@TheRhythmicFan its probably because she doesn't practice as frequent as she used to, but its a good thing though, coz she can now enjoy her performance without any pressure..=] beautiful Anna!
acaso hay mayor regalo que ver a la mejor gimnasta despues de tanto tiempo destrozar el tapiz con aquella elegancia suya... es como ver una bella flor nacer enmedio de aquella sequia... solo el hombre que descubrio la tumba de Tutankamón podria entender la emoción que se siente verla culla belleza entre los aplausos... asi de inmortal"
she looks like she loses balance easier here, did she quit/retire?? and she looks skinier! but good. any way, is it just me or does she look like she was loosein balance alot??
She's Beautiful. if you were to look at the audience, you would realize all their expressions are just filled with wonderment and awe. Love her :)
Anna you are the best and you will stay the best!
Anna! I miss you
So graceful
Everthing she does turns into gold
Beautiful to watch!!! stunning, breathtaking
she is immortal
its probably because she doesn't practice as frequent as she used to, but its a good thing though, coz she can now enjoy her performance without any pressure..=]
beautiful Anna!
i like the gala and the music
the group who sing this song is evanescence
@yamauchitw Thank you very much ;)
@FedeSawa You're welcome
She is very beautiful with her hair in a bun and she is so skinny. Very good shape, she would be still top if she came back.
acaso hay mayor regalo que ver a la mejor gimnasta despues de tanto tiempo destrozar el tapiz con aquella elegancia suya... es como ver una bella flor nacer enmedio de aquella sequia... solo el hombre que descubrio la tumba de Tutankamón podria entender la emoción que se siente verla culla belleza entre los aplausos... asi de inmortal"
@FedeSawa My Immortal by Evanescence
What song is it???? i don't now the title >.
she looks like she loses balance easier here, did she quit/retire?? and she looks skinier! but good. any way, is it just me or does she look like she was loosein balance alot??
que canción es?
did she get even skinnier after she left rg or is it just me?
she could still compete if she wanted!
@nely1000 , yeah too skiny