"Nature of Brasov" - full movie
- Опубліковано 11 лют 2025
- "Nature of Brasov" is a movie about the protected areas in Brasov County, presenting both natural values and activities that can be organized in protected areas: bird-watching, climbing, photography, cycling, hiking, speleology, etc.
The film is part of the projects: "Brasov, a city in the middle of nature", funded by the Environmental Partnership Foundation (www.repf.ro) and MOL Romania (molromania.ro).
More about the project you can read here:
Bravo! Felicitări!
Beautiful brasov❤️
Beautiful done! 🎉 Thank you!!! 🎉
Frumos film! Felicitări!
simply beautiful... Thank you
I just moved in Brasov ,i love this city,is magic,i want grow old here🥰.
@@gobeestart depends how big,how many rooms ,area,building new,old....
From what country are you?
@@gobeestart Are expensive.For example is a gorgeouse huge studio 70m in a old building exacly in the old centre in the most beautiful area ,is for sale,120 000 euro.In the centre everything cost much money.
If you are really interested you must come here and see few apartments and the city but in the centre you can't find anything ok under 100 000.
@@gobeestart yes i write here but youtube delete my comment everytime,they not allowed names of other sites.
I was born in Brasov, and I love it so much. I remember going on trips almost every week, since I was 5 to 18. Now I live in Toronto, Canada, but I miss Brasov more than anything else. And I miss Carpathian Mountains. Here in Canada I need to fly thousands of km as real mounting are only on the West coast.
Atunci,repatrierea e singura soluție.
I just moved in Brasov,i love this city,is magic!
Same. I lived my childhood on mountain tops and in castles and playing soccer. Now in Toronto, Canada. I miss the easy access to mountains. But we do have tha world's largest Backyard here too:) Rocky Mountains, Artic, Tundra, Praries, millions of acres...
Extraordinara prezentare! Va salut cu drag!
That's so cool!
Cat de fain e facut video! Felicitari!
Cel mai frumos oraș!
Felicitări realizatorilor! Este o capodoperă.
Great movie and very well shot. Thank you for speaking so clearly and for the subtitles that help those of us with less than perfect Romanian
A beautiful docummentary, with English subtitles, about the surroundings of my homeland... Every now and again, when I miss home, I close my eyes and land there, in the middle of the nature, surrounded by nature, virgin forests, birds, rivers, waterfalls.... ❤️✨🎶
Un documentar minunat despre zona montana a Brasovului, o zona deosebita a Romaniei, locul minunat unde m-am nascut. Merita vizualizat, este foarte frumos relatat cu imagini incredibil de frumoase! 😍🏔
Excelent film. Respect.
Wunderschön! 👍
bravo fratilor.
Super documentar!
Beautiful pictures! Beautiful country!
I'll be there 😍
BRAȘOV - muntele Tâmpa (1)
Aş nimeri cu ochi închişi cărarea.
Străjeri trufaşi de arbori scriu conturul
Înaltului ce-a despicat azurul
Şi mi-a-nvelit în straie verzi visarea.
Mă plec mereu să-i potrivesc condurul
Pădurii-n care-mi fac ades intrarea,
Iar ea îmi dă mărinimos iertarea
Strângând în jurul patimilor şnurul.
Cetatea-şi suie ziduri în tăcere,
Să le măsor cu pasu-n dimineţi.
Potecile sunt sângerânde-artere
Pe care calcă-nfriguraţi drumeţi.
Braşovul vechi, trezit de-o adiere,
Azvârle-n trupul muntelui săgeţi.
("Ferestre în cetate, Sonete 4", Arania, 2008)
I know the surroundings of Brasov well, especially the Poiana area. Inside its woods, there is an incredible amount of waste of all kinds. I wonder when the authorities will decide to do a general cleaning of the whole area. They owe it to the tourists.
Filmul este de 5 stele, mai putin vocea naratoarei care desi este frumoasa , nu se preteaza pentru acest documentar... ci mai degraba pentru desene animate :) Daca refaceti documentarul cu alta naratie si poate realizati o varianta si in engleza , atunci cred ca filmul va capata o alta amploare de vizionare ...si premii la festivaluri. Din Brasov , cu maxime felicitari ! Bianca
"nu se preteaza pentru acest documentar"... scopul acestor documentare e sa fie urmarite si de catre copii. Ne cream tot felul de tipare despre cum trebuie sa fie ceva. Numai bine! :)
Da, am resimtit si eu limitele de care vorbesti. As fi preferat un alt timbru, o alta energie pentru nararea acestui film superb.