I'm realizing this video seems like it's gonna have some real staying power on my channel, and watching it as a viewer, I find myself disagreeing with a lot of my own placements. Cursed timeline lmao. Still a fun general outline of my thoughts/placements, but keep in mind the creation of the video ironically changed my thoughts about many placements more than I anticipated, unfortunately mostly AFTER I hit upload. Still proud of it, it's my longest video to date, but just something to keep in mind.
I figured most folks would feel that way yeah, I don't even really disagree either. I just feel Seris' fulfills the ult quota more on command and less passively, even with full counters in play. Plus team-wise, there's also the whole deal of it heavily "buffing" any ability used alongside it, whereas Furia's only buffs weapon damage an such. Just some quick thoughts, twas a tough call, both are nuts
I was waiting for Corvus' ult 😅 for a moment I thought it was going to be top 1 and I said to myself "you have to be kidding me" and then I realized it didn't even come out hahahaha
youve forgotten the most truly annoying part about talus ult - using it right as the point fight starts, dismounting everyone, then teleporting back to help your team cap
I can't complain about Imani's ultimate being in third, especially with how good Seris and Furia's are, but it will always be the scariest for me. Like you said, the fact that "the moment the ultimate goes out, your entire team knows they have to deal with it or die" is gripping. More importantly, and this is why I would have placed it in first place: effective Imani ultimates literally turn a team that is losing or is going to lose into a team that is competitive. If you can effectively, or functionally pull her ultimate off as an Imani, you may very well save the game for your team. Round 1 you may not capture the point, but if the enemy team can't push all the way, you can very easily win just by saving your ultimate for capturing the point. 3rd place still is nothing to scoff at, I was just surprised it didn't top the list with how game changing it is for the entire match and team.
impossibly hard to make list but this was a great time! the editing was nice and enhanced the jokes without being too obnoxious. and that's a hard thing to do considering the length of the video. good job the only thing that I feel like was vivian's ultimate should be atleast 10 spots lower. it is as low impact as it gets
You forgot to mention boost of morality Macoas ult gives you and your team. Especially with Dutchman skin, when enemies are literally are crushed under my attack
Furia is still the best Ult in da game. Damage buff, speed buff and AMMO refresh for entire team Seris, you can press the ult again to detonate it mid-air, hence you can throw people off the map Omen ult, you can throw people into his ult. 1) Put ultimate behind enemy and throw enemy into the ult 2) Put ultimate on top of you, grab enemy, dash under, throw enemy behind you into the ult Combo is fun
You would be surprised as how scarry a willo flying straight at you is. Harder to shoot since she is closer. Move faster than usual. And has unlimited amo. I've had consistent triple kills over the year.
With a friend/team, maeve's ult is absolute nuts Good comunication can create some awesome plays Also, it you have a good drogoz friend, maeve ult make the dragon punch more safe to hit, and pratically 100% One tip for inara ult You can destroy the wall manually while charging your ult So, one easy way to never die charging the ult is putting a wall,starting charging the ult, waiting, and destroying the wall on the last second.
They made yags ult so hard to use now, as it can only target somewhat distant enemies, but it has some small use in that the new healthbar can save you from other executes - espescially useful for drogoz with his long wind-up/telegraph
As a high ranked player, i respectfully dissagree with a few placements, not trying to invalidate the placing in the vid, just voicing my opinion, and maybe showing some stuff you might have not thought about. Atlas ult can completely stop any dive, saving vounrable backlines like snipers or supports like jenos, saving them pretty much always even w/ resil 3 Saatis ult is really good on killing low people, she has a reveal with her papers, making it easy to find enemys, and its REALLY good after 1v1s, getting the kill on low, high mobility characters. Zhins ult gets really good use out of mobility, giving him a lot of highground and a way to get out pretty much always, plus he can pin hard to kill enemys in front of the entire team, making it a small inara ult. VIIs ult is a better damba ult, denying even more space and easily setting up kills for the VIIs team. Grovers ult is just another healing ability, topping off tanks nearly instantly ooc, if your outher heal is down or not enough. You can also save more ultcharge by canceling it early, making it stay off CD more often. Nyxs ult should be way lower, her stomps can even get out after resil 1, even w/o mobility. The only good thing, is that it goes through walls. Bariks ult just takes a shitton of space, making him and others in LoS nearly invincible, denying good positions. Io should be lower, it has invincibility, so its really good in stalling her from other ults and forcing space for her. Skyes ult is a really good counter ult, deying space and pushes, making easy payoff and getting hard positions easily. Gotta get back to work, will finish later
@@narihoxha5251 it also just makes her super vulnerable tho, easy pickings for the enemys, and if you're safe enough to use it to "heal" yourself, youre also safe enough to let it tick and give your supp the ult charge
@@kamica6948 that's not a bad thing though, her ultimate coupled with her f ability is a second life since you are going to cleanse all the damage absorbed. The enemy team will waste of all their dmg if they focus the ulting nyx
Nah, Atlas ult is entirely situational. Making it absolutely terrible in most situations. Nyx’s ult is much better, with her absolutely dominating other tanks and even targeting more weaker back line support. Skye’s ult is situational, just like Atlas’s. Saatis ult is not necessarily situational but it’s still much worse than Andrux because of its low damage
mojis ult is actually very strong, and is the reason why I play move speed ln barrier. You can animation cancel the ult with barrior, with generally results that the person being snacket is the person giving you 50% move speed. Also you can consume the snack qhile you are in a barrier, which means you can ult, barrier, often eat snack and then barrier ends, you can escaoe with f bunny hop or just try and go for a kill and barrier again
Don’t forget that you can wipe off a team with seris ult if you are near the edge of some maps, I did some Quadra with it, it’s kinda fun ^^ (Except when your team rob your kills lol)
Nando surely has to be near the top the “self appointed knight” somehow figured out how to gain immortality for himself and his team like for real team player right there
Turned off after first "bad" ult - Atlas... Every time I get in his ult my team is destroyed by the time I get out of it. Those 4 secs the enemy team fights 5vs3 and 4 more seconds they fight 5 vs 2(as I'm still in ult and 2 teammates already dead) is enough to make me play 1vs5 after atlas ult.
That's rare and doesn't happen often, again he states these ult are by no means bad, every ult can obviously be game-changing, it's just how OFTEN are those ults usually game-changing. From my experience, Atlas' ult is rarely ever impactful but that's just me.
biggest changes id make from memory after watching: atlas ult a bit higher, grohk ult much higher, tyra ult lower, fernando ult much higher, vatu ult a bit higher, lilith higher, koga lower, moji lower, khan higher, cassie lower, pip lower, maldamba lower, 7 much higher, imani lower, furia #1, seris a good bit lower
1. Octavia's Ult is good with a "rooting" talent when you have groupped up enemies and dare to launch from close proximity. It's hard to miss and to avoid it in those cirmustances but you need to have balls and reflexes to do it quickly without dying. Otherwise it's pretty meh, as you said, because you see the beams comming your direction from 10 miles away. 2, Barik's flamethrowers ult is my favourite talent now when I play against multiple enemy tanks or something super tanky or Terminus. I#t's really amazing, because you can put two of those, wait a couple of seconds and the third charge comes right away so you can either keep it or place on the ground and it doesn't count to Barik's two turrets limit so you can have consistently at least 4 turrets on the ground and every one of them heals you and you can passively heal them... you can also hide behind avoiding dmg, because Barik is so short :D It's not the best ult ever but when 2 tanks are comming to the point I put two normal turrets, use my jets to go behind and place a flamethrower behind them, than jump somwhere else and place the 2nd flamethrower and a new turrent and a shield.... or some random version of that. It scores TONS of dmg and really make tank players confused af :D Of couse if youy play against a team with no tanks on a really mobile tank-player it's not that good. I take it most of the times when I see 2 tanks on the enemy team. 3. Talus ult is amazing when you teleport to enemies in the beggining of the 2nd and 3rd siege round and take them all off mounts, stall them by harassing and teleport back before they kill you :D 4. Skye ult doesn't indicate where it is until it's placed on the ground so you can throw it directly above and until it falls to the ground it's like 1s-1,5s top and people are not use to the fuse time being so short :D 4.1. From the other hand it's stopped by Zhin parry, Terminus siphon and the best thing... Khan's healing perk literally makes you and teammates affected immune to any dmg from it. I use it every time when Skye ult's, you need to wait the last 0,5s but imagine how confused are enemy (even high level) Skye players when everyone survives it with 0 dmg taken xD 5. I use Labombas ult to get to the point quickly when I'm dead xD every dmg done is a bonus. 6. I play Vivian a lot and it happens quite often that my turrets are killed when I;m still alive and well. Sometimes I have one of them till the ult reloads and it's not always beneficial to reult for the 2nd one. Really clever ult with a lot of nuance and sorry but... it IS really impactful and it's able to save the point, you just melt people with it and sudden tripple kill on flanks and supports or dealing with a tank's shield and melting it with tank is really good.,
I main Vivian, for now, and on one of my matches the other team had the lead and my teammates were hot garbage other than our support. we were getting pushed back little by little just not winning it. That was until, I think they got cocky and or I popped my ultimate which lasted the whole match. The other team did not know how to deal with it and we ended up winning and me getting 227 K damage.
Atlas's ult literally takes out/removes entire players momentarily insantiously with a hitscan. You can rush into the enemy team and hit 3 people and make it a 5 v 2 with just an ult. Its literally putting mfs into spectator mode against their will, and you can put multiple shots upon the same target +rewind them to keep them stuck longer. Yeah sure it can save enemies from your other team mates, but just because it requires thought and cooridination, doesnt mean its bad. Otherwise pip ult would be dog shit. Since it also can technically remove enemies from interacting in the game, and also requires cooridinatuon and awareness because pip cant kill more than one chicken usually. Also corv ult isnt bad, its niche. Its really good for denying an enemy teams progression/retreat. You place it in front or behind them, and rush or defend, and it dissuades them from moving to that part of the map entirely most often. It also does percentage based dmg, so even high hp tanks have to respect it.
Kinessa's ult can kill multiple people from a safe distance. Drogoz ult can only kill 1 person at most, and then he just dies immediately afterwards because now his positioning is fucked.
@@wisemage0 wow you do a bit more damage on the shot you would've already hit, truly a game changer. just forget killing a 8000 health raum in a single hit
@@bbae9295 Everything kills Raum, including Nessa ult: and she doesn't have to throw her body into enemy line of sight to do it. But oh no, I had to land multiple hard-hitting shots on one of the largest targets in the game.
I have so much to say but the only thing I really want to nitpick is, how in the hell do you rank Corvus ult above literally any other support ult in the game? He had the worst ult in the support line up.
My top 10 1. Furia 2. Nando 3. Ash 4. Gronk 5. Bk 6. Khan 7.ying 8. Yago 9.vii 10. Ruckus I might be forgetting some that can replace certain ultra listed but I think these are all considerable
38:49 how could you put his ult so high lol. i almost never see it hit anyone with how small the radius is 47:58 ferm ult that low is a crime! its his biggest plus compared to other tanks and single handedly carries him from a bellow average tank to a good one 1:16:53 yeah i hard disagree here. while andro ult is good its not that game changing. also on evie as i main her and i fell like she went too low. her ult even with max resil keeps its cripple and slows a good bit(with the new resil change it also got an indirect buff). paired with blink you can very easily ult retreating or fighting enemies with little delay and confirm kills. it also makes any non tank duel be a guaranteed win as you just easily combo them and there is no chance if escape. its near instant and sudden deployment along with the fact that it doesnt stun but instead cripple and slow makes it better than most of the ults above her
Dredge can get easy kills and can be used safely, idk the dredges ur playing with but I usually see them at least get a kill or two, and if not, it zones and creates space.
What were u smoking when u were making this list? Is this for begginers or smth cuz no way u put jenos ult in top 10, or even Andro ult in top 10, especially considering u have ults like immortal, overpower, ancient rage,...
@@mightydestroyer1790 he has a more experienced opinion and I agree, and I’m a pretty high ranked player on paladins. While you just running your mouth
@@mightydestroyer1790 ? I hope you really reflect on what you just said…you literally just said that Jenos ult isn’t top 10 when it literally one shots everyone excepts tanks. Like bro? Stf up with your outdated opinions 😅
@@man275idk which ones u mean but as a comp player everything he put in bottom is very fair, saati ult barely ever kills, azaan ult does no damage, atlas ult is mid, etc.
I’m not gonna lie, this list is terrible. Out of the top 5, the only ult that belongs is furia ult. No lillith, grohk, or Nando in the top 5 is a travesty.
This list is misleading and awful to be honest. As soon as you put Atlas as worst ult i already knew it was bad. The point of the ult is to make space. You usually use it on the carry and support so you can kill the worse players or easier to kill players. Why is Cassie so high too? her ult is dogwater simply regroup and hide and she's not even meta. Seris is one of the worst supports and is only game changing ult in low elo. Like some of these ults good on paper but are utterly bad in practice.
Cassie's ult literally gives the entire team wall hacks lol, how is that not useful? You can use at the beginning of a round and completely mess over the enemy's teams positioning, if they were planning for a flank, you just negated a potentially game changing strategy. Her potential is there, just maybe not all the time.
@@a.k.axurai5678 you obviously don’t know either, and this isn’t about the character. It’s about ults, of which I can confidently say, Atlas got one of the worsts LOL
I'm realizing this video seems like it's gonna have some real staying power on my channel, and watching it as a viewer, I find myself disagreeing with a lot of my own placements. Cursed timeline lmao. Still a fun general outline of my thoughts/placements, but keep in mind the creation of the video ironically changed my thoughts about many placements more than I anticipated, unfortunately mostly AFTER I hit upload. Still proud of it, it's my longest video to date, but just something to keep in mind.
It's refreshing to hear a gamer with such a calm and gentle voice lol
Furia's ultimate is undoubtably the best one. No counters nor downsides.
I figured most folks would feel that way yeah, I don't even really disagree either. I just feel Seris' fulfills the ult quota more on command and less passively, even with full counters in play. Plus team-wise, there's also the whole deal of it heavily "buffing" any ability used alongside it, whereas Furia's only buffs weapon damage an such. Just some quick thoughts, twas a tough call, both are nuts
Nah, Nando ult is either tied or better.
hel nahhhh @@themonsterwithin4000
*”No counters”*
Nando Ult: *GIGA CHAD* 🍷🗿
... Yeah but it is dependent on the ability of your team. Like Kratos, his only weak point is the player in the controller
I was waiting for Corvus' ult 😅 for a moment I thought it was going to be top 1 and I said to myself "you have to be kidding me" and then I realized it didn't even come out hahahaha
i just assumed i missed it, so it wasnt included?
so glad i found your videos yesterday cause i like your video format its simple but not bland and i can appreciate that
Didn't mention that Raum's ult wipes shields😔
same for lex
and deployables, as ulting against a point with barik, io, ying, grohk and any others to clean the field up is incredibly satisfying
the fact that he made an excel spreadsheet for this is pretty cute
oh stop it 😊
Crazy dedication to making these videos for a game that will have it servers offline within a few years
in this Realm, you're either a smart fella or a fart smella
Absolutely loved watching through the entirety of this 1 and half hour long ult ranking list video, great job man! 10/10 ❤️
youve forgotten the most truly annoying part about talus ult - using it right as the point fight starts, dismounting everyone, then teleporting back to help your team cap
I can't complain about Imani's ultimate being in third, especially with how good Seris and Furia's are, but it will always be the scariest for me. Like you said, the fact that "the moment the ultimate goes out, your entire team knows they have to deal with it or die" is gripping.
More importantly, and this is why I would have placed it in first place: effective Imani ultimates literally turn a team that is losing or is going to lose into a team that is competitive. If you can effectively, or functionally pull her ultimate off as an Imani, you may very well save the game for your team. Round 1 you may not capture the point, but if the enemy team can't push all the way, you can very easily win just by saving your ultimate for capturing the point.
3rd place still is nothing to scoff at, I was just surprised it didn't top the list with how game changing it is for the entire match and team.
impossibly hard to make list but this was a great time! the editing was nice and enhanced the jokes without being too obnoxious. and that's a hard thing to do considering the length of the video. good job
the only thing that I feel like was vivian's ultimate should be atleast 10 spots lower. it is as low impact as it gets
Swag video with a destiny reference.
Liked and Subscribed + I *will* watch more.
You forgot to mention boost of morality Macoas ult gives you and your team.
Especially with Dutchman skin, when enemies are literally are crushed under my attack
Actually real, hearing his ult is a huge boost in morale and fills me with determination
Furia is still the best Ult in da game. Damage buff, speed buff and AMMO refresh for entire team
Seris, you can press the ult again to detonate it mid-air, hence you can throw people off the map
Omen ult, you can throw people into his ult.
1) Put ultimate behind enemy and throw enemy into the ult
2) Put ultimate on top of you, grab enemy, dash under, throw enemy behind you into the ult
Combo is fun
Omens ult is still bad tho. You can only really get the people with no movement abilities or if they have expended their movement
Love the area zero music near the end
You would be surprised as how scarry a willo flying straight at you is. Harder to shoot since she is closer. Move faster than usual. And has unlimited amo. I've had consistent triple kills over the year.
With a friend/team, maeve's ult is absolute nuts
Good comunication can create some awesome plays
Also, it you have a good drogoz friend, maeve ult make the dragon punch more safe to hit, and pratically 100%
One tip for inara ult
You can destroy the wall manually while charging your ult
So, one easy way to never die charging the ult is putting a wall,starting charging the ult, waiting, and destroying the wall on the last second.
This guys fucking hilarious 5 minutes in, deserved sub🙏
Jenos ult is definitely bottom half and jenos is my most played champ
They made yags ult so hard to use now, as it can only target somewhat distant enemies, but it has some small use in that the new healthbar can save you from other executes - espescially useful for drogoz with his long wind-up/telegraph
I killed someone ONCE with a omen ult... I don't know how to do It again
Activate the ult behind someone and throw them in with your ability(more effective in a tight spot and when the enemy doesn’t have movement ability)
As a high ranked player, i respectfully dissagree with a few placements, not trying to invalidate the placing in the vid, just voicing my opinion, and maybe showing some stuff you might have not thought about.
Atlas ult can completely stop any dive, saving vounrable backlines like snipers or supports like jenos, saving them pretty much always even w/ resil 3
Saatis ult is really good on killing low people, she has a reveal with her papers, making it easy to find enemys, and its REALLY good after 1v1s, getting the kill on low, high mobility characters.
Zhins ult gets really good use out of mobility, giving him a lot of highground and a way to get out pretty much always, plus he can pin hard to kill enemys in front of the entire team, making it a small inara ult.
VIIs ult is a better damba ult, denying even more space and easily setting up kills for the VIIs team.
Grovers ult is just another healing ability, topping off tanks nearly instantly ooc, if your outher heal is down or not enough. You can also save more ultcharge by canceling it early, making it stay off CD more often.
Nyxs ult should be way lower, her stomps can even get out after resil 1, even w/o mobility. The only good thing, is that it goes through walls.
Bariks ult just takes a shitton of space, making him and others in LoS nearly invincible, denying good positions.
Io should be lower, it has invincibility, so its really good in stalling her from other ults and forcing space for her.
Skyes ult is a really good counter ult, deying space and pushes, making easy payoff and getting hard positions easily.
Gotta get back to work, will finish later
Nyx's ultimate should be ranked much higher since she can cleanse the poison damage from her ability, allowing her to fully heal herself.
@@narihoxha5251 it also just makes her super vulnerable tho, easy pickings for the enemys, and if you're safe enough to use it to "heal" yourself, youre also safe enough to let it tick and give your supp the ult charge
@@kamica6948 that's not a bad thing though, her ultimate coupled with her f ability is a second life since you are going to cleanse all the damage absorbed. The enemy team will waste of all their dmg if they focus the ulting nyx
Nah, Atlas ult is entirely situational. Making it absolutely terrible in most situations. Nyx’s ult is much better, with her absolutely dominating other tanks and even targeting more weaker back line support. Skye’s ult is situational, just like Atlas’s. Saatis ult is not necessarily situational but it’s still much worse than Andrux because of its low damage
he never came home from work to finish it
Lovely video as always
you should combine all "ranking skins" videos into one, so that its easier to watch and you have something to post, so win win for both parties
mojis ult is actually very strong, and is the reason why I play move speed ln barrier. You can animation cancel the ult with barrior, with generally results that the person being snacket is the person giving you 50% move speed. Also you can consume the snack qhile you are in a barrier, which means you can ult, barrier, often eat snack and then barrier ends, you can escaoe with f bunny hop or just try and go for a kill and barrier again
Love the fact you put the sisters at the top
But yeah, I agree with this list
Obsessed with small UA-camrs making high effort long form content of video games for little viewers. Hope you grow tho
I really liked that video! It made me wanna try champions I dont usually try
Hey that's the best reaction I could hope for
Don’t forget that you can wipe off a team with seris ult if you are near the edge of some maps, I did some Quadra with it, it’s kinda fun ^^ (Except when your team rob your kills lol)
Subscribed, your channel seems pretty good
Nando surely has to be near the top the “self appointed knight” somehow figured out how to gain immortality for himself and his team like for real team player right there
Turned off after first "bad" ult - Atlas... Every time I get in his ult my team is destroyed by the time I get out of it. Those 4 secs the enemy team fights 5vs3 and 4 more seconds they fight 5 vs 2(as I'm still in ult and 2 teammates already dead) is enough to make me play 1vs5 after atlas ult.
That's rare and doesn't happen often, again he states these ult are by no means bad, every ult can obviously be game-changing, it's just how OFTEN are those ults usually game-changing. From my experience, Atlas' ult is rarely ever impactful but that's just me.
biggest changes id make from memory after watching:
atlas ult a bit higher, grohk ult much higher, tyra ult lower, fernando ult much higher, vatu ult a bit higher, lilith higher, koga lower, moji lower, khan higher, cassie lower, pip lower, maldamba lower, 7 much higher, imani lower, furia #1, seris a good bit lower
for a video you didnt take very seriously, the hours of editing this probably took say otherwise XD
1. Octavia's Ult is good with a "rooting" talent when you have groupped up enemies and dare to launch from close proximity. It's hard to miss and to avoid it in those cirmustances but you need to have balls and reflexes to do it quickly without dying. Otherwise it's pretty meh, as you said, because you see the beams comming your direction from 10 miles away.
2, Barik's flamethrowers ult is my favourite talent now when I play against multiple enemy tanks or something super tanky or Terminus. I#t's really amazing, because you can put two of those, wait a couple of seconds and the third charge comes right away so you can either keep it or place on the ground and it doesn't count to Barik's two turrets limit so you can have consistently at least 4 turrets on the ground and every one of them heals you and you can passively heal them... you can also hide behind avoiding dmg, because Barik is so short :D It's not the best ult ever but when 2 tanks are comming to the point I put two normal turrets, use my jets to go behind and place a flamethrower behind them, than jump somwhere else and place the 2nd flamethrower and a new turrent and a shield.... or some random version of that. It scores TONS of dmg and really make tank players confused af :D Of couse if youy play against a team with no tanks on a really mobile tank-player it's not that good. I take it most of the times when I see 2 tanks on the enemy team.
3. Talus ult is amazing when you teleport to enemies in the beggining of the 2nd and 3rd siege round and take them all off mounts, stall them by harassing and teleport back before they kill you :D
4. Skye ult doesn't indicate where it is until it's placed on the ground so you can throw it directly above and until it falls to the ground it's like 1s-1,5s top and people are not use to the fuse time being so short :D
4.1. From the other hand it's stopped by Zhin parry, Terminus siphon and the best thing... Khan's healing perk literally makes you and teammates affected immune to any dmg from it. I use it every time when Skye ult's, you need to wait the last 0,5s but imagine how confused are enemy (even high level) Skye players when everyone survives it with 0 dmg taken xD
5. I use Labombas ult to get to the point quickly when I'm dead xD every dmg done is a bonus.
6. I play Vivian a lot and it happens quite often that my turrets are killed when I;m still alive and well. Sometimes I have one of them till the ult reloads and it's not always beneficial to reult for the 2nd one. Really clever ult with a lot of nuance and sorry but... it IS really impactful and it's able to save the point, you just melt people with it and sudden tripple kill on flanks and supports or dealing with a tank's shield and melting it with tank is really good.,
Khans healing doesn’t make teammates immune
@@man275 No? I was sure it does. Well at least Khan is alive and that 800hp or something can keep also alive :D My bad :D Are you really sure?
Fun fact about skye ultimate. You can get ultimate charge while the bomb is going off or in the middle of the air.
this video was fucking awesome, i also forgor about corvus and omen xD
Appreciate it
I main Vivian, for now, and on one of my matches the other team had the lead and my teammates were hot garbage other than our support. we were getting pushed back little by little just not winning it. That was until, I think they got cocky and or I popped my ultimate which lasted the whole match. The other team did not know how to deal with it and we ended up winning and me getting 227 K damage.
Atlas's ult literally takes out/removes entire players momentarily insantiously with a hitscan. You can rush into the enemy team and hit 3 people and make it a 5 v 2 with just an ult.
Its literally putting mfs into spectator mode against their will, and you can put multiple shots upon the same target +rewind them to keep them stuck longer.
Yeah sure it can save enemies from your other team mates, but just because it requires thought and cooridination, doesnt mean its bad. Otherwise pip ult would be dog shit. Since it also can technically remove enemies from interacting in the game, and also requires cooridinatuon and awareness because pip cant kill more than one chicken usually.
Also corv ult isnt bad, its niche. Its really good for denying an enemy teams progression/retreat. You place it in front or behind them, and rush or defend, and it dissuades them from moving to that part of the map entirely most often.
It also does percentage based dmg, so even high hp tanks have to respect it.
That bomberman 64 music
36:34 that means the turrets can block damage, making them a situational shield
bruh putting kinessa's ult being above drogoz is actually criminal
Kinessa's ult can kill multiple people from a safe distance.
Drogoz ult can only kill 1 person at most, and then he just dies immediately afterwards because now his positioning is fucked.
@@wisemage0 wow you do a bit more damage on the shot you would've already hit, truly a game changer. just forget killing a 8000 health raum in a single hit
@@bbae9295 Everything kills Raum, including Nessa ult:
and she doesn't have to throw her body into enemy line of sight to do it.
But oh no, I had to land multiple hard-hitting shots on one of the largest targets in the game.
@@wisemage0 with enough time, anyone can kill anyone. that's the appeal for the drogoz. everyone else can focus their shots on other people
I have so much to say but the only thing I really want to nitpick is, how in the hell do you rank Corvus ult above literally any other support ult in the game? He had the worst ult in the support line up.
You might have to either check your comment, or check the video again lol. I ranked him 47th, the lowest support ult in the entire game behind Grover.
My top 10
1. Furia
2. Nando
3. Ash
4. Gronk
5. Bk
6. Khan
8. Yago
10. Ruckus
I might be forgetting some that can replace certain ultra listed but I think these are all considerable
38:49 how could you put his ult so high lol. i almost never see it hit anyone with how small the radius is
47:58 ferm ult that low is a crime! its his biggest plus compared to other tanks and single handedly carries him from a bellow average tank to a good one
1:16:53 yeah i hard disagree here. while andro ult is good its not that game changing.
also on evie as i main her and i fell like she went too low. her ult even with max resil keeps its cripple and slows a good bit(with the new resil change it also got an indirect buff). paired with blink you can very easily ult retreating or fighting enemies with little delay and confirm kills. it also makes any non tank duel be a guaranteed win as you just easily combo them and there is no chance if escape.
its near instant and sudden deployment along with the fact that it doesnt stun but instead cripple and slow makes it better than most of the ults above her
Dredge can get easy kills and can be used safely, idk the dredges ur playing with but I usually see them at least get a kill or two, and if not, it zones and creates space.
Fernando ult made me get a 5k team wipe with a single Jenos ult, so go ahead and cast it
You wont be invincible once i see that aura go down 😂😂😂
Not really the ult's fault, it was the enemy team's bad positioning tbh
Tbh id rather put Jenosˋ ult in the bottom 5 than the top 5, its so easy to dodge
I feel like I'm not the only one who hates Zhin, lol.
How is Andro ult so high up it might be a skill issue but it never kills anything
What were u smoking when u were making this list? Is this for begginers or smth cuz no way u put jenos ult in top 10, or even Andro ult in top 10, especially considering u have ults like immortal, overpower, ancient rage,...
He’s plays rank, you don’t 😅
@@travon4924 Maybe but im out of gold unlike him and you
@@mightydestroyer1790 he has a more experienced opinion and I agree, and I’m a pretty high ranked player on paladins. While you just running your mouth
@@travon4924 My guy u agreeing with this list shows me just how high of a rank u rly are, but enjoy whatever keeps u sleeping at night.
@@mightydestroyer1790 ? I hope you really reflect on what you just said…you literally just said that Jenos ult isn’t top 10 when it literally one shots everyone excepts tanks. Like bro? Stf up with your outdated opinions 😅
wheres the list though
I think you ranked Grohk a little too low. When I ult with Grohk, I dont try to control him. I just wiggle my mouse and enemy cant hit me.
47:47 friendly fire
Series ult is useless if your enemy team buys resilience
He forgot my main 😔
Best game
PLS use your right-click with term thx
Seris ult is blockable.
I can plop down a shield and not get pulled in.
Respectfully this is the worst tier list I’ve ever seen(respectfully)
Just seems like it’s based on casual play imo and not based on experience in playing high elo versus ranked comps
@@man275idk which ones u mean but as a comp player everything he put in bottom is very fair, saati ult barely ever kills, azaan ult does no damage, atlas ult is mid, etc.
Sussy baka
Watching you ulting a Ruckus in hexafire shows me you dont have the knowledge to make this video.
I’m not gonna lie, this list is terrible. Out of the top 5, the only ult that belongs is furia ult. No lillith, grohk, or Nando in the top 5 is a travesty.
This list is misleading and awful to be honest. As soon as you put Atlas as worst ult i already knew it was bad. The point of the ult is to make space. You usually use it on the carry and support so you can kill the worse players or easier to kill players. Why is Cassie so high too? her ult is dogwater simply regroup and hide and she's not even meta. Seris is one of the worst supports and is only game changing ult in low elo.
Like some of these ults good on paper but are utterly bad in practice.
Cassie's ult literally gives the entire team wall hacks lol, how is that not useful? You can use at the beginning of a round and completely mess over the enemy's teams positioning, if they were planning for a flank, you just negated a potentially game changing strategy. Her potential is there, just maybe not all the time.
@@xN0XvRVLEZx Her ult isn't good lmao what.
@@a.k.axurai5678bro your just really bad, Atlas ult is completely useless and entirely situational 😂😂😂
@@travon4924 No it isn't. 💀 you don't know how to play Atlas.
@@a.k.axurai5678 you obviously don’t know either, and this isn’t about the character. It’s about ults, of which I can confidently say, Atlas got one of the worsts LOL
Bro definitely a noob but whos in silver/gold😂