Yup, said that for years people will say "You dont need much food" but in a survival situation you will be burning up more energy and will need more food than normal.
It really depends on the situation. If you're just sitting in one spot and waiting for rescue, they're right; many Americans, given their size, could survive months without food. If you need to cover ground, or even if you're particularly thin like myself, though, food should be a much bigger concern. Also, having quick energy in the form of warm drinks or candy bars is important for warding away things like hypothermia -- though you may have energy stored in body fat, it takes time for your body to convert it back into energy; time that you don't have if you are in danger of succumbing to the cold and need to stoke your internal furnace!
Iridium242 Depends a lot on climate. You would NOT survive if there was no food readily available, unless you packed it, like during the winter where there is snow all over. During the summers here in Iowa, I’d become fat. There is nothing to eat here in the winter. Maybe the pith of dead standing elderberry or pine cambium, maybe corn. It’s unlikely that I’d ever get into one in Iowa though.
@@lukedupont6238 The human body can't go a month without food. It's take energy to process food too, without enough energy, you will not be able to take in nutrition and will die after the fact of the situation if you don't eat for a month.
I have those individual packs of Tuna/Salmon/Chicken (2 per day), Clif bars (1), packs of instant Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat (1-2), Instant Mashed Potatoes, "90 second" microwave rice (can eat room temperature), Folgers coffee bags (like tea bags, but COFFEE)... SEVERAL 😃, pre- measured electrolyte powder ("recovery") drink mix. (1-2), and Tang. Also those little vitamin/energy drink bottles (1). I have two types of stoves - Esbit, and canteen cup.
It's nice to see a bug-out person talk sensibly. Survival folk need to learn lessons already learned by through hikers. A z-packs backpack can travel 2,200 miles through serious terrain, but preppers will choose to strap on a bag that weighs three times as much, doesn't cost much less, and has less capacity. Then they fill it with bric-a-brac for what _might_ happen, rather than filling it for what _will_ happen, e.g., needing food, needing to boil water quickly, needing to get out of dodge because that's why they're bugging out in the first place.
I am soo happy to finally see a Truthful video , using Long trail hiking food , as a time tested example for a Bug out bag Chow kit. 😀 👍 When I did my Thru Hike from Canada Ontario to Northern British Columbia (over 5000 km) 1year 2 months ... Alot of food that I used was dehydrated foods for the light weight and compactness. Alot of Wild edibles, fishing and trapping supplemented my packaged meals. At my Various Camps along my westernly journey, I did restock alot of fresh foods and canned goods , at Grocery stores in small towns, when I needed.😀 👍 Alot of my beverages, were picked from the trail...Pine Tea, Fresh Berry water, sumac berries, Wild mints, etc. Instant Coffee/ caffeinated teas was a Royalty drink and saved for those tough trail days.
I love the SD channel. Just a note MREs are good for a lot longer than the expiration date also you can field strip them and keep only what is necessary for eating. The heating kits are good if you can't make fire . I don't carry a fuel burner so one or two heaters could come in handy. I seldom travel long distances so a 72 hour kit is good for me . It could be good to carry a 4 way spigot wrench to access fresh water from commercial water spigots on the side of buildings. I always carry a 72 hour get home bag.
Good philosophy. I totally agree and do the same. I also keep one MRE entree and heater in my day hike bag so if I get stuck overnight I have an easy, comforting meal and something to do.
Interesting vid. Most people will grossly underestimate how much food they will need and overestimate their ability to replace it. I recommend a drop and go separate bad that contains more food and water as a supplement to what you’ve got in your main bag. Three days with no food? You won’t starve but your ability to concentrate will rapidly diminish. All you’ll think about is food. Take more food with you. I liked your suggestion to limit cooking to one meal. Mores, freeze dried, dehydrated, whatever. In a true emergency ease of preparation is king. The one can cook set was very cool.
I like the video. I'm carrying Mountain House freeze dried food for 1 week in a Geko dry sack with a shoulder strap. I have been practicing survival and bug out long term for the last 32 years once a week. Recently made 61 days out of my bag. I still do military hikes. Got my pack down to 19.8 pound's. My weapon of choice is a Barnett Cobra slingshot with 5/8 and or 3/4" ball bearing. Have killed a wild hog with the 3/4 ball bearing. Worked well. I love my equipment. I'm 64 years old. Charles 🪖🇺🇸❤️
You never hear about the benefits of carrying raw honey anymore. Can be used as not just a boost, but a sweetener, bait, antiseptic. Multi-purpose and lightweight.
Just wonderful, I been tryin to find out about "bug out plan guide" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Janameron Tenylan System - (search on google ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my work buddy got cool success with it.
Honey is actually quite heavy, but I keep it in my INCH bag, and in a separate food bag I keep handy. If I had to bug out on foot I doubt I could carry the extra food bag, but I do have two small stashes on my way to a potential destination. Also my INCH bag has 3 weeks of good food. It is the heaviest part of my prep gear but you can't live long without it.
Finally someone with the right idea. Most preppers thinking bug out food is like sitting around a campfire or going on a hunting trip. You got it right you just need enough food to last till you can settle down or get to your designated safe place where your emergency food and water is stored
This was super helpful! Thanks for putting this out. This guy made it very simple, which is helpful for me! I think the one additional thing I would carry would be a grill rack for if I needed to cook over an open flame
Thanks John. This is in my opinion one if the best and most useful informational videos I have seen in a long long time. I have incorporated this in my routine. Thanks!!!
Great video! I have basically the same mindset as you regarding bug out bag food. The only difference is that I make our own evening meals using dehydrated/freeze dried foods. My family is way to picky to try the Mountain House, etc. meals, lol. We also have alternate foods available in case of not enough water or no ability to make a fire at any particular time. It's just good to have confirmation that my food planning is going in the right direction. Thank you!
Hands down that was one of the best bugout food kits. U had everything that u would need to survive and keep your body moving. Light weight and ready to go. I really like a lot of the products u have. Going to look into some and add to my kit.
Great video. Almost all of the recommendations have the same trail mix, protein bar, dehydrated food options. One thing I love to pack (and eat) that I never see is the individually packaged prunes. These are not the dried up things you're thinking of! 3 are a some what filling snack, have vitamins, minerals, and fiber other foods don't have, take up next to no space, and often last up to a year and a half. Having 2 with a protein bar, or even pb & crackers makes a more complete snack.
I’m carrying 9000 calories of dehydrated food for a 72 hour situation which I know I can stretch if I have to. I’m using meals from Expedition Foods, Yorkshire UK as they are more calorie dense than anything else on the market (nearly triple the Kcals as Mountain House).
One thing I have in my emergency bag are packaged dried meal shakes. A quick, and usually healthy, 200 or so calories. And they're usually sweet like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, so it can help that sweet tooth fix. And they're relatively small packages. I've used these on long road trips and they've proven pretty effective. Great suggestions on the multi-vitamin and Gu packs, BTW. And I love the one dat bag idea. It makes it easy to put together a 72 hour kit.
I have used MREs on multiple occasions. You don't have to heat them up, they don't have a stove either it's called flameless ration heater, the water is carried by you anyways not in the MRE bag itself, and they can be eaten without being heated hence Meal Ready to Eat.
I have a couple of suggestions: Whole wheat crackers good with the peanut butter, jelly packets. Fills you up long lasting carb. Light weight. Don't spoil or mold easily. Light weight. Lots of flavors available. Makes instant soups more palatable.
Budget/economy (minimum backpack weight) bug-out food ideas, use ziplock bags (mostly), most items available cheaply in the "bin" section of large grocery stores: -Instant potatoes. Instant/dry milk. Dried/dehyd. refried beans. -TVP, -flour, or complete (add water) biscuit or pancake mix. -bacon bits. instant coffee/cocoa etc., -Salt, garlic powder. Dollar store dry spices: chives, onion powder, Italian blend, chili powder, and etc. fold up and include several ft. aluminum foil. There's other stuff you'll need, but the dry bin stuff is a really good cheap ideal. Save Raman seasoning or include instant powder broths. I also keep a telescopic fishing pole, that collapses down to about 12 inches..
Experienced fisherman will get omega3 every time. Experienced hunter will get small game with slinghsot at any time or with air rifle or a gun. Buuut, most people are not experienced so glad you've made video like this. Some people just count on getting food without ever having field tested it
Nothing too groundbreaking here in my opinion, as someone who has had a bug out bag packed for over a decade. But, still tons of good information, and lots of different ideas. I particularly like the way you have everything organized and packed up into 1 day bags. This is something a lot of people wouldn't think about and definitely a very good quality of life thing. Stealing that idea for sure.
If you are trying to get home, how long does one expect to be out? How far from home do you usually go on a daily basis? A bugout is different. But going home is rather specific. Formerly I expected to take two days to get home. Officially 38 miles, I would have had to go over a mountain to get home. Couple of meals would be good. And water. Not much on the route.
Excellent its better than mine. And many people said mine was the best. where did you get your cup and stove combo what is it called ? or did you make it all up yourself withe the stove. The whole setup is brilliant Thank you for sharing it
Now a man who admits that food makes a difference in an enjoyable outing , thank you I thought I was alone in this. I had a two month cach in my camper ( 27ft fifth wheel) when I was able to work . This stuff saved my bacon for a.year and a half . I still remember being frozen in and then the thunder storms and tornado. Then the wife came to check on me and robbed me of my groceries.
Talking about critters getting into your food. Was camping on an Island south of Marco Island Florida. (Ten Thousand Islands just outside the Everglades National Park) The racoons were so desperate for fresh water they would chew through a colapsable 5 gal water carrier. I guess they could smell it through the container. Never under estimate the ability of a critter to smell what you got. (do you know how loud a 38 shot round is at 2 AM on an island in the middle of no where... damn ... lol)
My B.O.B. is more of a I.N.C.H. bag so besides a few freeze dried meals, pemmican and Coast Guard type survival bars I am planning on carrying some dried vegi soup mix, dried macaroni, dried white rice and dried pinto beans and some seasonings. Should be able to make a meal out of just about anything with that I think.
My go-bag food is the same, also from my backpacking days. I agree with the stove over fire; if you're in a non-permissive location, a small isobutane stove can be your "fire" to heat water for food and drink, warm your body, purify water, etc. I live in the desert, so water is my main weight issue my food has to be a light as possible.
Here is another approach. Up until WW1, the US Army (and many other armies) when men were smaller, a marching ration of 1 pound of hardtack, 1 1/2 pounds of salt pork and picked greens existed. Hardtack is easy to make. There is no waste. 5 pounds of flour = 5 pounds of hardtack. 3x the calories of an equal weight of rice. Crumble into hot water. So, I go to a class. The guys in the field are eating MREs with all the waste of weight associated with them. I am eating hard tack and dried meat - whatever the weight is, I am consuming it all. Bug out bag - hardtack, tuna fish, sugar candy.
My daughter and i just bought some of the chicken of the sea and starkist tuna in the packs for storage, and to see if my granddaughter will eat them, shes only 3 so just in case of any emergency, she'll or we'll have some different proteins handy.
Question: How long can that stuff sit in a bug out bag before you have to replace it with fresh stuff? I feel like that Tuna would not stay long good and you would be constantly having to refresh your bag.
I typically rotate my food quarterly or as the seasons change when I'm swapping out cold weather gear for my warmer weather set up. That is usually when I'll rotate my food out and eat it and replace it.
In my Go bag I carry several individually-wrapped beef Jerkey's, several high-protein bars, several packs of mixed nuts with dried fruit. Calorie and protein content as well as fat is vital. Edited to also say I also have a few packet's of the peanut and almond butter. I forgot about this until I saw it in your video. ;-) I also have several small packet's of instant coffee as you have. And caffeine gum to keep me alert when I need to be. Great video.
Question. What are some recommended food items for people with anxiety/ sensitive stomach problems? Certain foods can make some people have to “go” if you get what I mean. Or over processed and what not food can irritate. I get stressed thinking about what people who have sensitive stomachs will be left to deal with in bug out/ survival situations (in the most extreme case, societal collapse) where you need to survive off the land or canned/ processed foods. Anyways, what are some suggestions?
I do not think in B.O.B., or INCH bag scenarios. Due to age and mobility issues, I plan on bug in scenarios along with a get home bag (72 hour bag) ! From that perspective the lifeboat rations and some cliff bars seem sufficient to me as far as food goes. Back at home I have at least 30 days of supplies of non perishable foods for me and the family as well as a water well and all the other things I need.
I barely watch Pepper videos and have definitely seen many with politics mixed in, which I also dislike (ex. Atlas shelter guy posting a “Watch people react to my MAGA hat as I travel in CA” among the shelter videos).
@@DadCanikRC One must always be prepared, most especially to mouth the politically correct platitudes and signal one's virtue, even during SHTF. Else, what is the point of surviving at all? XD
Great video and explanation regarding concealment and options. If traveling with another person what foods would you recommend if they have partials are loose dentures? This can be problematic as far as hard foods go and seeds and nuts so would be interested in any ideas.
Only draw back to everything here (not including the freeze dried food) is that you have to rotate it fairly often because everything there has a very short shelf life especially if it is in a bag that spends the day in a hot car and taken into the house at night. Unfortunately not many people have the luxury of being able take their BOB into their workplace. This would work just fine for someone who only has to pack 2-3 days worth because you can easily rotate it and not waste anything. Now for truck drivers (like myself), rail employees or other professions where extreme long distance travel is required on a daily basis, that stuff isn't going to fare to well in the long run. You'll burn yourself out on it just trying to keep up with the rotation and it could get expensive to continue doing so. I'm looking for long shelf life items that are lightweight, pack calories and are decent in flavor. MRE's are a no go for me as they taste absolutely horrible plus they are packed with an insane amount of sodium. 5-50 miles compared to hundreds and even thousands of miles is a big issue that hasn't been addressed food wise.
Thoughts: 2 things - 1) if you are hoofing it to reach home, or to reach a prearranged bug out location, figure out how far you will typically have to travel from wherever you are likely to be, and plan a sufficient calorie load to endure the trip, with one day extra contingency. 2) Check out fellow UA-camr Gear Skeptic's amazing analysis of calorie-dense trail foods, for an in'depth look at getting the most calories and macro balance for the least amount of weight. Cheers!
I pack 2 MRE, a can of soup, granola bar and a pouch of Mountain House and water. This should do 3 days in a pinch. If given the option I would stuff pantry items in as I leave. Thank you.
Great tutorial as for hunting and fishing your rite shooting to get game will set of alarms as for a firefight avoid at all cost if possible not enough ammo if multiple subject s and you need to save time and energy and you ass etc good luck be safe🤔🇺🇸👍👍👍👍✌
I never put vitamins in my get home bag (bug out bag is different) (the example) On one of the early assents at Everest they loaded up on vitamins and cut back on food in order to save weight and.... were hungry all the time the body operating on the correct amount of vitamins expects the calories to match, thus hunger (get home bag short term, bug out bag long term)
Been thinking about a vacuum sealer for storing food like taking a large bag of trail mix and dividing it up into smaller vacuum sealed packs and to keep it fresher longer? What are your thoughts on a Food Saver i think they are called?
Any comment on which foods would work best for a car kit (Get home bag)? In TX I am concerned about how the food will handle the heat in the summers. Thx
As I mentioned in my question above, I carry Datrex food bars (forgive me as I could not remember the name in the above question) and water packs in my car BOB. They may be a consideration as they are also used in lifeboats and are approved by the USCG.
I live in Texas. I have a ice chest front m academy (Magellan) it’s the smaller one. I put my food in it with a couple of the blue ice cubes. I bring it in at night refreeze the blue ice then do it again lol. I got tired of replacing the food items that the Texas heat destroyed
15:16 i wish there was a company that made light weight food bags, made of bite proof/ smell proof / water proof , bag materials...something like what astronaughts space suits are made of. Astronauts space suits: The innermost layer is made up of a Nylon tricot material. Another layer is composed of spandex, an elastic wearable polymer. There is also a layer of urethane-coated nylon, which is involved in pressurization. Dacron-a type of polyester-is used for a pressure-restraining layer.
jackgoldman1 plus raw honey and freeze dried foods. If it were a true survival scenario, I’d be good with just going out and grazing for a few hours on the vegetation that grows here. Like mockernuts, raspberries, mulberries, grapes, pine cambium, blackberries, elderberries, cattail bases, frogs, fish, leeks, morel mushrooms, wild garlic, pine nuts, walnuts, dandelions, plantain, clovers, juniper berries, rhubarb, thistle roots, fiddleheads, etc... unless it was winter. Then I’d be screwed if I didn’t bring food.
People hate on MRE’s a lot, and it’s unwarranted, under certain circumstances. They are fantastic if you’re on the move, and don’t want the light/smell of fire and cooking food. For bugging out, they are perfect, they are cooked and well...ready to eat. Yes they don’t always taste the best, amd menu options can get tiresome, yes I’ve lived off them for months at a time, in Iraq and Afghanistan, they do start to suck. But they a huge amount of calories, fats and are fortified with minerals and vitamins, to give you everything you need nutrient wise to stay in the fight. Can eat them cold, just use more hot sauce in em then, although when they are partially or completely frozen, they suck ass to eat, probably the worst eating experience you’ll ever have, if you don’t believe me, get some MRE mashed potatoes and freeze them until they are like a slushy, or freeze them solid, then try to eat them, it’s honestly horrible, but in the real world don’t always have the time/can’t use the heater, or the heater is a sack of shit and barely works. But no matter how horrible they can be, they got what you need to keep going. So for bug out, they are amazing, long term beyond a few years or so, much dependent on storage conditions, yes they will last and be safe to eat for a lot longer than they say with great storage and some Common sense, but they go down hill quickly after that 5-7 yr standard on the package. And are less and less appealing. So if you get them, cycle through as you go camping and what not, after a year or so, eat them on outings.
OK, good logic. The Rule of Three's is a maximum. These were established in WW2 for pilot survival and obviously people do not bother to understand them. And worse still , they are too friigin lazy to learn the truth. 3 Weeks without food was establish in a Warm temperate climate , Resting under shelter and No work activity. At the two week mark your body starts to eat you muscle mass and your brain ceases effective logical functioning. There is a huge psychological impact of food - good or bad by the choices you make. You have assembled your own meal kits - correct. A dehydrator can improve on the store bought items if you care about yourself. My family has a 14 day meal menu and our home and mobile meals follow this formula to ensure normalcy and hopefully reduce "bug-out shock." MRE are made by the lowest bidder using the most preservative chemicals, it a logistic economy not a health sustainment issue - the person is reliant to the equation. Hot Drink. On SF E&E training, possibly US SERE training also, students are taught that the stress factors of evading result in poor decision making. Stop, make a hot drink and force yourself to fully assess your situation, may be in overwatch of a defile that you have to pass through. Your are forcing rest, personal physical assessment and re-evaluation of your tactical situation and plan of action: you are NOT RELAXING. Hot tea simulates your brain. 10 out of 10 for your micro cook system. Your food logic is sound.
how safe and how long could a fuel canister last if its stored in my bag in my vehicle. The contained stove idea is something im going to add to my bag and I want to make sure its smart...
I have an emergency bag that I carry in my car (my son calls it my "Vault Boy Survival Bag") and in it I have the food bars and water packs that are USCG approved and (as I understand it) stored in lifeboats. May I ask your opinion on those as a food source for a BOB? I grant that they may not be the most appetizing thing in the world or may be dull after a time, but they would provide sustenance in an emergency.
Does this bag always stay in your vehicle in FL? Won’t the tuna spoil on the first hot day of FL heat? I like the idea, but I’m also in the deep south and wonder about this...
Permican bulljongcubes shipbiskets salt and sugar thats all you need in terms of food and them got a hell of a shelf life 30 years minimum just make bars of permican if you want to have somting on the go if its god enough for polar adventures then its good enough for me ;) just ad som whater purifacion tablets and your sett for adventures ^^
FYI, if you eat too many of those GU gel things at once that marathon runners use, you will get diarrhea. I use these for my marathon training and have learned from experience.
Squincher Products might be good for electrolyte replenishment. The zero quick sticks are the ultimate its a small packet of powder in a tin foil tiny pouch. One can use all of it in 16 ounces of water or use half the pouch twist the remaining closed and your fine. Using half the pouch gives electrolytes and is not strong at all and they come in lots and lots of different flavors. Gives the mind a boost and your body its just like gatorade but you can lighten it up and if you have 5 tiny packs that's 5 days worth. They also have many many other type electrolyte products. Squincher.com or something google it .
When it comes to making a camp you should make dinner before you make your camp you say people smell the smoke people smell food to make your food before you make a camp and don't make it in the same place
Yup, said that for years people will say "You dont need much food" but in a survival situation you will be burning up more energy and will need more food than normal.
It really depends on the situation. If you're just sitting in one spot and waiting for rescue, they're right; many Americans, given their size, could survive months without food. If you need to cover ground, or even if you're particularly thin like myself, though, food should be a much bigger concern. Also, having quick energy in the form of warm drinks or candy bars is important for warding away things like hypothermia -- though you may have energy stored in body fat, it takes time for your body to convert it back into energy; time that you don't have if you are in danger of succumbing to the cold and need to stoke your internal furnace!
Iridium242 Depends a lot on climate. You would NOT survive if there was no food readily available, unless you packed it, like during the winter where there is snow all over. During the summers here in Iowa, I’d become fat. There is nothing to eat here in the winter. Maybe the pith of dead standing elderberry or pine cambium, maybe corn. It’s unlikely that I’d ever get into one in Iowa though.
The human body can't go a month without food.
It's take energy to process food too, without enough energy, you will not be able to take in nutrition and will die after the fact of the situation if you don't eat for a month.
I will carry too much food. Someone will need it and probably me. I am a big guy and big eater.☺️
It’s all fun and games till your blood sugars crash, then it’s oh $hit we’ve got a dead body to deal with.
I have those individual packs of Tuna/Salmon/Chicken (2 per day), Clif bars (1), packs of instant Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat (1-2), Instant Mashed Potatoes, "90 second" microwave rice (can eat room temperature), Folgers coffee bags (like tea bags, but COFFEE)... SEVERAL 😃, pre- measured electrolyte powder ("recovery") drink mix. (1-2), and Tang. Also those little vitamin/energy drink bottles (1). I have two types of stoves - Esbit, and canteen cup.
It's nice to see a bug-out person talk sensibly. Survival folk need to learn lessons already learned by through hikers. A z-packs backpack can travel 2,200 miles through serious terrain, but preppers will choose to strap on a bag that weighs three times as much, doesn't cost much less, and has less capacity. Then they fill it with bric-a-brac for what _might_ happen, rather than filling it for what _will_ happen, e.g., needing food, needing to boil water quickly, needing to get out of dodge because that's why they're bugging out in the first place.
I am soo happy to finally see a Truthful video , using Long trail hiking food , as a time tested example for a Bug out bag Chow kit. 😀 👍
When I did my Thru Hike from Canada Ontario to Northern British Columbia (over 5000 km) 1year 2 months ... Alot of food that I used was dehydrated foods for the light weight and compactness. Alot of Wild edibles, fishing and trapping supplemented my packaged meals.
At my Various Camps along my westernly journey, I did restock alot of fresh foods and canned goods , at Grocery stores in small towns, when I needed.😀 👍
Alot of my beverages, were picked from the trail...Pine Tea, Fresh Berry water, sumac berries, Wild mints, etc. Instant Coffee/ caffeinated teas was a Royalty drink and saved for those tough trail days.
I love the SD channel. Just a note MREs are good for a lot longer than the expiration date also you can field strip them and keep only what is necessary for eating. The heating kits are good if you can't make fire . I don't carry a fuel burner so one or two heaters could come in handy. I seldom travel long distances so a 72 hour kit is good for me . It could be good to carry a 4 way spigot wrench to access fresh water from commercial water spigots on the side of buildings. I always carry a 72 hour get home bag.
dont know why people are so quick to bad mouth mre s
When he mentioned the chilli my first thought was that one scene from blazing saddles with gene wilder where everyone was eating beans for supper.
"I'd say you've had ENOUGH!" (waves hat around)
Slim Pickens?
Good philosophy. I totally agree and do the same. I also keep one MRE entree and heater in my day hike bag so if I get stuck overnight I have an easy, comforting meal and something to do.
I needed this... my husband travels 50 to 150 miles a day for work and I didn't know how to deal with the uncertainty! ! Thank you
Interesting vid.
Most people will grossly underestimate how much food they will need and overestimate their ability to replace it. I recommend a drop and go separate bad that contains more food and water as a supplement to what you’ve got in your main bag. Three days with no food? You won’t starve but your ability to concentrate will rapidly diminish. All you’ll think about is food. Take more food with you.
I liked your suggestion to limit cooking to one meal. Mores, freeze dried, dehydrated, whatever. In a true emergency ease of preparation is king. The one can cook set was very cool.
I like the video. I'm carrying Mountain House freeze dried food for 1 week in a Geko dry sack with a shoulder strap. I have been practicing survival and bug out long term for the last 32 years once a week. Recently made 61 days out of my bag. I still do military hikes. Got my pack down to 19.8 pound's. My weapon of choice is a Barnett Cobra slingshot with 5/8 and or 3/4" ball bearing. Have killed a wild hog with the 3/4 ball bearing. Worked well. I love my equipment. I'm 64 years old.
Charles 🪖🇺🇸❤️
You never hear about the benefits of carrying raw honey anymore. Can be used as not just a boost, but a sweetener, bait, antiseptic. Multi-purpose and lightweight.
Glad someone else mentioned this!
Good call! Never considered that one!
Good idea
Just wonderful, I been tryin to find out about "bug out plan guide" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Janameron Tenylan System - (search on google ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my work buddy got cool success with it.
Honey is actually quite heavy, but I keep it in my INCH bag, and in a separate food bag I keep handy. If I had to bug out on foot I doubt I could carry the extra food bag, but I do have two small stashes on my way to a potential destination. Also my INCH bag has 3 weeks of good food. It is the heaviest part of my prep gear but you can't live long without it.
Finally someone with the right idea. Most preppers thinking bug out food is like sitting around a campfire or going on a hunting trip. You got it right you just need enough food to last till you can settle down or get to your designated safe place where your emergency food and water is stored
This was super helpful! Thanks for putting this out. This guy made it very simple, which is helpful for me! I think the one additional thing I would carry would be a grill rack for if I needed to cook over an open flame
Thanks John. This is in my opinion one if the best and most useful informational videos I have seen in a long long time. I have incorporated this in my routine. Thanks!!!
Really good advice on packing a get home food bag! Thanks
Great video! I have basically the same mindset as you regarding bug out bag food. The only difference is that I make our own evening meals using dehydrated/freeze dried foods. My family is way to picky to try the Mountain House, etc. meals, lol. We also have alternate foods available in case of not enough water or no ability to make a fire at any particular time. It's just good to have confirmation that my food planning is going in the right direction. Thank you!
I love your simple approach here. Thanks for the pointers.
Charlton Heston always took peanut butter on location film shoots. You can't beat NUTS for protein, good fats, and they don't need refrigeration.
Good to hear Charlton Heston's name mentioned. I enjoyed his movies and appreciated his support of our Second Amendment.
@@ferebeefamily be
But they do get rancid
@Bill Randall Rotate a fresh jar in the bag every 6 months, old one in the pantry after checking.
Hands down that was one of the best bugout food kits. U had everything that u would need to survive and keep your body moving. Light weight and ready to go. I really like a lot of the products u have. Going to look into some and add to my kit.
Great video. Almost all of the recommendations have the same trail mix, protein bar, dehydrated food options. One thing I love to pack (and eat) that I never see is the individually packaged prunes. These are not the dried up things you're thinking of! 3 are a some what filling snack, have vitamins, minerals, and fiber other foods don't have, take up next to no space, and often last up to a year and a half. Having 2 with a protein bar, or even pb & crackers makes a more complete snack.
Great video. You’ve made a lightweight and very comprehensive food kit. Good choices. I’ll be putting it to good use. Thanks for sharing.
I’m carrying 9000 calories of dehydrated food for a 72 hour situation which I know I can stretch if I have to. I’m using meals from Expedition Foods, Yorkshire UK as they are more calorie dense than anything else on the market (nearly triple the Kcals as Mountain House).
One thing I have in my emergency bag are packaged dried meal shakes. A quick, and usually healthy, 200 or so calories. And they're usually sweet like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, so it can help that sweet tooth fix. And they're relatively small packages. I've used these on long road trips and they've proven pretty effective. Great suggestions on the multi-vitamin and Gu packs, BTW. And I love the one dat bag idea. It makes it easy to put together a 72 hour kit.
Great information, thank u for sharing. I like the mindset and i think i may steal that organizational set up, lol. Its simple and effective.
Thank you! All excellent ideas! I am studying your amazon site now.
Great video. I do a similar set up for hiking. But I tend to carry more junk food type items for snacks.
I have used MREs on multiple occasions. You don't have to heat them up, they don't have a stove either it's called flameless ration heater, the water is carried by you anyways not in the MRE bag itself, and they can be eaten without being heated hence Meal Ready to Eat.
I have a couple of suggestions: Whole wheat crackers good with the peanut butter, jelly packets. Fills you up long lasting carb. Light weight. Don't spoil or mold easily. Light weight. Lots of flavors available. Makes instant soups more palatable.
Budget/economy (minimum backpack weight) bug-out food ideas, use ziplock bags (mostly), most items available cheaply in the "bin" section of large grocery stores: -Instant potatoes. Instant/dry milk. Dried/dehyd. refried beans. -TVP, -flour, or complete (add water) biscuit or pancake mix. -bacon bits. instant coffee/cocoa etc., -Salt, garlic powder. Dollar store dry spices: chives, onion powder, Italian blend, chili powder, and etc. fold up and include several ft. aluminum foil. There's other stuff you'll need, but the dry bin stuff is a really good cheap ideal. Save Raman seasoning or include instant powder broths. I also keep a telescopic fishing pole, that collapses down to about 12 inches..
Experienced fisherman will get omega3 every time. Experienced hunter will get small game with slinghsot at any time or with air rifle or a gun. Buuut, most people are not experienced so glad you've made video like this. Some people just count on getting food without ever having field tested it
Great for a short term solution. I'd add something small for fires if it were to go over the length of time you have for your stove supplies.
Thank you! I just had to consolidate my BOB thanks to a disability and food was one of my remaining questions.
Nothing too groundbreaking here in my opinion, as someone who has had a bug out bag packed for over a decade. But, still tons of good information, and lots of different ideas. I particularly like the way you have everything organized and packed up into 1 day bags. This is something a lot of people wouldn't think about and definitely a very good quality of life thing. Stealing that idea for sure.
Wow that ziplock bag is a great idea!! Thank you I’ll be doing the same.
Excellent Video ! Very Educational
you can use less of the Gator ad pack to reduce the harsh effects on the stomach
Never found a mre with water
A very sensible and realistic video. Very similar to my kit. Thanks
If you are trying to get home, how long does one expect to be out? How far from home do you usually go on a daily basis? A bugout is different. But going home is rather specific. Formerly I expected to take two days to get home. Officially 38 miles, I would have had to go over a mountain to get home. Couple of meals would be good. And water. Not much on the route.
its better than mine. And many people said mine was the best.
where did you get your cup and stove combo what is it called ?
or did you make it all up yourself withe the stove.
The whole setup is brilliant
Thank you for sharing it
Now a man who admits that food makes a difference in an enjoyable outing , thank you I thought I was alone in this.
I had a two month cach in my camper ( 27ft fifth wheel) when I was able to work . This stuff saved my bacon for a.year and a half . I still remember being frozen in and then the thunder storms and tornado. Then the wife came to check on me and robbed me of my groceries.
Great video, I really enjoyed watching, love that.
Talking about critters getting into your food. Was camping on an Island south of Marco Island Florida. (Ten Thousand Islands just outside the Everglades National Park) The racoons were so desperate for fresh water they would chew through a colapsable 5 gal water carrier. I guess they could smell it through the container. Never under estimate the ability of a critter to smell what you got. (do you know how loud a 38 shot round is at 2 AM on an island in the middle of no where... damn ... lol)
You're absolutely right about those little critters.
Field mice, rats are really stealthy in the middle of the night.
Been there before!!
Fresh meat.
Very well done thought process on food. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 great vid.
Great break down, excellent tips 👌
My B.O.B. is more of a I.N.C.H. bag so besides a few freeze dried meals, pemmican and Coast Guard type survival bars I am planning on carrying some dried vegi soup mix, dried macaroni, dried white rice and dried pinto beans and some seasonings.
Should be able to make a meal out of just about anything with that I think.
My go-bag food is the same, also from my backpacking days. I agree with the stove over fire; if you're in a non-permissive location, a small isobutane stove can be your "fire" to heat water for food and drink, warm your body, purify water, etc. I live in the desert, so water is my main weight issue my food has to be a light as possible.
Here is another approach. Up until WW1, the US Army (and many other armies) when men were smaller, a marching ration of 1 pound of hardtack, 1 1/2 pounds of salt pork and picked greens existed. Hardtack is easy to make. There is no waste. 5 pounds of flour = 5 pounds of hardtack. 3x the calories of an equal weight of rice. Crumble into hot water.
So, I go to a class. The guys in the field are eating MREs with all the waste of weight associated with them. I am eating hard tack and dried meat - whatever the weight is, I am consuming it all.
Bug out bag - hardtack, tuna fish, sugar candy.
Freeze dried meals, emergency food bars and lifeboat rations would be ideal. Long shelf life, easy and provides enough calories and everything else.
My daughter and i just bought some of the chicken of the sea and starkist tuna in the packs for storage, and to see if my granddaughter will eat them, shes only 3 so just in case of any emergency, she'll or we'll have some different proteins handy.
Dawn Davis Put a little Tony’s or Slap Ya MaMa on that tuna and it will be fine.
For on trail snack consider pemmican, 700 calories for 4oz, not bad but can be an acquired taste.
Question: How long can that stuff sit in a bug out bag before you have to replace it with fresh stuff? I feel like that Tuna would not stay long good and you would be constantly having to refresh your bag.
I typically rotate my food quarterly or as the seasons change when I'm swapping out cold weather gear for my warmer weather set up. That is usually when I'll rotate my food out and eat it and replace it.
Tony Padgett Tuna will last yearssss. I’ve eaten plenty of out of date tuna in MREs.
In my Go bag I carry several individually-wrapped beef Jerkey's, several high-protein bars, several packs of mixed nuts with dried fruit.
Calorie and protein content as well as fat is vital.
Edited to also say I also have a few packet's of the peanut and almond butter.
I forgot about this until I saw it in your video. ;-)
I also have several small packet's of instant coffee as you have. And caffeine gum to keep me alert when I need to be.
Great video.
Question. What are some recommended food items for people with anxiety/ sensitive stomach problems? Certain foods can make some people have to “go” if you get what I mean. Or over processed and what not food can irritate. I get stressed thinking about what people who have sensitive stomachs will be left to deal with in bug out/ survival situations (in the most extreme case, societal collapse) where you need to survive off the land or canned/ processed foods.
Anyways, what are some suggestions?
I do not think in B.O.B., or INCH bag scenarios. Due to age and mobility issues, I plan on bug in scenarios along with a get home bag (72 hour bag) ! From that perspective the lifeboat rations and some cliff bars seem sufficient to me as far as food goes. Back at home I have at least 30 days of supplies of non perishable foods for me and the family as well as a water well and all the other things I need.
This was great! Not racist, no talk of “libtards”, and useful information!
Not racist? What?😂
I have seen a lot of prepping videos, not once have I heard anyone call people libtards lmao
I barely watch Pepper videos and have definitely seen many with politics mixed in, which I also dislike (ex. Atlas shelter guy posting a “Watch people react to my MAGA hat as I travel in CA” among the shelter videos).
@@DadCanikRC One must always be prepared, most especially to mouth the politically correct platitudes and signal one's virtue, even during SHTF. Else, what is the point of surviving at all? XD
Great video and explanation regarding concealment and options. If traveling with another person what foods would you recommend if they have partials are loose dentures? This can be problematic as far as hard foods go and seeds and nuts so would be interested in any ideas.
Peanut butter
Olive oil
instant refried beans
stuffing mix
porridge (oatmeal, cream of wheat, malt-o-meal)
hard candy
gravy mix
powdered eggs
instant mashed potatoes
ramen (crush it first)
pasta and cheese
liver paste
tuna (foil packs)
I like the bag a day idea. Thanks.
Only draw back to everything here (not including the freeze dried food) is that you have to rotate it fairly often because everything there has a very short shelf life especially if it is in a bag that spends the day in a hot car and taken into the house at night. Unfortunately not many people have the luxury of being able take their BOB into their workplace. This would work just fine for someone who only has to pack 2-3 days worth because you can easily rotate it and not waste anything. Now for truck drivers (like myself), rail employees or other professions where extreme long distance travel is required on a daily basis, that stuff isn't going to fare to well in the long run. You'll burn yourself out on it just trying to keep up with the rotation and it could get expensive to continue doing so. I'm looking for long shelf life items that are lightweight, pack calories and are decent in flavor. MRE's are a no go for me as they taste absolutely horrible plus they are packed with an insane amount of sodium. 5-50 miles compared to hundreds and even thousands of miles is a big issue that hasn't been addressed food wise.
Thoughts: 2 things - 1) if you are hoofing it to reach home, or to reach a prearranged bug out location, figure out how far you will typically have to travel from wherever you are likely to be, and plan a sufficient calorie load to endure the trip, with one day extra contingency. 2) Check out fellow UA-camr Gear Skeptic's amazing analysis of calorie-dense trail foods, for an in'depth look at getting the most calories and macro balance for the least amount of weight. Cheers!
I like that daily rations in zip lock bags and you pull how many bags by how many days you may be out.
I pack 2 MRE, a can of soup, granola bar and a pouch of Mountain House and water. This should do 3 days in a pinch. If given the option I would stuff pantry items in as I leave. Thank you.
Excellent video. I’m going to reassess what I carry
this was really well thought out. my compliments
Good video. Common sense to the point. Thumb's up!~John
Great tutorial as for hunting and fishing your rite shooting to get game will set of alarms as for a firefight avoid at all cost if possible not enough ammo if multiple subject s and you need to save time and energy and you ass etc good luck be safe🤔🇺🇸👍👍👍👍✌
Canned luncheon meat lasts years, is savory, and one can typically has 1100 calories and 60g protein. The perfect add on to a 2400 cal survival bar
I never put vitamins in my get home bag (bug out bag is different)
(the example)
On one of the early assents at Everest
they loaded up on vitamins and cut back on food in order to save weight
and.... were hungry all the time
the body operating on the correct amount of vitamins expects the calories to match, thus hunger
(get home bag short term, bug out bag long term)
Been thinking about a vacuum sealer for storing food like taking a large bag of trail mix and dividing it up into smaller vacuum sealed packs and to keep it fresher longer? What are your thoughts on a Food Saver i think they are called?
...nicely thought out...
What?! No coffee??
I needs the coffee for the safety of everyone around me
All in all still a good vid.
He mentioned coffee, Starbucks instant coffee.
@@SurvivalDispatch I'm not that much of a drinker, per se, but you know, I may just pay money for THAT! :)
@@TheDoctor1225 dosent them have powder alchohol in the states these days? just ad water and hold on ;)
Look into caffeine tablets. I get 200 milligram but break them into 4. I got coffee gut years ago.
Any comment on which foods would work best for a car kit (Get home bag)? In TX I am concerned about how the food will handle the heat in the summers. Thx
As I mentioned in my question above, I carry Datrex food bars (forgive me as I could not remember the name in the above question) and water packs in my car BOB. They may be a consideration as they are also used in lifeboats and are approved by the USCG.
I live in Texas. I have a ice chest front m academy (Magellan) it’s the smaller one. I put my food in it with a couple of the blue ice cubes. I bring it in at night refreeze the blue ice then do it again lol. I got tired of replacing the food items that the Texas heat destroyed
100 calories per mile. No matter if you walk, run or crawl. This works well to calculate how much you need to ingest of calories.
Good set up, thanks for sharing
15:16 i wish there was a company that made light weight food bags, made of bite proof/ smell proof / water proof , bag materials...something like what astronaughts space suits are made of.
Astronauts space suits: The innermost layer is made up of a Nylon tricot material. Another layer is composed of spandex, an elastic wearable polymer. There is also a layer of urethane-coated nylon, which is involved in pressurization. Dacron-a type of polyester-is used for a pressure-restraining layer.
I came back TO MY tent site , found a bear there , my dog was attacking it so I Did TOO. The Bear jumped in to THE brush, never to be seen again.
Trail mix, peanuts, chocolate, raisins. The best there is.
jackgoldman1 plus raw honey and freeze dried foods. If it were a true survival scenario, I’d be good with just going out and grazing for a few hours on the vegetation that grows here. Like mockernuts, raspberries, mulberries, grapes, pine cambium, blackberries, elderberries, cattail bases, frogs, fish, leeks, morel mushrooms, wild garlic, pine nuts, walnuts, dandelions, plantain, clovers, juniper berries, rhubarb, thistle roots, fiddleheads, etc...
unless it was winter. Then I’d be screwed if I didn’t bring food.
Why so many people carry mre whilst hiking up a river i will never understand. I’m in the dehydrated camp and the weight saved i carry in whiskey!
If only whiskey was flowing down the river.
Good suggestions! Thanks!
Good video thanks for sharing atb
People hate on MRE’s a lot, and it’s unwarranted, under certain circumstances. They are fantastic if you’re on the move, and don’t want the light/smell of fire and cooking food. For bugging out, they are perfect, they are cooked and well...ready to eat. Yes they don’t always taste the best, amd menu options can get tiresome, yes I’ve lived off them for months at a time, in Iraq and Afghanistan, they do start to suck. But they a huge amount of calories, fats and are fortified with minerals and vitamins, to give you everything you need nutrient wise to stay in the fight. Can eat them cold, just use more hot sauce in em then, although when they are partially or completely frozen, they suck ass to eat, probably the worst eating experience you’ll ever have, if you don’t believe me, get some MRE mashed potatoes and freeze them until they are like a slushy, or freeze them solid, then try to eat them, it’s honestly horrible, but in the real world don’t always have the time/can’t use the heater, or the heater is a sack of shit and barely works. But no matter how horrible they can be, they got what you need to keep going. So for bug out, they are amazing, long term beyond a few years or so, much dependent on storage conditions, yes they will last and be safe to eat for a lot longer than they say with great storage and some
Common sense, but they go down hill quickly after that 5-7 yr standard on the package. And are less and less appealing. So if you get them, cycle through as you go camping and what not, after a year or so, eat them on outings.
Awesome, I happen to really like food
“With mres it’s either a love or hate relationship” *angry steve1989 noises*
I really like your daily ziplock of food. That makes managing a cinch
Great Video, almost didn't make it through it because you said UUH a 1000 times
Can u store something like this in the car mainly the tuna pouch is it ok for it to get hot
Great idea. Will do this
Good job
Great video Jon.
I think I've heard that Pop Tarts have been found in the pyramids and were still as edible as they ever were.
OK, good logic.
The Rule of Three's is a maximum. These were established in WW2 for pilot survival and obviously people do not bother to understand them. And worse still , they are too friigin lazy to learn the truth. 3 Weeks without food was establish in a Warm temperate climate , Resting under shelter and No work activity. At the two week mark your body starts to eat you muscle mass and your brain ceases effective logical functioning.
There is a huge psychological impact of food - good or bad by the choices you make. You have assembled your own meal kits - correct. A dehydrator can improve on the store bought items if you care about yourself. My family has a 14 day meal menu and our home and mobile meals follow this formula to ensure normalcy and hopefully reduce "bug-out shock."
MRE are made by the lowest bidder using the most preservative chemicals, it a logistic economy not a health sustainment issue - the person is reliant to the equation.
Hot Drink. On SF E&E training, possibly US SERE training also, students are taught that the stress factors of evading result in poor decision making. Stop, make a hot drink and force yourself to fully assess your situation, may be in overwatch of a defile that you have to pass through. Your are forcing rest, personal physical assessment and re-evaluation of your tactical situation and plan of action: you are NOT RELAXING. Hot tea simulates your brain.
10 out of 10 for your micro cook system. Your food logic is sound.
how safe and how long could a fuel canister last if its stored in my bag in my vehicle. The contained stove idea is something im going to add to my bag and I want to make sure its smart...
I have an emergency bag that I carry in my car (my son calls it my "Vault Boy Survival Bag") and in it I have the food bars and water packs that are USCG approved and (as I understand it) stored in lifeboats. May I ask your opinion on those as a food source for a BOB? I grant that they may not be the most appetizing thing in the world or may be dull after a time, but they would provide sustenance in an emergency.
Does this bag always stay in your vehicle in FL? Won’t the tuna spoil on the first hot day of FL heat? I like the idea, but I’m also in the deep south and wonder about this...
Permican bulljongcubes shipbiskets salt and sugar thats all you need in terms of food and them got a hell of a shelf life 30 years minimum just make bars of permican if you want to have somting on the go if its god enough for polar adventures then its good enough for me ;) just ad som whater purifacion tablets and your sett for adventures ^^
FYI, if you eat too many of those GU gel things at once that marathon runners use, you will get diarrhea. I use these for my marathon training and have learned from experience.
Where your buddy eith the long beard?( hiding in the bugout bag? Hahahaha
Where did you get the pot with the lid from?
3:44 to 3:49 there is slight movement and color temperature change, watching this @ 2 in the morning, I was like wtf happened to my eyes!! 🤣
Squincher Products might be good for electrolyte replenishment. The zero quick sticks are the ultimate its a small packet of powder in a tin foil tiny pouch. One can use all of it in 16 ounces of water or use half the pouch twist the remaining closed and your fine. Using half the pouch gives electrolytes and is not strong at all and they come in lots and lots of different flavors. Gives the mind a boost and your body its just like gatorade but you can lighten it up and if you have 5 tiny packs that's 5 days worth. They also have many many other type electrolyte products. Squincher.com or something google it .
When it comes to making a camp you should make dinner before you make your camp you say people smell the smoke people smell food to make your food before you make a camp and don't make it in the same place
looks like a well thought out system