Metroid's Space Pirates Are Connected To The Chozo More Than We Thought?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @xxslowgooglexx4365
    @xxslowgooglexx4365 Рік тому +29

    What if it’s like cargo cult kind of thing? The space pirates in their infancy were encountered by the Chozo. (what ever the hell they were doing who knows) So the space pirates decided to make their entire culture around trying to be like them and one day surpass them.

  • @g.f.martianshipyards9328
    @g.f.martianshipyards9328 Рік тому +28

    I suspect that Raven Beak has been supporting the pirates to use as his pawns long before they took over Zebes, and was also behind the actions of Mother Brain. In the manga, the mothership they use to attack Zebes surprises Old Bird, making him ask: "Where did they steal this technology?" This is never elaborated on.
    Another thing: Look at the flying pirates from Prime, and tell me they aren't Kihunters. I dare you.

    • @MrSailing101
      @MrSailing101 Рік тому +5

      Raven Beak. Blackbeard.

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому +5

      Plus the manga and zero mission and dread shows the mawkin once lived on zebes

    • @ninboy01
      @ninboy01 Рік тому +4

      Makes sense. Zebes’s ruins are obviously ancient. Chozo settlement there probably predates the tribal split between the Mawkin and Thoha.

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому

      @@ninboy01 I haven't thought of it that way but that could be it!

    • @valentinchappa6702
      @valentinchappa6702 3 місяці тому

      I think the dread cutscene with raven beak on zebes is raven visiting fellow chozo. Maybe his donation of blood to samus, was a gesture of good will, to the thoha on zebes. But maybe they disagree on things. Which could have contributed to his eventual betrayal of the thoha on sr388. Him and Old bird definitely had some differing views.

  • @CommanderOmegaTau
    @CommanderOmegaTau Рік тому +17

    Space Pirates basically claim any world they conquer as their "home world." Even the plant in Prime 3 might not be their actual home world.
    The Space Pirates also have a caste system that they follow. Those who are of lower ranking are bullied or ordered about by those in higher ranks. In Prime 2, the Pirates on Aether openly complain about High Commander and their superiors in some scannable Pirate Lore. They are not punished for complaining, though things like keeping Metroids as pets are punishable.

  • @earthsteward70
    @earthsteward70 Рік тому +5

    Given how in metroid prime 2 echoes the space pirates are shown to have a disdain for their commanders, it's entirely possible that there is a splintering of culture happening in the prime timeline, something we may see manifest in prime 4.

  • @LittleAl016
    @LittleAl016 Рік тому +5

    It's explained in-game that the pirates' ability to use Chozo weaponry in Metroid Prime 1 is that they were trying to reverse-engineer the Chozo weaponry in question. To limited success, given that several outright died while trying to replicate Samus' Morph Ball, while the Beam Troopers' weaponry are weak to the Beam weapon they're trying to copy.

  • @DrewPicklesTheDark
    @DrewPicklesTheDark Рік тому +6

    The pirates kind of remind me of orcs from LotR, violent, impulsive, the only things they can create are used to destroy, self-loathing, they hate the authority they serve, etc. With the chozo-connection makes you wonder if they have a connection similar to the orcs and elves in LotR.

  • @eternalnerd29149
    @eternalnerd29149 Рік тому +3

    I've been saying for years that it only makes sense that a Chozo tribe became the Space pirates.
    All kinds of lore questions become clear with that perspective

  • @Nimi450
    @Nimi450 Рік тому +2

    If you want to see for that Chozo-Pirate connection, read the manga. It details a specific event that can explain most of why and how the Pirates are so well versed and interested in Chozo tech.

  • @torvusbolt201
    @torvusbolt201 Рік тому +5

    I have a feeling that the Robot Chozo Soldiers were created to account for the loss of soldiers to X, and that Raven Beak had been quite isolated since that event
    I strongly agree that more connections between Prime and mainline would be great though, because it feels like Prime is doing all the work to bridge the two series while the 2D games are self-contained

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому +1

      You also see infected bits of armour being melted in cataris

  • @novustalks7525
    @novustalks7525 Рік тому +2

    I noticed it when the game came out.
    This means the chozo created and enslaved the pirates which is why the pirates are so hellbent and not letting anyone stop them.
    Also it makes the chozo true villains behind almost everything

  • @BlackWingedSeraphX
    @BlackWingedSeraphX Рік тому +10

    I want to know about the different Space Pirate Species. We know about Zebesian's being the main type. But MP1, 2, and 3 all had different ones too. I want to know what they are called.

    • @g.f.martianshipyards9328
      @g.f.martianshipyards9328 Рік тому +8

      There are some hints: The pirate homeworld in Corruption is called Urthragus, which would probably make it's inhabitants be called "Urthragians".
      There is an enemy in Other M which looks similar to a Prime 1 pirate and is called "Kyratian".
      For the ones from Echoes I have no clue.

    • @MrSailing101
      @MrSailing101 Рік тому +7

      I'd say the prime 3 specimens have the actual title of the lead space pirates. Canonically, the Zebesian faction are a holdout group after the Prime trilogy saw the federation conquer Urthragus.

    • @Zek3nator
      @Zek3nator Рік тому +6

      Prime games all have the same species of pritates, but they heavily modify their bodies to fit their missions according to a scan if I recall correctly.

    • @MrSailing101
      @MrSailing101 Рік тому +1

      @@Zek3nator as a compulsive scanner, I can state that's not in game data, and Prime 3's scans out the unarmored grunts as a slave race to the home world pirates.

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому +1

      Prime 2 are urthragians or zebesians. They have crococomire type skulls on their weapons but they resemble the armoured pirates in 3

  • @benjaminfouche5991
    @benjaminfouche5991 Рік тому +5

    They also look similar to the flying pirates.

  • @TheCrawl
    @TheCrawl Рік тому +3

    I mean considering the Pirates have been trying to replicate Samus’ tech (which is chock tech), that makes some sense.

  • @TheKritken
    @TheKritken Рік тому +1

    The corporation that created the EMMIS is called Exelion. For a moment I thought it was a reference to Federation force
    One of the Bermuda system planets is called Excelcion.
    Until I noticed they were written differently. Oh well

  • @rickjames5998
    @rickjames5998 Рік тому +1

    Zebesians are just space pirates that settled there. Space pirates are sometimes bug or lobster like, other times lizard like. Chozo are bird people. If anything Ridley is more chozo like because he is an avian creature

  • @robstefani9853
    @robstefani9853 Рік тому +1

    My personal head canon is that during the height of the Chozo’s rule of the galaxy, a great incursion of alien species from unknown space arrived, fleeing the Space Pirates, who were traveling from world to world plundering and assimilating technology while annihilating entire species and worlds in their conquest.
    The Chozo met them in battle and fought them for many years. They eventually realized that this was an enemy so vile and immoral, that even their technology and combat prowess may not be enough to defeat them, as the Pirates had begun to understand their technology and turn it against them.
    As they lost soldiers and territory, the once proud Chozo turned to the menagerie of species they had conquered for help, many of whom begrudgingly agreed to help in exchange for their freedom. This alliance eventually bore fruit with the first sets of Chozo power armor, which quickly turned the tide of the entire war and drove the Pirates back to the abyss they came from.
    Victorious but humbled and grateful, the Thoha tribe unanimously agreed to surrender their power to their former subjects and assisted them in establishing their new government, the Galactic Federation. While the Mawkin tribe led by their last general Raven Beak, chose isolation. Seeing this surrender of power as an abandonment of their culture.
    Under the Thoha’s guidance, the galaxy flourished, ushering in a new era of peace and cooperation between all species. Until of course, the Pirates returned thousands of years later.

  • @jesusramirezromo2037
    @jesusramirezromo2037 Рік тому +4

    In Metroid Dread, There's a mural that shows the Mawkin fighting the Zebisians
    Could it perhaps be that the Chozo conquered Zebes, and the Pirates where only reclaiming their world once the Chozo died off?

    • @TheChozoHuntress
      @TheChozoHuntress Рік тому +5

      The manga actually already stated that the Pirates had tried to invade previously, and the chozo had landed on zebes tens of thousands of years prior to the games. Sakamoto has also already said that the Zebesians aren't actually from Zebes, its akin to an immigrate being called "American" after migrating there.
      His words. Lol

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому +1

      @@TheChozoHuntress the pirates are made up of different species so most likely the urthragians tried to invade zebes as the zebesians are natives

    • @TheChozoHuntress
      @TheChozoHuntress Рік тому +2

      @@novustalks7525 the Zebesian pirates are *not* native to Zebes, as stated by Sakamoto. They took the name "Zebesian" after they kicked the Chozo out of Zebes.

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому

      @@TheChozoHuntress the chozo only left during the manga

    • @TheChozoHuntress
      @TheChozoHuntress Рік тому +2

      @@novustalks7525 Yes, I know. They left when the Space pirates invaded and drove them out. I have the manga and several Japanese books that give lore info. The zebesian pirates are only called zebesians because they came in and took over Zebes. Stated by the developers themselves. They're not a native species to Zebes, nor are the Kihunters.

  • @HiddelS143
    @HiddelS143 Рік тому +1

    And the pre-metroid prime space pirates look like a cross between birds and crustaceans. I think they were originally Chozo but broke off to do pirate things and mutated themselves into what we see in the early Metroid games. I don't really like the look of Metroid prime space pirates, the crustacean look was way more unique.

  • @ArmaBiologica35
    @ArmaBiologica35 Рік тому +4

    You can even see murals in ZDR that show Zebesians and Chozo interesting with one another in a few rooms in Metroid Dread.
    Edit: Yeahhhh, I jumped the gun on this comment.

  • @omegacanon
    @omegacanon 7 місяців тому

    This is super fascinating! great work! What is the connection between chozo and Zebesians? Did the Mawkin enslave them or something?

  • @DanielisAwesome52
    @DanielisAwesome52 Рік тому +1

    I hope this does NOT mean the Mawkin have been orchestrating the Pirates all this time. I think it'd be narratively weak to have this new faction just retroactively be the "big bad" of the entire series
    My preferred reason would be that pirates found some Chozo robots and reverse engineered their combat tools and thus emulate them in their augmented grunts. Since a lot of their weaponry is stolen in the first place.

    • @novustalks7525
      @novustalks7525 Рік тому +1

      That's exactly what it means. The mawkin were also behind the corrupted federation as raven beam knows about samus infusion with metroid dna and we know from prime the pirates have spies in the federation. The mawkin are the true villains which is pretty awesome actually

    • @DanielisAwesome52
      @DanielisAwesome52 Рік тому +1

      @@novustalks7525 Awesome? Thats so creatively bankrupt. Its so chliche and lazy of a turnout. Pulled out of their ass because they couldnt come up with anything.
      Its one thing for Chozo tech like Mother Brain to turn on the Zebes Chozo, and Pirates to steal later Chozo tech from Tallon IV. But to just deus ex in some random unmentioned tribe just to try and be edgy "what if good guys but bad" is just dumb.
      There are so many narrative threads that couldve spread outwards in this story that are now cannibalized and ouroborused into a death spiral because of the Mawkin. Cant bring put any Zebes Chozo back because Raven killes em all, cant expand on the Pirates if Raven was secrently puppeting them, and if your right cant really expand on evil GFed if it was just Mawkin spies controlling them. Since Raven amd the Mawkin are now extinct all those potential threads collapse in on themselves with his death

    • @mlgprorektm8
      @mlgprorektm8 Рік тому


    • @enforcerridley158
      @enforcerridley158 Рік тому

      @@novustalks7525 There's no evidence to suggest that the Mawkin are behind the corrupt Federation faction (nor does that even need to be a thing since there will always be corrupt people getting into position of power in any government). Raven Beak only discovers Samus is spliced with Metroid DNA in Dread when she loses it after he almost kills her, partially transforming into a Metroid temporarily in their first battle on ZDR (takes place in a cutscene). Raven Beak outright mentions that in their final battle.
      There's also no evidence that the Mawkin were backing the Space Pirates. On the contrary, there's evidence to the contrary: the Ferenia Mural in Dread show Zebesians and Mawkin warriors backed by Mother Brain in combat and eventually shows that the Mawkin defeated the Zebesians. The bit with a Zebesian on their knees before a Mawkin actually shows the Zebesian being forced on its knees by a Mawkin Warrior with his spear raised, preparing to impale said Zebesian with it (I'm looking at the texture of that Mural as I type this).
      I really don't get where you get your head canon from, judging from your other comments, as it doesn't match the Lore, such as suggesting that the Zebesians are native to Zebes when Sakamoto and the 2002 Metroid Manga contradict this.

  • @SoulofGrimm
    @SoulofGrimm Рік тому +1

    I think the Space Pirates are a smart but jealous race. They might do this to mock the Chozo, as if to say we can do better.

  • @NUKEbooster25
    @NUKEbooster25 Рік тому

    I didn’t know obi-wan made this video

  • @flambleue3195
    @flambleue3195 Рік тому


  • @andrewbara3507
    @andrewbara3507 Рік тому +1

    Nice try, but you aren't ThatMetroidGuy. You always were bad with disguises, General Kenobi.