My son beat this when he was 9, as I picked it up on steam the day it dropped. We were kinda seeing who would beat it first, but when I got near the end, I stopped playing until he beat it first. Then we played through co-op, got to the final boss for the 4th time, and I died about 15 seconds in, and he played through and beat it by himself LOL!! Got abd beat the DLC, and recently went back to play it again.
My son beat this when he was 9, as I picked it up on steam the day it dropped. We were kinda seeing who would beat it first, but when I got near the end, I stopped playing until he beat it first. Then we played through co-op, got to the final boss for the 4th time, and I died about 15 seconds in, and he played through and beat it by himself LOL!! Got abd beat the DLC, and recently went back to play it again.
I’m loosing in the name of Jesus. I’m dead 😂