You miss-understood how to transform into the character's special dressphere, it can be done on any garment grid, you just need to transform into all dresspheres on the equipped garment grid and then you can use your special dressphere. The "Unerring Path" garment grid only has 2 dressphere slots so you only need to transform once. For garment grids with 4 dressphere slots, you need to transform into the other 3 outfits before you can use the special dressphere.
@@thend4427 The game does explain it when you get your first special dressphere. In her part 4, 10:34 time stamp, she gets Paine's special and it explains "change to all of the dresspheres on a character's active garment grid", and then she gets "Unerring Path" right away so she probably thought she needed to specifically use that garment grid.
If i remember correctly, the best way to pay off O'aka's debt is to buy stuff from him then sell it off at Barkeep. He sells items at a discount, so you can do this with a small net loss of gil. What's more, once you've paid off his debt, his prices drop so much that you can actually make money this way, so you can increase your total gil to any arbitrary amount. once you're done.
looks at Charm bangle with No encounters, then looks at Lure Bracer with more encounters "I need the opposite of lure"😂 Also "I have something that does holy?", checks abilities for Paine's warrior including Excalibur that says does holy damage, "nah" 🤣 then While attacking and the target name says Bahamut, "its Bahamut right? I need to scan". continues to attack till it is dead "I should have scanned"🤣😂 Typical Kasta, never change. That Ronso fight was something. Dispel FTW. Brute forcing will only get you so far.
Tip section: - The first of the two interactive cutscenes, where you can press the Action button (X) multiple times, is in this chapter 3. It happens somewhere at the end. It's on a flower plateau, and it happens shortly after a long yell. Press when there are no dialogue lines. - After the last Leblanc battle you gained the accessory Charm Bangle - equip it to have no more battles a la Lulu. - Watch the (Crimson) Spheres with Shinra. They're interesting! Crimson Sphere 9 & 10 show up as Crimson Report 1 & 2. - After you finished the Kilika hotspot it unlocks Bevelle's underground. Worth exploring again. - You can still return to Guadosalam and explore their hidden base. Try to talk to Leblanc. - Don't forget that there's an area in the Calm Lands in the back where you gained Yojimbo. Check it out too. - Dressphere-wise, you're on track, considering you make sure to check every area. I don't believe you missed any. - Thunder Plains Towers: it's up to you how far you want to go with it. 3 is the last chapter to do them.
This playthrough is making me want to replay it for the first time in 20 years. I think i was put off by all the changes from FFX at the time but watching this has made me appreciate the charm this game offers so much more.
It's just because she's really fun to watch, she's got lots of thoughts and shares all of them with us and it's amazing but when you're by yourself, it's NOTHING like this 😂 unless you just love, controlling the characters and switching through attacks on the fly while listening to these girls banter and crack jokes occasionally.. I mean this game certainly has its charms for sure but this is her first play through as well. It's harder to have fun with it if you know all about the game. As is with most games usually.
@ I try my best not to fall asleep during games🤣 I mean, sometimes all you do in a game is go around farming and mining and talking to characters! But yeah I get you
This game never make me fall asleep. I find the battle system and bit of grinding very interesting. However, I am biased because I love FFX (my favorite FF) and the swapping job systems in FF (FF5, FFX-2, FF XII Zodiac to an extent, etc).
Great job during the ronso fight at the end where you paused, assesed the situation, and changed your approach. This is what makes us learn and progress. This game's battle system is very deep; grid bonuses, chains, buffs and debuffs.
With the monkey love quest, I think they intentionally had Sol and Luna as the last 2. Their names obviously mean Sun and Moon, just like Tidus and Yuna which come from an Okinawan dialect and mean that too. Isn't that cute?
Haha, watching that tiny little hawk casually grab the Iron Giant by the head and fly away was absolutely hilarious! Definitely laughed out loud watching that. I too didn't think it was possible for that to work with Iron Giants of all things, but classic FF games have a way with surprising us with these sorts of silly combat mechanics, and I'm here for it lol. Thank you for these long episodes Kasta! So much fun watching these and anticipating the drop of the next one! :)
The last fight was epic. Kudos on not giving up. I admire the mid-fight break where you just scanned, regrouped, and thought about the problem for a minute. A couple of unsolicited mechanical tips follow. I understand if you choose not to read them but IMO they aren't spoiler-y and you're far enough into the game that I suspect you may have just overlooked them. * The purple stars/sparkling effect on a character is the visual indicator for Regen. Even if you happen to be reading your move selection when they heal and the green recovered HP appears, you can still tell they have the buff by the purple stars. * Aside from an abusable late-game setup, the Gunner's Trigger Happy ability isn't really for dealing damage. It's meant to boost your attack chain by allowing you to attack multiple times quickly. Attacks do more damage the higher the current chain. This means you actually do more damage by coordinating characters' attacks such that they land in succession instead of attacking right when the ATB gauge fills. For example, an efficient way of dealing damage is to build a chain (by Trigger Happy or any other means really) and then as it's nearly complete, have another party member like Paine use a strong attack or ability to be the last attack in the chain. * You can use any of the single-character special dresspheres on any garment grid - not just Unerring Path. The only requirement is that a character must have changed to all other dresspheres on the grid before using the special one. Unerring Path is just the easiest one to use if you're focusing on the special dresspheres because there are only two nodes.
You are correct to assume that the game will show you the full transform animation when you switch in and out of it for the first time regardless when you set it to off.
2:05:04 - The pain in watching someone frustrated with random encounters: reading "Charm Bangle" but not the description, followed immediately by reading "Lure Bracer" and the description and lamenting needing the opposite of lure.
One of the best parts of the game for me was watching each character transform into and out of any new dressphere I got, you really miss out on the amazing and unique animations for each by changing them outside combat into the new dresspheres. Not looking at the special dresspheres as soon as you get them is crazy to me.
1:28:39 lol that look! She does such a good job of staying so positive, I'm always so impressed, but you can tell she really wants to go off at this moment.
2:00:00 I think that boss was based on the boss guarding the Chamber of the Fayth in Zanarkand in the first game. 04:47:00 "It does not seem in character for Yuna" - Hence even Rikku thinking Yuna is blowing up a fuse lmao
Congrats on getting through that Garik fight! It's a toughie for sure! But it was also really good for you cause it forced you to think more deeply about the combat. This will help in so much because you are in the part of the game where fights are hard to deal with. It's also the part of the game where if you want to farm for AP you can't do it so easily just anywhere. And just like all the other X-2 vids, I finish this one and the next vid of yours has already been out for a day XD
I’m not sure how far in advance you’re recording these, so this might already be too late, but I’d strongly recommend looking up how to find all the Crimson Spheres. Some of them are incredibly easy to miss, as they’re only available during very specific moments in the story and even something as simple as talking to the wrong person first can lock you out of collecting them all in that playthrough. The Den of Woe is one of the best parts of the game, so it’s absolutely worth finding them all.
I love Yuna’s white mage stance where she is just rocking back and forth. Paine and Rikku are all battle stance super serious and here’s Yuna going: “Keep on rockin’ in the freeee worlddddd.” ::Pray::
Wooooohhhh!! Heady Perfume! MP Stroll kept Yuna on full MP whenever she had it! Dear Kasta. You learned a very important lesson on that Ronso fight. You need to watch both the fight and the actions you can select on your menu. You could not see that they were healing through everything you were dealing sooner. Also, thank you for giving Alchemist a shot. I pray you continue doing so.
For some reason I felt it appropriate to have I swear by all 4 one playing during the monkey matchmaking 😂 It just felt right. These playthroughs really make my day whenever I watch them 🥰
The massage mini game is great XD ! So funny. Taking down the aeons again really cuts me T.T The sad points of this game really hurt. The trainer dress sphere is adorable
These FFX/X-2 playthroughs have kept me from going off the rails this year so far lol thank you! I haven't seen you play Yuna as Warrior yet but it's cool because she uses a sentimental sword :)
Glad you're enjoying the FF content! I threw it on her for a moment on Mt. Gagazet, but I intend to share the transformations and look at every dressphere on each character at the end too!
Yuna knew she couldn't talk Garik out of it. His mind was made up. If you think back to the previous game, we learn that the Ronso revere strength above almost anything else. We see this when Kimahri must face and defeat Biran and Yenke, and in doing so, finally manages to gain their respect and admiration. Yuna, being wise, decides no to try and persuade him with words, but chooses instead to approach it in a way that a Ronso will respect and understand. She wasn't out to kill them or anything. At least thats how i see it :)
Nah. It was based on what she told Kimahri. The whole thing is completely different if you tell him to think about it more. It's a different conversation and Garrick's conclusion is different aswell. Yuna would never tell Kimahri to use force like that, unless necessary.
Another great video Maggie and I laughed so hard throughout this video, especially the monkey matchmaking mission and the bit when you get your monkey ‘confiscated’ if you wander outside the mission area😂😂. I also think that mission was very clever and kinda cute actually, well done to the devs👍. The story is getting spicy now and hopefully you can navigate your way through Chapter 3 to get through to the other ones....hilarious, especially at the end😂. I enjoyed this video from start to finish, even though I had to break up into stages, it’s still very entertaining and heaps of fun To watch👍. Look forward to the next one Maggie and can’t to find out about the game your also so excited to play for us down the track too.
I *think* when the transformations are set to instant, it still shows the dressphere transformation for the first time transforming INTO the dress and OUT of the dress for a character. So when you got the trainer sphere, you set Yuna through the menu and were shown the transformation out of trainer, then you later changed back to trainer in battle so was shown the transformation into it.
its very interesting how the characters will position themselves on the battlefield. during the fight against bahamut yuna was facing away, almost as if she couldn't bear to watch what was happening
What’s crazy is that it actually affects combat. If a unit is hit in the back, enemy or ally, they actually take double damage. Wish the battle system took more advantage of that idea honestly…
This is one of the few games where I feel like a strategy guide is essential, but I will say I’m seeing dialogue I’ve never seen before due to choices being made that I never did… which is really crazy considering X-2 is the first FF game I ever completed. Also someone else said it but I think there are a couple moments that are essential. Getting the crimson spheres and a certain moment at the end of chapter 3. It’s kind of infuriating actually because there’s no way someone would normally find the conditions of the chapter 3 end secret. But yeah, I feel like those are pretty essential but as for the perfect ending it’s not even worth the hassle, but the other two? Definitely worth it.
That Garik fight was hard to watch 😖 it’s know for being a fight that can go bad quickly, but that was definitely to the extreme of the situation. If you know how to play it from the start of the fight, it’s still a 3-5 minute fight
Yuna's response to Garick was probably because of what she told Kimahri earlier. I have never seen that because I never told him to answer with force. I can't believe how much the dialogue changes with Garik. It is night and day.
2:54:12 Oh, I remember having a mini-heart attack at this point during my play through because this was such a random place to run into him! Plus I was underleveled so he just wiped the floor with me on multiple occasions. Fun times!
I love the Under Bevelle music. Used to listen to it while weight lifitng. For all the issues i had with this game, some of the music was banging. Regarding Bevelle, I think a lot of players missed that Bevelle was the machina city, while Zanarkand was the city of summoners. Bahamut's fayth says so when he tells Tidus the story of the war, but if you visited Maechan at Mt Gagazet, he goes into more detail about the cities, Yu Yevon and Yunalesca.
33:20 A downside of playing the FF series in roughly descending order is that you won't notice or understand so many fun little allusions for fans. The Soul of Thamasa accessory you acquired here is a reference to a place in Final Fantasy VI - a very fitting one considering what the item does. I know you plan to play VI eventually, yet it seems unlikely anyone would remember some random piece of equipment obtained three entire playthroughs of other, story-wise non-related games ago. But hey, that's where (hopefully) an overly enthusiastic comment section will come into play ^^
another must play rpg i highly recommend you try is persona 5 royal i think many would love to watch you playthrough it and it is like final fantasy you do not need to have played any of the other ones
I dont know if this has really been bought up before, but chaining your attack after the trigger x22 will multiply a damage by x amount. So EG: casting Firaga, but timing it so it goes off as the trigger happy is about to finish to get BIG damage
I like Yunas response to Garik, it's character development but to me it still feels like Yuna, Yuna doesn't want people to fight in vain, yet the Ronso will not listen, but during this game so far she has learned to try and stand up for herself and knowing as much about Ronso as she does thanks to Kimahri she chooses to solve this 'Ronso problem' the way a Ronso would (and in a way the way Tidus probably would have solved it), I really like it honestly. x3
Wow I'm really enjoying watching you play ffx-2 such a good game can't wait to see your reaction to a really good music video cutscene with yuna and a special guest no spoilers from me😊 really loving this walkthrough just amazing ❤ P.S I really like the zanarkand ruins theme music so peaceful I remember when I first heard the zanarkand ruins theme music I was like wow this is definitely different from FFX zanarkand and I just stood there and I just listened to the zanarkand ruins theme and for hours I even went to sleep to this music just left my PS2 on with zanarkand ruins playing lol yeah those were good times 😊 love ❤is in the air with soo cute
with oakas debt your best bet is to buy his hi-potions and phoenix downs and then sell them to barkeep, then buy from oaka again then sell to barkeep once more and repeat. you clear the debt in next to no time, and its also a good way to make a profit
A bit late in saying this, but Stat Up/Down effects stack up to +/- 10 in this game (similar to how Cheer, Focus etc capped at 5 stacks in FFX), and there are very few ways to get rid of them for better or worse. The Garik fight was a drag because his Mighty Guard gives not only Protect, Shell and Regen, but also raises Defense, Magic Defense and Evasion (and Dispel doesn't remove Stat Up/Down effects), so they become quite resilient after a few casts. With that said, when using said effects yourself (Songstress' songs, Warrior's breaks, the newly obtained Heaven's Cataract Blue Bullet etc), take a second or two to check how much you actually have on you/your enemies (select them as a target, but don't execute the command), as you usually have to spam the move a few times to get the maximum effect. I do understand where the confusion might come from, though, since you only had to inflict breaks once in X (by then they were considered a separated status effect and could even be removed with Dispel)
So, quick bit: This game is meant to be replayed a few times to explore the different angles, definitely give the sphere to New Yevon and Baralai to see a lot more content on the next playthrough. Your explore everything now approach can let you barrel through the second playthrough. For 100% i believe you have to see every possible scene.
With the ronso, when you scanned them you can see they have 10 stacks of buffs, they stacked defense with mighty G, thats why you were dealing peanuts for damage. You often use armor break without a thought thinking you are dealing more damage, but you are dealing normal damage + debuff. Out of all times where you could have use Armor Break, this case was the perfect one to unstack their defenses and deal full damage to them, and thats the only thing you were missing, armour breaks.
If you're planning on playing Kingdom Hearts soon, I would wait until after you've finished FF8. The KH games make reference to it in a way that you might appreciate more if you're already familiar with 8's characters.
I started a second attempt at a 100% run and I’m throwing in the towel again lol got reminded how impossible a fight was in this game and I’m super curious to see how she fairs against it 😂 Not only is it one of the toughest fights in the game, it’s the hardest in the entire series. All from this unassuming game.
hey if you press triangle you swap to the other member of the party in battle. and you have the animation dressphere change because it’s your first time that you change costume in battle with that dress. after it’s just fast
Rikku: "Somebody's a few spheres short of a Garment Grid." Paine: "Typical Ronso." Nice bit of racism toward the Ronso there from Paine. 🙄 Obviously vengeance isn't the answer, but the Guado did help Seymour commit genocide towards their race, so the surviving Ronso's feelings are understandable. I'm not a fan of the way this was handled either.
Alchemist is broken Maggie! Gives you ether and elixir to use along with mega potion and phoenix down. Even if you don’t have any in stock. Soooo a great way to replenish mp. Wayyyyyy better than white mage.
All talk no bark. Also watching you get frustrated with random encounters without realizing you had a no encounters accessory. Also the perfume was wildly underrated too cause didn't realize it was doing + to most stats and adding HP/MP stroll. One final UI tip, when you select a target to attack, it says the targets name.
I’m guessing she lost more footage than she thought? In the first hour of this episode she says she found something in the desert and that she caught a Chocobo but I don’t see that in the previous video.
unsure if you allow any tips/suggestion, or how far ahead you might be with these, but i would suggest a guide for the end of the chapter, as it can change the end of the game
I really hope your able to get in the din of woe it’s such a big part of the story which is treated like a side quest I would suggest taking a peek at the guide and not telling anyone 😉
I'll try not to give anything away that's major. But at some point, You'll fine yourself "all alone." When that happens, press x on your controller and keep pressing it. Trust me.
Girl you're like a machine, so focused on putting out these quality playthroughs, would you check my obscure favorite PS One games: Brave Fencer Musashi, Azure Dreams, and Guardian Crusade
You miss-understood how to transform into the character's special dressphere, it can be done on any garment grid, you just need to transform into all dresspheres on the equipped garment grid and then you can use your special dressphere.
The "Unerring Path" garment grid only has 2 dressphere slots so you only need to transform once. For garment grids with 4 dressphere slots, you need to transform into the other 3 outfits before you can use the special dressphere.
The game doesn't even explain that
@@thend4427 The game does explain it when you get your first special dressphere.
In her part 4, 10:34 time stamp, she gets Paine's special and it explains "change to all of the dresspheres on a character's active garment grid", and then she gets "Unerring Path" right away so she probably thought she needed to specifically use that garment grid.
If i remember correctly, the best way to pay off O'aka's debt is to buy stuff from him then sell it off at Barkeep. He sells items at a discount, so you can do this with a small net loss of gil. What's more, once you've paid off his debt, his prices drop so much that you can actually make money this way, so you can increase your total gil to any arbitrary amount. once you're done.
looks at Charm bangle with No encounters, then looks at Lure Bracer with more encounters "I need the opposite of lure"😂
"I have something that does holy?", checks abilities for Paine's warrior including Excalibur that says does holy damage, "nah" 🤣
While attacking and the target name says Bahamut, "its Bahamut right? I need to scan". continues to attack till it is dead "I should have scanned"🤣😂
Typical Kasta, never change.
That Ronso fight was something. Dispel FTW. Brute forcing will only get you so far.
all this ^^ALL OF THIS^^^
Tip section:
- The first of the two interactive cutscenes, where you can press the Action button (X) multiple times, is in this chapter 3. It happens somewhere at the end. It's on a flower plateau, and it happens shortly after a long yell. Press when there are no dialogue lines.
- After the last Leblanc battle you gained the accessory Charm Bangle - equip it to have no more battles a la Lulu.
- Watch the (Crimson) Spheres with Shinra. They're interesting! Crimson Sphere 9 & 10 show up as Crimson Report 1 & 2.
- After you finished the Kilika hotspot it unlocks Bevelle's underground. Worth exploring again.
- You can still return to Guadosalam and explore their hidden base. Try to talk to Leblanc.
- Don't forget that there's an area in the Calm Lands in the back where you gained Yojimbo. Check it out too.
- Dressphere-wise, you're on track, considering you make sure to check every area. I don't believe you missed any.
- Thunder Plains Towers: it's up to you how far you want to go with it. 3 is the last chapter to do them.
Pretty sure one dress is not obtainable anymore for her at this point without ng+.
This playthrough is making me want to replay it for the first time in 20 years. I think i was put off by all the changes from FFX at the time but watching this has made me appreciate the charm this game offers so much more.
It's just because she's really fun to watch, she's got lots of thoughts and shares all of them with us and it's amazing but when you're by yourself, it's NOTHING like this 😂 unless you just love, controlling the characters and switching through attacks on the fly while listening to these girls banter and crack jokes occasionally.. I mean this game certainly has its charms for sure but this is her first play through as well. It's harder to have fun with it if you know all about the game. As is with most games usually.
I fall asleep when I play it..
@ I try my best not to fall asleep during games🤣 I mean, sometimes all you do in a game is go around farming and mining and talking to characters! But yeah I get you
This game never make me fall asleep. I find the battle system and bit of grinding very interesting. However, I am biased because I love FFX (my favorite FF) and the swapping job systems in FF (FF5, FFX-2, FF XII Zodiac to an extent, etc).
Great job during the ronso fight at the end where you paused, assesed the situation, and changed your approach. This is what makes us learn and progress. This game's battle system is very deep; grid bonuses, chains, buffs and debuffs.
With the monkey love quest, I think they intentionally had Sol and Luna as the last 2. Their names obviously mean Sun and Moon, just like Tidus and Yuna which come from an Okinawan dialect and mean that too. Isn't that cute?
They also had the sun and moon crest/sigil
Omfggggggghggggggggi didn’t know that I love that so much 🥰 thank you for sharing !!
OMG not Kasta name dropping Kingdom Hearts at 58:30 CANT WAIT FOR YOU TO PLAY IT!!!
Haha, watching that tiny little hawk casually grab the Iron Giant by the head and fly away was absolutely hilarious! Definitely laughed out loud watching that. I too didn't think it was possible for that to work with Iron Giants of all things, but classic FF games have a way with surprising us with these sorts of silly combat mechanics, and I'm here for it lol. Thank you for these long episodes Kasta! So much fun watching these and anticipating the drop of the next one! :)
The last fight was epic. Kudos on not giving up. I admire the mid-fight break where you just scanned, regrouped, and thought about the problem for a minute.
A couple of unsolicited mechanical tips follow. I understand if you choose not to read them but IMO they aren't spoiler-y and you're far enough into the game that I suspect you may have just overlooked them.
* The purple stars/sparkling effect on a character is the visual indicator for Regen. Even if you happen to be reading your move selection when they heal and the green recovered HP appears, you can still tell they have the buff by the purple stars.
* Aside from an abusable late-game setup, the Gunner's Trigger Happy ability isn't really for dealing damage. It's meant to boost your attack chain by allowing you to attack multiple times quickly. Attacks do more damage the higher the current chain. This means you actually do more damage by coordinating characters' attacks such that they land in succession instead of attacking right when the ATB gauge fills. For example, an efficient way of dealing damage is to build a chain (by Trigger Happy or any other means really) and then as it's nearly complete, have another party member like Paine use a strong attack or ability to be the last attack in the chain.
* You can use any of the single-character special dresspheres on any garment grid - not just Unerring Path. The only requirement is that a character must have changed to all other dresspheres on the grid before using the special one. Unerring Path is just the easiest one to use if you're focusing on the special dresspheres because there are only two nodes.
You are correct to assume that the game will show you the full transform animation when you switch in and out of it for the first time regardless when you set it to off.
Been waiting all day for this episode
2:05:04 - The pain in watching someone frustrated with random encounters: reading "Charm Bangle" but not the description, followed immediately by reading "Lure Bracer" and the description and lamenting needing the opposite of lure.
That was painful 😅
One of the best parts of the game for me was watching each character transform into and out of any new dressphere I got, you really miss out on the amazing and unique animations for each by changing them outside combat into the new dresspheres.
Not looking at the special dresspheres as soon as you get them is crazy to me.
Ahh the massage scene is definitely a highlight next to the hotspring scene haha. Every FF game should have those scenes 😂
1:28:39 lol that look! She does such a good job of staying so positive, I'm always so impressed, but you can tell she really wants to go off at this moment.
2:00:00 I think that boss was based on the boss guarding the Chamber of the Fayth in Zanarkand in the first game.
04:47:00 "It does not seem in character for Yuna" - Hence even Rikku thinking Yuna is blowing up a fuse lmao
Hoo boy, I don't even have to watch the video to know what maddening quest you're doing this episode.
Congrats on getting through that Garik fight! It's a toughie for sure! But it was also really good for you cause it forced you to think more deeply about the combat. This will help in so much because you are in the part of the game where fights are hard to deal with. It's also the part of the game where if you want to farm for AP you can't do it so easily just anywhere. And just like all the other X-2 vids, I finish this one and the next vid of yours has already been out for a day XD
You may be the first UA-camr in history to utter the words "My monkey has been confiscated." 😄
You can use your special dress shpere after you have changed to every dresssphere in your garment grid. That ronso fight was tough to watch. 😅😂
I’m not sure how far in advance you’re recording these, so this might already be too late, but I’d strongly recommend looking up how to find all the Crimson Spheres. Some of them are incredibly easy to miss, as they’re only available during very specific moments in the story and even something as simple as talking to the wrong person first can lock you out of collecting them all in that playthrough. The Den of Woe is one of the best parts of the game, so it’s absolutely worth finding them all.
It's already impressive she naturally got 7 (Nooj) and 9 (Ormi/Logos) which are both missable.
Remember, this is a hamster wheel of a game, it was meant to be played several times, because there is no substance...
1:44:25 I just love how you incorporate Bad News Bears every chance you get. And you probably didn’t realize it. Keep being you, Kasta.
Yuna walked so Madam M could run
I love Yuna’s white mage stance where she is just rocking back and forth.
Paine and Rikku are all battle stance super serious and here’s Yuna going:
“Keep on rockin’ in the freeee worlddddd.” ::Pray::
Anything for noojiee woojee
Wooooohhhh!! Heady Perfume! MP Stroll kept Yuna on full MP whenever she had it!
Dear Kasta. You learned a very important lesson on that Ronso fight. You need to watch both the fight and the actions you can select on your menu. You could not see that they were healing through everything you were dealing sooner.
Also, thank you for giving Alchemist a shot. I pray you continue doing so.
For some reason I felt it appropriate to have I swear by all 4 one playing during the monkey matchmaking 😂 It just felt right. These playthroughs really make my day whenever I watch them 🥰
The massage mini game is great XD ! So funny. Taking down the aeons again really cuts me T.T The sad points of this game really hurt. The trainer dress sphere is adorable
These FFX/X-2 playthroughs have kept me from going off the rails this year so far lol thank you! I haven't seen you play Yuna as Warrior yet but it's cool because she uses a sentimental sword :)
Glad you're enjoying the FF content! I threw it on her for a moment on Mt. Gagazet, but I intend to share the transformations and look at every dressphere on each character at the end too!
Yuna knew she couldn't talk Garik out of it. His mind was made up. If you think back to the previous game, we learn that the Ronso revere strength above almost anything else. We see this when Kimahri must face and defeat Biran and Yenke, and in doing so, finally manages to gain their respect and admiration. Yuna, being wise, decides no to try and persuade him with words, but chooses instead to approach it in a way that a Ronso will respect and understand. She wasn't out to kill them or anything. At least thats how i see it :)
Nah. It was based on what she told Kimahri. The whole thing is completely different if you tell him to think about it more. It's a different conversation and Garrick's conclusion is different aswell. Yuna would never tell Kimahri to use force like that, unless necessary.
I'm so excited for this episode! I truly loved your FF playthroughs they're so cool and adventurously amazing!! 🤓🙌🎮🕹️🎉🎉
Another great video Maggie and I laughed so hard throughout this video, especially the monkey matchmaking mission and the bit when you get your monkey ‘confiscated’ if you wander outside the mission area😂😂. I also think that mission was very clever and kinda cute actually, well done to the devs👍. The story is getting spicy now and hopefully you can navigate your way through Chapter 3 to get through to the other ones....hilarious, especially at the end😂. I enjoyed this video from start to finish, even though I had to break up into stages, it’s still very entertaining and heaps of fun To watch👍. Look forward to the next one Maggie and can’t to find out about the game your also so excited to play for us down the track too.
I *think* when the transformations are set to instant, it still shows the dressphere transformation for the first time transforming INTO the dress and OUT of the dress for a character. So when you got the trainer sphere, you set Yuna through the menu and were shown the transformation out of trainer, then you later changed back to trainer in battle so was shown the transformation into it.
its very interesting how the characters will position themselves on the battlefield. during the fight against bahamut yuna was facing away, almost as if she couldn't bear to watch what was happening
What’s crazy is that it actually affects combat. If a unit is hit in the back, enemy or ally, they actually take double damage.
Wish the battle system took more advantage of that idea honestly…
@toddacious07 i know right? Only one dressphere actively utilized that
@@Paranoia115and I think it is not in this game.
@@RadimuxCisco not in the version she's playing, no
That Garik fight gave you some issues. 😮
Well done on getting through it!
This is one of the few games where I feel like a strategy guide is essential, but I will say I’m seeing dialogue I’ve never seen before due to choices being made that I never did… which is really crazy considering X-2 is the first FF game I ever completed.
Also someone else said it but I think there are a couple moments that are essential. Getting the crimson spheres and a certain moment at the end of chapter 3. It’s kind of infuriating actually because there’s no way someone would normally find the conditions of the chapter 3 end secret.
But yeah, I feel like those are pretty essential but as for the perfect ending it’s not even worth the hassle, but the other two? Definitely worth it.
Great video! Yeah, the under Bevelle music is some of my favorite.
2:20:10 Flan Arma- what now?! 😳
I did a double-take when I heard that
6 hours! 🎉😍
I looooove your FF playthroughs! 🥰
That Garik fight was hard to watch 😖 it’s know for being a fight that can go bad quickly, but that was definitely to the extreme of the situation. If you know how to play it from the start of the fight, it’s still a 3-5 minute fight
Keep up excellent 🍍
Yuna's response to Garick was probably because of what she told Kimahri earlier. I have never seen that because I never told him to answer with force. I can't believe how much the dialogue changes with Garik. It is night and day.
Those shmall alien guys 👾👽 remember 2 poppa shave 👽🤪
2:54:12 Oh, I remember having a mini-heart attack at this point during my play through because this was such a random place to run into him! Plus I was underleveled so he just wiped the floor with me on multiple occasions. Fun times!
Dark Knight's Darkness never miss and does good AOE damage in exchange of a small percentage of your HP.
1:28:45 You deserve to be angry at that. The devs obviously trapped themselves when designing that puzzle and didn't want to take the time to fix it.
3:52:32 Haha, the bird took off with the golem. And the monkey had a party. :D
I love the Under Bevelle music. Used to listen to it while weight lifitng. For all the issues i had with this game, some of the music was banging.
Regarding Bevelle, I think a lot of players missed that Bevelle was the machina city, while Zanarkand was the city of summoners. Bahamut's fayth says so when he tells Tidus the story of the war, but if you visited Maechan at Mt Gagazet, he goes into more detail about the cities, Yu Yevon and Yunalesca.
33:20 A downside of playing the FF series in roughly descending order is that you won't notice or understand so many fun little allusions for fans. The Soul of Thamasa accessory you acquired here is a reference to a place in Final Fantasy VI - a very fitting one considering what the item does.
I know you plan to play VI eventually, yet it seems unlikely anyone would remember some random piece of equipment obtained three entire playthroughs of other, story-wise non-related games ago. But hey, that's where (hopefully) an overly enthusiastic comment section will come into play ^^
Looking forward to this video! This is gonna be fun!
another must play rpg i highly recommend you try is persona 5 royal i think many would love to watch you playthrough it and it is like final fantasy you do not need to have played any of the other ones
By the way don't think it got mentioned but you got the charm bangle(no encounters) when you beat Logos and Ormi in their room in the Leblanc hideout.
👀 ahhh thank you!
I dont know if this has really been bought up before, but chaining your attack after the trigger x22 will multiply a damage by x amount. So EG: casting Firaga, but timing it so it goes off as the trigger happy is about to finish to get BIG damage
I like Yunas response to Garik, it's character development but to me it still feels like Yuna, Yuna doesn't want people to fight in vain, yet the Ronso will not listen, but during this game so far she has learned to try and stand up for herself and knowing as much about Ronso as she does thanks to Kimahri she chooses to solve this 'Ronso problem' the way a Ronso would (and in a way the way Tidus probably would have solved it), I really like it honestly. x3
when did she learn how to make magic hit more than 1 target and did she find in the desert? i feel like i missed a whole episode or something.
Wow I'm really enjoying watching you play ffx-2 such a good game can't wait to see your reaction to a really good music video cutscene with yuna and a special guest no spoilers from me😊 really loving this walkthrough just amazing ❤ P.S I really like the zanarkand ruins theme music so peaceful I remember when I first heard the zanarkand ruins theme music I was like wow this is definitely different from FFX zanarkand and I just stood there and I just listened to the zanarkand ruins theme and for hours I even went to sleep to this music just left my PS2 on with zanarkand ruins playing lol yeah those were good times 😊 love ❤is in the air with soo cute
The White Mage has Holy magic which has to be unlocked because it is high level magic.
with oakas debt your best bet is to buy his hi-potions and phoenix downs and then sell them to barkeep, then buy from oaka again then sell to barkeep once more and repeat. you clear the debt in next to no time, and its also a good way to make a profit
Another amazing playthrough Kastaclysm ❤❤🔥🔥.
The massage mini game was awful when i was a kid. I was horrified my parents would walk in
Just in time! Im gonna see the gameplay on the gym and it's gonna be amazing! 🎉
Keep up the good work, Kasta!
1:28:36 We can see the RAGE in your eyes 😅
Wow, that battle with Ronso was over an hour!?
Maggie. You’re making me jealous of Gippal.
A bit late in saying this, but Stat Up/Down effects stack up to +/- 10 in this game (similar to how Cheer, Focus etc capped at 5 stacks in FFX), and there are very few ways to get rid of them for better or worse. The Garik fight was a drag because his Mighty Guard gives not only Protect, Shell and Regen, but also raises Defense, Magic Defense and Evasion (and Dispel doesn't remove Stat Up/Down effects), so they become quite resilient after a few casts.
With that said, when using said effects yourself (Songstress' songs, Warrior's breaks, the newly obtained Heaven's Cataract Blue Bullet etc), take a second or two to check how much you actually have on you/your enemies (select them as a target, but don't execute the command), as you usually have to spam the move a few times to get the maximum effect. I do understand where the confusion might come from, though, since you only had to inflict breaks once in X (by then they were considered a separated status effect and could even be removed with Dispel)
2:15:00 It should look familiar, you fought it in Zanarkand in the first game just before meeting Yunalesca. It was called the Spectral Keeper.
So, quick bit: This game is meant to be replayed a few times to explore the different angles, definitely give the sphere to New Yevon and Baralai to see a lot more content on the next playthrough. Your explore everything now approach can let you barrel through the second playthrough. For 100% i believe you have to see every possible scene.
Kastaclysm Awesome Video Today!!🔥🐐🐐💎
With the ronso, when you scanned them you can see they have 10 stacks of buffs, they stacked defense with mighty G, thats why you were dealing peanuts for damage.
You often use armor break without a thought thinking you are dealing more damage, but you are dealing normal damage + debuff. Out of all times where you could have use Armor Break, this case was the perfect one to unstack their defenses and deal full damage to them, and thats the only thing you were missing, armour breaks.
If you're planning on playing Kingdom Hearts soon, I would wait until after you've finished FF8. The KH games make reference to it in a way that you might appreciate more if you're already familiar with 8's characters.
Excited for this
from matchmaking monkeys to see floreal Yuna till fighting Bahamut!
if you had played sphere break it would have been the perfect episode.
I started a second attempt at a 100% run and I’m throwing in the towel again lol got reminded how impossible a fight was in this game and I’m super curious to see how she fairs against it 😂
Not only is it one of the toughest fights in the game, it’s the hardest in the entire series. All from this unassuming game.
hey if you press triangle you swap to the other member of the party in battle. and you have the animation dressphere change because it’s your first time that you change costume in battle with that dress. after it’s just fast
Rikku: "Somebody's a few spheres short of a Garment Grid."
Paine: "Typical Ronso."
Nice bit of racism toward the Ronso there from Paine. 🙄
Obviously vengeance isn't the answer, but the Guado did help Seymour commit genocide towards their race, so the surviving Ronso's feelings are understandable. I'm not a fan of the way this was handled either.
Alchemist is broken Maggie! Gives you ether and elixir to use along with mega potion and phoenix down. Even if you don’t have any in stock. Soooo a great way to replenish mp. Wayyyyyy better than white mage.
All talk no bark. Also watching you get frustrated with random encounters without realizing you had a no encounters accessory. Also the perfume was wildly underrated too cause didn't realize it was doing + to most stats and adding HP/MP stroll. One final UI tip, when you select a target to attack, it says the targets name.
57:01 Please, remember to look al Magic Gunner abilities for Paine, there's a second page. That's why it's not 100%
Nice something for me to watch after the stream ends or tomorrow morning
Gone live on twitch the same time you’ve posted this aaaah can’t watch both 😂
Did you buy Brave Fencer Musashi?!?! I have been looking to re-buy and play that game. I never did finish it when I was young.
I’m guessing she lost more footage than she thought? In the first hour of this episode she says she found something in the desert and that she caught a Chocobo but I don’t see that in the previous video.
unsure if you allow any tips/suggestion, or how far ahead you might be with these, but i would suggest a guide for the end of the chapter, as it can change the end of the game
I really hope your able to get in the din of woe it’s such a big part of the story which is treated like a side quest I would suggest taking a peek at the guide and not telling anyone 😉
You missed a dressphere in the chateau leblanc room where you fought ormi, logos and leblanc. Its hidden in the back of the room. Hope this helps.
I love Yuna sing 1000 words🎉❤
Hey Kasta, mix a potion with a hi-potion, trust 😊
Thanks for the tip 💛
Right, I had to pause long enough to watch Ze Frank's armadillo video.
I saw the run time and realized exactly where you're at and what you were doing in the game 😅😅😅
2:20:11 flan armadildo 😆
I'll try not to give anything away that's major. But at some point, You'll fine yourself "all alone." When that happens, press x on your controller and keep pressing it. Trust me.
There's a crimson sphere in Guadosalam.
I love when you speak like the barkeep hypello yesh
Displaying your monkey so publically... how unbecoming of a high summoner! 😂😂😂
Kasta Monkey Love pumping, haha
5 or 6 hours is perfect for me. Gets me through a workshift😅
If you like action platformers and Final fantasy, you'll love Kingdom Hearts!
Girl you're like a machine, so focused on putting out these quality playthroughs, would you check my obscure favorite PS One games: Brave Fencer Musashi, Azure Dreams, and Guardian Crusade