Can I just say, your “Better is good” philosophy has changed my life? Seriously. And your “No mess decluttering method” also. I used to be an all or nothing person and that would hold me back from decluttering & tidying. I’ve been implementing 5 minute pickups with my young kids and it’s been making such a difference! I just love your videos and podcast and listen often. You are an inspiration Dana ❤️
I am watching this as I take a break from cleaning out our truck. My hubby came out to see what I was doing & joined in! I told him that what I’d done wasn’t perfect, bit it’s BETTER, !😊 I’ve been SO helped by that idea! My mother always said, “If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right!” But that idea has paralyzed me for decades & caused me much exhaustion. Thanks, Dana!
I LOVE YOU DANA- you changed my life and my home!! THE NO MESS DECLUTTERING PROCESS !!! Daily routines/non-negotiables Start with/Just do… the dishes Start with the trash Container theory and everything is a container. Take it there NOW BETTER is the GOAL
Amen to all these sweet comments! Your “Better is Good” and “5 Min pick up” and “Do the Dishes” have changed my life and my family’s life! No exaggeration! You are angel from above for sure!!!
One day I’ll send you before & after pictures of my house. I cannot even begin to explain what a blessing you are to me!!!! My entire home was one big catch-all space. I’ve only been using your strategies to deal with my stuff for about 10 days. Today I’ll be taking a 1/2 a pick-Up truck bed of trash bags and boxes to the dump. I also have 2 full boxes & a bag and a TV & an old fashioned bonnet hair dryer to donate set by my door. A week ago there was one small space on my couch to sit if one could make it there through the goat-trails. Today my couch is cleared off and there are three other seats to sit in and a wide open space to walk around. I’ve found the courage to tackle things I’ve put off for literally YEARS! It’s been probably 3 years since the side door of my house was accessible from the mountain of clutter blocking it. It can be opened and walked through now- thanks to you! Better IS BETTER! Final decisions being made one item at a time has added up to progress I couldn’t even fathom a couple weeks ago. It’s really almost unbelievable. - and if I’m honest, I DIDN’T think your method would work for me. But I gave it a shot because I had nothing to lose by trying. I’ve tried everything else and have NEVER had this kind of success in such a short period of time - never been able to keep momentum- never felt the WANT TO to keep on day after day like I have since the day I was blessed by hearing A way to declutter that didn’t include sorting. And that decluttering , organizing & cleaning are totally different things which can be done independently and it’s Better than it was & Better IS Better.
You go ! I too have improved my life by improving my house! Getting rid of stuff became easier and I am happy to donate to someone who needs it. Also I think I’m weird but I love garbage day now! 😂
I was going through one of my closets and found the surplus of my wedding invitations. My wedding was 34 years ago. I don't think I need all of these cluttering my closet. Thanks for the inspiration. 👏
It’s like a little gift I give to myself when I declutter. Everyone in my home benefits and a few might comment about how nice it is that a once cluttered area is now tidy but ultimately it’s for me. When I’m done I take a deep breath and release a sigh of relief as I tell myself, “yes, better is good.” Thank you, Dana ❤️
Thank you Julie Childers! I'm going to remember that any decluttering I do is a gift to myself! Much love to you, too, Dana!! Your experiments turned methods have changed my life! 💖
Love you Dana and your videos! I would have liked to see you doing the actual decluttering as you were doing it. Seeing the room actually getting less cluttered is so satisfying and motivating! ❤
Another inspirational video Dana. I just spent 20 minutes with the attitude of "Better is Good" and it made such a difference. I can now see more floor. Thank you!
As always thank you Dana and Reid! Your work has been a big contributor to me being able to maintain a better mindset with less perfectionism and procrastination! Much appreciated!
Your process has helped me immensely. I used to feel overwhelmed just being at home. Now, I feel satisfied because my space is cleaner and the dishes are done! (I love an empty sink!) I've been telling everyone about you and your process!
Literally just yesterday, I tackled a catchall space in my most visible place & it's so much BETTER...such a GOOD feeling!! Thank you Dana for your inspiration & motivation!!! ❤🤗 I'm also telling myself: Don't put it down...put it away, NOW! 😉✔
I so relate to you!!! And yes, it's awesome to find all those things you "lost"! I find it's like an archaeological dig of my life, when I declutter my catch all spaces! Each layer represents an era or time period! And the more you dig, the older the artifacts! And why is it so hard to discard anything with a photo?! Burning feels more fitting, but who has time for that?!
Thank you!! I totally needed this. Our former catch all space I’ve been doing good at not Recluttering. But I have my hall closets that have stayed the catch all spots. No clue how to organize them. At least now I realize I’ve been using them as my catch all place instead now!!! Aha moment brought to me by Dana once again. Shocker. 🤪
I just want to say thank you for being real and for being honest always. I can relate to you so much. I appreciate your vulnerability and I hope that you don’t let any of the haters get to you. Because there are plenty of us who can relate. A message for the haters is “ move on
Inspirational! Motivational! Love you, Dana! I have been told for years that perfect is not necessary or achievable. I couldn’t figure out where “good enough “ was, though. Seems like a minor difference, but your BETTER IS GOOD phrase speaks to me! And I’m improving! Many thanks to you! 🎉
Not sure why, but I felt the need to see the space after each step you discussed. 😕 You taught me better is good. You did such a good job teaching me this that now I think better is FANTASTIC! 😃
Oh my goodness!! I can totally relate to this!! My spare bedroom is a catch all right now. It's crazy. And yes, I think most of it could be dealt with using the first three steps. I need to break it down like that because it is so overwhelming when I look at it as a whole. I had a box of photos like that too. My son's baby announcement had an error in it so they sent me a new batch. I had the box of the old ones (in that same catch all room) for years before finally getting to them and getting rid of them. It's just the "I'll deal with it later because it's not important right now" stuff that goes in there. I have to wrap my head around the fact that I will never have "the time" it takes to tackle the whole and just do 5, 10, 15 mins here and there to get it done. Thanks for the motivation, Dana! I know what I'm doing next week!
Better is good occurred to me AFTER my husband was irritated about the house being torn up for my floor be fair to myself though, we live in a tiny home and a ton of stuff is stored on the floor and I can't mop or vacuum properly without making our space fairly unlivable (boxes on floor under kitchen island, motor oil behind the couch, replacement filters, trash can etc go on 2nd couch). But today, the floor is cleaner even though I didn't do the bedroom. Better is still good with decluttering AND cleaning.
Thank you thank you!!! I literally watched this and then worked on a part of my room that was driving me crazy. It took me 15 minutes. I was paralyzed until your Better is Good mantra. It felt like a huge task, but in reality it wasn’t. Thank you!! My husband thanks you too 😂
I have a guest room that is JUST like this!! aaarggh! most of the stuff in them I have moved around multiple times to accommodate guests! I’m finally motivated to clean it all out and get rid of stuff!! THANK YOU!!
THANK YOU!!! We’re still unpacking and I have a room that is our homeschool resource room and it is becoming this…so overwhelming! But I know that 5 minutes matters and better is good-thanks for the reminder 💗
pregnant and REALLY sick... like 2-3 dr. appointments a week sick... and I'm loving your book about taking care of your house w/o losing your mind. I try to imagine I will have more energy tomorrow, but that is often not the case.
I have some misprinted "Mr. & Mrs." thank you notes from our wedding, 2 decades ago. I intended to use them as scratch paper. I still have them. Ugh! Need to toss today.
Please keep these videos coming. You are so very inspirational. Once again, I needed this. I have so very many catch all spaces that I need to tackle. This really helps.Thanks so much for all you do.
I just got back from vacation this afternoon. All clothes washed and put away. Suitcases cleaned and put away. Everything from cooler back in the refrigerator. Dinner made at home to make up for the vacation eating out. Frozen pizza, not great but better than going out to eat again because I was tired from the 4 hour drive. THEN I saw your credits and laughed.
This video was very timely. I had been planning on working on my family room and storage room today. It had become a sorting and dumping area. I had been working on it for about an hour and I felt a little overwhelmed but I reminded myself that at least it’s better! I went ahead and pressed on for another hour or so and I finished it!!! Yay! Thank you for the motivation and for the concept that better is good…it really is!!!! 🎉
ALWAYS enjoy and get inspiration from your videos. You said something today - and probably not for the first time - about not looking at a cluttered catch all space as a whole giant project that will need decluttering and organizing, and decoration and that really resonated with me. I often look at a room or a catch all space and just see an enormous project that will be exhausting and take forever. I'm slowly getting better at approaching these spaces without unrealistic expectations. I'm dreaming/lying to myself if I think that I have the time or energy or motivation to take on an all-day or all week project - unless there truly is some type of actual emergency. It is realistically just not going to happen. Better is good. Doing the dishes first is good. Setting 15- or 30-minute timers and putting away and throwing away and giving away is good. Just standing up and spending some time resetting the living areas and the bedroom is good and they help to set up a better starting point to move forward. Thanks for helping me/us navigate our way thru all the clutter. 😁
I cleaned my whole house to a “got caught up” point, in a frantic overnight we’ve got guests coming tomorrow way, and I listened to How to Manage Your House without Losing Your Mind the whole time. You absolutely hit my nail on the head with the personality type, and I have never been the same. Now, I’m getting into decluttering habits and trying to keep tidy. But, lately, I’ve been watching a lot of you, Kallie, Dawn, and the Secret Slob, and I’m still missing some perspective…my husband has been the driver for a lot of the big changes I’ve made. His opinion is really important to me, and he is wayyyyyyyyy more idealistic when it comes to cleanliness. You guys don’t talk about your husbands enough…or maybe all your husbands are more passive?! Why does it feel like I need to please him with a clean home??
Good observation. IMO, husbands expect us (consciously or unconsciously) to do the majority of cleaning and organizing. They tend to have very different views on what is clutter/trash vs. what is not.
Now trying to comment on catch all spaces...Dana, almost every thing you've said rings in my ears like a good sermon...I do find if I can't have "landing places, junk drawer or catch alls" it leads me to overall defeat. Our house being so small is part of it. We will always have more stuff than space here. I don't like that, but my husband says it really is the truth and now my sister and her family are all around and we don't have room for our towels to even hang right. I have a few areas that I CLAIM for sanity, but I always have an area that can't look lovely because it must function. Probably a bunch of excuses. You are the best!
I have a terrifying catch all room...this was the kick in the rear I need to make is better. Love Reid's "comments" in the credits. Seems like he is a bit of a character 😀
Growing up our house was neat as a pin. But like Monica, we had a junk room and it was full. I was surprised when I found out that not everyone had one. lol
Oh this is good. And I can really relate to getting rid of anything with a family image on it, or our family name. I just can't put it in the landfill... But, a viking funeral.. that works!😁
The misprints! And the extra announcements, invitations, holiday photo cards… so hard to throw away. Reminds me I might still have a misprint photo book I need to deal with.
Omg you just inspired me to create an "extras" photo book. I can just keep one/two get rid 9f the rest! That's very easy for me and freeing. Thank you!
I do the OHIO plan. ONLY HANDLE IT ONCE. When you do that, your life is a lot easier. I am on the other side of you. I am a well-organized person along with a very clean house. Today I actually cleaned my garage floor by getting on my hands and knees and washed the whole flooring. I also took everything out and cleaned and organized! I have a peaceful home to come home to. I don't know how to live any other way.
why is it so hard to get of pictures. it makes me feel guilty! your room looks much better. Now I am challenged and encouraged to go after some of my clutter catch all spaces (and I have many!) Thanks!
I have a finished upstairs full of stuff that is 4X the size of that room. It will never look good because even if I ask your question, "Where would I look for this first?", the answer would be that I'd look for the luggage, fans, winter coats, "wedding/funeral clothes", Christmas decorations, extra tablecloths, etc....UP HERE, in this room.
I assumed I had no trash in the room where I watched this video, but I surprised myself. I noticed a band-aid tin my young child was playing with (it's recyclable and he definitely has other little containers to play with) and a fabric sleeve for something I will never store in a fabric sleeve (which can go to fabric recycling). Huh. I guess there can always be hidden trash that floats around as "homeless clutter". 🤔
Hi there sweetie pie hope you are well just take one day at time great ideas with your decluttering love Better is Good love from Eugenie your friend xxx 🏡💙😊👋
Mom drew my birth announcements but the printer lined them up incorrectly. She had them reprinted but saved the offprints in a package marked "very special scratch paper". Pretty sure that package is in a box somewhere in my house. I'm 58. Mom died 15 years ago. THROW AWAY THE ANNOUNCEMENTS NOW.
yes, better is good, but i dont care for your short cut method of filming. before shot, yadah, yadah, after shot. I enjoy the process of SEEING it done. yes i know its a pain to set up camera angles for filming. i'm sorry but i end up click, click click to 20 seconds to the end instead of watching the whole 8:17 . have a blessed weekend Dana.& family. 🙏💓🤗 Dana, i want to say an apology to you if i hurt your feelings, i did go back & change a few words. my head is really messed up this nephew was in hospital with severe pneumonia, we almost lost him. his temp was 104 and he was unconscious. but his temp is down & conscience again.
If some of the hoarders on those reality shows would just follow step one, they wouldn't be in the mess they're in. The best cleaning tool is a black trash bag.
Can I just say, your “Better is good” philosophy has changed my life? Seriously. And your “No mess decluttering method” also. I used to be an all or nothing person and that would hold me back from decluttering & tidying. I’ve been implementing 5 minute pickups with my young kids and it’s been making such a difference! I just love your videos and podcast and listen often. You are an inspiration Dana ❤️
The "take it there now" philosophy has been life changing for me.
Yes to all this!
I am watching this as I take a break from cleaning out our truck. My hubby came out to see what I was doing & joined in! I told him that what I’d done wasn’t perfect, bit it’s BETTER, !😊 I’ve been SO helped by that idea! My mother always said, “If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right!” But that idea has paralyzed me for decades & caused me much exhaustion. Thanks, Dana!
A very helpful idea is that if it is worth doing, it is worth doing poorly! It is worth getting it done!
Me too, and I've been trying to show mom what I've learned thus far.
I LOVE YOU DANA- you changed my life and my home!!
Daily routines/non-negotiables
Start with/Just do… the dishes
Start with the trash
Container theory and everything is a container.
Take it there NOW
Amen to all these sweet comments! Your “Better is Good” and “5 Min pick up” and “Do the Dishes” have changed my life and my family’s life! No exaggeration! You are angel from above for sure!!!
One day I’ll send you before & after pictures of my house.
I cannot even begin to explain what a blessing you are to me!!!! My entire home was one big catch-all space. I’ve only been using your strategies to deal with my stuff for about 10 days. Today I’ll be taking a 1/2 a pick-Up truck bed of trash bags and boxes to the dump. I also have 2 full boxes & a bag and a TV & an old fashioned bonnet hair dryer to donate set by my door. A week ago there was one small space on my couch to sit if one could make it there through the goat-trails.
Today my couch is cleared off and there are three other seats to sit in and a wide open space to walk around.
I’ve found the courage to tackle things I’ve put off for literally YEARS! It’s been probably 3 years since the side door of my house was accessible from the mountain of clutter blocking it. It can be opened and walked through now- thanks to you!
Better IS BETTER! Final decisions being made one item at a time has added up to progress I couldn’t even fathom a couple weeks ago.
It’s really almost unbelievable. - and if I’m honest, I DIDN’T think your method would work for me. But I gave it a shot because I had nothing to lose by trying. I’ve tried everything else and have NEVER had this kind of success in such a short period of time - never been able to keep momentum- never felt the WANT TO to keep on day after day like I have since the day I was blessed by hearing A way to declutter that didn’t include sorting. And that decluttering , organizing & cleaning are totally different things which can be done independently and it’s Better than it was & Better IS Better.
You go ! I too have improved my life by improving my house! Getting rid of stuff became easier and I am happy to donate to someone who needs it. Also I think I’m weird but I love garbage day now! 😂
I wanna see your pictures too 😊
I was going through one of my closets and found the surplus of my wedding invitations. My wedding was 34 years ago. I don't think I need all of these cluttering my closet. Thanks for the inspiration. 👏
It’s like a little gift I give to myself when I declutter. Everyone in my home benefits and a few might comment about how nice it is that a once cluttered area is now tidy but ultimately it’s for me. When I’m done I take a deep breath and release a sigh of relief as I tell myself, “yes, better is good.” Thank you, Dana ❤️
Thank you Julie Childers! I'm going to remember that any decluttering I do is a gift to myself! Much love to you, too, Dana!! Your experiments turned methods have changed my life! 💖
"Take it there, now", gets me lots of much needed daily steps!
Love you Dana and your videos! I would have liked to see you doing the actual decluttering as you were doing it. Seeing the room actually getting less cluttered is so satisfying and motivating! ❤
I wanted this too! I’d love to see you decluttering in action.
Another inspirational video Dana. I just spent 20 minutes with the attitude of "Better is Good" and it made such a difference. I can now see more floor. Thank you!
As always thank you Dana and Reid! Your work has been a big contributor to me being able to maintain a better mindset with less perfectionism and procrastination! Much appreciated!
Agree...& me too!! 😊💛
Hi what a pretty picture you've on your profile! Just decided to stop by and say Hi!! I hope my compliment is appreciated 😊
Your process has helped me immensely. I used to feel overwhelmed just being at home. Now, I feel satisfied because my space is cleaner and the dishes are done! (I love an empty sink!)
I've been telling everyone about you and your process!
I love your videos. They speak to my heart! Please thank Reid for the clever closing credits.
Hi what a pretty picture you've on your profile! Just decided to stop by and say Hi!! I hope my compliment is appreciated 😊
Literally just yesterday, I tackled a catchall space in my most visible place & it's so much BETTER...such a GOOD feeling!! Thank you Dana for your inspiration & motivation!!! ❤🤗 I'm also telling myself: Don't put it down...put it away, NOW! 😉✔
Isn't the "don't put it down, put it away" life-changing?!????
I so relate to you!!! And yes, it's awesome to find all those things you "lost"! I find it's like an archaeological dig of my life, when I declutter my catch all spaces! Each layer represents an era or time period! And the more you dig, the older the artifacts! And why is it so hard to discard anything with a photo?! Burning feels more fitting, but who has time for that?!
Thank you!! I totally needed this. Our former catch all space I’ve been doing good at not Recluttering. But I have my hall closets that have stayed the catch all spots. No clue how to organize them. At least now I realize I’ve been using them as my catch all place instead now!!! Aha moment brought to me by Dana once again. Shocker. 🤪
I just want to say thank you for being real and for being honest always. I can relate to you so much. I appreciate your vulnerability and I hope that you don’t let any of the haters get to you. Because there are plenty of us who can relate. A message for the haters is “ move on
Hi what a pretty picture you've on your profile! Just decided to stop by and say Hi!! I hope my compliment is appreciated 😊
Inspirational! Motivational! Love you, Dana! I have been told for years that perfect is not necessary or achievable. I couldn’t figure out where “good enough “ was, though. Seems like a minor difference, but your BETTER IS GOOD phrase speaks to me! And I’m improving! Many thanks to you! 🎉
Not sure why, but I felt the need to see the space after each step you discussed. 😕
You taught me better is good. You did such a good job teaching me this that now I think better is FANTASTIC! 😃
I have a default traveling suitcase that has the “always goes with” stuff in it. (Power strip, little fan, bathroom case, etc) routinely saves me.
Great example and REMINDER of your process. We all need reminders 👍
Better not perfection. I appreciate you Dana. Your questions work. It has helped me so much.
Oh my goodness!! I can totally relate to this!! My spare bedroom is a catch all right now. It's crazy. And yes, I think most of it could be dealt with using the first three steps. I need to break it down like that because it is so overwhelming when I look at it as a whole. I had a box of photos like that too. My son's baby announcement had an error in it so they sent me a new batch. I had the box of the old ones (in that same catch all room) for years before finally getting to them and getting rid of them. It's just the "I'll deal with it later because it's not important right now" stuff that goes in there. I have to wrap my head around the fact that I will never have "the time" it takes to tackle the whole and just do 5, 10, 15 mins here and there to get it done. Thanks for the motivation, Dana! I know what I'm doing next week!
Thank-you for helping bring peace and breathing room to our home. After I declutter a space I love to keep going back to look at it ! So satisfying.
Great content. Reid does outstanding job editing and I love his comments at the end. ❤️
Better is good occurred to me AFTER my husband was irritated about the house being torn up for my floor be fair to myself though, we live in a tiny home and a ton of stuff is stored on the floor and I can't mop or vacuum properly without making our space fairly unlivable (boxes on floor under kitchen island, motor oil behind the couch, replacement filters, trash can etc go on 2nd couch). But today, the floor is cleaner even though I didn't do the bedroom. Better is still good with decluttering AND cleaning.
Dana, you're fantastic. Thank you for being so humble and honest. You are changing my life, little by little. God bless you & your family.
You are my people. 😂🎉 I relate to the before pic and will do the first 3 steps today ❤. Thx.
Thank you thank you!!! I literally watched this and then worked on a part of my room that was driving me crazy. It took me 15 minutes. I was paralyzed until your Better is Good mantra. It felt like a huge task, but in reality it wasn’t. Thank you!! My husband thanks you too 😂
I have a guest room that is JUST like this!! aaarggh! most of the stuff in them I have moved around multiple times to accommodate guests! I’m finally motivated to clean it all out and get rid of stuff!! THANK YOU!!
THANK YOU!!! We’re still unpacking and I have a room that is our homeschool resource room and it is becoming this…so overwhelming! But I know that 5 minutes matters and better is good-thanks for the reminder 💗
pregnant and REALLY sick... like 2-3 dr. appointments a week sick... and I'm loving your book about taking care of your house w/o losing your mind. I try to imagine I will have more energy tomorrow, but that is often not the case.
Dana, thank you so much for your videos! They have helped me so much. You are a delight!
Oh Dana, I just L❤VE YOU!! You’re so real. You’ve helped me so much. I was so stressed about my home for years. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you🤗❤️🤗❤️
I have some misprinted "Mr. & Mrs." thank you notes from our wedding, 2 decades ago. I intended to use them as scratch paper. I still have them. Ugh! Need to toss today.
Please keep these videos coming. You are so very inspirational. Once again, I needed this. I have so very many catch all spaces that I need to tackle. This really helps.Thanks so much for all you do.
Thanks Dana. You keep it real and uncomplicated.
I just got back from vacation this afternoon. All clothes washed and put away. Suitcases cleaned and put away. Everything from cooler back in the refrigerator. Dinner made at home to make up for the vacation eating out. Frozen pizza, not great but better than going out to eat again because I was tired from the 4 hour drive. THEN I saw your credits and laughed.
This video was very timely. I had been planning on working on my family room and storage room today. It had become a sorting and dumping area. I had been working on it for about an hour and I felt a little overwhelmed but I reminded myself that at least it’s better! I went ahead and pressed on for another hour or so and I finished it!!! Yay! Thank you for the motivation and for the concept that better is good…it really is!!!! 🎉
Hi what a pretty picture you've on your profile! Just decided to stop by and say Hi!! I hope my compliment is appreciated 😊
ALWAYS enjoy and get inspiration from your videos. You said something today - and probably not for the first time - about not looking at a cluttered catch all space as a whole giant project that will need decluttering and organizing, and decoration and that really resonated with me. I often look at a room or a catch all space and just see an enormous project that will be exhausting and take forever. I'm slowly getting better at approaching these spaces without unrealistic expectations. I'm dreaming/lying to myself if I think that I have the time or energy or motivation to take on an all-day or all week project - unless there truly is some type of actual emergency. It is realistically just not going to happen. Better is good. Doing the dishes first is good. Setting 15- or 30-minute timers and putting away and throwing away and giving away is good. Just standing up and spending some time resetting the living areas and the bedroom is good and they help to set up a better starting point to move forward. Thanks for helping me/us navigate our way thru all the clutter. 😁
Thank you for sharing Dana 💖
I have been following a few organisation videos. I tell everyone to watch you. So much
I cleaned my whole house to a “got caught up” point, in a frantic overnight we’ve got guests coming tomorrow way, and I listened to How to Manage Your House without Losing Your Mind the whole time. You absolutely hit my nail on the head with the personality type, and I have never been the same. Now, I’m getting into decluttering habits and trying to keep tidy. But, lately, I’ve been watching a lot of you, Kallie, Dawn, and the Secret Slob, and I’m still missing some perspective…my husband has been the driver for a lot of the big changes I’ve made. His opinion is really important to me, and he is wayyyyyyyyy more idealistic when it comes to cleanliness. You guys don’t talk about your husbands enough…or maybe all your husbands are more passive?! Why does it feel like I need to please him with a clean home??
Good observation. IMO, husbands expect us (consciously or unconsciously) to do the majority of cleaning and organizing. They tend to have very different views on what is clutter/trash vs. what is not.
Now trying to comment on catch all spaces...Dana, almost every thing you've said rings in my ears like a good sermon...I do find if I can't have "landing places, junk drawer or catch alls" it leads me to overall defeat. Our house being so small is part of it. We will always have more stuff than space here. I don't like that, but my husband says it really is the truth and now my sister and her family are all around and we don't have room for our towels to even hang right. I have a few areas that I CLAIM for sanity, but I always have an area that can't look lovely because it must function. Probably a bunch of excuses. You are the best!
Better is good needs to be my new mantra. And I love “procrasticlutter”. Great understandable word to the way my head processes.
I have a terrifying catch all room...this was the kick in the rear I need to make is better.
Love Reid's "comments" in the credits. Seems like he is a bit of a character 😀
That's "procrasticlutter"! LOL! Love that term!!
Do you have a “procasticlutter” magnet or tshirt because we need one in our lives. Brilliant!
Growing up our house was neat as a pin. But like Monica, we had a junk room and it was full. I was surprised when I found out that not everyone had one. lol
Oh this is good. And I can really relate to getting rid of anything with a family image on it, or our family name. I just can't put it in the landfill...
But, a viking funeral.. that works!😁
Ty for your inspiring books & videos! Bless you! 🌼
I love all your videos and your steps have changed my life. Can we have the "after" shot though?
The misprints! And the extra announcements, invitations, holiday photo cards… so hard to throw away. Reminds me I might still have a misprint photo book I need to deal with.
Omg you just inspired me to create an "extras" photo book. I can just keep one/two get rid 9f the rest! That's very easy for me and freeing. Thank you!
When you said catch all spaces I was picturing the top of a table or maybe a drawer - not an entire room 😅
🤣that's what I thought too
Reid White you've done it again! You funny Dude!! Love the credit commentary
I love you!
Thank you for being you.
And thank you for sharing.
I do the OHIO plan. ONLY HANDLE IT ONCE. When you do that, your life is a lot easier. I am on the other side of you. I am a well-organized person along with a very clean house. Today I actually cleaned my garage floor by getting on my hands and knees and washed the whole flooring. I also took everything out and cleaned and organized! I have a peaceful home to come home to. I don't know how to live any other way.
“Procasiclutter Warrior” t-shirts. That’s what we need!!
I too feel super proud of myself when I unpack my bag the same day I return home.
why is it so hard to get of pictures. it makes me feel guilty! your room looks much better. Now I am challenged and encouraged to go after some of my clutter catch all spaces (and I have many!) Thanks!
Great tips!!
Thank you for being so realistic ❤
Big projects are accomplished in little parts 👍🏻
Love you so much Dana! Thank you!💜
You can ramble on and on, it makes for GREAT content and you are my personal hero ! Your method changed my life. #haterbegone
I have a finished upstairs full of stuff that is 4X the size of that room. It will never look good because even if I ask your question, "Where would I look for this first?", the answer would be that I'd look for the luggage, fans, winter coats, "wedding/funeral clothes", Christmas decorations, extra tablecloths, etc....UP HERE, in this room.
That was very helpful. Thanks.
Thank you!!!
Thank you
Great video 😊
Laundry tongs! Problem solved! Thank you so much.
The credits cracked me up 😂😂
I assumed I had no trash in the room where I watched this video, but I surprised myself. I noticed a band-aid tin my young child was playing with (it's recyclable and he definitely has other little containers to play with) and a fabric sleeve for something I will never store in a fabric sleeve (which can go to fabric recycling). Huh. I guess there can always be hidden trash that floats around as "homeless clutter". 🤔
Turns out my mom was right, Don't put it down, put it away! Who'da thought?! lol :)
Wish you would've showed room as you spoke of how it looks better
Procrasta-clutter! Love it
Some of my percrasta clutter has no home, I guess I have to much😅
Hi there sweetie pie hope you are well just take one day at time great ideas with your decluttering love Better is Good love from Eugenie your friend xxx 🏡💙😊👋
Awe, was hoping for a “better” picture!
Right my guestroom is not useable.
I feel like the rooms we use least are most susceptible...
I’m doing the dishes!
I've been watching these videos for at least a month and just noticed the tshirts. So odd 😂
Ya know, Miss Dana. The headshots could be collectibles. Sign 'em and give away. :)
Guess what method I didn’t use Today? And I am totally regretting it. 🤪 I made the hugest mess in my craft room while “cleaning “ .
Mom drew my birth announcements but the printer lined them up incorrectly. She had them reprinted but saved the offprints in a package marked "very special scratch paper". Pretty sure that package is in a box somewhere in my house. I'm 58. Mom died 15 years ago. THROW AWAY THE ANNOUNCEMENTS NOW.
I can't believe you have a whole room like that!! My craft/sewing room is worse.
I actually eliminated all my catch-all spaces AND my junk drawer, after defending junk drawers all my life!
Been decluttering for 2 weeks now. Found a small bag of my daughter's wedding stuff, from 22 years ago! Why in the world did I save birdseed!!! Ugh!!
It looks like my living room
yes, better is good, but i dont care for your short cut method of filming. before shot, yadah, yadah, after shot. I enjoy the process of SEEING it done. yes i know its a pain to set up camera angles for filming. i'm sorry but i end up click, click click to 20 seconds to the end instead of watching the whole 8:17 . have a blessed weekend Dana.& family. 🙏💓🤗 Dana, i want to say an apology to you if i hurt your feelings, i did go back & change a few words. my head is really messed up this nephew was in hospital with severe pneumonia, we almost lost him. his temp was 104 and he was unconscious. but his temp is down & conscience again.
I also appreciate the whole process video because as you talk through each item it helps me have aha moments for my own stuff
Great job Dana. Those who can do.😊
If some of the hoarders on those reality shows would just follow step one, they wouldn't be in the mess they're in. The best cleaning tool is a black trash bag.
I have a catch all basement 😃😒
Procrasti-clutter breeds like RABBITS !!! 🐇 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇
I would like to see you actually doing it not talking about it
Dont know why i stumbled upon your channel but all i have to say is youre really prettty