Just started watching your videos but really liking what I'm seeing. Good analysis that correlates well to what is being shown in gameplay footage. Glad I subscribed!
Hiya just regarding the composing. I'm a composer myself and what would have happened is the composer has written appropriately for different parts of the game but for whatever reason the producers of the game will have synched some sections to parts the composer didn't intend. There's no way that Joe Hisiashi would get the musical feel wrong so I can only assume it was caused by a logistics/production, either an error of judgement on their part or just a pure mistake in synching.
Once you beat all the tainted monsters it opens up 10 crazy hard tainted monsters. Plus if you do all the dream doors you fight a level 99 boss at dream door 10. So there is more if you look for it. I got my platinum in the game and I am now waiting patiently for the DLC. Also, I will add that the story in Ni No Kuni 1 is so much better. you should play it. That being said I loved this game as well.
Glad you guys liked it. I feel I'm in the minority with the game. Over-all I thought it was "Good" but quite disappointing. The things I look for most in JRPG's is story and character development, and NNKII seems to regard them as the least important. On top of that I had some tech issues with frame-rates, lack of difficulty even in sidequests was always an issue, I would say end-game dreamers door and a couple tainted enemies are the only exceptions to this. And the end of the game.. ugh. I actually laughed at the plot-twists they tried to use but didn't actually set-up or earn using. Great JRPG for people with not a lot of time, and who are new to the genre, but for me, already knowing what I like in JRPG's this rather let me down. Probably the whole "Developed for the west" thing.
Tarks Gauntlet i totally agree, the character development in this game is terrible. i didn't care about any of them. i don't think it's a bad game, but the first one is just so much better.
@Psychic Yeah, Reading this comment section I'm getting that impression. It seems the public consensus has shifted massively since release. The critic and user scores on metacritic were insanely 1-sided, and when I first mentioned when I reached chapter 8 on reddit that I was feeling underwhelmed (In the /jrpg reddit) people tried to tear into me haha.
Music never felt off to me. I think you are talking about places like the Forest of Niall, where it gets bombastic at the end of the song. The song is trying to evoke the feeling of a vast, daunting forest, as a Ghibli film would. It suits the fairy tale, curious, and youthful demeanor of the game.
For me, the game started off on the wrong foot. Where the first game took time to introduce Oliver and his plight, this one just throws you in the deep end with hardly any introductions. However, it ends spectacularly, with one of the best endings in recent memory. It had kind of the opposite effect the first game had on me. Where the first game started wonderfully, it ended with a whimper at best, and the further it went the less interested I became. This one I got more and more interested as it went. So overall, I'd say that Ni No Kuni 2 is a better game than the first.
@@jonhunthrop1882 totally, even on vital parts of the story (which is one of the weakest points of the game anyways). And also kingdom building and sidequests were brain-dead. Still, the game was enjoyable.
Thanks for doing this video. It's very useful listening to your impressions while playing in it. It sounds like a game I'd enjoy, except the city building aspect. Is that something you could ignore and still finish the game?
Wow you guys finished your Kingdom? I stopped playing right before taking Evan back to Ding Dong Dell. It just felt overwhelmed. Im a bit of a competitionist and when I realized I was still around 40 citizens short of the full 100, I stopped. I like to get all the side quest finished before finishing the story because I usually don't go back after credits rolled and I felt like It was just too much left to do to finish my Kingdom. And that was after spending a ton of time leveling my Kingdom including leaving my PS4 on all night for days. So I finally said enough is enough. Still for what I played it was really very good. Maybe I will start a new game someday, like in a year or two.
I never played any of the Ni No Kuni games. And, I have to be entirely honest with everyone; but I am not much of an RPG fan. "Heresy!" I know, I know. Despite having played a few over the years on various platforms (Skyrim on PC; Persona 4 on PS2; Disgaea on PS2 as well; etc.); it is VERY difficult for me to invest myself in a singular game for the long stretches many of these require. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy John's enthusiasm for this genre of games, and I can't help but find myself wishing I could change that aspect of myself, where I can't stay focused for long enough. Que sera, sera. Keep it up John and Kim 'cause it is genuinely infectious and there's absolutely NOTHING like genuine passion. Much respect from your crippled friend in Chicago.
How does the soundtrack / music compare to the one in Zelda? I was considering purchasing that one when it comes out in a few days (quite pricy, mind you, at $125.55, but I really liked it while playing the game (just finished the main plot a few days ago). My 9 yo daughter kept saying how great she thought the music was too).
So Johnny and Kim, I'm curious how you guys feel about the open world conversations. Does it also upset you that for 3 paragraphs you only have 3 seconds to read it, or is that only me?
This game had problems. The whole game is based on sidequests/kingdom building. The world is shockingly small. The mainstory line is very short too. Half of the map felt unfinished and rushed with very little content. This game is not bad but ni no kuni 2 is no quality rpg thats for sure. I agree this is an 8,0/10 not more.
mana beast yup, I played the game on auto Pilot mode, it’s not engaging and you don’t have to pay attention really. I stop playing games really often halfway through, idk why I stuck around for this one and played for 60 hours. Guess cause I could zone out while playing. Yea this game is messy and unbalanced with a lot of missed character development and making you feel connected to the world. Ni no Kuni 1 is insane, it feels beautiful and cared about.
Caliduchey Ni no kuni 1 is better overall but the game had some issues too in my opinion. The battle system in the first one was very mediocre and boring and the game relied too much on side/fetchquests, but the world was more fun and original it felt bigger than the second game.
@@caliklepto1316 yeah, I found myself doing the same thing (yes, I got a bit late to the party). Although now with the higher difficulties I found combat and skirmishes quite enjoyable and challenging. The story is charming but not great. My biggest problem with the game is that while kingdom building started as fun, it quickly became a chore and I simply left the game running while doing actual chores so I could get it over with. That and most sidequests are extremely boring.
Great video. You really need to do a followup video on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It was my favourite game from last year (and I played Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild, both superb games). Still playing it, now with the New Game Plus (and excited for what the last bit of the expansion pass).
I got the platinum trophy for this game today and loved every second of it. only thing i found was it was far to easy but saying that it would be a great game for a new person to JRPGs . Great video i enjoyed watching :)
I finished it last week. Took about 75 hours. I could of beat it sooner, but I spent too much time building my kingdom. I was trying to get all the characters for my kingdom, but ran into a glitch. I completed quest 5 before I got it, so when I officially got the quest, I got the kingdom character, but on the menu it wasn`t marked as complete. That "noncomplete" kept me from getting the quest for the last character I needed.
Loved the game a lot for all the same reasons besides the game forcing you to level up your kingdom to progress in the story. I just wanted to move on but had to wait for the money to level up stuff an hunt down characters in side quests (often fun). But I loved the rest! Now onto Xenoblade 2
In case you missed it - they did finally release a patch with several difficulty options. Pretty huge deal for me because if a game is too easy I lose interest rapidly.
I'm about 15 hours in right now.. really enjoying it so far! My only complaint as others have said is its very easy but it makes that up with the game play and style.
Im going for the plat so it might take me a little bit longer to beat it but turning off your mind and running around and doing fetch quest building your kingdom up is so relaxing and fun. Reallly really hate how little voice acting is on this game though.
wich dragon quest should i start with all i got is a pc so theres just so many versions i can emulate i dont got money for anything else i just build a good pc haha
The best option to start with is DQ1 as "remake" for the SNES. You can emulate that, work your way up from there. From DQ4-6 I recommend the DS versions. If you don't have a DS or 3DS, stick with the SNES versions as well. After that Playstation or 3DS route.
I couldn’t stand how easy the combat was in this game. What was the point of switching between 3 different weapons while in combat? I also thought the voice acting was horrible.
Game is really good like you said, but it could of been more. Like snow and desert areas are completley empty, what I mean by this, I would love to see more places to go, more villages, more different caves, maybe even more cities. But I was dissapointed that huge desert and snowmap were left so empty, hope this will fixed in expansion (which I was scared of) lefting some things out for expansions. Also, definetly more hard stuff, thats what we need. A great game, but it could have been so much better. Not a masterpiece, but a really great 8/10 game for me.
The lack of difficulty killed this game for me. I'm thinking about doing another playthrough without using the tactics tweaker and only upgrade one character. I could do that or a higgledies-less playthrough. I don't know, I just feel like BN should patch a hard mode.
I might get to this game in like 20 years.. Through you I found the Ys series and I just beat Book 1 yesterday! I didn't come in with any nostalgia and I can honestly say it was a pretty awesome game. I'll be on to book 2 soon!
WOW. What a timing for you guys! I just finished the game yesterday and right on the spot you make final thoughts. The game was pretty much perfect for me. While the game is really easy (the only easier game I have on PS4 is Senran Kagura Estival Versus), it was so much fun. The battle system is great, feels like mix between "Tales of" and "Pikmin". I loved the Skrimish Battles. Altought they are more about high level than strategy, I still had a blast with them. There are also some great pazzles. My favourite one was the one with the Fairy Tale. And the Kingdom Building, damn, so much fun. The story is decent, feels similar to the anime "The Heroic Legend of Arslan", and Roland was my favourite character in the game. My only gripe is that too many cutscenes are not voiced, but that's the only problem I had with the game.
Nah. Even without Frantic mode, Estival Versus is extremly easy, even on hard mode on final levels. In Ni no Kuni 2 there are at least the tainted monsters which give some little chalange. I died a few times against the tainted monsters. Not that is matters, because Estival Versus is still my favourite game on PS4. I'm a casual player that don't care about chalange,
I liked estival versus a lot too. It's simply just a fun game, but i did find it offered more challenge than NNKII haha. But the challenge in NNKII will largely change from player-to-player. I constantly found myself over levelled for everything (Until very late post-game content anyway) so even tainted monsters were a breeze.
I finished the game about an hour ago, wanted to come see what you all said about it. and I agree with everything. I took a break and came back once they patched diffuculty mode in (it was a litttle too easy for me when I got it at launch) Solid game I had a great time with it, and with the bonus DLC coming there will be more to come back to which is awesome.
RengaBeats Get the PS4 and play Ni No Kuni 2. The second game is different from the first one. It isn't a sequel storywise so you don't have to worry about having not played the first game.
But it always feels like it doesn't have that final bold unique soul that so many Gibli films have.. That really clear and coherent signature in tone and message. It feels more like a solid standard work from a good company. But maybe I'm wrong. I only watched reviews so far. I love Gibli.
Here I am, finishing the game 4 years later. I want to add that the Switch port doesn't deliver the product well. If you want the full (best) experience, please play it on PS4 or steam. Switch is meh-ish at best. The game is great though.
Anyone else notice that when you try to eat food in the middle of battle, while you are already eating something, there is a type o. Way better graphics than ni no kuni 1.
Thanks for calling out spoilers. Sadly, must now Add to Watch Later. Im 44 hours in and all I can say is that he game picks up at the Factory and that whole area. Up until that, I was getting annoyed at certain parts (too easy, tons of random not-that-useful items and crafting scrap, giggledies=meh, and not so charming main character) but the game gets going around there.
Thank you for your very own constant knowledge, driving force together with education and learning to backup my voyage to becoming ever more consciously mindful as well as spiritually connected.
I enjoyed the game overall. I really liked the combat and the characters for the most part. I could have done without the skirmish battles though. I just wish the characters had more to do, especially Lofty. My biggest disappointment was the story ultimately. It's a little too Kumbaya for my tastes.
Can't say I was really looking to get this, but I'm glad you two ended up enjoying the game. I did play the first one on the DS and the easiness of it was a bit of a mood killer, but that's on me for thinking a game like that would be remotely difficult. Not looking for it to be a stroke-causing, rage-inducing game, but I wonder how people would feel about the game if it was a bit more dastardly...
It was only released in Japan towards the end of 2010. The PS3 version would add an additional story arc and have a different play style, but that came out a year later in Japan and in 2013 in NA, I think.
It was a neat, but easy turn-based JRPG. They did make the right call and held off until a PS3 release before bringing it over to NA audiences. The DS version doesn't demonstrate the Studio Ghibili art style as well as the PS4 version. It did come with a neat book filled with art and pages of different strokes you had to make on the DS to perform certain spells, so that was at least a positive for that version of the game.
I bought the collectors edition but have not even started it because Monster Hunter World keeps releasing content and I am addicted to MHW. I must have everything. Rhett are greats devs though and i have a great me appreciation for Capcom due to the fact that I have not had to pay another cent or even for a season pass yet i have played this game More than any other game in over 32 years of gaming. Nearly up to 575 hours. I have a monster hunter world problem. The game is just to good. But i will start this and God of War this weekend or maybe once Kulve Taroth is finished and i have all the new Rarity 8 weapons.
I really loved the game, even if its not as good as the first one. Theres so much to do and the even after finishing the story the world opens a lot! Im going for Pillars of Eternity 2 now and definetly will come back to complete all the stuff in Ni No Kuni 2 :)
Just started playing this game some of the graphics are outstanding are some are disappointing I am in the labyrinth and thought it was a bit dull the levels are redundant in design and variety could have used a bit more polish. But still a fun game overall so far and would recommend it.
I may have enjoyed this game more if I'd read going into it that Studio Ghibli had nothing to do with it. The character designs and world did very little for me this time around, sadly, and I felt like I was waiting for 2D animated cut scenes that were never going to come.
Q&A . Hey Johny, I always liked your enthousiasm and I don't know if you ever answered to that question, but I'm wondering: Do you want kids ? And if no, why ? Thank you for answering! :)
First few hours I thought meh. Just another hack n slash JRPG. But it really really grew on me as I stuck with it. Definitely lacks the charm of the first, but the kingdom building and combat really evolves and becomes addicting over time. I think it's a great game and a really solid JRPG. Definitely an 8/10.
"Welcome back to another Kim"
What did you do with the original Kim!?
If he found a way to clone Kim infinitely we may have found a path to world peace.
@@DijaVlogsGames Kimpossible.
Both of these games gave me that "beautiful wonderful magical" feeling I got when I played chrono trigger back in 1995.
The expert difficulty made this game 10/10 experience for me.
yup, i came back to it on expert and actually gettin into it
I just finished Persona 5. I really want to play Ni No Kuni 2 so much!
trust me you really dont (:.
Wait for DQ 11 and maybe octopath traveler.
hell no! you will be extremely disappointed!!
You will enjoy it
Did you play it ?
The song played when you board the airship is excellent. That little track stood out to me a lot for some reason.
Just started watching your videos but really liking what I'm seeing. Good analysis that correlates well to what is being shown in gameplay footage. Glad I subscribed!
Such a wonderful inspiration couple,playing games and review the games.
Love u guys♥️
Hiya just regarding the composing. I'm a composer myself and what would have happened is the composer has written appropriately for different parts of the game but for whatever reason the producers of the game will have synched some sections to parts the composer didn't intend. There's no way that Joe Hisiashi would get the musical feel wrong so I can only assume it was caused by a logistics/production, either an error of judgement on their part or just a pure mistake in synching.
Once you beat all the tainted monsters it opens up 10 crazy hard tainted monsters. Plus if you do all the dream doors you fight a level 99 boss at dream door 10. So there is more if you look for it. I got my platinum in the game and I am now waiting patiently for the DLC. Also, I will add that the story in Ni No Kuni 1 is so much better. you should play it. That being said I loved this game as well.
How much language does the game come with in the subtitles, Spanish?
Best wife ever
Glad you guys liked it. I feel I'm in the minority with the game. Over-all I thought it was "Good" but quite disappointing. The things I look for most in JRPG's is story and character development, and NNKII seems to regard them as the least important.
On top of that I had some tech issues with frame-rates, lack of difficulty even in sidequests was always an issue, I would say end-game dreamers door and a couple tainted enemies are the only exceptions to this. And the end of the game.. ugh. I actually laughed at the plot-twists they tried to use but didn't actually set-up or earn using. Great JRPG for people with not a lot of time, and who are new to the genre, but for me, already knowing what I like in JRPG's this rather let me down. Probably the whole "Developed for the west" thing.
Tarks Gauntlet i totally agree,
the character development in this game is terrible. i didn't care about any of them. i don't think it's a bad game, but the first one is just so much better.
Tarks Gauntlet you and Johnny should do a collaboration.
While I loved it, let me tell you that you are not in the minority. A lot of people have issues with it.
Yeah, Reading this comment section I'm getting that impression. It seems the public consensus has shifted massively since release. The critic and user scores on metacritic were insanely 1-sided, and when I first mentioned when I reached chapter 8 on reddit that I was feeling underwhelmed (In the /jrpg reddit) people tried to tear into me haha.
It better than FF15.
great video as always! Love the attention to detail and always the true thoughts on your games! Thanks for your continued work Johnny!
Y’all sold me on this for sure! It’s $10 on sale too right now 😍😍😍
So true LoL
Music never felt off to me. I think you are talking about places like the Forest of Niall, where it gets bombastic at the end of the song. The song is trying to evoke the feeling of a vast, daunting forest, as a Ghibli film would. It suits the fairy tale, curious, and youthful demeanor of the game.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed the strange music placement. Had to mute it in some areas I was grinding
Finally, someone mentioned the music! It has been bugging me.
I loved everything about this game, sure it was easy, but still enjoyed every second.
For me, the game started off on the wrong foot. Where the first game took time to introduce Oliver and his plight, this one just throws you in the deep end with hardly any introductions. However, it ends spectacularly, with one of the best endings in recent memory. It had kind of the opposite effect the first game had on me. Where the first game started wonderfully, it ended with a whimper at best, and the further it went the less interested I became. This one I got more and more interested as it went. So overall, I'd say that Ni No Kuni 2 is a better game than the first.
Great review as always!
Agree completely. I'm just over 100 hours now. Think I'm gonna get my first platinum trophy here.
The only problem I had with this game so far was how little the words are and how fast it goes I can't much since I just started playing it.
Yeah you really have to be paying attention to not miss some of the dialog. I was also disappointed that there was not more voice acting.
@@jonhunthrop1882 totally, even on vital parts of the story (which is one of the weakest points of the game anyways). And also kingdom building and sidequests were brain-dead. Still, the game was enjoyable.
How do you play a single player campaign as a couple?
I really tried to like this game , put in about 20 hours but I gave up as the characters weren't interesting enough
I eeked out 25 hours but had to move to another game. The boredom became overwhelming.
did the girly looking king only ruin it for just me?
Why have they not done a remaster of the first game?
Thanks for doing this video. It's very useful listening to your impressions while playing in it.
It sounds like a game I'd enjoy, except the city building aspect. Is that something you could ignore and still finish the game?
I still love this game after years…
Wow you guys finished your Kingdom? I stopped playing right before taking Evan back to Ding Dong Dell. It just felt overwhelmed. Im a bit of a competitionist and when I realized I was still around 40 citizens short of the full 100, I stopped. I like to get all the side quest finished before finishing the story because I usually don't go back after credits rolled and I felt like It was just too much left to do to finish my Kingdom. And that was after spending a ton of time leveling my Kingdom including leaving my PS4 on all night for days. So I finally said enough is enough. Still for what I played it was really very good. Maybe I will start a new game someday, like in a year or two.
I LOVED Hydropolis's theme ost. Its so good. Favourite track in all Ni No Kuni
Ni no kuni or dragon quest ix. Wich is the best?
I never played any of the Ni No Kuni games. And, I have to be entirely honest with everyone; but I am not much of an RPG fan. "Heresy!" I know, I know. Despite having played a few over the years on various platforms (Skyrim on PC; Persona 4 on PS2; Disgaea on PS2 as well; etc.); it is VERY difficult for me to invest myself in a singular game for the long stretches many of these require. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy John's enthusiasm for this genre of games, and I can't help but find myself wishing I could change that aspect of myself, where I can't stay focused for long enough. Que sera, sera. Keep it up John and Kim 'cause it is genuinely infectious and there's absolutely NOTHING like genuine passion. Much respect from your crippled friend in Chicago.
How does the soundtrack / music compare to the one in Zelda? I was considering purchasing that one when it comes out in a few days (quite pricy, mind you, at $125.55, but I really liked it while playing the game (just finished the main plot a few days ago). My 9 yo daughter kept saying how great she thought the music was too).
Thank you! I loved the first one, I have it on both ps3 and Switch. I’ll purchase this on the Switch to add to my collection!
So Johnny and Kim, I'm curious how you guys feel about the open world conversations. Does it also upset you that for 3 paragraphs you only have 3 seconds to read it, or is that only me?
Ha! So true, you really have to be paying attention to not miss anything.
I still need to finish the first one!
This game had problems. The whole game is based on sidequests/kingdom building. The world is shockingly small. The mainstory line is very short too. Half of the map felt unfinished and rushed with very little content. This game is not bad but ni no kuni 2 is no quality rpg thats for sure. I agree this is an 8,0/10 not more.
EstaviusMarx I use decimals in my reviews 8,0 is a good score but not Wow lets say between 7,5-8,0. If you ask me how much i give DQ 11 its 10/10.
mana beast yup, I played the game on auto Pilot mode, it’s not engaging and you don’t have to pay attention really. I stop playing games really often halfway through, idk why I stuck around for this one and played for 60 hours. Guess cause I could zone out while playing. Yea this game is messy and unbalanced with a lot of missed character development and making you feel connected to the world. Ni no Kuni 1 is insane, it feels beautiful and cared about.
Caliduchey Ni no kuni 1 is better overall but the game had some issues too in my opinion. The battle system in the first one was very mediocre and boring and the game relied too much on side/fetchquests, but the world was more fun and original it felt bigger than the second game.
@@caliklepto1316 yeah, I found myself doing the same thing (yes, I got a bit late to the party). Although now with the higher difficulties I found combat and skirmishes quite enjoyable and challenging. The story is charming but not great. My biggest problem with the game is that while kingdom building started as fun, it quickly became a chore and I simply left the game running while doing actual chores so I could get it over with. That and most sidequests are extremely boring.
Those graphics are amazing, cheers for the review guys!
I just purchased the collectors edition of this for PS4 and I also purchased it on steam! Looking forward to playing it!
Is the first Nino Kuni better than the first one? Cuz I just got the second one I'm starting to regret it
Great video. You really need to do a followup video on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It was my favourite game from last year (and I played Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild, both superb games). Still playing it, now with the New Game Plus (and excited for what the last bit of the expansion pass).
Awesome vid you guys are great i def want to play this hopefully after GOW and FC5 i will - Matt
Love your videos good sir! Think I will pick this up. Heavily discounted on PSN right now.
Ff7 Temple of the ancients took me so long to find as well as one of the last dragons in lunar.
I got the platinum trophy for this game today and loved every second of it. only thing i found was it was far to easy but saying that it would be a great game for a new person to JRPGs . Great video i enjoyed watching :)
I finished it last week. Took about 75 hours. I could of beat it sooner, but I spent too much time building my kingdom. I was trying to get all the characters for my kingdom, but ran into a glitch. I completed quest 5 before I got it, so when I officially got the quest, I got the kingdom character, but on the menu it wasn`t marked as complete. That "noncomplete" kept me from getting the quest for the last character I needed.
Goldpaw is a clear example of what you say about the music. It's weird 😂😂
Loved the game a lot for all the same reasons besides the game forcing you to level up your kingdom to progress in the story. I just wanted to move on but had to wait for the money to level up stuff an hunt down characters in side quests (often fun). But I loved the rest! Now onto Xenoblade 2
Does the combat become more challenging? I stopped watching because of the spoiler warning so not sure if you mentioned anything about that.
Mike B they don't really spoil much. Sounds like it doesn't really get more challenging except for some of the optional content.
In case you missed it - they did finally release a patch with several difficulty options. Pretty huge deal for me because if a game is too easy I lose interest rapidly.
I beat the final boss at level 55, it was kinda hard
What RPG will you guys play next? Octopath Traveler?
Got my platinum for it after 86 hours. It was an excellent time.
I'm about 15 hours in right now.. really enjoying it so far! My only complaint as others have said is its very easy but it makes that up with the game play and style.
“Welcome back to another Kim”
Im going for the plat so it might take me a little bit longer to beat it but turning off your mind and running around and doing fetch quest building your kingdom up is so relaxing and fun. Reallly really hate how little voice acting is on this game though.
Grystsh it took me roughly 80 hours to plat it.
Sounds like im right on track then awesome!
I agree about the voice acting.
wich dragon quest should i start with all i got is a pc so theres just so many versions i can emulate i dont got money for anything else i just build a good pc haha
The best option to start with is DQ1 as "remake" for the SNES. You can emulate that, work your way up from there. From DQ4-6 I recommend the DS versions. If you don't have a DS or 3DS, stick with the SNES versions as well. After that Playstation or 3DS route.
Nah don't listen to the first guy the best dq game you want to start is dq4 trust me
Christian S. Oh I can emulate 3ds hehehe
Geoff Baumgartner hmm not sure
Geoff Baumgartner is in it just a DS game I though thebproduc of da games is alot right .
I platinumed it! Dreamer door 10 is no joke lol! Glad you both enjoyed the game!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this game, and LOVE LOVE LOVE Johnny and Kim :P
I swear, a lot of the music I had heard before. One track was the same as in Persona 5, and some was from Dragon Quest
2 great games
is this game co op
😂she’s spot on hilarious with the music thing, and you’re right bits excellent music
I couldn’t stand how easy the combat was in this game. What was the point of switching between 3 different weapons while in combat? I also thought the voice acting was horrible.
Game is really good like you said, but it could of been more. Like snow and desert areas are completley empty, what I mean by this, I would love to see more places to go, more villages, more different caves, maybe even more cities. But I was dissapointed that huge desert and snowmap were left so empty, hope this will fixed in expansion (which I was scared of) lefting some things out for expansions. Also, definetly more hard stuff, thats what we need. A great game, but it could have been so much better. Not a masterpiece, but a really great 8/10 game for me.
Has Kim played the new god of war ?
The lack of difficulty killed this game for me. I'm thinking about doing another playthrough without using the tactics tweaker and only upgrade one character. I could do that or a higgledies-less playthrough. I don't know, I just feel like BN should patch a hard mode.
I might get to this game in like 20 years.. Through you I found the Ys series and I just beat Book 1 yesterday! I didn't come in with any nostalgia and I can honestly say it was a pretty awesome game. I'll be on to book 2 soon!
WOW. What a timing for you guys! I just finished the game yesterday and right on the spot you make final thoughts.
The game was pretty much perfect for me. While the game is really easy (the only easier game I have on PS4 is Senran Kagura Estival Versus), it was so much fun. The battle system is great, feels like mix between "Tales of" and "Pikmin". I loved the Skrimish Battles. Altought they are more about high level than strategy, I still had a blast with them. There are also some great pazzles. My favourite one was the one with the Fairy Tale. And the Kingdom Building, damn, so much fun.
The story is decent, feels similar to the anime "The Heroic Legend of Arslan", and Roland was my favourite character in the game. My only gripe is that too many cutscenes are not voiced, but that's the only problem I had with the game.
I'd argue estival versus is actually a more difficult game even though frantic mode is so OP you can 1-shot almost anybody.
Nah. Even without Frantic mode, Estival Versus is extremly easy, even on hard mode on final levels. In Ni no Kuni 2 there are at least the tainted monsters which give some little chalange. I died a few times against the tainted monsters.
Not that is matters, because Estival Versus is still my favourite game on PS4. I'm a casual player that don't care about chalange,
I liked estival versus a lot too. It's simply just a fun game, but i did find it offered more challenge than NNKII haha. But the challenge in NNKII will largely change from player-to-player. I constantly found myself over levelled for everything (Until very late post-game content anyway) so even tainted monsters were a breeze.
I finished the game about an hour ago, wanted to come see what you all said about it. and I agree with everything.
I took a break and came back once they patched diffuculty mode in (it was a litttle too easy for me when I got it at launch)
Solid game I had a great time with it, and with the bonus DLC coming there will be more to come back to which is awesome.
Another Kim? you sure go through a lot.
MDK22420 que?...that's the same Kim he's always had.
HCG is like the Eminem of Canadia; he be using all the Kims'.
I'm buying this tomorrow hopefully I really enjoy it all the videos I've watched so far have been mostly positive
how is it i just beat ff7 remake and i need something to fill that hole in my heart i was thinking of getting this and maybe persona 5 royal as well
Can somebody tell me if I should get me a ps4 to play this one OR buy a ps3 and play the first?
RengaBeats Get the PS4 and play Ni No Kuni 2. The second game is different from the first one. It isn't a sequel storywise so you don't have to worry about having not played the first game.
You both have convinced me to get this
But it always feels like it doesn't have that final bold unique soul that so many Gibli films have.. That really clear and coherent signature in tone and message. It feels more like a solid standard work from a good company. But maybe I'm wrong. I only watched reviews so far. I love Gibli.
Kili Fischkopp probably because Ghibli was not involved in making the game.
It took me 140 hours to get platinum for the games and around 40 hours of it just left it idle to collect king's guild
I loooove this game so much! Cant wait to get back on track with new content
Here I am, finishing the game 4 years later. I want to add that the Switch port doesn't deliver the product well. If you want the full (best) experience, please play it on PS4 or steam. Switch is meh-ish at best. The game is great though.
Anyone else notice that when you try to eat food in the middle of battle, while you are already eating something, there is a type o.
Way better graphics than ni no kuni 1.
Kim is soo adorable! Does she have her own channel? I would sub instantly
Thanks for calling out spoilers. Sadly, must now Add to Watch Later. Im 44 hours in and all I can say is that he game picks up at the Factory and that whole area. Up until that, I was getting annoyed at certain parts (too easy, tons of random not-that-useful items and crafting scrap, giggledies=meh, and not so charming main character) but the game gets going around there.
Kim seems way chill man
Thank you for your very own constant knowledge, driving force together with education and learning to backup my voyage to becoming ever more consciously mindful as well as spiritually connected.
I enjoyed the game overall. I really liked the combat and the characters for the most part. I could have done without the skirmish battles though. I just wish the characters had more to do, especially Lofty. My biggest disappointment was the story ultimately. It's a little too Kumbaya for my tastes.
Can't say I was really looking to get this, but I'm glad you two ended up enjoying the game. I did play the first one on the DS and the easiness of it was a bit of a mood killer, but that's on me for thinking a game like that would be remotely difficult. Not looking for it to be a stroke-causing, rage-inducing game, but I wonder how people would feel about the game if it was a bit more dastardly...
muragaru553 the DS? What game are you talking about?
It was only released in Japan towards the end of 2010. The PS3 version would add an additional story arc and have a different play style, but that came out a year later in Japan and in 2013 in NA, I think.
Ohh yeah I forgot about that. Wish I could check it out.
It was a neat, but easy turn-based JRPG. They did make the right call and held off until a PS3 release before bringing it over to NA audiences. The DS version doesn't demonstrate the Studio Ghibili art style as well as the PS4 version. It did come with a neat book filled with art and pages of different strokes you had to make on the DS to perform certain spells, so that was at least a positive for that version of the game.
it looked and sounded amazing, but it was kinda lazy at some points, there was nothing important in the Destert and the Snow Lands
I bought the collectors edition but have not even started it because Monster Hunter World keeps releasing content and I am addicted to MHW.
I must have everything.
Rhett are greats devs though and i have a great me appreciation for Capcom due to the fact that I have not had to pay another cent or even for a season pass yet i have played this game More than any other game in over 32 years of gaming. Nearly up to 575 hours.
I have a monster hunter world problem. The game is just to good.
But i will start this and God of War this weekend or maybe once Kulve Taroth is finished and i have all the new Rarity 8 weapons.
I wanted to get yakuza Kiwami how the hell did I get here!?
Your content is awesome though.
My dream girl😍
I keep trying!
Your dream girl is Married? Cool story bro.
I really loved the game, even if its not as good as the first one. Theres so much to do and the even after finishing the story the world opens a lot! Im going for Pillars of Eternity 2 now and definetly will come back to complete all the stuff in Ni No Kuni 2 :)
Just started playing this game some of the graphics are outstanding are some are disappointing I am in the labyrinth and thought it was a bit dull the levels are redundant in design and variety could have used a bit more polish. But still a fun game overall so far and would recommend it.
I love lamp.
One of your top 10 games is an "8"?? Wow, that's passion! :P
100% agreed about the music. Sometimes its so out of place its jarring. Xenoblade 2 had a similar issue.
:) you guys are so good together.
I may have enjoyed this game more if I'd read going into it that Studio Ghibli had nothing to do with it. The character designs and world did very little for me this time around, sadly, and I felt like I was waiting for 2D animated cut scenes that were never going to come.
this, outward or remnant from the ashes?
Q&A . Hey Johny, I always liked your enthousiasm and I don't know if you ever answered to that question, but I'm wondering: Do you want kids ? And if no, why ? Thank you for answering! :)
Should of called the dudes that did Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Music.
77 hours of gameplay for 60 euro/dollar. less then 1 euro/dollar for 1 hour of fun. Good value.
Kim!! Yeah!!!
First few hours I thought meh. Just another hack n slash JRPG. But it really really grew on me as I stuck with it. Definitely lacks the charm of the first, but the kingdom building and combat really evolves and becomes addicting over time. I think it's a great game and a really solid JRPG. Definitely an 8/10.
The game is amazing, but the ending falls apart with a lot of plotholes unexplaned.
It will suck if the Season pass is that missing plotholes in DLC..