

  • @Wenzes
    @Wenzes  2 роки тому +31

    Are people shocked when they see you succeed?

    • @MaynardHood
      @MaynardHood 2 роки тому +10

      Still building the suspense 😂.

    • @Intellectual_Wand3r3r
      @Intellectual_Wand3r3r 2 роки тому +9

      Sadly, yes, but I kinda prefer it that way.

    • @chrisrestifo7010
      @chrisrestifo7010 2 роки тому +6

      In my case, when I have a vision, I tend to see the many " sub tasks" if you will that are required to complete the main task. The steps required. So from the standpoint of others, I appear unorganized. But once all the steps are complete the main objective gets completed very quickly. It surprises most people in my life when my final objective comes to fruition. It's the attention to the details that they miss. I get accused of over thinking things, but I believe ,if something is worth doing, it's worth doing it once, correctly! I have had many people tell me, " if you need any help with..... just call me" . I never do! I work better without " help "!

    • @simovtransportmedia1137
      @simovtransportmedia1137 2 роки тому +2

      Humm, there are so many things said about introverted intuition already and it's mindblowing how many things are still undiscovered or untold about it and this here is one of them. Most people see the structure, Ni sees the basic elements of the structure and takes them in such a way that forms a totaly new reality and people reject it as a way to success because they don't understand it so that is what shocks people when we succeeding. We break their concept for reality, but there are ways to make them get closer to what we see and what we understand. Well probably they won't understand it completely, but it's important to smooth up the differenses as possible as it could be and that will come from paing more attention to the structure and simply get others to know how we think in a way that they can understand. At least our Ni will get the level of understanding from the response we recieve so we will know if we made the other person agree with us or no so then we will know how should we act around this perticular person next time or what should we do to improve our support. Both are positives. That's the formula for INFJ succsess - accurateley combine our Ni world with the externaly observable world and that is the lack that hold's us back from being part of all exiting things this life offers. It doesen't mean that you have to become extrovert, no, nothing like that, just be more intuned with how Se world lives.

    • @SharlokBaroud
      @SharlokBaroud 2 роки тому

      Yes! They are. It is not a thing to drag about to have proven to make People to eat there own wordt. In not realy my intention. In the silence i wish them well. Its my treu nature to ispire all those i come in contact with. That is why i always keep sending out signals os inspiration, motivation, activation and incouragemat from the most arrogant to the Top CEO and all in my daily life. I am tired of being right most of the time. The reason i best keep my head underneed the rader. I dont know if i am an INFJ. But if i am our destened to be it wil be so! Its realy a blessing to spend time alone. But when i step up and pause my comfort i give it my best shot everytime and shock those soraunded me. Thank you Wenzes for being you💪🤝❣👍

  • @thefrankring
    @thefrankring 2 роки тому +124

    "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so full of certainty, while the wise are so full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

    • @lindateuling7862
      @lindateuling7862 2 роки тому

      I agree - but I will say this. Sometimes appearances can be misleading, and there is a place for rational caution. But probably, Bertrand Russell was referring to excesses on both sides.

    • @Introvertedalpha
      @Introvertedalpha 2 роки тому

      Great quote!

    • @zzzcocopepe
      @zzzcocopepe 2 роки тому

      I love him. I think he was racist. "It's always healthy now and then to hang a question mark on things we know."

  • @SharlokBaroud
    @SharlokBaroud 2 роки тому +51

    The blue print of an INFJ foundation is.....INTEGRITY

  • @MariaMedina-lj4kt
    @MariaMedina-lj4kt 2 роки тому +51

    I can really relate to this. I never tell people about my plans. And then when things actually work out, I don't talk about them until they're a very sure thing. It's not because I'm superstitious, because I really am not. I am just very cautious, I don't want to tell people that I have achieved this or that until it's a very certain thing. Imagine I go to a job interview and they actually call me and say I get the job. I won't tell people until I actually sign the contract and work there for a couple of months to see how it goes. Imagine I win the lottery. I won't tell people until I cash the check. And when things work out, I am very discrete about it too. I just tell people in a very casual way. And yeah, I can see people get surprised.

    • @imdjc4
      @imdjc4 Рік тому +1

      That's a wise practice. I've been in sales for years and I learnt at a very early age that a sale isn't complete until the transaction has been made...no matter how much of a sure thing it may seem prior.

  • @mlbullbooks
    @mlbullbooks 2 роки тому +37

    Sometimes, "slow and steady wins the race."
    I already know some people will be shocked to see things changing the better for me (as things have been kind of stagnant for awhile), but I don't care. You're right about us not bragging. I don't believe in doing that, but it's common among our 🐇fast-paced society where most people are busy trying to outdo one another, especially across social media. I think our exponential learning curve is another reason people get shocked by INFJs succeeding. We can subconsciously bypass others without even trying to.

    • @goteamslugs
      @goteamslugs 2 роки тому

      You don't need to tell me that! =)

  • @Paul-eb2cl
    @Paul-eb2cl 2 роки тому +46

    5 Mins in and I'm already nodding in agreement. I love this channel, it's like being given the instruction manual to my own head 🙏

  • @JungINFJ
    @JungINFJ 2 роки тому +16

    I think that people are generally very average and so when an idealistic vision comes to fruition it shocks them.

    • @DearYoungerSelf111
      @DearYoungerSelf111 2 роки тому


    • @JungINFJ
      @JungINFJ 2 роки тому +3

      Not to insult anyone but it is true. That's why we find society so boring. No intrigue. But learning typology is a beautiful thing to see how we all differ. Each a tool. Each a use. Leverage what you've got. We also leverage what we have. Not to compete but simply to live. We actually feel bad when people are envious bc it's a bad vibe. That's why Wenzes is always saying we need to stop making ourselves small so that others don't feel small. Simply stick to your nature as nature also flourishes. The rest is irrelevant. Thanks Wenzes as always!

    • @Introvertedalpha
      @Introvertedalpha 2 роки тому

      Great insight.

  • @Introvertedalpha
    @Introvertedalpha 2 роки тому +9

    "We get an endorphin rush from the fact that we've figured it out" -- so much truth! Thanks for this info!

  • @HaleyMary
    @HaleyMary 2 роки тому +21

    I've never cared to broadcast my plans to the whole world. I am working on my goals, but don't like to talk about them until after I've succeeded. Unfortunately, I have parents who can be doubtful about a lot of things in life, so I prefer not sharing my goals with them because my dad especially is quite pessimistic and will just say that he hopes things will happen, but doesn't really believe things will happen.

    • @DearYoungerSelf111
      @DearYoungerSelf111 2 роки тому +3

      You have us here to help keep the positive voice in your mind turned up!! Happy Wednesday!!

  • @TroyPosey
    @TroyPosey 2 роки тому +18

    Typically, yes... I used to find it insulting when people would be surprised when I would do something they either dissented or said was unreasonable or impossible. Now I just use their dissent and "hate" as stepping stones to build the fire inside to do what I said I was going to do. And now when I succeed, I might even do it quietly, instead of an "I told you so!" type of braggadocios attitude. Because if they didn't believe in me, then they're not even worthy of me spending my time and energy to prove to them I was right, and they were wrong.

  • @mr.goodwrench8273
    @mr.goodwrench8273 2 роки тому +12

    Are people shocked when they see me succeed? Yes. They say to me "I didn't think ya had it in ya". I say to them "Yep. I have it in me. Opposition is my fuel and even you too, have it in you as well".
    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  • @lindateuling7862
    @lindateuling7862 2 роки тому +6

    Sometimes I talk about what I'd like to do, but if I'm working on something that's really important to me, I've found it better to talk very little about it - sometimes not at all.
    But when I succeed this way - well, this is mostly when I surprise people. I liked it when you said that it is up to us individually to support ourselves in what we want to do.
    I alsp appreciated when you reminded us about taking the journey into Se - in other words, taking action. Even if I find it hard, it is possible and very much worth it. If I'm the one who is satisfied first, that's when the approval of others is means the most.

  • @travisbartholomay
    @travisbartholomay 2 роки тому +7

    I have always studied my emotions like a lab rat. And I believe emotions are the tools to use to match your frequency with others. Attracting what you are putting out. The internet is my play ground where I practice to improve myself the way I choose to want to become. I email people practicing positive compliments to improve my self confidence and to teach myself how to read and write and to examine my thoughts and action. And weather people are listening or not listening or responding back is not the focus but it turned into a lucking bonus to observe. And yes I have no life no money, I see nobody, I erased it torchered it. I examed it. Broke it down like a lab rat. I am and will master my subconscious thoughts and create the opposite life I was living or any life I choose from self-taught I don't need the educated rules of the game. Because life is your game. Pick your emotion of choice then master it and play kick ball and watch your new team come to play. I said it 16 months ago time loves your attention and will give you greatness in return for the company.
    Watch me cure my own anxiety depression anger bipolar all those emotions. I love them. I miss them a little bit. But now I am learning all the awesome emotions. And it's fun
    My old subconscious thinking is still thinks it has a home. Sometimes it feels like I am abandoning myself.
    Thank you your awesome and probably one of the most gorgeous successful INFJ with the heart of courage.
    You should know not to judge a INFJ
    With assumptions and not facts.

  • @Toni7926
    @Toni7926 2 роки тому +5

    I'm apparently an ISFJ, but there is a lot of value in these videos for ISFJs as well. Other people are either in the "Why haven't you done this yet?" state or the "When did that happen? I never thought you would just make it work like that" state.
    I have seen people that would say they were going to do things and they ended up not doing them. Other people said bad things about those people, because they couldn't get the things done. I would rather say nothing and just do them eventually if they're worth doing and if they are likely to succeed and if I'm ready to do them. A lot of "if"s there, but whenever everything aligns and things get done, it seems to irritate everyone and they are indeed shocked to see it.
    There's not a lot of ISFJ content on youtube(and whenever there is it's usually very stereotypical and flat), but I think I can get a lot out of the INFJ content on this channel as well. I'm unsure about the audio course, though. The poster however already helps a lot.

  • @BlackjackMain
    @BlackjackMain 2 роки тому +5

    This is so true, this whole video is so true.

  • @nikkip.Christ-is-King
    @nikkip.Christ-is-King 2 роки тому +8

    I really enjoy when people underestimate me. I will even play up my southern charm so people underestimate me more. Oh you think southerners are dumb? Okay let's play that card. Just because you seen that one dude fall on his butt carrying a case of beer on the news during a snow storm doesn't mean the rest of us are dumb. I was probably building a ceramic heater for each room or something.

  • @INFJ595
    @INFJ595 2 роки тому +1

    Power of Perception does succeed in so
    many fragments

  • @petwash
    @petwash 2 роки тому +10

    Beautiful and well done. Thanks Coach!!! 😊

  • @sabernasri4574
    @sabernasri4574 2 роки тому

    It is so special to face the world as an aware INFJ and constantly have a growth mindset

  • @matilda4406
    @matilda4406 2 роки тому +2

    yes, I've said that, "they are calculated risks"

  • @INFJSpanishcoach-gv6jb
    @INFJSpanishcoach-gv6jb Рік тому

    We've achieved so much since we're really looking for long term success of course some people are doubting our true power we actually can be the calm threat when we need to

  • @antroneb1
    @antroneb1 2 роки тому +3

    Lol I love it 😍, can’t wait to hear this

  • @time3390
    @time3390 2 роки тому

    I needed this very much.
    It’s not that I want people to praise me, or even motivate me, to be honest.
    I just don’t like it when they underestimate me or talk to me in a way as if they understand me yet they look at me as a completely different person than who I am.
    Also, some seem to question my integrity, because to them, the limits to which I take it are extraordinary, and I don’t brag about it as well. So what they do is, they start becoming skeptic.
    I’m not in any way describing myself as someone who’s superior, I know my flaws well, but I also know my strengths, and I don’t like it when they’re perceived as non-existent.
    Thank you for the video.

  • @lorenalear
    @lorenalear 2 роки тому +4

    one of your best motivational videos!! ❤️❤️

  • @salguzman802
    @salguzman802 2 роки тому +1

    It was this vehicle concept that I wanted to turn a Van to look like a passenger train locomotive and I actually pulled it off a month and a 1/2 ago , although I had this idea since 2006 and I always drew different versions of it which used to get on people's nerves that they said; why I keep drawing the same thing?!! So seeing this video , I definitely can relate, I really had a lot of people in my past including my family were shocked that I could pull it off . Especially when I started posting the finishing product on Facebook🎊🥳🤣🤣😋😉😏😏😏❤️

  • @SamsonPavlov
    @SamsonPavlov 2 роки тому +1

    Yes! You're right! Bet on yourself! Take those steps...❤️

    @ROBERTGOTSCHALL-j8u 7 місяців тому

    I have so many great ideas, that I know from experience will only work with a lot of effort.

  • @geraldojimenez1384
    @geraldojimenez1384 2 роки тому +1

    I'm not kidding you ! This is happening to me right now. I started to take care of myself by going to the gym and upping my nutrition. I have so many people watching me now it sorta feels like I'm a zoo animal. Well it doesn't help that I added 12 pounds of lean muscle mass and I'm also sitting at BF10 %. I had someone tell me at work that they couldn't recognize me and that I lit up the room like a Christmas tree (I didn't know what that meant at the time but I got a good laugh out of it). I'm a low key person and I don't like being watched under a magnetified glass. People are talking about me more and they are curious. "Who is this he ?" Is the question that is being asked about me. Yes, this is happening at work and we have a lot of employee's. I don't talk to a lot of people. I just find this video to be extremely interesting and this one reminds me of one of her older videos talking about the INFJ becoming a phoenix. It's because our inner world burns with intense passion and desire to make our mark on this world. I don't know about most people desires but mine feels like, I want to make my mark on this world ! I don't know if I'm crazy for thinking something like that but it's there.

  • @baronesselsavonfreytag-lor1134
    @baronesselsavonfreytag-lor1134 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for always clarifying that you are talking about practical reality rather than the esoteric.

  • @juliehofer1940
    @juliehofer1940 2 роки тому +2

    People underestimate me all the time. Probably because I just do I don’t broadcast it.

  • @travisbartholomay
    @travisbartholomay 2 роки тому +1

    Yes I need somebody to practice talking to

  • @matthale5388
    @matthale5388 2 роки тому +4

    i could if i wanted to - lol - story of my life

  • @laurentverpeaux2281
    @laurentverpeaux2281 2 роки тому

    thanks to you today i managed to reconquer my honor and get a narcissist manipulative person who borrowed money and never returned it, to finally clean up their act. Identified her dominant ES intimidating technique, used it against her waiting for easy mistakes due to lack of actual brain, the lies transpired so heavily. I still gave her an escape doorway to not look like a total monster but when someone robs then threatens you and you still feel guilty .....pick yourself up. Nobody will trample me ever again. I will keep shocking them all and get all that karma back their way is.....some compensation but nowhere near enough. Still hate having to do it. But this doubt is a killer in this world.

  • @PrincessIgna
    @PrincessIgna 2 роки тому +1

    I thrive on epiphanies yes ma’am lol

  • @luisrodrigiuez639
    @luisrodrigiuez639 2 роки тому +3

    I would like to do my idea just not here no room here

  • @David-ek1sn
    @David-ek1sn Рік тому

    Thank you

  • @travisbartholomay
    @travisbartholomay 2 роки тому +2

    Because it's not yet 100% fact untill it is visual reality. It is real and is fact to my vision but the real fact is when it can be seen by everyone.

  • @travisbartholomay
    @travisbartholomay 2 роки тому +1

    I am working on how I present the way I use the words. When I can match my thoughts with the people's words.

  • @marsh2361
    @marsh2361 2 роки тому

    You do such a great Job with your Videos :)

  • @МарлинЛуизаБлэк

    Yes they are they envy us it triggers me I hate to show it though being confrontational doesn't come natural to me

  • @AliciaNicoleJackson
    @AliciaNicoleJackson 2 роки тому +5

    I love this topic! What’s your best video on how the INFJ can take consistent action and stick to things that have slow results?

    • @Wenzes
      @Wenzes  2 роки тому +2

      Watch the videos on goal setting! Normally around the new year I always put them out

  • @peterkarsten1992
    @peterkarsten1992 2 роки тому

    Thanks again Wenzes! I think it's dopamines (the reward chemical) instead of endorphins (our own painkiller that gives us a 'runner high' from working out) that gets released when visualizing ourselves into an accomplished situation.

  • @sommieviews9139
    @sommieviews9139 2 роки тому

    i love you wenzes!

  • @JohnDoe-np3zk
    @JohnDoe-np3zk 2 роки тому

    People said I was crazy to buy the dump property. Turns out they were kind of right. These same losers however still want to lowball my property, and have no vision. And that's totally OK.

  • @technical157
    @technical157 2 роки тому

    thanks :)

  • @luisrodrigiuez639
    @luisrodrigiuez639 2 роки тому +1

    I know it will work I used nature nature can be repudiated

  • @tommoss43
    @tommoss43 2 роки тому +1

    How do you convince someone your vision will work?

    • @earthtorobert
      @earthtorobert 2 роки тому

      Embody the version of you when that things that you envisioned already happened. Brag a lil. Get in that attitude

    • @za_warudo6615
      @za_warudo6615 2 роки тому +2

      You don't. That isn't your job. You carry out your vision and use their doubt as fuel.

  • @ryanunderwood5465
    @ryanunderwood5465 Рік тому +1

    We have been left for dead that’s why

  • @rosalynjolly2565
    @rosalynjolly2565 2 роки тому

    I get why are you doing this jealous narc coworkers I could have did much better

  • @catkohlee
    @catkohlee 2 роки тому

    And I would like to say this too, people can think we are lazy and so quiet, whole time we are coming up (or already came up with it but having to fight against our thoughts and our surroundings) with how to save the WORLD! We are so powerful and I’m just now learning this at 30. If we all could get together and communicate, It would be absolutely ground breaking! 🙏🏾🧩🗝