Being asked to play for free - My life as a Busker: Episode 25

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @stevejeffrey11
    @stevejeffrey11 6 років тому +11

    NMFG = no more free gigs!
    It will not change until all musicians ask for a fee. If one person plays for free, the precedent is set that every musician afterwards will have a much harder time receiving compensation for their time. People say one should not be paid because they are enjoying sharing music. They forget about gas costs, thousands for gears, years of unpaid practice time, selling instruments to pay bills, etc.
    If you call a plumber to your house, and the plumber enjoys doing their work. Do you ask them to do their work for free? Should they be paid less because they enjoy it? Not at all, because time and energy should be given proportionate compensation. Time is too valuable

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  6 років тому

      For sure. I totally agree with you! I think it's perhaps a bit harder for musicians to judge what fee rates they should accept and decline as there's not as much information online about what people in our industry charge and musicians often keep that close to their chest, but if everyone could realize they are worth at least some payment regardless of where they are at in their careers that would be a great step forward for our industry.

  • @DavidBryanSmithmusic
    @DavidBryanSmithmusic 3 роки тому +1

    I know exactly what you are talking about. You make perfect sense. I’ve done some of those “free” gigs. I just played a bit and when I wasn’t getting tips I just packed up and started to leave. The dude came over and asked what are you doing. .. we hired you to play .... I said no you didn’t. You aren’t paying me at all. So I packed up, went outside and busked on the street at his competition who fed me and tipped me. Lol

  • @doktorjfeelgood
    @doktorjfeelgood 5 років тому +3

    "I do charity events as long as they pay my fee..I charge $100 @ hour..I do not play for free ever"..
    Charity's ask me all the time to play for their gigs.. I have no hesitation in telling them my fees..& I do not feel embarrassed or put out by telling them my fee charges.. & if the function is more than 10-20 kms I also adk for a travel & petrol fed for my vehicle as I have a large 8 cylinder petrol driven van.. So I also ask for a minimum of $60..I find that most charities will pay my fee.. & my petrol expenses.. & almost 100% of the time they will give me & my partner a really good meal.. But just because I busk 70% of my time & 30% gigs..doesn't mean.. I play for free.. Everytime I turn my amps & PA system on.. I'm on the payroll.. I'm very good & excellent @ what I do..& it's taken me some years to learn & hone my craft..& to buy the top class state of the art gear & equiptment I have acquired .. Big big 💰💰💰💰💰💵💵💵💵💵.. So I expect to be paid every time some one or a venue or any one wants me to perform & play..😎🎸🎙🎩😊...Cheer's.. Doc J

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  5 років тому +2

      Love this! And love how open you are with sharing this. There needs to be more information out there for how much musicians charge to help new gigging musicians know their value. And you make very good points, it is not cheap to be a professional musician!

    • @alexcarter8807
      @alexcarter8807 4 роки тому

      This. That's what my (very good) violinist pal charges.

  • @robbiechep838
    @robbiechep838 4 роки тому

    Agreed with you Samantha.. appreciate the values of talent.. Pay reasonably...keep busking....

  • @robsgirl6465
    @robsgirl6465 6 років тому +7

    Hi Sammy. Great video. So true. Our industry is in a mess. 1% of musicians are getting paid astronomical amounts while the rest of us have to hustle or starve. More often than not, musicians are selling their gear and getting out of the rat race altogether.
    Perhaps it's our society? People don't see music and art as a necessity. Even schools are cutting their music departments from their curriculum. It's very sad.
    Just for the record, I'm never busked (yet). I've been playing guitar since 1973; been trying to make it my full-time profession since graduating high school in 1983. It’s been a long hard struggle. I do play in an 18-piece jazz orchestra, but it's a community band. Our concerts are free to the public. We don't get paid. I perform with them mainly to maintain my chops and stay. In front of an audience, while looking for work.
    However, last month I almost joined the AFM. I was led to believe they had a booking system and find musicians jobs. But unlike other unions, the AFM does not operate a hiring hall.
    Yes, they do have written contracts that union members can use. And they will take a venue owner or promoter to court in order to get you paid. But when it comes to getting gigs, it's still up to you to hustle. So, needless to say, I didn't join.
    A few professional bands have been watching me, but so far nothing good has happened. And at 52 years old, I feel that time is running out for me.
    It's still to cold in St Louis to busk right now, but once the weather breaks I'm hitting the streets. That may be my last hope.
    Thanks for this series.
    Good luck to you!

    • @jarrahparry
      @jarrahparry 6 років тому +1

      We have a great music teacher at our school which helps alot. I go to music lessons too at Hothouse Music in Ballina NSW. The school has music nights at the local bowling club to show off the talents of students singing and playing. It's a great night.

    • @robsgirl6465
      @robsgirl6465 6 років тому +1

      Jarrah, that sounds great!!!
      More schools should do that!!!

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  6 років тому +1

      It is sad that the industry works like this and it is obviously hard for a large percentage of us to keep following the dream and sharing our art. It's interesting that the other day I had someone say 'You're living my dream' when I was out busking. Seems strange to me that people would dream of doing what I do every week, but I believe there is a saying somewhere about just that. Something like 'Somewhere someone is dreaming of doing what you're doing'. Someone, I'm sure, has dreamed of playing in a large orchestra and you do that! Good luck with your future busking. I hope it goes well for you as soon as the seasons change. It is certainly an experience I recommend any musician to try at least once! Thanks for watching :)

    • @robsgirl6465
      @robsgirl6465 6 років тому

      Thanks for the heartfelt reply. You are wise beyond your years. Let's stay in touch. I'll keep you up to date on how things go for me. And you can check out my channel. It focuses on buskers and the busking lifestyle.

  • @hearyou4203
    @hearyou4203 6 років тому

    Busked and gigged in southern Spain for a while, put together a litte band, etc. Often we would be "offered to play for exposure/promotion" for free in a pub or club. The answer was always yes, if they let us show up on any given weekend before the gig with at least a dozen friends and have free beer for all to "promote" the joint. Surprisingly this often worked for a non-refundable retainer fee. This of course doesn't happen only in Spain, but it reflects your words. Thank you.

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  6 років тому

      Haha! Well that's certainly one way to negotiate payment!

  • @BaktaBak3
    @BaktaBak3 7 років тому +2

    Look forward to your next video !

  • @mapleleafer74
    @mapleleafer74 2 роки тому

    Well said, what you do has value indeed. They wouldn't work for free!

  • @mrjazzinc2205
    @mrjazzinc2205 5 років тому

    So true, my band has been asked to play soooo many times to help raise funds at charity events for free. The thing to remember is that charity events are all about raising money and all you are asking is to be paid a slice of that, in the same way the charity organisers take a slice for thier expenses and costs. Playing at ANY venue is promoting that venue, helping to draw more custom and pull in more cash. Yes you can treat it as a shop window to promote yourself but never play for free, compromise and come down on price only if you truly believe the venue can't afford your usual rates. Great video 😁

  • @relicsinger2050
    @relicsinger2050 6 років тому +1

    Great video!

  • @ChesneySnow
    @ChesneySnow 6 років тому +1

    I love your videos

  • @doktorjfeelgood
    @doktorjfeelgood 5 років тому

    Yes Samantha.. Wether you are just starting out or have been performing for years??.. It does not matter.. You must be paid something??.. If you do not get paid?.. People will ask you to play free gigs all the time??.. & once this happens??.. It's time to close up shop..& do something else..
    I busk just about least 6 days a week.. My shows are 2-3 hours.. So that's 18- 20 hours a week return for this is similar to gigging.. But.. With the exception ..I do not have running costs.. As I busk across the road from where I live.. I get a lot of private functions thru busking.. Weddings.. Parties.. Birthdays..@ I still charge the same $100 @ hour.. Plus travel.. Travels within the Gold Coast.. If I travel to BRISBANE ..100 kms away.. I charge $120 plus for petrol & travel time..
    But even new musicians & buskers starting off.. Must make money.. Entertainment has never been free..& should never be free.. We are skilled artists & musicians.. We have spent a lot of years learning & perfecting what we do.. You would not expect a plumber or a electrician to come to your house & do work..& then nit pay him??.. That's exactly the same for us entertainers .. When charity's ask you to play girl free".. Tell them your fee..@ stick with it.. & they .. Will respect you more for it..😎🎸🎙🎩🎸😊💰💰💰💰.."KEEP ON ROCKIN!!"...

  • @BaktaBak3
    @BaktaBak3 7 років тому +5

    HA>>HA>>HA>> This made me laugh !! SOOOOOoooooo TRUE ! Even on "paying gigs" .....get some $$ up front with the balance due 14 days before gig performance & Retainer Fee is non refundable. Need a written contract . If this doesn't happen, we don't perform. There's too much going on during & after a performance for me to worry about chasing someone for our fee. Performing is a job and we shouldn't be expected to work for free.

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  7 років тому +1

      It is probably the industry with the least amount of regulations. I know I tend to only take deposits for birthdays and functions and then ask to be paid the balance on the date. In regards to the majority of my bookings through venues and councils I generally don't take a deposit and invoice on/after the date with payment coming in as early as on the day or as late as 2 weeks after. Luckily I haven't ever been done over. I certainly don't have a contract, but I probably should. It's like you don't want to offend anyone, but that's basically what the world has come to. If more musicians used contracts and it was the norm, people would expect it, but I'd say at least half of us just work from word of mouth. I mean for instance I had a gig booked in this Sunday outdoors that was going to pay well and so when I was asked by another venue to perform indoors on the same day for a lot less I turned it down. Now the first booking has been cancelled due to weather and I have no gigs booked in for that day and will not be getting paid, but oh well. The organizer who had to cancel was really nice and I know it will lead to future bookings that will go ahead, so I'm not too disappointed. The weather's going to be terrible, so it will probably be good to stay indoors anyway. Glad this made you laugh and that you feel the same way.

    • @BaktaBak3
      @BaktaBak3 7 років тому +3

      Situations can be different (as in your's ) leading to more gigs & that's great ! We have relationships also where I know we'll be paid . However, for others, we do use a contract and make it the norm. It simply states what is expected for services provided. It's more professional , & people take you more seriously. If that offends , then maybe I don't want to be involved with them either. Just my opinion & in the business a long time. :-)

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  7 років тому +1

      It's certainly a smart thing to do. :)

  • @gigsandbusking8959
    @gigsandbusking8959 5 років тому +1

    I have mainly played gigs so anyone who wanted me to play like a garden party or whatever you MUST quote a fee upfront, if it is suspicious then ask for the fee before you start because people get drunk and want to barter at the end of the night!
    Don't anyone do free gigs so I totally disagree about doing free gigs because your not experienced, if you want experience then go and busk somewhere, don't do free gigs as it kills it for people who do this for a living!!!
    The business is saturated with wannabe pop stars doing free gigs or acoustic nights for free, don't do it.

  • @AdrianCeroni
    @AdrianCeroni 7 років тому +2

    I was worried for a while there until 5 minutes in. That's the camp I'm in: New and inexperienced. So I do offer free/trial gigs.
    Because I haven't done a lot of work yet, I actually haven't had any....

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  7 років тому +3

      No need to be worried Adrian! My opinions are my opinions and don't need to be shared by others and anyway you need to crawl before you can walk. Once you've had a lot of practice and gained enough confidence that's when you need to make sure you're charging for your work. While you're starting out it can be less intimidating to play an unpaid gig. Have you performed at any open mic nights yet? They can be a great way to build your experience and confidence, test material you are unsure of etc. They're a different kettle of fish to gigs, but it's a step closer. And like with anything, with enough practice you will improve!

  • @antoinefleuriot2509
    @antoinefleuriot2509 3 роки тому

    I have played charity gigs in UK where they pay you but you find the people paying money in for charity, object to you being paid, which makes you feel very uncomfortable. Equally I have paid charity gigs for free or a reduced rate to support the charity only to find out the pub that organised the event is making massive profits on food and drink during the event but keeping the profit for themselves. Another trick is talent competitions where some of them even ask for you to have to be able bring in so many people to enter the competition so the bar can make big profits at your expense, some music agents do a similar trick saying you have to do an audition to get work, they get several acts in a bar. You get nothing but the agency charge the bar for providing entertainment and getting people in to watch.

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  3 роки тому +1

      Yes, a lot of dodgy stuff goes on in the music industry. I can see why the people donating money to a charity might object to a musician being paid, but honestly live music will enrich an event and make people want to stay longer, thus hopefully equating to more donations coming in that would offset the performance fee. Musicians deserve to be paid for their services regardless. And if they really don't want a live musician paid, then don't expect for there to be live music at the event.

  • @alexcarter8807
    @alexcarter8807 4 роки тому

    There's a jazz club that's local to me and quite often the musicians are playing for free or maybe a bar tab. A couple of times now I've come in there after busking with a decent amount of money in my pocket, and listened to people playing for bupkis. Sad really.

  • @yodasblues9031
    @yodasblues9031 2 роки тому

    Totally agree! Personally I wouldn’t even scratch my bum for less than twenty quid!

  • @AzraelPercussionNEO
    @AzraelPercussionNEO 5 років тому

    Totally agree with you Sammy. If Musicians didn't get paid at real gigs then it would just be better for musicians to busk as they would usually receive some kind of compensation from the general public. This stuff takes alot of time, practice, effort, patience, frustration, energy, work, etc. It is an Entertainment Industry form of work just like Strippers get tips and maybe a minimum wage salary and are contracted or a construction worker, painter, etc are contracted for that job and are compensated. The same holds true for gigs no less. Yes I agree with you on the Open Mic thing as well. A great way to expose your progressive novice learning to a general crowd to also get public exposure (I still think Open Mic people should be compensated a meal or a drink at least)

  • @macpakinga1271
    @macpakinga1271 Рік тому

    Play 4 free no way. I tell them my hourly rate. By the hour. 💲???. Thank you Sammy. People don't no how many hours u practise at home. music gear transport. petrol cost set up set down ect. I play 24/7. I love busking always have till the day i die. Say no to free Gigs 🥁🎸🎤💲😎👍🎶🎷🎺🎹🎧. Love life love music 💖

  • @accordionlucy
    @accordionlucy 5 років тому

    OMG that is exactly what happened to me when I agreed to play at a brewery for tips. I made $13.00 in 3 hours UGH I WANTED TO LEAVE BUT I HAD PROMISED TO DO IT. SO much regret. Never again.

  • @danquay9504
    @danquay9504 5 років тому

    I understand where you are coming from, I been booked for weddings and parties for 2019, I offer £200 to do this for my time, now my time is valuable and it’s difficult to fit around my contracted job, if people are serious I offer a no return deposit through pay pal, great video and great tips x

  • @edward2785
    @edward2785 6 років тому

    I learned many years ago that if you do a FREE gig people don't really value what you do as art or entertainment. If the party wanting you to perform say "Look at all the publicity you will get." The only publicity you really get is that you will work for FREE!
    Don't do it! You worked too hard to perfect your craft, so don't give it away for FREE!

  • @lisamansfield123
    @lisamansfield123 4 роки тому


  • @TheRhooger123
    @TheRhooger123 4 роки тому

    My opinion why not doing teaching music and on the same time doing busking ...

  • @catact7577
    @catact7577 4 роки тому

    Not being cocky, but i never accept play for free

  • @saintmoglis
    @saintmoglis 6 років тому +1

    you are making too much money from music in Australia.I live in Greece and 50euros is payment that professional musicians get.But maybe the living cost is too high in your country....

    • @edgesamantha
      @edgesamantha  6 років тому +1

      According to this website
      The living cost in Australia is over double what it is in Greece. I certainly don't seem to be making too much money over here! Just enough to cover living expenses on top of a second job. Plus there are not as many venues booking gigs as there once were, so it's all a struggle.

    • @saintmoglis
      @saintmoglis 6 років тому

      I got it,you are right.But being a musician means hard work and little money,i think you knew it beforehand :P . Maybe you should try teaching,most musicians in Greece make a living out of this