Wowee! This looks fabulous! The combination of fresh and smoked salmon is a game changer. I had a salmon pasta dish with a cream sauce in Lyon one time and they did the same thing and I have reminisced about it for years! I must make this quiche!
My name is Salmon Broccoli Maximus; pastry of the Northern mountains - son to a split custard, husband to a burnt pie, and I will have my brunch...on this weekend or the next.
3 роки тому+11
I'd like to perform the same actions like in American Pie but on this quiche.
I've been making quiches for ~15 years professionally. Making quiches without a bain-marie is very odd to me, as it prevents the egg mixture from curdling into a messy, scrambled egg consistency. But I have to admit that, with the amount of filling this quiche has, it might not really pose that much of a problem. I'd be a bit more worried about a lot of air bubbles in the filling though, but this quiche clearly isn't a flan. Excellent work!
I must be the only one who see’s the turd floating in the punchbowl. Quiche can be great but is so hard to get right without throwing in a bunch of smoked fish and Feta. Why waste good salmon? Weird to see this train wreck after watching his good interpretation of chausson aux pommes video.
That's what I say. Why waste good pepperoni when you can have cheese pizza. Why waste cheese when you can have the crust with ... air. The hot air of jealousy will do.
@@lightshift3431 except pepperoni and cheese is a classic pizza combination. I'm Greek and Salmon isn't something I would eat with Feta. I really don't think ancient Romans or modern Italians would do this either. He used two types of salmon 🤮🤮🤮
Looks yummy but I'm surprised the broccoli doesn't overpower the more subtle flavor of the salmon. I'd have thought you'd use one or the other in the quiche but not both together since their flavor profiles would compete. I'll have to try it one day and look forward to being proved wrong.
Chef, ton saumon il a quand même une vieille couleur presque fluo qui me fait dire que c'est probablement de l'élevage pas très fameux...peut être qu'on trouve que ça aux US 😕
the most satisfying with Bruno's videos is the enormous bites he takes XD exactly how I would eat these dishes
Jajajaaj, you are right!
Yesss, i agree haha
Wowee! This looks fabulous! The combination of fresh and smoked salmon is a game changer. I had a salmon pasta dish with a cream sauce in Lyon one time and they did the same thing and I have reminisced about it for years! I must make this quiche!
Bruno Albouze is the best chef I ever seen in 40 years of professional cooking
I'm not a professional cook and I'm not 40 but I agree.
He is like the Chuck Norris of cooking
I agree , I’d have loved to work for the man .
I tried this recipe with broccoli instead of broccolini, it was sooooo delicious. Merci Chef !
The big bites Bruno takes are the most satisfying part of the video
This is the very best cooking channel on UA-cam but it doesn't get the exposu it deserves.
Great recipe! I think I am a Good cook - then I watch your videos and realise I have so much to learn.
similar feelings))
Another winner! Tried it this weekend using Gruyere cheese and it was absolutely delicious!!! Thank you!
Bruno makes the most beautiful dishes.
Hope you can put the recipe ingredients for us in the description box
I wish Bruno would make a Danish Rye Bread
So, i can finally learn how to make it right ;D
Not the same type of bread
🌺So delicious! A great combination.
Je n'ai jamais vu un rouleau à pâtisserie utilisé comme ça !! Étonnante! j'en ai un similaire aussi.
Ultimately the BEST quiche EVER😍👌🤗❤!!!
I love the way u handle ur pastry so professional and excellent
Delicioso, seguro que lo haré. Gracias Bruno, un abrazo desde Perú.
Chef Bruno deserves la legion d'honneur
Love from Mozambique. I love it
That 'reveal' look on your face at the end is what I look for ...that cannot be faked
mark me "A Real Man" ...I love Quiche
Hi chef I m from Nepal . You just amazing chef . I show every your videos . it's so helpfull for me. Thank u chef.
My name is Salmon Broccoli Maximus; pastry of the Northern mountains - son to a split custard, husband to a burnt pie, and I will have my brunch...on this weekend or the next.
I'd like to perform the same actions like in American Pie but on this quiche.
Hell Yeah Dude
I wish I could unread that comment
@@yo·aan that is the most approximate actions ever to be performed on this brunch pasture. #makelovewithquiceinthesunset
Food can irritate the _wang_ skin;
Then you won't be sitting pretty.
Horny police here, bonk! You're going to jail
Отличный рецепт!!!
У Вас всегда есть чему поучиться. Люблю смотреть ваши шедевры.
Force et honneur chef 😊
2:08 I saw the spilling!
Bruno..can you teach me how to make no bake delicious and delightful cake or something sweet💛
Well done Chef, as usual! Thank you!
WOW WOW WOW! Its Amazing! The King of all chefs!
Thanks for amazing recipe 🙌🏻👍
C'est tellement appétissant ! Je vais tester ça la semaine prochaine :)
A essayer,ça à l’air 🤤
Пожалуйста, русские субтитры🙏🙏🙏
That is SOME knife for slicing the salmon! Reminds of Crocodile Dundee.
The most satisfaction channel love you Bruno
Very nice recipe chef 👍👌👏really delicious with adding the smock salmon. Thank you for your effort 🙏🌞😎
I've been making quiches for ~15 years professionally. Making quiches without a bain-marie is very odd to me, as it prevents the egg mixture from curdling into a messy, scrambled egg consistency. But I have to admit that, with the amount of filling this quiche has, it might not really pose that much of a problem.
I'd be a bit more worried about a lot of air bubbles in the filling though, but this quiche clearly isn't a flan. Excellent work!
Whatever you bake is the best!
Next, next level from Bruno --- quiche to die for!
I love this recipe... From Sri Lanka
It looks great
Does it possible to make it dairy free?
What a huge bite he took!
I love a good quiche. That looks great. Cheers, Bruno!
That looks so delicious
Brunooo !!! my favorite chef I was missing you 😍 😋 !!
maaaaaaaan, that shot when the raw egg hits the butterflour mixture is so so so satisfying.
why even? what are you doing to my brain, papa?
Hit "0" on your keyboard and keep it happening until you've had enough! :D
Looks so elegant! ❤️
Bruno Albouze is the best chef I ever seen
😋😋😋😋à essayé avec un grand plaisir merci bc 👍👍👍
Awesome! We would like to see your take on porchetta one of these days.
I must be the only one who see’s the turd floating in the punchbowl. Quiche can be great but is so hard to get right without throwing in a bunch of smoked fish and Feta. Why waste good salmon? Weird to see this train wreck after watching his good interpretation of chausson aux pommes video.
That's what I say. Why waste good pepperoni when you can have cheese pizza. Why waste cheese when you can have the crust with
... air. The hot air of jealousy will do.
@@lightshift3431 except pepperoni and cheese is a classic pizza combination. I'm Greek and Salmon isn't something I would eat with Feta. I really don't think ancient Romans or modern Italians would do this either. He used two types of salmon 🤮🤮🤮
@@alonastewart1267 Go to italy and ask for that "classic" i dare you. Only in America...
Love this recipe
The Colosseum
Ave, Caesar. 😜
Good nutritious food ⭐
Bravo!! Chef 👍
Would an almond based quiche crust be a good substitute?
Is that even a thing?
I loved it!! Looks delicious.
Wow love it looks yummy .
Wow 😲 excellent thanks for sharing 👏👏👏🥰
Amazing chef!🙏🏻❤️
Love this ❤️
That looks so good Bruno.
Mr.Bruno the BOND 007
Trop mignon!
Bruno, c'est quoi le nom de ce joli couteau? Il a l'air sympatoch
Looks yummy but I'm surprised the broccoli doesn't overpower the more subtle flavor of the salmon. I'd have thought you'd use one or the other in the quiche but not both together since their flavor profiles would compete. I'll have to try it one day and look forward to being proved wrong.
At leats, our guy comes back!
mouth watering!
Broccoleti you are number one
Waouh 👍
That thumbnail photo so beautiful 🤤
Miam miam thank you Bruno.
Wow i want to try god bless
Wowwww 😍😍😍😍
Oh God!!! There is no chef who is as perfect as you.... Love all your recipes and the way you present..... Not to forget your voice ❤❤
That quiche looks delicious yammy yammy we love u Bruno
The Best 🔝👌❣️
Sure its it looks good
Bruno looks so smart
Your videos are like MasterChef dishes
beautiful just beautiful
Amazing 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
مشاء الله عليك
привет! рыба солёная?
Bruno Albouze du bist BESTE!
First to watch and comment ! Love ❤️ from paris
The man, the myth, the meme
Du bist unglaublich Bruno👏❤️🧏🏽
Instead of broccolini I used fettuccini and instead of salmon I used fagottini and instead of eggs I used cappuccini. To be honest, I did not like it.
الحمد لله
Dislikes are from commodus and his guard
Bonne appétit
Chef, ton saumon il a quand même une vieille couleur presque fluo qui me fait dire que c'est probablement de l'élevage pas très fameux...peut être qu'on trouve que ça aux US 😕
No recipient 🙄🙄😒
Nice video