經典散文朗誦《為人民服務》作者 毛澤東

  • Опубліковано 29 чер 2024
  • 毛澤東在《為人民服務》中強調了共產黨致力于人民解放的決心。他反思了同志為人民事業犧牲的重量,將其比作泰山的沉重。黨對于人民利益的批評和改進持開放態度,誓言糾正錯誤并采納好的建議,如“精兵簡政”。文章突出了革命隊伍內部的團結和相互關懷,并確立了為每一位貢獻者舉行葬禮和追悼會的做法,無論其職位如何,以促進人民間的團結。
    In "Serve the People," Mao Zedong emphasizes the Communist Party's dedication to the people's liberation. He reflects on the weight of a comrade's death for the people's cause, comparing it to the heaviness of Mount Tai. Open to criticism and improvement for the people's benefit, the Party vows to correct mistakes and adopt good suggestions, such as "streamlining administration." The unity and mutual care within the revolutionary ranks are highlighted, and the practice of honoring every contributor, regardless of rank, with a funeral and memorial is established to foster solidarity among the people.
    Hello everyone! Welcome to 'Su Weilang Reads'. 'Su Weilang Reads' recites classic prose, poetry, and songs from both ancient and modern times, and from home and abroad, for you every day. We share works of famous authors and outstanding writers from all eras and all over the world, looking forward to growing with you in the ocean of literary knowledge.
    近期优秀作品(Recent Outstanding Works):
    If a person over 70 can still do these three things, they are truly a winner in life! I hope you are too
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    Behind Xu Jiayin's collapse: A large number of the newly rich return to poverty, and in the future, only one kind of person will be able to make money!
    • 許家印坍塌背后:大量暴富者返貧,未來只有一種...
    Liu Yuxi was demoted to Hezhou, where he wrote an 81-character eternal masterpiece, which was included in textbooks and has influenced countless people!
    • 刘禹锡被贬和州,写下81字千古名篇,选入课本...
    The 'Zizhi Tongjian' contains eight golden maxims that impart wisdom on how to conduct oneself and handle affairs, benefiting you immensely
    • 《資治通鑒》八句金玉良言,教你做人做事的智慧...


  • @ahhuagan1271
    @ahhuagan1271 15 днів тому

    Thank you very appreciate 👍

    • @suwei
      @suwei  15 днів тому


  • @anthonyandrose2803
    @anthonyandrose2803 15 днів тому


  • @acswu2617
    @acswu2617 14 днів тому

    《冬夜讀書示子聿》 陸游

    • @suwei
      @suwei  14 днів тому


  • @anasu4729
    @anasu4729 15 днів тому


    • @suwei
      @suwei  15 днів тому


  • @yijiji6682
    @yijiji6682 15 днів тому +1


    • @suwei
      @suwei  15 днів тому
