3807 7 років тому +1

    Lol they're stereotypes for a reason

  • @jessicaklau3258
    @jessicaklau3258 7 років тому +1

    i make fursuits out of, foam, hot glue, faux fur, and plastic ( eyes )

    • @jessicaklau3258
      @jessicaklau3258 7 років тому

      it costs like 80$ to make a suit

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому +1

      Jessica Klau congrats that's how it's supposed to be

  • @QueeenPurple1238
    @QueeenPurple1238 4 роки тому

    I’m not a furry and I use to be anti-furry but now I see from a whole new perspective, because I loved anthropomorphic animals as a child(in cartoons like zootopia) but when I found out about the furry fandom I quit exposing myself to anthropomorphic animals because they just get you unpopular in school. Now from a new perspective you’re just a wholesome community. But I cannot ruin my ego in school so yeah I stay away from them.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  4 роки тому

      I graduated from school almost four years ago I promise you your ego doesn't matter at the slightest

  • @opval6078
    @opval6078 7 років тому +4

    I know you don't really like role play but
    Do you wanna role play

  • @howlbigbadwolf
    @howlbigbadwolf 7 років тому

    The only stereotypes I like are Sony, Yamaha, Pioneer, Denon, and Onkyo lol

  • @iceeicee2019
    @iceeicee2019 7 років тому +1

    I'm ten and I consider myself a mature furry I don't get the masks of cheap fursuits I am using my money I have saved up to four hundred an I am using cheap materials such as foam for lounges to make the base.

  • @keanasti47
    @keanasti47 7 років тому +1

    Good video, good shirt.

  • @fennflower
    @fennflower 7 років тому

    When I was 10 I was a new fur and I just made my own suit and that turned into a full on suit business

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Ivy Raindrops I just wanted to make my own and ended up with orders. Keep your business up!

  • @KayruFlufflefox
    @KayruFlufflefox 7 років тому

    Yiff Furs: There are some creepy people out there, but please try and be a little careful about about your categories. Kink shaming is not ok. Lots of perfectly nice people like things that you will find unappealing or even offensive. If they politely ask you about things you're not into, just politely decline. If they're not being polite and won't take no for an answer, its not because they're into yiff, its because they're emotionally unstable (Emo Furs as you put it). Even then its best to try not to get upset with them, as they often suffer from mental disorders and need professional help.
    Success Furs: I guess this one is me, hooray! Strange.. I don't really feel that successful :P. There are definitely furries of all ages. I don't really understand why you think its weird. Anthromorphic animals are cute no matter what age you are! The majority of furries are definitely on the younger side, but you may not realize just how many furries are adults because they don't tend to interact as much with younger furries.

  • @sammiesham
    @sammiesham 7 років тому

    The one thing that I didn't agree with was the self diagnosis. Self diagnosis is super important AS LONG AS you seek medical help after you say "Hey I have this." Also if you're having any harmful thoughts in any capacity, keep the Crisis hotline somewhere at all times, and get medical attention as soon as possible. As a person who has been diagnosed by professionals and goes to therapy, help is a good thing! And do not make your friends or family your therapists. You're all gorgeous and wonderful human beings or you have the capacity to become so.
    Also I don't know what i fall under. I'm kinda just a casual fur.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      SamIsPotentiallyACat im saying self- diagnosis can be harmful if you don't seek attention at all. there's alot of people that romanticize mental illness instead of treating it like it's a serious matter. Maybe they do have something going on but that never makes it okay to wear it around like it's jewelry saying "my scars define who i am" like its something to be proud of or display. there's ways of saying you're better than self harm or saying that self harm is a serious issue because it will kill you at some point. Im really glad you seeked professional help because there's alot who don't and that's what keeps me awake at night.

    • @sammiesham
      @sammiesham 7 років тому

      Korosu Studios oh yeah I totally agree! I think I just misunderstood the point you were trying to get across. :)

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      SamIsPotentiallyACat thats alright I appreciate the input

  • @comradewolfdog8171
    @comradewolfdog8171 7 років тому +1

    I am 12 and I have only been in the fandom for I guess for more than a year now and I accept yiff and rule 34 as apart of the fandom and I only treat the fandom as a hobby and not like a sexuality. I don't go out there and announce I am a furry i let people find out on their own like a few of my brother's friends know and my family and they don't care because I don't shove it in their face

  • @pileofcanz783
    @pileofcanz783 7 років тому +2

    ive been a furry since i was 7ish and now im 12 turnig 13 next mouth. and im going to start saving money for when im older and staop growing ill have money fur a fursuit

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      if you're female you can commission someone at 16 since growth slows down at that rate but males are still developing at that time.

    • @pileofcanz783
      @pileofcanz783 7 років тому

      Korosu Studios yep i know and yes i am female

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      I hope your suit looks super cute in the future!

    • @pileofcanz783
      @pileofcanz783 7 років тому

      Korosu Studios thanks and i hope so too ^^

  • @jsawesomeness123
    @jsawesomeness123 7 років тому

    These are so true though. Why am I in this fandom end me lmaooooo

  • @FinnsArtistryChannel
    @FinnsArtistryChannel 7 років тому

    I make my own suits out of foam, hot glue, and fleece fabric...my style works w the fabric I use and I also make "half digi" legs...I have a video on my channel

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      MÅD Create alot of people use fleece or minky fabric but im talking about fabric that isnt soft and it looks like carpet

  • @oramikuroraiden
    @oramikuroraiden 7 років тому

    I'd identify myself as a closet fur and I must admit I've never seen your channel before, do you do videos with your fursona?
    and I'm not triggered by you stereotyping me
    anyways you got some good points there I've heard uncle Kage talk about the yiff furs, which he named something like uncle Frank or something like that, never heard him talk about the issue that you brought up here, anyways thanks for the warnings about them, anyways I'm gonna subscribe to you and enjoy more of your vids

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Orami Kuro Raiden not everyone who enjoys yiff is dangerous but you just cant pretend that they dont exist. I enjoy yiff but im not obsessed with that corner of the fandom.

    • @oramikuroraiden
      @oramikuroraiden 7 років тому +1

      I know that part of the fandom does exist and both you and I won't deny it exists, cause I'm not gonna put my fingers in my ears and be like ''la la la can't hear you the fandom's all pure and good with angels and other stuff like that'' cause no that's where I'd receive a serious amount of ridicule for being like but, I do get annoyed that all people are thinking we're all about sex and all that, when the fandom is so much more to the fandom and there's sex in any other fandom just like there is in this fandom and who knows I might be part of the fandom but I'm not gonna judge anyone cause tbh if they do it behind closed doors away from me I'm not gonna judge them, we just enjoy the fandom in our own way and I do hope that some day I do get to meet some amazing people, cause I doubt everyone is a sexual deviant

  • @shaynemanosca2746
    @shaynemanosca2746 7 років тому +1

    I do have a question, but what do you think of people wearing a pair of ears and a tail and call themselves furries??

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Shayne Manosca these people can be furries but sometimes these people can classify under pet play or therians. there's a huge difference between the three. I personally don't care what they do but if I were to do that I should expect weird looks and bullying. its just some of these people act so suprisesd that they're getting harrassed. of course you're going to get made fun of, you're out of the ordinary.

    • @shaynemanosca2746
      @shaynemanosca2746 7 років тому

      I see, thanks for answering!

  • @Zestmistergamer
    @Zestmistergamer 7 років тому +1

    great video, spread the word out :D

  • @Zenith_V
    @Zenith_V 7 років тому

    Equal treatment? Not here or it's just very rare...

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Jacob teh furr whAT THE Fuck

  • @sazhellegm9317
    @sazhellegm9317 7 років тому

    I would say most of it is true and I've been the "young fur" (even a bit now) more often. But now I'm just like "I make art, pay me :P"
    Buuut with the fursuit, I calculated how much it would cost me, and invested on making my fursuit. Which now is my first and only head.
    But the stereotype I really hate are what you've said are the "edgy furs" because it also harms those around them and their mentalities. So I tend to ignore and stay away from those.
    hmm... I guess the only criticism about this video is that It could have used more edits, like text and music in the back (maybe) but it's all your choice :3

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Wolf Saz I should have fone text I was just too lazy to create all the files since I decided to edit it at 11pm

    • @sazhellegm9317
      @sazhellegm9317 7 років тому +1

      Ah that's okay :)
      Still love the video though!

  • @sleepyt0r012
    @sleepyt0r012 7 років тому

    Um ok btw I'm a young fur 11+ and I completely understand most of the fandom :)

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Seeka The dragon cyote good for you?

  • @zeriolinx5755
    @zeriolinx5755 7 років тому

    Maybe you should include furries who are more leant back and do not engage much in typical furry activities. I feel like i'm that right now.... Still a furry but everything else just come and go whenever I feel like it. Calling it a Lazy Fur might fit well xD

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Aftendale thats what the closet furry is. they accept it but they dont really engage as much. just every now and again.

    • @zeriolinx5755
      @zeriolinx5755 7 років тому +1

      Yeah you are right. I have an FA account too and can relate to what you said about it. Tbh that site doesn't really interest me :/ Dunno maybe I will get back to it some time

  • @sarahchristensen9740
    @sarahchristensen9740 7 років тому

    Wel I'm twelve in middle school and I did make my suit but I didn't spend that much on it because my twin sis had already bought foam lol and I spent 10$ on other stuff but I just ran it of everything ._.

  • @allisonhicks5615
    @allisonhicks5615 7 років тому

    I am a nuw furry saving money

  • @TheSeerSacrifice
    @TheSeerSacrifice 7 років тому

    im abit of a emo(because emotional problems lol),but no im not a emo fur,id say im new but ive been wearing a collar since first year of middle school, tail since second,i dont have a suit but i plan on working my ass off to buy a partial from morefurless this summer

  • @woahacomputer1736
    @woahacomputer1736 7 років тому +1

    I'm a young fur my suit sucks I made it with the right stuff but I don't have to have one but guess what I'm remaking with all of your tutorials with good fur for once and yes sadly I know what yiff is smh😑😑😑

  • @nuagesx681
    @nuagesx681 7 років тому

    I'm 13, and my friend asked "do furrys fuck dogs?" And I was just like "sadly yes, you don't even have to be a furry tbh." I also agree with the buying fursuit things in my town its really small and I work at like this cafè and I get paid. But when I get something small that has to do with furry things people just get so fucking butthurt lmao. I have a friend who is spoiled and has 3 suits by a professional maker that there parents bought lmao.
    Whoops sorry for that useless rant.
    I love your videos btw very helpful👌🏽

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому +1

      N u a g e s X I wouldn't let my parents buy me a $1200+ suit id feel so guilty 😂

    • @nuagesx681
      @nuagesx681 7 років тому +1

      Korosu Studios same tbh, but she never does one nice thing for them like??? Appreciate what your parents give you and not just say 'I don't want it anymore' and let it rot in a closet and die tbh.

  • @kikip1588
    @kikip1588 7 років тому

    rn I'm working my ass off to get the materials to build a fursit, I'm going all out on this, I'm hoping it'll go good! so far I have about $150, I'm saying up $300 to get started

    • @kikip1588
      @kikip1588 7 років тому

      also a new fur kinda

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      kiki :p $300 is a good amount to start. the materials aren't that expensive except for fur

  • @dave7485
    @dave7485 2 роки тому

    im a new furry but im not cheap :) ive been saving for a few weeks now for proper materials to make an "okay" suit, cuz rn ive just been making art and stuff :) (ill prolly get a friend of mine to help) :)))

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  2 роки тому +1

      Joanne's takes competitor coupons! They have almost everything to get started. Really the faux fur materials are the most expensive thing but you can compare online shops to eachother by the yard.

  • @RustHusky
    @RustHusky 7 років тому

    I am emo-ish but I don't like, post about it lmaooo

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Kana Davey same fam

  • @annakatrin2945
    @annakatrin2945 7 років тому

    I'm 11 And I'm gonna Commission a Mischief or sharpe costume And I'm working my fucking Working my butt of ;-;

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Anna Katrin you'd need an adults help sense they don't accept commissions from minors

  • @Hawk0206
    @Hawk0206 7 років тому


  • @jacquilinedornbierer989
    @jacquilinedornbierer989 7 років тому

    I am 13 and I have saved up $600 for a commission slot I will probably get just a head or a partial keep in mind I saved all of the money myself doing chores working at hot rod shows doing things like directing traffic cleaning bikes and cars and cleaning up the showgrounds at the end of the show it took me two years to get to $600 and I work my ass off

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      jacquiline dornbierer keep in mind you're a minority to the huge stereotype that is a youngfur and that this video is a simple satirical joke for entertainment

    • @jacquilinedornbierer989
      @jacquilinedornbierer989 7 років тому

      +Korosu Studios true

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      jacquiline dornbierer its really cool that you work really hard for what you want. I wish more people were like that instead of begging for money to their gofundme or stealing art for money. keep it up and you can get a really cute suit from a more popular maker.

    • @jacquilinedornbierer989
      @jacquilinedornbierer989 7 років тому +1

      +Korosu Studios ik how you feel I hate when people make a gofundme and say that I need a fursuit I'll make the world a better place if I have a fursuit and things like that and begging the money and making up things like you have an illness is also quite frustrating

  • @strawberrymilkshake867
    @strawberrymilkshake867 7 років тому

    I've seen some ugly ass fursuits that people bought

  • @zacharycieszinski5465
    @zacharycieszinski5465 7 років тому +1

    lol 18-25 go see a doctor lmao

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Zachary Cieszinski fr lol they can't run away from their problems

    • @zacharycieszinski5465
      @zacharycieszinski5465 7 років тому

      serious question, so i'm one of those ppl who didn't get into it until wayyy later, i'm an artist, going to first con next month, is it worth getting a suit? on the real i want to have a channel and promote my art

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Zachary Cieszinski that all depends on personal preference.

    • @indigored133
      @indigored133 7 років тому

      Ya im 31 and I'm fairly new to the fandom. I'm not gonna deny that I was worried about being "too old" or whatever, but honestly just thinking about it, we all encounter different experiences that lead us to the paths we take in life, and for me, being a furry and getting involved in the fandom just happened a little later. Its fun studying and researching everything I can about it, as anyone would with a new found hobby, and its also something fun to do with my daughter's! I can help them make the right decisions when it comes to their first fursuits and inform/protect them when it comes to the weirdos. This video was great, because it gave me kind of an inside look at what happens and helps others understand its not just all about nose boops and hugs.

  • @thescambledeggs5512
    @thescambledeggs5512 5 років тому

    Furry Hater

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  5 років тому

      If you say so

  • @nagitokomaeda9765
    @nagitokomaeda9765 7 років тому +2

    I'm 11, and I completely understand that there are bad things in the fandom. I plan to make a fursuit head using good materials :)

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Kain Draws that's awesome! i spent hours looking at good and terrible fursuit tutorials so i knew what to do lol. good times.

  • @grimniner6443
    @grimniner6443 7 років тому +1

    Ehhhhhhh that sorta sums it up so yeah

  • @thealcatrazguy6707
    @thealcatrazguy6707 4 роки тому

    I'm a closet fur, I have a fursona, but not a fursuit... a lot of my friends are the crazy gamers that made the furry war tik toks in 2018 so that's why

  • @inysxsanders1254
    @inysxsanders1254 7 років тому

    i'm 13 ,and i am working my ass off doing glass etching and shit to get money for an artistic liberty full digitigrade suit that will cost 1,800 f it was my personal fursona it would have costed a shit ton more . but getting 1,800 will be fucking hard and damn near impossible and my parents refuse to put in any money to help me so i'm all on my own . so i'm working my ass of to get the suit and i'm not desperate at all and i hate those crusty ass 10$ fursuits that look like trash like if you want a suit work your ass of to get a good quality one like i am doing and like most people do when they want something that is expensive as fuck

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Inysx Sanders good. There's people who set up a gofundme account which is sickening imo. I hope you get your suit soon.

  • @Raikooa
    @Raikooa 7 років тому

    im a kid and am apart of this community i know there is pretty "stupid" stuff on the internet that i see :T Im mostly am in the animation community and am working on a Fursuit as we speak so i don't count in the "first"one
    EDIT: I can tell if something is good or bad :p i rather pay 1,000 dollars then pay 10 for a Fur head :p i like quality k?
    EDIT: yes again emo Furs check out the channel called Risha ugh she annoys me

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Creampuff I love animations I hope you post them soon because honestly those are my guilty pleasures. I grew up with flipnote hatena and I loved it sm.

    • @Raikooa
      @Raikooa 7 років тому +2

      well good for you i sadly don't have flip note but have been trying to get it! i made a old fursuit head about 2 years ago not bad for a first i think its cute but i used way to much glue and wrong fur sense i have been improving in art i am a way better artist

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      do you have a furry amino?

    • @Raikooa
      @Raikooa 7 років тому +2

      Nope! if i did i would have had my old Acc name ( i sadly deleted it)
      i have a DA though i might get one when I'm not busy

  • @cragcat5158
    @cragcat5158 4 роки тому

    I felt like I should mention that back when I was in middle school i self diagnosed myself with depression. The reason was because I was having suicidal thoughts every single day for 2 years. I now know that I did have depression. All I am saying is that self diagnosis isn’t always bad.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  4 роки тому

      I'm not saying it's bad I'm more leaning towards the people that romanticize mental illness. I too suffer with borderline personality disorder. I'd never make a whole fursona based off my mental illness is what I mean.
      I have to admit this person in the video is no longer what I am now. I disagreed with alot of past videos and remarks I used to believe strongly in so I apologize for coming off as offensive in anyway.

    • @cragcat5158
      @cragcat5158 4 роки тому

      @KoroCreations Ok. Yeah I forgot the video was 3 years old. Thanks for clearing that up

  • @ReptileKing999
    @ReptileKing999 7 років тому

    ok well i don't have anything against the video however i have some constructive criticism, you come off as rather condescending/anxty almost like leafy (and yes i think he is a twat if you were wondering), don't do that it really isn't good i don't mean for you to be always happy and upbeat and all butterflies and unicorn shit but a little less of the kind of i'm better than you kind of vibe but yeah other than that i think you had some rather good points and such i would like to see them in a better format and less deviating from the path kind of thing as it was rather difficult to follow at times, hope this helps improve you're videos if you see this.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Reptile King i fucking hate leafy too, dude. but these were just "common" stereotypes in the fandom. I didn't put the obvious down like the casuals or the popufurs because I didn't want to make it seem like I was trying to round up the majority. though these types of people exist and I like making satire comments about them. (grey muzzles are actually my life goal tho lol) satire content has been around for ages and was popular in medieval literature so no, im not going to change my style because it seems offensive. Im also not saying im better than anyone else because I used to be one of these stereotypes.

    • @jsawesomeness123
      @jsawesomeness123 7 років тому

      I think it was the lack of music?? The silence was crushing, I'm not going to lie. Awesome video though, very accurate lmao

  • @cbrnite9131
    @cbrnite9131 6 років тому

    ok, well... like the vid, but 7:35-8:00 or something sounds a little insensitive but I get what you mean, I too had to put up with people that that at one point but you might not have intended to say it like you did but it sounded like you were saying it *is* all down to hormones, but on that off chance of a sensitive person hearing you say that who really do have underlying signs of disorders and hearing you say those things could affect them in disregarding their issues and ignoring them because they are "down to hormones." Then they get worse, would be on you being insensitive so I'll reword it for you (simplified).
    If you're at a young age and feel down or mildly sad, maybe even really sad, it most likely is your hormones and you still changing and growing, but if you really feel like something could be wrong then yes, it is advised to get it tested or checked out for any potential disorders that you could have, instead of self-diagnosing yourself.

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  6 років тому

      Cyan A'lien there's too many variables to count in like home life and socioeconomic lifestyles.

    • @cbrnite9131
      @cbrnite9131 6 років тому

      I'm saying this passively so you don't think im being an ass. There is that too, I'm not sure how to say it, I'm not great with words but I think that when it comes to this stuff and why we have these younger people is that, that person's beliefs and perception of what depression is (for example) can have an effect on their opinion and their mindset can turn to maybe when they start believing its real which then they can only get out of fully and that yes hormones can be at play there. it's just when there is a potential chance of the issue being there in their minds and being real, is when words like in the video can be maybe... I'm not sure what word I could use. Insensitive to affected people who aren't sure if it's real or *actually* in their heads? Because it could reinforce their idea that their depression (again for example) is not real and on a person who isn't diagnosed and who thinks that its just "hormones" but it is real. It too can take a big effect on their unrevealed state of mind. Do you know where i'm coming from?

    • @cbrnite9131
      @cbrnite9131 6 років тому

      basically, im just saying some ways of saying things can have effects on people and things is all

  • @ZestyDogWater
    @ZestyDogWater 7 років тому

    I know this one gurl who's a EMO FUR and she made 'cut marks' (red lines) on her fursuit.... BOI! XD

    • @Koro098
      @Koro098  7 років тому

      Raider the Dutch Angel Dragon oh lord help her

    • @ZestyDogWater
      @ZestyDogWater 7 років тому

      I've tried, but she says 'You don't know me'

    • @ZestyDogWater
      @ZestyDogWater 7 років тому +1

      BTW sick eyebrows, can I have them? XD